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Author Topic: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)  (Read 28322 times)

Offline vivinardisa

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 2 (01/12/2013)
« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2014, 05:47:35 PM »
Just finish read it and I love it  :wub:

Please update soon  :bow:

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 2 (01/12/2013)
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2014, 11:02:10 AM »
Nee nee ... Please update this fic  :err:

Offline olive29

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #42 on: April 22, 2014, 09:02:16 PM »
Really sorry for the late update

Thank you for the like and the comments

I don't know if this is good enough. My writing skill is getting rusty. But, hopefully you'll like this chapter..  :grin:

Chapter 3

It’s already past 10 P.M. Some people maybe already fell asleep or huddled in the safety of their home, but for some people, the night life had just begun. In one of the famous nightclubs in Tokyo, a girl was seen sitting alone on one of the table. Wearing a one-shoulder black dress that was cut to just above her knee, with ruching that accentuated her curves, and a pair of stiletto black pumps that had a strap around each ankle, she quickly became the center of attention of the nightclub visitors. However, no one dared to approach her because of the guy who came with her. The young man stayed close to her and acted like her guard dog, glaring at every single person who tried to get close to her. But, when the young man suddenly left her alone, one of the men who had been watching her for quite some time immediately seized the chance to get close to her.


Kashiwagi Yuki tapped her slender fingers on the wooden table in front of her, following the rhythm of the music that blasted inside the large, dimmed room. Her eyes were focused on the crowd that dancing wildly on the dance floor. Suddenly, her musing was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice that came from her side, “Where’s your bodyguard?”

Yuki turned around and came face-to-face with a handsome man in his mid-twenties, who was busy checking out her body. He was so engrossed with the view, he didn’t even realize that Yuki had turned around and currently watching him.

“Enjoying the view?”

Yuki’s voice finally brought him back to reality. He quickly diverted his eyes to Yuki’s face while smiling sheepishly, feeling embarrassed because he was caught red-handed when he stared at her body. He ran his fingers through his hair then straightened his leather jacket, trying to compose himself in front of her.

Yuki smiled while watching the stranger tried to straighten up himself. Feeling amused with his action, she decided to give him a chance to talk to her. She felt like he could entertain her for a moment while she waited for Hiro to come back from the men’s room.  Also, maybe they could hook up later, when she got bored with Hiro and decided to dump him.

After tidying up himself, the man cleared his throat, breaking the silence between the two of them and asked, “Are you alone?”

Yuki let out a smirk then leaned forward, bringing her body closer to him, and asked seductively, “What do you think?”

The man craned his head to peek behind Yuki then diverted his eyes to look around them. Seeing no trace of the man who came along with her, he turned his gaze back to her and beamed, “I don’t see anyone with you right now. So, you must be alone.”

“What make you so sure that I’m alone?”

“Because I’ve been watching you since the moment you stepped inside this room. You are accompanied by a man who much more looked like your bodyguard than your boyfriend, and he’s nowhere to be seen right now. So, you’re alone.”

Yuki clapped her hands and let out a hearty laugh. “Yes, I’m alone,” she paused for a bit to glance at the stranger in front of her who was still watching her while grinning from ear to ear, obviously feeling pleased with himself for being able to make her laugh, then continued, “for now. My bodyguard is in the men’s room.”

He grimaced. “Ouch! Too bad.” Suddenly he reached forward and took one of Yuki’s hands that had been resting on the table. Squeezing it softly, he wiggled his eyebrows at her then smiled mischievously. “Just leave him alone and go out with me. He looks too uptight and boring. I’m way more fun than him.”

Yuki was about to give the stranger her reply when a strong punch suddenly came from his side and collided with his cheek, sending him to fall to the floor and passed out instantly. Yuki immediately jumped down from her seat with mouth opened, staring with wide eyes at the raging man who just sent the stranger to the floor, Hiro.

Hearing the commotion, some of the people around them immediately stopped their activities and turned their attention to the three of them. When Yuki realized that a lot of people were watching them, she immediately grabbed Hiro’s arm to stop him from further harming the poor man.

“What the hell are you doing?” hissed Yuki.

Hiro turned to look at Yuki. His face was flushed with anger as he clenched his fist tightly. “He was flirting with you!” Hiro snapped. Whispers could be heard from the crowd around them, but no one dared to move to help the stranger who was still lying on the floor, or to separate the couple who were getting into an argument.

“We. Just. Talk. Nothing more.”

“You just talk?! Do you think I’m blind?! He was holding your hand! And you let him!” shouted Hiro while pointing his finger at Yuki’s face. “I just left for a couple of minutes and you already flirted with him! You even let him held your hand! If it took longer for me to come back here, you probably would’ve fucked him! I know you’re a slut when I met you. You let me sleep with you even though we had just been dating for several days!”

When the last word left Hiro’s lips, Yuki immediately raised her hand and slapped him hard across his face. She clenched her jaw tightly. Her face was red with anger and embarrassment. No one… no one could humiliate her like that and got away with it.

Hiro was stunned with Yuki’s action, so he could only stay silent when Yuki sneered at him. “You’re lucky that I’m able to put up with you for two weeks. You always boast about yourself just because you are good looking and have rich parents, when you’re just plainly stupid and boring. Well… I’m done with you. You and your small dick can go find another girl who will put up with all of your crap.” Yuki then grabbed her purse, preparing to leave the nightclub, but then she stopped abruptly in front of him and decided to add insult to his injury. “Just an advice, before you decide to sleep with a girl, you probably have to do a lot of practice first, because you’re horrible in bed and for your information, I was faking it the whole time.” Yuki then walked away from the stunned man and went out from the nightclub.


Yuki didn’t know where she was or how long she had been walking. She didn’t think and kept walking. When she felt that she was getting tired and her legs almost gave up, she finally decided to stop walking and sat on the bench not far from there.

Looking around her, she finally realized that she was in an unfamiliar area and there wasn’t any vehicle around.  She started to wonder how she could get home. It was getting late and she was exhausted, mentally and physically. There were some people who were still hanging around that area and she could ask them to help her, but she wasn’t in the mood to talk to strangers.  She didn’t want to ask for her friends’ help either, because they would surely ask her a lot of questions. When it came to this, she could only ask for his help. Opening her purse, she took out her phone and scrolled down through her contacts. Finding the name she had been looking for, she pressed the call button. ‘He’s going to kill me for calling him this late, but it can’t be helped.


Watanabe Mayu was enjoying the time of his life. There wasn’t any homework that needed to be done, his father was out of town because of work, and, more importantly, a certain annoying girl, who happened to be his sister, was having a sleepover at one of her friends’ house. So, he had all the house for himself.

Mayu was having an anime marathon in the living room. His legs were lifted on the table, and his body slightly slumped on the couch. He was humming happily, following the opening song of his favorite anime that played on the television while stuffing his face with his favorite snack, jelly beans. But, his peaceful time was short-lived as it was interrupted by the sudden ringing of his phone. A frustrated groan escaped from his lips as he snatched his phone from the table and looked at the name of the caller who dared to interrupt his leisure time. Kashiwagi Yuki’s name flashed on the phone screen. He let out a growl. ‘What does she want this time?’

Mayu was tempted to ignore the call, but horrifying thoughts regarding the older girl suddenly invaded his mind. A picture of Yuki’s body, lying unconscious in some dark alley flashed on his mind. ‘What if something bad happened to her? What if she is in dire need of help? What if she’s dying?’ Mayu shook his head to get rid of the worrisome thoughts then reluctantly pressed the answer button.


“Mayu, where are you?” Yuki’s demanding voice suddenly interrupted him.

“Hello to you too, Yuki nee-chan,” replied Mayu sarcastically. But deep down in his heart, he felt slightly relieved. From her voice, she seemed okay. “I’m at home. Why?”

“I need you to pick me up. I’m lost and I don’t know how I can get home.”

Mayu frowned. “Where’s your friend? Aren’t you supposed to have a sleepover at your friend’s house?”



A heavy sigh was heard from the other side of the phone before Yuki finally confessed, “Something happened and I was left behind.”

Mayu rolled his eyes and groaned. “Can’t you just catch a cab or something?” It was already late and moreover, it was cold outside. He would do anything just to avoid from getting out of the house.

“There isn’t any vehicle, let alone a cab around here.”


“Won’t you help this beautiful sister of yours?”


“Help me, Mayu. Please…”Yuki’s voice sounded more desperate, making Mayu finally relented. “Ugh… Fine! Text me your exact location and don’t go anywhere. Just wait for me. I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Mayu hung up then turned off the TV before lazily dragging his body to get up from the couch to change his clothes.


Yuki hugged herself, trying to shield her body from the cold night air. Once in a while, she threw a glance at her phone screen before darting her eyes back to the empty street in front of her. More than 20 minutes had passed since she called and asked Mayu to come and fetch her. But, up until now, there was no sign of the younger boy anywhere. She was getting restless. She had been calling him for more than ten times, but he didn’t pick up his phone. ‘Mayu, where are you?’ Yuki lowered her head, thinking that she probably made a mistake by calling him to pick her up. She knew that despite she is his sister, but Mayu never really liked her, and he was annoyed by her. He was probably fed up with her, and decided to leave her alone in this unknown place.

“What are you doing here? Let’s go home.” Mayu’s voice was suddenly heard from her side, pulling Yuki out from her negative thoughts.

Yuki whipped her head to Mayu’s direction and beamed, “Mayu! You…” but, her words died on her lips when she looked at Mayu. Her jaw dropped and she stared at him with wide eyes. Mayu was wearing black jeans, a white T-shirt with some anime designs on it, and a black hoodie. But what made Yuki so shocked wasn’t what he was wearing, but what he was gripping at the time. Mayu’s hands were holding the handlebars of a bicycle. Mayu came to pick her up with… a bicycle!

She expected Mayu to come and pick her up in a taxi or something, not a bicycle.

“You’re expecting me to ride on a bicycle with this dress?!” Yuki exclaimed, disbelief apparent on her face.

Mayu observed Yuki from head to toe. Her appearance and outfit were certainly not suitable for riding a bike. But, Mayu didn’t care. As far as he remembered, Yuki left the house dressed in a blouse, a jacket, and skinny jeans, and that outfit was certainly suitable for a bike. He shrugged then answered coldly, “If you don’t want to get on the bike, then I guess you just have to walk to get home.” Mayu climbed onto his bike and started to pedal away, wanting to get away as soon as possible from this ungrateful, annoying girl. Didn’t she know that he had to sacrifice his precious time just to pick her up?

When Yuki saw her only ride to home was getting ready to leave her alone, she started to panic.

“Wait! Wait!”

Hearing the desperate plea that came from the older girl, Mayu rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. He finally stopped and waited for Yuki to come to him.

When Yuki was getting closer to Mayu, she started to shiver. It was getting colder. She stopped near the bike and asked hopefully, “Mayu, can I borrow your jacket?”

“No,” Mayu rejected flatly.

Yuki was flabbergasted. Any man would certainly lend her his jacket immediately, but Mayu just coldly rejected her and without even batting his eyes.

“B-But, I’m freezing here.”

“I’m feeling a bit cold too, and also, I’m sensitive to cold. I don’t want to get sick. Now, hurry up! It’s getting late and we still have school tomorrow.”

Yuki glared at her brother and pursed her lips, but nonetheless she moved to sit behind him without saying anything. After making sure that Yuki was comfortable in her seat, Mayu started to pedal his bike.


For several minutes, they were riding in silent. But, Yuki who couldn’t handle the cold, started to move closer to Mayu, trying to take on his body heat. She felt Mayu’s body stiffened when she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her body tightly on his back, but she didn’t care. Mayu was warm and he smelled nice too. She rested her head on Mayu’s shoulder, inhaling his peppermint scent. It was calming.


Mayu held his breath and tightened his grip on the handlebar, trying to keep his eyes on the road when he felt Yuki wrapped her arms around his waist. When he felt Yuki pressed her body against him, he started to lose his focus and the bike started to falter. Mayu was trying hard to regain his composure, but feeling Yuki’s warm breath on his neck, her slender arms tightly wrapped around his torso, and her breasts pressed against his back, making it harder for him to focus on the street in front.

Mayu had never been so close to anyone before, so he was feeling slightly uncomfortable with the close proximity between him and Yuki. Deciding that he finally had enough, Mayu stopped the bike and swatted Yuki’s arms, making the older girl yelped in pain and released her hold on his waist.

“Ouch! What are you doing?” asked Yuki while rubbing the spot that was hit by Mayu.

“Stop clinging on me.”

“But, I’m cold and you’re so warm.”

Mayu narrowed his eyes then let out an exasperated sigh. Suddenly, he took off his jacket and shoved it into Yuki’s hands. “You’re cold, right? Here… Wear my jacket and stop clinging on me.” Yuki didn’t say anything and quickly wore Mayu’s jacket then went back to hold on the back of Mayu’s t-shirt while the younger boy resuming to pedal the bike.

After several minutes, Yuki suddenly scooted closer to Mayu and wrapped her hands around his waist.

“O-o-oi… What are you doing? Stop hugging me. I’ve already give you my jacket, there’s no reason for you to feel cold again,” stammered Mayu.

“You said that you’re sensitive to cold, right? With this you won’t feel cold again.” Yuki tightened her hold on Mayu’s waist.

“Y-y-you don’t have to do this. I-I’ll be fine. I don’t feel cold at all,” Mayu stuttered. A tinge of pink appeared on his face due to the closeness between him and Yuki.

Yuki pressed her body against him, then replied, “I don’t want to be responsible and have to take care of you if you get sick.”

Mayu gulped nervously. “I-I won’t get sick and I’m actually feeling a bit warm right now.”

“You’re lying. You were shivering a moment ago.”


“I can’t possibly let you get sick because of me. This is the least I can do for you,” Yuki said sincerely.

Hearing her sincerity, and he did feel a bit cold before, Mayu finally surrendered. “Fine! Do whatever you want.”

Yuki let out a victorious smile then snuggled closer to her brother. Taking a glimpse on the younger boy’s reddened face, suddenly the urged to tease him emerged. Leaning closer to his ear, she whispered, “Why are you blushing? Are you probably thinking something lewd?”

The bike shook a bit. “W-w-what are you talking about? I-I’m not blushing. Stop teasing me or I’ll leave you here!”

Yuki giggled. “I’m just kidding.”


“Mayu,” called Yuki. Her voice turned serious.


“Thank you.”


Yuki smiled happily then rested her head on Mayu’s shoulder, enjoying the rest of the ride in silence.


Offline Ceej!~

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2014, 12:26:08 AM »
I'm super liking this. looking forward for the update soon! :)

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2014, 01:28:43 AM »
Aww Mayu being tsun-tsun there

Update soon

Offline luichy

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #45 on: April 23, 2014, 02:50:57 AM »
Thank you for the update  :bow:

Offline Tupi

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #46 on: April 23, 2014, 03:53:47 AM »
I like the cool Mayu boy! It's getting more interesting. I wonder what will happen next

Update soon...  :thumbup

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #47 on: April 23, 2014, 01:35:15 PM »
Ehehehehe :shy2: :nya: This chapter is too cute. 

Offline vivinardisa

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #48 on: April 23, 2014, 04:20:16 PM »
This moment is so sweet  :inlove:

MaYuki is so cute  :wub:

Please update soon  :thumbsup

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2014, 08:44:18 AM »
hoho make mayu go tsun~ tsun~ on yuki  :onionwhip:

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #50 on: April 25, 2014, 10:33:11 AM »



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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2014, 05:19:29 AM »
 :mon cute: :mon cute: :mon cute: update pleaseeeee...... :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2014, 11:53:09 AM »
update soon! :hip smile:

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2014, 05:26:48 PM »
Mayu so cool ><

please update

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #54 on: September 19, 2014, 06:00:14 PM »
Kyaaa mayuki moment is so sweet, also mayu so cool ><
Please update soooon

Offline Redyta_Sas

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Re: A Sinful Feeling (MaYuki) - Chapter 3 (23/04/2014)
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2015, 04:43:22 PM »
This is cool ><
Author-san,,,, Please continue this fic! :bow: :bow: :bow: :banghead:

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