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Author Topic: Warriors - Chapter 29 [WMatsui] (01/07/2020)  (Read 113055 times)

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 8 [WMatsui] (24/05/15)
« Reply #60 on: May 24, 2015, 07:16:29 PM »
WMatsui.. Yeah finally,.. :inlove:
But their moment is so sad, hope nothing happen with Rena.. :cry:
Jurina work really hard, salute!!!  :twothumbs
And Is Rena love airi too??  :?
Cant wait for next chapter..Thanks author-san :thumbsup

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 8 [WMatsui] (24/05/15)
« Reply #61 on: May 27, 2015, 08:15:38 PM »
WMatsui at last~  :w00t:

I hope they're alright...  :( Thanks for the update!  :)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 8 [WMatsui] (24/05/15)
« Reply #62 on: June 11, 2015, 12:37:07 PM »
Due to Rena Matsui's recent announcement, all my fanfics (Partners and Warriors) are on hold for the time being. Rena being my kami oshi until now, I need a bit of time to digest the news. Fear not, it doesn't mean I'm dropping anything yet, as I don't want to make any rash decision. There's a chance I'll resume them (or at least one of them) once the pain will have subsided enough. Only time will tell. Thank you for your understanding!

No, I'm definitely continuing Warriors!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 02:18:07 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #63 on: June 16, 2015, 11:21:02 AM »
As I hinted on my tumblr, I’m not dropping Warriors. To be honest, I didn’t expect to make up my mind so fast, but as I was thinking about it thoroughly, I realized how much love I have for this story and it would be such a waste to let all my ideas vanish into thin air. I’m not going to let anything or anyone’s decision stop me from writing it. As long as you readers are interested in this story, I will continue it. This is why I’ve decided to post a new chapter, even if it’s a bit short, to reassure anyone who followed this story and feared I would drop it. I’m going to follow the plot I always had in mind since day one, and finish the story. That’s a promise.


It was such an unforeseen sight that Mayu couldn't stop her whole body from shivering. Before her own puffy eyes was laying her younger sister on a futon; she hadn't opened her eyelids in three whole days. Despite knowing full well Jurina wasn't injured - the doctor who had checked up on her upon her arrival at the clan had assured so - she couldn't stop her heart from pounding fast at the terrible vision. This wasn't right. Since her childhood, Jurina never could stay still one minute. When Mayu liked to enjoy a peaceful nap in the shade of a cherry tree, Jurina couldn't help but explore thoroughly the surroundings of the Watanabe clan each time she had the opportunity, not bothered one bit by all the trouble she was causing her personal bodyguard.

Yes, Jurina was stubborn and reckless at times, always did as she pleased and didn't always listen, not to mention her bad attitude. Of course she was far from perfect, but none of this mattered. She was her beloved sister; the one who had watched over her all these years despite being the younger one, protected her even at the risk of her own life: her two scars were a constant reminder of her complete devotion to her. Jurina was never good with words and rarely verbally expressed her feelings, but Mayu didn't mind this side of her, because her actions always said what she was incapable of uttering.

Right now, Mayu would do anything to meet her sister's fierce eyes again. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her, and refused to imagine a life without her by her side. The girl who mischievously played pranks on her when they were still two innocent girls, even the one who couldn't help some night to toss and turn in her sleep and scream that name that still haunted her ten years later. She wanted her back, all of her - her bad as well as her good points - and now.

Mayu shut her eyes, desperate, when her prayers unfortunately stayed unanswered. A few tears were now rolling down her cheeks, but she didn't bother to wipe them off. Frustration washed over her and she swallowed hard, knowing she was utterly powerless. The doctor had informed her that Jurina's condition was apparently due to exhaustion, and she needed time to rest. How long?! Mayu wanted to scream at him from the top of her lungs, incapable of accepting the weakened state of her sister usually so energetic, but she had unexpectedly managed to keep her composure and stayed quiet.

Mayu reached out to Jurina's hand and slipped her trembling one into hers, intertwining their fingers together carefully. As she squeezed them a bit she looked up to Jurina's tired features expectantly, half hoping her action would provoke a reaction. A strangled laugh escaped her lips a few seconds later when she got none and she looked away, realizing how stupid she was to expect so much from such a simple action.

Glancing back at Jurina she brushed her upper scar with her thumb, before placing her head over her sister's heart carefully. Its constant heartbeat should have brought joy into her eyes knowing that, despite her weak state, she was still alive, but she nonetheless couldn't help the trembling in her voice when she spoke. "Don't leave me, Jurina." 

Minutes passed by as she listened painfully to the sound of her slow heartbeat, before she reluctantly moved away and sat up near the motionless girl. She ran her still shivering fingers through her dark hair, caressed with deep affection her cheek then cupped her chin, before letting go and looking away when she couldn't bear the sight anymore. A part of her wanted to stay by her side, in case she woke up anytime soon, but she could now barely keep her eyes open. These last three days, she had been utterly incapable of sleeping.

At the faint sound of the door sliding she tilted her gaze towards its direction, her eyes falling into Yuki's warm ones. Until now, her protector had always relented when Mayu had asked to keep watch over her sister day and night, but Mayu knew the bags under her eyes and her current exhaustion would prevent her from convincing the older girl this time. Mayu glanced back at Jurina and held her hand, squeezing it slightly before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

A few tears escaped her eyes and fell on Jurina’s cheek as she pulled away, and she glanced back towards her protector who was still patiently waiting for her at the doorstep. Just as Mayu held Jurina's hand a last time she heard a slight protesting noise escaping Jurina's mouth, and her eyes widened as she looked back immediately at her sister. For a minute, she believed her weariness was playing tricks on her as Jurina’s features didn’t change an iota, before she felt fingers encircling hers feebly, and a pair of eyes slowly fluttering open. Jurina’s voice was hoarse when she finally spoke, but the mere words she uttered were enough to cause Mayu’s heart to race. “You're squeezing my hand too tight, sister.”

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:50:52 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline deguchi

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #64 on: June 16, 2015, 03:16:49 PM »
I love how mayu loving her dearly sister, thank you for continuing it author-san! :)
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #65 on: June 16, 2015, 04:13:15 PM »
Thnx you Sopcharo-san for not dropping this fic...
Rena's announcement was shocking, I still can't believe that she will graduate..
I can't imagine that Rena won't be there anymore at August..
I just hope that day won't come any faster.. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Sorry for my blabbering, as a fan of wmatsui it really hit me hard.. :cry:
I'm just glad you will continue Warriors ..

Offline niineechan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #66 on: June 16, 2015, 05:02:42 PM »
I think i'm falling 4 u sophcaro-san. :-D
I know how shocking the news is. The first time i heard it, i felt empty in my heart right away. :-(
But to know that u'll keep continuing this despite what u feel on the news, i salute u!
Yeah, i was just a silent reader, but now i gather my courage 2 comment here.
I want 2 give a big THANK YOU 2 u. :-*
I'll always luv ur work, author-san! That's my promise!!
Ah! I'm blabbering too much! Gomen....!
C u,
ganbatte, n'
 ARIGATOU......!!! B-)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #67 on: June 16, 2015, 06:35:27 PM »
I love how mayu loving her dearly sister, thank you for continuing it author-san! :)

I love writing about them. They both show their love for each other in very different ways, but that's what makes their relationship interesting, in my opinion. Thank you for commenting, deguchi!

Thnx you Sophcaro-san for not dropping this fic...

No problem, I'm glad people are still interested in reading it despite the circumstances. Be brave Raizel, and if I can give a piece of advice, try not to think (too much) about Rena's graduation. I used to do it too the first few days, and it certainly didn't help. There's nothing you can do about it anyway, it's out of our hands. As hard as it may seem right now, life goes on and the pain you're feeling right now will fade in time... Promise.

I think i'm falling 4 u sophcaro-san. :-D
But to know that u'll keep continuing this despite what u feel on the news, i salute u!
Yeah, i was just a silent reader, but now i gather my courage 2 comment here.
I want 2 give a big THANK YOU 2 u. :-*
I'll always luv ur work, author-san! That's my promise!!
Ah! I'm blabbering too much! Gomen....!
C u,
ganbatte, n'
 ARIGATOU......!!! B-)

Well, I certainly didn't expect that kind of declaration... now I don't know what to say   :nervous
I'm happy you managed to gather your courage to comment. I know it's hard when you're a silent reader, but any comment is always appreciated  :thumbsup Thank you for your support niineechan, and never stop your blabbering, I love it :p
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 06:48:31 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #68 on: June 17, 2015, 12:31:55 AM »
Great!! Thanks 4 continue this fic!!

Offline DC2805

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #69 on: June 17, 2015, 07:51:27 AM »
Thanks so much for not dropping this fanfic  :thumbup
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #70 on: June 17, 2015, 07:51:13 PM »
Jurina rise from the


Thankss too sopcharo san for not dropping~ 'bow

  :on gay: :kneelbow:   :on drink:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2015, 06:48:59 AM »
I think I can speak for all your readers, that we're very much interested in your story no matter what happens. Thank you for continuing Warriors!

Offline junchan48

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 9 [WMatsui] (16/06/15)
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2015, 08:59:48 AM »
As I hinted on my tumblr, I’m not dropping Warriors. To be honest, I didn’t expect to make up my mind so fast, but as I was thinking about it thoroughly, I realized how much love I have for this story and it would be such a waste to let all my ideas vanish into thin air. I’m not going to let anything or anyone’s decision stop me from writing it. As long as you readers are interested in this story, I will continue it. This is why I’ve decided to post a new chapter, even if it’s a bit short, to reassure anyone who followed this story and feared I would drop it. I’m going to follow the plot I always had in mind since day one, and finish the story. That’s a promise.

Well. Its quite short, but I glad that you finally update this fic. :cow:
Thanks a lot for the update, author-san :kneelbow:
I surely interested with this fic :twothumbs
And I hope you'll update 'Partner' too :prayers:
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 10 [WMatsui] (26/06/15)
« Reply #73 on: June 26, 2015, 01:24:44 AM »

Jurina could still remember clearly the day their father presented them that girl with a smile plastered on her face. Mayu had not hesitated one second to welcome her into their household with a genuine smile, but there was just something in this stranger's look that prevented Jurina from doing the same. Their father's warm touch on the older girl's shoulder, and his reassuring words directed towards the two sisters should have done the trick, but it failed. There was just something wrong with her. Even her smile seemed fake. However, never could Jurina have foreseen the tragic events her presence in the Watanabe clan would unleash.

Jurina felt the slight pull on her arm but ignored it for a while, until it became more urgent. The girl of her nightmares had not cleared her mind yet, and her hands unconsciously pushed away the person who was calling her name desperately. It was only at the sound of the plaintive cry that Jurina opened her eyes, only to witness with surprise her sister sitting against the wall and rubbing the back of her head.


Jurina stuttered as she squinted her eyes to try and adjust to the dark, her mind still foggy after her nightmare. However, it didn't take her long to figure out what had happened at the sight of the girl still rubbing her head, and she released a sharp gasp in horror. She got up on her feet hurriedly, her steps a little unsteady as she approached her sister worriedly. There was no fear or shock in Mayu's eyes as the first time this kind of incident occurred, but Jurina couldn't help the guilt take hold of her as she watched her hissing in pain. After that tragic day, she had vowed to herself to protect her sister at all costs, but her nightmares were having an impact on her behavior in a way she had not expected. She could live with the never ending visions, but she couldn't forgive herself for letting them hurt the person she cared the most about.

A frustrated growl escaped her lips as she looked away in shame and grabbed her grey kimono hurriedly.


Jurina could see out of the corner of her eye her sister getting up from the floor and hear her repeating her name but she ignored her pleas, refusing to face the reality of what she had done. Her fingers caught her tanto in one swift movement and she placed it at her waist where it belonged, and before Mayu's approaching hand could ever try and stop her, she stepped out of their bedroom without a second of hesitation.




Mariko sighed heavily when her advisor leaned forward and settled another scroll on the desk in front of her. Names had been coming one after the other for almost an hour now, and none fitted what she was looking for. Of course, the clan had many good samurais, but none mastered kenjutsu as well as the woman she was trying desperately to replace.

The head of the clan shooed away the older man with a swift gesture of her hand in exasperation, watching him absently as he bowed courteously and left the room hastily. As soon as he had gone she glanced down at the numerous scrolls spread out on her desk, her left hand moving upwards to massage her temple while the other went through the scrolls. She read one name after the other anew carefully, knowing the clan couldn't stay without a kenjutsu instructor any longer.

It had already been more than a week since the doctor had attended to the poisoned girl, and despite succeeding in removing all the poison out of her system, she still had not woken up. Mariko wanted to believe there was still a chance for her to survive, but she was well aware that time wasn't on their side. If the kenjutsu instructor didn't wake up soon, there was a high possibility she would never open her eyes again.

A frustrated sound escaped Mariko's lips as she realized she was utterly powerless in helping her, before looking up when she heard the door sliding, and she saw the familiar long, dark-haired kunoichi enter the room. The twenty four year old girl took a few steps forward and bowed courteously at her, before waiting for the permission to speak.

"Kitahara-san," Mariko exclaimed, quite happy with the distraction. "Tell me you have good news."

"Our frontiers are well secured, Momijimori no kami dono," the woman assured, "but I found no trace of those two men the young Watanabe-san described."

"I see," Mariko nodded. It was comforting to know her clan wasn't in immediate danger - something she had feared after hearing the young sister's story a few days ago - but the fact that her most trusted and experienced kunoichi wasn't able to find the people responsible for her kenjutsu instructor current immobilization was troubling.

"I can keep looking," the young kunoichi offered.

"Yes, please do," Mariko nodded. Obviously, those two men were far from here by now, but she needed to know who had sent them. Something was telling her they had not acted on their own free will. Someone had been infiltrating her land and she needed to know who, and if this unknown enemy was going to pose a threat in the future. The fact that those two men didn't hesitate to lead a sneaky attack on two members of her clan to assure their escape wasn't in the slightest reassuring.


The pair of arms wrapped hastily around her neck was the last thing Jurina expected when she gave the guard at the front door her tanto, and stepped into the place. She could see from her peripheral vision the other women stopping what they were doing to look at her, and she freed herself softly from Churi's sudden embrace to understand her odd behavior. Yes, Churi had always been a very affectionate person; she still recalled vividly the way she had - in vain - tried to seduce her on their first encounter, but never the older girl had been so overtly affectionate towards her in front of the other women. This wasn't right, and Churi's incomprehensive babbling wasn't helping in any way in easing her surprise.

"What is it? Did something happen in my absence?" Jurina asked, checking her friend's face worriedly. Did another client dared to hurt her again? Her fingers were already itching at the idea of retribution if she proved to be right.

"No, I'm fine," Churi answered as she finally composed herself. She could now notice the looks directed towards them, and she cursed herself for behaving so impulsively at the view of her friend. She just couldn't help her legs from moving when Nobunaga's face finally appeared. The last time she saw her she was leaving with her protector, and the young girl had never been away for so long before. "You were gone for a week."

"What?" Jurina arched an eyebrow at her murmur. After assessing that, indeed, her friend had not been hurt, she processed her declaration, until her mouth curved into an amused smile as she gazed at Churi's flustered expression. "Did you miss me?"

"I was worried," Churi groaned, frustration washing over her as she witnessed Jurina's smirk, before noticing her tired features and slightly pale face, and her voice raised up in concern. "You don't look fine. Did something happen?"

Jurina's smile faltered, not believing how perceptive her friend always were. How come she always seemed to be able to read into her like an open book, despite sharing as little as possible? It was not that she didn't trust Churi - in fact, she really liked her and enjoyed her presence - but there were things about herself that she wasn't ready to tell, as much as she considered the older girl as a friend.

"Let's not stay in the middle of the room," Jurina murmured, an amused smile back on her lips as she decided to change the subject. "And let's not give those women another reason to talk about us."

Churi followed curiously Jurina's gaze until noticing that she was staring at her fingers that were still clutching her arm. Churi's eyes widened slightly in surprise and she removed her hand hastily, before sighing in relief when she heard the women and their clients resuming their chatting around them progressively. It took her so long and so much effort to persuade the other girls that she was not involved romantically with Nobunaga. After her sudden demonstration of affection, it was more than obvious the rumor was going to spread again. She didn't even need to look at Annin, currently occupied with a client at a table not far away, to know she was probably still watching them carefully. The jealous girl had always been the hardest one to convince. 

"You're right," Churi laughed wholeheartedly, despite knowing full well the situation her unusual behavior just put her into. She could already predict all the questions she would have to answer the minute Nobunaga would be gone. The younger girl was now moving towards an empty table - the one in a corner of the room she always sat at when it was available - and she followed her silently, until stopping and watching her carefully as she took place and ordered a cup of sake from the waitress. Her friend's previous snarky remark came to the forefront of her mind, and a warm smile grazed Churi's lips when she gazed at her curiously - wondering obviously why she was still not sitting by her side - and she spoke. "I really missed you, Nobunaga."

Churi's sincere words rendered Jurina speechless, and she watched her silently when the older girl finally took a seat next to her and held her hand. Jurina showed no opposition to the affectionate gesture as she was very much used to it by now and, after failing to come back at with another clever retort, she choose to lean forward and leave a kiss on her forehead instead. As she pulled back she noticed Churi's smile broadening, and she knew the simple action was enough of an answer.

"Isn't your protector going to come and look for you here?" Churi teased. It's true that she felt bad at the moment for telling the samurai where Nobunaga was, seeing how displeased her friend was, but the young girl didn't seem to hold it against her. That's why she believed it was alright to mention it again, but her amusement vanished when she witnessed her friend's change of expression.   

"No, don't worry about it," Jurina chuckled, but no trace of happiness could be found on her features. If anything, her laugh was more bitter than joyful. "She's never going to set foot in this place again."


"Why won't you wake up?"

Yuki sighed dejectedly when her question stayed unanswered for the second time. A little voice inside her head - getting louder and louder as the days went by - was telling her to stop hoping for a miracle, but it didn't prevent her from entering Rena's room each day, sitting by her side, and watching her sleep for a while. The doctor of the clan had left just an hour ago, only to declare that there was no evolution in her condition. The old man's remedies had managed to heal her body successfully, but he still visited the kenjutsu instructor once a day, at the head of the clan's order. Yuki was well aware that his visits were useless at this point, considering he had already done everything in his power to save her. Nevertheless, it still reassured her to watch him examine her friend each time, because it meant the head of the clan had not lost hope yet.

At the sound of soft footsteps in the corridor Yuki tilted her head left, noticing a silhouette now standing in front of the bedroom door.


Yuki stood up at the hesitant voice of her protégée, and took a few steps forward to slide the door open. Mayu bowed courteously at her before glancing over her shoulder, and watching the sleeping girl. Yuki could see the worry in her eyes, and she decided to answer the question that was probably burning her lips. "There's no change."

The kyudo instructor turned a last time towards the sleeping girl, before knowing it was time for her to leave. If it had been any other battle, she wouldn't have hesitated to take her weapon to fight by her side, but her presence was useless in this one. Only Rena could win this fight.

"How's your sister?" Yuki asked when she stepped outside Rena's room and slid the door closed carefully.

"She left," Mayu sighed. She wanted desperately to reassure Jurina after her unintentional violent reaction, but she had left the room quickly, her words falling on deaf ears.

"In the middle of the night? Where did she go?" Yuki inquired.

Mayu could see the mixture of surprise and worry in her protector's eyes, and she knew she had to give her another piece of information if she wished to reassure her. "To the village. My sister sometimes has violent nightmares, and when she can't go back to sleep, she likes to go to that place."

Yuki frowned at the sight of the girl who was now avoiding her eyes - embarrassed seemingly by what she admitted - until remembering the small incident that happened a while ago at the gate with a samurai. Indeed, it seemed her younger sister visited a well known house in the village, but she wasn't aware that her visits were so frequent, even less that she had such bothering sleeping problems. "Do you want to come to my room?"

Yuki knew she said something wrong the minute Mayu's startled eyes fell upon her. It was obvious her protégée was bothered by her young sister's absence - otherwise she wouldn't find her wandering in the corridor and waiting for her - and she felt bad leaving her alone under such circumstances. However, it seemed her innocent proposal had been taken the wrong way. "I'm sorry, it was inappropriate."

"Not at all," Mayu waved her hand at her swiftly when she realized what her reaction must have looked like to the older girl. She never expected her protector to suggest such a thing, that's why she couldn't help but show her surprise, but her answer came as an evidence at the sound of her beating heart. "I would like that, Kashiwagi-dono."

Yuki's chest fluttered at Mayu's shy but sincere smile and she extended her hand, cupping the young girl's cheek softly, "Please, call me Kashiwagi-san."

Yuki watched the young girl nodding briefly, seemingly appreciating the affectionate gesture as she leaned into her palm. Yuki listened to the sound of her own pounding heartbeat, realizing again how much she cared for the young girl standing in front of her. After a little while she retracted her hand, sharing a glance with the silent young girl, before moving forward and wrapping her arms carefully around her body. When Mayu buried her nose into the crook of her neck she planted a kiss on the back of her head, a soft sigh escaping her lips in content as she relished the warm body against her.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:53:07 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline niineechan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 10 [WMatsui] (26/06/15)
« Reply #74 on: June 26, 2015, 05:02:22 AM »
U updated..

U dunno how happy i am..
N i dunno how to tell how happy i am...
Dunno why, i'm just so happy.. :
Mayuki moment~ yatta!!! :
Thank u so much sophcaro-san..
U made my day!
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 06:09:09 AM by niineechan »

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 10 [WMatsui] (26/06/15)
« Reply #75 on: June 26, 2015, 05:49:53 AM »
Why Rena still unconcious... :cry:
I think she need more time, Rena please wake up.. :banghead:
Jurina..  :shocked You still go to that place not stay at Rena's side..Argghh :angry:
Just be honest already.. :(

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 10 [WMatsui] (26/06/15)
« Reply #76 on: June 26, 2015, 11:39:24 AM »
U updated..

U dunno how happy i am..
N i dunno how to tell how happy i am...
Dunno why, i'm just so happy.. :
Mayuki moment~ yatta!!! :
Thank u so much sophcaro-san..
U made my day!

And you don't know how happy I am that you are happy  :P

Yes, a little sweet Mayuki moment, it was long overdue ^^

Thanks for reading :)

Why Rena still unconcious... :cry:
I think she need more time, Rena please wake up.. :banghead:
Jurina..  :shocked You still go to that place not stay at Rena's side..Argghh :angry:
Just be honest already.. :(

Don't blame Jurina, she already did a lot, didn't she? Can't do much more  :nervous We'll know in the next chapter if Rena makes it out alive or not.
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 10 [WMatsui] (26/06/15)
« Reply #77 on: June 28, 2015, 07:51:29 AM »
But Jurina's hurting Mayu emotionally by leaving her like that. :(

On the plus side though, Mayuki is so sweet! Will you be putting some awkward/sweet/embarrassing room sharing moments next?  XD

Thank you for the update, I can't wait to read the next chapter!

Offline junchan48

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 10 [WMatsui] (26/06/15)
« Reply #78 on: June 29, 2015, 07:16:48 PM »
What are you doing, Ju?
Go back to Mayu! She is worrying about you!><
Wake up, Rena-san! That super stubborn puppy need you!
And Mayuki start to make me grinning like crazy XD

Thanks for the update, author-san^^
Wait for the next one~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 11 [WMatsui] (08/07/15)
« Reply #79 on: July 08, 2015, 05:01:31 AM »

Jurina, her grey kimono now left aside on the floor, took a seat on the futon and watched Annin who was taking her purple kimono off slowly in front of her. How many times did she watch her perform this simple act lately? It was hard to tell, and truthfully, it happened way more often than she would have liked. When she entered the house a while ago she hoped Churi's company would help her forget about the demon from her past haunting her mind - and the unfortunate incident its presence triggered - but it failed miserably. Jurina picked up on Churi's desire to know the reason for her long absence, but words refused to leave her lips when she tried to formulate an explanation, her thoughts still annoyingly on what happened at the clan.

Despite being conscious of the fact that she had not injured Mayu seriously, she couldn't stop reliving in her head her expression of pain, and Jurina knew Churi's presence - as distracting and comforting it usually was - was not going to be enough if she wished to forget about her worries for a few hours. A quick look across the room to a seemingly very bored Annin sitting alone at a table told her she needed something more tonight, and as their eyes met, she knew she would end up in her room again.

Now, Jurina could only raise an eyebrow in mild amusement as she witnessed a naked Annin swaying her hips in front of her, before climbing on top of her and kissing her. The first time Jurina ever entered her room, the older girl had also pulled the same stunt, and Jurina had immediately informed her this whole seductive act wasn't necessary. There was no use for foreplay, and most of all, she didn't need to be seduced. Nevertheless, the girl kept on playing her part to the perfection and Jurina let her, guessing she was probably proud of showing off her assets. From the first day Jurina laid eyes on Annin, she knew she was the kind of girl capable of catching any man she wanted. She was an attractive girl well aware of her charms and, most of all, very persistent. Jurina had beard the consequences of her tenacity each time she passed the door of the house and Annin tried - in a not very subtly way - to lead her upstairs.

Yes, Annin's hard work paid off in the end, but the older girl never gloated over her success to the other girls. In the confinement of her bedroom - when it was just the two of them - she liked to tease the younger girl about it from time to time, but deep down, she knew it was only luck that brought this particularly reluctant client to her bed. The melancholy she could see when she looked deeply into Jurina's eyes told her her perseverance had nothing to do with the girl's presence inside this room.

"What's on your mind?" Annin whispered when she pulled away from the kiss. Until that day, she had never dared to ask a single question, mostly because she knew the taciturn girl would not grant her with an eloquent answer - or even bother to reply at all - but her growing attachment to the younger girl beneath her was preventing her from staying quiet anymore.

"What?" Jurina's eyes fluttered open, surprised by the unexpected interruption, and witnessing the older girl's concern. "Nothing." It was an outrageous lie, but she wasn't about to open her heart to the girl currently straddling her lap. She already had a hard time sharing anything with Churi, even though she considered her as a friend.

Jurina could guess by Annin's frustrated sigh that she wasn't pleased by her lack of cooperation but she ignored it, placing her right hand behind the back of her head instead, and leaning in for another kiss. Annin's lips moved a bit reluctantly against hers at first - obviously pondering if she should insist - before relenting when Jurina pulled her down on the futon with her.

There wasn't any established rule when Jurina decided to pass Annin's door. Some nights, when she was in the mood for something a bit different, she let the older girl take charge; moments Annin seemed to appreciate the most, judging by the thorough exploration of her body it always provoked. However, tonight, Jurina wished to erase her troubled thoughts as quickly as possible, and decided to take matters in hand. Her fingers circled Annin's shoulders and she pushed, reverting their places on the futon quickly.

A the sudden shift of power Annin glanced briefly at the girl now on top of her, before shutting her eyes when her lips were captured into a slightly rough kiss. Annin didn't blink, not at all surprised by the young girl's attitude. It wasn't the first time such an occurrence happened, and she didn't oppose any resistance when Jurina's hands traveled down her body hastily. Not only the young girl was not very fond of foreplay, she had also discovered she was not the most patient person in the world.

Maybe that was what Jurina liked the most about Annin. Much as the older girl displayed a possessive attitude when Jurina let her have it her own way, she never protested when it was the other way round. Jurina could tell Annin was a proud person and didn't appreciate being pushed back - she could remember vividly seeing the anger flashing in her eyes that one time a potential client happened to choose another girl instead of her - but, surprisingly, she could also be very compliant when the situation required it. This duality in her behavior couldn't help but intrigue Jurina each time she happened to witness it.

Jurina knew something was wrong with her when the familiar face of her protector suddenly popped up in her head. She had finally managed to forget about her recent incident with her sister, why did she have to think about the kenjutsu instructor in such a moment? A groan left her lips in displeasure as she pulled away from Annin's lips, tilting her head to the side to try and erase the unexpected image. When she felt a soft caress on her arm she glanced down, noticing Annin's worried expression. She could see her parting her lips as if to say something, and Jurina could already predict what she was about to ask.

"I'm fine," Jurina said swiftly, before Annin's mouth could produce any word. She certainly wasn't about to divulge who she was thinking about. The thought was disturbing enough.

"Let me," Annin offered when Jurina, despite her affirmation, stayed still and didn't resume what she was doing. Annin could tell something was bothering her more than usual and, as frustrating it was to be kept in the dark, she had to try her best to make her forget about it.

Annin kept her eyes locked on Jurina's brown orbs, her fingers first caressing her chest then gliding over her stomach, ready to stop if the young girl instructed her to. When Jurina showed no sign of opposition she continued her descent, before hearing the soft command echoing in the quiet room when her fingers finally slid between her legs.


Annin paused immediately, unsettled, trying to figure out desperately the reason behind her unusual request. It was almost inaudible, but her keen hearing also perceived the small tremble in Jurina's voice.

"I can't do this," Jurina exhaled deeply in irritation. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to get rid of the image of her dying protector, and Annin's expert touch was unexpectedly failing to erase the memory imprinted in her mind. What was happening to her?

Jurina moved away from Annin's naked form and she took a seat next to her on the futon, burying her head in her hands in despair. This house was supposed to be her sanctuary, the only place where she could forget about the thoughts - some days very dark - juggling in her head constantly, but it seemed reality was refusing to leave her in peace.

Annin, powerless, watched for a little while the young girl by her side who was mumbling incomprehensible words, before moving tentatively her fingers and caressing her forearm in a soft motion. She knew it was useless to question her again - and she certainly didn't want to take the risk of angering her with her persistence - but she didn't know how to act anymore. However, it seemed her simple gesture managed to have an appeasing affect on Jurina as her muttering progressively stopped, and she lifted her head from her hands. A sigh escaped Jurina's mouth, and her lips parted as she spoke in a steady voice, though still avoiding Annin's gaze deliberately. "I have to go."

Annin watched her in surprise as she stood up abruptly, Jurina's eyes falling on her clothes on the floor and grabbing them hastily. "Why now? We don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

Jurina, once fully dressed, looked back at her, noticing Annin's lost expression. Guilt crossed over her features as she realized she had not given her the slightest explanation for her odd behavior, and she knew she couldn't leave like that. After all, Annin wasn't responsible for what was going on inside her head.

"You did nothing wrong," Jurina spoke softly, a small tentative smile moving to her lips as she watched Annin getting up on her feet and dressing up hastily. She could tell the older girl was going to try to stop her from leaving again, but her mind was already made up. "There's just something I need to do."

Jurina realized by Annin's puzzled look that her enigmatic words may have confused her even more but she kept quiet nonetheless, knowing she couldn't say much more. On top of her dying protector's image, she knew there was someone else waiting for her at the clan, and to whom she needed to apologize for her behavior. She didn't doubt her sister already forgave her for her unintentional violent reaction, but she now knew she shouldn't have left their room after the incident. Her impulsive side had clouded her better judgment, preventing her from realizing how much her swift departure probably hurt Mayu even more.

Jurina slid the door open to leave and she stepped in the corridor, casting a last look at Annin. The older girl was now standing in the middle of the room fully dressed, watching her every move silently. Jurina wasn't oblivious to the older girl's fondness for her; she could see it in every touch, word and look from her. Much as she didn't comprehend the reason behind it - not believing she did anything to deserve it - she knew she couldn't give her what she wanted. Friendship - as strange the notion first appeared to her when Churi suggested it - she could now offer, but Annin was obviously expecting more from her.

"See you soon, Nobunaga."

Jurina nodded at Annin's warm smile, despite coming to the realization that it was the last time she was going to pass her door. Many times in the past she tried to convince herself she wasn't going to use Annin's services anymore, to no avail, as she always returned when her thoughts refused to leave her in peace. Not only the trick wasn't working anymore, her actions were also unintentionally hurting the girl who was always doing her best to change her mind. Jurina realized she now had to put an end to this arrangement, for both their sakes.


Jurina climbed down from her mount, her eyes falling on the young stable boy running toward her to take the rein. She watched the shy lad for a while as he disappeared into the dark with the black stallion in hand, feeling suddenly thankful that a member of the clan managed to retrieve her horse and bring it back safely. To be honest, she had grown quite attached to it since she first laid eyes on it, and the thought of losing such a faithful companion had caused a small pang in her chest when the samurai had frightened the poor animal, prompting it to vanish in the depth of the forest. In the end, it appeared both her protector's mare and her stallion had been found together not so far away from the clan's house, enjoying a peaceful afternoon under the shade of a maple tree.

An amused smile fell on her lips as the thought crossed her mind, before progressively fading when the image of the unconscious kenjutsu instructor appeared in her head. When she finally woke up after a few days of well deserved rest, Mayu did not wait long before informing her about the condition of her protector. Much as she was relieved to hear the doctor managed to heal her completely, she couldn't comprehend why she still had not woken up. It didn't make sense. Her body was fine, so why was she still unconscious? Jurina had shaken the doctor rudely at the news - frustration washing over her - and demanding an explanation to this illogical fact. Unfortunately, the frightened old man seemed utterly powerless, and Jurina ended up wondering if her little act of bravery had not been pointless after all.

Jurina jolted out of her thoughts, moving forward towards the house in determination as she remembered the reason for her return. Her feet led her to her bedroom swiftly and she slid the door open, her eyes widening in surprise when she discovered the two empty futon. She swept the room quickly, trying to process where Mayu could have gone in the middle of the night, before staring back at the untouched futon of her sister. For a minute, she wondered if her swift departure could have incited Mayu to look for her, and if she had ventured to the village in search of the house she mentioned a few times.

The thought vanished when she realized Mayu didn't know the place - she had, after all, asked her protector to look for her a week ago - and she knew she wouldn't take the risk of getting lost in an unknown village, not the mention in the complete dark. Jurina exhaled deeply in frustration when she couldn't come up with an explanation for her sister's disappearance, and she took a step back in the corridor after sliding the door closed. Although she was pretty sure her sister didn't leave the clan, she needed a confirmation, and she knew exactly who could give it to her.

Her feet led her back to the gate and she placed a hand on the guard's shoulder, prompting him to turn to look at her in surprise. She didn't bother to glance at the man when she arrived a few minutes before, but now, she couldn't help but frown in annoyance at the view of the familiar guard. It was the stupid one who took so long to notice her when she was laying exhausted in the grass with her unconscious protector, and to whom she had given a very appropriate nickname since that day.

"Blind one," Jurina said, ignoring his displeased expression and groan. "Has my sister left the clan?"

"No, she has not," the guard replied, gritting his teeth, and trying his best to keep his calm at the use of the nickname he had already been called by the girl a few times these last days.

"Are you sure?" Jurina insisted, taking a step forward until they were just a few inches apart, and her mocking eyes fell into his annoyed ones. "Because it's really dark, and you can't even see properly in broad daylight."

"Watanabe-san did not leave the clan," the guard repeated as politely as possible, although it was clear he was starting to reach his limits. He didn't know long he could tolerate the girl's mockery anymore. "However, I've heard she was looking for Kashiwagi-dono earlier on."

Jurina raised a surprised eyebrow at this revelation, before turning on her heels when she knew the guard wasn't going to be any more helpful. She walked to her bedroom slowly, pondering his words thoughtfully before pausing in the middle of the corridor. It was true that her sister became quite close to her protector recently and spent most of her time with her during the day. Jurina glanced over a particular room not far way, wondering if she would find the answer to her question behind its door.

She paused in front of it and listened attentively, hoping she would detect any sign of the presence of her sister. When only silence surrounded her she decided to take matters in hand and she carefully slid the door open, enough to take a peek inside. Maybe she should have expected it, but the view still managed to surprise her when she witnessed the two girls sleeping on the futon. Mayu was sleeping soundly on her side, her face turned towards the door, while the kyudo instructor was laying on her side behind her, her right arm wrapped around her waist protectively.

Jurina guessed her swift departure probably caused her sister to have a talk with the kyudo instructor, but she still couldn't believe the samurai would suggest her to come and sleep in her room. It seemed their relationship had developed a bit more quickly than she had anticipated. Jurina watched them silently for a few more seconds, before deciding she had done enough of spying for tonight and sliding the door close. Much as she wanted to apologize to her sister for her recent behavior, she wasn't about to disrupt her peaceful sleep. She felt bad enough waking her up so many times because of her nightmares.

Jurina thought about going back to her bedroom in order to imitate her sister and catch some sleep, but her feet slowed down unintentionally when she recognized another familiar room on her way. Although she never set foot inside she knew who it belonged to very well, as she had witnessed the doctor of the clan entering it many times these last few days. She placed her palm on the door, pondering for a while if she should finally enter this room she had cleverly avoided until now, before making up her mind and sliding it open.

Jurina paused on the tatami as her eyes fell first on the woman laying on the futon, before she let them wander around the room in curiosity, taking in what the dark was enabling her to see. The place was quite simply furnished, and apart from a small table at the end of the room, there was not much to look at. Jurina slid the door closed behind her and moved forward, now noticing a few racks properly aligned in a corner that she had missed. Curiosity got the best of her and she approached, her fingers brushing the saya of the wakizashi, then moving to the katana.

The last time she touched the familiar red tsuka it was during the attack, and she somewhat believed she would never see it again. It seemed their horses were not the only thing that were retrieved from the forest. Jurina took the katana from its shack and pulled out the sword slowly from its saya, admiring the blade and brushing its surface carefully. Her thoughts went towards those two men that had attacked them sneakily, and she remembered how much she would have loved to slit the samurai's throat. His enigmatic words came to the forefront of her mind, and she wondered what he had meant by that. Much as she wasn't ready to fight him back then, she was going to make sure to be ready to welcome him properly if she ever crossed his path again.

Once her scrutiny finally reached its end Jurina placed the katana back into its saya and onto the rack, before turning around and watching the sleeping woman. A sigh left Jurina's lips as she finally approached and kneeled by her protector's side. Now that her eyes were adjusted to the darkness she could discern her features a little better, thanks to the much needed help of the moonlight penetrating the room. Despite the silence surrounding them Jurina failed to distinguish her protector's breathing and she instinctively leaned over, placing her ear over her heart in worry.

Relief filled her chest when she finally managed to catch the slow but constant beating and she straightened up, before looking away when she realized it didn't mean much. Of course, she was still alive, but the fact that she had still not woken up after a whole week wasn't in the slightest reassuring. Jurina wanted to keep hope that she would wake up anytime soon, as Mayu believed strongly, but she didn't believe in miracles.

"You're driving me crazy," Jurina mumbled, her eyes back on her quiet protector. Much as it pained her to admit it, her protector's image had crossed her mind more than she would have wished for lately, and she couldn't stop reliving the attack and what followed. Yes, the kenjutsu instructor's current immobilization was partly her fault, but she believed to have made the right decision by refusing to obey to her last command and bringing her back to the clan. It wasn't an easy task, and her body still had not fully recovered from the exhaustion it caused, but she didn't regret it. The pain she still sometimes felt in her arms and her legs was worth it if it meant she managed to save her life. Yes, they had a conflicted relationship from the start, but it was the least she could do after her protector shielded her from her enemies. Twice. Unfortunately, her failure was laying just in front of her eyes, reminding her that all her effort had not paid off in the end.

Jurina felt her eyes fluttering closed and she blinked to try to keep them open, before realizing sleep was about to claim her soon. Her body was already not reacting properly to her anymore and she looked towards the direction of the door sleepily, knowing it was time to go back to her room. She got up on her feet clumsily and stifled a yawn, her hand soon meeting the door as she was moved towards the entrance and was about to leave. Her fingers were already sliding it open when she perceived a faint sound behind her back, and she looked over her shoulder in surprise. Her eyes scrutinized the sleeping form in search of any sign it was not the fruit of her imagination, before coming to the realization that it was indeed. The kenjutsu instructor had not moved an inch.

"I really need to sleep," Jurina groaned, not believing what her sleepy mind was doing to her, and she faced the door anew, now eager to join her bed.


Jurina froze at the small voice calling her name and she turned around immediately. This time, she knew she had not imagined it, and she took a few unsteady steps towards the sleeping form. Two small brown orbs fluttered open and glanced back at her, and Jurina couldn't help the short gasp from escaping her mouth at the unbelievable sight in front of her. Maybe it was the weariness speaking, but she almost believed she could see a small smile progressively forming on her protector's lips.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:55:51 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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