My new OS/2S fic section! Yoroshiku!

Here is the first OS, based off a MJSK4 Gaiden story! My new gen OTP, MakoNaanya!!!
Kamisori x Zombie (MakoNaanya) - Dreams Come True(?)
Kamisori woke up in an unfamiliar room. She could’ve sworn she had fallen asleep in the classroom at Majijo, but now, she was in a room with a table sitting in front of a mirror nailed to the wall, makeup scattered on the surface of the table. She turned and saw a few couches and seats as well. And when she looked in the mirror, she didn’t look like herself at all. Her hair was no longer in her signature side pony and was all let down and straight. She also wasn’t in her Majijo uniform and wearing a dress, something she’d never wear!
Saying that Kamisori was confused as hell would NOT be an understatement. Just then, she heard a click from behind and saw the only door to the room opened. She saw her best friend, and partner, Zombie, walk in, but just like her, she had completely changed. She was wearing a dress and jacket that wasn’t at all like anything she’d wear, and her hair was let down and straightened as well, but she had a headband with a ribbon in. Zombie looked at her friend and smiled.
“Kojimako-chan, there you are!” she said cheerfully. “Come on, let’s get going.”
“Eh?” Now, Kamisori was more confused than ever. “Zombie, what are you doing? And, why are you dressed like that?”
“Hm? Oh, this! I bought it recently. Do you like it?” The angel-faced girl simply said with a smile, until she realized something. “Wait… did you just call me ‘Zombie’?”
“Why else? You are Zombie!”
“Mou~ Kojimako-chan, that was only a drama. I’m a normal human, just like you!”
“Not that kind of ‘zombie’... Hold on, why do you keep calling me ‘Kojimako-chan’?”
Zombie just tilted her head, confused. Indeed, Kamisori knew her real name was Kojima Mako, and Zombie’s real name was Owada Nana, but they never called each other by something other than their Majijo nicknames.
“Oh, I… guess I got used to it,” Zombie then said shyly.
“At first, I always called you ‘Kojima-san’... And then, time passed, and it become ‘Mako-san’. And now, I’ve finally gotten used to calling you ‘Kojimako’, or even just ‘Mako’. So, I was happy, because I finally got to call you by your first name, when you were already doing so with me.”
Kamisori then got suspicious. “Huh? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about… This is weird. Did Hinabe put you up to this? Is this a prank? Are they secretly watching us?”
“Are you okay, Kojimako-chan?”
To Kamisori’s surprise, her best friend suddenly came up and felt her forehead. Her face was so close to hers, she felt her heart pounding. Hell, she never felt it pound this hard in her life. She felt the heat creep up to her cheeks as Zombie opened her eyes again and stared into hers. The chocolate dark brown orbs were sparkling, making Kamisori’s heart skip a beat.
“You don’t have a fever… Maybe you’re just tired.”
“Uh, I...”
“Come on, now, let’s go,” Zombie took the girl’s hand.
“Wha-? Where?”
“The park. Our promised spot, remember?”
“‘Promised spot’? What are you talking abo--?”
“Stop being silly. It’s our favorite spot. Now, let’s go.”
Kamisori couldn’t help but silently follow her friend. She also couldn’t get over the strange new sensation she felt within her chest.
“Boom… boom… my heart keeps pounding… even now, while Zombie’s holding my hand… there’s a weird… warm.. feeling in my chest… Why? Why do I feel..? It’s so…”They finally arrived at a park just outside the city streets of Tokyo. It had a large open space, a single tree growing at the top of a hill, and below was a children’s playground. Zombie couldn’t contain her excitement as she ran down and went to the swingset, standing on one of the swings and started swinging herself.
“I loved these swings when I was younger~. You said you used to come here, too, right?”
“Uh, did I..?” Kamisori tried to play along.
“Don’t lie! You always talked about how you would play hide-and-seek and stuff with your friends?”
“Really..? I don’t remember… If anything, I don’t remember ever coming to this park or playing with any friends.”
“So… alone?”
“Or at all. Zombie, this really is strange. Cut the act already!”
Zombie stopped swinging and stood back on the ground. “Is there something wrong?”
“Something wrong? Zombie, quit acting like this! I’m not falling for it!”
“Falling for what?!”
“This whole innocent girl act! I don’t like it! It just doesn’t suit you! Stop acting like this and go back to your regular self! It’s annoying me like hell!”
Zombie fell silent, staring at Kamisori. It was only then Kamisori realized she went too far.
“Ah, I-I mean--”
“Mako… you idiot.”
“Not once today did you call me ‘Nana’ or ‘Naanya’. You kept calling me ‘Zombie, Zombie’, you didn’t even care we came back here! Did you really forget?! Did you forget, this was where I met you?!”
Kamisori now stood silent. She saw tears falling down Zombie’s eyes, a sight she had never witnessed before. Before she could say anything, Zombie slapped her face and called her an idiot one more time before running off. She saw Zombie run towards the tree and sat down under it, still crying.
That was when Kamisori remembered. Her first meeting with Zombie, their first, and only fight they ever had with each other. No matter how many times she cut Zombie down, the girl would get back up, as if nothing happened. Kamisori eventually got tired out, and their match ended in a draw. But, the two forged their friendship that day. That was how their bond began, and how it deepened as they grew closer and closer, always beside each other, never leaving each other’s sides.
Kamisori felt like an idiot for forgetting such an important day, and now, she felt like a jerk for saying what she did. Naanya or Zombie, both are the same, it didn’t matter. She was her partner and best friend who she loved and cared for. Even if this was all just some weird test or prank or, what-the-hell-ever, she could feel Naanya/Zombie’s strong love for her.
She walked up the hill to the tree where Naanya was still crying. She looked up at Kamisori, tears glistening on her cheeks. Even then, she still had the face of an angel, Kamisori thought.
“Zo… I mean, Naanya,” Kamisori started. “I’m sorry… I was stupid and didn’t know your feelings… I completely forgot and.. you must hate me now. But… I truly am sorry.”
“You… you’re my best friend. So… if you forgive me, I absolutely promise, I’ll never forget anything again! About you, about us! I’ll keep my promise and be the best friend you have! Okay..?” She looked and saw Naanya’s eyes were wide. “Please…”
Naanya stood up, smiling while still crying.
“O-oi, why are you still crying? I apologized, okay? Aren’t you ha--” she was interrupted once again, when Naanya suddenly hugged her.
“Mako… I forgive you… and.. I should be the one apologizing.”
“I kept a secret from you… but, now, I feel like I can finally tell you.”
Naanya held Mako’s face as she stared into her pitch black orbs. Mako felt her chest pounding again as Naanya’s face got closer.
“The truth is, Mako… I love you.”
Naanya closed her eyes, as if waiting for something. Mako knew exactly what.
“Oi… is this for real? Is this really happening?! Zombie, be serious… Do you… really..?”However, Mako’s common sense eventually left, disappeared as the warm feeling in her chest spread. Before she knew it, her lips were closer. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she pressed her lips against Naanya’s. Her lips tasted so sweet, like strawberries. It was entrancing her, the warmth, the strawberry taste, the sound of Naanya’s synchronizing with heart her own. All time had stopped and she forgot everything. All that was left was her and Naanya, and this moment…
“This is like… a dream.”…..
“...sori..! ..Oi, Kamisori! Get up!”
Kamisori woke up in the classroom, her heart still pounding like crazy. She saw her partner in front of her, in her Majijo uniform. She looked at herself and saw she, too, was looking like herself again. She sighed.
“It was a dream. Yokatta~”
“What happened? You were calling my name in your sleep,” Zombie mentioned.
“God, you have no flipping idea, Zombie. I dreamt that you were in love with me.”
“Eh?!” Zombie was shocked. Kamisori laughed in response, making her blush. “D-don’t laugh!”
“Haha, sorry. But, it just shocked me. I was starting to think it wasn’t a dream. Really, though, Zombie in love with me…” she snickered. “Damn, that would be something!”
“Hey, what about me?”
“Would you fall in love with me?”
Kamisori giggled. “Yeah, sure. Now, let’s go home, it’s already late.”
As Kamisori started walking, Zombie gave a soft smile, looking at her friend with longing eyes. She sighed before following her partner as they left the school.
Hope you enjoyed! I take requests, btw! Comments appreciated, as well! :3