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Author Topic: Don't be ashamed when you love me (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 95043 times)

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon> help please!!
« Reply #140 on: September 22, 2012, 03:58:48 PM »
Making them forever alone would be too cruel, mo-chan~ ( xD )
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon> help please!!
« Reply #141 on: September 22, 2012, 04:06:43 PM »
LOL... Yeah I agree with ChuuuPuffss. They didn't do anything wrong so... don't be so mean on them mo-chan~

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon> help please!!
« Reply #142 on: September 22, 2012, 04:55:25 PM »
I guess you're right Chuu-chan , Sayuki-san  :mon sweat:
we will see after the voting as I see being a couple that what's all want  :mon thumb:

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Offline Chanaline

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon> help please!!
« Reply #143 on: December 13, 2012, 10:05:27 PM »
You don't update???? I am getting interesting now and want more!!!

Looking forward if you will update :D !
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon> help please!!
« Reply #144 on: December 14, 2012, 02:46:40 PM »
Jurina is so dense ... can she quickly wake up and have Rena in  her arms? 8)
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon> help please!!
« Reply #145 on: December 17, 2012, 11:28:31 PM »
Chpater 14 : Holiday Part 4

As like we left our two heros , Jurina was crying on Rena’s chese.  But Some ones shouting their name made then broke the hug.

“Jun-kuuun!!... Rena-chaaan!!”

“ Jurina I think Non-chan and the others is searching for us let’s go they are waiting for us” Rena wanted to get up but a hand stopped her

“I don’t want them to see me like this” Jurina said looking down

Jurina still crying and trembling . Rena understood that Jurina wasn’t not totally calmed . She didn’t want to show this side of her .

Rena too she didn’t others know

this other side of Jurina which is the real Jurina not the cool and the handsome Jun that all know.

“okey we will leave by the enters door no one will see us let’s go” Rena took Jurina’s hand and they did what Rena said and they go back to the hotel.

<><>inside the haunted house<><>

“Jun-kuuun!!... Rena-chaaan!!”

“I think they are not here Onee-chaaaan Jun-kun!!!”

“you’re right aah it’s Churi and Airin” Kumi said and walked to the two other girl

“Churi did you see Jun-kun and Rena-chan?” Kumi asked

“ no we didn’t  right Airin?” Churi kept looking to the nervous girl

“ y-yes” Airi said and looked down

“ Airin? You call Airin by her nickname when did you become close you two!?” Kumi asked

“ it’s a secret” Churi said smiling and walk away

“ eeeh whyyy”

“ hehe”

“ don’t say hehe tell me !! Churi wait!!” Kumi said following her friend

Airi sigh and started walking with them but still her face was still looking down

“ you are ok Airin-san?” Asked Kanon with a worried face

“ y-yes don’t worry I’m ok” Airi said and smiled a weak smile

<><>in the hotel<><>

Jurina was staring at nothing out the window for a long time. She was thinking. Thinking of herself. Thinking of her life.

Thinking of the sacrifice she is doing for her one life. Thinking if it was right or bad . Thinking if she can give up or not.

If she obliged or not . If it was right if she is developing feelings for Rena even she loved Churi from a long time. She

Slightly gasped at her sudden retreat of her daydreaming by the sound of the door.It was Rena she come back from bath.

“ I’m sorry Jurina that you can’t take a bath today” Rena said trying to day her hair

“ don’t say I’m sorry it’s not your fault”

“ but I think I should talk to Yuki-san or Mayu-san they may help us”

“ no don’t disturb them”

“ ok but I really didn’t know that our school trip will saty at this hotel what a coincidence”

“ yes they are stay this day here and they’ll go to Kyoto tomorrow”

“eem yes ... eeh what a stupid I am they are staying here and what are we going to do if some classmates comes?!”

“what do you mean Rena-chan?”

“ I mean that they will know that we reserved the same room they will think so much”

“ to think about it our school student are back they are now” Jurina said pinting to the window

“ eeeh what should we do Jurina!!?”

“ you like the game of hide and seek?” Jurina got up and asked Rena smiling

“eh what!?”

“ let’s go” Jurina took Rena’s hand and they got out of the room running

“ aah I saw Jun-kun! Jun-kun wait!!” a girl shouted

“ It’s not good they found you!”

“ where should we go Rena-chan I’m really not in the mood I only want to stay with you”

“ look there a door” Rena opened the door and the two get in . It was a small room with

 a table of four person and a cupboard.It was a room for the employease of the hotel.

“ I think will be safe here”

“ yeah you’re ri-“ Jurina couldn’t finish what she wanted to say and Rena put her hand on Jurina’s mouth.

“ where did Jun-kun go?”

“ I’m still searching”

“let’s go to this side”

 Jurina was blushing Rena’s face so close of hers. When Rena realized it she fast let hand from Jurina’s mouth ans looked other way.

“I-I think there are gone”

“ y-yes “

A  silence hitted the room only broked after hearing some voice from out side. The two Matsuis paniced

and they go hide in the cupboard. It had some empty buttons that you can see what happen in the room.

The door opened it was Yuki and Mayu.

“why you are so lazy you said you will help me” Yuki said pouting

“I can’t help it feeling a sleep as like I say alway-“

“yes I know you don’t need to say it that reading manga is the only activity you like and can do”

“ you don’t need to be this rood with me” Mayu said sadly

“ I’m sorry Mayu I didn’t want to be mean I’m really tired these days I’m kinda stressed”

“ I think I have an idea “ Mayu said smirking

“ an idea!?” Yuki wondered

They stared at each other for a bit. Yuki’s face turned red.

“ no not here!!”

“ why not?? And we didn’t do nothing from we come here”

“ no Mayu here all know us we can’t...”

Mayu's eyes darted from Yuki's eyes to her lips.Yuki, acting on instinct, also moved forward and once both their lips met.

 The kiss was simple at first but fast it become bolder. She pulled away and roughly unbuttoned Yuki's shirt while placing kisses on Yuki's neck.

<><>in the room which is reserved for girl’s school<><>

“I wonder did they go those two?”

“ don’t worry Kumi-san if Yuki-san said that she saw Jun-kun with Rena then it’s ok”

“ but Churi and you Airin what do you think?”

Kumi asked them but no one answered . Churi were and Airin thinking and they looked worry.

“ I think we should leave them alone Kumi-san” Kanon said

“ euum”

<><>Churi’s PVO<><>

“why and when did Jun-kun and Rena become this close?

Why Jun-kun wouldn’t never show me this side of his personality.

And why Rena she calling Jun-kun Jurina I think I have to discover it!

<><>Airin’s PVO<><>

Why Rena-san is always so kind with this Jun . And why they this close to hug each other.

I loved Rena-san long time ago and I know the good and the bad for her.

 I want what she likes and what she hates. I know everything about her.

Why Churi-san wanted me to do it anyway. But I kinda this she is right.

“ there there it’s ok now Jurina” Rena said stroking softly Jurina’s hair

“ why you leave me alone... you said that you’ll be always by my side” Jurina hugged Rena more closer still crying

“It’s ok Jurina I’m here”

“Jurina?...” thought Airin and Churi who was watching the Wmatsui

“Jun-kuuun!!... Rena-chaaan!!”

“ Jurina I think Non-chan and the others is searching for us let’s go they are waiting for us” Rena wanted to get up but a hand stopped her

“I don’t want them to see me like this” Jurina said looking down

“okey we will leave by the enters door no one will see us let’s go” Rena took Jurina’s hand and they walked away.

“listen Airin I think what we saw now I think we should keep for us don’t tell anyone about it”

“ but I think we should get an eplaination for what we saw now !!”

“ I think we should stay quiat if they wanted to tell us the should told us from long time I think there is something we don’t know”

<><>end of flashback<><>

More than half hour passed.

Jurina and Rena still blocked in the armoir they were really hot all red about they saw and heard.

“Huff… huff… “

 All you can hear nothing but panting and moaning.

“M-Mayu stop”

 “You know you don’t actually want me to stop, Yuki. I know you like it!”

“Mayu! Please stop!”

Someone seemed to be knocking on the door.

“ Yuki? You’re here?”

“ oh crap it’s my mom damn you Mayu!” Yuki said in a low voice Mayu only  brought out her tongue

“ yeees mom”

“ If you want your and your friend’s dinner is ready” The mom said

“ okey mom we’re coming”

“ don’t worry Yuki your mom went back to the kichen”

“ don’t talk calmly like nothing happened they almost found about us!!”

“ but it relaxed you right?” Mayu said smirking

“ eeum I can’t lie it did “ Yuki said blushing

 “ hehe let’s go I’m hungry”

“ um let’s go”

After the Mayuki left the room the Wmatsui get out of the armoir they breathing heavly and blushing hardly.

“ I-I didn’t know that those two had this kind of relationship”

“m-me too”

“ I-I think it’s time to go back to sleep”

“ I-I think you’re right”

“ l-let’s go”


But when Jurina tried to open the door it seemed it was locked with a key.

“it’s locked!”
@Chanaline: I updated now :D I'm happy it interesting you I think it's because of Mayuki  :P
@DC2805: I'm with you Jurina is so danse  :smhid

mo-chaaaaan deeeeesu  :on woohoo: I'm back with a new chapter  :on gay:
I'm sorry I took so long time to update and sorry if it's short  :badluck:
I hope you will like it see you soon comment please  :fainted:
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 03:51:34 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me<Wmatsui;Mayuki>Chpater 14 : Holiday Part 4
« Reply #146 on: December 18, 2012, 01:06:13 AM »
woah Mayuki is hot!!!

Offline matsuru

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me<Wmatsui;Mayuki>Chpater 14 : Holiday Part 4
« Reply #147 on: December 18, 2012, 02:07:50 AM »
wow hoooot!!

Now wmatsui locked in the same room! can't be patient to know what happened next XD

thank you for update
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me<Wmatsui;Mayuki>Chpater 14 : Holiday Part 4
« Reply #148 on: December 18, 2012, 03:04:05 AM »
Omg! Update! I'm not dreaming *.* thank you so much, mo-chan*.* I love this fic o/

It was awesome! Rena and Jurina were so cute! And MaYuki were so hot!

What is gonna happen now that they are locked inside? ><

Hehhua Churi and Airin suspects them now, but Airin was so understandable ;.;

Thank you! I hope you are in high spirits to write o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me<Wmatsui;Mayuki>Chpater 14 : Holiday Part 4
« Reply #149 on: December 18, 2012, 02:34:25 PM »
What to do if you are being locked in a small room during bedtime?  :roll:

Suggestion to WMatsui: Can try to reenact what happened to Mayuki earlier on. According to Mayu, it will help you to relax. lol.  :lol:

Just kidding...  :P2
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My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me<Wmatsui;Mayuki>Chpater 14 : Holiday Part 4
« Reply #150 on: December 18, 2012, 06:45:05 PM »
Whoa Mayuki is hot, this chapter was funny, I really like your fanfic mo-chan.
I can't wait for the next chapter  :w00t:

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me<Wmatsui;Mayuki>Chpater 14 : Holiday Part 4
« Reply #151 on: December 19, 2012, 02:45:18 PM »
What are you saying about??? It is not just for Mayuki... Yes, you right at the first time I was just read the Mayuki part (when you update the chapter with mayuki). But after a few weeks, I don't know why. I become a WMatsui shipper :P, and then I started to read you fanfic which is really interresting :thumbup

Aaaah this chapter... Churi is really weird for me, she don't accept Jurina's feeling and now she gets jealous!! :smhid Ummm...

Ohhh! I love Airin,she really loves Rena!! :love:

Wouaaaaah! Mayuki scene is so hot (in my imagination...) :bleed eyes:

WMatsui locked in the room where Mayuki do some hot things... It will give weir idea to Jurina (heheheheheheheh) :lol:

Oh no... You active my hentai mode... :shakeit:
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i like your story very much. :twothumbs

such a sweet love going on between them. :wub:

hmm..what will happen to jurina and rena in that room. :?

i will waiting for your next update. :D

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O____O!!!!! This gets more and more interesting!!!!
What will happen now!?!?!?  9____9 I need to know!!
I will wait for the next chapter   >w<

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[ mo-chan's Fanfics ] She ran away from me | Chapter 1
« Reply #154 on: February 03, 2013, 03:16:13 PM »
She ran away from me

Chapter 1

“I love you. I have loved you from a long time.”
“Sure let’s go out then.” The moment I replied, just as we got together, she ran away from me leaving me honestly confused. I’m Matsui Jurina, only a first year in high school yet I’m already the popular girl amongst everyone. They call me the kissing monster due to how much I kiss all the cute girls even though I only date guys. Among my generation, I bet that I'd be highly ranked on the number of love confessions I've received and the number of people I've dated. However the most extraordinary thing about me is that I still haven’t met someone that I could be so serious with that I would tell people that we are lovers, no matter who it was.
Three days passed after my meeting with the girl who ran away. I'm still thinking about her. I was still baffled by the time that she left me on my own. That was the first time a girl ever told me she was in love with me. It was also the first time someone ran away after I agreed to go out with them.
It was another boring day at school. I made my way to class. The classroom was noisy. Everyone was talking; some girls were putting on make-up. Other guys were joking between themselves. I walked to my desk. I put my bag on the floor. I sat on my chair and I put my head on my table. “Yo! Yuria peace~” I was very bored I didn’t want to talk so I just waved my hand to her not even bothering to look at her.  “You’re so mean Jurina-chan~” I really don’t like it when Yuria starts making the innocent face, it creeped me out. “Yuria you’re tiresome you don’t see that Jurina is bothered about something?” without realizing a sigh escaped from my mouth. “You ok Jurina?” Yuria hugged Kumi from behind “maybe your x boyfriend did something to her” Kumi was surprised. “Maybe it’s because I went out with this guy for only two weeks.”
“What you dumped this one again I don’t remember his name” Yuria was only grinning I don’t know why she was looking at me like that but I was sure about one thing. I didn’t like it
“He is a senior, the captain of the basketball team. This time it took only twelve days to dump him poor him” Kumi took a chair and sat next to me. "It must be awful for the guys that like you" Kumi said shaking her head. Yuria was only nodding like a little dog with her master. I let another sigh “We’re not going to discuss it again Kumin” I said to her turning my head to the other side. "But if you're going out with a guy that makes you lovers right?" I frowned I didn’t like to repeat things I said “No we're more than friends but less than lovers. Well I don-”
 “I don't know anything about them in the beginning and it would be rude to just turn them down without trying to get to know them. There's a chance I'll fall in love with them so I go out with them first and then give them an answer.” Yuria cut in, imitating my voice. I didn’t know that I took so much time to explain my thoughts it’s kind of boring so I couldn’t help myself and I started laughing. “Mission accomplished!!” My two friends said at the same time then they high fived each other. I only smiled to them they were only worried about me so that it reassured them “There is nothing serious it’s just a girl confessed to me and when I said it’s fine that we can go out. She ran away” Kumi put her hands on my shoulders and squeezed them. “Jurina you scared her I told you it’s not a good idea to go out with her like that. Girls aren’t like guys” She took Yuria closer to her and she put her arm around the girl’s neck “You should look at me and Yuria” I shook my hand to the two side “No no no I don’t want us to be called The stupid couple like you” “what!? I’m not stupid!!” Kumi kept protesting, fighting and telling Yuria that she is not dumb. “No!! Kumin is the most stupid one of us!!” At least Yuria didn’t deny the fact that she was stupid, unlike Kumi.
After school I ended up to going to the place where that girl confessed to me. I still didn’t know why I still wanted to meet her again even after she ran away. Maybe I won’t meet her. Maybe she doesn’t want to see me. Maybe she is embarrassed and she can’t face me. When arrived at the park where I met her for the first time I saw that she was there. I felt really happy to find her here. She was sitting on a bench reading a book. I walked up to her; she didn’t seem to notice my presence. “I figured I would run into you if I came here" When she saw me her face turned all red and she tried to escape again but this time I didn’t let her and I put myself in her way. "Before you run off this time at least tell me why you ran away before" With my gentle way of talking she calmed herself a bit and sat on the bench again. I followed her and sat next to her. "First I want to apologize for what I did the other time. I thought you would turn me down so I was surprised when you said yes..." She was an extremely shy girl. I think I understand. "But Matsui-san doesn't it repulse you to know a girl is in love with you..." She spoke to me as she was looking down. Now I fully understand why she is like this.  "Love doesn't depend on gender. If you love someone what does it matter if they are a guy or a girl? It's just that I don't know anything about you so I want to go out with you before I give you an answer. That is if you don’t mind of course…." She nodded to me and I smiled to her. "I want to know your name" "Matsui Rena"

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 04:22:27 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Re: [ mo-chan's Fanfics ] She ran away from me | Chapter 1
« Reply #155 on: February 03, 2013, 03:31:31 PM »
@kahem and @matsuru : yeah I wanted to make a special sorry you have to wait a little more
@Bbsis: yeah I updated I'm not dead dont worry XD wait a little more for DBAWYLM I wrote this chapter a while ago and thanks for nori who did the proofeading
@Juribait : It really so hard to make a hot scene and I love you too :P
 @DC2805 : thanks for the advice :P
 @gekiragakuen and @wsama : thank you.I think you have to wait a little more
    @Chanaline : thank you for reading all my fic sorry cause I ll make you wait more Chana-chan :P
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 06:11:11 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: [ mo-chan's Fanfics ] She ran away from me | Chapter 1
« Reply #156 on: February 03, 2013, 03:45:59 PM »
I want to know the next chapter!!!! Rena shy... Kawaiiiiiiiii :wub:

And it is okay I can wait. As I am a writer too I know how it is difficult to keep them ongoing...
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: [ mo-chan's Fanfics ] She ran away from me | Chapter 1
« Reply #157 on: February 03, 2013, 04:36:49 PM »
hope you won't stop writing the other fanfic  :grin:

Rena ran away because she doesn't know how to handle the situation. I can fully understand that. And hope Jurina will be serious about her.
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My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: [ mo-chan's Fanfics ] She ran away from me | Chapter 2 | End |
« Reply #158 on: February 16, 2013, 12:34:30 PM »
Here I'm back again to end this short fic. As like I said I wrote it a long time ago and I think it's really boring and simple story  :nervous Thanks again to nori who did the proofreading  :D
@Chanaline: It makes me really happy to see you comment in this boring fic Chana-chan  :cathappy: Yeah my fics ongoing are really not easy and to find good ideas need a long time  :sweatdrop:
@DC2805: don't worry I'm working on the other fic I won't stop  :cathappy:

Chapter 2

I stayed next to her on the bench and I tried to explain to her what I thought

"I don't know anything about you. So I want to go out with you before I can give you a proper answer. That's if you don't mind." I looked at her, she sounded really nervous and hesitant then she looked at me.

“Are you sure?” I nodded to her in return.

"I'm Matsui Rena." 

“Wow! We have same last name!” I was surprised when she told me about it.

“Un! It’s what I thought when I learnt your full name too.” I smirked when she made it sound like she did her proper investigation about me or is just that I’m really that popular?

"We go to different schools but I always see you on my way in and when I’m going back to home.” She paused a bit and continued.

"The atmosphere around you was always different. You always looked so good so adorable” I blushed at her words. When she realized what she was saying she instantly turned into a tomato. It was really …

“I think you are definitely cuter than me Rena-chan” She turned her face to other side. I can see her blushing again

“T-Thank you I'm flattered” I stand up and faced her with a smile.

“By the way Rena-chan you can call me Jurina since we have the same last name it’s a bit confusing
right?” She was looking down at the ground again. Seriously, she must be the shiest person on the planet. Her angelic face had a cute innocent look to it. I felt my heart warm up and I started blushing.

“Jurina is everything ok?” She asked, worrying about me. It made me really happy, what’s wrong with me?

“No I’m fine by the way I know a good restaurant let's go get snack there we will talk some more.” She stood up to follow me and I instantly took her hand. We are just holding hands but I think I can feel Rena-chan's heat pounding. It's the first time that holding someone's hand has gotten me like this.

It’s been two weeks since Rena-chan and I have started going out. I was waiting for her in a café near her school. Being with Rena-chan is so much fun; even waiting for her is fun. Here she comes, I’m very happy she made it today I’m going to have more fun. “Over here Rena-chan!” I shouted to her happily. She walked and she sat in front of me.

Like I said being with Rena-chan is interesting but today she was silent. I was the only one talking and she was nodding to me instead of properly replying. I know that Rena-chan is shy and isn’t normally that talkative but this day she wasn’t normal. After we finished eating, I decided to walk her home.

When we arrived at the park I met her for the first time. I felt that I had to say something. I couldn’t let this moment pass. I stopped walking. After two steps she realized I wasn’t next to her so she looked at me “Is something wrong Rena-chan? You haven't said a word all day.” At my question she turned her back to me.

"Did you tell someone that we're going out?”

“Eh? Oh yeah someone asked me out so I told him I was already with someone why do you ask?” She looked at me sadly like I did something wrong and she asked me again

“Did you tell him it was a girl? Did you mention my name?” I was feeling angry and sad at the same time

"He asked me so I told him the truth that we're going ou-" She interrupted me and she started yelling

“It's the truth but we're both girls you should have just dodged his questions! Why did you have to tell him about us??” I was really angry about how Rena-chan reacted and I was sad because it was from her. I tried to calm myself and took a deep breath.

“I don't see any reason to dodge people’s questions about us." She turned her head to the other side she closed her eyes and she put her thumb on her cheek.

“But I know we're just dating right now and we don't know if it will get serious or not.” She looked at my eyes with a look full of sadness. “I'll be really hurt when you end up turning me down!”

"So that's why you want to keep our relationship secret? I don't want to! We didn't do anything wrong or to be ashamed of!”

"B-But there are people around us who will be prejudiced against us!” I couldn’t take it anymore I wanted to tell her what I thought of all this and stared at her indifferently.

“Aren't you even more prejudiced than they are?” She was really surprised when I said it to her but I was not going to give up

"I don't understand what you're trying to say Rena-chan. I have my cousin Yuko-san and she has a girlfriend and I have my two best friends who are lovers even though they are both girls. They couldn't care less about what other people think and they don't hide their relationships. I want to be open about the one I love no matter what!” Wait what I’m saying now the one I love?? I even surprised myself with how passionate I was about it.

“I’m going to move out…” Eh!? Wait what!! “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner” I was really surprised it was so sudden

“When? Where?”

“In 48 days to Tokyo. I got a scholarship.” I finally understand everything

"So if I dump you this will all work out just the way you planned?” So that's why she knew it wouldn't work out...

“I’m sorry… Thank you for challenging me and goodbye.” She murmured her final words before walking away. Is it just going to end like this? I refused to accept this. I yanked her arm to turn her round to face me. She was crying. Yes crying. Why was she doing this if she was going to cry?
"I would never have the courage to tell you how I felt about you. But when I did I just ran away like an idiot. I never thought you'd actually agree to go out with me I w-" Suddenly she stops talking but not out of her choice. My lips were preventing hers from moving by locking them up with a kiss. After a few seconds I broke away and looked into her eyes.

“I have no intentions of letting you get away.” We were blushing so hard without breaking contact. Even if she is going to Tokyo, we would work something out. As you know they always say that “Love will find a way.”

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: [ mo-chan's Fanfics ] She ran away from me | Chapter 2 | End |
« Reply #159 on: February 16, 2013, 03:54:36 PM »
Wouahaha!! It was a cute end :heart:

But Rena seems to be a stalker :lol:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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