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Author Topic: Graduation [Takamina-centric] - COMPLETE  (Read 16810 times)

Offline MisakiShishido

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Graduation [Takamina-centric] - COMPLETE
« on: December 08, 2014, 11:40:13 PM »
Hello everyone! MisakiShishido here.  :welcome

So...... this is my first post ever in the forum. There's really mild AtsuMina and TakaYuu in the first chapter and I'm working on the second one too. Yes this is a.... Two-Shot? Is that what it's called?

As I'm quite new to this forum, forgive me if there are horrible technical issues with regards to my fanfic. Oh! And do drop a comment so I know what I should be improving and what I could use in terms of technical things like italics, bolds etc. to liven up my fanfic.

Till then, please enjoy! This is really just me pouring out my feelings in regards to today's sudden announcement by Takahashi Minami so...... yeah.

Graduation - Part I


Once a member of the 48 group has decided to call it quits due to various circumstances, be it to pursue an acting career, studies and so on, they would have to announce their graduation from the group. It seems like a very easy thing to do after seeing members from various other groups, even Kenkyuusei to just suddenly announce their graduation. But deep inside, despite feeling happiness and relief, we feel the pain too.

The pain of leaving all our friends. The pain of seeing all our fans sad instead of being happy for us.

If anything, I have been thinking about it even more than ever after that Mechaike Episode that aired just yesterday. I did tell the hosts that I have been practicing on how to deliver my announcement albeit rather quietly while they explained what the programme was about. And during the course of the prank, seeing everyone’s reactions towards my fake scandal and how I literally poured my feelings into my acting, it somehow made it clearer what I should do next.

As much as I have been happy to be with AKB48 till today as both captain of Team A and as the Soukantoku for the whole 48 group, everything has changed since the beginning. To the point I often ask myself, “why am I still here?” And at long last, I have made my decision. It’s time to move on, and allow the next generation to take the reins of this ever-growing idol group.

“Tomorrow’s AKB48’s ninth anniversary… huh…” I said to myself, pulling a pillow towards my chest, hugging it tightly with my face buried in it for a moment before tilting my head to the left to let out a deep sigh.

I looked towards my bedside table to see the time on my digital clock. It was five minutes to nine in the evening. I tossed the pillow that I was holding onto aside and leapt out of my bed. Stretching for a short moment, I changed into an outfit that was suited for the cold weather outside and took my phone before heading out into the cold night.

“What the heck am I doing…?” I questioned myself, locking the door behind me as I stepped out to the pavement right outside my house. The barking sounds of dogs resounded throughout the neighbourhood as I walked aimlessly away from my house, checking my cellphone. I scrolled through my contacts, and found the person I really felt like talking to at the moment.

Honestly, we aren’t friends. We aren’t even that close. Everyone just thinks we're close because of our similar height and at one point, our similar-looking faces... though, Yuko is still taller than me, which ticks me off at times. But after Atsuko’s graduation, she and I gradually got closer and instead of calling each other a ‘friend’, we came up with a better term.


Yes. We were and will always be comrades. I attempted to make her my best friend but I guess I got shot down right in the face at her send-off back at the theatre in June. It’s funny really. I can’t believe within such a short duration of time, I have earnestly trusted my back on someone whom I never really talked a lot with.

I clicked on her name and heard the dial-up tone, hoping she’d at least pick up the phone and that I wasn’t bothering her.

“Takamina~? Is that you? You don’t usually call me at this hour of the night. What’s up?”

Haha. Energetic as always, that squirrel comrade of mine.

“Hey Yuko. I… kinda wanna talk to you right now. You free…? Can I visit you?”

“Hmm? To the point of visiting me personally? Must be serious~… I actually have a guest here now but if it’s you, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind~” She ended her sentence with a chuckle.

I’m guessing it was probably her own personal friend but if she really doesn’t mind…

"Yeah. It’s kinda serious. And… if your friend’s someone I don’t know—"

She cut me off with a laugh, “Oh just come over Bakamina!” And with that, she hung up on me, leaving me dumbfounded, twitching my eyebrow as I stared blankly at my phone. I let out a sigh and dragged myself to Yuko’s residence.

Once there, I rang the bell, only to be welcomed by someone unexpected who practically leapt onto me, causing us both to fall back onto the cold, hard surface.

“Takamina~ I missed you~”

A sweet smelling aroma from her long, jet-black hair filled my nostrils, making me smile unconsciously as I tried to lift us both up while she was still hugging onto my waist.

“A-Atsuko…” I called out to her and she lifted her face to see mine in the dim light right outside of Yuko’s house. Our faces were inches away and I could feel her hot breath on my face when Yuko snapped me out of it.

“Hey hey, I didn’t ask you to welcome her just so you could start making out with her outside of my house Acchan,” Yuko crossed her arms and gave a mischievous grin after blurting that out rather loudly, causing me to literally jump up while pulling Atsuko to stand up properly, in which she didn’t really react much but just displayed a giddy look on her face. I could feel the temperature of my face rising on the other hand. Stupid Yuko.

The curly-haired brunette then gestured us to enter her house and so we did. It has been quite some time since I visited Yuko’s house. It’s a really simple semi-detached house that has a really homely feel.

“Make yourself at home, Takamina. I’m gonna go make some hot chocolate for all of us so we can warm ourselves up yeah?” And off she went into the kitchen.

Atsuko, on the other hand, gestured me to sit with her on the sofa and when I did, she wrapped her arms around my left arm and placed her head on my shoulder. As much as I feel like I’m tensing up right now, it’s been really quite some time since I’ve felt Atsuko so close. It’s a really nostalgic feeling, and not to mention, it feels like it’s warming up my heart.

“So what was it you wanted to discuss about with Yuko, Takamina?” She lifted her head off my shoulder, arms still wrapped onto my left arm.
It was hard for me to look at her straight into the eye nowadays since we haven’t been hanging out recently other than for the sake of the MV of the ‘Kibouteki Refrain’ single, so I averted her gaze and looked at where Yuko was, “Umm… well…”

I could feel her grip tightening slightly, “What is it??”

“… ation…”


“I said… I wanted to talk about my graduation announcement!”

Atsuko was now staring at me, mouth agape and her arms slowly loosening themselves from my arm. I heard clattering sounds from the kitchen too. Seems like they’re both surprised. Yuko came out from the kitchen, handing over two cups of hot chocolate for Atsuko and myself before sitting on the sofa opposite of the both of us with a face of relief.

Wait… relief? I looked at Atsuko and she had the exact same look as Yuko now.

After taking a sip from her hot chocolate, Yuko begun to speak, “Finally you’ve decided on graduating eh?” She shrugged with a smile, “Honestly… if you continue on and on in AKB48 until even NyanNyan and Mii-chan both leave, Atsuko and I are so~ gonna storm into the theatre one day and help you announce your graduation in front of the visitors.” A grin now formed on the squirrel’s face.

“Yuko and I were actually just discussing about you,” she put down her drink onto the table in front of us and clasped one of my free hands, “If you don’t announce any time soon, we’ll confront Akimoto-sensei on your behalf!”

Yuko continued right after, “And it’s all because you look like you’re getting your energy sapped out of your life every single day, being a Soukantoku and captain and all. Plus the news about your crazy weight or something. Gosh, before you take care of such a huge group, you should take care of yourself more Bakamina,” she ended her lecture with an annoyed look on her face.

I couldn’t help but smile at what they had just said. They were really worried about me and about my health. Sure… I’ve probably been overworking as the roles given to me… but it was for the future… so… “You guys…” I said softly, tightening my hold on the handle of the mug. I could feel tears forming in my eyes now… why the heck am I such a crybaby…

“Taka… mina…?” Atsuko called out to me as my tears uncontrollably rolled down to my cheeks and quickly, I looked down at the warm hot chocolate right below me. I could hear a sigh from Yuko and Atsuko was already patting my back softly as I tried to control my tears.

“Man… you’re really a crazy crying midget.”

“Yuko! Don’t say that…”

How long has it been since Atsuko last defended me from any bullying I wonder… it felt… really nice. Wait wait. What’s with me today? Seriously… I should meet up with Atsuko more often, then I wouldn’t have weird thoughts like--

“So when?”

I looked up at Yuko who cut my trail of thoughts and surprisingly had an aura of seriousness now, sobbing while she speaks.

“When are you going to announce your graduation?”

“… T-Tomorrow… I’m going… to announce it… tomorrow. At the… anniversary performance…” I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces as I told her my plans. I hope this isn’t how the members and fans of mine will feel tomorrow…

“I wished I could be there to see you Takamina but I have work to do unfortunately…” Atsuko wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to her to calm me down while I shook my head as a gesture saying ‘it’s okay’.

“I, on the other hand, will be visiting the theatre. I’m free. Plus, I already had it planned to visit everyone on the ninth anniversary,” Yuko gestured a thumbs up and a bright smile, “So you’d better impress me with your Soukantoku-like speech yeah, Takamina! And don’t screw up on your announcement okay?!”

Her words may have been kind of crude, but she was just saying it in a manner that was natural to her to ease the tension and stress that I’m facing, with the intention of encouraging me. She should know how hard it was to just blurt out ‘I will graduate from AKB48’ without a blink as she just graduated recently. Same goes to Atsuko, who had graduated two years ago.

“Y-Yeah. I’ll try my best…!” After saying that, I immediately attempted to chug down the hot chocolate out of emotional impulse, only resulting to me burning my tongue and probably my throat in the process. Atsuko literally jumped out from her seat, eyes widening in panic, as she saw me jumping around like a lunatic, fanning at my mouth in hopes it will ease the burn. Yuko quickly dashed into the kitchen to get me a cup of water, yelling at me for being an overly emotional idiot.

It’s funny really. To think that we three make up the pillars of AKB48. Three goofballs like us who have experienced the rough times in AKB48 in order for the new generation to savour our hardwork that had come into fruition with time. Guess when it comes down to business, we really do act our part huh. To me, Atsuko and Yuko are like my own personal pillars, lifting me up when things seem impossible which has enabled me to persevere in AKB48 till today. No matter how much I thank them, I don’t think it’ll ever be enough.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 09:55:46 PM by MisakiShishido »

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2014, 12:36:10 AM »
Takamina is my oshi ....
Thank you for this story. Today's date will be remembered in the history of AKB.

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2014, 12:45:04 AM »
Thank you very much for reading  :)

Offline River1721

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2014, 01:08:36 AM »
Thank you for this so much :thumbsup
It's really great and the part where Takamina nearly burned her tongue was funny.  :lol:
To think that we three make up the pillars of AKB48. Three goofballs like us who have experienced the rough times in AKB48 in order for the new generation to savour our hardwork that had come into fruition with time.
Time went by pretty fast, since Yuko's graduation. At least Takamina's graduation is a year from now, plus Yui's birthday :nervous
Once again Thank you And can't wait for more of your works  :twothumbs

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2014, 03:51:20 AM »
Second and final chapter's up! Sorry if it feels kind of rushed. Just typed down whatever I felt at the moment of typing.  :nervous

Please enjoy nonetheless!  :)

Graduation - Part II (Final)

I could feel the bright, morning light shining through the gaps on the window blinds beside my bed right on my face. The warmth of the sunlight woke me up as I squinted my eyes to slowly adapt to the surroundings of my room. It was the beginning of a new day.

The 8th of December, 2014.

The day that AKB48 celebrates its 9th Anniversary and also…

The day that I, Takahashi Minami, decided to announce my graduation.

After I had lifted myself from a sleeping position, I placed both hands on my face with my arms being supported by my thighs while arching slightly, thinking about how everything will turn out being today. Flashbacks of my nine years of service in AKB48 flashed through my mind like a video reel and I was nearly brought to tears until I heard my cellphone vibrate.

The caller ID stated it was Minegishi Minami who called me. A person who I truly think of as a sister who shares the same first name as I do, and a best friend who has been there for me whenever I broke down. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that I would graduate today but surely, she’s ready for my sudden announcement… right?

“Mii-chan…?” I said groggily, yawning right after.

“Takamina, NyanNyan and I are coming over to your place now. You ready? We’re supposed to go to the theatre together right?”

Oh right… I forgot. I texted them before I slept last night, telling them it’d be a cool idea for the last three people of the First Generation of AKB48 to enter the theatre together to rehearse for the 9th Anniversary tonight… Just great, I’m not out of bed. Let alone close to being prepared.

“Mmm… mmm,” is all I said while rubbing the back of my neck in a lazy manner.

“We’ll be there in 5 minutes. See ya later.”

Mii-chan held up right after that. I got out of bed and got myself ready. While looking at myself in the mirror, my heart started beating fast. Yes. I, Takahashi Minami, Soukantoku of the 48 Group and Captain of Team A, was actually nervous for practice. It has been so long since I’ve felt this sensation.
The last time being when AKB48 was just being started. Looking at my hands, I was shivering. I felt I could collapse at any moment if this continued on.

That was when I heard the doorbell and an airhead shouting, “We’re here to play~” in her usual airheaded, slightly high-pitched voice.
I quickly attended to my two close friends and also unit members who flashed a smile at me once I opened the door for them.

“NyanNyan don’t just go yell like that, seriously…” I groaned but the latter just put her tongue out playfully. Such an airhead.

“So are you going to invite us in Takamina? It’s freezing honestly…” Mii-chan said, followed by a shivering action that made me welcome them in immediately. And the first thing they do is gather by the heater near the entrance, trying to warm themselves up after I had closed the door behind us.

“Ah! Takamina~” NyanNyan called out to me, causing me to turn around to face her when I was about to return to my room to grab my bag, “Yuu-chan told me she’ll be coming to see us perform later on! Thought you should know~” She looks awfully excited. It’s no wonder there are KojiYuu fans out there, whenever NyanNyan talks about Yuko she unconsciously lets out this excited vibe of hers.

I nodded with a smile, “Thanks for letting me know. I’m just going to go grab my bag and we’re leaving okay?” They both nodded in agreement.

Exiting my house and locking the door behind me once again, we head towards our beloved theatre in Akihabara. It sure was chilly with strong wind blowing right at us from time to time unless we went through a covered walkway or something. Since we were properly disguised with the help of our winter wear, it was easy for us to move around freely like this without worrying about paparazzi or accidentally causing a stir in public. Mii-chan suggested we bought breakfast at a nearby convenience store and we did. Bread of different flavours.

It felt like the old days. A group of us would just buy breakfast at a convenience store that would make do for practice sessions till the afternoon, where we would have lunch prepared by the staff members. That was because our dance instructor was really strict, even till now. But since we’re pretty much the ‘older’ members, we get to avoid any long-winded lectures for being late and so on as we’ve been through so much more than the young ones.

Arriving at the theatre, my heart just wouldn’t stop pounding like crazy. It hurts, but at the same time, it was filled with anxiety and weirdly, happiness. Probably because it’s finally our 9th Anniversary. We have done so much just to pave the way to get here. It’s quite a shame that the new generation wouldn’t be able to experience all the pain and suffering we all went through to get here despite they themselves having their fair share of pain and suffering, especially during dance lessons. 

We childishly slammed opened the door, holding our hands together with one another, announcing our arrival with the members who were already there to practice early with their friends both surprised and laughing at the same time. My lips unconsciously formed a smile on its own accord when I see the scene of members being happy and practising hard.

“Morning, Takamina-san!”

Yokoyama Yui greeted me with a bright smile. This girl has so much potential since the day she was promoted to being an actual member. And the fact that I will be passing the baton of a Soukantoku to her, it was hard to greet her without looking weird now.

“H-Hey. Yui,” I’m pretty sure I’m putting up a deadpanned facial expression as of now, because Yui’s moving closer and closer to me with an obvious concerned face. Until I suddenly thought of something to divert her attention for just a moment! Today’s her birthday, isn’t it?!!

“Umm… Takamina-san? Are you--”

“H-Happy birthday, Yui!!!” I exclaimed despite shaking ever so obviously now, while trying to force a smile.

“O-Oh! Thank you Takamina-san…!” Yui thanked me with a wry smile, the other two with me followed suit in wishing her.

“Oi Takamina… you okay? You’re shaking like crazy,” Mii-chan returned her attention to me and voiced out in a concerned manner and nudged my shoulder, gesturing that we were still holding hands. NyanNyan looked worried too. Oh no… I’m making a fool out of myself!

I quickly let go of their hands and bowed at them politely, gesturing I’d like to excuse myself and ran to the dressing room, where my two other Kouhai were.

“Morning Takamina-san,” the cool beauty Yamamoto Sayaka a.k.a. Sayanee greeted me.

“Morning, Takamina-san!!” And then there was the more energetic, center of SKE48, Matsui Jurina.

“O-Oh you two. Morning. Were you both practising?”

They both nodded their heads in unison and then looked at each other for a moment and winked. The next thing I knew, they were bowing down right in front of me.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done, Takamina-san!” Sayanee exclaimed.

“Thank you for your guidance since I was a kid, Takamina-san!” Jurina followed suit.

What’s with them? Wait. Did Yuko or Atsuko leak about my graduation announcement?!

“W-What’s this all of a sudden you two?” I had to ask. This was just weird.

“Well~ Sayanee suggested that we should thank you in person before the rehearsal starts since it IS the 9th Anniversary. Takamina-san has done a bunch of stuff for us, so it’s only right we thank you somehow.” Jurina grinned. As expected of this young, but extremely mature teenager. She’s really been growing up finely, though she does do things over the top at times…

Sayanee nodded, “Yeap. I really wanted to thank you for getting us to where we are now. Probably without you, NMB48 wouldn’t even have been formed!” She laughed heartily. Sayanee’s really coolheaded, and was one of the candidates I had nominated as next Soukantoku… but she would be too busy being Ace of NMB48 and having a dual position as with Jurina here… she’s amazing but overworking her may cause a huge issue… not that I’m saying I won’t overwork Yui but—

“Rehearsal’s starting!!!”

I heard the shout of a staff and quickly gestured the two aces of both SKE48 and NMB48 to quickly get on stage with me. Mii-chan, NyanNyan, Yui and all the rest of the members were already on stage, ready to practice. It’s at these kind of times, I’m really proud to have stayed this long. It’s a view that not many predecessors have seen. Even though I may be behind everyone now, seeing everyone’s backs, acting like a guardian… yeah. I don’t mind that at all.
A staff member called out to me to give a short ‘warm-up’ speech before rehearsals begin.

I know I’m fidgeting in front of everyone now since some young members are shooting questionable gazes at me but eventually I pulled myself together and put on my Soukantoku façade with my handy megaphone in hand to project my voice properly without having to actually shout.

“Morning everyone,” all the members greeted back as usual, “… Umm as you know, today’s our long-awaited 9th Anniversary so everyone, please practice as hard as you can without overworking yourself for tonight! We have to pull ourselves together and perform to the best of our abilities so far tonight, understood?” With an acknowledging shout that resounded throughout the theatre, I gave a fiery punch into the air to lift everyone’s spirits up with the members doing the same with energy.

After rehearsals have ended, everyone rushed to get ready for the main performance. As for me, I approached one of the pillars of the theatre which currently had eight pink stripes. Each stripe symbolizes as a reminder of how many years have gone by, in which in every single anniversary, we put up a new pink stripe to celebrate our hardwork for the year. It’s a nice feeling, since I’ve been putting these pink stripes from the very beginning. It really felt like our hardwork has been rewarded abundantly as each year passes.


A voice called out to me. It was NyanNyan. She seemed a little serious though.

“Yeah?” I looked at her, with a hand placed on one of the pink stripes of the pillar.

“Are you… going to announce something important tonight?”

I was rendered speechless. Did she make a lucky guess? Or did Yuko tell her?! I felt my eyes widening involuntarily and I’m sure NyanNyan caught that but she gave me a smile regardless. A warm smile that implied that everything will be okay.

“It’s alright. You don’t have to tell me. Mii-chan and I will be by your side no matter what. Remember that, okay?”

At that moment, I wanted to burst into tears and embrace NyanNyan while she comforted me but no, I just couldn’t. Not now. Not when the actual performance was about to begin in two hours’ time.

“… T-Thanks… NyanNyan…” I held in my tears, clenching both my fists now while turning my back at her to face the pillar.

She reminded me to get ready soon before walking away. As much as I felt like sitting at a corner, crying myself to sleep right now, I have to really pull myself together to give the best performance anyone has ever seen so far! If I really wanna announce, then I need to do it after a hell of a performance yeah?!

Physically slapping myself and mentally reassuring myself never ever felt so good. I think I’m going insane though.

Before heading on stage, my phone vibrated twice. They were messages from both Atsuko and Yuko, basically telling me to do my best and control my emotions at least till I deliver the final speech of the celebration, as well as my graduation announcement. Another message suddenly popped up, and it was from Akimoto-sensei himself, saying things like “good luck” and asking me once again if I’m sure I was going to announce my graduation from my beloved group.

Other than Atsuko and Yuko, Aki-P was the first person I went to prior to even the Mechaike special prank. He and I discussed about the future of AKB48, and he had also given me the blessing of announcing my graduation with a condition.

That I would stay and bear witness to the 10th Anniversary of AKB48, which was today of next year.

I agreed unconditionally with his terms. If I could improve the group even further and train Yui as the next Soukantoku within one year, I would be satisfied. And would have accomplished my duties in full with no regrets. And on that basis, I replied a simple “yes” to Akimoto-sensei’s message and rushed to lead the team hurdle and a quick motivation speech as always.

Without realising it, the anniversary performance ended in a blink of an eye.

It was time for me to give a speech before putting up a new pink stripe, to commemorate the 9th Anniversary was successfully held. I held the mic firmly in my hand, holding in my emotions at least till the part where I announced that “I, Takahashi Minami, on the 8th of December 2015, will graduate from AKB48”. The fans who attended went “eh?!” and remained silent all the way through my speech, even Yui whom I called out to appoint as the new Soukantoku was at loss of words and only nodded and shook her head whenever I said anything to her, tears appearing glossily on both her cheeks.

But… finally announcing my graduation, brought me a sense of relief… and relaxation. It was like all the stress that I had built up these few days disappeared without a trace. It was like a blast of calmness within me that refreshed my mind. As I hung up the new pink stripe, I mentally pat myself on the back for a job well done as applauses and cheers resounded throughout the theatre. The celebration officially ended when we thanked the attendees and closed the doors.

Member by member started coming up to me, hugging me and apologising for whatever they’ve done while thanking me after the event, bursting into tears which I could understand. I tried comforting them as much as I always have, while relaying the message that everything was going to be alright even if I were to graduate.

“Hey. You did it.”

I turned back, seeing Yuko in glasses and a pleased expression on her face, “Great job out there, Takamina.”

“Yuko I…”

Before I could continue, she pressed both hands rather hardly onto my face with a smirk while I closed my eyes as an involuntary action, “Enough with being sappy for one day Bakamina! It’s over! Time to celebrate today’s extremely successful anniversary!”

Once she let go, I rubbed the area she pressed on with a pout, “Okay okay… sheesh you didn’t have to do that. It hurts!” I groaned at her which the latter just laughed it off.

“Well it’s all because you’re being a ball of emotions—Ah! NyanNyan!” And there she goes to cling onto her beloved NyanNyan who was approaching towards me, followed by Mii-chan. Seriously those two.

“I’m glad you’ve let such a heavy burden off your shoulders, Takamina,” Mii-chan gestured a thumbs up, with an unwavering smile.

NyanNyan, while patting Yuko on the head while the squirrel latched onto her arm like some koala, followed on, “We’re really happy for you Takamina.”

“Thank you so much… you guys…” I started to break down again, wiping my tears with my arm.

“Gosh you’re seriously a ‘tear tank’ or something, Bakamina,” expressed Yuko with NyanNyan retaliating on my behalf while I continued sobbing while smiling at the same time. Yes. They were tears of joy, not sadness.
“Photo-taking time!” A staff suddenly yelled out, asking us to get ready for the commemorative photo-taking of the 9th Anniversary and everyone quickly scrambled into position with Yuko stealthily disappearing from the scene after garnering momentary affection from NyanNyan.

“Come on!” Mii-chan grabbed onto one of my hands.

“Photo time, Takamina!” And NyanNyan on the other.

All the younger members called out to the three of us to get into position with a bright smile on their faces despite tears still apparent on their faces. Sayanee, Yui, Jurina and all the more experienced seniors did the same thing, despite Yui looking like she was going to cry again. As we got into positions, the staff timed us so we could take the photo properly and also mentioned that we should yell out anything we wanted to, making the photo seem very lively instead of it being overly formal.

This view is precious to me. This memory will last in my heart and mind forever.

Yeah. I don’t think I regret announcing my graduation after all. It’s time the next generation took over, and ‘reboot’ AKB48 from how it has always been to something completely different. I’m sure everything is going to be fine. After all…

“I love AKB48!!!!!!”

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2014, 03:54:49 AM »
Time went by pretty fast, since Yuko's graduation. At least Takamina's graduation is a year from now, plus Yui's birthday :nervous
Once again Thank you And can't wait for more of your works  :twothumbs

If I have the time I will do more, but for now, please tune in to the second, and final, chapter! Thanks!!  XD

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2014, 03:15:45 PM »
I dont know, I should be happy or sad. But she did awesome things so far and she deserves to get a great future for herself.
Thx a lot Takamina ! XD

Offline yanki-kun

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2014, 04:14:04 PM »

this gave me the feels.....along with a rockabilly song which i was playing while reading this.
i was gonna cry. but it felt good.
nice work! :lol:

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2014, 05:17:30 PM »
I dont know, I should be happy or sad. But she did awesome things so far and she deserves to get a great future for herself.
Thx a lot Takamina ! XD

Thanks for reading! I wish the same for Takamina as well :D

this gave me the feels.....along with a rockabilly song which i was playing while reading this.
i was gonna cry. but it felt good.
nice work! :lol:

Thank you very much for reading  :) Am happy it gave you feels XD

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2014, 06:11:43 PM »
Thank you author-san for made this wonderful story
Really give the feeling of relieve about her graduation
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2014, 07:33:33 PM »
Thank you author-san for made this wonderful story
Really give the feeling of relieve about her graduation

Thank you very much for reading.

And yes, as much as I was down about her graduation announcement, but I just had to convey the message that graduation ain't a bad thing and we should be happy for the members.  :) So I'm glad you're relieved  :D

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2014, 12:45:39 AM »
Really beautiful.

Offline River1721

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2014, 02:51:27 AM »
It was amazing :twothumbs

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2014, 12:36:17 PM »
Really beautiful.

Glad you liked it   :)

It was amazing :twothumbs

Thank you very much!  :lol:

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2014, 01:26:44 PM »
You did very well, Micchan. :mon cry:

Hope to see more OS from you! :mon inluv:


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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2014, 03:19:43 PM »
You did very well, Micchan. :mon cry:

Hope to see more OS from you! :mon inluv:

Thank you Rine-chan~  :lol:

I'll do my best  ;)

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2014, 03:28:31 PM »
Too good! >w<

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2014, 03:36:15 PM »

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2014, 07:22:21 PM »
Very good graduation OS for takamina...

from her making the decision, seeking support and announcing and the after-effect

Very realistic....

Thank you for the OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: MisakiShishido's 'Graduation' [Takamina-centric]
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2014, 09:16:32 PM »
Very good graduation OS for takamina...

from her making the decision, seeking support and announcing and the after-effect

Very realistic....

Thank you for the OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Haha I wrote this with a sense of realism in mind. Thank you very much for reading!  :)2

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