I put together some really quick, simple wallpapers for anyone who wants to celebrate Gocchin's return with her on their desktop.
1024 x 7681440 x 900
1440 x 900I was reading some comments about her switch to Avex at H!O and someone mentioned that she looks high-budget in the photoshoot and it occured to me that she's probably working with a much, much greater budget than when she was with H!P. It makes me wonder what that will mean for PVs (more than just a lot of dancing, but maybe a story, too?), but then I thought if it is anything like Koda Kumi's PVs, it won't be much different than it was for Maki with H!P. But I'm hoping! She's much more than just a hot dancing body.
Now that she's with Avex, I think she'll be highly successful!
I just hope she gets some control over the material that she releases, I've heard about other artists being unhappy under the label (but coming from UFA and that idol world, she'll probably feel like she has a lot of freedom)
I think that next to UFA's restrictions, any restrictions she has under Avex are going to seem minor... Also, part of the reason she left UFA was to have more control over her career. I can't imagine she would, after that, put herself right back into a position where she has little control.