@Sok thanks for reading! I glad you read it!
@kahem Your wait is over!
I was waiting to at least get THREE comments to post this but I didn't really see that happening so oh well...
I also had this chapter done the same time I finished Chapter 1. Well actually it was originally Chapter 1 as well but it was too long. So I split it into two and made Chapter 2!
Since it's the day after Christmas, I still feel like giving so I'm going to give this chapter two you guys. Better appreciate it! NOW READ!!
Chapter 2: The Rules and Match Ups [by crono1036]It has been several days since the plan to hold the Majisuka Girls High School Top Tournament. All of current-Rappappa was busy doing their part. The school was actually worked up and busy with something other than fighting with each other as they were excited about this event.
Shaku had to fill out a lot of paperwork and have meetings with the principal. Discussions on the prize and budget ensued and apparently the principal was really generous about it, even offered to use her own money to pay for some of the costs.
Youran thought it was tough being a manager of such a large crew as she had to plan and create a ring for the fighting stage. They were originally planned to have it in the gym but luckily the principal revealed to her that there was a huge space underneath the school that used to be used as fighting grounds only meant for the tournament. It had to be cleaned and fixed up; leftover equipment was reused and recycled to create a new stage. All that working and building was very stressing and tiring for Youran and her fan club/crew, it almost made her want to flip tables.
Gekikara hadn’t showed up ever since she left to ‘do something about Maeda’ a couple of days ago.
The Kabuki Sisters were… well nobody really knows but they were doing something… somewhere.
With Team Hormone, they had to serve as Youran’s specialized team. All was going well for them until…
Youran’s eye twitched and her muscles in her hand tensed up, “You mean...” She put down her cup of tea with a loud clack, “we don’t even have participants?! This tournament is happening in 3 days! Even Gekikara called and said she has her part ready. Oh my god, that also means we don’t have a 16th.”
Team Hormone cowered in fear in front of Youran’s desk. It was almost as if they were shrinking in their spots. Team Hormone knew how stressed out Youran was because she had to manage about 50-100 yankee girls who complained a lot about being overworked and about not getting any attention from their idol. Bringing bad news to her was not a good idea especially if it involved Hormone forgetting and not retrieving the old Queens when they were supposed to. Not a very good idea indeed.
“Go…” standing up, she stared down all of them with angry eyes; one could see the killing intent they held, “and FIND THEM!!” She slammed her hands on the desk and pointed at the door. Team Hormone moved quickly and out the door they went, not wasting any more time standing around the boiling mad Youran.
“Ahh! Move it, move it! Hurry before she kills us!” Team Hormone’s scared exclaims can be heard down the stairs. Youran ran back down, trying to calm down. Otabe simply watched, slightly amused.
Team Hormone rushed out of school and off school grounds, they split up, going to different locations.
At the hospital, Sado was hesitant of the idea, “So last minute. Hm… I don’t know. I might have to work that day. I really would like to participate but… I’ll let you know.”
At the supermarket, Black was indifferent as usual as she scanned items at the register, “I don’t mind. Can I bring my baby as well?”
And at the massage parlour, Torigoya was in the middle of massaging a customer. She enthusiastic about it since she would be seeing her friends again, “Sure! I’ll cancel all my appointments on that day!”
And at the department store, Shibuya (who works as a sales rep after she was done with her revenge), agreed whole-heartedly, “If it gives me a chance to beat Maeda, then I’m all for it. It’ll also let me get away from these annoying customers.”
And so, preparations have finally been complete.
The Day of the Tournament (Before the Start)
It came, the day of the tournament. Old-Rappappa was waiting on the benches in the contestant lobby. Luckily Sado was able to make time out of her work schedule to come along. She was especially glad that she was able to take part in Maji High tradition before it was too late. Black was allowed to bring her child along so she kept him strapped to her back and quietly tended to him. Torigoya was playing was entertaining Black’s baby with her feathers. And Shibuya was checking her nails as her leaned on the wall… by herself. All of them were wearing their furry and sukajan jackets (except for Black because her son was wearing it). They all waited patiently for the start.
Youran and Shaku stood in the pathway that leads from the contestant lobby to the ring. Team Hormone stood behind them as they looked out to the audience. Gekikara was still missing, the Kabuki Sisters were practicing their play for one reason or another, and Otabe stood by the wall.
“They’re gathering. Did you manage to get a 16th?” Youran asked the Hormone behind her.
Unagi, Bungee, Akicha, and Mukuchi pushed Wota forward. She tried to push back but it was for naught.
Hesitantly, “W-well… About that…” Wota began slowly. But that didn’t stop Youran from slapping her hand against her forehead.
“Oh god…” she let out a displeased groan, “and Gekikara’s not even back yet.”
Shaku looked at her clipboard which she held to her chest, “Well I think I may have a solution. There’s that one girl and I do think she’s an appropriate contestant. It’s--“
Suddenly, the door off the waiting area was kicked down with fierceness. The cardigan-wearing girl took a step in and another shadowed her’s; she was followed by another girl. All eyes were on her, she was the ‘center’ of attention.
The room looked at her, “Center!” Team Hormone said, identifying the front girl, “and Nezumi!” naming the girl wearing the hoodie behind her.
Youran made a very displeased groan, “What is with you and kicking down doors? Like seriously, and you still haven’t fixed our clubroom door you know. Do you even know how long it took my girls to install a door to that panel? Do you know how hard it was for them to even make a door panel?” Youran complained, clearly annoyed at this point. “I knew we should have gone with tents but no, the tradition book had to have said doors.”
“I’ll be taking that 16th spot. And I’ll be the one to take the center position!” Center shouted loudly, ignoring Youran’s complaints. It’s true that Maeda did give the top position to Center but she technically wasn’t in Rappappa as President since Otabe was president.
Nezumi simply smiled as she chewed her gum, “Center is very determined.”
All of old-Rappappa stared at Center and Nezumi, as if they were examining her. This was the brat that was giving Maeda’s group a hard time? Sado stood up, “I can understand Nezumi being annoying and scheming, but to think that a second-year like you has the guts to stand up to us.
Youran sighed and decided to leave the door as it is. “Center, huh?” Youran smirked, “Well she does have a lot of anger and power, should we add her?”
Shaku nodded, “I’ll call Monitaa and have her added to the list.” She took out her phone and was able to call the control room but echoing steps made her stop.
“It is by its breath
That autumn's leaves of trees and grass
Are wasted and driven.
So they call this mountain wind
The wild one, the destroyer.”A poem was spoken and the room automatically knew who it was. Coming from behind the wall, Choukoku revealed herself dramatically with a card in her hand as she leaned cool against the door frame. “I’ll be taking that spot instead. I still need fight Maeda.”
“Choukoku!” Nezumi and Center were caught off guard.
“Sorry Choukoku but…” Shaku approached the professional fighter, “but pros aren’t allowed to enter. “Shaku showed her the rules in the tradition book.
“What?” Choukoku took the book and read the rule, “’If there is an available space in the tournament, it may be filled with a non-Rappappa member of enough power and yankee soul…’” which mostly fit Choukoku. She continued “’however, the participant must not be a professional. Professionals are exempt from participating.’ Oh come on!” This rule made Choukoku want to flip a table. She wanted to throw the tradition book out a window but she was a professional and she had to play by the rules, even if they were in her favour. She calmed down for the sake of professionalism.
Shaku took the book back and patted her on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, I’m part of Rappappa and even I’m not allowed to enter because I had to take the place of Student Council President.” Shaku tried to console, “and the President can’t take part in it. But I think I have a job for you if you want it, although, it’ll take most or all of my screen time.” Choukoku perked up. “You have a powerful voice right?”
Finally, it began. The Majisuka Girls High School Top Tournament had begun! However, Gekikara and her promised contestants hadn’t showed up yet, but they couldn’t wait any longer without the audience going rampant.
Choukoku walked out into the middle on the fighting stage, with a mic in one hand and the red tradition book in the other. She looked around the audience and noticed that most of them were Maji High students, and some were from different schools, a few of them were actually from Yabakune. Apparently, this is the only time that Yabakune was allowed on Maji High territory, but of course not without consequence, they were carefully watched by Maji High students who acted as security.
Bringing the mic to her mouth, Choukoku took a deep breath, “LADIES…” she looked back and smirked at Youran, “…and gentleman,” she went back to the audience, “Welcome to the Majisuka Girls High School Top Tournament! I’m your MC. Choukoku, professional fighter!”
The audience cheered loudly, screaming the names of the person they want to win. A lot wanted Youran, which made her grin with confidence but it was mostly from the fan club, others wanted Sado, another area wanted Gekikara, and another was for Maeda. It seemed that the only ones who cheered for Team Hormone’s members and Center were Team Fondue and a few second-years. The only person that cheered for Shibuya was Dance.
“Now, without further adieu, let’s get the competitors out here! Come on out!!”
In two single file lines, one being of current-Rappappa members and the other of old plus Center. Everyone was able to feel the aura they gave off, it would almost send a cold breeze down the spine. During the last minute, Gekikara finally ran out and sided with old-Rappappa.
“Where were you?” Black asked when Gekikara came to stand beside her.
The crazy girl rubbed her neck, “I got caught up in trying to get Maeda, but she will be here soon. What about… you-know-who?”
Black shook her head, “Don’t worry about it, it’s being dealt with.” Those two definitely haven’t something going on, but what?
“I’m sure all of you have not heard of this tournament before. That is because it’s been to 25 to 30 years since the last tournament has been held. And because of that,” Choukoku held up a sheet of paper, “we will go over the rules, and remember, these rules are LAW.”
Choukoku cleared her throat then she read the rules:
Rule 1: The matches are a one-on-one, calling of back-up and help is not allowed.
Rule 2: No weapons or tools are permitted during your match. Only your fists, your special abilities, and fighting spirit are the allowed.
Rule 3: Killing is forbidden.
Rule 4: If you are knocked outside the ring, knocked out unconscious, or gives up automatically loses.
Rule 5: If there is an available space in the tournament, it may be filled with someone of enough power and yankee soul. That spot has been filled in by Center.“And because of that last rule, it prevents professionals like me from taking part, so I have become your MC.” Choukoku closes the book; her voice sounded disappointed.
There were questions that were shouted out from the audience to the stage, “I bet some are you wondering why it looks like there are people missing. That’s because our very own jailbird Atsuko Maeda will be taking part, and she will be arriving soon.” That satisfied them and made them excited. “That’s it. Failure to abide by these rules will result in disqualification and a 1 to 2 week detention or suspension. If Rule 3 is broken, it is automatic expulsion.”
“Get on with the fighting!!” Someone yelled out loudly, “We get it already so start fighting!!” Another one yelled.
Choukoku sighed, and looked around as the audience started to get restless and rowdy, “Alright then, then it’s time for the match ups!”
The audience calmed down a bit and cheered as three girls(from Youran’s crew) carrying a whiteboard and a box with a hole on top came out to the stage.
“Alright, this is how we will match Rappappa against each other. Each person will pick out a numbered card from the box. Whatever the number is on the card they picked is where they will be placed on the board.” Choukoku explained with enthusiasm. “Will the contestants please come and take a card.”
One by one, members of old and new Rappappa took drew their cards and they had their names placed on the board. The same thing was also being displayed on the big screen over the contestant lobby for everyone to see. The audience of yankees was able to see what was going on.
Choukoku drew a card as well, but it was no for herself. Since Maeda still hasn’t showed, she drew for her and had her name placed in the respected slot. Shaku showed up on platform for a bit and whispered into Choukoku’s ear. She told her to that a space will be empty and to fill it with the name of ‘Miss Mystery’, someone who hasn’t showed up yet. She nodded, drew a card for that person and filled the empty space with that name. Doing that left almost everyone confused and wondering who that was. However, Gekikara and Black knew what was going on, this may be the plan that they made earlier. They were especially pleased on where they were placed as well.
The spaces have been filled and the fighters are now in their place. They all looked at the board and some grinned, others groaned in disbelief, and a few were calm about them, maybe even glad then went back to the waiting area. Even the guests were making predictions on who would win in what match.
“Oh man, she’s totally going to destroy her. That’ll be a quick fight.”
“Ahh, look who she’s facing off with, it sucks to be her right now.”
“Haha, I’m making a bet. A bowl of ramen says she wins.”
“Whoa, I can’t believe those two got matched up. Can’t wait to see that fight!”
These were the matches set up:
Otabe VS Gekikara
Mukuchi VS Torigoya
Bungee VS Gakuran
Wota VS Unagi
Miss Mystery VS Maeda (These were drawn by Choukoku)
Sado VS Center
Shibuya VS Akicha
Kabuki Sisters VS BlackEach of the girls on stage stared down at each other, their fighting spirit was firing up, their yankee soul was confident. Some felt they secured their victory, other felt that their fate was seal and not in a good way.
With these pairs facing off with each other, there is no doubt that the battles upcoming will be exciting and ones that no one should miss.
To Be Continued…
Next Chapter: The CALM Otabe VS The ROCK Gekikara
A/N: To have a better look at the match ups, click here
Now I'm done with my part! It's time for Itadakimasu to do hers. She'll be the one to write this fight, which I may or may not post. It'll also be a while until she actually finishes it too.
I also realized that not a lot of people are not into the whole fighting kind of fic but give this is a chance as this is one of the first collab fics here.
I've also posted a Christmas fic in my One/Twoshot thread, check it out!