First of all, I'm sorry I haven't updated my other fic . . . . . I was just so busy for the past month

. . . .
We just had our prom last night and I was sooo tired!

Also, this month I'll be preparing for our graduation, so I get less leisure time . . . . .
but during prom, I thought of this story and I just can't help but type it

Also, this is my first Mayuki . . . Anyways, please enjoy

“Nnn . . . . Mph . . . “ I grouchily slammed my palm on my alarm clock which was ringing on my side table
I sat on my bed, stretched my arms and yawned; I faced the new day with an unenthusiastic, sleepy face.
“Yuki~ Come down and have your breakfast . . . . . “ my mother called me from downstairs
“ . . . Hai~ . . . “ I replied lazily as my back fell against my bed and feeling my eyelids getting heavy again
“Yuki, if you don’t go down now you will be late for school!! . . . . “ mother knocked on my door in order for me to snap out from my drowsiness
“Tsk . . . .” I get off from my bed and went downstairs. The smell of fried bacon and eggs snapped me back to reality
“Come on Yuki . . . Hurry up. You still have wake Mayu-kun . . . . “ my mother pointed her spatula at me and I sighed.
“I know Okaa-san . . “ I murmured while munching my breakfast.
This has been my way of living ever since I became a high school student and I already memorized the things I do every day because I made a mental checklist.
Kashiwagi Yuki’s Checklist:
1. Waking up early
2. Getting ready for school
3. Going to Mayu’s house
4. Waking him up
5. Getting him ready for school
6. Going to school together
7. Helping him with school activities
8. Helping him get out of trouble
9. Going home together
10. Helping him with home works and studying
Watanabe Mayu. 17 years old. A 2nd Year high school student. He is my childhood friend whose house is just beside ours. Our balconies are so close that I could just walk over it and by passing through his window; I’m already inside his room. That’s how close we are.
Mayu acts like a kid; he cries way too easy, he is stubborn and gets upset when things don’t go his way. He also spends too much time watching anime and reading manga causing him to have low grades. The teachers would always scold him but he got off the hook once he shows his awfully cute pleading puppy eyes. Sometimes he is bullied by other guys because of his kid-like personality and I acted like his guardian, protecting him from harm.
But sometimes it annoys me that I have to watch over Mayu every day. It’s not like a hate Mayu or anything, it’s just that I can’t find time for myself. I can’t go to mixers, I can’t spend time with my friends, and I can’t find myself a boyfriend!
I went to my room and went over my balcony and went to Mayu’s, as I open his window I saw him still lying on his bed and I can hear him snore a little.
He is sleeping like a baby; his knees are close to his stomach and he was hugging a large teddy bear.
“He’s already in high school yet he still sleeps with his stuff toy, what a kid . . . “ I chuckled slightly, looking at my child hood friend sleeping soundly
“Mayuyu . . . Ne~ Mayuyu . . . . Wake up . . . “ I shook him slightly
But he just kept on snoring and snuggled deeper in his teddy bear.
With this event happening every day, I already came up with a solution for this problem. I lay down on the bed beside him and leaned close to his ear.
“If you don’t wake up now, we won’t stop by to your favorite ice cream shop . . . . “ I whispered teasingly
Suddenly his eyes opened and looked at me with a childish grin on his face.
“Ice cream?? . . . . “
“ *sigh. Is that what you say first thing you wake up in the morning?? . . . . Ohayou, sleepy-head . . . “ I smiled as I got off from his bed and fixed the creases on my skirt
“Ohayou Yukirin~ . . . . . “ he smiled
@ Classroom
“ . . . Yukirin! . . . “ I turned around to see my friend Milky calling out to me.
“Milky . . . . Do you need something? . . . “ I took my seat and Milky went in front of me, slammed her fist on my desk and leaned her face closer to me.
“This time, I’m definitely taking you to a mixer . . . . All we have to do is to ditch that hooded guy over there and then secretly take you to that mixer. Sounds good? . . . “ After hearing her statement, I turned to look at my childhood friend wearing his signature hoodie looking outside the window.
I sighed “I really want to, but . . . . I can’t just ditch Mayu . . . . He needs me . . . “ I saw Mayu who was still looking outside the window but he is sitting at the edge of his chair and he was rocking it slowly, he couldn’t keep his balance and fell off his chair.
“See what I mean? . . . . “ I turned to look at Milky who has a disappointed pout on her face
“ *sigh . . . . Can’t help it . . . . but I’m not giving up!” Milky went to her seat and I got up to help Mayu who landed on his butt.
“Hora . . . . “ I offered my hand to him and he gladly accepted it. He stood up and gave me a very big smile “Yukirin~ . . . Arigatou ~ . . . “ he said
I really can’t leave him alone . . . . .
After Class I was just about to stand from my seat but a hand prevented me to move.
“You can’t escape now. . . . . We really have to go to this mixer, there are going to be hot guys! . . . you might find your future boyfriend there!”Milky squealed.
I was about to reply but Mayu cut me off by saying “Yukirin~ I thought we would go to the ice cream shop . . . . “ he pouted
I was about to reply to him but the teacher suddenly went inside.
“Eto . . . . Watanabe Mayu, Kashiwagi Yuki and Watanabe Miyuki, you need stay . . . Due to your low grades last semester, you need to comply by making a 5-page essay which will be passed not later than 5:00 . . . Understand?” the teacher gave the three of us a glare and handed each of us a paper which contained the topic for the essay.
“But . . . . But sensei! . . . it’s already 4:00. An hour won’t be enough to make a 5-page essay! . . . .“ Mayu pouted, giving the teacher his puppy eyes
“So I suggest that you should start now, Watanabe-kun . . . . “ the teacher huffed his chest, showing his stubbornness
“but . . . but! . . . . “ Mayu held the teachers hands and looked at him straight in the eyes. Mayu’s pouting face and his teary eyes worked.
“ *sigh Alright . . . . . Instead of 5 . . . Just make it 2 . . . . “ the teacher left the room leaving us three behind.
“Wah! It worked! . . . . “ Mayu cheered
“Let’s hurry up and finish this essay . . . . Yukirin and I have a mixer to go to . . . . “ Milky took a seat and began writing
“But Yukirin told me that we would go to the ice cream shop! . . . “ Mayu pouted while showing Milky his puppy eyes
“That won’t work for me . . . . “ Milky ignored Mayu and continued writing
“ . . . . Yukirin~ . . . “ Mayu tugged my sleeve
“I will decide on that later . . . for now, we have to finish this essay . . . “ I took a seat beside Milky and began writing
“Fine!” Mayu stomped his way towards the chair next to me and sat down but instead of writing, he was drawing his favorite anime characters.
“You really are hopeless . . . . “ I sighed
A few minutes have passed but I only made 1 paragraph, Milky has made 4 paragraphs and Mayu has made none.
“Yukirin~ . . . . I’m thirsty . . . “ Mayu began to poke my arm
I sighed “what do you want? . . . . “
“I want lemonade! . . . . “ he said happily
“How about you Milky? . . . . “ I asked
“Cola is fine . . . . “ she replied without taking a glance at me
I went out of the room and went downstairs where the vending machine is located.
(End of Yukirin’s POV) Back @ the class room The air between the two persons left inside the room became heavy.
“ . . . Oy . . . “
Due to the different tone that Mayu used from his usual ones, Milky turned to look at him with a surprised face.
“M-Mayu? . . . . W-what do you want? . . . . “ Milky stuttered as he saw the aura that Mayu has is different from his childish self
Mayu suddenly took Milky’s paper and rapidly finished her essay by filling the 2 whole pages of paper with paragraphs
“Pass this to the teacher and leave me and Yukirin alone . . . . . “ he handed the papers back to Milky
“But . . . My essay – “
“As you can see, I already finished yours, at most you can get an A+, so you can go to that mixer . . . . . ALONE. “ My placed his hands inside his hoodie’s pockets as he waits for Milky to waltz out of the room.
“M-Mayu . . . Is that really you? . . . .You’re different than usual . . . “ Milky began to approach Mayu slowly and looked at him from head to toe
“Yeah . . . It’s me . Cool, smart, hot . . . Well, I can be a playboy if I want to . . . No one knows this, well except you now, . . . . this is my true self.” Mayu smirked as he leaned his face dangerously close to Milky’s. He tilted her chin with his thumb for her to look straight to his eyes. “ I was just pretending to be a helpless little kid so that her attention will be always at me. . . . . so that Yukirin would never leave me . . . . “
Milky’s face become red. Mayu placed his lips beside her ear
“Don’t say anything . . . . this will be our little secret~ “ Mayu gave her a playful bite on her ear
“Go home now . . . . . “ he said seriously as he distance himself from Milky who was dazed at looking at Mayu
Mayu snapped his fingers and Milky went back to reality.
“M-Mayu . . . . I- “
Yukirin suddenly went inside the room carrying the drinks.
“ . . . Hey, are guys finished yet? . . . . “ Yukirin asked as she placed the drinks on the desk
“Yu-Yukirin . . I – “ Milky was cut off by Mayu
“Milky is already finished with her essay and is about to pass it to the teacher . . . . “ Mayu’s tone was child-like but the look that he gave Milky isn’t
“He~ . . . That’s unfair . . . . I’ve only written 6 paragraphs. . “ Yukirin pouted
“ I haven’t made a single one! . . . “ Mayu grinned childishly
“ Mayu . . . . you’re really hopeless . . . . “ Yukirin sighed “Come here . . . . let’s finish this essay and go home . . . . “ Mayu skipped happily towards Yukirin
“Sorry Milky, I can’t go today . . . . Let’s try next time. . . . “ Yukirin smiled apologetically at her friend and began to write
Mayu was sitting beside her doodling but he was giving Milky the eye.
Milky took a sharp intake of breath and walked out of the room briskly but before she left she looked at the hooded figure with longing as he kept doodling the figure beside him who was cramming in writing her essay.
How was it? . . . . Feel free to comment