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Author Topic: Keichan Ichi BANG! Random Update: How to be a Tsundere 101 (Kojiyuu 27/4/2015)  (Read 51141 times)

Offline alexiel17

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2011, 02:36:00 PM »
lol...what if i dont wanna be called a perverted ninja!!! lol im gonna call you Yadong from now on!

HAHAHA!!!  :wahaha: Call me 'Yadong' all you want, but I'll call you my perverted ninja in return, ok?  :lol: :]  :mon dance:
(Hmm... need a shortcut for that,  :mon dunno: how about "Pervja" instead :] hehehehe  :mon nyah: Me like it better :]  :twisted: )
Anyway, thanks for the story (Hmm.... I dunno if this is for me since there's no bed scenes bet. them... *sigh* )  :lol: :lol:
 But really, thanks for the story, Pervja *wink* :]  :mon fyeah:

Umm... About the current situation in Japan, it really scared me since I had a lot of jpop groups (and jrock bands) that I support and idolize there, I am still quite scared..... I hope that they are all right even the civilians there..... Let's pray for there safety... :]
« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 03:36:27 PM by alexiel17 »

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2011, 10:41:15 PM »
It's a little sad for me~  :mon cute:

But . . .

It's GREAT~!!  :mon XD:

Please write more KojiYuu fanfic~!  :mon lovelaff:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2011, 10:58:26 PM »
I was afraid it might be sad ending after the slap thing, but finally it's quite alright.  :thumbsup
KojiYuu is cute
Hope you'll update your other story soon too ;)

Offline kahem

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2011, 12:59:59 AM »
Cute!!!!! :heart:

Offline dark-atrox

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2011, 04:37:42 PM »
okay, i read it! see? LOL  :lol:
And i realized something..... :P
Sue...ur such a romantic sap  ;)
Are you inlove? Ne, ne oishite ;) ;) ;)

PS: Right now,  I hate things that
involves feelings.... :smhid
I want to kill that jerk-face...

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2011, 06:24:26 AM »
HAI! Gomen...this is a bad one...but another nothing else I couldn't write in half an hour on my stupid iphone! but anywho hope that you can enjoy it!
@Riama: Well I guess its kinda Kojiyuu! I Promised Airidoki that I would write a good kojiyuu for her so stay tuned!
@alexiel17:....  :catglare:
@ RenaChii: Hai! I will try my best!
@bou-j525: Hope you update soon as well! Mwahahahaha
@Kahem: Thank you <3
@dark-atrox: This one doesn't have that much emotional content! Are you happy? hehe and yeah I feel sorry for you that I can't help out! and no im not in love ahaha! You such a loser! Where's my Takacchan part 2?


Boobs…They come in various sizes…A! B! C! D! DD! E! The list goes on as long as boobs continue to grow! I hope they do! Don’t get me wrong I’m not a pervert for big boobs at all! I’m not even a pervert… I’m an… art critic. Yes yes that’s what I am! However instead of criticising work of man-made fine arts I spend my time enjoying…and embracing…literally…works of literally man and woman-made works of art!

First you have… A cup… I mean class… which doesn’t actually mean top range!... look for example… Mariko…and Takamina… They are A Class! Beautiful? Yes. Intelligent? Yes….and then…small boobs… that is A Class…

Then you have B Class… Who is a good example of B Class… Acchan…maybe… I don’t know…when I squeezed it could’ve been padding… Tomochin was definitely padding… hmm… argh! Miichan…they felt like a B Class… anyway let’s cut to the chase!

The best art form? Easy…. Nyan Class… The globes of glory! The most precious art work of all! Every time I try to look at them or touch them they are well protected! It’s like trying to break into a museum to steal a world class diamond… It’s tempting, its gorgeous, it’s unique and most of all security is tight! The first time I looked at them… I got yelled at… the second time… I got slapped… the third time… I got scratched… the fourth time… I got punched…the last time I did it… I was kicked out of a moving car…

You would think that everyone would like me to touch their assets… but no0o0o0o Nyan boobs are impossible to touch… I know that secretly the bearer of such works of art loves me in some way… however she is shy and embarrassed! That’s why she doesn’t let me touch them! When no ones around she let’s me touch them!  What’s a good example… well one night when she came over to stay at my house I had a good 30second grope….when she was deep asleep… But still I think she was just pretending to sleep… heh! I’m amazing she totally loves me… she just doesn’t want to make the other girls jealous… however… there is someone I have to keep my eye on now… Mocchi… she is in love with my Nyan Nyan’s ears… Hmm I think she is trying to subtly make her way to my precious treasures… however I have diverted her attention back to Takamina….Although… Acchan is not too pleased… but it’s her own fault for leaving Takamina behind to elope with Sae and Miichan… And it’s definitely Takamina’s own fault for making me do it as well… if she didn’t proclaim her love to my Nyan Nyan then she would not have been my chosen victim….

Don’t the girls get it… Nyan Nyan is mine!

However… There’s another person in my way… Someone who is too close to my precious princess. She spends all her time with them…. Playing with them… caressing them… gently stroking them… ergh… the worst thing is… she never let’s go of them! She even ignored me when she was with them… I tried so hard to get her attention… but no… she couldn’t even stop looking at them… however soon enough… they will slowly die on their own accord… but of course she won’t let them die! She always saves them! Ergh… what do I do to get rid of them…

You wanna know who I’m talking about… even if I tell you, you can’t help me…

It’s….Nintendo DS-kun… that thieving, boob stealing pervert… I have to destroy him!!!!!


“ITAI!!!” I rub my head in pain. “What was that for?”

“Hehehe nothing! Just saw you glaring murderously into space! What’s wrong?”

I pout sadly.

“Even if I told you, you wouldn’t help me”

“Of course I would! We’re comrades!”


“Hehehe of cour….Wait. Tell me before I agree…”

“I need time alone with Nyan Nyan…”

“What’s so hard about that? You always spend time together…”

“It’s not the same!”

“How isn’t it?”

“I need time ALONE!”

“Oh… Sorry I can’t help you drug and molest her… quite illegal…”

“NNOOOOOOOO! Not that! I need time alone meaning….No NDS-kun…”

“HA! …wait who’s NDS-kun?”


"You're kidding right?

“You just don’t know its power! Its draws her in! All her attention! She makes cute little noises which serenade her! It then pretends it’s ill and dying to make her comfort it and stay by its side until it’s all better and then the process starts all over again!”

“Sheesh… you’ve gone made…” She begins to walk away from me.

“Wait!!! I’ll pay you!!!” I watch as her ears perk up. Turning around with a smirk on her face and grins widely.

“How are you gonna pay me?”

“With gyoza…. I’ll buy you fifteen for lunch!”
















“Okay… then I need you to kidnap NDS-kun for the week!”

“A WEEK? I thought it was only a day! 50 gyoza each day!”

“I can’t afford that!”

“Well then I’ll only steal it today…”

“Fine! Only a day! But I want it to be kidnapped within the next half an hour…”

“Okay… too easy… I’ll do it now!”

“It’s not that easy… He’s a dangerous conniving person…”

Looking at me like I’m a weirdo she slowly walks out of the room. I quickly grab my belongings and follow her. This is the day I finally win! Well that’s unless she stuffs up… then I’m doomed!

I follow her into the other room… There she is! My princess and her royal globes!... and that evil NDS-kun is yet again right next to her! Oop there goes my hired assassin! I watch as she slowly approaches the unaware victim!


“Hey Miichan!”

“Can I borrow your DS today? I have a photo shoot and I forgot to bring my own for the long ride!”

“Yeah sure!” Haruna picks up the Nintendo DS and gives it to Miichan.

“Thanks!” Smiling brightly Miichan turns around and walks back towards Yuko beaming brightly. Whilst walking past the shocked squirrel she stops and whispers… “Lunch money please!”

Pulling out her wallet still in shock, Miichan quickly pulls out 5000yen out of the wallet and walks away.
Gathering herself together she quickly approaches Haruna.





The door swings open as Sayaka and Sae quickly walk in. Grabbing onto the squirrel  they lift her up and begin dragging her out of the room.


“Stop kicking Yuko!  We have to attend an event right now!”

As the squirrel is dragged away crying Miichan re-enters the room.

“Neh! You guys ready to go yet?”

Walking out from behinds the curtains Takamina and Acchan gently giggle between themselves as Haruna stands up from her chair.

“NDS-kun please!”

“There you go!” Miichan happily places the Nintendo DS in its rightful owners hand. “And hurry up waifu and secret affair midget!”

“I’m not a midget!” Takamina yells back whilst pouting.

“Well you’re shorter than me!”

“I can’t believe you tricked Yuko!” Acchan says gleefully to Miichan whilst comforting the midget by her side.

“Well it’s not my fault her obsession with boobs blind her!” She stares at Haruna.

“Hey don’t look at me, I was born this way!”

“Well let’s just forget about it! I’m s0o0o0o0o hungry!”

The Three Busu members and the Ace happily begin to walk down towards the Gyoza store.


Tis definitely my worst update! Haha.... half an hour of ramble! Gomen! I am trying to write another one but I don't seem to have time!

Offline Arakawa

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Gyoza)
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2011, 09:35:45 AM »
Haha that one made me laugh.

Nice update (:

Offline alexiel17

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Gyoza)
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2011, 03:39:29 PM »
by: Keichan ^_^ on: April 10 at 12:24:26 PM
@alexiel17:....  :catglare:
  :cry: :cry:

Keichan! My beloved friend. :cry: I was just joking about my reply! Please do forgive me....  :( To tell you honestly, when I saw you commented on my fic, I was somewhat LMAO since I just realized that I didn't even left you a thank you message for even creating my "partial lifelong dream" .... ehehehe ..... Maybe because a lot of things happened yesterday (well, technically in the morning..) that's why I'm a bit cranky... I wrote those words like I was drugged or something (I really am sleepy back then... truly gomenasai.... )

But really Keichan, I dunno why but when I see you, I have the reflex to tease you (I dunno why!  :? I need a doctor! I'm losing me head!) I really do hope that you were also joking about your reply 'cuz it would hurt me sooo much if you are for real... I'm serious.... I'll be hurt again... huhu.. T-T

I promise that I would limit my teasing since I also notice that I'm becoming a bit dense and I dunno why...   :on cloudeye: My existence is not important..... but if you really hate me, then I would understand and just accept your decision for hating me... *sob sob sob*..

Wow, why does it feels like this happened before (me and my stupidity again.... sigh..) I need to stop commenting, I think no one would really care in the first place..... (emote mode.....)

Because of what happened, created something.... (it's a pic, not a fic guys, sorry.... T-T)

But this is my favorite...

Manga: Yuri Yuri Case  :twothumbs (one of my favorite yuri manga :])

I'm really so truly sorry.... I'm for real since I don't want someone to hate me.... (I don't even know if I'll put some emoticons since you might say that I'm not for real.... )

The truth is....

that's why I can't stop myself from teasing you.... I hope you'll forgive me, Keichan.... (TT-TT)

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Gyoza)
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2011, 04:55:21 PM »
I don't think this is your worst update. I think it's the funniest update yet! Too bad Yuko got boned at the end  XD

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2011, 06:15:11 PM »
@bou-j525: Hope you update soon as well! Mwahahahaha

I'm really trying my best now...... well not "right now" since I'm stalking JPHIP, but I'll do my best right after!!!!! PANIC :panic: I HAVE TO UPDATE SOON BUT I CAN'T WRITE  :panic:

It was a funny update  :rofl: It's not the worst, wait for mine and you'll understand what "worst update ever" means XD But seriously, it was nice to read XD

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Gyoza)
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2011, 04:49:06 AM »
Keichan  :onioncheer:
thanks  :heart:

NDS-kun  very funny XD

Yuko is funny, love

I'll be even more grateful if you update the fic A Bit Blind To Love :nya:

the final definitely left me dead 

update  :panic:

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Gyoza)
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2011, 01:10:57 PM »
Very funny hahaha poor Yuko

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Gyoza)
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2011, 09:43:29 PM »
Tell me you love me…
It's kind of sad to read how serious Yuko was with her love for Haruna in her mind, yet since she appeared like she was joking it didn't really help  :nervous
And she slapped her  :depressed:
Glad that they're together in the end, though!

OMG, Yuko's definitions of boobs are LOL
NDS-kun? This one-shot is funny.
I feel bad for Yuko  XD

ps. (O_o) --> I like how you use it as a separator, it's amusing to see  XD

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Gyoza)
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2011, 03:03:46 PM »
@Arakawa: Haha Thanks for reading! Glad it was hilarious for you!
@alexiel17: What am I gonna do about you Yadong! Hmm...  :on chew: so stressful! But anywho I'm not  angry  :mon firecrack: for now...  :mon wtfmm: lol! But I love the pics lol! So entertaining! I'll keep them forever! EDIT!!! DAMN IT YADONG! DOES YOUR SIG SAY "GLARES AT KEICHAN!!!!"
@A1: Lol Thank you!!! Haha and if Yuko wins that wouldn't be normal! Lol people would be so confused!
@bouchan!: Pretty sure I enjoyed your updates! Ahahaha waiting for the next lot of updates!  :mon whimper:
@Airidoki: Ahahahaha you are so cute! Ahaha glad you loved the Kojiharu! However about the other fic...I'm sorry I left it at a cliffhanger! I'm finding it hard to write so i've kinda left if at a hiatus! Gomen! I don't know when I will update that one because i am just so unmotivated to do so!
@kahem: Hehe Thanks for reading! Haha everyone seems to feel sorry for Yuko!
@pretend_2besome1: Haha long time no see you around! hehe and thanks for catching up on my one-shots! lol i'm lucky i didnt break them apart in "Tell me you love me..." by the looks of it. Hehe and yeah boob definitions ahaha i felt bad whilst writing it because i'm scared that the girls will learn to read English and become offended! lol and yeah I'm a weirdo (O_o) hence the awkward separator! hehe.
@Secret fanfic readers: Thanks for readings my fic!

Now let's begin the next one-shot! This was a challenge from dark-atrox! She said she wanted to see something out of the usually pairings...therefore she demanded that i write about this certain pairing as it was out of my comfort zone and I was whining about how I don't want to update "A bit blind to love..." Anyway hope you guys enjoy this one. It is a bit different from what I usually write but I guess its always good to experiment!


Have you ever felt guilty? Felt like you’ve hurt the person you love most? However, for some unknown reason you still get a thrill out of hurting the person you love most?

Each night I lay next to her. Her face is always peaceful. As I stroke her soft white cheek my heart begins to ache. How could I hurt someone so beautiful? Fluttering her eyes open she stares at me with her soft brown eyes. She wriggles closer to me and cuddles me tightly. Her softness. Her warmth. Her scent. Her lips. She gently kisses my neck. My spine tingling. However, when I close my eyes it’s not her I see. When I feel her soft lips against my neck, I feel needy for love, but the love of someone else. I gently kiss her forehead as she moves closer to me. Engulfing her into a tight hug I slowly stroke her hair.  As she falls asleep in my arms all I can do it lie awake and fantasise about someone else…

~Earlier that day~

“Do you love me?” She asks whilst holding tightly onto my hands, swinging them around in the air. I sighed heavily and look away. “YAH!” You pout at me before letting go of my hands and walking away from me. I grin widely at myself before running over and wrapping my arms around her waist and gently kissing your neck from behind.

“Don’t leave me baby. You know I love you.”

“Hmmph!” You cross her arms and turn away. Gently nibbling your neck you begin  to giggle. Turning around you wrap your arms around my neck and kiss me softly. Staring into my eyes you slowly move away before you hold onto my hand and begin dragging me towards the studio.


As we enter the studio we notice the iciness of the air. Looking around we see all the other girls looking at us quietly. Something was wrong…

Yuko runs up to us. Grabbing onto my arm she begins to drag me towards the room.

“Hurry up you have to get in there and look after her! She’s locked the door and hasn’t stopped crying!”

“W-what? Who are you talking about I just got here!”

“Acchan is crying! She needs you! She won’t let anyone else in! I know she will let you in!”

Staring at Yuko in disbelief I turn back and look at the girl I was dragged away from. She stands there looking worriedly at me whilst Mayu stands next to her to fill her in with what was going on. She turns and looks at Mayu with a shocked expression before turning back at me smiling and giving me a quick nod of encouragement. Unsure of the situation I turn towards Yuko immediately.

“Why is Acchan crying?” Not answering me she quickly turns and knocks on the door nonstop.

“Acchan! Acchan! I know you don’t want to talk to me but Tomochin is here! Please talk to her, we’re worried!”

I turn and stare at the door. The silence was deadly. Suddenly I hear a click. The door knob slowly turns. Suddenly I hear the sound of a soft voice heaving. Looking up through the crack I see her trembling uncontrollably. Watching as her hand clenches onto the tear-soaked tissues. Her hair covering her once smiling face.

“T-t-t-tomochin…” Her weak voice is softer than a whisper. The coarseness of it hurts my ears. I gently move the door open and hold onto her arm before walking into the dark dance studio room. Closing the door behind me and locking it I turn towards the still shaking figure and engulf her into a tight hug.

“It’s okay Acchan”

“N-n-n-o…I-it’s n-n-ot” She tightened her arms around me as her tears drench the shoulder of my shirt. “S-s-she d-doesn’t l-l-love m-me…”

“What?” My eyes widen in shock. “Of course she loves you! Don’t doubt her love for you!”

She abruptly begins to cry again. What was going on…

“M-m-minami s-said s-she d-doesn’t l-love m-me… A-aren’t I-I g-good enough?”

“Of course you are Acchan! Takamina is stupid if she gives up on you! It’s her loss! She might just be in a bad mood today!” I am speechless…could the Ace and the Captain break up?

“S-she s-says s-she l-loves s-s-someone else…”

“Who could she love more than you? There’s no one better than Maeda Atsuko!” I gently cuddled her before stroking her hair.

“Y-you think i-I’m the b-best?”

“Of course!”

Looking up at me I notice her reddened eyes as the small amount of light illuminates through the door. Her arms slowly wrap around my neck as she pulls closer towards me.

“Acchan?” I look at her worriedly. I feel her hot breath against my lips.

“Tomochin… d-do you r-really think M-minami will regret l-losing m-me.” I feel my throat become dry about her soft touch of her hand on cheek.

“Y-yeah…” Looking at her I watch as the gap between begins to close. Her soft lips gently kiss mine before she bites my lower lip. My eyes open in shock. I know this is wrong but for some unknown reason all I do is respond to her rough kiss. I push her against the wall and gently tend to her soft lips before kissing away the tears on her mascara ridden cheeks. I hear as a gentle moan escapes her lips as I gently lay butterfly kisses on her soft neck. Her hand slowly slides up my shirt. Her fingernails gently dig into my soft skin. Lifting her up I place her down on the couch before I push her skirt up. My hands caress her soft thighs. I feel as my shirt and ripped away from my body. Her tongue traces my body as her legs wrap tightly around my waist. The adrenaline pumping through my veins, even the smallest touch of her body was driving me insane. I hold onto her thighs as I push her down, pinning her onto the couch as I gently suck on her exposed collarbone. Pulling her shirt up I immediately begin to nibbled on her body. Soft moans fill my ears. My hand automatically beings to make its way to the soft elastic of her lace underwear. I feel as her body shivers underneath mine. As her head tilts back I move up and gently kiss her exposed chest. As my fingers begin to move down slowly pulling her the soft material with me, I feel my heart thumping endlessly. As I slowly make my way lower I gently lick her belly button. Her hands run through my hair as her breathless moans escape her mouth. Planting gentle kisses on her lower abdomen I feel an unknown need to please her. However, her soft voice immediately stops me from going further.


I look up at her. Tears have stained her face again. Feelings of guilt suddenly swarm over me. What was I doing… My girlfriend’s just on the other side of the door and I’m here making love with my best friend who is still head over heels in love with my other friend. I push myself off her before straightening myself up. However, I just want to continue making her feel better with this undecipherable love which is seething out from me. Looking up at me she quickly covers her mouth in disbelief. Pulling her clothes back on, she quickly dresses back into her clothes.

“What have I done…” She quickly bows towards me. “I-I don’t know what came over, I-I just, I’m sorry, I was just distraught about Minami…” Looking around her surroundings aimlessly she begins to play with the hem of her shirt.

“I-it’s okay. I don’t know what happened either.” I turn away from her, for some reason I feel my heart aching deep inside me. I couldn’t love her could I? Am I jealous of her love for Takamina?

“P-p-please don’t tell Minami, Oh my god I can’t lose her anymore than I already have” I watch as she begins to squat down hugging her own legs as she begins to weep again. Turning back and watching this innocent girl suffer in her own guilt I slowly walk over and hug her tightly.

“I won’t tell her.” She turns and stares into my eyes.


“Yeah.” I smile at her sincerely. “We’re best friends aren’t we? Of course I’ll look out for you! I know that what happened was just a spur of the moment misunderstanding.” Smiling brightly at me with those tear-drenched eyes and engulfs me into a tight hug.

“Thank you so much Tomochin, you’re the best friend in the entire world!”

Although I smile, for some unknown reason I feel a pain in my chest.

“Come on!” Pulling her off the ground I head towards the door. “Let’s get back to practice!”

Opening the door, the light emits against our skin, the light burning my now exposed eyes. Walking out a feeling of guilt erupts inside me as I watch as my girlfriend runs towards us and hugs the girl beside me.

“Are you okay Acchan?” She sincerely asks. Looking at me before she replies Acchan turns back and smiles genuinely at Tomo~mo.

“Yes Tomo~mo. Thanks for caring”

The door suddenly swings open. Looking up I see a small figure looking towards us. Her eyes, like the girl beside me are tear-drenched. As she slowly walks towards us I feel as the hand in my tight grasp begins to move away. A sudden feeling of emptiness. I watch as my best friend runs towards the smaller girl and engulfs her in a tight hug. Suddenly I feel the warmth of another hand in mine. Turning I see my girlfriend tightly wrapping herself around me. However, instead of smiling back at her I turn and look back at the reunited couple before me. My heart aches at the sight of my captain kissing the lips which were against mine moments ago.


So here I am. Lying here, my girlfriend’s sleeping breath hitting my skin gently. As I stare blankly at the ceiling above me all I can think is how much I wish that I was back in the studio and that the name she called out was mine…


Anyway a quick endnote! Hope you enjoyed the fic....if you didnt like the pairing blame dark-atrox!  Hope that all the fanfic writers update more often coughimmocoughFoFcoughbouchancoughalexielcoughdarkatroxcoughsorachancoughjapanimechancoughshibuyadokidokicoughinsertnamehereifyouhavewrittenonthisforum! I do read your all your fanfics but since i always rush off the work etc i dont have time to reply to your posts! Anyway love you all! and sorry that my ongoing fanfic is on hiatus! When I am motivated to write I will update but currently I guess these one-shots are just quick and easy for me to write!
Thanks for reading! ^_^  :mon woo:
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 03:11:03 PM by Keichan ^_^ »

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! UPDATED: Affair: dark-atrox's choice of pairing.
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2011, 05:04:15 PM »
LOL, you actually wrote a TomoAcchan, TomoTomo and TakAcchan in one fic XD
Bah! you really love the chibi captain to end it as TakAcchan instead :smhid
Though its really difficult for me to choose if you put Tomo~mi in the story :P
My fondness towards TomoAcchan is d same with TomoTomo XD XD XD
Try imagining breaking Chiyuu's heart, ne? Its unbearable with her cuteness :P

PS: Next time, write a full TomoAcchan, ne?  :lol:
Oh, totally forgot, thanks for writing this one :thumbsup Love it XD
I owe you a massage again LOL ;) ;) ;)

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! UPDATED: Affair: dark-atrox's choice of pairing.
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2011, 11:25:00 PM »
It's different but great ^^
But poor Chiyuu T_T

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! UPDATED: Affair: dark-atrox's choice of pairing.
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2011, 05:43:07 AM »
At the beginning I was wondering what was the pairing. Since you said it was unusual, I was sure it wouldn't be TakAcchan, KojiYuu or TomoTomo. Well... totally wrong XD
At least if you can't update your fic, keep updating your one shot so we will not forget about you :P
Thank for the story, it was really funny... and it made me spend half of the time thinking "what is the pairing?!" XD

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! UPDATED: Affair: dark-atrox's choice of pairing.
« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2011, 05:56:54 AM »
Know what?  :mon huh: I'm soo happy that you've return....  :mon innocent: :] Even if you're, as you said, quite busy right now  :smhid
(I think your lying though... hehehehe  :wahaha:)

Anyway, 'bout the fic, hmm.... I really don't mind it at all since the way you've written it is kinda awesome...  :rockon: And it's quite entertaining too.....  :mon blood:
BUT.... don't, I said, DO NOT think that I'm a Yadong while reading it!!!! fhvbbrbgbfhvifni!!!!! (I'm angry!!!  :mon annoy: :mon annoy:)

You are soooo dead PERVJA!!!

Anyway, since you are still busy,  :mon dunno: (still doubtful....  :mon slapass: ) and said that you've forgiven you're not angry at me, (for now  :P  :lol:) I will stop myself from teasing you....... Oh no!  :mon scare: can I do it?!!!!!  :mon cry:
Because I was soooooooo tempted to make fun of you, I'd created edited another pic....

I post it big so that you'll not misjudge me again..... BAKA!!  :on lol: PERVJA BAKA!!! :on GJ: hehehehe

Since I'm trying not annoying you or anything, (you're not annoyed.... yet.... right?  :yep:) can you please update like a ninja again for me:mon innocent: (that would be my reward....  :mon lol: pwease!!!  :mon cute: )

Oh, and about this,


WHAT AN IDIOT.................

YOu are sooo jumping to conclusion much..... You don't even know the captions there.....  :thumbdown:
STUPID.......  :mon blblbl: It's not *Glares at Keichan* it's *Glares at MIICHAN*..........


(I am soo happy while typing that.....  :farofflook: bwahahahahaha :wahaha:  )

Oh, and btw.... about this....

Hope that all the fanfic writers update more often coughimmocoughFoFcoughbouchancoughalexielcoughdarkatroxcoughsorachancoughjapanimechancoughshibuyadokidokicoughinsertnamehereifyouhavewrittenonthisforum! I do read your all your fanfics but since i always rush off the work etc i dont have time to reply to your posts! Anyway love you all! and sorry that my ongoing fanfic is on hiatus! When I am motivated to write I will update but currently I guess these one-shots are just quick and easy for me to write!
Thanks for reading! ^_^  :mon woo:

OMIGAWSH!!! AM I REALLY AN AUTHOR?!!!  :wriggly:  I'M SO HAPPY!!!!  :mon crazyinlove: hehehe :]  :mon fyeah:  :on gay:

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! UPDATED: Affair: dark-atrox's choice of pairing.
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2011, 06:07:03 PM »
Oh, has it been that long already? I've been trying to catch up on some other fics too  :nervous
I think if the girls were to learn English, they might find it funny. Yuko maybe?  :lol:

If it's not Atsumina, I'm more into TakaTomo than TomoAcchan to be honest (they're okay, though)
I'm glad it didn't go any further, the other Tomomi doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
And Takamina finally came to her sense!  :cow:

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! UPDATED: Affair: dark-atrox's choice of pairing.
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2011, 03:46:22 PM »
GYOZA is so funny....
YUKO is the best!  :cow:

tomochin  :gyaaah:
a little TomoAcchan fic made my day...  :D

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