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Author Topic: Keichan Ichi BANG! Random Update: How to be a Tsundere 101 (Kojiyuu 27/4/2015)  (Read 52395 times)

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Ohayo! So tomorrow's Valentine's Day and I'll be off and working for the next few days, but I decided to give you guys a quick one-shot! Hope you all have a wonderful valentine's day tomorrow!!!!  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Everyone always talks about this thing called Love…but what is love? I have no idea. Since joining AKB48 we’ve been forced to be single. However we also have to pretend that we know what love is. It’s hard. Well it’s hard for me. It’s Valentine’s day again. And yes I am going to be alone again. Well not really alone, just single alone. I still have the girls though. I guess having each other gets us to stop thinking about it.  Every year we give each other Valentine’s day presents. This year we did something a bit different though. Usually all we do is go out for karaoke together and celebrate “Single Girls Valentine’s Day”. This year Yuko thought of an idea to make things a bit different and according to her “gives us an opportunity to feel like we have a partner”. Her idea is simple. We place into a box the name of members who we would want to date if they were men! Pretty much the idea came along after the episodes of Danso on AKBingo. In the end 9 girls were chosen to dress up as boys and pretty much become boyfriends to the rest of the girls for a night. The chosen 9 were, Mariko, Mayu, Haruna, Sae, Sayaka, Miichan, Rena, Tomochin and me… Yet again I had to dress up as Kai… Here we go!

The nine of us arrived at Karaoke first. We had all met up at Mariko’s house beforehand to get ready. After an hour of joking around we got dressed up into our “host” outfits. Pretty much you had Persona, Mariko sensei, Bartender Sae, Dr Mayu, Archer Rena, Delinquent School Boy Tomochin, and last but not least (lucky we chose her outfit this time) Businessman Sayaka (see better than MJ and whoever else she was trying to be the other day). As we arrived at the karaoke bar a group of girls began ogling at us we quickly ran into the V.I.P room Yuko had booked for us. We all sat down on the couch sighing.

“I wanted to be a girl tonight!!!” screamed Miichan as she pouted.

“Didn’t we all…” replied Tomochin who looked lifeless on the couch next to Miichan.

“I bet Takamina wanted to be a girl the most out of all of us” Mariko added whilst smirking. Confused I looked at her and the other members.

“Why do you say that?”

“Well since you are a male I figured you would want to know how it feels to be a girl for once” Mariko quickly replied. I instantly gave her a foul look as she continued to grin at me.

“Well I’m happy I’m a boy today!” Haruna said happily.

“Ergh…why’s that?” Mayu quickly asked.

“Hmm… because since my chest is bound Yuko can’t grope me!”

“That’s not true” replied Sae as Haruna looked at her confused. “Why do you think Yuko thought of this idea? Her plan all along must’ve been to get you to dress as a male so she could straddle you and make out with you whilst pretending you are her boyfriend”

Haruna’s eye widened and she quickly began crying on Mariko’s shoulder. Sae grinned and quickly latched onto Sayaka.

“I wanted to be a girl tonight so I could flirt with Sayaka but that didn’t happen” Sayaka blushed gently.

“Well I guess our job tonight is to give the rest of the girls a found memory for Valentines Day… However don’t flirt too much with them… they might  fall for you and that wouldn’t be good.”

 Although it seemed like she was talking to the entire group she was actually letting Sae know that she doesn’t want to see Yukirin all over her. Rena who was sitting quietly next to Takamina wasn’t listening at all. Instead she was imagining how she would catch Jurina’s heart tonight.

“Why don’t we play a game then!” Miichan said cheerfully. Everyone looked at her warily. Happy Miichan only meant something evil.

“What type of game?” Takamina asked.

“A love game.”

The girls looked at her confused. What was a love game?

“Okay so we will put all the girls names into a hat, and whoever we pick out we have to flirt with them the entire night despite other girls coming after us!”

“I’M IN!!!!” Haruna quickly responded. As long as it deters Yuko from fondling her she was ready to sacrifice herself to another girl. All the other girls on the other hand looked unsure. Most of the girls already had a girl in mind that they wanted to flirt with for the night. Miichan already predicted this was the case and slyly added.

“Well some of you already have someone you like… however, most of you aren’t willing to ask them out because you are scared you will get rejected. The girls looked nervously at each other. What she was saying was in fact true. “However, if we play this game… it could force the other girl to become jealous and admit their true feelings to you…”

“I already have a partner!” Sae said cheerfully whilst holding onto Sayaka. Miichan sighed and looked at her emotionlessly.

“Fine! You and Sayaka don’t have to play!”

“Oh don’t get angry! The two of us will still flirt with the girls to entertain them!”

“Yay!” Miichan clapped happily however immediately put her serious face back on. “Come on girls. This is your only chance”

All the girls slowly agreed except for Takamina who sat quietly unsure as to what she should do.

“What’s wrong Takamina? Don’t want Acchan to admit that she loves you!”

“A-acchan and I are just friends… there isn’t anyone I like… and I didn’t want to do this in the first place so I really don’t want to play this game”

“You can deny it all you want but even if you can’t tell, we can tell that Acchan likes you more than a friend.”

Sayaka put a hand on Takamina’s shoulder.

“Come on Takamina join in. It’s all about having fun.”

Looking up at Sayaka she nodded gently.

“Okay! It’s agreed! Let the games begin!” All the girls grabbed a name out of the hat.

Takamina’s eyes widened and she fell back on the couch immediately pretending to faint.

“Takamina!” Haruna quickly bent over to check if the girl was okay, however in the process noticed the name on Takamina’s slip of paper and began bursting out laughing. The girl’s looked at her confused until they heard Takamina’s weak voice accompanied by her fail at life expression.


“SHE GOT MOCCHI!!!” Haruna yelled as she began hitting the couch whilst frantically laughing.

Everyone burst out laughing. Poor Takamina might actually give Mocchi the wrong idea now!

The door suddenly open and Yuko stood at the doorway smiling brightly as the rest of the girls stood behind her fangirling like crazy at the handsome hosts on the couches.

“Hello!!!” Yuko said cheerfully. “We’re here and ready to~” before she finished her sentence she had noticed the handsome Riku staring at her and instantly ran up and jumped on top of him straddling him. “Riku…” Haruna’s arms began pushing the girl off her lap.

“Get off me you Hentai!”

Well if Yuko can attack so can the rest of them! All the girls immediately began charging in towards their respective male crushes. Pushing each other off their prince. Takamina immediately ducked underneath the table to hide from the group of girls who were frantically hitting each other to get to her. Crawling along the ground she bumped into someone else. It was Riku. After pushing Yuko off he had immediately ducked under for safety. However before Kai would even say his comrades name Riku was being dragged back out from underneath the table screaming for help. Kai immediately began crawling faster scared the girls will reach in and pull him back out as well. Upon reaching the other side Kai immediately commando rolled out and stood up to make a getaway. However he was caught immediately.

“You can’t leave Kai.” Takamina turned around scared that she had been caught by Mocchi. However he was faced by Miichan who had an evil smirk on her face.

“Let go of me!!!!”

“No way! How am I going to set you and Acchan up if you leave!”

“I DON’T WANT TO BE SET UP WITH ACCHAN!” I pull my arm out of Miichan’s grip and turn towards the door. However before I could take another step my body ceases to move. I’m staring straight into her teary eyes. I watch as she turns and sprints out the door way where she was standing.

“Acchan…” What had I done… Staring blankly at the ground my thoughts are distorted.

“GO AFTER HER!” I feel my body being pushed by Miichan from behind. My body jolts forwards and staggers on the ground. “YOU’RE GONNA LOSE HER FORVER IF YOU DON’T!!”

I begin to slowly drift forward my legs dragging behind me. Acchan…Acchan…Acchan… My chest is hurting… why do I feel so empty… I look up at the empty door way. I ground my foot down solidly on my next step. Pushing my foot off the floor I feel as the adrenaline rushes through my veins. I feel as my body automatically begins to sprint forward.

Rushing through the doors I begin to look around aimlessly whilst running through the karaoke bar. Running out the main entrance I watch as the lift doors slowly close as she stands in the middle of them. Her eyes buried in her hands, her body bent over. I sprint forward and slam into the wall, my fingers pushing at the button endlessly. As I watch the lift numbers descending I look around for the staircase. Pushing myself off the wall and stumbling towards the fire exit I push the doors wide open and begin sprinting down the flights of stairs.

Upon reaching the last lot of stairs I trip over half way down the stair case. My body crashing down the stairs in thorough pain. Pushing myself off the ground using the rail as a support I feel pain rushing through my body. As I step forward I feel a piercing pain in my ankle. As I grab the wall for support I hear myself scream as my dislocated finger presses against the wall. Looking at the doorways I drag myself forward. Pushing the door open I collapse on the ground. Grinding my teeth in pain I look up through my teary eyes as her figure slowly exits through the door.

 Pushing myself up I hobble forward. Not caring as the passersby watch and whisper behind my back. Moving through the automatic doors I see her ahead of me. She waves down a taxi and is slowly opening the door. I feel as tears stream down my cheeks. I wasn’t crying because my body was hurting, I was crying because I felt the emptiness of my heart as I watch her fragile body moving further away from me. Falling forward on my weaken knees I let out a painful scream as my heart shreds open. Can she hear my heart calling out to her… my body is motionless, my thoughts are blank, is this what it feels like to lose the person you love…

I feel as the scarlet blood streams down my forehead.

“Acchan…” My hand reaches out towards the darkness in front of me as the blood trickles over my eye lid. My head slowly descends against the ground. All I hear is the people who have encircled me, whispering nonchalantly amongst themselves. Seems no one can help me stop her…

Suddenly I feel as a shadow casts above me. A tender arm lifting up my lifeless body, a soft hand brush away the blood covering my face, a tear drop on my neck, and soft lips against mine. I slowly open my eyes to stare at the white figure before me.

“I love you…will you be my valentine…”

She nods her head slowly as her lips quiver against mine. All I can feel in the warmth of her body against me. I never want this warmth to disappear from me ever again.

So this is what love is…

« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 09:51:22 AM by Keichan ^_^ »

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 11:19:56 AM »
This is a pretty scary Valentine 1-shot  :lol:
But also good since it's a bit unusual.
One question, Takamina's not dead, right? I mean she didn't get hit by a car but fell down the's a bit worrying coz of the bloody thingy  :nervous

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 11:40:00 AM »
This is a pretty scary Valentine 1-shot  :lol:
But also good since it's a bit unusual.
One question, Takamina's not dead, right? I mean she didn't get hit by a car but fell down the's a bit worrying coz of the bloody thingy  :nervous

Hahaha sorry didnt expect it to be that scary!! lol but thank you! lol and no she's not dead! Just a bit of blood! lol...i'll make a PG rated one next time?

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2011, 02:26:43 PM »
woooow... nice one shoot keichan...  :shocked :shocked :shocked i like it....  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: eventhough it's a bit extream...   :smhid :smhid and i guess it be good if you make it TBC again...  XD XD XD at least 2 / 3 chapter more...  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 03:04:07 PM »
Nah it's okay. It's just looked quite extreme with the blood, fingers, and all that.
Thank god she's not!

i'll make a PG rated one next time?
Does that mean there'll be a continuation or a new fic? Either way I think that'll be good  :)

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 11:16:31 PM »
I completely forgot to comment about this  :nervous
But hey better late than never XD I thought it was a nice story ^^ I like the first idea of girls becoming guys XD And since it sounded like something really sweet and happy at the beginning I was surprised when Takamina almost die XD But it was nice, really different ^^ And I liked the end  :twothumbs

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2011, 01:59:03 AM »
Hahaha fanfic....hahaha I am still writing the other one and due to the busy schedule i dont have much time to write....but I will see what I can do about a few more one-shots when I get bored of writing chapters for A Bit Blind To Love ahahaha....>_> no pressure guys! btw bou-j525 hurry up and update!!!! You just love keeping us at a cliff hanger and my eye twitches when i see that you still havent updated!!!!!! you anyway!!! but please update soon...wish FoF would update as well....wish everyone would....argh....apart from myself! mwahahahahaha

Offline bou-j525

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2011, 02:12:33 AM »
... when I get bored of writing chapters for A Bit Blind To Love


As for my fic, I'm currently correcting my chapter, so I may update tonight ^^ Or tomorrow... It depends if I can finish it before 9pm.

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2011, 02:15:42 AM »
... when I get bored of writing chapters for A Bit Blind To Love


As for my fic, I'm currently correcting my chapter, so I may update tonight ^^ Or tomorrow... It depends if I can finish it before 9pm.

LOL!!! You can't make me not get bored of it!!! Anyway I updated my next chapter for you!...So you better return the favour pleassssssssssssssssssse!!! >_<!!

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2011, 01:24:10 PM »
Dear Sorakamiya,

Here is the Takaboy fanfic you asked for! I didn't know what you expected but this is all I could think of! As for now I shall disappear for a while due to work commitments!

Story About a Boy… who is actually a girl!
Girls like me… well actually I don’t want to brag, but I think they actually love me… I don’t know. It’s the way they look at me, the way they react upon seeing me, the way they don’t seem to want to get off me. They just seem to totally, overly, exaggeratedly fan-girl over me. Makes me sound like the best looking guy in the world doesn’t it? However in reality, they just “L” me. What do I mean by this? Well the easiest way to explain to you is this… vagina! Get me? I am female. However due to warped producers and TV hosts I have become the holy grail to females. Danso productions seems to have sky rocketed in popularity. It seems as though I can pull more chicks than males… my life is depressing isn’t it? Well depressing in the sense I’ll never get a boyfriend, however I guess I’m the envy of a lot of boys. Great! That just means more guys hate me than love me… This is a down-hill spiral… Well in the end here I am. I’m standing back stage after the recording of AKBingo Danso. And damn I’m happy that Mocchi had a busy schedule and couldn’t attend the recording today…. However Amina was still here… and…oh….shit….here she comes!! GAHHHHHHH!!

I begin sprinting away from her and into the change rooms.

“DAMN IT! I forgot my clothes.”

I lie against the door and stare into the mirror dejectedly. Looking at my reflection I finally begin to wonder what I’ve done to deserve this. Do I really look like a male? Could Mariko be right? I feel as the door begins to thump against my back. The girls squealing outside my cubicle trying to get a look at me and hopeful that in the process they can cop a feel or take a photo on their phone with me. I don’t get it… I scrunch my eyes together as my head begins to hurt from the constant slamming from the eager girls outside. I wish Acchan was here. At least she doesn’t treat me differently like the younger girls. We’ve known each other for so long and been through so much as well. The thought of her not being here seems to increase my headache. She’s been so busy lately with recordings. I bet right now she’ll be recording with Miichan. I hope she’s alright. It’s been quite cold lately and she never knows when to put on an extra layer unless she’s told to. She was sick the other day as well… Ergh I miss spending quality time with her… Wait why am I worrying about her… I should be more worried about my current predicament instead. How the hell am I going to escape this change room alive!!!!

Suddenly the squeals increase on the other side of the door. The bashing on the door ceases and hear as the girls footsteps begin to rush out the door. I slowly open the change room door and gently creep out to where the girls have gone. Looking down the hallway I spot Sae-chan being attacked by girls as Sayaka is constantly trying to pull her out of the crowd and out of the TV station alive. I turn and sprint down the opposite side of the hallway, quickly closing the door of the large dressing room and locking it. Freedom. Safety…DANGER!

I quickly jump and tense up in fear as I feel hands wrap around my body. A soft breath pierces against the nape of my neck. A shiver passes through my small stature and my body trembles.

“You okay?”

I turn around and face the soft voice whispering into my ear. Upon seeing her I go silent. Words can’t seem to come out of my mouth.


She smiles at my stutter and gently pokes my nose in.


I blush gently before rubbing my nose.

“What are you doing here?”

She stares at me slightly confused with her head tilted.

“Why do you ask? You don’t want to see me?”

She pouts at me sadly and turned away from me.

“No no no it’s not that! It’s just that I thought you would be busy and the day like its night now and its cold and you know cold is like cold and you may get cold and get a cold…”

She turns around and covers my mouth giggling.

“What are you even rambling?”

She smiles at me as I gently remove her hand.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble I was just scared I offended you”

She gently twists whilst looking at our entangled hands. Smiling as she gently swings my hand before jumping forward so her face is just centimetres away from mine.

“You really are a caring aren’t you?”

“Ergh well you know you mean a lot to me and so if you’re sad I have to cheer you up”

She grins at me happily.

“I mean a lot to you?”


“You just said I mean a lot to you”

I begin to fidget with my sleeve as I look around frantically at absolutely nothing.

“W-w-well as the captain I have to make sure that everyone’s welfare is well!”

Why am I so nervous…

She gently pouts and begins to slowly move away. Her hand gently sliding out of mine.


She walks across the room and picks up her bag. For some reason my body automatically floats over to her hurriedly. I gently pull her bag out of her hands. She looks at me astonished and confused.

“What are you doing?”

“Well where are you going?”

“I was just going to go outside and see the other girls”

“Oh… So you aren’t leaving?”

Turning away from me she pouts.

“I can leave if you want me to…”

“N-no it’s not that I just thought you were leaving me”

“Doesn’t matter if I leave you.”

“Yes it does!”

I grab onto her hand tightly, pulling her so she’s facing me.

A look of shock spreads across her face as she stares at me wide-eyed blankly.


I quickly retract my hand. Looking away from her. What am I doing…?

Stepping forward she wraps her arms around me tightly. She slowly takes a deep breath. Inhaling the cologne I’m wearing.

“You smell so manly tonight…”

My arms slowly wrap around her waist as I gently chuckle.

“Yeah…Yuko sprayed us with cologne”

“Mmm… I like it.”

Holding onto me she gently rubs her cheek against mine.

“I miss being with you. I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.”

“Me too.”

Pushing herself away from me so she’s looking at me she smiles at me. I’m mesmerised by her soft gaze.

“I think it’s funny that when I finally get to see you you’re dressed as a boy.” She chuckled gently. “Is this what you’ve been hiding from me all these years?”

“ERGH!!” I scrunch my face up in intense failure. “You can’t possibly think that!”

She lightly giggled before pressing her forehead against mine.

“I think you look extremely Kakkoi right now though.”

Gently closing my eyes I listen to her soft voice.


“Mmhmm. Would totally date you if you were a boy!”

My eyes open to look at her face. Feeling my lashes brush her skin she opens her eyes to stare back into mine.

“You okay?”

“Y-y-yeah” I move away from her as I feel my heart racing. Did she mean that? I turn and look towards the door.

“You better go see the girls, they’ll be angry if they don’t see you”

She slides her arms down the length of my body and holds onto my hands.

“I would rather spend time with you”

Her tone was sounded so serious it made me look up at her again.


Ergh…why do I always stutter. She smiles at me gently before pulling me into a small kiss. All I can feel are her soft lips against mine. My heart is beating rapidly, a shiver is escalating through my spine, my legs are weak and my mind is jumbled. My body has never felt so alive, yet so peaceful at the same time. As I feel her lips detach from mine I hear myself groan in frustration. Looking down at her lips a see a small grin on her face as she gently rubs her nose against mine.



“Can you stay dressed like that and go on a date with me?”


I move away slightly and look at her wide-eyed.

“A-a-are you serious?”

She grins at me happily.

“Mmmhmm! 100% serious!”


She smiles at me happily and gently kisses my cheek.

“Because I’ve always wanted to date you and since you look so kakkoi as a boy today I really want to go on a proper date with you.”

“So you wouldn’t have asked me out on a date if I had already got changed back into a girl?”

“Of course I would! But you would just think it’s a normal dinner…”

She looks away pouting.

“Okay then…”


I smile back at her brightly.

“Let’s go on a date tonight!”

She gently jumps on the spot happily before engulfing me into a tight hug.

“Can we go to Tokyo tower?”


“And have dinner together?”


“And watch a movie together?”


“And take purikura together?”


“And make love together?”



Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2011, 01:44:32 PM »
Poor Takamina, girls love the Takaboy  XD
“No no no it’s not that! It’s just that I thought you would be busy and the day like its night now and its cold and you know cold is like cold and you may get cold and get a cold…”
Rambling Takaboy is cute.
“And make love together?”
:lol:  She's easy to be teased, isn't she?

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2011, 02:19:00 PM »
wowowowowowowowow.....  :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked whoooaaaaaaaaaa......  :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: my wish is granteeeeeed..... thanks lot keichaaaaaaaan....  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: you are the best...  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :thumbsup :thumbsup

the story greaaaaaaaat.......... sugooooooooiiii.....  :twothumbs :twothumbs I like it... woooow..... i totally like how you write the story...

and as my promise i also have update my fanfict... i hope you like it...  :cow: :cow:

and now have to wait around 2 weeks for another update... i'll miss u and your writing...

Well, Good luck for your work...

i'll be waiting for the update patiently...

Offline bou-j525

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Re: Valentine's Day One-shot
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2011, 03:24:32 PM »

“And make love together?”


 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thank for the update! It was really cute ^^

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2011, 10:16:12 PM »
it was so cute  :wub: all girls love takaboy and me too  :P :P :P

i like this one:
                    “And make love together?”
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Offline alexiel17

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2011, 01:20:22 PM »
Eiii!!!! Keichan san.....  :hee: It's been a long time since I'd left a comment ('cuz school's been an ass again...  :smhid)

Really am happy that you decided to, umm... well, create another amazing fic bout the Takaachan pair again :]  :mon thumb:

Anyway, I really am slightly  :mon annoy: at you 'cuz you'd made sorakamiya san's wish come true (which is really good btw  :mon inluv:) but why haven't you made mine yet?  :mon cry:
YOU HAVEN'T MADE ANY BED SCENESSSSSS BETWEEN MY KOJI♥YUU YET!!!!!!!! which I sooo wished a long, long time ago...  :smhid :smhid

I think I can read those things now 'cuz I'm of legal age  :mon nyah: (Just remembered Acchan suddenly.....  :mon evillaff: saying that she's ready to do it with Takamina  :mon blood: ) I'm currently having my usual nose bleeds :mon bleed2:

Anyway, hope that someday, you'll make my wish/ request come true, you pervert ninja you!!!  :lol: :lol:  hehehe  :wahaha:
I can say this things (for now) since you'll be gone for two weeks, and you'll not  be able to read this yet, maybe you will but you're tooooooooo  late... :mon blblbl: :mon dance: bwahahaha  :wahaha: you can't kill me   :mon slapass:

(I soo do missed doing this....  :) :roll:  :on gay:)

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2011, 11:41:11 AM »
@ sorakamiya: Glad to know you enjoyed it!
@bou-j525, pretend_2besome1, shahi: Thanks for reading it xD
@ alexiel17:
Anyway, hope that someday, you'll make my wish/ request come true, you pervert ninja you!!!  :lol: :lol:  hehehe  :wahaha:
I can say this things (for now) since you'll be gone for two weeks, and you'll not  be able to read this yet, maybe you will but you're tooooooooo  late... :mon blblbl: :mon dance: bwahahaha  :wahaha: you can't kill me   :mon slapass:

....too late? can't kill you? hmm... is this a challenge? order to kill you for calling me a pervert ninja... i shall never update ever again!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!
How's that for an answer to your comment!!!

Anyway thank you for reading....however you should be disappointed to know...there is not update!

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2011, 01:37:53 PM »
 :shocked :shocked keiiichaaaaaaan..... long time no see.... how are you...??? I really misssssssssss youuuuu....

....too late? can't kill you? hmm... is this a challenge? order to kill you for calling me a pervert ninja... i shall never update ever again!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!
How's that for an answer to your comment!!!

Anyway thank you for reading....however you should be disappointed to know...there is not update!

Nooooooooooooo..... please dont say that...   please update.... no problem how long it will takes but please.... dont stop update.

you aren't pervert ninja.... you are my idol... so please continue updating...

Offline alexiel17

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2011, 05:10:04 AM »
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  :on cigar: Happy that you'd read (at last!!) my post, my PERVERTED NINJA!!  :ph43r:  (Am I a bit hard headed? :] )

hehehe :] You, keichan san will not update????!  :? Reeeeaaaallyyy....  :mon nyah: huh?  :mon dunno: I think that's impossible 'cuz if you'll do that then you wouldn't receive any comments from me....  :mon misch: Oh,  :mon suspect: I know. You just want my attention, don't you.... Don't worry I'm not a tsundere so you don't need to do this things for me....  :mon innocent:

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Just tripping around.... Hope you're not mad :] 

Anyway, hope you'll update your fics fast (And pls create my life long wish.....  :yep: :yep: )

PS. Aren't you happy that I call you My Perverted Ninja? compared with the other authors here, I just call them with their names and just add san or sama..... Aren't you happy, Keichan san  :cry: You're special that's why :] (Pkls.let me callyou my perverted ninja pls!!!!!  :mon pray2:) hehehe :] Update fast!!!!!  :mon roll:

Umm... mina, don't kill me pls... hehehehehe  :lol: :lol:

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Takaboy oneshot request for Sorakamiya)
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2011, 12:06:41 PM »
Good to see all the new fanfics!!!.... however i wish immo and FoF would update ^_^
@sorakamiya: Hehe hello! I'm alright just a bit tired! Hence, lack of updates and motivation lately! Hehe happy to know i'm missed!!!  :mon cute:
@alexiel17: lol...what if i dont wanna be called a perverted ninja!!! lol im gonna call you Yadong from now on!

Anyway! Sorry for the lack of update etc lately! life has been busy busy busy! btw this is the worst thing i've ever written i'm too busy worrying about everything that is currently happening in Japan atm and fearing Takamina's life in Guam! Just had to write something to get my mind off the bad events happening in Japan and decided it would be a good idea to get your minds off it as well! Anyway this is something short and a bit different!
Tell me you love me…


I glance over and look at you.

“Today was such a long day!” You fall back against the bed. Closing your eyes for a few seconds… You look so beautiful right now… Wait what am I saying… you always look beautiful me… I tell you all the time but you ignore me… To you my love, my confessions, my heart doesn’t mean a thing. You never believe me… sometimes I wish I could just tear out my heart so you could see it only beats for you… I wish when my legs go weak I would collapse and in the process crack my head open so you can see that you’re the only thing in my head.

“What’s wrong?” Your voice pulls me back to reality, I look at you. You’re staring back at me with a worried pout.

“N-n-nothing, I was just thinking.”

“About what?” You.

“Nothing just stuff.” I smile a fake smile at you.

“…okay then…” You quickly turn and pick up your phone, smiling as you update your twitter. Now you sit there waiting patiently for Mariko to respond. I wonder if you can see how my heart bleeds when you’re with other people. I turn away and walk out of the room. As much as your happiness means the world to me, the thought that your happiness doesn’t include me kills me slowly. It hurt me to see you and Takamina holding hands today. I know I picked Yui… I wasn’t thinking. But I guess even if I did pick you, you would just tell me to stop being an idiot. You always do…

I lie down on your couch in your living room. Staring blankly at the ceiling all I can think about is how much I wish you loved me as much as I loved you… I close my eyes, all I see is your face… your perfect eyes, I wish you would just look at me…, your big ears, I wish you would just listen to me…, your soft lips, I wish you would just kiss me. I hear your soft voice calling my name, oh I wish you would just tell me you love me…

“YUKO!!” I jump up off the couch. You really were calling me… however when I look at you, all you so is glare at me. Am I really a burden to you? Do I really annoy you that much?

“Yes…” I shuffle back and sit up on the couch. I watch as you sit down next to me.

“What is wrong with you today?”

“Nothing I’m just tired…” You pout at me as I turn away from you. Pushing myself up off the couch I begin to walk towards the door. “I’m going home”


“Goodnight!” I smile and begin to open the door. I suddenly feel your arms wrap around me, your hot breath against my neck. “Nyan-nyan what’s wrong?”

“…” You remain silent, tightening your grip around me you begin to rest against my shoulder.


“Do you like Yui?” You whisper softly into my ear. I stiffen up. Why are you asking me this…I love you can’t you see that…

“She’s a good girl…”

“So you like her…” I turn and face you, holding onto your shoulders.

“Why are you asking me this?” You turn away from my gaze.

“No reason..” You look up and smile at me. “I think you’d make a cute couple”

“…” Moving away from me you suddenly spin around and smile at me brightly.

“We haven’t seen each other for awhile since Not Yet started…”

I know and it kills me everyday I’m away from you…

“Yeah it seems as though our schedules are crowded lately!”

“Mmm…” You look at the ground before glancing back up at me. “Seems like you’re a lot closer to Yui now…Ergh what am I saying… you need to go to bed… you better go”

Are you jealous? Do you love me? I watch as you approach me, you turn and begin opening the door for me. My arms automatically wrap around you.

“I don’t like her like I love you.”

You remain silent before you begin to laugh and slap my hands off you.

“Argh what are you going on about! You’re such a pervert all the time!”

Why….why do you always ignore my confessions. Why do you reject me and pretend you don’t know how I feel. I’m dying here and all you do is laugh…

Oh no… what have I done… unconsciously I have slapped you… and automatically I can’t face you anymore. I begin sprinting out of your apartment. I don’t want you to see my crying face. I don’t want to realise that I’ve hurt you, I don’t want to see the way you look at me.

Upon reaching the quiet path down stairs I breakdown and cry into my hands. Do you hate me? Do you never want to see me again? My heart hurts… I begin punching my chest nonstop. Why won’t this pain go away… I walk home silently crying.


I haven’t slept at all. I don’t know how I’m going to face her today… Here I am inside the theatre waiting for practice to begin… she hasn’t arrived… I turn towards the door as I hear it open again… it’s Mariko… She looks at me and then pulls her in from behind her. Holding onto her hand they walk towards the other side of the room together… my heart hurts… I think I’m beginning to realise that I’ve lost her forever. I watch as she giggles to Mariko’s jokes. I watch as she plays with her hands. I watch as she ignores me all day.

During practice I accidently bump into her, causing her to fall to the ground. Turning around to help her up I feel as Mariko slaps my hand away from her and pulls her away from me… there’s nothing I can do but whisper towards her.

“I’m sorry…”

After practice I walk over to collect my bag… 24hours ago we were together getting our hair cut… I was happy, I was with you… now I feel alone, numb. I glance over at you. I watch as you and Mariko laugh together… my heart… why does it hurt so much.

I walk out of the room. I can hear your behind me laughing as I lifelessly ponder down the escalator. All I want to do is lock myself away. Cry in my dark corner. So that’s where I go.

I sit alone in my apartment. Tears streaming down my cheeks. The lights are off. Hiding my ugliness. I taste the beer slowly intoxicating me. I hope it numbs the pain in my chest. I hear the knocking on my apartment door. I ignore it. I hear it again. I turn on my stereo. I hear it again. I increase the volume until it deafens my eardrums. Lying down against the sofa I close my eyes and listen to the beats of the bass. Loud yet soothing.

Suddenly I hear the stereo pause as a body slides on top of me. Engulfing me into a soft sincere hug. It’s dark. I can’t see you. However, the softness of your skin, the scent of your body, the warmth of your breath against me, I could never forget it, but I could always recognise it. I try to push you away from me. I don’t deserve you. I’ve hurt you. I feel your resistance. Your fingernails digging into my skin, holding me tightly.

“I don’t want to hurt you again…” that’s all I can whisper. I feel as your body stiffens on top of mine.

Moments past by slowly before I feel you move atop of me, slowly etching higher towards me. You slowly press your soft lips against mine. My eyes open before slowly closing with the comfort of the kiss. I feel as your lips move away from mine. You gently nudge your nose against mine. Your hot breath piercing my skin as a lone tear trickles down my face.

“You never hurt me… I’ve been hurting myself… and in the process I’ve hurt you…” You gently cuddle closer against me. “I love you Yuko and I know you love me… I was just scared to admit it because I dread the day that you’ll stop loving me.

I tighten my grip around you. Gently placing a kiss on your forehead.

“I could never stop loving you…”

Hope everyone is alright!

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Re: Keichan Ichi BANG! (UPDATED: Tell Me You Love Me- Kojiyuu)
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2011, 12:57:38 PM »
So cute  :cry: , please write more Kojiyuu fics :yep:

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