What?! Another update?! Yeah, that's because I'm taking a break sometime in June. I might not be able to post a chapter until mid July. Though I'm trying to see if I can write a few chapters in advance and then just post them during that time.

And if you're wondering why these four characters... It's because I've always been fascinated by Natsu and Sakura's interactions from since way back into the old Hyakkaten episodes. I feel like they're someone who has an understatedly close relationship, like you don't really see it but feel it in their little interactions. Or at the very least, have the utmost respect for each other. Not to mention, I love all their concert duets.

And as for Madoka and Jurina... well, Jurina did mention about wanting to bring her back home to Nagoya once, so...
Anyway, on to the next chapter.
“Yes, Madoka-chan?”
Who is she?”
Madoka continued to gaze outside window, her little fingers tapping absently on the glass while she watched the strange little girl through the sheer curtains.
“I caught her watching me practice the piano a few times, but she always runs away before I can talk to her.”
“Ah, gomen ne, Madoka-chan. This old man completely forgot to tell you.” Heavy, accented footsteps echoed throughout the dining room, and soon she felt a warm body sidle up next to her. Madoka looked up to see the old family butler. He took a quick peek through the window and showed her a kind smile.
“That’s my granddaughter, Natsumi-chan. I’m talking care of her now.”
“Is she alright? Is that why she won’t talk to me?” she curiously inquired, her attention caught on on the white cloth binding the girl’s right arm.
Don’t worry, Madoka-chan. She’ll be alright. Little Natsumi-chan is just really shy around people,” the old man assured with another smile. He gave her a small pat on the head before walking back to the table he was setting up.
“I’m sure she’ll talk to you soon enough.”
“Mou, then please tell her to hurry up, ojiichan.” Pressing her nose on the window, Madoka continued to observe the other girl as she absently wandered around the flower garden outside.
“I can’t wait to finally have a friend.”
“Today we have a new transfer student….”
The baritone voice of the homeroom teacher droned in the background, allowing Jurina’s attention to wander around the classroom. Although the old teacher in front was discussing something else, she could feel all eyes looking at her. Most students of class 3-B were looking on with curiosity, a number of them were looking at her admiringly, and someone… just looked surprised.
“… and since this is actually her first time in Fukuoka, I trust that you will all welcome her warmly and help her adjust to her new environment.”
Before she could process it further, the thin, balding man began wrapping up his long-winded introduction, breaking Jurina from her thoughts.
The teacher turned his attention to Jurina and motioned for her to come closer.
“Alright, then, Matsui-kun, please introduce yourself to the rest of class.”
Following his cue, Jurina walked over to the center of the room and drew herself to her full height. Everyone watched her intently. Taking a deep breath, she flashed them her most disarming smile and greeted, “Everyone, good morning! My name is Matsui Jurina. I actually came all the way from Nagoya. I know I transferred here suddenly, but I hope to get along with everyone. Yoroshiku onegashimasu!”
She finished her short introduction with a big bow. As expected, her greeting was received with much enthusiasm from the class. Replies of cheerful ‘
yoroshiku onegaishimasu!’ bounced across the four walls of the room.
“Okay, let’s see… Ah, you can have that empty seat next to Moriyasu-kun right there,” the teacher finally declared after peering over his glasses to survey the room for a few seconds. He pointed to a seat at the back near the window, and nodded encouragingly at Jurina. “Moriyasu-kun, if you could please raise your hand.”
With a small nod of gratitude, Jurina made her way to where a slim, dainty hand had gracefully raised up into the air. She smiled and bowed cordially along the way, amidst the murmurs of awe and excitement coming from some of her classmates.
The hand, she pleasantly found out, belonged to a delicate-looking girl with long, dark locks that perfectly framed her elegant features.
“Thank you.”
“Not a problem, Matsui-san.” The beautiful girl smiled as Jurina settled into the seat beside her.
The teacher proceeded with the morning lessons as soon as the students had calmed down. And despite the lulling, monotonous voice of their teacher, Jurina was determined to make a good first impression and concentrated on the day’s lesson.
Which was something she was currently finding hard to do, because she could see it from the corner of her eyes and feel it at the back of her neck – someone was definitely staring.
She turned her head.
That person had looked away before she could meet her gaze.
Madoka could only watch as Natsu shoot out of her seat soon as the school bell rang.
Despite Natsu’s downplay of yesterday’s event and the subsequent injury, she had really been a bit worried about the girl. At least enough to wake up earlier than usual in another attempt to talk further. But once again that proved to be a difficult task as she had soon discovered that the girl had also left earlier than usual.
Something which, Madoka reckoned, has always been the problem: Natsu was always a little too early, and Madoka was always a little too late. She often wondered if she would ever get the timing right.
She let out a sigh. It seemed that it would have to wait until tonight. But then again, that in itself was still questionable, given the way Natsu had slowly grown more aloof and reticent as years went by.
The high-pitched voice of her friend broke her out of her reverie, redirecting her attention to the person who was sitting on her other side.
“Welcome to our school, Matsui-san!”
She noticed Chiichan and Haruppi approaching the transfer student, followed closely by Rikopi who had somehow appeared inside their classroom. By this time, most of their classmates had gone out to eat at the cafeteria or someplace else, except for a handful who had decided to take out their own bento and eat inside the classroom in peace.
“Hello, I’m sorry we didn’t get to introduce ourselves to you this morning. I’m Anai Chihiro, president of the student council.” Chiichan greeted their new classmate with a warm smile. She then signaled to the girl who was almost bouncing excitedly by her side. “And this girl right here is Kodama Haruka, she’s also in the council.”
“Nice to meet you~!” The short-haired girl cheerfully exclaimed. “Please call me Haruppi.”
“Nice to meet you, Haruppi-san.” Jurina returned the girl’s infectious greeting with a smile of her own.
Chiichan continued, “She’s in charge of public relations.”
“Yup, because she’s suitably friendly and chatty,” Rikopi suddenly piped up from behind, astutely bobbing her head a few times. Her nose then crinkled slightly. “Even though she bites her tongue often times.”
“Mou! Stop insulting me, Rikopi~!” Haruppi complained with a pout. Her frustration, however, was proven ineffective as it only earned her an indifferent look and a noncommittal shrug from the taller girl.
“What do you mean? I said you were friendly.”
“That’s Sakaguchi Riko, from 3-A.” The student council president went on with the introductions without missing a beat. “She’s the treasurer.”
“The adult one in this council,” the tall girl stated matter-of-factly, much to Jurina’s visible amusement. She shuffled over and casually leaned against the adjacent seat. “Probably the only one, too. You can call me Rikopi.”
“Oh, of course we also have Madoka-chan here who’s working as the council’s vice-president.” Chiichan finally gestured towards Madoka, prompting Jurina to turn around and face her.
She smiled. “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.”
“Nice to meet you.” Jurina’s eyes twinkled. There was something vaguely familiar about the way Jurina was grinning at her. “Please, call me Jurina.”
“We have one more member, Kojina Yui, also from 3-A. I sent her a message to meet us here for lunch, but I guess she’s still busy,” frowning slightly, Chiichan fished for cellphone. She tapped away on the keys and double-checked the message she had sent the girl.
“Busy checking herself in the mirror, you mean. She probably went to the washroom first.” Rikopi pointed out like it was the most obvious thing. “We were supposed to come over together but she disappeared before I could drag her here.”
“Jurina-san, if you have questions, feel free to ask any of us, okay?”Haruppi said. “We’ll all be happy to help you!”
“That reminds me, have you familiarized yourself with the campus yet? School grounds tend to be quite huge and confusing here Fukuoka, so it’s easy for someone new to get lost.”
“About that, I actually got a bit lost this morning,” rubbing the back of her neck, Jurina admitted with a sheepish grin. “Luckily, I came across another student who showed me the way.”
“Oh, then how about we tour you around the campus later this afternoon. I could –”
“Madoka-chan will do it!” the short-haired girl quickly interjected, eyes growing wide and head nodding vigorously.
Rikopi’s eyebrow shot up while Chiichan just looked thoroughly confused. “Eh, eh? Why are you suddenly volunteering Madoka-chan to do it?”
Meanwhile, Madoka stifled a giggle. She could clearly see the gears turning inside the girl’s head. Unlike Chiichan who seemed to have forgotten, she distinctly remembered about the plans Haruppi had concocted the day before – specifically, the one that didn’t include anyone but Chiichan and Haruppi.
Like a fish out of water, Haruppi opened and closed her mouth a few times before finding her voice.
“Well, she’s the only one free. Rikopi can’t do it because she has English club activities, Jiina also can’t because of her Kyudo activities, and you and I can’t because… we’re supposed to be finishing… some project… later,” the girl finished lamely.
Rikopi rolled her eyes. “That’s just playing dirty, Haruppi.”
“No, it’s not!” Haruppi adamantly insisted, the slightest hint of blush lacing her cheeks. “In any case, I don’t think Madoka-chan would really mind. Would you?”
She shot Madoka her most hopeful gaze, eyes batting a hundred times a minute. Madoka considered teasing the girl for second and refuse, but one look into those sparkling, puppy-dog eyes and she relented.
“I can show you around later, Jurina-san.” She let out a soft chuckle. “I don’t mind.”
“But don’t you have school club activities as well, Madoka-san? I don’t want to impose.” Jurina looked almost apologetic.
“It’s okay. I usually spend the rest of lunch time in the music club room to practice, anyway.”
“It’s settled!” Haruppi clapped her hands with a triumphant grin, startling the few, unsuspecting souls who have remained inside the room. She looped one arm around Chiichan’s own, merrily oblivious to Chiichan’s bewilderment, Madoka’s amusement, and Rikopi’s disbelief. “Then how about it, Jurina-san? Join us for lunch?”
Her hurried strides slowed down to a deliberate saunter once she had put a good distance between her and their classroom.
Both hands in her coat pockets, Natsu let her feet lead her to her destination, largely ignoring the occasional peals of childish laughter and mindless chatters of the other students that littered the halls. Any other day and she would’ve made a beeline towards the school cafeteria, maybe unwittingly scare off some kouhai who so much as glance her way.
But not today.
Today she wasn’t really in the mood, and that much was evident in her face.
The energetic buzz of the students turned into nothing more than muted noise as she reached the far end of the now desolate corridor, beyond the corner of which lay a set of dusty stairs. The steady staccato of her footsteps reverberated in the stale air.
The metal door protested loudly under her hands before finally giving way.
Natsu squinted her eyes, momentarily blinded by the sudden assault of light. She blinked a few times, and once she had cleared her sight, skipped down the couple of steps. The heat of the afternoon sun was offset by the cool breeze blowing on her skin.
She made a quick march towards the side of the rooftop access where an old, worn out bench rested under the shade casted by the access door. The wooden seat gave out a small squeak under her sudden weight. Placing both hands under her head, Natsu lied down and stretched herself out.
The next fifteen or so minutes were spent in silence as she languidly watched the azure sky. However, it wasn’t long before she heard the grate of the metal door yet again.
The bench whined slightly under the additional weight.
“Here again? Don’t you have any friends to eat lunch with?” Natsu questioned, not bothering to see who it was.
There was a brief pause, then came a short reply, “I don’t.”
An awkward silence settled thereafter, the weight of the girl’s words hanging in the air. It was a couple of minutes later when Natsu spoke once more, “Ne, Sakura… Aren’t you scared of me? Haven’t you heard their stories? It’s mostly true, you know.”
The question was thrown with no hints of malice, but instead just pure curiosity.
“No matter what the others say, senpai can’t be that bad.” Sakura chewed thoughtfully on her answer. “I should know. After all, senpai has helped me quite a few times.”
“Something’s definitely not right in your head." Natsu almost snorted.
“But it’s true, right? That’s why sometimes I wonder… don’t you hate it? Being made out into something you’re not?”
This time, it was Natsu who seemed to consider her answer. “It doesn’t really matter.”
From somewhere with an open window, she could hear the faint stirrings of a familiar tune blend playfully with the wind. With one last look at the clear blue skies, Natsu draped one arm over her face, and gently closed her eyes.
“I don’t care what everyone thinks, as long as that person believes in me….”
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Madoka-san!”
Madoka turned from the school bulletin board she was skimming to find Jurina screeching to a halt beside her, slightly out of breath.
“Teramoto-sensei wanted to talk a few things over. I couldn’t exactly get out of it.”
“It’s okay, I haven’t been waiting here long.” Madoka smiled in reassurance. “Maeda-sensei wanted to give me something to practice at home. I had to get it from her after class. Shall we go?”
Jurina nodded. Madoka adjusted the bag she carried on her shoulder and led her away from spacious genkan she had been waiting at and deeper into halls of the building.
“You play the piano?” the other girl queried, referring to the sheets of music Madoka had waved around just moments before. “Eh. I won’t ask if you’re good because you obviously are, judging by how you even spend your lunch breaks to practice.”
Madoka responded with a question of her own. “Is there anything you’re good at, Jurina-san?”
“Sports, mostly,” Jurina readily answered, never breaking their leisurely strides.
“Ah, but of course you are.”
“Hey!” The other girl exclaimed in mock protest, narrowing her eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, you seem like exactly the type: cool looks, charming personality… see, you already even have the fangirls that come with the territory.” With a small chuckle, Madoka nodded towards the passing students who greeted the two of them with barely restrained giggles and bashful smiles. Briefly catching herself, she then shot Jurina an apologetic look. “I’m sorry; I’m being too blunt, aren’t I?”
“Not at all. My friends in Nagoya speak like that all the time.” Jurina’s Cheshire cat smile turned mischievous. “Minus the pretty face like yours, though.”
Exactly the type, indeed,” Madoka muttered under her breath and shook her head good-naturedly. The amount of confidence of the other girl was certainly not lacking. “Can I ask why you transferred, then?”
“My father is setting up a business here in Fukuoka. He wanted to personally oversee the preparations, but couldn’t leave me back home by myself for so long,” the girl lightly explained without preamble. “So he just brought me here as well.”
Madoka didn’t dare to broach the topic further after that, knowing full well how it might be a sensitive matter for the other girl, despite the light tone and the small smile Jurina had. It was, after all, something Madoka found in common with her.
So instead she focused back on the task at hand and proceeded to lead Jurina throughout the campus, pointing out important spots and shortcuts.
“Arts and crafts club rooms are on the second floor, which you can get to by using the set of stairs beyond that corridor. Student council room is also on that floor.
“If you take a left through there, you’ll find the short way towards the cafeteria.
“Administrative offices are mostly on the first floor. The school clinic is just on the other side of the wing.
“And that corridor leads to the other building, which is the library,” Madoka directed, lingering at the other end of an extensive hallway. They had been walking around for almost half an hour, and she was sure she had showed Jurina every place she needed know. “That leaves us with nothing but the sports complex outside.”
“You sound a lot more enthusiastic now than how you were twenty minutes ago. That tour must have really bored you.” The tone was light and teasing.
Jurina chuckled. “Well, it’s just that I prefer playing around under the sunlight. That’s all.”
Madoka held up a hand over her eyes as they stepped out into the school grounds, the glare of the afternoon sun momentarily blinding her. She guided Jurina further towards the vast compound of open fields and small buildings. Dirt and gravel crunched under their feet as they walked through the beaten path leading to each spot.
“See that building? That’s the softball club room. The field is just beyond that. Shiraishi-san is this year’s captain, if you’re interested to join.
“The tennis courts are over there. Then that building adjacent to that the swimming pools.
“At the far end, you can reach the Kyudo. Jiina’s the co-captain of the team. She’s actually quite good at what she does, despite what the others say.”
“That’s the track club lockers up,” she gestured to the small, white building a few meters ahead. Their pace had slowed down considerably as they reached the track field. Briefly, Madoka let her gaze wander towards the group of students doing stretches at the far end of field, only not to find the face she was looking for.
Just then, the door to the locker room burst wide open. Madoka stopped dead in her tracks.
“Um, that’s the captain of the track team, Umemoto Izumi.”
“Oi, oi! Matsuoka! Are you going to skip training again?!” A short, irate-looking girl in track shorts loudly called out to Natsu who has emerged from the building and, Madoka realized, was now marching straight towards their direction.
“I have things to do today, Chiizu.”
always have something to do,” the captain huffed. She continued to stand by the doorway, hands on her hips and looking very much annoyed. Natsu, however, just waved a hand and stayed on track without turning to look back. “When will you have time for training? Competitions are coming up soon, you know!”
“And, well that’s…” Before Madoka can say or do anything further, Jurina had planted herself right into the path of the other girl, effectively blocking her off. Whether it was deliberate or not on Jurina’s part, Madoka wasn’t so sure. What she was sure, though, was the way she saw Natsu’s lips thinned ever so slightly.
Not to mention the way Natsu’s cold gaze quickly flicked towards her before settling on the other girl.
“Hello. You’re in the same class with us, right?” Jurina’s greeting was cordial enough, but that did little to tamp down the apprehension Madoka was currently feeling. “My name is Matsui Jurina. I’m the transfer student.”
There was a silent plea in Madoka’s eyes. For a few nerve-wracking seconds, Natsu wordlessly stared at Jurina, looking highly unimpressed.
“Matsuoka Natsumi,” Natsu finally acknowledged the girl after what seemed like eternity.
“You look somewhat familiar. Have we meet before?”
“No,” she answered shortly, and offered nothing more.
“I see…. My mind must be playing tricks on me again.” Madoka slowly released the breath she didn’t know she was holding. So caught was she with the veiled tension that she failed to notice the strange glint in Jurina’s eyes. “It happens often, don’t worry. You see, I had an accident when I was kid and lost some of my memories. Sometimes I confuse myself with people and places.”
The seemingly casual revelation took Madoka by surprise. Natsu, however, remained silent.
“Anyway, you seem to be busy, so we won’t hold you any further,” stepping aside, Jurina gestured lightly at the open path. The corner of her lips tugged into a smile.
“See you in class, Natsumi-san.”
REPLIES:yurin23mayuki - Madoka is a secret dere
Yuki88 - yes, Jurina because... well, why not?? hahaha
kuro_808 - i think she's the type who finds everything troublesome but still helps out at the same
junrena - it is... kinda, lol!
ryo_heartkreuz - i really thought no one would realize that! it will all make sense in due time... i hope.