@Genkikid: Yaaaass cuz Yuko's too BA
@junchan: Haha thanks and yep now we'll see what she does next
@Ruka Kikuchi: I love Yuko's spirit in the show so I tried to incorporate it here
@rindg: Ya I don't know where I got the idea from, but well I had to make do with the triplets so ya

IKR? I love her too~
@key17: Lol ya she is
@DarkHeart: It's all kinda centered around Yuko so ya, and I can't see any of the others getting along without her there

Yep it's how Yuko finds them
So~ Can you guess who the first person to join Yuko is? I think it'd be pretty obvious haha
Part 2: ComradeA few months later, Yuko had successfully settled in. She decided to stick to one corner of the warehouse, in the far side from the door but by a back door that she could get in easily. So if someone were to wander in, nothing would seem amiss except for perhaps a few boxes that stood stubbornly in the way of the garage door. Yuko had pulled a few of the metal cargo containers over (because she just has monstrous strength like that) and transformed them into rooms with the doors hanging open and facing each other, three on a side. There were six in total and Yuko claimed the middle one in the left row. At first, there was only a bed made of cardboard and table and chairs made of those metal solvent barrels, but things got better.
Yuko found a job, quite fortunately, she made friends with the owner of a ramen shop and he offered for her to work as a waitress. The old man’s children had grown up long left home to start their own families, so Yuko kind of became his adopted granddaughter, though she liked to call him ‘old man’. But he was like the father she never had, always kind and grinning at her with crinkles around his eyes. He was a nice guy - Yuko just had that kind of gut feeling.
She was even offered to stay with him, but Yuko didn’t want to trouble him anymore and lied, saying that she had her own place (which was technically true if you thought about it) and turned down the kind offer. In reality, Yuko also wanted to live on her own, taking care of herself and not relying about anyone else. Kind of like a survival game, it was an interesting challenge to her.
So with the money she saved up from her job, she began to buy herself the necessities – clothes, food (when she didn’t eat at the ramen shop), toilet paper (thank the gods the warehouse had a working plumbing system and bathroom) and decided to skimp on the furniture (people threw perfectly fine chairs out on the street anyways so she could just pick up a few of those). Yuko even saved up enough to replace the flattened cardboard with futon mattresses complete with covers and everything!
She was ready to go and never felt more accomplished in her entire life.
Even so, with all the upgrades she was making, it still felt sort of amiss. Something was lacking before she could really name this ‘home’ and she just couldn’t figure out what.
One day, Yuko was headed for the town shrine that she had heard of from some customers, thinking of trying her luck and going for a visit just for the heck of it, when a gang of girls approached her.
“Oi! Who are you? Never seen your face around before.” One of them got right up into her face and spoke rudely. They could only be yankees with those school uniforms and terrible etiquette.
The funny thing was, Yuko was actually wearing the same exact navy uniform. She had ‘exchanged’ her own hospital gown with some girl for it quite a while ago (to keep up appearances to the old man that she had a home and went to school), but it was only later that she found out the school the uniform came from was actually full of yankees. Having been stuck isolated in a hospital as soon as she came to the town, Yuko knew nothing about it – the people, the places, the schools. She had just assumed that those girls she fought were of the delinquent type, not anticipating that the entire school was the same way!
And now it looked like it was about to cause her some trouble.
“Hey aren’t ya gonna answer? It’s rude ya know.”
Yuko almost scoffed at the comment but kept her mouth shut, she had learned that it was never a good idea to laugh out loud at people.
Then the girl grabbed her by the collar and pulled her face even closer. “OI! I’m talkin’ to you! You go to Majijo right?! So fight me like a yankee!”
Yuko was being shaken a bit by the girl before she decided she had enough dizziness. In one swift movement, she grabbed the wrist holding her and twisted it behind the girl’s back, holding it in a tense arm lock with a blank expression. “And why should I fight you guys?”
Valid question, but the girls didn’t seem to think so.
“Ha?! What did you say!?” Three other girls Yuko had successfully riled up came at her, a fist flying at her face that she dodged while using the girl she had a grip on to block another kick before throwing her aside.
These guys aren’t that strong...But I hope they can at least make this a bit enjoyable for me. It’s been forever since I had a good fight! Honestly speaking, Yuko was really excited to be fighting and getting more worked up by the second. The thrill of facing an opponent, the clash of nerves while testing the other’s seriousness...there was nothing more fun!
The girl she just let go of collapsed to her knees, clutching her stomach in pain from that kick. She groaned but slowly got back up and grabbed her comrade roughly. “Watch where you’re kickin’!”
“It’s your fault for gettin’ caught!”
“What’d you say?!”
Yuko merely watched as they bickered like kids.
What a bunch of comrades they are, fighting with each other like that.But then a figure stepped forward and the two stopped immediately.
Yuko didn’t notice her before, probably because she was just observing from the back and was hidden from view. But from the looks of it, she was the head.
Donned in the same sailor uniform with blonde highlights in her short brown locks, a white tiger pelt coat over her shoulders and a kendama painted black and silver in her hand. This girl gave off a very different vibe compared to the others. Or maybe it was her
She stepped forward right between the two bickering girls and they backed away with their heads bowed in submission. Walking right up to Yuko, the latter could see a big height difference between them, but that wasn’t going to faze her.
This one looks tough. Yuko grinned, unable to keep in her excitement at the appearance of this new adversary. “And your name?”
The other smiled as well, smirking with a slightly sadistic edge to it. “You should introduce yourself before asking someone else’s name.”
Yuko laughed at this, a loud merry sound that she couldn’t hold in because this newcomer was certainly too interesting. “Well it doesn’t matter anyways. Fists can convey just as much as words.”
Both of their grins grew wider and Yuko had a good feeling about this.
The kendama fell to the ground.
And the first punch was thrown.
A good hour later, Yuko’s punches and kicks were getting wild and sluggish, but by now she was about the only one standing. All of the others were lying around, groaning and writhing on the soil. There was only one that kept trying to get back up.
Yuko gripped the taller girl’s collar, slamming her knee into her stomach one more time before the latter collapsed on her back. She laid there panting, her coat had been lost some time ago and blood dripped down the corner of her mouth along with a few cuts on her face that stung like hell. One gash above her right eye was particularly nasty and might leave a scar, but she wouldn’t mind getting a battle scar—not from this fight.
Yuko wasn’t faring much better either. She staggered over, running a hand through her bangs in habit and extended a hand (even though she was about to fall over herself).
And the one lying on her back took it.
Yuko grinned again, her dimples appearing on her cheeks. “From now on, I think I’ll call you Sado.”
Sado was gratefully pulled to her feet by Yuko and they leaned on each other for support. It was at that point she decided - Yuko would be a great comrade and friend to have. Someone that could watch her back and she wouldn’t mind watching Yuko’s either.
And from then on, it was Yuko and Sado against the world.
“What about those guys?” Yuko asked, meaning the ones lying beaten all around them.
“They just followed me because I’m strong. I never said that they were my companions.” Sado had never asked to be followed around wherever she went. Weaklings just tended to flock to the strong, as if being near Sado somehow made them stronger as well. No one had ever been strong enough to stand by her side, and Sado was left all alone. That resentment had led to her sadistic attitude because no one even tried to match her level. But Yuko was different, she could tell.
As for Yuko, she knew right away when she saw Sado that they’d be good friends. Of course though, Yuko still wanted to fight her. You could learn a lot about a person from fighting them after all, but really Yuko just loved to fight.
Not long after Yuko met Sado (actually like the same night), Sado moved in with her. Apparently Sado had no parents and her older sister always kicked her out of their apartment, so she didn't like staying there anyways. Sado just had nowhere else to go, until now.
“Sorry about the shabby and overall crappiness of the place, but this is where I live.” Yuko had smiled sheepishly when they made it back to the warehouse where she was currently residing.
Yuko didn't have much to offer, but Sado was perfectly fine with staying in the metal cargo bin to the right of Yuko’s. There was an old desk and wooden chair with a futon mattress neatly folded and ready for an occupant. Seemed like Yuko was prepared for any guests she picked up, or maybe she was hoping to find someone to accompany her.
The two worked together, literally as Sado also got a job in the same ramen place as Yuko, and if Yuko was being completely honest, it was hilarious. Sado got so nervous and messed up orders at first, it was funny to see her so flustered and different from her sadistic yankee side. Yuko had been worried that Sado might threaten a customer (Yuko didn't have room to talk because she had done that herself a number of times) but she was glad when Sado worked earnestly.
And of course, they kept fighting together as well. Sado had learned almost instantly that Yuko loved fighting, and it didn't matter who her opponent was, she’d take them seriously and maybe even hurt herself in the process of pursuing her ‘fun’. Then it was Sado’s job to take care of her and watch her back.
Afterwards, they’d just stumble home, supporting each other the whole way and patching each other up with the first aid kit. The two would crash on the recliners (that someone had abandoned on the side of the road) and light a little fire on the concrete with some firewood they cut from the nearby woods, right in the middle of the makeshift living room and between the two rows of ‘bedrooms’.
The orange flame flickered as Yuko watched it, the fire lighting up their home in the night (it was too dangerous to turn on the lights lest they be found out) and reflecting off the gray walls. And it was times like these that Sado found Yuko to be most interesting. Yuko would watch the flame with such a grim and serious expression, not saying a word, it was hard to imagine her as the energetic grinning squirrel that was shouting ‘This is fun!’ as she beat people up.
Then one night about a month later, Yuko told Sado about her condition and she didn't even believe it at first. Yuko said not to dwell on it with a smile, but it was from then on that Sado starting noticing the signs. They were small, but telltale if you caught them - Yuko suddenly doubling over during a fight and coughing up blood when she hadn't even been hit too hard, days where she looked pale and sick or even when she’d say it was okay with a smile though it looked more like a grimace just to reassure Sado.
“Man you’re such a worrywart. Like my mom or something.” Yuko'd tell her and laugh about it afterwards. Sado could never understand how Yuko was so lighthearted and spirited all the time. Or how she was such a strong fighter even with her condition. But she just decided that Yuko could never be understood as an enigmatic creature, so Sado chose to just stand by her without needing to figure Yuko out. They were friends, no, more than that—they were comrades. And she would be there when Yuko needed it.