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Author Topic: PJ48 Gakuen - chapter 11 (Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon) - 20/12/2013  (Read 109805 times)

Offline Terragen

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #280 on: August 17, 2013, 03:03:16 PM »
wow you back~~~ im happy person in the worlds!!

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #281 on: August 17, 2013, 03:34:09 PM »
that was awesome <- unable to describe w/ more descriptive words

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #282 on: August 17, 2013, 04:42:38 PM »
omg, my favorite fan fiction from you has FINALLY BEEN UPDATED!!! Is this reality or is this a dream!? :panic:

Okay, jokes aside, haha, I'm glad you updated it! :) The beginning was a little funny for me when Rena, Yuki and Mayu were all arguing to who's going inside the shrine. In the end... they all decided to go inside together just for the sake of satisfying everyone's demands. XD I see that there's a fake Mayuyu roaming around the area where Takamina, Yuihan and Acchan are residing in at the moment... And Acchan is hurt. :cry: Hope the gangs quickly bring her to a nearby hospital or some sort of medical building for treatment! That poor girl must be in agony without proper treatment! :bleed eyes: Save her please!

I still wonder where Jurina is... I hope she herself is safe too! :bow:

You don't know how much you've made my day today, LOL. :cathappy: Thank you so much for the update and looking forward to more of your work/updates! :deco:

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #283 on: August 17, 2013, 08:41:14 PM »
Damn, took you long enough to update this haha.
Long enough that I think I'll need to re-read it from the beginning to understand the story xD
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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #284 on: August 17, 2013, 08:48:47 PM »
Finally........ They should find J soon.

Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #285 on: August 18, 2013, 12:46:09 AM »
Finally an update
anyway nice update as always :twothumbs

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #286 on: August 18, 2013, 01:18:04 AM »
OH FINALLY!!!  I almost lost the thread of the story xDDD

ahh I hope that Rena could find jurina soon >__<

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #287 on: August 18, 2013, 02:49:33 AM »
Short! Too short! I was just getting the mood back!!!  Get your lazy butt to write again and update by next week!!!! :scolding:

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #288 on: December 04, 2013, 11:45:29 PM »
I love ur story so much

It was sweet, cool, and dangerous

Please continue update

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #289 on: December 06, 2013, 05:33:09 AM »
Update please..
The fic is so cool!
just love to read alot of fiction story

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #290 on: December 06, 2013, 01:05:07 PM »
plz plz plz plz plz.plz update this story is sooooooooooo nice i want to know next!

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #291 on: December 15, 2013, 08:03:08 AM »
WOW!!!!! this story is great!!! Wmatsui so cool and romantic   :heart:   and  the other pairing are cool tool!!!! please update soon!!!

Jurina is the best!!!! i hope happy ending for all!!!!  :inlove: :twisted: :inlove: :luvluv1:

who met in the hospital??? i can't wait for know....  :shocked: :on study: :dunno:

Omendetou for this fic!!!! arigatooooo!!!!!!
Kami Oshi: Matsui Jurina
Oshis: Takahashi minami, Kojima Haruna, Minami minegishi, Yamamoto Sayaka, Yokoyama Yui, Miyazawa Sae, Watanabe Miyuki, Watanabe Mayu, Iriyama Anna, Iwata Karen, Takayanagi Akane, Matsui Rena, Furukawa Airi, Takayo Aki, Kashiwaki Yuki
OTP: "Wmatsui", Atsumina, Kojiyuu, jurimayu, juriannin, mariharu, saeyaka, saeyuki.
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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #292 on: December 15, 2013, 11:21:02 PM »
please update this fic~ I really like this!
WMatsui is like Day&Night. Jurina is like a warm day, active and bright. Rena is like a cool night, shiny and enchanting ~ by someone from twitter >> @evile1690

Offline mashioou

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #293 on: December 16, 2013, 07:06:17 PM »
I need to known what happens next @_@

please updateee
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 02:57:54 AM by mashioou »

Offline Sayuki

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 10-2] 8/17 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #294 on: December 20, 2013, 11:40:31 AM »
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. As I promised, this is a new update for this fic. Thank you all for supporting me and waiting for my update patiently. I love you all <3

Chapter 11

It was 2 pm and the sun hadn’t risen yet. We all went through the darkness in our car, worried and cautious about our surroundings. Due to the noisy sound of the engine, we attracted some vampires to ourselves. I had to stretch my eyes and used everything I had learned to drive us through the sea of vampires. It was a bad idea to travel in the dead city of vampires by car after all. After the collision between our car and a female vampire, the broken body went under the wheels, causing the car to jump up and almost out of the control. The number of vampires coming towards us was just increasing through time, making it more difficult to drive the car.

“Someone can think of any other plan besides hitting those vampires? I don’t think I can make it to the hospital in this condition.” I said to the others when my eyes were still fixed on the road filled with vampires in front of me.

“Rena is right. I’m strong and lucky enough to stay here until now. But I don’t think I can hold on any longer.” The breathless voice of Mayu, coming from the roof of the car, talked to us while charging some lightning balls in order to clean the way for me. On the passenger seat next to me, Yuki was also having troubles with cleaning the vampires holding on our car. There were too many of them and yet too few of us. It was a completely unbalanced battle.

“We have no choice then. Even if we make it to the hospital, the vampires will still follow us and Acchan won’t be treated properly.” Finally, our midget leader, Takamina spoke up. “We have to divide into two groups; one group acts as the bait to lure the vampires far away from the hospital. The other goes inside the hospital and treats Acchan.”

“We’re just united but yet separated again.” Mayu said in sarcasm. “But it’s the best choice in this situation. OK then I, Rena and Yuki will be the bait. We’ll stop somewhere near the hospital to drop you guys. Yuihan, make sure to telepath us when you guys are done. We’ll come back to pick you up.”

“Roger that.” Yui replied.

“Takamina, we’re counting on you to save Acchan. Whatever happens to our friend, I and Rena will make sure that you’ll suffer the same.” Yuki glared at the midget. She had spoken my feeling so I had nothing to say and just focus on driving. As expect, the midget leader replied in confidence and relaxed me a little bit.

“Don’t worry. I promise if anything bad happens to Acchan, I’ll let you guys do anything you want to me and then I’ll kill myself.”

“We trust you. Don’t make us turn back into your enemy.” Yuki warned.

“OK, I see the hospital. Mayu, clean the sideway for me. We’ll park here.” I shouted at Mayu from the side window.

“Got that. Bring it on, Rena.”

“Tighten your seatbelt, everyone. It’s gonna be rough.”

Right after finished my sentence, I stepped hardly on the brake and turned the wheel as fast as I could, causing the car to make a quick turn and push everyone to the left side. The car turned around in the angle of 180 degrees and stopped. However, due to inertia, Mayu flew forward. Like what she expected, she held her white sword, which was surrounded by her lightning, and slashed through many vampires. With a help of acceleration, she gained more power that helped her to slice lots of vampires, providing a clean path of 500 meters before she completely stopped on the ground.

“OK, Mayu has cleaned the way for you. Now move out, Takamina.” Yuki quickly said and got out of the car in order to cover for Takamina.

“Roger that… Be safe, guys…” Takamina gave us a fainted smile and then carried Acchan in her arms while getting out along with Yuihan. Under the rain of bullets from Yuki, they got to where Mayu was safely and were escorted by her to the hospital.

“Get in, Yukirin. We have to move.” As soon as Yuki got on her seat, I stepped on the accelerator and drove away in full speed. Doing it in purpose, the roar of the engine attracted the vampires and made them to follow us instead of the others. The big different between a zombie and a degenerated vampire is that zombies can only walk but degenerated vampires can run; they run really fast. Therefore if I and Yuki wanted to stay alive, we must not stop or crash into anything. My 3-year driving training had finally had its use. After we had gone for five minutes, Yui’s voice rang in our minds.

“We made it to the hospital, thanks to you guys. I’m treating Acchan now and she’s doing fine. She just needs to rest for a while. How is everything there?”

“Well, to be honest, not good. We’re about to run out of gas. I don’t think we can’t turn back to pick you guys up. These vampires are more annoying than we thought.”
I replied to Yui.

“OK the. Just find a safe place and stay there. Mayu is going to pick you up in a while.”

“No, Yuihan. Tell her to stay there with you guys. We’ll be fine on our own.”
Suddenly, Yuki spoke up.

“She said no. I don’t think that’s a good idea either. It’s true that there is no full blood there so you guys can be all right on your own. But you’re over numbered by them. It should be better if Mayu is with you.”

“We’re professional vampire hunters, for your information. So we won’t die that easily. And like I said before, if something happens to Acchan, we’ll ensure that you guys will suffer the same. So tell Mayu that it’s my order.”

There was a long pause from Yui before the conversation continued. However, it was Mayu who was talking instead of Yui.

“I’ll only stay here with one condition. Rena, if Yuki has a small scratch on her skin or one string of her hair was cut off, I’ll kill you.”

I was startled a bit at first by the thread of Mayu. Quickly turning to Yuki, I could see her flushed cheeks clearly. I giggled softly at the overprotective vampire before replying.

“OK, Mayu. Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on her. Promise that. But do take care of Acchan and the other in exchange, OK?”

“No prob. We have a deal, Rena. Now you guys should find a shelter and stay there until we come to pick you up. Just don’t go any further. Or else we’ll lose communication.”

“Roger that.”
As I replying, Yuki tugged my sleeve and pointed at something outside. “Speak up, Yukirin. I’m driving here so I can’t see it.” It was true though. If I lost my concentration for a second, it would have paid by our lives. The road was full of running vampires and fallen trees. The vampires must have knocked down those trees in order to stop us. They were smarter than I thought. My arms got numbed because of many steering wheel turnings.

“I see an empty school at three o’clock. It’s strange though. We should check it out, Rena.”

“It’s a knife with two edges, Yukirin. Either we will be safe there or we’ll go into our own graves”

“Have any better idea? We’re running out of gas and vampires are still chasing us. We have to trust our luck this time, Rena.”

I made a quick look at the gas meter. Yuki was right. The gas had run out. We couldn’t travel in more than five minutes. Furrowed my eyebrows, I quickly turned the steering wheel to the right, heading towards the aforementioned school.

“You’d better be lucky, Yukirin. I don’t want to be killed by Mayu.”

“I don’t think that would ever happen. We’re the BuraGeki couple after all.” Yuki giggled.

“Yeah yeah. Just don’t tell Mayu that name. I’m still too young to die under a vampire’s hand because of love jealousy.”

“Let me think about that later, Rena. Right now, the Delta move, Gekikara?” As we reached the school, Yuki looked at me with a smirk on her face. I smirked back at her, sharing the same thought.

“Bring on the Delta move, Black.”

At the moment when the whole body of our car passed the school gate, I immediately stepped on the brake and made a 360-degree turn. At that time, Yuki set her gun on automatic mode and free-fired the outside. The car kept spinning around; the bullets kept flying and bodies of vampires kept falling down like rain. This was one of our combining attacks when we were in the same group. I and Yuki used to be partners before she moved to Tokyo with Acchan. To be honest, we worked together very well and we were always in the top teams among the Hunter League. I really missed the times when I work with her.

“Rena! I’m out! I only have one magazine left.” She shouted to me as she reloaded her gun.

“OK. Save it. I’m gonna park in now.” I said loudly. “Evacuate with Beta move OK? Releasing in 3… 2… 1… Now!”

Both of us quickly remove our seat belts as I released the brake. The car stop spinning and now it headed towards the crowd of vampires. At that time, Yuki quickly opened the door and jumped out. Right after 1 second, I also jumped out of the car and let it hit the vampires. Regaining my balance, I landed on the ground safely and quickly drew out my katana.

“Now, Yukirin!”

Yuki stood up from her knee and immediately shot the gas tank of the car, causing it to explode in the middle of the crowd. The smell of blood and burned flesh attacked our noses. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to bear with the smell while approaching Yuki.

“Are you OK, Yukirin?” I patted her shoulder.

“Yeah. Just have some scratches on my knees. I think my landing technique still needs to be trained.” She smiled weakly to me. I glanced down at her knees and saw them bleeding a little.

“Geez. Mayu is gonna kill me for sure. Can you walk?”

“A little sting but I guess I can.”

“Remind me to train your landing skill after this, Yukirin.” I sighed heavily and turned my back to her while kneeing down. “Hop on. We should go before the vampires find us. Your blood will attract them.”

Yuki climbed onto my back. I wrapped my arms around her leg to support her and then stood up. However, it was more difficult than I thought. I barely maintained my balance when I stood up.

“Either I’m getting weaker or you’re getting heavier, Yukirin. I’ll go with the second option.” I said to her softly. It was hard to talk when I carried 45 kilograms of meat and bones on my back. And it was way harder when she tightened her arms wrapping around my neck.

“Just shut up and get out of here. They are coming for us.”

“Damn it.” I cursed silently and started to run. Heading to the stairs, I quickly climbed up until I reached the second floor of the school. The place was completely dark and quiet. Luckily, I still had one flashlight in my bag so Yuki used it to lighten the way. When we were on the second floor, I quickly looked back to search for any presence of the vampires. They hadn’t caught us yet but they were close enough to hear their hungry groans. I immediately searched for a closet near the stairway. Using one arm to open the door, both of us looked around in the closet to make sure that there was no thread. Then I placed Yuki down to lean on a wall before closing the door. I dug into my bag and took out another first aid kit. I was glad that I put two kits for emergency case. It was never useless thing to do.

“Can you treat it by yourself?” I gave Yuki the kit and received back a nod. “Good. I’ll buy for you some time, enough to treat that wound. Have you used your blood yet?”

“No, not yet.” As she was talking, her hand moved into her pocket and picked out a small bottle, which contained a thick dark red liquid, almost like black blood. “Where is yours?”

“I think I’ve lost it. I couldn’t find it in my pocket.” I shrugged. “It could fall into the river from that battle. Can I borrow yours for now?”

“Sure but what are you trying to do?”

“Buying time for you. I’ll lure the vampires far away from you, maybe kill them all but I’m not so sure about that. I’ll be back in about ten minutes.” I smiled to her then took the bottle from her hand. Before I could withdraw my hand, Yuki held it in her own hand and looked at me in concern.

“Be careful OK? Just don’t die. Not yet.”

“I know. I’ll definitely not die here.”

I smiled to calm her and then stood up. Holding my katana in my right hand, I slowly walked to the door. Peeking outside, I noticed few of vampires wandering around the floor, smelling for Yuki’s blood. If I didn’t act quickly, they would find out our place and Yuki would be in danger. Looking back at Yuki, I smiled to her.

“Always get your gun ready, Yukirin. And save the bullets OK? You just have one magazine left. Be sure to treat that wound before I come back. Or else I’ll be the one who bites you.”

“Well I would not be afraid of turning into vampires if that was you.” She giggled.

I let out a sigh to calm myself. Then, I open the cork of the bottle and brought it closer to my mouth. Gulping down all of the liquid quickly, my eyebrows furrowed due to the nasty taste of blood. It wasn’t the first time I drank vampire’s blood but I couldn’t ever get used to the taste. Takamina gave me her blood for missions before and it tasted no better than this one.

“Don’t make that face, Rena. Mayu’s blood isn’t that bad.” I could hear Yuki teasing me after I had gulped down everything in that bottle, not wanting to leave anything behind for those hungry vampires outside.

“Yeah right. Because she is your girlfriend so you could say that. Everything from her is delicious to you.”

“O-Oi! What do you mean by that?” Suddenly, Yuki blushed. I giggled quietly at her reaction.

“I think you understand it so no need for me to explain it.” And what I was waiting had come. I started feeling dizzy and uncomfortable. My head ached like hell and my legs felt weak. I fell down on my knee while holding my head, hoping to soothe the pain inside it.

“Right… I forgot to warn you. Mayu’s blood is more powerful than Takamina’s so it hurts you more at the beginning.”

“Thanks for… the late warning…” I breathlessly replied. My breaths became shallow and fainted. My body was burning. The inner was so hot that I felt like I was melting. Biting my lips hard to stop my scream escaping from my dried throat, I tightened my grip on my katana, bearing with the pain and heat inside me. It was more painful than when I drank Takamina’s. Way too painful to bear.

It was only one minute until the pain was gone and I completely transformed into half vampire. But it felt like it had been one hour. Stood still on my feet, I looked at Yuki with my golden eyes and a sweaty face.

“I’ll remember this, Yukirin.” I said to her, half angry.

“Sorry for my lateness. Anyway, you should be able to manipulate lightning like Mayu now.”

“That’s something worth for the pain. Thanks Yukirin. I’ll come back in ten minutes.”

“I’ll be here, waiting for you.” As she was speaking, she loaded her gun with a smirk on her face. I nodded at her and then quickly got out of the room.

Right after closing the door behind me, I steadily walked ahead. Several vampires on this floor noticed my presence. They slowly walked to my direction, but no intend to attack me. They observed me carefully, like they were thinking of the most delicious way to flavor me until my last drop of blood. I didn’t care how they looked at me, or the fact that they used to be innocent humans, as long as they were degenerated vampires, it was my job to kill them all. I was a vampire hunter. With a helping hand of vampire blood, I stood back for nobody.


As I thought, a hungry stupid vampire searched for his death. He ran from a classroom and headed to where I was. My lips curled up into a smirk as I saw him approaching me. But I didn’t hold my steps. I kept walking ahead; my katana was always ready in my right hand. He was so close to me. So close that he went passed me. Well no, he didn’t miss. It was just that his body was split into half, from head to toe. Thanks to Mayu’s incredible speed, I raised my katana up and cut him apart before his fingers could ever touch a string of my hair. In just one tenth of a second, I managed to cut him and then went back to my previous pose, making myself look like I didn’t move at all and the vampire was just split naturally.

His bloody parts fell on the ground, provoking the other vampires. Like a signal, all of them attacked me in union. Focusing on thinking about lightning, a white lightning ball immediately formed in my left palm. Not waiting for my life to be taken, I gripped my left hand to make a fist surrounded by powerful lightning and slammed it onto the floor. The floor cracked and transferred the lightning to the whole floor. The vampires stopped and shook rapidly due to the lightning running through their muscles. Being paralyzed, they couldn’t do anything. Taking my chance, I slashed every vampire getting in my way, colored the white floor with red blood and black ashes. The smell of blood and ash once again went into my lungs. But it didn’t annoy me. In fact, I felt even more excited. Since I was a half vampire at that time, blood just excited me more. So I kept slashing, waving my katana, cutting everything on my way until I completely cleared out the whole school in just five minutes. All of the vampires’ bodies turned into ashes but blood covered every corner of the building. The battle was over, but my heart still bumped rapidly. The excitement was not over yet since the smell of blood was too heavy in the air. Until I turned back into human, I would keep a distance from Yuki, or else I might bite her.

Patrolling around the building, I checked every single room to ensure that I didn’t miss any vampires. I couldn’t risk my own life and my best friend’s so I had to be careful. After checking the ground floor and the top floor, the floor left that was where Yuki was hiding. I went to the closet, peeking over the small square window on the floor. I could see Yuki, still leaning against the wall. Her knees were carefully bandaged and yet she hadn’t moved from her last position. But by looking at her face, I knew that she was sleeping. She must be very tired after this incidence happened. I smiled then turned away to start patrolling. However, I sensed a presence of an unknown person. Tightening my grip on my katana, I started walking to where the sense was attracting me. Without noticing, I found myself walking to a classroom, about ten meters away from the closet. A chill ran through my spine. Somehow, I felt uneasy that whoever was in this room, I would be dead if I didn’t act quickly.

Placing my hand on top of the doorknob, I took a deep breath, slowing my heart down. When I was ready, I took all of my strength to push the door to the side. Unexpectedly, someone I could never think of being here was standing in front of me.

However, this wasn’t a good sign. I still felt something bad was going to happen. My instinct was yet again right.

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 11] 12/20 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #295 on: December 20, 2013, 11:52:42 AM »
Yes!!! Staking mission success!!! I'll edit this after reading properly.

Now, I'm back!!!

Nice chapter. Worth the long wait but still a tad bit too short in my opinion.

Ah! So Yuki and Rena were partners before and they were called BuraGeki couple of the hunters association. They even have attack formations going on. Thinking about it, they should really be a good combi, one is mid to long range while the other is close range. Just like in movies, one can fight up front while the other snipes from behind or atop somewhere. It's also nice that you blended in their Majijo names in this fic.

And you left us hanging again! Who could that be? Jurina? Someone from the upper class pure blood enemy vampires? If it is Jurina, I wonder how she is now? I hope she does not kill Rena.

Well, I'll be stalking around again. I hope you don't leave us hanging for so long. You still need to show us Kumi's explosive gunblade techniques.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 12:15:38 PM by hikari_043083 »

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 11] 12/20 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #296 on: December 20, 2013, 12:31:57 PM »

Rena is so cool, but Yuki got hurt..  :cry:

Who is the person in the classroom?

Is it Jurina?

Update soon, please... :bow:

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 11] 12/20 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #297 on: December 20, 2013, 01:40:31 PM »
UPDATE!! thanks~
this fic is going toooo dangerous yet interesting~!!
I like the BuraGeki part, whos the one that Rena met at the class??
Hope you continue this~
just love to read alot of fiction story

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 11] 12/20 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #298 on: December 20, 2013, 08:52:15 PM »
UPDATEEEEEEEEEEE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twothumbs
Thank you really much. :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline cisda83

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Re: PJ48 Gakuen [Chapter 11] 12/20 | Wmatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina, Kuminon
« Reply #299 on: December 20, 2013, 09:24:06 PM »

What's going on....?

Who was it....?

Can't wait to see the next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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