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Author Topic: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #8 For a Flight (YuiParu)  (Read 36425 times)

Offline Keiyuu

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[Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #8 For a Flight (YuiParu)
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:56:08 AM »

#1 The Ace and The General Manager (Atsumina)
#2 Secret Santa (Kojiyuu)
#3 What I Wanted (Mayuki)
#4 Not A Choice (WMatsui)
#5 Upside Down (WMatsui) - Part I - Part II
#6 Pick Your Battles (CenNezu)
#7 Someone Like You (WMatsui)
#8 For a Flight (YuiParu)

So I'm starting this thread in order to drop off my one shots. This is my first fic (that I'm actually posting) so any feedback is welcome!

I'm posting this in honor of Takamina's graduation... :cry:
Best wishes in whatever you want to do from now on, Takamina!  XD

Anyways I just wrote it today so please excuse any grammatical errors that I haven't found.


The Ace and the General Manager (Atsumina)

Takamina was a loner. She never had any friends or even bothered trying to make any. And she preferred it that way. So when she joined the first generation of Akihabara48, later renamed AKB48, she still didn’t interact with anyone.

She joined Team A to become a singer, it was her only dream and nothing else mattered. She didn’t join to have fun or participate in their (later) large group events. Though she did enjoy the concerts that AKB held. It was a chance for her to sing to a large audience and show her stuff, but really she couldn’t wait to graduate. Once she got popular enough, then she was going to leave the group immediately. That’s what she decided. Nothing and no one was going to hold her back. Or so she thought.

Even within her own team, Takamina was always alone. But that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing for it qualified her for the most important job, being the General Manager. The Soukantoku would have to lead everyone, not like the Ace who set the example, but the one who helped out behind the scenes. She would become the stage hand that still participated inside the group. That way she understood everything from both angles, from the staff’s point of view as well as the idols.

New teams were formed not long after, Team K and Team B added into the mix. Soon they became in desperate need of someone who could manage the ever growing group of idols. So the day Aki-P announced that Takamina would become the General Manager, it wasn’t really a surprise. She wasn’t close to anyone so she could be completely impartial and crack down on whoever was doing something wrong. She could also give advice or support to the ones who needed it, without being biased. All in all, it was the perfect role for the loner of the group.

Some had doubts about whether or not she could rise up to the challenge. The members had always viewed the midget as a gloomy and somber person, so they were pleasantly surprised to find her to be very mature and responsible, providing guidance in the group’s darkest times. The teams grew closer after that and gave her the nickname of Takamina, or Bakamina as Yuko called her.

Years passed and she became an ever present player in everything the national idol group did. AKB48 had risen in the ranks and took the top spot on Oricon charts again and again with their singles. With their rise in popularity, the pressure on the Soukantoku increased exponentially as well. When something didn’t go as planned, then the upset fans (who refused to berate their own oshimens) plAced all the blame on the General Manager. Takamina carried all these burdens on her shoulders as new sister groups like NMB and even HKT were created.

She never complained though, not even once. She just took it all upon herself and tried her best all on her own. Takamina never shared her problems with others even though her new friends kept telling her to. There were times when she cracked under stress and cried during recordings, but she never told anyone the real reason why. Maybe that’s why she was known as such a crybaby.

The years passed and the girls grew up, some graduating or leaving because of scandals, some following their dreams in the entertainment industry, but Takamina still remained. She never thought she would stay in the group for so long, but her job as a MVP was just too important to abandon, not to mention she’d started to like being a part of the group. That alone wasn’t enough to completely change her mind and influence her to stay though. There was something else as well.

Now the real reason we know her as the dorky little midget we see on TV and MC’ing concerts today, and not someone who keeps to themselves, stems from a certain Ace in Takamina’s own team and generation.

Maeda Atsuko.

Maeda Atsuko was the favorite of the group, the absolute Ace, the one Aki-P always supported (much to the dismay of other members). She took center stage in almost all their videos and shows, shining brightly and blinding the other members with her radiance. But she had a different side that wasn’t shown to the public.

If Takamina was the loner, then Acchan was the brat. She always got what she wanted and by any means possible. A pouty Ace was hard to deal with, but an angry one was even tougher. Acchan would occasionally throw tantrums and not show up to practice when she didn’t feel like it. And there wasn’t anything that anyone could do. But that didn’t mean that the Soukantoku didn’t have to try.

It was Takamina’s job to take care of everyone. Any issues with the members had to go through her and she would help in the best way she could. But Acchan was a different story altogether.

Sometimes, when Acchan stormed out of dance practice and left everyone stunned, Takamina would excuse herself and follow the Ace. When a fuming Acchan asked why, Takamina would just respond with ‘It’s my job.’

Takamina would follow a safe distance behind her, never starting a conversation or anything, but just making sure that Acchan got home safe. The tailing ended when Acchan slammed a door in her fAce and Takamina would let out a sigh before heading back to practice. This ordeal happened many times and sometimes consecutively, as in every day the same thing would occur where Takamina ‘walked’ the enraged Ace home.

Then one day, when Acchan asked the midget yet again why she was following her, Takamina didn’t answer. Acchan spun on her heel only to see the midget stopped 2 meters behind her, head down and shoulders slumped.

“Hey...what’s wrong?” Acchan asked. She’d never seen the General Manager look so...small.

“...I think I’m going back to practice...” Takamina’s voice was quiet and Acchan almost didn’t catch it over the noise on the street.

But she hadn’t expected that answer. Takamina always walked her home, without fail, every day. So why was she giving up now? “W-What?’re going to leave me?”

Takamina gave a small nod, never looking up.

“But why?” Acchan was heartbroken. The midget didn’t know it, but one of the reasons Acchan selfishly left practice every day was just so she could walk home with Takamina. Okay maybe it was the main reason.

“I thought you wanted to be left alone...” Confusion was present in the Soukantoku’s voice.


Takamina glanced up and saw Acchan fiddling with the hem of her shirt, refusing to meet her gaze.

“Acchan? What’s up?” Her General Manager switch flipped and she posed the same question she always asked whenever something was off with a member. “Are you okay?”

“No! I’m not okay!” Something snapped inside Acchan as she waved her arms wildly and started pacing right there on the sidewalk. “Why do you have to be so dense?! Baka Minami! I just wanted you to walk me home!!”

Takamina blinked a few times, the words settling in her mind. She...actually wants me to walk her home?...

Loud laughter filled Acchan’s ears and she stopped in her tracks, staring at the source incredulously. Takamina’s boisterous laughter shook her tiny body, her shoulders rising up and down as she clutched her stomach, doubling over from laughing so hard. Acchan had never even heard Takamina laugh before.

“Ah haha~...I can’t...breathe...” Takamina took deep gasping breaths to calm herself.

Acchan’s cheeks shone bright red with embarrassment. “Don’t laugh at me!”

Takamina chuckled at this and walked up to the Ace, an ear-splitting grin lighting up her features. “Sorry~”

“You are not~” Acchan pouted and crossed her arms, but Takamina immediately uncrossed them and took Acchan’s hands in her own.

“I am. Because I haven’t been honest with you.” She got serious and looked into Acchan’s eyes. Acchan always seemed disinterested or lazy on shows, but looking in her eyes, Takamina could see what she was really feeling. “I’m sorry that I always followed you home without telling you why. I always said that it was my job, but it was a lie. The truth is...I just wanted to walk with you, be near you, even if I had to watch your back as you walked away.”

Acchan froze, struck by the sincerity in Takamina’s gaze. She was utterly speechless and neither of them spoke for a few moments.




Takamina sighed, taking the silence as a bad sign. “Sorry. I guess I was expecting too much...”

She let go of Acchan’s hands and started turning away, but a small whisper stopped her.

“...Did you mean it?”

She glanced back over her shoulder and smiled softly, “I do.”

Acchan blushed harder and Takamina found it absolutely adorable, even if Acchan was still being pouty.

“I’m sorry I never got the courage to ever talk to you. But you were in a totally different league and I was just a plain coward. The only thing I could do was make sure you got home safe after practice.” Takamina’s smile turned apologetic.

“Stop apologizing already~” Acchan frowned. “You keep saying ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ and it’s annoying~”

“Haha sorry~”

Acchan smacked her on the shoulder but couldn’t stop the smile making its way onto her face. She ended up giggling alongside the midget.

“So are you going to walk me home or what?” She asked after they’d both stopped laughing.

Takamina shot her a lopsided grin and Acchan couldn’t help but feel a small flutter in her chest.

“Of course~”


“Every day, after practice, I’ll walk you home.” Takamina promised.

The two held hands the whole way back to Acchan’s apartment, no words were spoken but their feelings were already being properly conveyed without them.

From then on, they became known to the fans as the pairing ‘Atsumina’, with the both of them changing for the better. Takamina became this dorky doting girlfriend that made Acchan blush all the time with her romantic gestures, while Acchan stopped throwing fits or leaving practice early.

After all, if the Ace left early then she couldn’t walk home with her beloved General Manager.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 08:57:02 PM by Keiyuu »

Offline black_maa

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #1 The Ace and the General Manager (Atsumina)
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2015, 12:30:10 PM »
It was cute OS...  :yep: .. and how usually others say - behind every attitude, is hiding some kind of meaning.  :)
Thank you for it..  :) :roll: .. and of course.. waiting more of them!  :D
                                                                             Look at the sky,
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                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #1 The Ace and the General Manager (Atsumina)
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 09:20:01 PM »
KEIYUU-SAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN  :heart: :heart: :heart:


Great one-shot!!! It really captured how Takamina feels like... she's really been through a lot, and you made the readers understand and sympathize for the midget  :cry: Especially people whose KamiOshi is her... like me  :cry:

Keep it up yo~ I'm looking forward to more!!  ;) And it does motivate me to continue writing~

P.S. Your post really made my day just when I haven't checked JPHIP in a while.  :)

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #1 The Ace and the General Manager (Atsumina)
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2015, 02:29:06 AM »
niceeeeeee keiyuuuuuu san  :thumbsup  :thumbsup

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #1 The Ace and the General Manager (Atsumina)
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2015, 07:14:48 AM »
Nice OS there...

Can't wait to see more Atsumina

Thank you for the lovely story

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #2 Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2015, 05:39:36 AM »
I really don't know why I keep writing new short OS's when I have plenty of other ones.
And this is another one with Acchan and AKB and it's cliche as hell but oh well, I wanted to post something for Christmas.

There's not enough Atsuyuu around anyways LOL :P

So Merry Christmas!

Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)

Yuko sighed as she glanced out the window of the car, the same old streets passing by in a blur. But there was something different about the streets lately, they were covered in Christmas decorations, colorful lights and wreaths hanging from the street lamps. The stores were full of reindeer and singing Santa robots and the same 10 Christmas songs played endlessly wherever you went. There was no escaping the holiday cheer.

It’s not that Yuko didn’t like Christmas, she loved it. All the festivities and presents being passed around, but it did get tiring sometimes when people went overboard. And something that she always got involved in - was gift exchanges and parties. She was invited to several of them and it was hard to fit it into her packed schedule. And she had to buy gifts for all her friends and colleagues before the deadline of Christmas Eve, which was only 5 days away. She’d have to go shopping for them late tonight after work.

Another thing that irked her about Christmas was the couples. They were everywhere, just like the Christmas songs. From the car, Yuko could see couples having shopping dates or being lovey-dovey in the cafés while drinking hot chocolate. She was envious of them, but that was the price of being in the Entertainment industry, being a top idol had its perks but it sure had its downsides.

She sighed again as she thought about this. It would’ve been nice if Yuko had a special someone that she could spend time with during the holidays, but sadly it just wasn’t possible.

She perked up a bit as the car rolled to a stop, her manager ushering her out since they were almost late due to traffic. Yuko bounded inside and headed for the dressing room that was used by all the members. Changing at the speed of light, she entered the dance studio, greeting all her fellow members and immediately heading for her group of friends.

“Yo! Sorry I’m late.” Yuko apologized with a half smile on her face, the gloom she felt during the car ride slowly fading away as enthusiasm replaced it. Seeing the other members always made her feel a bit better.

“Hey Yuko~” Acchan greeted.

“You’re lucky the dance instructor’s running late too, or else you’d get scolded real bad.” Takamina pointed out. That explained why everyone was loitering around when practice should’ve started already.

“Heh I’m just lucky like that~”

Then the instructor came in and practice started without further ado. Yuko took her usual place slightly behind Acchan. They went through the same routine every day, practicing the songs until they got it right, but it seemed to go by surprisingly quickly.

Yuko got changed and bid goodbye to the members, trying to hurry to the store to buy gifts.

“Wait! Yuko!” Takamina called as she was walking out the door.

Yuko spun in her tracks. “Eh? What’s up?”

“We’re planning to have a Secret Santa so you need to draw a name out of the bag.” Takamina held out someone’s purse which had been turned into a makeshift drawing box. Poor her.

Great. Another Secret Santa. Good thing I’m going shopping for them now so I don’t have to make another trip.
Yuko came back and drew out a piece of paper, giving it a quick glance before stuffing it into her coat pocket. Ah at least it’s for someone I like.

Then she left with another goodbye directed at Takamina and went on her way. Her manager was already waiting for her and she dropped Yuko off in the city, who then wandered around looking for gifts and searched for the perfect one for the name she just drew.


A few days later, when she was walking down a hallway in their theater, Yuko accidentally overheard someone’s conversation.

“What do I do?” The voice sounded really worried.

Yuko stopped, her curiosity getting the best of her and she leaned her back against the wall next to the door. She peered inside the crack in the doorway and saw the back of a very familiar girl. Acchan? Who’s she talking to? I can’t see...

Obviously, Acchan was consulting someone so Yuko assumed it was Takamina. She figured it would rude to listen in and was about to leave but another voice caught her attention.

“Can’t you just buy her something? I bet she’ll like whatever you get her.”

“But still...” Acchan paced around the room while the other sighed.

Unfortunately Yuko still couldn’t recognize the other voice. So it’s not Takamina...

“Is it for someone special?”

Yuko could see Acchan nod shyly. “Yeah. But that’s what makes it so hard~”

“Well if it’s for someone you like then you should know what kinds of things they want. But seriously, she’s not going to complain about whatever you give her, as long as you put some thought into it.”
The other girl advised. “Or maybe you could ask around, get somebody else to ask her directly about what she wants for Christmas.”

Oh so it’s about the Secret Santa... Yuko thought. Why’s Acchan so worried? If it’s someone she likes...then it has to be Bakamina, and she’s definitely going to love whatever Acchan gets her, that love-struck idiot.

After a pause, Acchan spoke up. “...Okay I’ll try that.”

Yuko panicked when she heard Acchan’s footsteps and sprinted down the hallway, barely making it around the corner before the door swung open. Phew! Safe...

Her heart was pounding from adrenaline and the fear of getting caught, even though it wouldn’t have been a big deal if she was. Oddly though, Yuko felt a little disappointed that Acchan had Takamina. For some reason she wanted Acchan to be her Secret Santa, but she just wrote it off. Heh it would’ve been funny if she had me because then we would’ve had each other~



Yuko spun around at the sound of her name. Acchan was waving and walking towards her in a fast pace, only slowing down to grab her arm and then proceeding to drag her along before Yuko could even respond.

“I need to ask you something.” That was all the explanation Acchan gave as she led the girl to the elevator. The doors shut with a ding and Yuko waited for Acchan to ask whatever she needed to know. “Sorry about that but I’m in a hurry.”

“No problem. So what did you need to ask?” Yuko inquired as she hit the button for the first floor. She needed to get to her next job and honestly the elevator ride might’ve been the only time she could speak to Acchan. The same was probably true for the other girl.

“Oh someone just told me to ask you what you wanted for Christmas.”

“Was it Santa?” Yuko grinned, cracking a joke.

This earned a giggle from Acchan as they both loosened up a bit. All the work was really stressing them out lately since AKB did a lot of specials for the holidays. “Maybe~”

“Well, I don’t really care to be honest. Anything’s fine~”

Acchan pouted, “That’s not a good enough answer.”

“I can’t help it, there’s really nothing I really need.” Then Yuko leaned in close and grinned with her dimples. “Unless she wants to give me a kiss or something~”

Acchan blushed and protested, “I can’t tell them that!”

Yuko laughed at her reaction before asking Acchan what she was getting her person.

“I’m not sure. I haven’t completely decided yet.”

“Who’s it for?”

“Not telling.”

“Aww come on~ How am I supposed to help you decide if you don’t tell me who it’s for?” Yuko reasoned.

Acchan glanced away shyly and it caught Yuko’s attention.

“Ooh seems like it’s for someone special if you’re putting so much thought into it. I know! Is it Bakamina?” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Acchan giggled again and her nose scrunched up cutely as she chastised Yuko. “Stop doing that~ You look like some perverted old man~”

Yuko laughed too, Acchan smiling always made her happy, it brightened up her day. “Well fine then~ But if it’s Bakamina then I’m sure she’d love anything from you. Or maybe you could give her a SPECIAL gift if you know what I mean~”

Acchan caught on pretty quick and was about to reprimand the squirrel for being so perverted, but the elevator stopped its descent with another ding and Yuko quickly hopped out.

“See ya later, Acchan~” Yuko saluted. “And good luck with your present~”

Then she ran off, leaving Acchan dumbfounded in the elevator and a blushing mess.


The next day of Christmas Eve, the members’ own party was underway, but it didn’t include all the members, just the first couple generations. The younger members went home because it was late and to spend time with family.

The Christmas party was the fifth that Yuko had attended over the last couple days but she could honestly say that she was enjoying this one the most. Parties were a lot more fun when your friends were there and not just random people from work. Being the energetic little squirrel she was, Yuko ran around socializing with everyone. She even approached some kohai who were still a little scared of her, but honestly she was a really friendly person.

“Alright guys! We’re gonna exchange presents now so huddle up!” Takamina called. She was always the one to get things going, as expected from the Soukantoku.

A mountain of presents was piled up on the table in the corner, right next to a makeshift Christmas tree. They didn’t really have time to put up a proper one, so it was kind of sad looking with few ornaments and barely any tinsel, but it’d have to do. It was the thought that counted anyways.

Each wrapped present or bag was labeled with the name of the recipient. Takamina started passing them out and other members helped too until the entire pile had been dispensed.

Yuko had gotten an envelope and was almost sure there was a gift card or something inside, but it felt kind of heavy for a card. She was ready to rip it open when Acchan appeared next to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room.

Eh? Again? Yuko thought as she was dragged away from the members. “What’s up, Acchan?”

Acchan had this unreadable expression on her face as she pulled Yuko into a spare closet in some remote corner of the theater. Yuko gulped nervously, her mind already in the gutter as she thought about what could happen in a dark supply closet like that. But she tried her best to push those thoughts into the back of her head.

Acchan pulled something in midair and a single bulb flickered on, illuminating her face. All Yuko could do was stare at the girl in front of her, once again reminded of how beautiful she looked. Woah woah woah wait, I can’t be serious. I mean, Acchan likes Bakamina already...

“Um Yuko? Are you okay? You look kinda pale.” Acchan questioned.

Yuko shook her head vigorously to stop that train of thought. “Yep I’m fine, no worries~ But why’d you pull me in here? Don’t you have some midget to get back to?”

Acchan giggled, “You mean you?”

“No!” Yuko protested, “I am not a midget! Bakamina’s a midget but I’m not! I still got 2 inches on her!”

Acchan’s giggling turned into full on laughter, finding the squirrel’s overreaction to be extremely amusing. “Hahaha...Okay fine, you’re not a midget. Happy?”

Yuko crossed her arms and pouted like a kid, the notion reinforced as Acchan patted her on the head. “Oi! I’m not a child either!”

“Hai hai~”

Yuko sighed, running a hand through her bangs and bringing up the topic back up. “So? Why’d you bring me here?”

“Oh. Right.” Apparently Acchan had forgotten. “I just wanted to see you open your present.”

“That’s oddly suspicious, Acchan...” Yuko gave her a wary look but Acchan just shrugged it off, waiting for Yuko to open her gift. Yuko sighed and tore open the envelope, drawing out a Christmas card. It said ‘Merry Christmas Yuko!’ and in English nonetheless. Whoever wrote it must’ve tried pretty hard. But then at the bottom it read ‘Look up’.

So Yuko glanced up and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. Why didn’t I see this coming? There were so many hints and it is Christmas after all...I’m an idiot, plain and simple. I didn’t think she’d take me seriously though...

Above the two of them, hanging from the same chain as the light bulb, was a single little sprig of mistletoe.

Looking back at Acchan, the girl had a wide grin on her face, her nose crinkling like usual whenever she was smiling for real.

Yuko chuckled, “So you were my Secret Santa.”


“How did I not catch on?” Yuko shook her head, disappointed with herself.

“Hmm...I don’t know. I thought it was pretty obvious.” Acchan’s grin only got wider. “So are you going to kiss me now?”

“Hey aren’t YOU supposed to be the one giving ME the present?”

“You’re right.” And with that, Acchan leaned in and captured Yuko’s lips with her own. It was a simple peck though, since both of them were still smiling uncontrollably and they broke apart too soon to Yuko’s liking.

“Aww that wasn’t long enough~”

“Quit whining.” Acchan scolded, but her smile let Yuko know she wasn’t serious in reprimanding her.

“Oh and what about you? What did you get?” Yuko asked excitedly.

“I don’t know I haven’t opened it yet.”

“Well then open it and let me see!” Yuko was bouncing with enthusiasm.

Acchan pulled out a small box covered with blue snowflake wrapping paper and carefully tore it open. Taking the lid off, Acchan turned a whole new shade of red and slammed the lid back on before Yuko could even catch a glimpse of what it was.

“What is it?”

Acchan merely shook her head, no words coming out.

“What’s wrong, Acchan? Let me see~” Yuko tried to pry the box out of the younger girl’s hands but to no avail. Acchan had a death grip on the box and the lid both, refusing to budge even an inch.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

Yuko then broke out laughing, clapping her hands and confusing the hell out of Acchan. After calming down a bit, Yuko was grinning from ear to ear with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “...Okay I have a confession to make. I’m actually the one that got you that gift.”

If you thought Acchan couldn’t get any redder then you were sorely mistaken because she did. Then she immediately reacted and smacked Yuko on the arm repeatedly. “BAKA BAKA! BAKA YUKO!”

“I’m sorry!” Yuko apologized as she held up her hands in defeat, and then rubbing her sore arm after Acchan had stopped her assault.

“You’re not forgiven.” Acchan huffed and crossed her arms with a pout.

“But I thought that maybe you could put it to good use...”

“DOING WHAT?! What could I POSSIBLY DO with a pair of lingerie!?”

Yuko smiled sheepishly, “Maybe Bakamina would like it?”

Acchan glared at her and Yuko shrunk back, afraid of being hit again. But then unexpectedly, Acchan heaved a sigh. “...We’re not together.”


“It’s just fanservice. You should know that.”

“B-But...” Yuko was dumbfounded. How was she supposed to know that all those cuddles and kisses were just acting? “...So you’re really not together? Not at all?”

Acchan shook her head, confirming what she had already said. “Nope.”

“Not even a little?”


Yuko felt a little hope blooming in her chest and her smile was back full force as she took Acchan’s hand. It was now or never. If Acchan didn’t feel the same way then it’d be better to get it over with now. Yuko needed to know, and if she didn’t ask now then she didn’t know when she’d ever get the guts to again. “Then can I ask you something?”

Acchan tilted her head, confused, but nodded anyways.

Yuko took a deep breath before speaking up. Her heart was pounding erratically and she’d never been so nervous her entire life, not even when she auditioned to become an idol, performed on stage in front of thousands of people, or got center for the first time during the Senbatsu Sousenkyo. This was a whole different level. “......Will you go out with me?”

Seeing Acchan’s eyes getting watery, Yuko started panicking but Acchan laughed in her face. “Idiot. Took you long enough.”

“Eh?” More giggles rang in Yuko’s ears and she thought that maybe it was the best sound she’d ever heard in her life.

“Of course~” Acchan finally answered her. “I’ll be your girlfriend~”

That had a nice ring to it. Girlfriend. Yuko never even considered that the absolute ace of AKB would end up going out with her. Acchan was in a whole new league that Yuko could only dream of reaching, she didn’t think that she’d even stand a chance especially since Acchan had Takamina.

She couldn’t stop the grin from breaking out and hugged Acchan hard. And Acchan hugged her back. “Oh and there’s something else to your gift.”

Yuko pulled back with a puzzled look, reaching for the envelope on the shelf she’d left it on. Tilting it on its side, a small metallic object tumbled out onto her waiting palm. She started at Acchan incredulously, rendered entirely speechless.

“I wasn’t sure about giving it to you since I didn’t know if you liked me back at all. And I was too scared to ask or anything, I mean you’re always clinging to Nyan-Nyan and the other members so how was I supposed to know how you felt about me? But since it’s Christmas I thought-” Acchan was effectively cut off as Yuko kissed her to stop the endless onslaught of babbling.

“I’ll happily accept it.” Yuko said after she pulled back. Then she held up the key, waving it around. “And I’m going to put it to use tonight~”

Acchan blushed but went along with it with a wry smile. “Then I guess I can put my present to good use as well~”

Yuko’s eyes bulged. Never had she thought that Acchan could be so...seductive. Sure Yuko had picked out the lingerie for that specific purpose and it was to her tastes, but she thought that Acchan would be using it with Takamina. Just imagining Acchan wearing black lace and garter belts was enough to induce a nosebleed from the squirrel. Yuko was thanking whatever beings were up there that Acchan actually liked her back and not Takamina.

Acchan took her hand once again and swung open the door, ready to head home with her new lover. But as soon as the door opened, several people fell back and tumbled onto the ground, grumbling in pain.

Yuko was surprised at first but she really should’ve seen it coming. She glared at the three people on the ground and raised a brow. “And what are you guys doing here?”

Takamina was the first to hop up, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. “No reason.”

Yuko deadpanned, “You can do better than that, Bakamina.”

Then Mariko stood up with a strange look on her face and nudged her on the side suggestively. “We just wanted to see what you two were up to when you suddenly disappeared from the party. Hiding in a dark closet eh? It’s only natural that we were curious, but we didn’t want to walk in and be scarred for life so eavesdropping was the only option.”

Now Yuko was the one to blush. What the hell, Yuko doesn’t blush. Oshima Yuko, who was known for her perverted ways, was blushing like some kind of love-struck idiot, well, maybe she was one after all.

Haruna was the last to get to her feet and smiled at Yuko reassuringly. She always encouraged Yuko to confess to Acchan and listened to the squirrel whenever she had doubts. And Yuko was really grateful to the cat-like lady for always putting up with her.

A squeeze on her fingers reminded Yuko that Acchan was still holding her hand, and that they were about to leave. Yuko glanced over and smiled, mirroring Acchan’s own, then she pulled the girl along and ignored the Mariko’s shouts after them. She’d finally gotten what she really wanted and nothing was going to get in her way now. Yuko felt on top of the world and over the moon all at once. Acchan ran beside her and it was a much better feeling than always watching the girl’s back. Yuko, to put it simply, was ecstatic.

“Oh and I’ll be moving soon!” Yuko called teasingly over her shoulder.

“Eh? Where?” Takamina asked.

A gasp escaped Acchan’s lips. “No you’re not!” Though her tone was slightly amused.

Yuko laughed as she reached the end of the hallway, twirling around and held up the key, the one that Acchan gave her, with the happiest grin that you’d ever seen on her face. “To Acchan’s place~”


No Yuko didn’t move in with Acchan like she teased, but she did come over enough that she practically lived there. Seeing the mess that she always made and Yuko’s underwear strung around her room, Acchan never regretted more that she’d gave Yuko a key to her apartment. Though she was the one that threw Yuko’s panties onto the windowsill last night in the midst undressing said squirrel (while the latter laughed about how she didn’t expect Acchan to be the forward type), so really she didn’t have any room to complain.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 08:10:23 PM by Keiyuu »

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #1 The Ace and the General Manager (Atsumina)
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2015, 09:42:27 AM »

AtsuYuu eh~ I was never a fan of the pair but your adorable little Christmas OS made me change my mind  :twothumbs

“Oh someone just told me to ask you what you wanted for Christmas.”

“Was it Santa?” Yuko grinned, cracking a joke.

This earned a giggle from Acchan as they both loosened up a bit. All the work was really stressing them out lately since AKB did a lot of specials for the holidays. “Maybe~”

“Well, I don’t really care to be honest. Anything’s fine~”

Acchan pouted, “That’s not a good enough answer.”

“I can’t help it, there’s really nothing I really need.” Then Yuko leaned in close and grinned with her dimples. “Unless she wants to give me a kiss or something~”

Acchan blushed and protested, “I can’t tell them that!”

Yuko laughed at her reaction before asking Acchan what she was getting her person.

“I’m not sure. I haven’t completely decided yet.”

“Who’s it for?”

“Not telling.”

“Aww come on~ How am I supposed to help you decide if you don’t tell me who it’s for?” Yuko reasoned.

Acchan glanced away shyly and it caught Yuko’s attention.

“Ooh seems like it’s for someone special if you’re putting so much thought into it. I know! Is it Bakamina?” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Acchan giggled again and her nose scrunched up cutely as she chastised Yuko. “Stop doing that~ You look like some perverted old man~”

Yuko laughed too, Acchan smiling always made her happy, it brightened up her day. “Well fine then~ But if it’s Bakamina then I’m sure she’d love anything from you. Or maybe you could give her a SPECIAL gift if you know what I mean~”

Acchan caught on pretty quick and was about to reprimand the squirrel for being so perverted, but the elevator stopped its descent with another ding and Yuko quickly hopped out.

“See ya later, Acchan~” Yuko saluted. “And good luck with your present~”

Then she ran off, leaving Acchan dumbfounded in the elevator and a blushing mess.

LOL YUKO THE SIGNSSSSSS! Catch on, y'darn squirrel!  :lol: But I really loved this part. Made me laugh and since it was subtle-AtsuMina and AtsuYuu at the same time = Double the goodness  :thumbsup

Fantastic update as expected!  XD Really can't wait to read more of whatever you've got in store for us readers  ;)

Plus~ I really like your writing style too if I haven't mentioned it already.  :)

Have a great Christmas, an awesome new year and I'll look forward to seeing more of your works~  :D

Offline shanju

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #2 Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2015, 01:29:08 AM »
Ahhh atsuyuu fic on christmas holiday feel like you gave me great gift hahaha
Its so good, i like it :D

Offline sasshirie

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #2 Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2015, 12:38:43 PM »
I really don't know why I keep writing new short OS's when I have plenty of other ones.

what do you mean?  :dunno:

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #2 Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2015, 02:18:49 AM »
I really don't know why I keep writing new short OS's when I have plenty of other ones.

what do you mean?  :dunno:


To answer your question, I have two other fics, a long one and another OS that is finished but not edited. There's also an extremely long one that's unfinished along with another three that I've started. So yeah, lots of stuff to post but I keep writing spur of the moments OS's lol :nervous

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #2 Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2015, 02:43:14 AM »
I have two other fics, a long one and another OS that is finished but not edited. There's also an extremely long one that's unfinished along with another three that I've started. So yeah, lots of stuff to post but I keep writing spur of the moments OS

Ganbatte keiyuu san....what the pairin for those 2?

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #2 Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2015, 02:48:18 AM »
I have two other fics, a long one and another OS that is finished but not edited. There's also an extremely long one that's unfinished along with another three that I've started. So yeah, lots of stuff to post but I keep writing spur of the moments OS

Ganbatte keiyuu san....what the pairin for those 2?

It's actually WMatsui for both. Haha I guess I can finish the WMatsui ones faster? :P
I'm working on a Mayuki one also~

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #2 Secret Santa (Atsuyuu)
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2015, 07:09:56 AM »
I have two other fics, a long one and another OS that is finished but not edited. There's also an extremely long one that's unfinished along with another three that I've started. So yeah, lots of stuff to post but I keep writing spur of the moments OS
Ganbatte keiyuu san....what the pairin for those 2?

It's actually WMatsui for both. Haha I guess I can finish the WMatsui ones faster? :P
I'm working on a Mayuki one also~

Cooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll...wmatsui~~ mayuki~~  :on gay: :on gay:

.be waitin for keiyuu's san patiently  :on drink: :on drink: :on drink:

GANBATTEEEEEE  :nya: :on woohoo: :on woohoo:

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #3 What I Wanted (Mayuki)
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2016, 03:25:58 AM »
Caveat lector.

What I Wanted (Mayuki)

I wanted someone to love. Someone to hold and to never let go of.

A fairy tale kind of story.

The kind that you only ever hear about as fantasy or saw in the movies. The kind that was one of a kind and happened only once in a billion years.

Yet I wanted to be that one.

The one that may be lucky enough to be the one that fortune might smile upon and present that special someone. Nothing made me more deserving than anyone else. But it was my one wish.

So I hoped. And I dreamed.

And maybe, just maybe, I’d find what I was looking for.


There was a screech of tires.

An impact. Her body felt like it was suddenly knocked to the side.

Then everything went black.


The day started off the same as any other. Yuki went to school, sat in her usual seat, the same old melancholic mood as she stared out the window. Her head was propped up by her hand, elbow on the desk, the cherry blossoms floating off of the single lone tree in the courtyard of their school.

Even though she knew that the detached petals only meant the tree was dying, it was still an oddly peaceful sight.

And the blossoms didn't fall exactly, they didn't plummet from the branches, they floated. Like a feather in midair.

A gust of wind came by and swirled up the petals in a gentle storm. They blew up towards the window, which was left open just a crack by Yuki because she liked to feel the breeze. Sometimes she wished she could be like those flowers, drifting along with the wind, easygoing and free.

But the flowers had to be scattered to do so, and Yuki wasn't sure if she wanted that. She didn't want to be in pieces. But then again, she didn't feel whole in the first place. She felt kind of empty, like something was missing, but she didn't know what could fill that void.

A few petals spilled through the opening and drifted towards Yuki’s desk, absentmindedly catching her attention. She stared the single flower that made its way in front of her face, mesmerized by the rare sight.

It was whole, not separate petals but an entire blossom.

And it floated through the air, suspended for a second before it landed softly on the back of her hand that was resting on the table.

“...Kashiwagi Yuki.” The sudden call of her name made Yuki come out of her stupor. But luckily the teacher hadn't called on her, he was just saying her name...but why?

Class had only just started but Yuki had already zoned out for the first 5 minutes and it seemed she’d missed something important.

There was a girl. A pretty young girl standing behind the teacher and she was smiling at Yuki. It elicited a strange sensation in her chest and Yuki suddenly wished that she had paid enough attention to at least hear the new transfer student’s name, at least that what Yuki assumed she was. Yuki had never seen the girl before so she must be new to the class.

“Then I’ll be counting on you Kashiwagi-san.” The teacher said with a nod in Yuki’s direction.

“H-Hai.” Yuki hadn't caught what he was relying on her for, so she didn't know what to do. Fortunately she was spared when he just went on with class.

The new girl walked over, sitting in the empty seat right behind her and Yuki swore she felt someone staring at her all class period, but she wasn't going to turn and look.

When it was over, the bell ringing to signal the end of the period, Yuki nearly sighed in relief, thinking she was safe.

But then the new girl appeared right next to her with a cute grin, hand extended. “Hi! I’m Watanabe Mayu. Nice to meet you~”

“Um, nice to meet you too...” Yuki took the hand warily.

“So, should we get going?”

“Going where?” She frowned. Was she missing something?

“The teacher asked you to show me around, since I’m new and all.” Mayu explained. When Yuki didn't answer for a second, she continued. “...You weren't listening.”

It was more of a statement than a question, spoken coldly and Yuki was a little taken aback by Mayu’s tone. She’d pegged Mayu as the energetic cute type, from her smiles to her introduction. But it seemed that wasn't all there was to her.

Yuki sometimes complained about everything being too routine, that she wanted a change sometimes because her life was just unsatisfying in a way.

But nothing could’ve prepared her.

Kashiwagi Yuki was caught completely off guard by the being that just suddenly entered into her life and took over.

Watanabe Mayu.


Everything was black. Pitch black. She couldn't see anything, but it felt like she was floating in midair, no sensations other than that emptiness surrounding her.

“Do you want to go back?” The voice had no body, and impossible to pinpoint. It was emanating from everywhere and nowhere all at once.

“What?” She demanded. The truth was starting to set in, desperation and exasperation overwhelming her. “How? I’m dead aren’t I?! I can’t go back!”

“Perhaps. Almost. But so is she. However, you must choose... Only one of you can return. So I can grant you that wish, if that is what you truly want. Her entire existence will be erased, yet you alone will continue to live with your memories. Are you prepared to give that up?”

She thought it over. Did she want to keep living? Of course she did. And this was her only chance. But what she wanted most...was to return to her.

If she took the deal, then the other would die, and she didn't want that. She wanted both of them to live together. And she knew that the other would wish for that as well. Without her, life would just be meaningless empty again and she didn't want to give up the one thing that she had finally found, the one that completed her.

She didn't want her to leave.

“So...” She started carefully. A kind of calm settled over her. “Basically you’re saying that you can give me one wish? Anything at all?”


It was so ironic, a cruel twist of fate. She’d been asked that just the other day – if she could have one wish, what would it be? But thanks to that, she knew what to wish for, and that helped her make a decision.

“Then I want to use it on someone else.” Her voice was sure and unwavering, determination shining in her gaze. “Give my chance to her. Grant her wish, whatever she wants.”

“Are you certain? You will not be able to go back on your word. And there is no guarantee that everything will go back to the way it was.”

“I’m sure.”

“...Very well then. As you wish.”

The darkness started swirling and she suddenly felt like she was falling. Her heart crawled into her throat as her body plummeted down and down, seemingly endlessly.


“Come on, Yukirin!” Mayu called after her, having sprinted ahead of the slower girl. “I want to get some ice cream!”

Yuki thought about trying to catch up but gave up, Mayu just had too much energy to match. “Okay give me a second.”

When she finally did get there, she found Mayu standing by a simple little ice cream booth set up on the side of the road, nothing special about it but the colorful images of ice cream had attracted Mayu. She was just like a child sometimes, and Yuki found it endearing.

So she smiled, “I’ll buy some for you.”

“Really?” The younger girl's eyes lit up instantly. Happiness practically radiated out of her as she stared at Yuki with wide eyes.


“Yay! Yukirin’s the best~” Mayu enveloped her in a hug and Yuki just patted her on the head lovingly. Mayu was younger than Yuki, automatically making her feel protective of the younger girl and wanting to take care of Mayu, almost like her motherly instincts came out especially at times like this when Mayu acted like an adorable kid.

They spent a lot of time around each other now, almost every moment, and Yuki found that Mayu tended to be a bit more distant to everyone else except her. And that cold front had even earned the nickname of ‘cyborg’, but Yuki was a little grateful to it for some reason.

Yuki had also learned a lot more about the girl after their first meeting. How Mayu was a big otaku, how she would always watch anime in her free time, and how she loved to be spoiled.

And Yuki didn't mind being the one to spoil her.

Seeing Mayu happy made Yuki happy, and that was enough.


“How is she?” She asked with concern. The checkup had gone without a hitch, with the patient being quite cooperative this time around, and she had waited outside the room on a hard bench, anxiously wishing the doctor would come out with some good news.

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but it’s only going to get worse from here on out.”

She had seen this coming, nevertheless, she had hoped it wouldn’t happen, that she was wrong. But she wasn’t.

The wish had been granted. She just didn't know that it would affect them like this.

If only she knew, she would’ve asked to be the one that got hurt, yet she escaped with barely any injuries. She would give anything to trade places now. But in a way, they already had.

“There is a lot of damage to the right side of her brain, so the way she perceives things has most likely affected greatly. At this stage, it’s hard to tell what will happen, so we can only wait and see, though there is a high chance that it will get progressively worse until her mind reverts back to a child-like state. The only thing I know for sure is that her life is no longer in danger.”

The doctor saw her visibly deflate, as if all the life had been sucked out of her. The young girl always came to visit at least once a week without fail and had seemed extremely tired lately, always nodding off as she waited outside the patient’s room and had dark bags under her eyes. All the enthusiasm she used to have had come and gone, leaving her a mere shell of her former self. She was longer as bright as she used to be.

“I’m so sorry to tell you this.” The white-coated doctor apologized sincerely. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to cheer her up, but he would do his job. “I am taking every possible measure, but I don’t want to give you false hope. Due to the brain damage, it was very unlikely that she’d ever wake up in the first place. However, she did, so there is still some hope for another miracle to happen.”

She had been prepared to spend her life at the bedside, since everyone said that the girl was in a deep coma and may never come back. So she was prepared, but the other girl had woken up, against all expectations.

The other girl had fought her way back, for her.

So she still had hope. She still wished – that everything would be alright. And if it wasn’t, then it’d have to be. She’d make it alright.


Mayu often invited Yuki over to stay the night, especially when her parents were away on business. Yuki had met them once and according to Mayu, she had left a very good impression, thus they trusted Yuki to look after their daughter whenever they were away.

The same went for Yuki’s mom, who treated Mayu like her own daughter and took an immediate liking to the young girl. So she had no objections whenever Yuki packed an overnight bag and left the house, shouting after her that she was going to Mayu’s. “I’m staying the night! Be back tomorrow!”

The first couple of times Yuki stayed over, she slept on the couch, finding it too awkward to share a bed. But soon Mayu had somehow convinced her to sleep in her bed, saying that she was cold and then Yuki had no choice but to become her personal heater.

She blushed madly at first when Mayu clung to her like a koala, but eventually got comfortable with the other girl’s closeness and contrary to what Mayu said, she was very warm. The pleasant scent of her shampoo enveloping Yuki and lulling her into a cozy sleep.

Then the next morning, Yuki woke up to emptiness, the bed feeling cold and bare, as if all the warmth had left with Mayu. And when she realized that it was Mayu that was missing, she shot up frantically and sprinted out of the bedroom, still in a half asleep stupor.

Only to be met with an apron clad Mayu and the smell of fresh pancakes.

“Morning Yukirin~” Mayu greeted her with a cute smile and a slight bedhead. “Breakfast is almost done and syrup’s in the cabinet over there.”

And that's when Yuki realized that besides Mayu’s childish side, there was also a very mature and grown up side to her as well.


Yuki ran. She ran and ran, breathing so hard so hard she was almost hyperventilating. Her chest felt so tight it hurt and her legs threatened to give out with every step. She was slowing down because her body was at its limit. She wasn't sure exactly how long she'd been running, but it must’ve been a long time. Yuki believed that she had covered a lot of distance.

Distance she was putting between herself and her pursuer.

But she couldn't stop. Yuki wasn't far away enough yet. Not yet.

No, she couldn't stop.

Because if she did...then she would catch up.

A sudden hand on her shoulder jerked her back, and Yuki almost fell to her knees, relieved that she could rest but if someone stopped her, then it could only mean one thing.

She had caught up.

Hunching over, she panted, trying to get some oxygen into her lungs before she suffocated. Yuki wasn't the most athletic person so she was almost blacking out from the exercise, but she had made it at least 5 miles, Yuki was sure it was a long distance.

Nevertheless, she had caught up. It was almost inhuman, the speed at which the other girl covered that far of a distance. It seemed so effortless to her even though it was such a struggle for Yuki, and Yuki didn't remember being this weak before even if she was somewhat lacking in the physical department...

“Why Yuki...” Mayu stared at her with solemn eyes. “Why are you running from me?”


Yuki sat on the bed, her back propped up against the headboard. The wood was digging into her back and her butt had fallen asleep some time ago, but she didn't want to move. Because Mayu was snuggled up into her side, and Yuki wouldn't move her for anything.

Mayu’s laptop was in front of them, sinking into the sheets slightly and intense sound effects coming out of the anime they were watching. Yuki wasn't paying all that much attention, but Mayu was.

She was staring at the screen intently, and Yuki could tell even though she couldn't the girl’s face from their position. And while she watched the screen, Yuki watched her.

Mayu didn't move much (having been too absorbed in her favorite show) except for an occasional wiggle that reminded Yuki of their close vicinity. And even though her cheeks were burning, Yuki wished that they could stay like this forever.

Then she was suddenly struck by the thought that Mayu might leave someday. She didn't want that. She’d finally started feeling complete, it was a fuzzy and warm feeling, intensifying every single time Mayu smiled at her or giggled, whenever Mayu held her hand and pulled her along while they shopped or when Mayu was being a goofball and Yuki's sides hurt from laughing too hard at her antics.

Yuki loved it all. She never wanted it to end.

“Ne Mayu...” Yuki spoke up when the ending theme started playing. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she missed the entire episode and couldn't even recall the name of the anime.

“Hmm? What is it, Yukirin?” Mayu looked up at her with big round eyes. She could sense something was a little off since Yuki didn't call her ‘Mayuyu’ like usual. “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing's wrong!” Yuki reassured her. “I just...had a question.”

“What question?” Mayu’s attention was completely focused on the older girl, her odd behavior making Mayu a little worried.

“If...If you could have one wish, anything you wanted, what would you wish for?”

“One wish?” Mayu had been asked this question before.

Teachers often asked when Mayu was little and she had even written an essay with the exact prompt. But she had never taken it too seriously and now considered it with a new perspective, carefully thinking it over before answering Yuki.

“When I was little...” Mayu chose her next words with care. “I really wanted to own all the anime merchandise in the world.”

Yuki was about to make a comment but Mayu put a finger to Yuki’s lips, indicating that she wasn't done.

“And then I wanted to go to Disney world, or the beach, or—”


“Hang on. I’m getting there.” Mayu stopped and took a deep breath before speaking again. “...But then it changed. That's not what I want anymore.” Mayu looked her right in the eye and Yuki was mesmerized by her seriousness. “I’m not sure when it happened, but I don’t want material things anymore. I still want to go to Disney, but with someone. I want somebody to come with me to the beach, and just spend time with them. I don’t care what we do as long as I have that someone by my side. Then even something as simple as cuddling on my bed watching anime became my dream. And I won't let it go for anything.”

Mayu looked so sincere, like she was laying everything out for Yuki to see, and hopefully accept. The little cyborg had finally decided to reveal her heart entirely.

Then Yuki decided, that it wasn't just that she wanted Mayu to be happy, she wanted to be happy as well.

And so she leaned in, capturing Mayu’s soft lips in a chaste kiss, just like she had always dreamed.


“Let me go...” Yuki pleaded, tears shining in her eyes. They were back in the room - the one that Yuki hated most - and stood facing each other. “Leave me alone please...”

“Yuki...” Mayu watched completely heartbroken. “Why? At least tell me that.”

“’re going to leave me someday anyways, so just go now.” Anger replaced the sadness in Yuki’s eyes and Mayu was struck speechless.

“Is that what you think?”

“I don't want you anywhere near me. So just go!” Yuki screamed.


“No!” Yuki pushed Mayu away when she tried to come closer, hard enough to make the latter stumble back and almost trip over the uneven floor. “Ever since that accident, everything’s changed! You’re not the same anymore!”

Those words hurt. Mayu knew that she hadn’t changed. The one that changed was Yuki.



Mayu grabbed Yuki’s flailing arms so that she wouldn't hurt herself and pinned them to her sides in a crushing hug. She could feel Yuki still struggling but Mayu was stronger, especially as of late, and managed to keep Yuki trapped in the hug.

Still, Yuki kept squirming relentlessly but eventually tired herself out and her body relaxed.

“Yuki listen to me...I promised that I would never leave you, and I won’t.” Mayu whispered by her ear, tears threatening to spill out. “So please, don’t leave me.”


“Yukirin~ Hurry up!”

A sense of déjà vu washed over her as Mayu dragged her along. They were taking a break from the anime watching and were headed to the supermarket for some snacks. It’d already been a month since Mayu confessed to Yuki, and the same fluttering feeling in her chest still hadn’t gone away yet, though she didn’t think it ever would.

The past few weeks had been the best in her entire life, and she wanted her time with Mayu to last for an eternity. They often went on dates and Mayu would hold her hand, pulling her along just like she was doing now, and Yuki loved the feeling. She loved Mayu.

“Hey slow down a bit Mayuyu~ You’re going to pull my arm off.” Yuki jokingly whined.

“It’s ‘cause you’re too slow Yukirin.” Her cyborg side came out a bit as Mayu retorted. That was yet another side that Yuki had come to know and love. And Yuki knew Mayu well enough to tell that her cold tone was only in jest.

All of a sudden, Yuki stopped, yanking Mayu back as well.

“Yuki? Wha—”

Yuki pulled her in for a deep kiss, an arm wrapping possessively around Mayu’s waist and hand cupping her cheek gently but firmly. Mayu was shocked by the sudden advance, usually being the one that initiated things due to Yuki’s embarrassment of doing anything in public.

Nevertheless, Mayu didn’t pull away and just let herself enjoy it, eyes closing in pleasure. It was once in a million years that Yuki would do something so bold and she had to cherish every moment of it, kissing her back with fervor.

It lasted several seconds before they both pulled back, slightly breathless with Mayu’s hands linked behind Yuki’s neck and Yuki’s hand caressing her cheek. Their foreheads were still touching and neither of them really felt like moving away yet.

“Well that was unexpected.” Mayu breathed, her face tinged a little pink.

“Did you not like it?”

“What?” Her eyes widened. “No, of course I did! I love you Yukirin~”

The giggle coming from Yuki caught her off guard, and Mayu finally figured out that she was only being teased. Yuki was only messing with her. She pouted at the thought and untangled herself from Yuki, crossing her arms defensively as she turned her back on the older girl.

“Aw Mayuyu~ I was just kidding.” Yuki tried to assuage her girlfriend.


“Mayuyu~” Yuki came up behind her and wrapped her arms around Mayu’s neck, her hot breath tickling Mayu’s neck. “Please forgive me?”

A shudder ran down her spine from Yuki whispering in her ear and Mayu blushed madly, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily. “Nice try, but not quite.” Mayu moved out of Yuki’s embrace and smirked at her. “You’ll have to make it up to me later.”

“Oh? And what did you have in mind?”

“I have a few ideas~ But first let's go get something to eat, I’m starving!” Her childish side took over as she skipped across the crosswalk.

Yuki chuckled at her cute antics, then started chasing after her, almost reaching the young girl a mere few feet away. “Wait for me!”

Mayu made it halfway across the street before it happened.

The one time they separated, and only for a few seconds, then this.

A slight breeze blew past, carrying with it a sakura blossom – complete with all the petals still attached. Mayu’s attention was entirely fixated on the sight. Everything slowed down as she watched, the cherry blossom peacefully floating past in front of her.

But then something else blew past, tearing the petals apart.

There was a screech of tires.

An impact. Her body felt like it was suddenly knocked to the side.

Then everything went black.


“Excuse me Miss, but visiting hours are over.”

“Oh I’m sorry. I lost track of time.” She chuckled and made a move to get up out of her seat but the nurse interrupted.

“How can that be?” The nurse inquired. “I'm sorry for being rude, but why do you come spend your time here every day? I always see you sitting there for hours on end, and yet you never seem bored or want to leave.”

She was about to answer but a sudden thud against the glass wall made her stop, her mouth still half-open with a reply as she turned her head to the source.

Behind the glass was an entirely white room, a single mattress laid out and both the walls and floor padded for the safety of its sole occupant. The occupant that had just thrown herself against the glass. There was a large scar running from above her hairline to across her temple and forehead - proof of her near death experience. Her face was still pressed up against clear panel as she watched them curiously, almost like a child.

Mayu smiled, her eyes never leaving the girl on the other side. It was a sad smile, but filled with hope. “Because I want to.”


Somewhere along the way, it changed again.

What I wanted changed.

What I want now, is just for her to be happy. That's the only thing I ask for. And if I could have just one wish, I’d use it on her again.

Once, I had thought that maybe it'd be best for both of us to leave, but when I tried, she’d clutched at my shirt, crying. And when I wiped her tears away and tilted her head up, her eyes struck me.

Then I knew.

Because when I saw those glistening eyes, I knew that she wasn't completely gone. There’s still some traces of the old her in there, deep down somewhere. I can feel it.

So I couldn't leave her. I wouldn’t leave her. For her sake as well as mine. Having her like this is better than not at all.

Without her, I’d be empty. Incomplete.

Before, I knew that she was always insecure, but I didn’t know just how insecure she was until it manifested like this – as she pushes me away but doesn’t want me to go at the same time. She never said this out loud, but I know now - that her one desire is to never be alone again, no matter what, even if something happened for the worse, that her someone won’t leave her. And that's exactly what happened. That someone is me.

That's why, all I can do is stay by her side, dreaming that one day we might go back to the way used to be.

Now it’s my turn to take care of her.

I really want her to return to me. I want it so bad. No, it’s more than that, I desire her. But if she’s happy the way she is now, which I'm sure she's not, but if she is then I don't mind. I can’t mind. And even if she sees me differently now, I can tell that she still loves me back. So that's not my wish, because I know she does, and that'll have to be enough even though I want more.

So that's not my one hope.

That's not my ideal dream.

That’s not even what I want.

I want her to come back to me – as her. But I love her. And above all else, I want the best for her.

So I’ll put her needs in front of my own.

I love you, Yuki. Always.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 01:31:24 AM by Keiyuu »

Offline yocelin17

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #3 What I Wanted (Mayuki)
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2016, 07:17:07 AM »
Please make a sequel where Yuki starts to remember Mayu.

I love your story, thanks for update
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 08:53:02 AM by yocelin17 »
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

Offline Jessye

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #3 What I Wanted (Mayuki)
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2016, 07:37:52 AM »
Thanks for the OS.

Rarely see Mayuki(-only) fanfic nowadays and it brightened my day.  :lol:

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #3 What I Wanted (Mayuki)
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2016, 10:55:06 AM »
I love it. :wub: please do continue writing~
Jaa... 48 is about skinship

Offline sasshirie

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #3 What I Wanted (Mayuki)
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2016, 03:28:36 PM »
maybe you coudld write more for Atsuyuu too??? :bow:

Offline Keiyuu

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #4 Not a Choice (WMatsui)
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2016, 04:47:06 AM »
Not a Choice (WMatsui)

Matsui Jurina is not gay.

At least, she doesn't think she is.

In her opinion, having crushes on cute girls and being attracted to them wasn’t a bad thing. It was perfectly normal to admire the female form, even if you were a girl yourself. Honestly, if a person (be it male or female) couldn't appreciate a girl’s ‘cuteness’ then that was just a sin.

Not that there was anything wrong with being gay in the first place, Jurina just wanted to know where she stood and if she liked someone (not that she ever had before) then it didn’t matter to her who or what gender they were. But sometimes it’s good to define yourself and your terms (especially if a certain bird friend liked to keep bugging you about who you liked).

And so with that definition in mind, Matsui Jurina did not label herself as gay.

She simply decided that she wasn't.

Besides, Jurina never liked a girl for more than their so called ‘cuteness’ and if they had a nice personality then Jurina would befriend them. Never any further.

That is, until she met Matsui Rena.

Jurina couldn't really say that she ever truly met Matsui Rena, but she counted it as the day Rena transferred to her school and Jurina saw her for the first time in the hallways.

It wasn't love at first sight, she was sure it didn't start off like that. Actually, she wasn’t even really sure of what she thought at the time.

All she knew was that Rena was pretty. Beautiful even, and unlike any other girl that Jurina had encountered in her sixteen years on this planet.

So Jurina decided that Rena was special - the only one that she would ever go as far as to call ‘beautiful’ - while everyone else would just be ‘cute’. In her mind, Rena was a strange entity that didn't seem to even belong in this world.

Fragile. Pale. Quiet.

That's what Jurina initially described her as – just like everyone else did.

Rena always kept to herself, not really interacting with others or participating in activities. And her light skin and skinny body made people think she had a weak constitution even though she didn’t.

But this was only her appearance. Then Jurina started watching more closely.

It started as a glance when Rena passed by and just happened to catch her eye, before it escalated into times when Jurina would forget anyone else existed (or that she had been blatantly staring for the past ten minutes), then she would snap out of her stupor, trying to hide her embarrassment and thankful that nobody else had noticed, especially the object of her observations.

After all that time spent observing her, Jurina began to think of Rena slightly differently, adding more adjectives into the mix as she saw more sides to the shy girl.

Graceful. Fair. Lovely.

A certain air of elegance and poise seemed to envelop itself around Rena (like the way she carried herself, not overwhelming but smooth). And if you ever tried to look a little closer, Rena never seemed flustered or anything of the sort, always maintaining that calm behavior.

Then the more Jurina saw and learned, the more a certain being named ‘Matsui Rena’ began to invade her head.

First it was when her mind was free and wandered. Then she started thinking about her all the time.

Where would Rena be next class period? Would Jurina ever manage to speak with her? What kind of person was Rena really?

Until it got to the point that Jurina started having dreams about Rena - though it was nothing notable, just little snippets or snapshots. Jurina would frequently dream of Rena wearing a pure white one piece, a light breeze caressing her raven hair, and she’d always be smiling.

But even though it was such a beautiful image, there was something missing.

Rena’s eyes were never seen.

It wasn't exactly hidden by her bangs, or that she was looking elsewhere, no it was more like they weren't there. In her subconscious though, it didn't seem weird to Jurina.

To tell the truth, Jurina had never been close enough to actually witness what Rena’s eyes looked like. And they never made eye contact or spoke a word to each other, not even once.

So everything Jurina knew or thought she knew about Rena may very well be a lie. Delusions that came from her overactive imagination.

But Jurina held a sort of hope that this wasn't the case.

And then she realized at one point that maybe she was starting to go a little too far, crossing the line from ‘admiration’ into something more like ‘obsession’. Although, in her defense, something about Rena was just alluring to Jurina.

And if she was made to admit it, in Jurina’s opinion, Rena was damn appealing.

Hardworking. Reliable. Proper.

That's what Jurina discovered next about her new ‘obsession’.

Staying after class to study (which Jurina knew because she’d see Rena heading home late on Jurina’s way to practice), finishing up the project by herself even though she had many other group members (that Jurina wanted to punch for making Rena do all the work), and careful about doing the right thing. No matter what it was, Rena would always make sure to carry it out properly.

But she wasn't perfect - nobody was - and that just made Jurina like her more. Rena was human like the rest of them, and just like Jurina.

Flawed. Incomplete. Alone.

And somehow that meant that Jurina had a chance - if she ever worked up the courage to talk to her.

It should have been easy, Rena always kept to herself after all. Whether it was due to her introverted nature or inability to express herself, Jurina didn't know, but she knew that Rena was almost always, alone.

But then again Jurina didn't know if she wanted to speak with the girl. She was quite content watching from afar.

Like a guardian angel.

Or a creepy stalker.

Whichever way you chose to look at it.

And if she talked to Rena-chan (the nickname Jurina refers to her by in her own mind - just like a fan would for an idol), but if she spoke with Rena then maybe she wouldn't be as great as Jurina made her out to be.

Her hopes would be dashed away. Mind broken. Heart sunk.

Jurina didn't know if she was prepared or even willing to take that risk.

But love doesn't come without risks right?

Even so, Jurina wouldn't approach Rena. Rather, she couldn't. And who said she loved Rena in the first place? Not that Jurina could define what she really felt about Rena anyways.

Rena was undoubtedly attractive. And Jurina was definitely attracted. Horribly.

But only that. Jurina was merely attracted, nothing more. She almost laughed at the thought of anything more. It couldn’t be that easy to find the ‘one’. And there was ABSOLUTELY no way she liked Rena that much.

Or so she decided.

She didn't want to go too far. Not too deep Jurina told herself. Rena was already above just ‘cute’, but Jurina didn't want to overstep the boundaries she set.

Maybe it was an accident.

Maybe it was fate.

But eventually, almost inevitably, Jurina actually met Rena.

Rena was a year above Jurina, so they had absolutely no classes together (and it makes you wonder how Jurina managed to spend all her time watching her if they were never together), but the closest Jurina ever managed to get to Rena was passing by her in the hallway.

Then one day, instead of just passing by like usual, they bumped into each other.

Quite literally.

Rena almost fell over but Jurina reacted quickly and grabbed her arm, helping steady the girl without even recognizing who it was yet.

But then the realization hit as Rena looked at her for the first time.

For the first time, Jurina saw Rena’s eyes.

She met them.

Rena’s eyes were a deep brown color, not as dark as Jurina’s own, and definitely more beautiful. They were the color of freshly brewed hot chocolate, full of depth and swirling with unseen emotions. They were sweet, and warm.

And Jurina loved them.

During those few seconds of awkward eye contact, billions of thoughts whirred around in Jurina’s head.

Is she okay? I should apologize. Am I grabbing her arm too hard? Oh my gosh I’m still holding on to her arm!

Jurina tried hard not to panic and make Rena think she was a freak. That was the last thing she needed. And being their first official meeting, this would be Rena’s first impression of Jurina. She ABSOLUTELY could not afford to mess it up.

But...she’s even prettier up close.

Unfortunately, with everything else forgotten, Jurina was mesmerized by the girl in front of her, who somehow seemed different from usual.

Maybe it was because Jurina was delusional.

Maybe it was because she was actually closer than five-foot proximity limit (the width of the hallway) that Jurina had set for herself specifically to avoid these kinds of situations.

But she couldn't help but stare.

And there was no way that Rena wouldn't notice now that they were so close.

“Umm...can you go of my arm?” She asked quietly.

“Oh! Yeah sorry~” Jurina sheepishly apologized while internally trying not to fangirl over the soft sound of Rena’s voice. Even her voice is adorable!

She pulled away awkwardly and stood there, fidgeting nervously while Rena did the same. Normally, Jurina was not the type to fidget. But this encounter was anything but ordinary and both of them didn't know what to say, yet neither felt like leaving the scene just yet.

Jurina was the first to break the silence, finding it too uncomfortable to let it continue but also hard to find the right words.

“A-Are you alright?”

Setting the stuttering aside, Jurina thought it was an okay question. Not too prying or weird, just asking if Rena was okay after running into her, perfectly normal.

“H-Hai...Sorry for bumping into you.” Rena bowed her head slightly and refused to meet Jurina’s gaze, much to the disappointment of the latter. And as much as Jurina found Rena’s shy nature adorable, she couldn't help but want to stare into those warm orbs a little longer.

“It’s okay, it was my bad as well~” Jurina assured, gradually getting back into the swing of things and finding her usual vibe. It wasn’t like her to be so nervous. Okay, okay, I can do this...

Matsui Jurina was a social person.

Friendly. Active. Popular.

Matsui Rena was a quiet person.

Shy. Subtle. Alone.

Complete opposites, the two of them.

Nevertheless, Jurina was drawn to this girl who was so different from herself. Attracted to every part of her and she couldn't explain it.

When did this start? How did it grow? Why does she feel this way? What is this exactly?


Jurina blinked. “Yes?”

She was surprised when Rena said something. Jurina had been too caught up in her own thoughts and wasn't expecting Rena to actually speak on her own accord.

“I’m sorry...this will probably sound really weird and creepy but...” Rena glanced up at Jurina a few times through her bangs. “I’ve always seen you around...and although we’ve never talked, w-would you mind...”

Jurina waited patiently, believing it would take Rena a few seconds to work up what she wanted to ask.

But after taking a deep breath, Rena suddenly blurted out, “Would you mind having lunch with me? I want to talk with you, and get to know you.”

At that moment, Jurina was too shocked to respond (or maybe she was a little lost in those warm brown eyes). All those thoughts running around in her head came to a screeching halt.

However, it dawned on her that she would have to add another adjective to the list – bold.

Then as this new information sunk in, a smile gradually grew wide on her face and Jurina nodded vigorously.

“Of course!”

She watched as Rena seemed to visibly relax, a small smile donning her features just like Jurina had always dreamed of.

That’s when it hit her - that Jurina wasn't the only one. She had always assumed that the attraction was one-sided, but this wasn’t the case. Rena had also been watching.

Maybe they weren't so opposite after all.

Maybe Jurina had already found the term defining what she thought of Rena.

And so she finally acknowledged and accepted (not decided because love is not a choice) this feeling in her heart that had actually been there for quite some time already, just never realized.

Then Jurina figured that maybe she was gay after all.

But only for Rena.

Because really, in Jurina’s opinion, who wouldn't be gay for Rena?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 01:09:33 AM by Keiyuu »

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Re: [Keiyuu's OS Collection] OS #4 Not a Choice (WMatsui)
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2016, 10:26:26 AM »
Author-san!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

That was beautiful  :wub:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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