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Author Topic: Love is Serious, When War is Involved | Ch.14 + Poster (12/3/17)  (Read 42947 times)

Offline Janix123

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I never expected Sayanne to be in the story. Hehehe but glad that she's included
Never thought that their father was a positive person. Hehehe
Sacrifice a pure-blood werewolf heart. Hope the Kashiwagi's father get better.

Offline sasshirie

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father's are scary in this story!

Offline iminlovewithakb

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wait is sae going to sacrifice his heart for the king of vampires and yuki will end up with the watanabe clan prince or smth which i assume is going to be mayu?

LOL :glasses:
i'm stuck in yukirin's world.
寝ても覚めてもゆきりんワールド、夢中にさせちゃうぞ♪ ❤️

Offline Rufy SaeYuki

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please not mayu, someone who will be Yuki partner. everyone can, but not mayu please....

Offline genkingblack

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I never expected Sayanne to be in the story. Hehehe but glad that she's included
Never thought that their father was a positive person. Hehehe
Sacrifice a pure-blood werewolf heart. Hope the Kashiwagi's father get better.
Me too never expect that Sayanee would be in here too LOL  :sweat:
Yeah... but time is running out if they dont find any solution about it ._.
father's are scary in this story!
Are they? Their father look fine to me  :whistle: :whistle:

wait is sae going to sacrifice his heart for the king of vampires and yuki will end up with the watanabe clan prince or smth which i assume is going to be mayu?

LOL :glasses:
Do you think so? Hmmm... obviously there'll be a sacrifice..
But the question is whose heart? Sae? Jurina? or Airi?
All of the options still open tbh  :on freeze: :on freeze: :on freeze:

please not mayu, someone who will be Yuki partner. everyone can, but not mayu please....
Eh? Why?
Do you hate her?  :stoned:
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GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Love is Serious, When War is Involved | Multi Pairing
« Reply #45 on: June 30, 2016, 05:34:01 PM »
Chapter 11

That night, there was someone who let out a deep sigh on the balcony of Kashiwagi. It was the heiress, she walked back and forth. Yuki was feeling… rather uneasy. With everything that has happened, she didn’t want to be in this situation.

She held her chest as her heart was pounding nervously. Then her hand found the ruby necklace and she clutched the ring tight.

“Sae… I hope everything’s okay on your side… because, right now.. Everything feels like it’s starting to fall apart.”


Sudden voice from behind, brought her back to the reality. She abruptly let go the ring, and hid it behind her dress.

“Oh it’s you, Rena-chan..” Yuki released a deep sigh

“What’s wrong? You look...awful.”

“How couldn’t I?”

For a couple of minutes, the twins just stand there without a sound.

“Yuki-chan… I’m sorry….” Rena finally broke the ice between them

“Huh?” Yuki tilted her head

“About.. Earlier. I nearly lost my temper.”

“It’s okay..” Yuki patted her sister’s shoulder “But you shouldn’t do that, not in front of father, Rena-chan..”

“I know… but Furukawa… Airi.. he’s…”

“He did nothing wrong, you know that Rena..”

“How could you be so sure about that?”

“If he was planning to hurt our father, why would he bother to apologize?

Rena was about to say something, but Yuki won’t allow her and continued “Did you forget that he was the one who made Churi feel better?”

What Yuki just said was right, Yeah Rena forget about that. The fact that Airi was the one who take care of Churi.

“But, I don’t want our father to die.”

“Trust me, I won’t let that happen”

“What….are we.. gonna do, Yuki?” Rena leaned her back against railing

“I don’t know...Rena..”  Yuki looked down

“When time has come and we still don’t have the werewolf’s heart.. I’m afraid… I’ll have to take him down..” Rena simply let out what is on her mind

Yuki’s eyes widened. “W-What…? R-Rena…”

“It’s the only way.”

“What happened with Churi?” Yuki asked, worrying for her youngest sister.

Not only Yuki, but Rena was in torn as well. They both love Churi so much, of course her health was the twins’ priority. But in this case, their father’s health was much more of a priority.

“I don’t know, after you left Father’s chamber, she left too, walking the opposite direction.”

“Opposite direction?”

“I saw her heading for the dungeon. Who knows why…”

“I know why…” Yuki said, looking forward at the view, “She cares for that werewolf, and it makes me happy.”

“Happy..?” Rena’s eyebrows furrowed.

“In all honestly… yes, I do. It makes me think. What would happen, if us vampires and the werewolves managed to make peace and had gotten along with each other….”

“That’s just wishful thinking, Yuki.. We both know that it will never happen…”

“Don’t you feel happy seeing Churi finally able to made a friend?”

“I… I’m happy for Churi, but… but he is a werewolf..!”

“So what!? It’s not that every werewolf is bad.” Without realized Yuki raised her voice

“If they weren’t bad, why did they rampage on our banquet?”


Rena then gave a suspicious glare. “Why are you even sympathizing for them?”

“I’m NOT! It’s you who full of suspicious mind about them!”

“Since when did you taking side with them?” Rena arched an eyebrow

“I’m not taking their side--!”

“Then why?!”

“Enough!” Yuki screamed, causing her twin to become silent.


A familiar voice made them stop, then both Yuki and Rena noticed a glimpse of Akane at the doors of the balcony behind them.


“Did you two fight?” Akane said still hid behind the door, the twins only saw her head, “If so, then please stop…”

“We are not fighting, Chu-chan. Isn’t it right, Yuki-chan?” Rena step on Yuki’s foot, gave her signal to drop the conversation

“Ow.. Y-Yeah.. We are not fighting, Churi..” Yuki threw death glare to Rena

“Really?” There was a indecisive tone to Akane’s voice, not knowing whether to believe them or not.

“Un, Come here..” Yuki motioned  for her to come closer

Thanks to Yuki’s acting, Akane totally bought  it. She smiled, walking closer, then enveloping Yuki in a hug which is Yuki accept and return the hug.

“Aww, you didn’t even hug me, Chu-chan? Now I’m sad..” Rena cover her face, pretend to cry

“E-Eh.. Don’t cry Rena-nee.” Akane broke hug and rushed to Rena’s side, gave her a bear hug.

Three of them giggled, it’s been long time since the last time the princesses were laughing.

Akane now stood between her sisters, “Nee, Yuki-nee.. Are you sure about that?” Akane carefully  said the last part.

“About what?”

“About…. Watanabe’s son…”


Yuki was lost for words, she didn’t even think about Watanabe’s son right now. Now after Akane mentioned about it, she couldn’t help but thinking about her reckless decision.

Looking at her twin who had distress on her face, Rena felt guilty about that “You don’t have to do that, Yuki-chan…”

“But someone has to..Rena..”

“It’s my duty, not yours!” Rena frustrated with her twin, who tried to suppress her feeling.

“So are you saying you’ll marry him?”

“......” Rena's lips failed to retort, not even a lie.

“You can’t, right?” Yuki annoyed with Rena’s stubbornness

“If I said that I’ll marry Watanabe’s son. Would you stop fighting, onee-chan?”

NOOOO!!” They both answered at the same time


“I’m leaving, if you want to marry him, then that’s fine with me. I’m gonna find some answers.” Rena said, before walking out.

“Y-Yuki-nee, I-I’m going to go see what she’s up to,” Akane said, before following her.

Yuki just looked up to the sky, clutching the necklace around her neck.

“Sae… please… help me..”

Meanwhile, Akane was trying to catch up to Rena who was furiously making her way to the dungeon.

“Rena-nee!” Akane was getting Rena to stop, or at the very least slow down

“What do you want from me, Chu-chan?!”

“I just want you to think about what you’re doing…!” She clutched the sleeve of Rena’s shirt, “I know I may be the youngest, but I know what’s right!”

“Eh?” Rena looked at her younger sibling.

“You don’t know what you’re doing to him… It… It’s not truly like you, Rena-nee…”

Akane’s tears started pouring from her eyes.

“It’s making me worry…”

“C-Churi… I want what’s best for all of us.”

“What you want, Rena-nee… Is not necessarily what me and Yuki-nee want.”

Rena stopped, speechless at what her sister said to her. One of the only people who had loved her, said something that hurt her feelings.

“Akane…” Rena stopped calling Akane by her affectionate nickname, “If you really think that, then leave, look after that werewolf, I wouldn’t care if something happened to you.”


“Just leave me alone, Akane,” Rena said, before pulling down, making Akane let go of her and walked away.

Yes, Rena was upset, but she didn’t mean to say it that way. Of course, that was her way of letting out her anger, but doing so towards Akane… Made her realise, the meaning of what her sister had told her.

She had just ignored Akane’s shouts and made her way down to the dungeons. She walked down the dark hallway, until she made it to a larger cage.

She had turned to a guard who was patrolling the area.

“Is he awake?”

“Yes, he is, Rena-sama, but he’s not retaliating.”

“Open it, I want to talk to him, myself.”

“As you wish,” the guard stepped aside, and opened the cage door.

She walked inside and saw Airi, sat down, tied to a pillar behind him. She instantly grabbed his collar and picked him up as high as she could.


“I told you already, it wasn’t me.”

Rena was so angry, that she instinctively threw a punch at him. Or, she wanted to. She tried her best to control her anger, taking a deep breath.

“Look… I just need an answer, or I’ll beat it out of you.”

Airi looked up with skeptical eyes, “If it’s to save your father, then I’m not saying squat.”

Rena was nearly about to lose it. “I mean it..!”

“So do I.”

“Do you want me to go there?” The vampire gripped her fist.

“I… DARE you.”

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline Janix123

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Churi... Nooooo
And LOL Rena and Airi are fighting.
And where's the place that Rena meant? ^^
Thx for update author-san. :)

Offline love angel

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 Take my heart then  :pleeease:
 I dun want any of them to die
 Want to see their happy n lovely moment  :fainted:
 And yuki going to get married with watanabe,
 What will happen to sae??  :gyaaah:
 Btw thanks for the story author san  :kneelbow:

Offline hackata48

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Hahaha lol.....

Keep it up m8

Offline key17

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Wow rena and airi will fight again, i'm waiting  8)

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Rufy SaeYuki

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who will wins, if Rena and Yuki have fight?
I hope sayane will come to save airi or Sae meet Yuki to make her feel better. thanks for update.

Offline genkingblack

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Churi... Nooooo
And LOL Rena and Airi are fighting.
And where's the place that Rena meant? ^^
Thx for update author-san. :)
Yeah why are those two always fighting? I wonder about it too ..... Hmmmm  :huhuh
Let's find out this chapter :3

 Take my heart then  :pleeease:
 I dun want any of them to die
 Want to see their happy n lovely moment  :fainted:
 And yuki going to get married with watanabe,
 What will happen to sae??  :gyaaah:
 Btw thanks for the story author san  :kneelbow:
Take my heart too  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:
Sae? fine... for now ._. I'm still pondering which one.....


Hahaha lol.....

Keep it up m8
HAHAHAHA I won't go that extent to kill them all though XD
Wow rena and airi will fight again, i'm waiting  8)
You sound so excited when seeing their fight hahaha
nice to see you around again, key-chan (can I call you that?)  :lol:
who will wins, if Rena and Yuki have fight?
I hope sayane will come to save airi or Sae meet Yuki to make her feel better. thanks for update.
if Rena and Yuki fight? Well... I never think about it...
Maybe Yuki since she was older? but they are twins... so their energy gauge was about the same ._.
Yeah definitely Sae need to see the princess :3

Hello Tama again here ^^
Thank you for who kind enough to left comment, and gave thanks too

Well to be honest, I already wrote for chapter xx... But I need to re-read again the whole story.
Since it's been long time since I did this projects ._.
Like you know I have total 4 on-going stories now... and I'm a random writer (someday I wrote a story/chapter like a whoooosshh but the other day was

So please bear it with me, I'll try to finish what I've started. relax  :pimp: :pimp:
Without further ado, Enjoy the next update~ :on gay:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline genkingblack

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Chapter 12

“Oho~! Let’s see....”

Rena smirked, and began to laugh creepily. She grabbed Airi’s collar, gave him a punch in his stomach.


Blood came out from Airi’s mouth, Airi clenched his fist.He really wanted to raise his fist against the latter but he remember about Rena anger management issue, moreover she is a girl and princess. He just stare blankly at Rena’s orbs. On the other side, Rena is more annoyed with Airi’s silence.   

“I thought for a second I could trust you, Airi..”

“Did you?” Airi glared. “Doesn’t really feel like it...”

Rena laughed again, nearly sending a chill up the werewolf’s spine. Even the look in her eyes was becoming scary.

Rena gave him another blow, this time aim for his cheek. Airi who has no strength left because of hunger and thirst. He couldn’t count how many times Rena hit him, the last blow brought him down on his knees unconsciously.  Rena was about to kick his head, when someone’s voice startled her.

“Stop it Rena!”

Rena turned around her heels, found the heiress and her youngest sister standing there. Akane hid behind the heiress, but Rena could see her body trembling and Akane didn’t  dare to look her in the eyes. It made her snap from her anger mode, she looked confused about what happened.


Rena tilted her head, her eyes roaming around. She found herself in dark room, very humid since there was no window at all, finally she noticed was in the dungeon deep within the mansion, where they have kept the werewolf captive.

“Eh..? What was I..?” Rena blinked, then she found trace of blood from her knuckle, realized the blood wasn’t from her.

Yuki walked closer, at first Akane didn’t want because she still afraid of Rena. But Yuki patted her head, assuring her that it was okay now.

“Rena-chan? Do you remember anything?”

“No, What was I doing again?” Rena showed her her knuckle covered with blood, she noticed Akane still hiding behind Yuki “What is wrong, Chu-chan?” Rena bend down tried to hug Akane.

Akane a bit hesitant to accept the hug, she looked to her older sister. Yuki just smiled, then Akane walked closer and accept the hug.

“Rena-nee, you don’t remember at all?” Akane said still hugging Rena

“Mm-mm..” Rena shook her head, broke the hug “Care to tell?” Rena held Akane’s shoulder, force her to look her in the eyes.

“Ummm..” Akane didn’t know how to start the story.

“Just tell me..”

“Look behind you, Rena-chan.” Yuki said calmly

Immediately Rena complied, her eyes widened looking at the motionless body on the floor. She noticed the familiar shirt, because there is only one person who wore that outfit.

“Did...I…?” Rena covered her mouth

“Yes…” Yuki closed her eyes

“Oh my GOD! W-What a-am I g-going t-to d-do, Yuki-chan??” Rena started panicking

Neither the princesses say anything, there was heavy atmosphere on Airi’s dungeon. Yuki still thinking the best solution, the middle one still extremely anxious about what was her doing, not forget to mention it was the second time that she beat him to a pulp.

“I’m s-sorry Rena-nee, I could have been better if I stop you earlier, but i was afraid…” Akane burst into tears.

Akane’s tears brought the twins from their deep thought.


“Nee-chan… P-Please…” Akane talked, whilst trying not to choke on her tears, “J-Just stop…”

“Akane, tend to him later, Rena… Try not to beat him up again.” Yuki said, demandingly.

“I will try…What about father, Yuki-chan?”

“About that.. I’ll figure out later.. The most important thing right now is you need to rest, Rena-chan.” Yuki said, looking up and down Rena’s figure “Probably.. Shower too.”

“O-okay…” Rena nodded and quietly left.

After she left, Akane faced the heiress. “Yuki-nee… what’s going to happen now?”

“I don’t know, Churi… But I sense something bad will happen..”

“B-Bad? Is this related to our father issue?”

“Yeah.. Although you know how much I hate conflict. But as an heiress I couldn’t just sit after Father was attacked by werewolves side..”

Yuki kneel down to check up on Airi’s wound. Akane thinking about what just her sister said, it was totally right. If Yuki let this matter out their family reputation will ruin, she doubt why did Watanabe happen to be at the same place? To make it worst now their father is dying and need a pureblood werewolf’s heart.

“Nee, Yuki-nee. Don’t you think Watanabe seems somewhat fishy?”


“Yeah.. He just randomly comes to rescue Father at the right time, when he was just attacked by werewolves…” Akane just saying what is on her mind

Churi’s right…”  Yuki thought, with suspicion in her mind.

“Don’t you think so, Yuki-nee?” Akane shook Yuki’s body a bit

“Yeah.. But we can’t accuse him without evidence, Churi..”

“Still… It can’t just be coincidence…” Akane said.

“What about we ask Rion about it, since she’s still in their territory.” Yuki tried to convince Akane, because Akane is sometimes stubborn like Rena but in a good way.

“Un! That’s a good idea, Yuki-nee~”

Suddenly a maid came to tell Yuki, there was someone who had requested for her.

“Who is it?”

“He said he’s from the Watanabe family, Yuki-sama..” The maid bowed

“Right… Tell him I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Yuki said, “I’m still talking to my sister.”

“As you wish, Yuki-sama,” The maid said before leaving.

Yuki watched the maid left, leaving the princesses again.

“Now.. We need a way to find answers from Airi, over here, without violence…”

“I trust Airi, Yuki-nee. There is no way that he planned this…”

“But, even so…”

“I’m not gonna let bloodshed continue to pour from our side, Yuki-nee….”

“Churi… I’ll find a way, don’t worry.” Yuki patted Akane’s head, and continued “Now, I have to go, it’s rude to keep someone waiting.”

Before Yuki could walk away, Akane grabbed her wrist “In the end.. We need to kill a werewolf right?”

“....” Yuki can’t answer her immediately, but she knows she need to be sure, “I’m afraid yes, Churi.”

“W-Will this start… a war?” Akane whispered the last part, but it was loud enough for Yuki to hear.

“To be honest, I don’t know…” Yuki smiled “Churi, I need to go. I think you should tend to Airi. I think he hasn’t eat anything.”

“Will do, Yuki-nee. Be careful with Watanabe’s son, okay?”

Instead of answering the youngest’s question, Yuki made an O form with her thumb and index finger

Meanwhile on werewolves side

There was a particular girl who seems busy to write something in her room.

Dear Yuki, Rena, and Akane-sama

Is everything okay on that side? I’m sorry I couldn’t inform you as soon as possible.
I was a bit distracted with some… commotion..

I’ve managed to infiltrate Furukawa’s castle, they totally trust me.
I could say that the 2nd child whose name is Sae, he is the wise one, right now he’s handling all of the eldest, as you know, his name is Airi’s work.
Then we have the youngest son, Jurina. He is player, always flirt with every girl he met. I remember the first time we met, he was trying to hit on me. There was something strange about his eyes. When I looked at them, I felt like I was being pulled into him. I’d be careful not to make direct eye contact if he confronts you.
I met another hybrid in here, his name is Furuhata Nao. He’s the one who took me into Furukawa’s castle. Because I said that I’m an orphan and have no place to go.
Today, there was someone coming. Her name is Yamamoto Sayaka, I think she’s the heiress from Yamamoto clan. She seems friendly… But something was fishy, she dragged both of theprinces to see Furukawa-sama. I think there must be some conspiracy against your family, too bad I can’t follow them because Nao was with me.

I’ll contact you again later.


“It’s done~”

Rion re-read her letter again to check if she missed any information since she knew the Kashiwagi clan depend on her. Satisfied with her writing, she immediately called the pigeon with secret whistle. She tied the letter carefully, then set the pigeon go.

*knock knock*

“Rion? Are you there?” Someone said behind the door


Rion abruptly tossed aside her writing equipment and opened the door, curious to find out who is behind the door. She opened the door, find the familiar hybrid,


“Did I bother you?” Nao scratched behind his head

“No, It’s fine. Is there something you need?

“Young master ask you to join dinner with them.”

“Is it really okay for me to join?” Rion unsure about this dinner, since she just a girl that Nao found in the woods

“Of course. Young master wishes to treat you as a guest.”

“O-okay.. If you said so..”

They both walked side by side, neither both of them tried to talk. Rion use this chance, to find out some information from Nao.



“You know I haven’t see Jurina all day, was he busy?”

“Ah Yes.. He was with Sayaka-sama today..”

“Do you know the reason why Sayaka-san getting worked up this morning?”

Although Sayaka clearly state that Rion can call her by her name only, but she find it too uncomfortable, therefore she added -san after her name.

“I can’t tell you, Rion.. Let’s say that it was royal issue..” Nao simply answered

So there is something happen..” Rion didn’t want to push the sensitive topic “I see…”

Not long after that, they both arrived at dining hall. Nao let her to go in first, Rion saw Furukawa-sama, Sae, and Sayaka sitting at the table, waiting for them.  She noticed that there is one person missing from table.

Strange.. Where is Jurina?


Jurina gave a tackle hug, jump at Rion. Rion who didn’t expect that Jurina coming from her right side, losing her balance. Jurina now on top of her, staring down at her with a mischievous smirk.

“My, you look cute when you’re vulnerable.”

Rion quickly averted her gaze from Jurina’s eyes. “J-Jurina, get off me!”

“What’s the matter? Let me look at you,” Jurina held the girl’s chin, turning her head to meet her gaze. But before she could be put under his spell...

“That’s enough, Jurina,” Sae said firmly. “We’re having dinner, now sit and behave.”

“Boo~ You’re such a party pooper, Sae-nii~” Jurina sticked out his tongue

Jurina get up from Rion’s body, skipping to his seat happily. He sit beside Sayaka who gave him smack in the head.

“I’m losing brain-cells, stop it, Sayanee~~”

“I thought you didn’t have any, Jurina.” Sayaka said in sarcasm

“Stop it you two!” Sae hissed “Come here, Rion.” Sae motion her to sit beside him.


Rion quietly sat down beside Nao, still flustered by Jurina’s previous actions.

Surprisingly, the dinner went well. Although Jurina not even once tried to use his eyes on Rion. Still Rion felt odd. It was her first time to had dinner with leader of Furukawa, and she can’t help but thinking what was behind Sayaka visit. She lost in deep thought, until she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

She looked over and saw Nao staring at her with a worried look.

“Are you okay, Rion?”

“O-oh, yes. Sorry, I was deep in thought.”

“Thinking about what?” This time Sae jumped into their conversation.

Before Rion could answer Sae’s question, Sayaka who’s been playing with her meal, was glancing at Rion every few second. She could sense Rion’s heartbeat was faster, a sign that she was indeed hiding something.

In front of Sayaka, you couldn’t lie. Because she has sensitive hearing. She can hear the changes of a person’s heartbeat. At first, she use that to differentiate between human and vampire. Since vampires are undead, they have a different heartbeat from humans’.

However, she soon became familiar with the unique patterns and were able to recognize them.

“It’s hard to explain… a lot’s happened.”

She is lying.” Sayaka talked to herself.

Sayaka wanted to discuss about incident related to Kashiwagi, but her guts telling her not to say anything in front of Rion.

“Nao, it looks like Rion-chan’s tired. Could you take her back to her chamber?”

Rion was taken aback with Sayaka’s line. She really wanted to stay, because she need to inform any information to Kashiwagi Family. But if she insisted to stay, it may cause a few problems.

“Uh, sure, I guess…” Nao said. “You don’t mind, do you, Rion?”

“No, I don’t mind. Thank you for dinner.” Rion bowed to the royals.

Before both Rion and Nao completely out of the room. Rion heard something behind her back.

“Sayanee, do you think he’ll be dead?

“Who? The vampire’s Father?” Jurina busy munch his meal.

Rion’s feet stopped automatically “What happened with Kashiwagi-sama?”


My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Yeay! An update!  :cow:
Can't wait for WMATSUI interaction  :D
And Author-san! Please update Encounter :)
Good job and more power :)
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline key17

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Yes I am :wahaha: too bad Rena-chan can't remember it
When Sae tell Jurina to stop i was like :on GJ: and when Sayanee smack Jurina :farofflook: :hiakhiakhiak: finally someone do it for me. Thanks Sayaneeee!!
Oh yes you can, but i will keep calling you author-san :hee:   
Thanks for updating!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Rufy SaeYuki

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What will happen with kashiwagi sama?
I don't care what will happen to kashiwagi king. I hope Yuki will call Sae in her room. "Everything will be OK", line come out :dozing

Offline genkingblack

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Yeay! An update!  :cow:
Can't wait for WMATSUI interaction  :D
And Author-san! Please update Encounter :)
Good job and more power :)
Ah WMatsui.... Kinda hard to make them meet but I'll try to make them meet asap :D
Thanks for power!  XD XD

Yes I am :wahaha: too bad Rena-chan can't remember it
When Sae tell Jurina to stop i was like :on GJ: and when Sayanee smack Jurina :farofflook: :hiakhiakhiak: finally someone do it for me. Thanks Sayaneeee!!
Oh yes you can, but i will keep calling you author-san :hee:   
Thanks for updating!
Well Rena-chan has problem with her mind Hahaha
Yeah someone need to chain up Jurina  :lol: :lol:
What will happen with kashiwagi sama?
I don't care what will happen to kashiwagi king. I hope Yuki will call Sae in her room. "Everything will be OK", line come out :dozing
What will happen?
1. he will die if no one can find him the cure
2. but the problem, whose heart?

Hello minna-san, its Tama   :onionwhip:
Sorry for ummmm long absence from this forum  :dunno:
I was so busy with my work then i need to stay out of town for a month... there was no wifi there so...
not to mention... I'm struggling to find my pace to write  :err: :err:
I'm still trying to write new chapter/story.....
I'll try my best to finish all of it (though again i'm a writer with random pace)  :stuffed: :stuffed:

I hope this chapter will enough for now hehe :> and AH! Merry Christmas and happy holiday guys  :hee: :hee:
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GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
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Re: Love is Serious, When War is Involved | Multi Pairing | Chapter 13|
« Reply #57 on: December 26, 2016, 09:27:49 PM »
Chapter 13

“Here you are,” Nao opened the door to Rion’s room. “If there’s anything you need, call for me.”

“Wait,” Rion stopped him.

“Hm? What?”

“Does she often come here?”

“Ah Sayaka-sama? Since she is the sole heir of Yamamoto clan, she has no siblings. That’s why she always come here and play with young masters.

“So.. This time just another visit?”

“Yeah, but something happened.”

“Is it bad?”

“You could say that, she hasn’t told me anything of it, but from what I am hearing from Jurina-sama, it does seem like it.”

“I hope everything is okay..”

Nao smiled, and left Rion alone in her chamber.

Meanwhile in Kashiwagi’s Mansion

Yuki entered the Royal chamber, and found a young man with a long cape standing in front of her. It was the eldest son of the Watanabe family, Watanabe Mayu. He noticed that someone was coming from behind.

“Ah Yuki~, Long time no see.” Mayu walked toward Yuki, tried to grabbed her hand.

“No need to court me, Mayu.”
“Eh? What seems to be troubling you, my princess?”

“You.” a lazy answer came out from Yuki’s mouth.

“Me? Why?”  a shocked expression plastered on his face, Mayu said.

“Because when you come here, you always gave me a headache” Yuki pretended to massage her head.

“Aww~ doesn’t that mean you always thinking of me?” Mayu smirked

Speechless. Yuki didn’t know what to do with Mayu anymore. He was always like that when Yuki said something serious he always thought it was a jokes, vice versa. Yuki and Rena have met him for a couple of times when all the vampire clans held a sacred banquet. Instantly he had his eyes set on hers. Yuki caught him a couple of times taking a glance at her, and then he made a move trying to woo Yuki. Too bad, when he find out about Yuki was the heiress of Kashiwagi, he gave up. Because among royals there is some unspoken rules. One of them being, that the heir of each family can’t marry among themselves. Yuki snapped back to the current situation when someone called her name.

“Yuki-chan, I heard from maid th-.”

Mayu turned his eyes to the source of the  voices. His eyes were sparkling, when he found a certain figure from the entrance of chamber.


“Rena-chan~ I’ve been looking for you, love.” Mayu dashed toward Rena. When he tried to give Rena a hug, she pulled away.

“Mayu.” Rena’s voice became stern as her brown orbs glared at Mayu’s.

“Okay okay” Mayu raised his hands up “Geez, what’s wrong with you two?”

“Nothing, what’s bringing you here?” Yuki tried to save her twin from Mayu.

“Well, I want to see how my in laws are doing, also my future bride” He put emphasis on the last part whilst he threw his gaze at Rena.

His gaze brought chill to Rena’s spine, not in a good way of course.

“P-Please, not in a serious situation like this, Watanabe-kun.”
“You know I’m being serious in here, Rena-chan.”

“Not in the sense of love, please.” Rena sighed

Although Mayu wanted to tease Rena more, but somehow he knew it isn’t the right time. “Okay, okay. How’s your father, by the way?”

“He is….” Rena stopped for a while, before continuing “....not okay.” 

Rena barely managed to finish her sentence. Mayu couldn’t help but to walk up towards her and hug her, expecting her to accept it and cry into his shoulder.

Though she hated the engagement, she didn’t hate Mayu, not at all. He’s nice, when he hugs her, it’s like saying ‘It’s okay to cry’. Without her consent, beads of tears formed at the corner of her eyes. Her body began to shaking, as he grasped her body.

“I-I h-hate… s-seeing F-Father like… this…”

“It’s fine, Rena, just cry it out.”

His words are like magic. After listen to his voice hushing her in calming way, Rena let out her sorrowness which has been piling up. Yuki, who saw that unfold, just stayed quiet, she knew that Rena’s been holding in her emotions.

Though Churi is the mentally unstable princess, Rena has her moments. Not to mention the fact that Churi is their father’s favorite; as the middle child of the three, Rena knew how to behave, how to be polite to the right people. The one who recognised her effort was none other than her father. That’s why her father’s condition was the hardest for Rena to accept.

Mayu turned his head to Yuki’s direction.

“Yuki, where’s your youngest sister?” He asked, whilst rubbing Rena’s back calmingly.

“She’s currently attending to some of her own matters,” Yuki replied.

“What happened to your father? Is it that bad?”

There is no answer between the two twins. Yuki threw her eyes at somewhere else, meanwhile Rena was still sobbing in his embrace. The silence became too much too handle, when Rena mumbled something, still in his comforting embrace.

“Do you say something, Rena-chan?”

“F-Father… is…. Dying…, Watanabe-kun…” She sobbed in each words.

“Dying?” His eyes met Yuki’s as if asking her what Rena was talking about.

“He was wounded by a werewolf’s claw, Mayu.” Finally Yuki speak up

That’s it,the missing puzzle. It’s not a secret among vampire clan that werewolves claw was the vampire’s weakness. It could’ve killed you instantly. Just because the Kashiwagi leader has strength beyond a normal vampire, but Mayu sure knows it is making him incredibly weak.

“How many claw marks are there on his wound?”

“Just one, but it’s on his neck.”

Rena pulled away from the hug, her eyes were red. There was a trail of her dried tears on her face.

“What are we gonna do, Watanabe-kun?” She held Mayu’s shoulder “I...I…don’t...want… father……..-” Rena barely said it with her weak voice until Mayu cut her off.

“Rena-chan, look at me.”

He grabbed her hands, put them into his. Soon, Rena complied with his request, as his pair of calmness waiting for hers. When she did, he welcome Rena with a smile.

“He’s going to be okay, trust me. Okay?”

Rena stay silent. He tightened the grip on his hand as if tried to gain Rena’s attention.

“Rena.. He’s gonna be OKAY. Just trust me.” Mayu tried his best to convinced Rena.

Rena saw that, honestly deep inside she wanted to thank Mayu about what he did. But right now, she couldn’t muttered any words to describe her feeling. So, she just replied it with a single nod.

Lucky, Mayu understood. He gave a soft patted on Rena’s head.

“Now tell me what happened on that day, Mayu.” Yuki asked



“Argh… If not for that stupid pact. I’ll go to human village instead and drink their blood.”

Mayu wandered alone at the forest. He looking for his prey, small animal like rabbit or deer. Though vampire still can drink human blood, but there is a new pact between vampire’s clan. This new rule applied because there was a controversial case. When vampire drank human blood continuously they’ll lose their mind. That’s why the vampire only allow to drank human blood once a month.

When he walked long enough, he sensed something as if someone has been following him. He smirked, he isn’t in the mood to play. Because he’s hungry.

“Show yourself while I’m being nice.” He began to stretching his neck to right and left

When he’s getting ready, he heard a werewolf howling in agony. It was long enough, as if it’s crying over something. The howl followed by a yelp from someone. Mayu walked slowly toward the source of voice. Step by step. There was only the sound of dried leaves that he stepped in. He’s getting his fangs ready in case of an emergency, as his eyes roaming around him. His eyes grew wide, when he found a familiar figure.

He rushed to the unconscious figure. Mayu panicked, because in front of his eyes is one of the highest rank vampire. His mind disturbed by a certain figure behind tree. When their eyes met, Mayu saw guilty was written in all over her face. The moment she noticed that Mayu saw her, her feet started to dash leaving the scene.

“Hey!! Stop!!”

Mayu wanted to chase the unknown girl. The only thing he sure is that girl is a werewolf.

End of Flashback

“Do you remember what she looks like?

“All I remember is.. She has short hair and fair skin..”

“I see…”

“I’m sorry Yuki, Rena-chan. I should’ve chase after her.”

“It’s okay, Mayu. Thank you, I really mean it.” Yuki smile.

When Mayu just returned the smile back and turned his attention back to Rena. Yuki once again lost in her thought. She sure there is something fishy behind her father’s assault.

“Who is that girl? Perhaps I’ll ask Sae about this…”

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Chapter 14

Sae yawned, literally got sick of this usual routine of the heir already. He used to mock Airi because every time he asked him to play, he had to decline due to his duties. The amount of paper in his desk never reduced, more likely it had increased everyday.

“Geez.. Can I get a day off?” It seemed like he was literally drowned in a sea of paper.

He wanted to close his eyes for a while, then he could feel something inside him.


Sae sense something from Yuki’s side, since he gave her his ruby necklace, he knows that it was the sign when Yuki want to meet him. More likely there is something urgent, since Yuki never use it before. Sae knew Yuki is busy with the daily routine of being the heiress. However, he’s glad that Yuki actually wanted to see him, it’s not a one-sided feeling afterall.

Sae looking around him, just want to make sure that there was no one around his chamber. He locked it, before snapping his fingers, teleporting to the other side.

There he is, the one that she’s been long for. Yuki was staring at the sky again. A smile was plastered on his face, as he keep walking toward the heiress from behind.

“Hey, Princess..” Sae wrapped her waist.

She was surprised, Yuki’s body flinched on sudden skinship. But when she turned her head and found the exact person that she’s been waiting for.

“Mou~ You almost gave me a heart attack.” She made sounded like she disliked what the latter did.

“You don’t like it? Hmm.. okay..” Sae was sulking, and tried to let go his hand on her waist.

Before he completely removed his hands, in a flash Yuki grabbed it and said “I never said, I don’ it..” as she keep her eyes down.

“How cute!” Sae pinched one of her cheeks, as once again his hand found the comfort place on her slim waist.

Both of them just stayed quiet for a while, enjoying the moment. Unlike Sae who was enjoying every single moment he was spending with, Yuki was contemplating on whether to tell him what was going on. Little did Yuki knew, Sae could noticed her tensed aura, not to mention she kept playing the hem of his shirt. One of Yuki’s habit that he found, it’s not just about Yuki. Sae was born with an extraordinary observation skills. Like he could immediately noticed if someone move his things, although Jurina always said he put it back at the right place. The youngest always missed by an inch, even millimeters, if that counted.

“Is there something wrong, love?”

“.........” Yuki’s breath hitched when she heard the question

Sae turned her body facing him completely. Now, Yuki can’t lie anymore, since it all written on her face. Sae took her hands in his, lacing them together. Still the heiress wasn’t looking at her prince, she somewhat troubled because of some unknown reason. Therefore, Sae gave a soft grip in the hands, trying to get the heiress’s attention.

“Yuki.. Just tell me..” He said it with a soft voice, trying reassured her along with a simple act of brushing her knuckle.

“I-I can’t, Sae, I-I’m sorry,” She said, continuing to look away from him. The heiress bit her lower lip, but she couldn’t lie to Sae’s eyes. Moreover, the tears that she kept inside, starting to come out without her consent.

“Look at me, Yuki.” Sae was trying hard to make Yuki look at him in the eyes, which is she complied “I’m with you.. Whatever the situation may be.”

After hearing that, it was as if the final effort of her to hold back her tears had failed. She couldn’t maintain her trance anymore, not in front of Sae. Yuki find herself hug Sae, her face nuzzled in the crook of his neck, as her arms now snaking behind Sae’s neck. The tears keep flowing endlessly, because in front of her sisters and others she needed to keep a straight face, but in front of Sae, she can let all of her emotions roam free. On the other side, Sae just hug her back, whilst one of his hand brushing her long-raven hair in soothing manner.

“M-My..F-Father… h-he’s…”


“H-He..i-is…..d-dying…” Yuki was struggling to finish her sentence as her breathing started to fluctuate, her voice and sobbing got mixed into one.

Sae stopped brushing the heiress’s hair, he was just too shocked upon hearing the news. Now, the puzzled Sae started to think about the possible reasons as to how it happened until he remember what Sayaka said to him. He was definitely in torn, whether telling her the truth or not.

“How is he?”

“The physician said….. That we need the heart of a pure-blooded werewolf, before the next moon eclipse.”

Sae knew, the only thing that can cure the werewolves claw is the werewolf’s heart, the pure-blood one. He should’ve known that Yuki was going to ask him about this, perhaps about Sayaka too.

“Where is Airi, Yuki?”

“He should be down in the dungeon, Akane’s looking after him.”

“Dungeon? What did you do to him?” Sae couldn’t hide his worry tone over his brother.

“I-I’m sorry...Sae, after Father has been attack by unknown werewolf. Rena was raging so she kinda… attacked him.”

“Oh God…”

“Did you know about this attack? Is this your prank again? If so….” Yuki removed one hand from Sae’s neck, trying to gather energy ball inside her palm.

“Wow wow Hold it there! I’m not, I wasn’t there, I don’t know what happen, please, believe me.”

“Are you sure?” Yuki squinted her eyes in suspicion.


“Okay, I believe in you.” The energy ball magically disappear in the blink of an eye. “But, do you have any idea who did this?”

“Hmmm…” Sae speechless, didn’t know what to say nor what to do.

“Please...Sae..” She cupped one of his cheeks

“Listen to me carefully..”

Sae began to tell her about his cousin, Sayaka; The heiress of Yamamoto Clan. He told her everything from A to Z nothing was left unturned. Especially the part when Sayaka said there was someone else who trying to pick a fight first.

“So...That’s all I know about this..” Sae ended his story.

Both of them now sat on the bench in the balcony. There was a long pregnant pause between them. Not because of awkwardness, more likely they didn’t know what to do. Yuki was trying hard to comprehend all of the information that she got. One thing bother her was, Sayaka’s story wasn’t matching with Mayu’s. Even though she trusted Sae, she couldn’t shove away this uneasy feeling.

Who is telling the truth?” Yuki mumbled in soft voice

“Are you saying something?” Sae turned his face to his princess

“N-No, it’s fine…”

“Nee Yuki.. Tell me honestly, What are you gonna do to Airi?”

Since earlier, Airi was on his mind, he was just wondering what happened to him. Though Sae himself hadn’t met Yuki’s sisters yet, from Nao and Jurina, her sister who has name Rena is a bit scary, more than he could imagine.

“I-I don’t know myself, but if worse comes to worse, we might have to use his heart.”

“H-Heart? Can you just release him, Yuki?”

“As much as I want to, you know I can’t, Sae… not after that incident.”

“But if you do that…”

“Yeah.. There will be a war between the vampires and werewolves but I have to be precautious.”

“Yuki, promise me you won’t use his heart.. Not when you have another option.” Sae knelt down before his lover.

“What option do I have left? I can’t let my Father die...” Yuki clenched her fist

“I’ll find a way out.. But not Airi’s heart. He’s the heir of my clan. His life is equal to a thousand werewolves.”


Sae intertwined their hand together, put a little strength in it “I swear on my life, I’ll find a away. Just promise me, Yuki…”

Yuki didn’t like the scene that she was involved in, not even a bit. For the first time in her life, she hated being the heiress, hated being the one who will decides everything. But now, her judgement will greatly affect not one person, but an entire clan, perhaps her love as well. Yuki knew if she was in Sae’s shoes, she’ll do the same thing. Seeing Sae kneeling before her, pleading over his brother’s life. How can she ignore him?

Yuki took a deep breath, as her orbs met the prince’s “I promise..Sae..”

“C-Can I see him?”

“Yes.. But not now..”

Yuki still held his hand. Sae couldn’t hide his disappointment, it was showing on his face.  She cupped both of Sae’s cheeks and pulled him closer until their warm flesh met. Yuki was trying hard to convey her feeling to the prince. The kisses went slowly, until she felt Sae reciprocated the kiss want to be the dominant one.

Sae deepened the kiss as his hand now in Yuki’s milky neck, as if he made sure Yuki won’t able to escape from the kiss. They keep exchanging the position of their head, switching from left to right or vice versa. The kissing session went too long than they thought it would be. Although they’re both supernatural creatures, too bad they still need an air to breath. Yuki was the one who broke their kissing session.She still trying to catch her breath, so does Sae.

She reached out her hand toward his “Sae.. Later, okay?”

Sae put her hand into his “Okay…” then he kiss the back of her hand, not even a moment divert his eyes from hers.

Then they both heard someone’s voice coming from door


It was Rena’s voice. Both Yuki and Sae rose up immediately, they’re panicking. Though she wanted them to meet, since they’re both important presence in her life. But she can’t, not now. Nevertheless Yuki couldn’t make sure about Rena’s reaction. She didn’t want her prince to become pulp like Airi.

“Sae, I’m afraid we have to say goodbye for now.”

“If you need me, just kiss that ruby, okay?” Sae leaned in to kiss on her forehead, “And one more….It’s see you later, not goodbye.” beaming his infamous smile

Yuki giggled at how easy Sae made her laugh with a simple sentence “See you later, Sae.”

“See you later, princess.” Then he snapped his fingers and magically disappear

Lucky Rena was late for 2 seconds, if she was walking faster. Surely, She’ll caught her older sister with her lover.

“There you are, Yuki-chan! I’ve been looking for you anywhere.” Rena stomped her feet toward the heiress.


“Everything alright?”

Yuki quickly hid the necklace and spoke softly, “Yeah… Just trying to clear my head.”

“Oh, alright.”

“How’s Akane?”

“She’s in her room right now. I think she needs some space after all that’s happened.”

“Nee, Rena-chan. What are you going to do if you were me?”

Rena stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. Yuki didn’t have to say it out loud, since they’re twins, of course Rena knew Yuki is having a hard time. Not only Yuki, but all of the Kashiwagi clan.

“I don’t know Yuki-chan…. But I’ll be here with you, no matter what happen.” Rena held the heiress hand, tried to reassured her that it’s okay.

Yuki didn’t say anything back but smiled faintly. “Sometimes I hate being me.. I just want to runaway from all of it.” She talked inside her head

Rena couldn’t help but to see through Yuki’s faint smile and wanted to know what happened to her. She knew that there was something behind her sister’s facade, something that was not only worrying her sister, but worrying herself.

After that conversation, it was all she could think about. What was Yuki hiding and why? It had to be more than just her being tired.

“You are hiding something from me, aren’t you Yuki-chan?”

“Hm? N-No, I’m not….”

“Don’t you dare to deny it. I smell a wolf scent here…” as Rena kept sniffing around, the strange thing was the closer she walked to the heiress, the stronger scent of werewolf is.  “Ah.. It came from you…” Rena grinned

“….” Yuki felt her throat tightened, she tried to act like usual but it was useless when rena threw another line.

“You’re not seeing a werewolf right, Yuki-chan?” Rena crossing her arms, clearly demand an answer from her twin.

Yuki knew that Rena already knew, after all they aren’t twins for nothing.

“I don’t have to say anything, Rena-chan”

“Oh My God Yuki-chan! So, is it TRUE?”

At first, Rena was joking about Yuki seeing werewolf. It was came out of her mouth casually when she noticed a little trace of wolf’s scent in balcony. The twins often joke around when they were younger, Rena thought one joke could help the heiress to relax. Rena grabbed Yuki shoulder, though she had hunch that Yuki was hiding something, but she’s been in relationship is beyond her imagination, moreover she is seeing a werewolf, their nemesis.

“Are you out of your MIND? You’re the heiress Yuki-chan! The next queen! Remember that!” Rena raised her voice. Clearly displeased by this sudden news.

“So WHAT!? We both know that you are more capable than I am. I’m stuck here because literally I was born like 5 minutes ahead before you.” Yuki shared the deepest thought of her with the same tone.

Rena loosened her grip after the heiress, let her head rest on Yuki’s shoulder.

“I can’t change the past too… I just…. can’t be the heiress…” Rena softly said.

They just stayed in silent for minutes, until Rena spoke first but still in the same position

“If you are so sick of heiress title, why didn’t you tell father about this?”

“Rena….. Deep inside we both knew, I CAN’T. You know that I-I c-can’t…” Yuki broke into tears, as her walls that she’s been build fall apart.

The heiress covered all of her face with her both hands, she kept sobbing as her chest motion up and down.

“Yuki….” Rena pulled her sister in her arms, patted her back “I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have yell at you..”

“Mm-mm” Yuki shook her head, “I’m sorry too….”

“But now tell me, who’s this guy? Do I know him?” Rena let go the heiress, lift up her chin to face to her. Hesitate, that’s all she can see in her twin’s eyes.

“I don’t think you know him, but I’m afraid that you will hate him…..” Yuki bit her bottom lip

“How can I hate someone if I don’t know about him?”


“Because??” Rena raised an eyebrow, anticipated the next bomb.

“He is the middle son of Furukawa’s family..” Yuki immediately closed her eyes, bitting her lower lip. She was afraid of Rena’s reaction.

But nothing came from her twins, not a single word either. It made Yuki felt more terrified.

Rena facepalmed herself, “Seriously Yuki-chan? Out of all werewolves you chose Furukawa family?”

Wait, it means we have an additional werewolf’s heart

“I got a plan.” Rena smirked.



(A/N) Okay, I have to put this fic into HIATUS for the time being. My brain can't work all of my fics at once    :dizzy:
This fiction rather have heavy plot in the next development, and I think it would be wise if I put it on "hold"
to make sure I am not writing half-ass. Thank you for you all who've been reading my fics all these time.
See you on another update  :byebye:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
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Re: Love is Serious, When War is Involved | Ch.14 + Poster (12/3/17)
« Reply #59 on: March 11, 2017, 09:37:17 PM »
It's finally back! :D

So now Rena knows Yuki is seeing Sae.

What are they planning now, to save their father? Ahh~ I can't wait!

Glad to know you're updating again! Hope to see the next chapter soon! ^_^
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 03:39:35 AM by Ruka Kikuchi »

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