First chapter! It's time for the girls to begin their training!
“Jurina-san?!” The five girls were greeted by their senior, Jurina, clad in a black maid outfit with a pink ribbon on her chest. Her sudden greeting was caught them off guard, and they all stood at the door confused.
“What are you doing?”
"I just wanted to surprise all of you," Jurina grinned, her cheeks quickly turning pink. "Ahh~ I have to get used to this, though..."
"You said you were going to treat us to lunch. Is this what you meant?"
"Well... that's part of it. Now, come in. Sit down."
She led the group to a table to sit at, clearing her throat to begin the explanation.
"The truth is... this is actually part of a new project Akimoto-sensei wants us to do."
"Eh?! A project?"
"What kind?"
"He wants to have AKB members working at the cafe and serving fans. And he's chosen us to promote the new campaign!"
"That's amazing!"
"So, why the outfit?" Nana asked, pointing out Jurina's attire.
"Well... he kind of wants it to be like a maid cafe," she answered with still pink cheeks.
"Ehh~? A maid cafe," Komi smiled. "Sounds interesting! I've always wanted to work at one."
"Seems like it'd be a lot of work, though," Haruppi said. "Remembering all those different routines on how to do your job."
"Plus, it seems a bit embarrassing," Sakura commented. But in the back of her mind, she found Jurina dressed in that outfit simply too adorable.
Nana's eyes lit up. "Why don't we try, though?"
"This would be a good experience not just for the fans, but for the members! Not only will we get to see more of our fans on a regular basis other than theater shows and handshake events, but working at the cafe would help with our skills in cooking, and teach members about hard work!"
"There it is! Majime Naachan."
"Right?! I bet that's what Akimoto-sensei had in mind! So let's try it out! Let's give it our all, the six of us!"
"You're right," Akari agreed. "Plus, I can help promote the project on my YouTube channel."
"It'd probably make for cute Instagram-worthy posts, too~"
"Uwaa~ now I'm excited! Sakura-tan!" Haruppi shook her friend's shoulder. "Let's do it!"
"Jurina-san, we're all in!"
"Perfect!" she gave a thumbs up. "Well, as a demonstration, I'll be happy to take your orders. I promised lunch, after all~"

After a filling lunch for their bellies, the girls were brought to the back room of the cafe. They decided to close up shop early so that the six could officially begin their training as maids. They changed into their uniforms, all of them admiring the look of it.
Sakura's had the colors inverted from Jurina; a pink outfit with a black ribbon. Haruka's was purple with a red ribbon, Komi's was yellow with an aquamarine ribbon, Nana was light blue with a green ribbon, and Akari was red with a gold yellow ribbon.
"You all look so cute~" Jurina commented, giggling.
"Hey, Jurina-san, what are these necklaces?" Haruppi asked, holding up a small, pink star-shaped necklace.
"They correspond with the Call Buttons we've been given," Jurina held up one and pressed it. The necklace that was on her glowed and made a ringing tone. "When the customers are ready to order, they push the button and call our names."
"Now then, since we're all changed, it's time to meet our teacher!"
"Hai~ Nice to meet you, girls!" A cute maid girl in a blue and white outfit greeted them cheerfully. "My name's Amane-chan!"
"Amane-senpai is an intern working at the maid cafe, Maidreamin. She's going to be teaching us the ropes on how to work as maids for the AKB cafe," Jurina explained. "She's already shown me some of the basics early this morning, so I'll leave it to her."
"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" the five bowed diligently.
"My, you're all so cute in your uniforms! However, a maid doesn't just look cute! You have to act the part, as well."
"We'll do our bests!"
"Now, let's begin!"
Lesson 1: Greetings"A maid must always greet their customers with a clear voice and a charming smile!"
"Okay..." Haruppi took a deep breath before starting, "Welcome back, mashter!"
She blushed a bit before covering her mouth, the others giggling a bit.
"Sorry. I bit my tongue there," she quickly apologized before starting over. "Welcome back, master, milady! Ahh~ I said it that time!"
Nana cleared her throat a bit, stepping up. "Welcome back, master, milady."
"Ooh~ nice, Nana-chan."
Komi went next, stepping forward with a bright smile, as usual. "Welcome back, master, milady!"
Sakura then went next. "Welcome back, master, milady. ...Ahh, embarrassing~"
"It was cute, Sakura-tan."
"Last is me, then," Akari then stepped forward. "Welcome back, master, milady."
Amane applauded them. "Nice job, girls! Haruppi-chan, later, we'll practice with some tongue twisters to take care of that lisp."
"I was especially impressed with Naa-chan! She has a clear voice and straight gaze, very good!"
"Thank you!" Nana bowed diligently.
"Alright, next!"
Lesson 2: Delicious spells"Moe moe kyun! Say!"
"Moe moe kyun~" All of them spoke, mimicking the hand movements Amane had taught them.
"One more! 1, 2, moe moe kyun! Say!"
"Moe moe kyun~"
"Ahh... so embarrassing," Sakura whispered to herself.
"Moe moe, kyun kyun!" Amane slowly shook a drink shaker in her hand, Akari and Komi mimicking her.
"Moe moe, kyun kyun!"
"Doki doki, waku waku!"
"Doki doki, waku waku!"
"Become delicious~"
"Become delicious~"
"And as you say that, shake with all your might with one last, moe~! Hai!"
"MOE!!!" Akari and Komi shook with all their might before pouring out the drinks.
"Oh! It turned out really good!"
"Nice job, you two~"
"Make a heart mark, like this," Amane showed Nana the gesture, having her mimic it. "And then, hold it out and shoot the moe beam!"
"Moe beam~" Nana held her hands out at the cookies in front of them.
"Put your love and excitement into it! Beeeeam!"
"Moe beeeeaaaam!"
"Good job!" Amane applauded.
"Did it work?" Nana wondered, taking one of the cookies and eating them. "Ah! Yum!"
"You like them?"
"Yes, ma'am!"
"I made them myself!"
Lesson 3: Ketchup drawings"This is the most important part," Amane said seriously as she handed a bottle of ketchup to Sakura and Haruka. "Perfecting ketchup drawings is like a sacred art to every maid in every maid cafe. It takes lots of care and patience to master."
"Uwa... that's a bit of pressure."
"D-don't worry, Sakura-tan! Let's do our best!"
"Then, I'll give you a simple request," Jurina said, setting out two plates of omelette rice waiting to be decorated with ketchup. "Draw a dog. Specifically, a toy poodle, like my precious Lips-kun~"
"A puppy... That's simple enough." Sakura psyched herself up. "Yosh! Let's do this!"
"Ready~ Go!"
The two went to work, drawing out the head of the toy poodle. Haruppi's made hers look almost like a cloud, resembling the fluffy fur of a toy poodle. Sakura soon started on the ears, even adding a cute ribbon on each side.
"Ah, cute~" Nana commented as Sakura then went to the face.
Haruppi started on her face, as well, her eyes much bigger compared to Sakura's. She then made the mouth and had a small bit of tongue sticking out. Sakura made the nose and connected the mouth from there, soon starting on a collar.
"Eh? Nani?" Jurina leaned forward, curious.
While Haruppi was now writing a message, Sakura drew out a collar tag shaped like a heart.
"Kawaii!" Komi commented, seeing both of their works as they finished.
"Ahh! I can't choose which one is cuter!"
"You both did very well, in my opinion," Amane said. "As you girls learn how to handle the ketchup bottle, you'll soon learn how to draw more complicated pictures, even anime characters, if one customer so desires."
"Great! So, when do we officially start?"
"We have a photoshoot in these outfits tomorrow," Jurina explained. "After which, we'll have a press event to promote the project, and then, the day after, we officially start working! So, with that in mind, let's wrap up here with the final lesson."
"What's that?"
Jurina smirked and soon placed something on Sakura's head.
"The art of nekomimi!"
Sakura touched the pair of white cat ears on her head. Jurina placed her own cat ears on, posing with her hands.
"Nyan nyan~ this is an important skill for maids, too! Right, Amane-senpai?"
"That's right, nyan!"
Sakura blushed heavily, everyone else giggling.
"Aw~ it's so cute, Sakura-chan!"
"S-so embarrassing~"
"Don't be so shy about it."
"Right! There's a likely chance a fan will want to see this kind of Sakura-chan, too!"
"Mou! I can't resist it!" Komi hugged Sakura and took out her phone. "Say cheese!"
"Hey, Komi-chan!"
"I promise I won't post it on Insta!"

To Be Continued