(A/N: Well the second part is coming in guys.
well, i'm grateful for all your kind comments and willingness to read my fanfic. Btw, I really want to end this story soon, i plan to make only five parts of this fic. but, we'll see how. anyway, enjoy this little piece from me
It is Christmas again. As if it never know the pain inside, Christmas keep coming without anyone asked. Like it is promising that, it will come again and again for another time, as people would always wait for it.
And like always, Wakatsuki will work in her usual work place. It has been a year since the incident, but Wakatsuki still working at The Hoshimina’s Bakery which always full during Christmas or any festival with people taking their prior order mostly for their beloved one. Different then her usual spot, Wakatsuki now works at the counter.
“Why not you take some holidays, Waka?” Akimoto Manatsu, also a worker in Hoshimina’s Bakery starts a conversation when she passed the counter. Somehow, there is the sympathy look on her face.
“Yeah, you never take even a single holiday this year Waka.” Fukugawa Mai, a single mother who works as a baker also came in front when she no longer has order to bake.
“It’s okay Manatsu, Maimai. I don’t even have thing to do at home. It is more comfortable like this.” Wakatsuki flashes a smile to her co-workers. Understand what they actually mean. She already grateful still able to work here even she no longer can do much. Well..
Both of them silent with Wakatsuki Yumi answer. Of course she is willing to be here, having nothing to do is worse. She will only thinking about the past. They knew that girl for a long time. Wakatsuki never apply for a day off except it she has something to do. And that something never involves anyone except Reika.
“So, Maimai. What will you do today?” Manatsu asked with her bright eyes, somehow looks like she’s tempting Maimai. Any men who saw this would be fished easily by her acts.
“Of course she would spend her time with her daughter. Not for someone like you, Manatsu.” Teases Wakatsuki as she would always knew Fukugawa Mai usual schedule. Akimoto Manatsu frowned in dissatisfaction. Wakatsuki and Mai just laugh looking at Manatsu old woman expression. Even so, Manatsu who is always create the mood for them.
Their conversation was cut with some ringing from the front door that indicating more customers came in. Manatsu left to welcome two scary looking girls with all cool white and black attires. She beams a generous smile but quickly slipped off, too afraid to even speak. However, the two scary looking girls came straight to the counter before Manatsu could ask what they want. Soon after they came in, they hit the counter desk, hard enough to be heard by Maimai who already in the kitchen. Wakatsuki just keep her usual calm pose; not scared by two girls she met this morning.
Like she doesn’t even scare, Wakatsuki stare straight to the two girls’ eye, challenging them in silent to do more. The girl with black short hair hissed a smile.
“Is this yours?” The other girl with brown long hair took out a yellow drawing pad from a worn off brown backpack.
Familiar with that object, Wakatsuki’s eyes glazed over the girls. She only can see a hideous smile over serious eyes.
“Except from your dirty hand, yes they all mine.” She glare to the short hair girl she saved earlier. Of course she would remember her when the only thing she do is watching her fights. Maybe, it would be fast if they fought together.
“And, is this your drawing?” The same girl browsed through the drawing pad and shows some same sketches. It is a picture of a pair of wings crossed with swords and gun in between. Well, that is the only same sketches in those drawing pad, so Wakatsuki don’t even shocked until they came to the last page. It is the portrait of a smiling girl. Sakurai Reika. It make Wakatsuki anger level went high.
“What will you do if it is a yes?” Wakatsuki's eyes burn in fires “Do you have any connection to that drawing?” It is the last sudden thought that crosses her mind that moment. And the two keep quiet while looking to each other. They know what she meant.
“Manatsu, I will go out for a moments.” Without words to the two girls, Wakatsuki walked out from the shop and followed by them.
“How did you know this signature?” Without wasting anymore minutes, Wakatsuki throw a question. Too eager to receive some answers. The two girls looked at each other, puzzled. Either they’re shock with the sudden question or to the changes in Wakatsuki’s serious face as if she could end their life right away.
“Just tell me!” Wakatsuki pinned the short hair girl to the wall, she no longer can cooperate with the silence answer for her questions.
“Well, it is..”
“It is your gang logo?” Wakatsuki drew their face closer until she can feel the trembled in the girl breaths.
“Woa woa.. hold on there..” The other girl with long brown hair interrupted while came in between her and her friend. For a minute, they have a glaring
battle. Both don’t look like they will give up.
“Stop both of you. We are not having eye battle here. So please calm down.” The short hair girl in white jacket finally voiced out and soothed the cold like ice situation.
“First, we are not a gang. Second, it is the logo of the strongest clan in this prefecture.” The short hair girl explained in a calm voice. She brought Wakatsuki far from her friend, they seems like could fight any moment which she doesn’t want that to happen.
“Nanamin!” The girl in black looks unsatisfying.
“Maiyan, she helped me this morning. So I think, I could repay her like this.”
The long brown hair girl called Maiyan just hissed in dissatisfaction but not saying anything anymore. She leans to the wall while letting Nanamin clear things up.
“Noginozuka Bemazu, is the clan..”
Before Nanamin able to finish her sentence, Wakatsuki left out a small laugh. “For some bunch of crazy gangs, the name is not suitable at all.”
“I’m not a person who loves to lie.” Tell Nanamin with her scary low voice. Her eyes met with Wakatsuki eyes, make the shorter girl silence with her icy cold
looking eyes. “We have been hunting their clan members for almost 8 months now; I can say that it was a success. And if you would mind to join”
Once again, Nanamin was interrupted by Maiyan. Maiyan pulled Nanamin shoulder to the back. She wants to discuss the matter more. Obviously, Maiyan not agree on what Nanamin want to say just now.
“It is true we need more people in our group but please..”
“She is strong. I’ve seen it with own eyes.” Nanamin try to convince Maiyan. “We can be stronger this way Maiyan.”
“Hey!” Wakatsuki interrupted their discussion. Even if they are whispering between each other, it is loud enough for her to hear it. “I know what you mean,
but thanks. No. Either they’re on bad side or you’re on good side. There is no difference for both of you.” Wakatsuki want to leave. “I don’t want to be like them.
Or you.” Then she left.
“Wait!” Maiyan stopped Wakatsuki. “I know what you mean. But, let’s us show you something.”
In a some warehouse, there is sound of gun shooting echoed in a place; lots of people doing their practice on shooting, sound of people having fist match to determine who is stronger than the others; the one who wins will be praised, respected and feared. But it doesn’t mean that winner will control everything. The one who leads all the fear looking men is sitting comfortably on a chair with throne on it; sleeping soundly. Her long hair fall to the shoulder gracefully, it make her looks so innocent. Yes, she is their leader despite being weak looking girls.
“Boss!” A man who just entering their nest calls their leader. She frown her eyebrows, hate when people interrupting her peaceful sleeps.
“We just discover their hiding place. They haven’t move out yet since two weeks ago. And I think they will, sooner or later.” He reported with serious face. Clearly look scared when his boss frowned like she could kill him.
“Good. So, we just need a plan to stop them. They have been a trouble for a while. It’s time to terminate their life.” She smirks with devilish smile.
And everyone answer in loud voice in unison. Agree on the leader decisions. And the leader; smiling seriously upon of the followers responses with eyes flared with eagerness like telling that, ‘Can’t wait to end everything.’
That following day, Wakatsuki was brought by Nanamin and Maiyan to a warehouse that looks like have been abandoned for a long time. There is doubt on her face, cannot think what they actually think. But she calmed her own self that, she can defend if they plan to attack her or force on whatever reasons it is.
“It’s okay Wakatsuki-san, we just want to prove that you’re wrong. We won’t kill you or whatever you’re thinking right now.” Nanamin just smile looking at Wakatsuki face while pushed the heavy door into their hiding place. Nanamin enter first, followed by Wakatsuki and Maiyan. The door was closed again.
For a moment, Wakatsuki in awed. In front of her eyes right now, there is lot of dangerous things she never seen before. On the table, there are many kinds of gun that she can never name them. Also, jackets that are needed to shield them from gunshots. There is old punching bag on the right side, maybe a place to train their punching, boxing ring for fighting match.
“So, what are you all doing actually? Rob a bank?” She can’t express her feeling well right now. Still is in shock. Frankly, she feels a chill inside her bone like she reserves her own death. She wants to leave as fast as she could.
“Hey there.” A voice interrupted them from the upstairs. Two girls came out from nowhere, one of them taller than the other one. The taller girl throws an apple to Maiyan. Maiyan, however, skillfully received it even it was a sharp throw. They exchange smiles toward each other, except Wakatsuki who is unfamiliar with her surroundings.
“I thought you two have dead after missing for a day!” Another girl came out, flashing very pretty smile to Maiyan. “And, who is this handsome looking girl?” Asked her when her eyes meet Wakatsuki’s.
“This is Wakatsuki Yumi-san. She saves me from the men when we’re running away. Should thank her more.” Nanamin answer her with hand hanging on Wakatsuki shoulder; like they are close.
“And this is Eto Misa, the charming dangerous girl.” Said Nanamin to the third girl came out. “And that is Takayama Kazumi and Noujo Ami, two weird best friends.” She pointed to the girls who are coming down. They flashed friendly smile to Wakatsuki.
“You can call me Misa-Senpai since I’m the oldest and the most powerful girl here.” Misa came closer to Wakatsuki and attached their forehead together. In a glance, Misa does looks like a girl could get any men she wants with all her flirts.
“Hi!” Wakatsuki awkwardly stepped back. Too close for someone she just knew. Misa just smile teasingly.
“And call us Kazumin and Ami.” Kazumin and Ami came closer and they bow to each other. They then continue with their chit chat in a low voice. If anyone saw this, they would think they’re a lover with all that intimate acts. Or maybe they are.
“Wakatsuki.” Wakatsuki said in one sentence.
“This is our gang. Most known as Solitude Sisters. I don’t know how you would define us, but this is what we do. We’re not like them.” After a long silence, Maiyan voice out while throwing her eyes to her surrounds. She meant to all of dangerous things Wakatsuki just saw. Since yesterday, she dislike the way Wakatsuki bad impression on them, she hate to be compared.
“We are hunting the Noginozuka Clan for a while now. They was known as strongest clan in this area, and..”
“For what reasons you hunting them? The police are on their sides anyway.” Wakatsuki let out an annoyance expression.
“How did you know?” They all answer in unison.
“Well, they have money and power.. so, they can bribe anyone.” Wakatsuki just gave a simple answer.
While they’re still on their introduction, two jeeps stopped in front of the old warehouse. Dozens of armed men came out from the jeeps and shoot the steel heavy door.
“They’ve found us!” Shout Maiyan when she heard the first shot.
“What do you mean?” Wakatsuki panicked over the shoots and with everyone running away, get ready with their own weapon. Nanamin is the fastest among them. In a second, Wakatsuki was pulled by Nanamin and was brought to the upstairs. She was forced to hide. Well, she will do that too. Maiyan and Misa hiding in the secret space under the floor together while Kazumin and Ami in the closet which looks like a wall. Nanamin and Wakatsuki climbed the hidden stairs that lead them to the ceiling they pulled the stairs afterwards.
Silent; footsteps sound was heard coming up. There are too many men for them to fight, so hiding is the better strategy. Everyone hold their breath, never want to be found and killed. Any slightest movement could lead to danger.
Nanamin hold tight to her gun. Better save the bullets if you’re against many enemies. So do Maiyan, Misa, Kazumin and Ami. While on the other side, three people come in to the room where they are hiding. Wakasuki and Nanamin observe from the top. Two man with one girl.
“Seems like they hiding well.” Tell the girl while checking every spots that are possible for hiding.
“She is the boss of the gang. The girl on your drawing pad, I thought you knew her. We’re one of them actually. But for some reason, we’re out. Five of us, but now, we’re on their list” In a very low voice, Nanamin explained things to Wakatsuki who seems to space out for a while now.
A girl with brown long hair with bangs cover half of her forehead known as Sakurai Reika looks around for one more time. The room looks messy but it have no space for hiding, everything too open for hiding. Except for.. She walked closer to the wall. There is little space in between them, and there is something stuck from the inside under the wall.
“Hey, Ikuta. Come here. I think you should over look this.” She called another man who came right after she call.
Ikuta Eri, a handsome man with black hair and fierce face look at what Sakurai pointed to him. He noticed that too. He took his gun out. He wants to open the closet but then he was stopped by Sakurai who just give ‘let them be’ signal. So without open up the wall, he shoots it at random points. After for a while, bloods flow under the pigeon hole. Someone was shot. Ikuta Eri looks so proud with his arrogant smile. He tuck his gun back to its place and link his armed on Sakurai waist.
“This is the final warning for all of you. Stay aside from our business, or same fate will meet all of you.” Sakurai warned them with intense low voice before she left with Ikuta.
[A/N: I’m more sorry for Reika to make her look like a bad girl than Iku-chan as a killer.. sorry Reika. But, for sure, I will do something to clean your name. ;’( and Wakasama. Accept the reality please. One more thing is, I want to end this fic as soon as I could since I will be very very busy after this. But what more important is, I don’t want drag this any longer, it kills me inside!]