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Author Topic: [N46] THE BEST IN ME IS YOU (6/6) + UNFORGOTTEN PROMISE (CH11-15th FEB, 18)  (Read 33433 times)

Offline wakaten

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 :welcome oha.. i'm finally decided that i should post my first fanfic of NOgi46 here, (even I was doubted myself since i'm totally newbiehere) guide me please.. :nervous :panic:

(A/N: This is my very first fanfic, so, this is about Nogi46 members but mostly about WAKAREI since i'm their fan. any grammar errors please forgive me since english not my first language.



      In a dark room, there is a queen size bed. Lay small body; crouch while wrapped by white sheets, half of her face covered by her hand. Her face wet by cold sweats, like she just finish 100 km marathons. Sometimes, her beauty face wrinkled like she is in huge pain. As if she no longer can withstand the pains, she screaming. But no one ever came to calm her, to persuade and say ‘it is okay’. So her night just past like that; with pain, screaming and tears. Seem like she has been in that situation for long time. 

     When morning came, she wake up and washed up and got dressed. In front of mirror, she stopped and sighed while looking at some pictures in since that person the table. There is sad expression on her face. A second later, she got out from the room. And on the picture with two same height girl, smile as wide as they can, written ‘Reika & Waka will always be together~~!’ But, the same smile never flashed in that face wake up minute ago.

     Wakatsuki Yumi and Sakurai Reika; two best friends that never separate since the day they meet. Growing as an orphan teaches them to care for each other as much like a parent would do to their child. In simple words, they need each other. If one do the cook, one will do the dishes, if one do the study, one will work, if one being serious, one will be the humoring. Simply said, they complete each other. Together they laugh, together they cry.


           On a cold snowy road, Wakatsuki Yumi walking with a slow paced. The temperature is too cold that the breaths she exhaled almost turn to solid. She stopped for a while, fix her backpack and continue walking in slow paced. Sometime she hummed the song that was played on her earphone.

           On the opposite direction, two tall girls running all their might as three men are chasing them. One of them has brown long hair with white leather jacket while the other has short black hair with black jacket. Look like they’re in big trouble when one of the three men just feet away from them.

           BUCKK!! Everything so fast that the moment they realized, Wakatsuki Yumi already on the ground with almost all her things scattered around. The short hair girl in pinched when the policemen caught her. She fought back but failed.

           “Shii-chan, run!”  Shout the girl in black jacket to her friend, so she can escape. But then, something hit the man that capture her, hard enough that she can get away. For some moments she froze. In front of her eyes, the girls she just hit kick the other man ass when he came closer. He fell with outrageous pain. She cannot help but laugh. The other man came but he also received some treatment from the girl.

           “Run!” Tell the girl in black. Wakatsuki Yumi nodded in agreement before all three men get back to chase both of them.

           Sure that she was not chased, Wakatsuki stop and gasp her breath again. “Shit!” She too focused in beating the men to realize that she lost her backpack. Everything is in there. Now, it is useless in running away if they get her things. Moreover, she ended up in a place she never wants to be. Place that she never forget. ‘Reika..’       

           It was Christmas night when Wakatsuki and Sakurai Reika walked home after work. Well, the only one who is working is Wakatsuki, while Reika will study. It is their agreement after lots of argument. Reika never want to go to college alone without Wakatsuki, while Wakatsuki think that it was not affordable for them since college surely will need lots of money. And they are orphan. No one would able to support their studies, but someone absolutely needs to have high education. They promised to change their life since they were 15. So, with Wakatsuki toleration, Reika take in charge in studies.

           So, after class Reika will stop by Wakatsuki work place, a bakery shop called Hoshimina’s Bakery. That way, they able went home together. Sometimes, Reika would help Wakatsuki finished her works or just sitting by the window looking to outside or just do her works. Wakatsuki loved when Reika not disturbed her work. Not that because she dislikes it or her manager, Hoshino Minami got angry or what but because Reika would only cause commotion with her hyped personality. Well, it’s fun but well…

           “Nee Waka, when we will go home? It’s Christmas night you know, we should be sleeping comfortably right now.” Like always, Reika’s whimper will never end. Moreover, it is christmast night. It is holiday! Why would Waka working when she on holiday? Reika puffing her cheeks while looking at Wakatsuki who is mopping the floor. The shop will close in any minute as it already passed 10 at night.

           “Give me another five minutes please Reika. You have done nothing of your homework since you stepped in. If you cut your nag, work will be done.” Without looking at Reika and slowing down her pace, Wakatsuki reply. She knew she is right when Reika’s sigh was heard. However, she only can smile and keep continue her work before closing the shop. Her other two co-workers, Akimoto Manatsu and Fukugawa Mai already went home to spend their time with family or friends or lovers. She doesn’t mind that since she already used to it. Reika would understand it.

           After 10 minutes, Wakatsuki finished her work and they went home together. Cannot hide her joy, Reika jump around and hold Wakatsuki hand as she always did. Wakatsuki only smile looking at her only best friend excitement.

           “What would you give me this Christmas, Waka?” After moments of silent, Reika throw question. They keep walking while looking down to the ground.

           “Hurm, I’m not thinking ‘bout that yet.” Wakatsuki sigh in her own disappointment. She could sense Reika’s pouting mouth right now.

           “It is not fair, I already prepare the greatest present for you!” Released her hand from Wakatsuki’s grip, she stop walking. Make Wakatsuki to look at her. Like Reika, Wakatsuki stop walking.

           Maybe it is mean to confess but, she enjoys Reika angry face. Either she happy because of for the first time ever, Reika really give a thought on what to give for her? “Well, I haven’t had any day off this past week to go buy your gift, Reika.” Looking at Reika seriousness, she admit that she finally feel apologetic.

           “Mou….you don’t love me anymore..” Reika almost broke into tears when Wakatsuki grab her into warm hug. For some moment, they are silent in that position.

           “I’ll always do. Remember that.” In a whisper, Wakatsuki deny Reika claimed. “So, what present you would give me?” With a broad smile and a dimple on her right cheek, Wakatsuki cannot hide her excitement too.

           Just remember about her plan, Reika flashes her devilish smile. “Well, that can wait until we go home. Let’s sit first.”

           Having no choice when Reika pull her hand, they choose to sit under Christmas tree while leaned to each other. Even if they don’t talk, they enjoy that moment. Wakatsuki retrieved her drawing pad from her backpack and start her drawing current view. Night like a sky that filled with shiny stars except that was light from nearby town. She would give this a present to Reika. Her mind spoke to herself.

           “Nee Yumi, what would do if you were left alone in this world? Would you find another best friend?”

           Reika’s sudden question make Wakatsuki paused from her drawing pad for a moment before she continues to work on them. “I have you Reika. Why would I do that?” Sometimes, she only can smile regarding Reika childish thought.

           “What if..”

           “What if we stop playing what if? Maybe we could get some work done. Let’s be positive Reika.” Without Reika able to finish her words, Wakatsuki cut her and keep immersed in her drawing world. Reika just keep silent after that.

           Wakatsuki so into her drawing that she is not realized that a group of masked men wearing all black shirt walking closer to them. When she almost fall to the back due to losing Reika’s back, that time she realized that Reika already in one man with huge body.

           Due to her opponent size body, Reika unable to fight back or even moves around. There are three more masked men surround her and Wakatsuki. Looking at their body, they knew they won’t be able to safe.

           “Don’t fight! If not I will shoot this girl!” The men that hold Reika threaten Wakatsuki with his gun on Reika’s body. Wakatsuki does look terrifying. The public that also witnessed that incident also shocked and trembled in fear. Some did reach their phone and pushed some button but not even in a split of second, the phone was shot accurately without shed blood.

           Again, everyone have this dreadful look in their face. Scare to go into the situation anymore. Some try to run away with their lover. While Wakatsuki already panicked over the gun that pointed on Reika’s body.

           “Let her go please. If you want money, it is has with me. Just don’t hurt her.” Wakatsuki try to negotiate with the men while slowly walking closer to them. It’s was a mistake as other men already aware of her small movement and hit Wakatsuki back head. It made Wakatsuki fall to the ground.

           “Waka! Waka!” Reika struggled to escape from the grip when she saw that. That causes her to be hit at her back head too. The last thing she remembers is that, they just let Wakatsuki on the cold ground before her eyes and world went black.

           “Reika…” The sight of three men dragged their feet with Reika on their back and got into a white van make her tears fall. The last thing she would beg for is some help.

(A/N: Any critics and comments will be accepted since i’m new in this field. Too far from perfection, but it means there is still space of improvement. Thanks for reading.)  :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 03:56:45 PM by wakaten »

Offline ミサキ

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2016, 01:00:36 PM »
Yeay finally WakaRei fic :inlove:
thank you for writing author-san, and please update soon :bow:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2016, 01:01:38 PM »
Welcome, welcome. This is nice, another Nogi fic and mainly WakaRei too  :mon squee:
 :w00t:  is that Nanamin and Maiyan from the Kodoku Kyoudai version I just read? Because I love them there  :yep:
Your grammar isn't bad at all but sometimes the English feels unusual and kinda choppy? And that's understandable since it's not your first  language. Maybe you can ask people to beta/proofread it for you to improve it.
I'm not complaining by the way, if anything I want you to keep going with the fic regardless of grammar and such.
Minami is the owner? Somehow I imagine her working lazily and complaining while being cute lol
WakaRei is being WakaRei, Reika with her childish antics and Waka being the serious one as usual. They're practically an old married couple with their dynamics  :wub:
Did Reika make a deal or do something? Because the "what if" question and the kidnapping seems like it's more than just a coincidence.
So what happened to Waka after the kidnapping? How long has it passed since? Because it looked like she's trying to carry on with her live but miserably. Did she give up searching for Reika?

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline chocolatepandastarlight

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2016, 03:00:50 PM »
More nogi please! Thanks author san great job! Keep it up! :cow: :cow:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Offline wakaten

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2016, 07:06:56 PM »
Welcome, welcome. This is nice, another Nogi fic and mainly WakaRei too  :mon squee:
 :w00t:  is that Nanamin and Maiyan from the Kodoku Kyoudai version I just read? Because I love them there  :yep:
Your grammar isn't bad at all but sometimes the English feels unusual and kinda choppy? And that's understandable since it's not your first  language. Maybe you can ask people to beta/proofread it for you to improve it.
I'm not complaining by the way, if anything I want you to keep going with the fic regardless of grammar and such.
Minami is the owner? Somehow I imagine her working lazily and complaining while being cute lol
WakaRei is being WakaRei, Reika with her childish antics and Waka being the serious one as usual. They're practically an old married couple with their dynamics  :wub:
Did Reika make a deal or do something? Because the "what if" question and the kidnapping seems like it's more than just a coincidence.
So what happened to Waka after the kidnapping? How long has it passed since? Because it looked like she's trying to carry on with her live but miserably. Did she give up searching for Reika?

woww thanks for your kind comments,  :roll: will do better and my best next time.  O0 thanks for reading this simple fanfic of mine.  :oops:  :otomerika:  :cow: 

More nogi please! Thanks author san great job! Keep it up! :cow: :cow:

thanks for reading and nice comment.  :grin: well, i want to finish this faster. i hope...

Offline wakaten

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2016, 09:06:58 PM »
(A/N: Well the second part is coming in guys.  :cow: well, i'm grateful for all your kind comments and willingness to read my fanfic. Btw, I really want to end this story soon, i plan to make only five parts of this fic. but, we'll see how. anyway, enjoy this little piece from me  :bow:


        It is Christmas again. As if it never know the pain inside, Christmas keep coming without anyone asked. Like it is promising that, it will come again and again for another time, as people would always wait for it.

   And like always, Wakatsuki will work in her usual work place. It has been a year since the incident, but Wakatsuki still working at The Hoshimina’s Bakery which always full during Christmas or any festival with people taking their prior order mostly for their beloved one. Different then her usual spot, Wakatsuki now works at the counter.

   “Why not you take some holidays, Waka?” Akimoto Manatsu, also a worker in Hoshimina’s Bakery starts a conversation when she passed the counter. Somehow, there is the sympathy look on her face.

   “Yeah, you never take even a single holiday this year Waka.” Fukugawa Mai, a single mother who works as a baker also came in front when she no longer has order to bake.

   “It’s okay Manatsu, Maimai. I don’t even have thing to do at home. It is more comfortable like this.” Wakatsuki flashes a smile to her co-workers. Understand what they actually mean. She already grateful still able to work here even she no longer can do much. Well..

   Both of them silent with Wakatsuki Yumi answer. Of course she is willing to be here, having nothing to do is worse. She will only thinking about the past. They knew that girl for a long time. Wakatsuki never apply for a day off except it she has something to do. And that something never involves anyone except Reika.

   “So, Maimai. What will you do today?” Manatsu asked with her bright eyes, somehow looks like she’s tempting Maimai. Any men who saw this would be fished easily by her acts. 

   “Of course she would spend her time with her daughter. Not for someone like you, Manatsu.” Teases Wakatsuki as she would always knew Fukugawa Mai usual schedule. Akimoto Manatsu frowned in dissatisfaction. Wakatsuki and Mai just laugh looking at Manatsu old woman expression. Even so, Manatsu who is always create the mood for them.

   Their conversation was cut with some ringing from the front door that indicating more customers came in. Manatsu left to welcome two scary looking girls with all cool white and black attires. She beams a generous smile but quickly slipped off, too afraid to even speak. However, the two scary looking girls came straight to the counter before Manatsu could ask what they want. Soon after they came in, they hit the counter desk, hard enough to be heard by Maimai who already in the kitchen. Wakatsuki just keep her usual calm pose; not scared by two girls she met this morning.

   Like she doesn’t even scare, Wakatsuki stare straight to the two girls’ eye, challenging them in silent to do more. The girl with black short hair hissed a smile.

   “Is this yours?” The other girl with brown long hair took out a yellow drawing pad from a worn off brown backpack.

   Familiar with that object, Wakatsuki’s eyes glazed over the girls. She only can see a hideous smile over serious eyes.

   “Except from your dirty hand, yes they all mine.” She glare to the short hair girl she saved earlier. Of course she would remember her when the only thing she do is watching her fights. Maybe, it would be fast if they fought together.

   “And, is this your drawing?” The same girl browsed through the drawing pad and shows some same sketches. It is a picture of a pair of wings crossed with swords and gun in between. Well, that is the only same sketches in those drawing pad, so Wakatsuki don’t even shocked until they came to the last page. It is the portrait of a smiling girl. Sakurai Reika. It make Wakatsuki anger level went high.

   “What will you do if it is a yes?” Wakatsuki's eyes burn in fires “Do you have any connection to that drawing?” It is the last sudden thought that crosses her mind that moment. And the two keep quiet while looking to each other. They know what she meant.

   “Manatsu, I will go out for a moments.” Without words to the two girls, Wakatsuki walked out from the shop and followed by them.


   “How did you know this signature?” Without wasting anymore minutes, Wakatsuki throw a question. Too eager to receive some answers. The two girls looked at each other, puzzled. Either they’re shock with the sudden question or to the changes in Wakatsuki’s serious face as if she could end their life right away.

   “Just tell me!” Wakatsuki pinned the short hair girl to the wall, she no longer can cooperate with the silence answer for her questions.

   “Well, it is..”

   “It is your gang logo?” Wakatsuki drew their face closer until she can feel the trembled in the girl breaths.

   “Woa woa.. hold on there..” The other girl with long brown hair interrupted while came in between her and her friend. For a minute, they have a glaring
battle. Both don’t look like they will give up.

   “Stop both of you. We are not having eye battle here. So please calm down.” The short hair girl in white jacket finally voiced out and soothed the cold like ice situation.

   “First, we are not a gang. Second, it is the logo of the strongest clan in this prefecture.” The short hair girl explained in a calm voice. She brought Wakatsuki far from her friend, they seems like could fight any moment which she doesn’t want that to happen.

   “Nanamin!” The girl in black looks unsatisfying.

   “Maiyan, she helped me this morning. So I think, I could repay her like this.”

   The long brown hair girl called Maiyan just hissed in dissatisfaction but not saying anything anymore. She leans to the wall while letting Nanamin clear things up.

   “Noginozuka Bemazu, is the clan..”

   Before Nanamin able to finish her sentence, Wakatsuki left out a small laugh. “For some bunch of crazy gangs, the name is not suitable at all.”

   “I’m not a person who loves to lie.” Tell Nanamin with her scary low voice. Her eyes met with Wakatsuki eyes, make the shorter girl silence with her icy cold 
looking eyes. “We have been hunting their clan members for almost 8 months now; I can say that it was a success. And if you would mind to join”


   Once again, Nanamin was interrupted by Maiyan. Maiyan pulled Nanamin shoulder to the back. She wants to discuss the matter more. Obviously, Maiyan not agree on what Nanamin want to say just now.


   “It is true we need more people in our group but please..”

   “She is strong. I’ve seen it with own eyes.” Nanamin try to convince Maiyan. “We can be stronger this way Maiyan.”

   “Hey!” Wakatsuki interrupted their discussion. Even if they are whispering between each other, it is loud enough for her to hear it. “I know what you mean,
but thanks. No. Either they’re on bad side or you’re on good side. There is no difference for both of you.” Wakatsuki want to leave. “I don’t want to be like them.
Or you.” Then she left.

   “Wait!” Maiyan stopped Wakatsuki. “I know what you mean. But, let’s us show you something.”


   In a some warehouse, there is sound of gun shooting echoed in a place; lots of people doing their practice on shooting, sound of people having fist match to determine who is stronger than the others; the one who wins will be praised, respected and feared. But it doesn’t mean that winner will control everything. The one who leads all the fear looking men is sitting comfortably on a chair with throne on it; sleeping soundly. Her long hair fall to the shoulder gracefully, it make her looks so innocent. Yes, she is their leader despite being weak looking girls.

   “Boss!” A man who just entering their nest calls their leader. She frown her eyebrows, hate when people interrupting her peaceful sleeps.

   “We just discover their hiding place. They haven’t move out yet since two weeks ago. And I think they will, sooner or later.” He reported with serious face. Clearly look scared when his boss frowned like she could kill him.

   “Good. So, we just need a plan to stop them. They have been a trouble for a while. It’s time to terminate their life.” She smirks with devilish smile.

   And everyone answer in loud voice in unison. Agree on the leader decisions. And the leader; smiling seriously upon of the followers responses with eyes flared with eagerness like telling that, ‘Can’t wait to end everything.’


   That following day, Wakatsuki was brought by Nanamin and Maiyan to a warehouse that looks like have been abandoned for a long time. There is doubt on her face, cannot think what they actually think. But she calmed her own self that, she can defend if they plan to attack her or force on whatever reasons it is.

   “It’s okay Wakatsuki-san, we just want to prove that you’re wrong. We won’t kill you or whatever you’re thinking right now.” Nanamin just smile looking at Wakatsuki face while pushed the heavy door into their hiding place. Nanamin enter first, followed by Wakatsuki and Maiyan. The door was closed again.

   For a moment, Wakatsuki in awed. In front of her eyes right now, there is lot of dangerous things she never seen before. On the table, there are many kinds of gun that she can never name them. Also, jackets that are needed to shield them from gunshots. There is old punching bag on the right side, maybe a place to train their punching, boxing ring for fighting match.

   “So, what are you all doing actually? Rob a bank?” She can’t express her feeling well right now. Still is in shock. Frankly, she feels a chill inside her bone like she reserves her own death. She wants to leave as fast as she could.

   “Hey there.” A voice interrupted them from the upstairs. Two girls came out from nowhere, one of them taller than the other one. The taller girl throws an apple to Maiyan. Maiyan, however, skillfully received it even it was a sharp throw. They exchange smiles toward each other, except Wakatsuki who is unfamiliar with her surroundings.

   “I thought you two have dead after missing for a day!” Another girl came out, flashing very pretty smile to Maiyan. “And, who is this handsome looking girl?” Asked her when her eyes meet Wakatsuki’s.

   “This is Wakatsuki Yumi-san. She saves me from the men when we’re running away. Should thank her more.” Nanamin answer her with hand hanging on Wakatsuki shoulder; like they are close.

   “And this is Eto Misa, the charming dangerous girl.” Said Nanamin to the third girl came out. “And that is Takayama Kazumi and Noujo Ami, two weird best friends.” She pointed to the girls who are coming down. They flashed friendly smile to Wakatsuki.

   “You can call me Misa-Senpai since I’m the oldest and the most powerful girl here.” Misa came closer to Wakatsuki and attached their forehead together. In a glance, Misa does looks like a girl could get any men she wants with all her flirts. 

   “Hi!” Wakatsuki awkwardly stepped back. Too close for someone she just knew. Misa just smile teasingly.

   “And call us Kazumin and Ami.” Kazumin and Ami came closer and they bow to each other. They then continue with their chit chat in a low voice. If anyone saw this, they would think they’re a lover with all that intimate acts. Or maybe they are.

   “Wakatsuki.” Wakatsuki said in one sentence.

   “This is our gang. Most known as Solitude Sisters. I don’t know how you would define us, but this is what we do. We’re not like them.” After a long silence, Maiyan voice out while throwing her eyes to her surrounds. She meant to all of dangerous things Wakatsuki just saw. Since yesterday, she dislike the way Wakatsuki bad impression on them, she hate to be compared. 

   “We are hunting the Noginozuka Clan for a while now. They was known as strongest clan in this area, and..”

   “For what reasons you hunting them? The police are on their sides anyway.” Wakatsuki let out an annoyance expression.

   “How did you know?” They all answer in unison.

   “Well, they have money and power.. so, they can bribe anyone.” Wakatsuki just gave a simple answer.

   While they’re still on their introduction, two jeeps stopped in front of the old warehouse. Dozens of armed men came out from the jeeps and shoot the steel heavy door.

   “They’ve found us!” Shout Maiyan when she heard the first shot.

   “What do you mean?” Wakatsuki panicked over the shoots and with everyone running away, get ready with their own weapon. Nanamin is the fastest among them. In a second, Wakatsuki was pulled by Nanamin and was brought to the upstairs. She was forced to hide. Well, she will do that too. Maiyan and Misa hiding in the secret space under the floor together while Kazumin and Ami in the closet which looks like a wall. Nanamin and Wakatsuki climbed the hidden stairs that lead them to the ceiling they pulled the stairs afterwards.

   Silent; footsteps sound was heard coming up. There are too many men for them to fight, so hiding is the better strategy. Everyone hold their breath, never want to be found and killed. Any slightest movement could lead to danger. 

   Nanamin hold tight to her gun. Better save the bullets if you’re against many enemies. So do Maiyan, Misa, Kazumin and Ami. While on the other side, three people come in to the room where they are hiding. Wakasuki and Nanamin observe from the top. Two man with one girl.

   “Seems like they hiding well.” Tell the girl while checking every spots that are possible for hiding.

   “She is the boss of the gang. The girl on your drawing pad, I thought you knew her. We’re one of them actually. But for some reason, we’re out. Five of us, but now, we’re on their list” In a very low voice, Nanamin explained things to Wakatsuki who seems to space out for a while now.

   A girl with brown long hair with bangs cover half of her forehead known as Sakurai Reika looks around for one more time. The room looks messy but it have no space for hiding, everything too open for hiding. Except for.. She walked closer to the wall. There is little space in between them, and there is something stuck from the inside under the wall.

   “Hey, Ikuta. Come here. I think you should over look this.” She called another man who came right after she call.

   Ikuta Eri, a handsome man with black hair and fierce face look at what Sakurai pointed to him. He noticed that too. He took his gun out. He wants to open the closet but then he was stopped by Sakurai who just give ‘let them be’ signal. So without open up the wall, he shoots it at random points. After for a while, bloods flow under the pigeon hole. Someone was shot. Ikuta Eri looks so proud with his arrogant smile. He tuck his gun back to its place and link his armed on Sakurai waist. 

   “This is the final warning for all of you. Stay aside from our business, or same fate will meet all of you.” Sakurai warned them with intense low voice before she left with Ikuta. 

[A/N: I’m more sorry for Reika to make her look like a bad girl than Iku-chan as a killer.. sorry Reika. But, for sure, I will do something to clean your name. ;’( and Wakasama. Accept the reality please. One more thing is, I want to end this fic as soon as I could since I will be very very busy after this. But what more important is, I don’t want drag this any longer, it kills me inside!] :banghead:
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 07:43:14 PM by wakaten »

Offline ミサキ

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2016, 10:59:40 AM »
Waaaa...  :shocked*still shocked*
thank you for updating author-san and please make a happy ending for WakaRei :bow:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2016, 06:16:26 PM »
So it’s been a year. I’m glad Waka has Manatsu and Maimai. And Manatsu met Kuroishi  XD
Okay, the second the leader was known as a woman, I knew it’s going to be Sakurai. She still sleeps everywhere, that didn’t change  :lol:
Won't be surprised if it’s Reika who named the clan, because Noginozuka Bemazu is not exactly scary like Waka said.
Misa-senpai and JouKazu! Misa-senpai, your filrting won’t work on Waka, she only got eyes for Reika.
What’s shocking is Iku-chan chara. So cold and she’s with Sakurai. Reminds me of that Nogibingo ep.
I don’t know who to pray for. How could you, Iku-chan?!  :OMG:
This chap brings lots of questions. Like how did Reika change so fast and so drastic in a span of a year? Was she brain washed or was she pretending with Waka? Where did Iku-chan come from? What’s his deal and role in all of this?
I hope Waka is strong enough, that’s just so much to take  :mon cry:
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 06:35:50 PM by pretend_2besome1 »

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2016, 08:08:06 PM »
holla everyone... :mon squee: i'm so gratefull for all the views i got from this forum. i'm touched from all your kind comments too  :on speedy: well i hope i can keep this momentum to update.  :mon trudge: hahaha.. well, all the question will be answered in next parts. so what is your opinion and expectation??  :mon innocent:
and i'm thinking if i can make it into five parts? idk....

and, if you find my grammars, or sentence confusing or what so ever, please do comments as it will help me in improving my english.  :cow:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH EVERYONE. i owe you all so much.. thanks and thanks again...

i love you all. because of you, this fanfic become real in my life.  :otomerika: :hip smile:

a/n: Somehow, i'm forget to post the second part on my tumblr. well maybe i will just posted it here in the future since i have not much followers too.  :roll: :roll:

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2016, 08:14:22 PM »
jezzz. holla, me again.. :grin:

i think i should hear your opinion regarding my writing styles. i think i'm weak in describing the members face and expression.  :oops:  :mon sweat: like i don't how to describe maiyan's face point and so on..  :mon cweepy:

so, what do you think should do to improve that skills of mine??  :mon innocent:

thanks again.

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2016, 07:48:16 AM »
(A/N: Hello everyone!! Third part is coming in your way  :welcome I'm sorry if this is below your expectation. feel free to comment any inconvenience of grammar, sentence structure or anything you feel not right  :shakeit: well, I'm far from perfectionist but it means lot of space for improvement right. Enjoy you reading everyone!  :cow:


   Kazumin wails her eyes out. It has been three days since her best friend; Noujo Ami was killed by Ikuta. The only thing she regrets is, she was there right beside Ami, but nothing she could do to protect Ami. But, till the end of her life, Ami still look at her with those round kind eyes.

   Everyone is sad. Maiyan could never say a thing after that incident, either Misa or Nanamin. Everyone has been silence since that day. Well, they know how important Ami to Kazumin. They have gone through a lot of things together. They never separate, that made the lost feels odd and hurts a lot.

   While Wakatsuki; gone missing after that. They never saw her again. The only thing Nanamin remember is; Wakatsuki look blank and feeling less, and she never knew or care where Wakatsuki go. Well, she is not one of them anyway.

   “I could never let her go! Not after she killed Ami.” Kazumin howls the same sentence over and over again. Tears never dry from her eyes. Maiyan just gave an apologetic look. Obviously feel sorry towards Kazumin but she can’t even say a word, not when she is not in Kazumin shoes.

   “I’m sorry Kazumin. But this is not the end; we can do something for that.” After all of the silence, Misa finally voices out. She hugged Kazumin, but she was pushed away. Kazumin never need her anyway.

   “I just need Ami! Not a sorry.” Kazumin walked out from their meeting room where everyone spent their previous horrible days.

   On the door, Kazumin almost bump into Wakatsuki, who is incidentally about the enter room. Kazumin lost for words but then she gives her fierce looks. She is not in her right mood to even smiles to a person she just know. 

   “I’m very sorry for your lost Kazumin.” Wakatsuki gives an apologetic looks to Kazumin before she enter the room and faced everyone. “I’m sorry for ran away just like that.” Obviously, they looked surprised. They thought they were dreaming when Wakatsuki came in, but it was real. Wakatsuki even bowed properly to them. Nanamin quickly jumped from the table and approached Wakatsuki.

   “I’m in.” And Wakatsuki look very serious. She meant her words. Again, they were surprised, more over for Nanamin. She never expects that coming.


   Days turn to weeks and weeks passing to months. It almost three months Wakatsuki spent most of her time in Solitude Sister’s place. She practiced her fighting skills with Misa who is an expert in boxing and other martial arts. She also learnt how to use guns from Nanamin who turns to be a very good shooter. ‘No one ever beat my skills in shooting’ at least that is what she claimed herself. Nanamin is so precise in her target, and that is what they said about Nanamin. While Maiyan? She is a pro in using swords, so she teaches Wakatsuki how to use swords. Not only swords, but other types of knife too. Never could expect that from her cool beauty face that she is very mean, ‘Maiyan is a person who could throw you a blade into your throat when she wanted to’; that is what Misa said why she afraid of Maiyan. And since Kazumin is a bomber, they don’t need extra bomber in their group as Wakatsuki said she never have enough braves to touch any dynamite. Moreover, her strength is more needed. So, they decided that Wakatsuki will learn every skill from each of them.

   Even it was for a very short practiced, Wakatsuki is fast learner and she could master all of the skills from them in a short period. They could see Wakatsuki give her all in their practice. Like Wakatsuki driven by something so strong, her dedication is unbelievable. It almost impossible for someone to master all the skills in short period but if that person is Wakatsuki, maybe it is possible.

   In her fighting practiced with Misa this morning, she even able to beat Misa until Misa gave in. Misa can no longer fight
and stranded on the corner of the boxing ring. She admits Wakatsuki winning after 10 minutes of fighting. She has enough skills but not strength which gives Wakatsuki benefit. Like she fighting ten person with same strength as her, Misa can never hold on any longer.

   That evening, Wakatsuki have shooting battles with Nanamin. They even bet on Nanamin will win in speed and points. Well, Nanamin did shoot faster and precise on the moving apples, everyone applause proudly for her. When it is Wakatsuki’s turn, she closed her eyes and shot every moving apple with same speed as Nanamin. Obviously, she won over Nanamin. They just can’t say any words but rolled their eyes in disbelief. While Wakatsuki give an action of blowing her gun.

   Maiyan’s turn come out that night. She undeniably nervous over Wakatsuki wins points today. Her natural white face turns to be even paler than ever. But she never loses her focuses over that 10 minutes battle which was drag to 30 minutes. In the last seconds, Kazumin drew out her swords and interrupt them. She pushed Maiyan away and stepped in her place. Her face is just too scary for Maiyan to reject her challenge for Wakatsuki. Maiyan who is already tired voluntarily step out from the ring. She joins Nanamin and Misa party with all the pizzas, cakes and apples; enjoying rare opportunity of Kazumin battle with sword. It’ll be fun.

   Looking at Kazumin serious face, they flashed a confidence smile. While Wakatsuki, she is not even smiling when she already have a tough long day. Her face like she just have bath, drenched in sweats. Maybe, her end will come faster this way.

   The battle between Kazumin and Wakatsuki starts with Kazumin attacks first. She never gave a chance for her opponent to fight back. With that continuous attack, Wakatsuki could never step forward. She kept retreat due to Kazumin fast movement and her frail defense. For the final blast, Kazumin swings her swords faster in order to eliminate Wakatsuki’s swords. And it’s just flying over Nanamin’s head which leave her in shock. Everyone just laughed with Nanamin funny face.

   Kazumin walked toward Wakatsuki who fall on the dusty floor. She gave a hand to help Wakatsuki get up. Without saying anything, they left out a laugh.

   “You’re great.” Wakatsuki finally accept her lost in Kazumin’s hand. She is too new in this sword thingy. 

   “10 years in Kendo, I learnt most of special skills there.”


   “So what actually had happen?” Nanamin lean against the door in Wakatsuki room. Since the day she joined Solitude Sister, she has move into their place. After all the fights today, she can no longer hide her curiosity over Wakatsuki sudden proposal to join their group months ago. Moreover, Wakatsuki too weird for her to even guess the reasons. 

   “What?” Wakatsuki who about to sleep turn her head to Nanamin but still with close eyes. She is too tired for this long day; all that serious fights to test her
readiness into their group. But of course, she will always win against them, except for Kazumin who was controlled by her anger for Ami’s death.

   “The reasons why you joined us.” Nanamin keep her voice low. She doesn’t want to wake all members in this late night. And because, only her interested to know; why Wakatsuki were here in the first place. 

   That question made Wakatsuki’s eyes opened. They exchange looks before Wakatsuki finally decided to wake up and face Nanamin properly.

   “I just want an answer.” She sighed heavily.


   “Sakurai Reika.”

   Now that Nanamin remember the drawing of Sakurai Reika in Wakatsuki’s drawing pad. “So you knew her.” Her eyes open unbelievable. She moves to Wakatsuki' bed and sits there.

   “Yes. For almost 6 years. We met in an orphanage and growing there. She is everything I only have. I though, she felt the same.” Wakatsuki hugged her own knees and brought it near to her chest. The pain inside her chest grew stronger. She wants to believe what her eyes saw three months ago, but her heart, keep trusting Reika. For the last time, she wants to give Reika chance to explain.

   For some reasons, Nanamin sympathized to Wakatsuki who looks so frail and fragile like she is in huge pain. Nanamin move closer, she hugged Wakatsuki. The only thing she heard is Wakatsuki cry. Never in her dreams would she expect to see this side of Wakatsuki who always stay calm, firm and very stoic. Who know Wakatsuki is this weak.

   After Reika kidnapping case, Wakatsuki never give up for her. She keeps searching for that person. The only clue she has is the tattoos on the men’s hand which she saw when they captured Reika. So, having that important hint, she went to police station, but they can’t help her. They were too scared of that clan; seems like they’ve been bribe by that clan. Even she was begged for them to help her, willing to pay as much as they want but the answer still a ‘no’.

   Since that, Wakatsuki never trust police anymore, she hate them. So, almost every night she having nightmare. But, Reika not by her side to calm her down anymore. And she decided that she will search for Reika on her own. Every night, before she went to sleep, she works out. She wants to be strong. Then, whenever she met any gangs, she will fight them, but never to kill. Checking whether they have the same tattoos or not, almost for a year, she live like a hell. Not even a second she forgave herself for loosing Reika. Not when she was there to protect Reika, to fulfill her promises to be there when Reika need her.

   All the things she feels make her want to die, but no. She wants to kill herself, but no. She is too scares to lose all their memorie. Too scared to kill Reika in her heart, after all it is all that left. So, she lives all she has like that. How she misses Reika warmth so much, how she longing for Reika voice so much.  How she regretted for not prepare any present for Reika that day. Only if she knew..

   Yes, only if she knows how to let go everything that happen as she should be. Only if she listens to what the police said. Only if she don’t know how to take everything inside.

   But it seems like, Reika never felt guilty for leaving her. And Wakatsuki want to hear the reason why Reika did that. She wants the answer so she can forgive herself for that day, and for all the miserable life she lives.

   “But we have to kill her.” Nanamin said calmly. “It was cruel but, that is what we have to do.” She understood Wakatsuki’s feeling; probably more severe than what Kazumin feel. Ami was gone, but Kazumin was left with good memories. But in Wakatsuki’s case, she suffered for more than a year, then being betrayed in front of eyes. It must be hurt.

   “Please, don’t do that.” Like a small child, Wakatsuki begging in small voice. Still, she can’t face the same loss twice.

   Nanamin sigh heavily. She have no words to utter when she know, they both in different situations. “But they have to pay the price of betrayal.” There is hate in her voice as she remembers how they ended up in this situation.


Back then..

   As usual, they spent most of their time in the warehouse and mostly in their own private practice room. Kazumin having her usual intimate chit chats with Ami, Misa doing her own practice on boxing; for some reasons she has been so into and obsessed with fighting. Thanks to her obsession, she is among the best fighters in the clan. Nanamin just doing some practice on her accuracy using darts on the wall. Most of her darts reach the bullseye’s point; so she quite proud of herself. Maiyan however, alone in the corner; looks so worry. She has been in that situation since they came in the room three hours ago.

   “They have my sister.” Maiyan stand up and kick the chair in anger, leaving everyone in shock.

   “What?” Nanamin asked while throwing her darts. Again, bullseye.

   “I said they have my little sister!” Maiyan cried in anger. Her face reddens which said she can no longer keep everything inside.

   “Miona? You mean Miona?” Nanamin looks surprised. She knew Maiyan have little sister but she never met her. Only knew Miona from Maiyan’s story how stupid and stubborn she is, and of course from photo.

   “Yes. Miona. She went missing almost three days now.” Maiyan sits again and look to the floor. Too worry for her little sister.

   “And who is they?” They asked in unison.

   “I don’t know..” Maiyan cry again in desperation. Even gentle stroke from Misa can’t keep her calm from thinking about Miona.

   “Did they know you have sister?” Kazumin asked in interrogation tone. They all move closer to listen and discuss the matter more.

   “They never know, but I think it got discover since they’re angry for me.”


   Maiyan, however went silent with Ami’s question. She looked everyone in the eyes. Guilt’s keep pricking her stomach stronger. “I said I want to leave.” She said in low tone as she knew they would surprise and disappointed at the same time.

   “You what?!” Precise as what Maiyan think, everyone stand up unanimously. Their face shows same expression. Shock. “You didn’t even tell us.” Misa does look disappointed at Maiyan decision. They’re the best friend from same age. Came in at the same time, even always practice together but what Maiyan said is just unacceptable.

   “I’m sorry Misa. But, I can hide this from Miona anymore. I think she is in danger when someone from the clan know this..”

   “And they knew already.” Misa repeats the fact that only they know Maiyan have little sister is no longer a secret. She’s clearly angry.

   “Misa. Maiyan have her own reasons. It’s not like we are in this clan forever.” Nanamin always have her own different ways of thinking despite her being younger than Misa. She always calm in whatever reason. “We only have to think how to get Miona back.” Kazumin and Ami nodded in agreement.

   “I’m sorry Maiyan.”

   “Me too.” They hugged.    

   “Any clues left behind?” Ami started the discussion and everyone start give serious face when Maiyan retrieved her phone from her pocket.



   As the message said in Maiyan’s inbox, Maiyan came right at the time. 5 o’clock at the deck. Alone. Well, actually they all comes despite it was said that they can kill Miona if they knew Maiyan is not alone. But, it is the same if they can keep their presence away from them.

   Waiting a signal to move into the ship from her waiting point, Maiyan looks like she can no longer hide her eagerness. She can never let anyone touch her only beloved sister. Not when she’s still alive.

   Same as Maiyan, everyone already stand by at their own spots looks so nervous too. Even though they have many killing mission from the highest rank, but when doing this secret mission make they scared.

   “Sniper one, ready.” Nanamin who serves as sniper number one gives her signal. From her highest spot, no one was discovered from nearby place. “It safe out here Maiyan.” She told through the earpiece that connects them together.

   “Same goes here.” Misa who is waiting at the side of the deck also gives her status. She is now disguised as some old man exercising in the morning but actually her eyes checking all the surrounding. Her distance quite far than Maiyan who is waiting right in front of the big ship.

   “Somehow, this water is too salty for me.” Kazumin interrupts their conversation soon after her head came out from the water. As their plan, Kazumin will sneak into the ship through the windows on the lower part of the ship. So, she and Ami have to swim about 500 meters before floating right at the ship. All of the scuba equipment was thrown into water and let it follow the water flow.

   “If it is too salty for Zuu, I guess it too much saltiness for me.” Ami finally gives her reports. Everyone just giggle through the earpieces. “And it’s too cold too.” From the earpieces, they also can hear Ami’s shivering from the cold. Again, they just can laugh. Having Ami as the comedy point sometime can release their stress.

   Maiyan looks at her vibrating mobile indicate that there is incoming mail. Her eyebrows wrinkled as she read the text.

   “What does it said Maiyan?” Nanamin who is always fast in noticing Maiyan’s expression through her sniper eyepiece asked in monotone. She knows something happen when she looks at Maiyan’s scary face. 

   “They asked me to enter.” Maiyan said in weak voice. She look at the mail again, there is Miona’s picture was attached under the mail. ‘Miona look so scared..’ “I will enter now.” She reports that to her team mates and typing the same sentence as a reply. ‘Just don’t hurt her.’ She adds at the end of her reply.

   “Be careful Mai..” Misa gives the last advice before sending Maiyan into the ship with her teary eyes. ‘please be safe Maiyan’. While Maiyan hoping for her sister safety, she’s praying for Mai to be able to get out from the ship in one piece. Misa get up when she saw Maiyan enter the ship without any trouble. “It’s time to get ready.” Misa change from her disguise outfit into her fighting outfit which she always wear when doing mission. She needs them as her spirits. She moves closer and careful to the ship.

   “I’m in.” Maiyan said in whispering tone.

   “It’s also clear out here.” Nanamin reports it again after making sure for the second time. She needs to move in too as Maiyan’s back up. She left her sniper
and go down to the deck from her spot on uppermost containers. She runs as fast as she can to reach faster at Maiyan’s point. It’s little bit complicated when there is only five of them on the team. Moreover, they don’t know how many people they have, and they don’t know who behind all this case.

   “Remove your earpiece.” The husky voice from Maiyan’s earpiece gives an order. Too loud for them to hear it as well.

(A/N: well, there is Miona in this part everyone. There will be some scene of Solitude Sister in the next part! Hope you enjoy this short continuation in part 3. I make it short as it will be more suspense. so, the fourth part well come in later. Thanks again!)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 07:47:33 PM by wakaten »

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2016, 11:27:53 AM »
thank you for updating~
woah... waka join the clan~ :cow:
RIP ami :cry: nah, let's prepare some revenge solitude sisters! :angry:
ugh... sorry author-san, my motherlanguange also not english (  ̄O ̄;)
please update~ 2 chapter to go!~ ヽ(・∀・)ノ
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2016, 09:19:17 PM »
I don’t know what to say to improve your skill when it comes to writing, I'm no expert either. Growing up, I learned English by playing RPG games. It “forced” me to understand English generally, otherwise I can’t finish the game. Then listening to songs with lyrics or watching movies with English subtitle also helped. Since this is more writing related, I suggest read many novels since the grammar is checked. Anything you can do that’s fun and light probably is good so you don’t feel too overwhelmed. You can’t learn it overnight after all, the more you read/hear the more you get used to it.

Nooo! Jou-san!  :on speedy:
Wakatsuki is strong. She can put aside her feelings and give her all to practice because she wanted answers from Reika.
I’ve been waiting for Zu’s kendo skill to be shown once I read the word “sword”.
I like this bromance between Waka and Nanamin  :mon determined:
Ah, that’s what the revenge is for. I’m guessing it didn’t end well with Miona, dying or not.

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic) part 4 (updated)
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2016, 10:14:44 PM »
helloww, Part 4 is done. this is longest part i ever wrote. maybe i'm manage to maintain this story in 5 parts? hope so :hip smile: . well, enjoy your reading everyone. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


   “Remove your earpiece.” The husky voice from Maiyan’s earpiece gives an order. Too loud for them to hear it.

   “Mai no!” They shouted together. It will be bad if Maiyan follows the other. “Just ignore him. Act like you doesn’t know!” Misa said while panting tired from  running. She reach the dock minutes after that. But it’s seem like the signal was gone on Maiyan’s side. They sigh in tense. They quicken their steps as everyone is worrying of Maiyan.

   “Girls. We’re in.” After some silence. Ami and Kazumin give a report. They able to climb into the windows without any problems. Luckily, there is no one “Opss.” Ami blurted out when two men discovered their presence. “Sorry girls. Gotta go.Over.” Kazumin and Ami went mute again. Some noise was heard as they fighting the men. They are doing it as fast and silent as they can; not to attract anyone to their place anymore.

   “I’m in.” It’s Misa’s turn to report. She came five minutes after Maiyan. In slow pace, she sneaked into the ship. Three men are guarding the door on the right. So, that’s the entrance since the other door left unguarded.

   In three seconds, all three men went down after receiving shots from Misa’s gun. Luckily, she use silencer as they need to undergo this secret mission quitely. “Three went down.” The entire event was updated.

   “I’m in.” Nanamin added while panting. Well, she is the furthest among them, and need to climb the stairs to. “Hi Misa senpai!” Nanamin added with smile when she shown up behind Misa, make the older girl’s eye widen in shock.

   “Find Mai.” All of them repeat in unison. Well, after many mission done together, it can be said that they know what to do without communicating or discussion. Laugh while running and shoot.

   On the other parts of the ship, Maiyan mute on what she saw in front of eyes. Miona was tied up onto some poles, forcing her to stand up with weak physical, unconscious. Looking at her little sister figure, she lost for words. Then she moves her eyes to the other figure. A man stands with his back facing her. Looking at the familiars back, Maiyan flinched. “Sakurai Kamata-san.”

   Hearing his name was uttered in tone of anger, Sakurai Kamata turns his body facing Shiraishi Mai. He left out a cruel laughter. Yes. He is the mastermind of the Miona’s abduction.

   “I won’t let you left in peace Maiyan. Not after you hold the most important position in the clan and if you left.. all your friends..” He left the sentence in question while playing with Miona’s face using his small knife.

   “Let her go Kamata. She knows nothing.” Maiyan can’t stand seeing Miona’s face being touched harshly. “I’m here. Kill me and let her go. All your secrets shall burry with me.”

   “Well, before that. I would love to watch some of your actions. For the last time.” Kamata sits on his big chair again while playing with his knife. “Ikuta.” He called out for Ikuta and Ikuta came out from the controlling room. He’s been watching everything through the CCTVs in the room.

   “I always want to have a battle with you Mai.” Ikuta slashing out two swords from its case. He throw one for Maiyan which was caught perfectly.

   “What if I won?”

   “Your sister will safe.”

   “What if I loss?”

   “Do I need to tell you the answer?”

   Well, both of her and Miona’s lives will end right here. That is the most obvious possibilities. Maiyan get ready with her fighting position. Fighting Ikuta Eri will be first for her. But, she knew nothing about that cold man. Never saw Ikuta fighting so she knew nothing about his skills. However, it might be her win since swords fighting is her specialty. 

   “Twelve men down..” Nanamin wipes her sweat with her back hand.    

   “Thirteen and still counting.” Kazumin said on the other line. It make Nanamin and Misa smile and rolled their eyes at the same time.

   “Fifteen.” Nanamin and Misa said simultaneously when three men came from their front and they shoot them soon after that. They did some high five proudly when Kazumin and Ami came from the other side to their meeting point with wet clothes. It makes sense since they’re swimming to come here.

   “They still want to keep their high pride.” Ami rolled her eyes up. Annoying with Nanamin’s high prides attitude. But Nanamin just smiles brightly, revealed her white teeth.

   “Now, Maiyan to the rescue.” Misa reminds their sole mission here. And here they are, ‘Maiyan to the rescue’.

   “Drop your sword.” It is such coincident that the moment they enter the room of hostage, Ikuta is facing back the door. Taking the situation as advantage, Nanamin points her gun to Ikuta’s head. Misa run to the Sakurai Kamata when the old man stands up to run. He received same treatment from Misa. Kazumin and Ami went to release Miona. She still unconscious but clean without injuries.

   Ikuta froze with gun pointed to his back head. Taking the threat seriously, he drops his sword. His eyes went back and forth searching for his men. Unfortunately, there are only him and Sakurai Kamata in the room. Well, Ikuta at least wanted to have some peaceful battle with Shiraishi Mai. Guess that is his mistake.

   However, in slow and neat movement, Ikuta reaching for small gun on his wrist which he always secretly tucked them there. It will always need in situation like this. He smirks. 

   Two shots were heard soon after the first shot was released.


   In Inochi wa Utsukushi Café, Sakurai Reika and Ikuta Eri was seen right on the corner of the café, looking outside of glass wall. The tattoo of two wings crossed with gun and swords was seen on his left hand, telling people of their surrounding that ‘don’t messed with him’ as they saw it. But, even without the tattoo, everyone would know who he is actually. They fear of him, even his handsome cool face doesn’t suit a face of a killer. Ikuta right hand reached out for Sakurai’s hand, he held it gently. His bright eyes showed that he savors every moment with her.

   “It has been a little peaceful day from their disturbance.” Sakurai Reika said while pulls back her hand. She sips her macchiato but still avoiding Ikuta’s eyes. Odd to admit, but she never feels comfortable with this cold looking man, Ikuta, her right hand man who also her boyfriend.

   “I know.” Ikuta answers with hollow voice. He knows exactly what is wrong. “Reika-san.” He leans to the chair, searching for his girl’s eyes. “Why you still can’t accept my sincere love?” He asked the killer question again and again. His face shows a little disappointment but eyes asking a little sympathy and hope. Since Sakurai Reika becomes his girl, he never fails to ask the same question. Sometimes, he feels that Reika is not even with him even they were together. Her heart not belongs to him, not yet. 

   Reika gave a smile and small laugh. “I don’t know you’re talking about Eri-kun, we already dating for almost a year right?” Her eyes widen with excitement, covering all her inner feeling. “You just paranoid.” Reika gave a reassuring smile, telling that whatever Ikuta is thinking is wrong. She hopes that Eri will believe her act. It’s true that they’ve been dating for long time already but, that is not actually the true reasons.

   “Well, it is your father’s will to engage and marrying me. But it’s not your desire.” He stirred his coffee while stating the fact with calm face. He can never deny the only fact why Reika is his girlfriend now. Her father is their previous leader which why the reason Reika is their leader now after her father passed away. And it is his will for them to inherit all his business after he die, and Ikuta is his most trusted men.

   “It’s just your imagination Eri..”

   “This is your free cake miss, we giving out special treatment for our regular customer starting from today.” A waiter came with two piece of Frutilicios cake on their table. “Please enjoy your day miss.” She bowed to Sakurai and Ikuta. “I heard this is your favorite cakes Miss.”

   Sakurai looked up to the waitress when she heard a very familiar sweet voice. To her shock, that person is Wakatsuki Yumi who just smiling brightly with her black long hair. Reika flusters but quickly covers that by averting her eyes away from Wakatsuki and Ikuta who is too happy for the free cakes. Again she looks to the outside, but still she can see Wakatsuki’s reflection on the glass wall. She is so bright..

   “You have a very beautiful girlfriend Ikuta-san.” Wakatsuki said in a soft voice. She smiles again try to awaken friendly environment between them.

   “We’ll get marry this end of year.” Ikuta said in his cheerful voice. “Hopefully.” Without thinking much of the odd treatment he received, he is too proud of the compliments about her girlfriend.

   “Well, I guess she must be so lucky to have you as her husband.” Again she flashed her beautiful smile to Sakurai and Ikuta. It made them unsuspicious to her friendly act. “If you excuse me.” After minutes of couples of conversation, Wakatsuki bowed and left. 

   Since Wakatsuki left, Sakurai keep silent in her own world. Just nodded, smile and laugh as she always be to whatever joke Ikuta is saying. Ikuta, however, never suspected Sakurai’s odd behavior. He is too in love with her that he was even blinded by all the sweet acts.

   “They left on 6.45.” After Ikuta and Sakurai left, Wakatsuki reported it to Nanamin who waiting on the rooftop of the opposite building with her binocular. She glanced to her watch to make sure the time again. Right after they left, Wakatsuki throw away her apron, she runs out the café. She carefully follows Sakurai and Ikuta from behind and reported every little movement to Nanamin on the roof.

   Nanamin, wrote down everything she received from Wakatsuki who acted as new waiter in Inochi Café. It is easy as they never met Wakatsuki, unlike every one of them.

   Maiyan, Misa and Kazumin also jotted down their notes from their observation. As for their tasks, they observed all Ikuta’s men who guard them. It’s has been two weeks they followed Sakurai and Ikuta. Writing down all the exact time when the police do their round, when the traffic will occur, where all Ikuta’s men always do their guard, at what distance they will sit or what they always do. Every little event occurred in their surrounding was recorded.

   After the undercover mission come to end, they all go home using jeep. The tensed air could be felt insides the jeep Wakatsuki drives until reaching the warehouse. Even after they’ve being attacked months ago, Kazumin disagree that they should move from this place; since that clan expected that they won’t mess up anymore. It’s a plan.

   “So, we could attack them next weekend.” Kazumin decided on their plan after weeks of observation. She put down her binocular on the table. Everyone just went silent with Kazumin words. After Ami was killed, she is not like normal Kazumin anymore. Well, no one would ever go through all the loss she felt. So, they choose to let Kazumin do everything she wants to revenge Ami’s death.

   “We just need to assign everyone with their roles.” Maiyan said with her calm voice.

   “We only need only sniper for this mission. There are not many men guarding Sakurai when she is dating.” Misa voiced out her opinion. Everyone nodded; agree. “Kill their boss like stop everything.”

   The night went silence again. Everyone too engrossed with their thinking and all the risks they might face later on.

   It already passes 2 am in the morning, but Sakurai Reika never able to close her eyes. In her mind, the clear image of Wakatsuki with long black hair can’t even be erased. “Wakachu..” She hugged her pink blanket like she always did to Wakatsuki when they sleep. She closed her eyes, hoping for some peace to sleep, but all her sweets memories with Wakatsuki keep played on her mind.

   “Wakachu, I can’t sleep.” Reika complained. But as soon as she opened her eyes, there is only the scene of Wakatsuki sleeping soundly. On a same bed, they always sleep while facing each other. When she opened her eyes, she could see Wakatsuki peaceful face. ‘She must be tired.’ Sakurai thought to herself while playing with Wakatsuki short hair with boyish style.

   “I want you to grow your hair Wakachu. You look cute in long hair. Would you? I think you wouldn’t do that.” Sakurai just talked to herself. Hoping time will pass quietly like that and morning will come faster.

   “It’s ticklish Reika.” Wakatsuki catch Reika’s hand that played with her hair without even opened her eyes. She smile, revealed her dimple on her right cheek. “You have class tomorrow Reika.” She reminded Reika again. Well, for someone who study in college, Reika always forgetful. She needs Wakatsuki to remember all her daily schedule.

   “Haip..” Reika smiles and closed her eyes. With Wakatsuki brushed her cheeks, she fell asleep. She feels warm. And they fall asleep like that.

   Tears fall on Reika’s cheek. How she misses that moments, but everything is too late when she saw Wakatsuki this evening. There is no use in hiding anymore. And Wakatsuki’s smile like telling her that, I can’t forgive you anymore.

   “Waka ohaa.” Sakurai greets Wakatsuki as soon as she came out from the bedroom. Blueblack polka dot apron was seen on Reika’s body. Wakatsuki clearly looks shocked despite she just wake up and hard to regain her consciousness.

   “Waka ohaa..” Again, Reika greets Wakatsuki with her glorious smile and pulled her to sit on the dining table; forcing Wakatsuki to sit. Then Reika disappeared to the kitchen but came back second after that while carried a tray on her hand.

   “Happy birthday Wakachuuki.” Reika hugged Wakatsuki from her back and reveled something looking like a ‘cake’ on the table. Well, Reika loves to call her with that pun, it sounds so childish but yet cut. Even Wakatsuki forbid from calling her that since it is sounds so shameful. But still she won’t stop using that, only when they're alone.

   Wakatsuki eyes widen. Either she shocked for the surprised which Reika actually remember that or shocked due to the cake’s form that doesn’t look like a cake at all. But she still smiling beautifully and reply Reika’s hug. Grateful.

   “Thank you Reika.”

   For someone who never has anybody in their life, we will appreciate who ever show up and give us strength. That is what Wakatsuki teach her in this life. When Reika just turn 15, she is a daughter who is never needed by her own father. He never wanted a daughter. And, meeting Wakatsuki in orphanage made her realize that there are times when strangers like family, and family like a strangers. Now, the only family she has become her strangers again.


   Two weeks ago. Her life being a mess. She’s always being followed by some men who Reika knew they’re her father’s men when she saw the tattoo on their back hand. When she in colleges, they keep disturb her. Even though Reika don’t have any friends during her college years but for sure they will bring more problems later. Well, if Waka know this matter.. it will be bad. That is not the first time she met them, almost every day in this past week and she keep it as secret from Waka.

   “Please come home Reika-san. Your father waiting for you.” Said one man which she knew he is the most trusted men by her father. But once again, she kept ignoring him. Leave him in disappointment. But Reika knew, they only can disturb her when she’s in college since she always know how to ran away and manipulate them before she go home. But that day, the moment she reaches at Waka’s workplace to go home together, she saw some men with the same tattoo. Maybe, they just knew that is the place she always go after class and Waka still safe from their list. She reassures herself. And she went home alone after emailed Waka saying that she has too much homework and went home first. She can’t drag Waka into her problem. Too risky.

   The next day, she met them again. Truthfully, it has become more frequent than before; she met them more than five times a day even after so much avoidance. During class, they sneak into through the back door, even watching her through the window from next building using binocular, at café, and even at the library. She never breathes in peace. They much more like a bodyguard that she hates.

   “Please go home Reika-san. Your father is dying.” Again, the same men persuade her but the last sentence did attract Reika to listen more. She stops her steps and looks into his eyes. The man with cold gaze doesn’t even budge which she could tell it was not a lie. Her biological father is dying

   “Give me time till this Christmas.” Reika give a guarantee before she left. Well she has approximately a week to think about everything. Even so, they still wait for her at several places and for that week, she ignores Wakatsuki which she hates the most. But, as long as Waka is safe, it’s enough for her.

   “Make it like a real abduction. But please don’t hurt anyone.” Sent. Reika already decided it that day. By that anyone, she meant it as Waka. Her beloved person. It will be too obvious if she mentioned names. 

   It is Christmas night, but Waka still at her workplace so Reika decided to wait for her there. After so much ignorance she gave to Waka, she misses her Wakachu so much. Reika watched outside of the window from the bakery. From her views, she counts the men which stand obviously in her sight. Sigh, these men even doesn’t know to blend in public. Five men, maybe it’s enough to make scenes.

   It’s hard but she has too. Thinking back she already faced everything with Wakatsuki. Well, these past five years, the one who sacrifices the most is Wakatsuki. She works for her. Let her continue her study in college, feels tired for her, when she sick the one who take care for her is Wakatsuki. But when Wakatsuki hurts, she never has time for her due to her study plus Waka never let her skipped class for whatever reason. In Wakatsuki’s life, she is the burden which Wakatsuki have no rights to say no. Waka really wants to change their life, guess this is the proper reason to let Waka have her own life.

   And it is happening that Christmas night. Reika acts like she knew nothing and follows the flow which has been planned beforehand. But, no one ever noticed that she keep watching for Wakatsuki’s eyes. She already misses that beautiful eyes, already missed that beautiful face, already misses the dimple on Wakatsuki’s right cheeks. Everything about her is beautiful. She’s grateful to have person like Wakatsuki Yumi in her life. For once in her lifetime, she doubts if she ever deserves Wakatsuki’s presence in her life. 

   When the person who captured her pointed his gun to her body,Reika saw Wakatsuki flinched and almost gone mad. The man at Wakatsuki’s back also pointed his gun towards  Wakatsuki’s back head, feared that the small girl could harm them. He could pull the pin right any moments to end Wakatsuki life forever.

   ‘Someday, Wakatsuki will forget Reika in her life.’ Reika smiles bitterly when she just saw Wakatsuki body fall to the snowy ground after some hit at her back head. “I’m sorry.” Don’t know if her apologize can be heard or not but Reika still said it. “I’m so sorry Yumi.”

   The moment Reika woke up from her deep long sleep she already tied up in empty white space. Everything likes a de javu to her, this familiar all white space and there she can see a gun and a knife lay on the floor, not too far from her. Ah, she know what this mean, her father still want her to live like his daughter. 15 years living as Sakurai Kamata daughter always be a painful story for her. Since he always wanted a son to inherit all his wealth and business in the clan after he left. So he treat her like everyone else, he trained her how to fight, how to kill since she was only five, he even starve her to death as a punishment not to follow his orders. If he can’t have a son, at least he can make his daughter like that, even better.

   Right.. how a father could do that to his own blood. She always asked herself the same question, but never found her answer.

   But, 10 years living like that; was forced to fight, was pushed to kill, she never find any reasons to used violence and power against everything. She gave up to be a person she forced to be. So, she was sent to that orphanage. A place she called home. It was all happiness there, she love to be there, she love how she can be like normal teen in her school days, at least she pretended like she never know her previous life. Until finally, today she was bring here again. What an irony, we always gone back to square one, to the place we belonged. Isn’t we?

   “You want me to escape?” There is sinister smile of Reika’s face when she saw all the tools laid in front of her eyes like she is a mind reader. She struggle as she has to move her hand to the front. She observes the knot on her hand, a have a moment to think.

   “No I won’t” She shouts to her hearts, she doesn’t know who is listening so she just shouts. She knew there will be more surprised waiting for her if she was able to escape this one. She understands that too well. 

   “If you won’t, I will kill your friend. I guess you know who she is.” A familiar husky voice echoed in the white room from the speaker. Her father. With only his voice, he able to make her shivers in fear.

   Reika raised her head and stared straight. She doesn’t know where he is, but he’s surely watching all this. “Please don’t hurt her.” She pleaded with tears, like that can move a stone heart of her father but she knew tears won’t.

   “Then kill.” The door opened and a boy with small body was thrown in by someone. Her escape route, but he wasn’t tied up like her. Even he looks weak and thin; never underestimate the power of survival. Another victim of her father power, he can get anyone he wants as a victim of his anger. Anyone.

   “Either you kill him of be killed.” Her father said again firm and forceful.

   Right. Kill or be killed. Reika quickly stand up, run to the gun. Same as the boy with haunted looks in his eyes, like he have seen the worst. But she is faster, she hold the gun with her two hands. But he also pointed the knife to her face. See, never underestimate the power of survival. They both want to live, either her or him. Choose, kill or be killed. “Sorry.” And she chooses to kill. Reika pulled the trigger. Click. Again. click. “Damn. No bullets.” She drops the gun and run to him. He just stood still, the boy just wait for her. Wait for her to come into her death herself. Like she is too stupid to think.

   Well, 10 years being forced to practice with violent at least able to paid her up, at least for today battle of life. Reika gives a high kick to the boy’s head. He just falls helplessly with shocked eyes. Maybe he never expects her to do that, maybe he expects that she will come and stab herself with knife on his hand. Well he is the one with harm while she is just unarmed. She is just too fast for him.

   “I’m sorry.” Reika snatched the knife from his hand. He trembled while dragging his body away from her. Scared. She smirk with sinister smile, feel funny for his reaction. Reika cut the knot on her hand and walked away. She still won’t kill. 

   “Kill.” Her father’s voice yelled in anger that echoing in all places.

   “Right.” Reika turn to the boys and throw the knife and it penetrated into the boy’s throat like a dart. But he still looks at her with eyes in shock. Die in shock. Trained for almost 10 years in her life, no way she would forget all the treatment she received. This is the real Sakurai Reika, deeply hidden behind all her sweetness. This is her nature, burry in her pure blood. Without her willingness, she already became what he want her to be.

   “Now, let me go.”

   Reika was brought by his father men to his room. “He’s waiting for you patiently.” He said before open the door for her.

   Five years. She knew it. She walked in. There he is. Lie down wearily. So, it is true he is dying but still. He is still cruel even he’s dying.

   “He was shot by our girls two weeks ago.” The man beside her father’s bed said while looking down to the floor. His voice stays low. She knew him, he is the one who always following her. Ikuta

   “Your girls?” Her eyebrows furrowed with curiosity.

   “Traitor.” Ikuta said with his stoic cold face. Anger can be seen through his eyes, his mad for they did to his leader.

   Reika’s eyes went down to Ikuta’s right hand. He also got shot, maybe from protecting her father. She guesses. So that’s why he absent when they did the mission of abduction. The perfect plan of her own abduction.

   “Ikuta. Left us.” Sakurai Kamata said with his husky voice and giving hand signal for Ikuta to leave. Ikuta just follow his order right a person with no feeling and walked out. Sakurai Kamata then gives her sign to sit beside his unmoved body.

   Reika sits awkwardly. Their hands meet. More awkward moment.

   “I’m sorry for all this years. I’m never being good father for you.” He said with difficulties to breath. His sentence always got cut when he takes breath.

   Silent. Reika not even try to deny all his claims. All is the truth. She looked down to the floor, to wash away her pains. He just made her remembers all those painful days of her childhood which she never have. Not even once.

   “Here.” He grabs Reika’s hand and put some pieces of paper there. It is the photos of her and Wakatsuki. Reika looks to his eyes in shocked. So he always watched her at the orphanage. Capture all her sweets moments with her and Wakatsuki, during her high school days.

   Reika examines all the photos on her palm, emotionless. But it all the photos of them before they move out from the orphanage. Glad they did move out from there. Reika meet his father’s weak eyes.  For the first time she saw he smiles, never knew he could smiles. “I never showed it anyone. Let it burry with me.” He said again while close Reika’s hand that full with her photos.

   “But, please remember. This is your place. This is where you belong. You and that person can never be the same.”

   Right. That is the reality. She and Wakatsuki never similar. They just shared a short sweet mutual time together, but all the memories shall be buried inside her heart forever. The treasures which she will never ever show it to anyone. Even it is hurt so much.

   And the seconds after her separation with Wakatsuki, everything felt like hell. There are no moments she remember her. But, her father’s death from guns shot also left a deep scar inside her heart. Even if that person called dad never gives her proper loves to his only daughter, the reality Sakurai Reika now all alone can’t be change anymore. And now, she held the most position in the clan.

   Today, never knew that they will meet again after more than a year. Wakatsuki have long hair which so beautiful. Reika keeps the figure tightly inside her head which helps her to sleep after that. And her father’s most trusted man will become her fiancé. It already decided that Ikuta will become her husband, all the matters are time. The most thing she grateful is, Ikuta doesn’t know Wakatsuki.


   “I can be the sniper.” Wakatsuki raises her hand high up even before Nanamin would able too. “Let me prove my ability to all of you.” She said in convincing voice. Never give a chance for Nanamin to even speak up.

   It is already passes 3 in the morning but their meeting still on going with everyone being shocked of Wakatsuki decision. Nanamin mouth opened up a little, unlike everyone, she is the most surprised as she already know Wakatsuki story and she cannot read what actually on Wakatsuki’s head. And she seems immovable from her decision.

   “Trust me. I can carry this task better. Moreover, this is the only way I can prove my ability to all of you.” That is. It is her decision and no one ever change it. And Wakatsuki left from the room but was followed by Nanamin. Maiyan, Misa and Kazumin watch the two with unblinking eyes.

(A/N: Ohaa everyone. yess,, Finally they both met after more than a year  :deco: Now you know what happen to Reika. It’s just that is her nature.  :panic: So what your next expectation?  :hee:

I wrote the scenes of Solitude Sister while listening to Baretta. It gave me ideas.*wink wink*. Except there is no scene of Hori shot Maiyan. It’s full of betrayal if I would say. but, pity for Miona, i only mention her name without giving her scenes.  :kneelbow:

Part 5 will coming in soon. Or maybe not too soon, I have writer blocks symptom. Anyone know to cure this damn disease?)

« Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 09:51:43 AM by wakaten »

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2016, 10:17:12 PM »
I don’t know what to say to improve your skill when it comes to writing, I'm no expert either. Growing up, I learned English by playing RPG games. It “forced” me to understand English generally, otherwise I can’t finish the game. Then listening to songs with lyrics or watching movies with English subtitle also helped. Since this is more writing related, I suggest read many novels since the grammar is checked. Anything you can do that’s fun and light probably is good so you don’t feel too overwhelmed. You can’t learn it overnight after all, the more you read/hear the more you get used to it.

Nooo! Jou-san!  :on speedy:
Wakatsuki is strong. She can put aside her feelings and give her all to practice because she wanted answers from Reika.
I’ve been waiting for Zu’s kendo skill to be shown once I read the word “sword”.
I like this bromance between Waka and Nanamin  :mon determined:
Ah, that’s what the revenge is for. I’m guessing it didn’t end well with Miona, dying or not.

THANKS for your anticipation. wish me could end this well.

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2016, 10:20:31 PM »
@pretend_2besome1 grateful for your advice. well, reading did help a lot. i used to be a gamers but it didn't last long.. i guess i underestimated the power of games, never knew it could help us.. jezzz  :banghead:

well, thanks again.

Offline chocolatepandastarlight

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2016, 10:44:28 AM »
Finally something good today! whew! i'm so tired and head can't stop aching! but thanks to this fic makes my day still awesome!!!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!! AUTHOR :D  :cow:  :cow:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2016, 07:26:42 PM »
thank you! and please update last chapter(?) :bow:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline wakaten

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2016, 08:44:50 PM »
Finally something good today! whew! i'm so tired and head can't stop aching! but thanks to this fic makes my day still awesome!!!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!! AUTHOR :D  :cow:  :cow:

thank you so much for your beautiful comments,  :wub: never knew this can heal your tiredness  :tama-bye:

thank you! and please update last chapter(?) :bow:

next part will be coming soon.  :mon geek:

i'm sorry if this kind of dark and stressful fanfic are below everyone's expectation.  :err:
well, i'm bad with fluffy and romance kinda of things.  :mon mischief:

but i'll try to insert some sweet and romantics moments in the next part? or epilogue if i could do some??

thank you so much! :on slopkiss:
« Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 08:50:28 PM by wakaten »

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Re: The Best in Me is You (Nogizaka46 fanfic)
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2016, 09:03:27 PM »
Well, it worked for me because I like games. You can find something you like that’s related to English to make learning it more fun.

Oh no, Waka knew they’re in relationship and gonna get married  :scared:
Waka looks good with both short or long hair  :heart:
I feel kinda sorry for Iku-chan. Maybe if he is a girl it could work with less problems, but Reika is just too gay  :lol:
I thought Reika’s an orphan from the start like Waka, so that’s why I thought she could be brainwashed.
I blame all this mess on Reika’s father. If only he wasn’t so selfish  :mon mad:
I wonder what happened to Miona?
I hope Waka’s decision of wanting to be the sniper wasn’t because of what she saw in the cafe. She needs to let Reika explains first otherwise everything will be lost.

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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