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Author Topic: Let me be your heart [Chapter 5] 29/10 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings  (Read 52911 times)

Offline sakura_drop_

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*humbly bows* too much capslock...

Hontou ni arigatou for posing this chapter, it was a nice update :)

I'll be patiently waiting for the next one  :bath:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline chichay12

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Same reaction XD
Sayuki i can really kiss u right now!
Wooohooo!atlast thiers an update baybeh~

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san! thank you sayuki-san!
i hope nyan nyan's gonna be all right :( :panic:
porr yuki and rena!! :cry: they didnt find mayuyu! T_T
demo demo! that commander is suspicious!! :dunno:
thanx for the update :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline FairyNyan

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more drama more drama  :wahaha:

yuki black mode is sooo  :stoned:

well, i cant predicter what will happend next. so, please update faster  :halo:
  :peace: Oshimen : Mayuyu Yukirin :peace:
 :heart: Kami OTP : MaYuki Ofc  :heart:
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Okay, let me get this out of my system before I accidentally override the entire comment with-


 :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Cough... cough... Okay. Sorry about that. Let's just say this person here is really excited to finally get an update from this fiction that she has been reading since last year. And it has been so long since the previous update that the title itself seem unfamiliar till I glanced over the prologue to refresh my memory. :sweatdrop: I also must apologize for the late reply that you are receiving right now. Just got the chance to read it, haha.

But seriously. I'm glad that you came back with an update from this fiction. I was a little terrified that this was going to be ditched and never be touched again. :bleed eyes:

Now let's go onto my usual commenting session. :)

So I see that both Yuki and Rena are still searching for Mayuyu... Aiya... Where could that cyborg girl have gone off now? I know she left for the sake of protecting Yuki from the abusive stepfather, but... Mayu... Yukirin really needs you. :cry: Now that the two girls are in the CIA within Kyoto, they've met Yokoyama Yui. But despite being there, Yuihan couldn't give the answer that they wanted. And to make matter worse, there's the news flashing around about Yuki becoming wanted and both Takamina and Sae taken in from the police.

What's shocking was how Yuki commanded Rena to stay put with Yui. AGH! Rena not only was told by Sae to protect Yuki but I'm sure the cyborg knew she had to take care of the human girl either way! She wanted to be by Yuki side and make sure she's safe while searching for Mayu. But it doesn't look like Yukirin viewed the situation that way... Rather it looks like she wanted to go solo on this mission. Yukirin, please be careful if you're really going to do this and I hope both Yui and Rena help her in any sort of way; even if it's just a little bit. I can't help but feel worried about her safety! What would Mayu say if she finds out Yuki is finding her like this! :panic:

Skipping quickly to the ending scene with the two captured girls, I can't believe the police would act like that! Arrogant and reckless! God, though I have respect towards the authorities, sometimes I'm reminded with a fact that not all of them have a decent moral and common sense in their head. They're just abusing the power that they are given privilege to due to their status. How dare they! Lemme go get am 'em with my shotgun and remind them of their place! :angry:

Thank you so much for the update on this series! Hope you find that planning book of yours and as always, will patiently wait for your next update/post of your work. :deco:

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Offline mikaellitsa

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cant wait for the next one!!!  :yossi: :cow: :wub:

Offline m00nchild

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 5] 29/10 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #106 on: February 18, 2014, 04:14:54 AM »
nice update!

so now even involve kojima as well,
so many have happen i that cant remember what going on,
but i will reread the whole fic to remind what happen,
now rena is with CIA and yuki was going alone,
what happen next really cant predict it.

Please Update soon!

Offline kymkamwm48

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 5] 29/10 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #107 on: September 20, 2014, 03:02:57 PM »

Hope you'll update sooner  :cry:

Btw nice fics. It's dissapointing because I've read all of the one shot stories in the fanfiction list of (hehehe idk her/his name) Oh well not just the one-shots but also the short stories all most all except for the ongoings, my point is that everytime I read those ongoing films and knowing that it's not yet done and I still have to wait for their update (well I know you need some inspiration). Just want you too continue it, don't lose hope on your stories and be inspired more!!!

Ganbatte ne~ \(^o^)/

Mayuki, Kojiyuu, WMatsui, and Atsumina Itsumademo!!!

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 5] 29/10 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #108 on: September 21, 2014, 02:46:39 PM »
Omg what an story

I hoped Kojiharu is safe

Where r u Mayu!!!!

Yuki gambatte!!!

Update please!!!

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