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Author Topic: ✰Adventure48✰ - Heroes - COMPLETED  (Read 95998 times)

Offline kahem

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 1
« Reply #100 on: February 16, 2012, 12:20:23 PM »
Marikuu part is so cute~

Offline ichikawa

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 1
« Reply #101 on: February 16, 2012, 02:37:52 PM »
Thanks d_ruffi, RenaChii, kahem, Nakamii, msst28, haruhi16, Haruko
@ msst28, Nakamii : I'm sorry for making Atsuko lost his left arm  :mon lurk:
@ haruhi16, Haruko, kahem : thanks for liking MariKuu part  :D

More characters is showing, hope I won't confuse you  :(
Please enjoy this chapter~

Chapter 10
Declare of the War

Part 2

“Atsuko!!!” Minami is running toward the unmoving body of Atsuko.

King Matsui swayed his sword toward Minami, “DIE!”

“Minami!” Atsuko gets up and uses his body as shield for Minami. The sword slaying deep at his back, Atsuko can’t hold his weight and fell to the ground. His white clothes stained by blood which nonstop flowing from his body.

“NO!! Atsuko! Wake up! Wake up!” Minami held Atsuko’s body tightly and crying hard, no wanting to leave him.

King Matsui gathered his Nen on the sword and launch attack again toward them. Minami closed her eyes and held Atsuko tightly in her arms. In that moment, her crilyst inside her body has reaction. Red flame aura surrounds them for seconds then disappeared. Waiting for seconds, she feels nothing, she opened her eyes to take a peek and found out King Matsui stopped his sword just an inch above her head. His expression is different from before, his cold expression and dark aura seems gone.

“Run! Take him out of this city!” King Matsui told her. He looks in pain to hold his sword. Minami still sit on her spot, confused by his words. “Hurry! I can’t hold this anymore… My mind and body is being controlled by someone… before I lose my mind again, hurry run from this place!!!” he shouted.

Minami is too weak to hold Atsuko’s body. Before she could move from her place, King Matsui is back to dark form. His eyes become dark again and his body is surrounded by dark aura, his Nen power is much stronger than before, “Don’t think you can run from me!” He swings the sword at them.


“Nature of the wind, lend me strength and become shield for us, SHIELD!

Kuu dived down from the sky and stopped in front of Minami. His right hand forms a transparent shield to protect them from the blow of King Matsui while his left hand holds Mario. His strength is not enough to fight against King Matsui’s crilyst. They are thrown far backward on the ground.

The wind controller… match with my crilyst…

Meanwhile In the Castle

“How are you, Yuko?”

“DADDY??!!!” Yuko jumps on her father like a koala and greeting him with big bear hug.

“You have grown up sooo much~” Oshima take a peek at Yuko’s breast.

“Still pervert as ever…” Yuko automatically tweak his father’s ear, “Where did you go? I search you for years!”

“Hurt… hurt…” Oshima bend down to reduce the pain at his ear which tweaked by Yuko. “You must go to the city of Iimiram right away, Atsuko and Minami is in danger”

“What did you mean by that?” Haruna barged into the room.

“Ah… you are Kojima’s son, right? You’re so gorgeous just like your mother” Oshima greet him with a hug. “Is he your boyfriend?” he asked Yuko.

“Yes!” Yuko answered.

“Eh? No, I’m not” Haruna corrected.

Yuko approached Haruna and clinging her arms at his right arm, “Mou~ I’m already yours” she lied.

“Is that true?” Oshima put his arm around Haruna’s neck and pulling him down, “How does she taste? Her body is WOW, right?” He smirks at Haruna imagine her passed wife, “She inherited her mother’s perfect body…”

“I… I… didn–” Haruna is trapped between Oshima and Yuko, hearing the fights between father and daughter. After minutes of badmouthing on each other, Haruna remembered the main topic. “Umm… uncle Oshima, what did you mean that Atsuko and Minami are in danger?”

GOSH! I forgot it!” he become serious and explained the condition to them, “The city is surrounded by Matsui armies, they are aiming for the crilyst. I doubt that they can survive from Matsui”

Haruna’s face becomes pale, “From here to the city need three days… we can’t get in time…”

“We have persona, don’t we? Persona will take us there in no time” Yuko said.

“But… I don’t know how to operate it”

“……………..” The room becomes incredibly silent at that moment.

“You can count on me!” a woman step inside the room.

Haruna jaw dropped at the person before him, “Aunt Minegishi!!!”


Back to where Haruna’s mother death…

“Kojima! Kojima!” the great physician Oshima uses his crilyst to cure general Kojima’s wound. His power forms a silk womb and surrounds them.

“Oshima… princess… princess Minami…” Kojima try her best to talk, blood is coming out from her mouth.

“Don’t talk anymore. Let me cure your wounds first”

“I know my condition… I won’t survive more than this…cough… cough… Please find the others. Human world in danger… Matsui, he is controlled by… by…” Kojima couldn’t finish her last word and stop breathing.

Flashback End


“I immediately leave to search for Minegishi” Oshima told them his journey, “And we got information that King Maeda and Takakashi is still alive, Matsui didn’t kill them”

“Legend said, ‘if all the crilyst are gathered together, it grants the holder ultimate power which can destroy all the living things in the world. Bbrrrrr” Minegishi is having goosebumps imagine that power.

“How many crilyst are in this world?” asked Haruna.

“Water, fire, wind, lightning, light and dark…” Oshima answered.

“I have lightning crilyst from mom” Haruna said, “Atsuko has water, Minami has fire… we have three on our side. But where’s the other?”

“I have the light crilyst” said Oshima, “Power of the light is an ability to heal, very match with my tittle, The great Physician Oshima!” he smiled widely.

“You forget to add the ‘Pervert’ in your tittle” Minegishi mocked. “The wind crilyst is owned by King Matsui and the dark crilyst is still nowhere to be found. Rumor said it is hidden in the forbidden land where live the nonhuman-being resident”

“Look!! The city is burning!!!” Yuko pointed the city.

Haruna walks closer to the window and see a burst of powerful wind in the center of the city, “That’s... Aunt Minegishi, over there!! Minami is in the center of the city!!!”


Atsuko is in critical state, could they survive?
Will someone die?

To be continue...
Thanks for reading...

Offline kahem

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #102 on: February 16, 2012, 02:49:52 PM »
Atsuko no!!!!!!

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #103 on: February 21, 2012, 01:48:55 PM »
I'm still waiting for the day that Haruna will finally accept Yuko, make haruna jealous to death!! lol i'm such a sadist XD

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #104 on: February 21, 2012, 02:02:46 PM »
Atsuko..  :pleeease:pls be alive

well waiting for more kuuXmario/mariko moment

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 1
« Reply #105 on: February 22, 2012, 03:32:26 PM »
“Atsuko!!!” Minami is running toward the unmoving body of Atsuko.

King Matsui swayed his sword toward Minami, “DIE!”

“Minami!” Atsuko gets up and uses his body as shield for Minami. The sword slaying deep at his back, Atsuko can’t hold his weight and fell to the ground. His white clothes stained by blood which nonstop flowing from his body.

“NO!! Atsuko! Wake up! Wake up!” Minami held Atsuko’s body tightly and crying hard, no wanting to leave him.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  :on blackhole: OMG! I'm Depressed! :frustrated: Atsuko!!!!!!!!!! :OMG:

“How are you, Yuko?”

“DADDY??!!!” Yuko jumps on her father like a koala and greeting him with big bear hug.

“You have grown up sooo much~” Oshima take a peek at Yuko’s breast.

“Still pervert as ever…” Yuko automatically tweak his father’s ear, “Where did you go? I search you for years!”

“Hurt… hurt…” Oshima bend down to reduce the pain at his ear which tweaked by Yuko. “You must go to the city of Iimiram right away, Atsuko and Minami is in danger”

LOL! Yuko's Dad Also a Pervert! Just Like 'Her Daughter - Yuko'!  :on lol:

Atsuko is in critical state, could they survive?
Will someone die?

Pwease, Let AtsuMina safe! I don't want any Death scenes/moments!

~Btw, Update Soon!  :bow:
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Offline ichikawa

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Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #106 on: February 23, 2012, 07:41:15 PM »
Thanks kahem, okiedokie, Megumi, Nakamii, RenaChii, haruhi16, msst28

@ kahem : What will happen to Atsuko? please keep reading~ Thanks  :heart:
@ haruhi16 :HaruYuko moment will be postpone to next chapter  :roll:
@ msst28 : Hmm... there's a little MariKuu moment for you  :roll:
@ Nakamii : Someone or many will probably die in this fight... but who? thanks for reading  :heart:

Hope this is not boring neither confusing  :nervous
Please enjoy~

Chapter 10
Declare of the War

Part 3

Back to the city

Kill them! (a voice echoing inside Matsui’s brain)

“HYAAAAAAAAA!” King Matsui launched another attack toward them.


“The great physician Oshima and the royal alchemist Minegishi come to rescue” both of them stand before Matsui and make a pose (like power rangers).

“M….Mom?!” Kuu gasp at what he saw just now.

“How have you been, Kuu?” Minegishi make another pose and flicked her finger, winking at her son.

“Watch out, Mom!!”

King Matsui attacks her from behind, she slides to the right and slides behind him, locking his arms with hers. King Matsui tackled her down in judo style, he grab her legs and spinning, throwing her away. While in there, Oshima kneels beside Atsuko and heal his wounds, “Goddess of the light, show me your leniency from above, let me heal the wounds of this misfortune”

Mario’s wound healed by Oshima in just few seconds, she gets up and joined the fight with the others – Minegishi, Haruna, Kuu and Minami attack King Matsui while Oshima healing Atsuko’s wounds. Blood still flowing nonstop from Atsuko’s body, his heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker. // This is bad, His wounds won’t heal just by using power. He needs the herbal potion to stopping his blood comes out more //

“Light, water, fire, lightning, and wind… perfect, all the crilyst are gathering here” The black dressed woman stand on top of the tower and watches them fighting. She began to recite death spell to call the undead under the ground. One by one undead burst out from the ground, the dead bodies of citizen and guards also become undead.

“VENGEANCE WIND!!” King Matsui launched the ultimate skill toward them.




Oshima dragged Minegishi and Mario back from the area, “Step back, you don’t have powers” Oshima joined Minami, Haruna, and Kuu to fight Matsui’s power.


The whole area become dazzled… full of dazzling light everywhere. After minutes the light becomes dimmer and dimmer and gone. The whole area is damaged, half of the undead vanished. They can’t win against the fatigue, losing so much strength to fight Matsui. Oshima, Minami, Haruna, and Kuu fall down and sit on the ground. King Matsui still stands there with his sword hold on tight in his hand. He smiled and slowly approaches them.

“Thank you…” King Matsui showed his regards to Oshima and Minegishi. Because of the interaction between crilyst, Matsui regained his sense. “I have gained my consciousness” He reaches his hand to Kuu, “Not bad for you too… can handle my attack without power from crilyst” he is waiting for Kuu to hold his hand.

Kuu confused and look at his mom. Minegishi just nodded and smiled at him. King Matsui hold Kuu’s hand and put something shiny on it. It is crilyst… the wind crilyst, and Atsuko’s water crilyst.

“Please protect it for me”


A black fabric snatched the crilyst from Kuu’s hand, “Hahahha… give me yours too!” the fabric snatched Haruna’s necklace. Knowing that all of the holders of crilyst become weak from the fight, the black dressed woman ordered the left undead to attack.

“Hahahahaha… I got your crilyst!!!” the woman’s voice echoing in whole city.


“Hahahaha…. Hihiihi… ne, okotte iru?” A rapier stabbed through the woman’s stomach, Princess Rena is grinning behind the woman. She licked the blood stained on her face, “blekk… your blood is so bitter”

Rena holds the woman tightly in her arms and recites the spell to awake her beast power. “Power of the beast, obey me… listen to my command… I, Matsui Rena sacrifice this person blood in your honorable sword. Awake from your sleep, time to have your meal… with this very soul… VENGEFUL WOLVES!”

The black dressed woman’s blood floating in the air and formed three wolves head behind Rena. Rena grinning insanely and whispered beside the woman’s ear, “Let’s finish this…”

The wolves screaming are echoing loud in the whole city. Minami and the others pressed their ears hard, even the undead were hurt from the sound. The wolves covered Rena and the woman like a womb… red laser light is coming from inside.


A loud explosion coming from that womb… buildings around them is damaged into dust.

“Hahaha… hahhahaha…”

The woman smirked ominously and turned to face Rena and kicked her. “Is this the power of crilyst?”

Rena’s beast rune can’t win against the crilyst and disappeared within dust. She pulled her sword from her body and stabbed it back to Rena’s stomach, “DIE!” She releases her powers toward Rena, makes her flying backward and crushed into the building.

“Rena!!!” King Matsui screamed.

The undead began to attack them. Hundreds of undead crowded the street. Just as when the woman want to flee away, two strong figures came out and kick her to the ground.

Seeing the figure of those two men, Oshima shouted at them, “You are so late! Maeda! Your son is dying!!!”

King Maeda appeared with King Takahashi. Maeda shocked at Atsuko’s condition, left arm lost, his white clothes all red… and laying there unmoving.

“How dare you hurt my son!!!” King Maeda thrust toward her.

“Actually is me who cut his left arm…” King Matsui whispered silently at himself, felt guilt about Atsuko.

“How dare you hurt my future son-in-law!!!” King Takahashi joined the fight with Maeda.

King Matsui doesn’t want to be left out and joined the fight too, “How dare you controlled my mind!!!”

“Let’s try this power…” the black dressed woman used the power of three crilyst together. Those three crilyst are shinning and its aura surrounds her body. “HYAAAA!!”




Those three Kings’ strength is not match for the power of three crilyst. They are flying backward and crushed into the building behind them. The woman turned to face the others and grinning madly, “So… this is the power of crilyst… I want more… I WANT MORE…”

“No good, let’s retreat!” Minegishi called, “Atsuko’s life is more important. Let’s retreat!!”

“Mom! The undead block the way toward persona!” Kuu called his mother. Minegishi push a button on her watch, then the persona is in auto pilot mode. It’s floating about 7 feet from the ground.

Oshima approach Yuko and gave her his light crilyst, “Yuko, please keep this crilyst safe. You can use it to save Atsuko, I’m counting on you. Kuu! Use your ability to send Atsuko and Minami into persona first”

Oshima and Minegishi take care of the hundreds undead while the three Kings fight against black dressed woman.

Kuu gathered his Nen to fly Atsuko’s body to the main deck of plane, next is Minami, then Yuko, and the last is Haruna. He looks around to see who will be the next. He spotted Mario and concentrate to send her to persona but he is too exhausted now that Mario falls back to the ground. She hit the ground very hard and got surrounded by undead. Kuu runs into her and banishes those undead.

“Are you okay?” asked Kuu.

“How can you be okay if you fall down from the middle of the air?” Mariko pissed.

“That’s because you’re so heavy, you should try some diet” Kuu joked. Mario gets up to hit Kuu, she give him right punch. Kuu grabbed her right hand and pulled her closer, turns her around in circle, and holds her up in bridal style.

“Lend me your legs for a while” He spins in circle and get rid those undead by Mario’s long legs then he flies up to the air toward persona but Kuu has reached his limits. When they almost there to persona, Kuu falls downward. He throws Mario to the main deck and falling down.

“Brat!” Mario is calling Kuu from the persona.

With a smiling face, Kuu screams, “Please pray for my safety!” and disappear within night clouds.

“You better live” Mario wiped her tears.


To be continue....
Dou ? :?

Offline kahem

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #107 on: February 23, 2012, 07:56:25 PM »
Atsuko and Rena no!!!!!!
The parents are so cool and funny lol

Offline Megumi

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #108 on: February 25, 2012, 11:25:18 PM »
 :OMG: Rena!!!!!   oh and Atsuko also! :OMG:

LoL the parents  :rofl:
The evil witch is having the upper hand...  :on blackhole:

Can't wait for the next update!

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Offline Chikane Himemiya

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #109 on: March 10, 2012, 07:16:16 AM »

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #110 on: March 10, 2012, 09:09:16 AM »
Aww MariKuu <3333333

 I want moreeeeeeeeeeee~

Offline ichikawa

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #111 on: March 11, 2012, 06:07:21 PM »
Thanks kahem, RenaChii, pen-pen-chii, okiedokie, Megumi, d_ruffi, xxx220

@ kahem : Thanks for reading this story and sorry about Atsuko and Rena  :cry:
@ Megumi : yeah... the evil witch is having upper hand. sorry about Atsuko and Rena too :cry:
@ Chikane Himemiya : good to know that you like my fic  :heart: :heart: But currently I'll stop writing and won't have time to update this fic. Feel so sorry for thousand times  :kneelbow:
@ haruhi16 : I Feel so sorry for thousand times  :kneelbow: will update if I finish my busy activities. Currently I am stop writing fics anymore  :cry: :cry:

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #112 on: March 17, 2012, 05:27:50 AM »
Your Fanfic is Full of Magic :luvluv1:


WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #113 on: March 30, 2012, 09:53:40 AM »
 :mon scare: oh noh!!!! is trying to ruin everything !!!!

 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: i love your fanfic by the........ 

 :panic: :panic: this is wierd am i that addicted to akb fanfic that i'm even reading this while i'm  :onionshower: hahah!!! well you know :heart:

Offline ichikawa

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Heroes -- Update Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #114 on: May 30, 2012, 03:41:39 PM »
This is my very first story I wrote, and I feel want to continue it to the end  :)
Is there anyone still want to continue reading this story???


Summary for Chapter 10 :
Mayu tricked Atsuko, Minami, and Kuu to go into the city while King Matsui and Queen set a plot to kill them. Fortunately, Jurina was there to get them out of the city but it was too late. All of the people in there were killed, Jurina was prisoned by Mayu and the others began to fight the armies for survive. In the fight, King Matsui cut off Atsuko's left arm and took away his water crilyst. All of the sudden, their missing parents all come out to rescue them. A great fight between parents and King Matsui happened there and found out that actually King Matsui is being controlled by the black queen. Rena (daughter of King Matsui) went to fight the queen and got killed. Haruna's lightning crilyst and King Matsui's wind crilyst are stolen by the queen. They have to run away in order to save Atsuko's life. Just when Kuu almost get up to the plane, he lost his strength and fell down from the sky.

If you confuse with the characters, you can klik here for the summary^^

This is the last part for Chapter 10 - Declare of the War


Back to the city

Rena crushed into one of the building, coincidentally it is where Jurina jailed in.


Jurina surprised by the sudden explosion from the wall. He looked into the dust and found Rena laying there with wounds and blood over there.

“Rena!” Jurina went to hold her sister.

Rena cupped his little brother’s face “cough… cough… run… leave this place…”

Jurina shakes his head in disagree, tears coming down from his eyes. Rena hold Jurina’s right hand and transferred the beast rune to him. “I believe you can handle my beast rune… please be safe…” with that, Rena gave out her last breath.

“No, Rena… No…WAKE UP!” Jurina holds her in his arms and crying hard.


“WAAAAAAHHHHH” Kuu is falling down back to the city. He crushed the roof and land inside a house. “Wind!!!!” he forces himself to float himself an inch above the floor, then he land on it slowly.

“Fiuuuhhhh… That was close” Kuu wiped his sweat.

“Kuu?” Jurina saw Kuu coming down from the roof.

“Jurin-” his eyes attracted by the person in his embrace, Rena. “Is she…”

“…………..” Jurina nodded and wiped his tears.

“Let’s get out of here, your father is fighting against the black dressed woman” Kuu said.

Jurina takes the rope on the floor and wrap Rena on his back, carrying her body.

“You’re not gonna take her with you right?” Kuu asked.

“She is my sister, I won’t leave her in here”


Inside Persona

Everyone is busy with Atsuko’s wounds. Yuko uses the crilyst’s power to heal Atsuko but it’s not enough, his vital organ has damaged. Haruna is busy in composing the doses which Yuko tells him with Minami’s help. Mario is helping them bringing things they need. Sae uses his sun rune to make the herbal plants grow up quickly because they don’t have enough doses and Yuki use her blue moon rune to stop Atsuko from bleeding.

“How is Atsuko?” Kuu barged into the Yuko’s room. Jurina walked inside and put down Rena’s body at the corner of the room.

“Keep your voice down, it’ll mess Yuko’s concentration” Mario scold him.

“Mari…o?” Kuu is surprised when he saw Mario wearing girl’s outfit. Body fit white shirt and brown shorts, showing her body line and her long legs perfectly.

“Call me Mariko” Mariko walked away.

“Still not yet?” Yuko asked Haruna about the medicine they’re mixing.

“Yuko, is it okay if we’re missing one of the herbal?” asked Haruna.

“What is it?”

“Snow lotus…” Haruna answered.

Yuko’s face becomes pale like a white paper. “That’s the main item for the potion…”

“WHAT?!!” all of them shouts in unison.

All of them lose their concentration on Atsuko, he keeps bleeding again and his face looks in pain. He keeps spilt out blood and his body is trembling. Yuko can’t stand of this and depressed, her legs becomes weak that she falls down and sat on the floor, crying.

“Atsuko!!! No!!” Minami grabbed Yuko’s collar and lifted her up, “Why you stop healing him?”

“No use! It’s not enough with only the power from crilyst! Without the snow lotus, everything is zero!!” Yuko crying hard and shout back at Minami.

“His heart stopped beating” Yuki said with blank expression.

“No, it can’t be… It can’t be…” Minami went to Atsuko and gives him CPR. “Wake up Atsuko!! Wake up!! Don’t leave me… Wake up!!!”

“…………………” all of them stayed in silent.

“I have the lotus” Mayu appeared all of the sudden and walked inside the room. She took out the snow lotus from her bag.

Minami went to take it but stop by Haruna, “Don’t take it… I can’t trust her. She is the one who guide them into the city and she is the one come back without hurt. Isn’t she suspicious?”

“This snow lotus only appears every 48 years. I only have one, if you don’t want it then I’ll eat it now~” Mayu said with her wicked expression.

“I’ll take it!” Minami snatch the snow lotus from Mayu and gives it to Yuko, “Is this the lotus you mentioned? Let’s continue the doses” Minami begged.

Yuko scared to take the lotus, “I’m sorry, I don’t trust her…”

“I trust her” Jurina said.

“Me too” Kuu agreed.

“She’s not lying. She is sincerely” Yuki said, “I can hear her heartbeat”

“Use it or not, that’s up to you~” Mayu walked outside.

“This is the only way…” Yuko takes the lotus and continue healing Atsuko.


In the corridor

Jurina followed Mayu outside the room.

“Are you not tired following me?” Mayu stop in the middle of the stairs.

“Don’t you try to hurt them” Jurina stopped right behind her, one step upper.

“How would I?”

“I know you. Where did you get that lotus? Is it from the queen?”

“I stole it…” Mayu turned to face Jurina, “I know you’re not willing to see them in suffer. I stole it from queen and ran here”

“Tell me the truth, Mayu” Jurina pushed her to the wall and trapped her between his hands.

Mayu smirks at him, “It’s just the beginning of the war”


To be continue...???

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #115 on: May 30, 2012, 04:16:10 PM »
oh YES!!!pls continue this!!! :twothumbs :twothumbs
im so happy right now..hehe..
im waiting for ur next update :bow: :bow:

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #116 on: May 30, 2012, 04:55:26 PM »


WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline pen-pen-chii

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #117 on: May 30, 2012, 05:10:35 PM »
Ichikawa-san~ Why did you kill Rena?!?!?  :frustrated: :angry1:
Ichikawa-san~ I just want to make a reminder~ if you'll also kill the others~ please get ready~  :shifty: oh. don't worry i'm not going to do something bad to you~ I think?~  :kekeke:
I'm looking forward to chapter 11~  :hee:

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #118 on: May 30, 2012, 05:28:30 PM »
Firstly thanks for update... Pls continue this story
 :OMG: :OMG: :ptam-hbk: :ptam-hbk: RENAAAA!! :fainted: :fainted:
Ichikawa-san whyy??? 1st Atsuko then Rena
Well it's you story.. waiting for the next chapter

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Re: Heroes -- Chapter 10 part 4
« Reply #119 on: May 31, 2012, 12:51:11 AM »

A definitely continue!!!!!!
I tough you gave up on not updating...
So please continue it until the end
Thank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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JPHiP Radio (15/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Heartsdales - Push It (TURBO S Sigma Edit)