CHAPTER 8 "Tadaima!!!!!!!! ~ Did you miss me? School ~ School~ No place better than school~...".Yuko shouted happily while doing a round of butt dancing infront of the school gate. Students whose passed her only gave her a weird look. Some of them also taking a pictures of their pervert president.
Unlike the hyper president, the hoodie girl behind her showed uninterested looks with the whole thing.
"What's with the grumpy look Shiriri-chan. It's a new term, come on show some energy of yours. You makes your big sister sad

".Mayu ignored the older girl. "Heii, listen to me! ".Still no changed, Yuko gave up. "But that Bakamina.... "
"Yukooo, Mayu-chan! Ohayo".
"Ah Acchan, Mariko, oha! ".Yuko greeted the duo back. Mayu only gave a slight nod.
"Ara, a grumpy Mayu in this morning? Mayu-chan must hate school, Huh? ".Acchan pinched the cyborg 's cheeks. There no protests from the cyborg because Mayu knew it was useless to fought against the actress. Acchan let go a moment later, she can felt Mayu getting annoyed.
"This is weird. Where's Takamina? ".Mariko asked noticed the missing of the other midget.
"No idea. She didn't showed up, so we went here without her".Acchan looked dissapointed hearing Yuko's answer. She really looked forward to seen the other girl because she didn't had a chance to during this whole holiday thanks to her busy schedule. Mariko who noticed patted Acchan's back to reassured her.
Four of them made their way inside the building and can't helped but to noticed the students gave them a weird looks and a whispers. Yuko, Mariko and Acchan getting confused while Mayu stayed calm and emotionless.
A ruckus can be heard after they entered, Yuko being a curious girl ran towards it.
"Why they are staring at you? ".
"Me?! ",Acchan pointed at her face. "What did I do? ".
"Yeah, that's what I wanna ask you Acchan, what did you do? ".Yuko who just returned grasped Acchan's arm and pulled her to a crowds whose still busy looking at something. "You all,move!".Students made way for Yuko and the others. "This! Can I get an explanation for this?! ".
Acchan looked at where Yuko was pointing at only to gawk.At the bulletin board, there a newspaper that had Acchan face on it. But she was not alone, beside her,stood her co-worker Oneo Matsuya.They were holding hand. Acchan remembered that moment, this picture got taken during summer holiday. Mariko just arrived at the scene and quickly sighed, she knew who the culprit who did this. She never noticed Miichan were taking pictures of those two.
Mariko averts her eyes somewhere else and became interested with the other fresh news.
'New Popular Couple Has Been Born? ' ,
'The Player Finally Settle Down? '.There also this title,
'Kagoshima Princess Got Taken.Fans live in misery'. Mariko shrugs. Never thought the player and the new princess had something between them.
'They did a good job,..that Newspaper Club'. Bruk! Bag dropped to the ground. The new arriving Yuki stared at her news with her famous Reaction Queen plastered on her face.
Yuko gulped.
That club should change their name to Paparazzi club if the things they brought only gossip. "Mayu". She called out to the younger girl, one of the club members. No respond. "Ma.. Yu? ".There no trace of the cyborg anywhere. "Where the heck she ran off to? ".
The shocking news attracts all students attentions. Even the teacher also eavesdrops whenever they heard something about the news. As expected, Yuki, Sae and Acchan got bombarded with questions. All day, Yuki face were red while Acchan tried her best to clear up the misunderstanding. On the other hand, Sae was happy with the attentions and gladly answered all their questions. Of course she told the truth, there was no way she elaborated the story or Yuki will killed her.
A tall black haired girl was marching somewhere with a stern looks on her face. Students got the message and didn't dare enough to approached the fuming princess. Reached the destination,she banging the door loudly.
The door that written 'Newspaper Club' on it opened. Miichan who hiding herself all day meeting eyes to eyes with Yuki who emitting a black aura from her body.
'Black!'. Before Yuki could said anything, the door slammed closed right infront of her face. Lucky, the door didn't hit her perfect face. Realizing the girl hiding away again, Yuki kicking the door while yelling to the occupants inside the room to opened the damn door. She didn't care the stares she received from other students.
10 minutes later, she got tired and gave up. When she turned in order to left the place, her eyes meeting with Mayu eyes that standing not too far. The younger girl had a bun inside her mouth and already stopped chewing when she saw the evil grins Yuki gave her.
"Hi, Yu-Yuki".
"Oh, it's Yuki-senpai for you now.
Ma~yu~yu".Yuki smiled strangely.
Mayu gulped.
'I am doomed'——————————————
Acchan sitting on a bench with her head facing down. The evening sun above making her feels hotter and sweaty but she didn't have a damn about it. Alone. No students around her.She actually at her secret place right now, that located behind an old church building near the school. The place full with roses with different colour and she always ran here whenever she felt like wanted to escaped from this world. Away from her trouble, busy life. No one dared enough to came here because in order to reached this place, you need to passed a dark tunnel first. Because of some rumor,people afraid to came there,well except Acchan. Because the one who caused the rumor of a bloody high school girl ghost was her. Someone mistook her for a ghost. Blame her school uniform with spilled ketchup on it. But thanks to that, she owns the place for herself... Well, not really.
"Thought you will be here".
"Takamina? "
"You really uses this place for a good use. Glad I ever introduced this place to you".Takamina sat beside Acchan.
Acchan knew it was a golden chance for her to clear up the misunderstanding. "Takamina, listen. Me and Matsuya-san, there's nothing between us. He only my co-worker in my new drama. To get into our characters better, the producer suggested a play date to improve our relationship. That was why we did it. It was only for a job.. You need to trust me.I-I never knew the o-others were spying o-on us. I swear! ".Tears spilling from Acchan's eyes.
"Hey, hey,,.. Don't cry. Take a deep breath. Okay, just like that".Takamina comforted Acchan. Acchan leaned her head on Takamina's shoulder. A scene of Takamina, she inhale it. It was one of her favorite scenes. "You don't need to explain anything to me. I already knew about it before, the girls who got your explanation explained it to me.They sure are busy,even though they only an outsiders".
"T-They did? ".
"Un.I was angry because you didn't tell me you're going out with someone".
"....Only that? ".Acchan pushed Takamina, looking at the shorter girl eyes trying to find something in it.
'Why, why I can't read her like I always did? ' .Takamina back to her original self, she never avoiding Acchan again, but something was missing that made Acchan can't understand the girl before her.
Takamina stood up. "Well, I got job to attend to. See you tomorrow Acchan".Takamina bid her farewell. Acchan sitting confused.
"Yuki, let's go home together! ".Sae said to Yuki after catched up with the Raven girl.
"Ano, Sae-chan. Don't you think we need to separate for a while until the rumor died down? ".
"Why? Are you discomfort being with me? ".Sae flashed a hurtful looks.
"N-No! It's -it's not like that! Just.. ".Yuki denied it. She don't wanna made Sae hurt.
"So, what's the matter? If you worried it might bothers me, don't be. I am okay with it".
Yuki paused. Sae was right.
'It should makes me happy of what others think about us, so why I feel weird about this?'.
"Yuki".Someone called Yuki.
"Rena! ".She happily jumped and hugged her bestfriend. Rena were busy today so Yuki don't got a chance to talked with her at all. Seeing a happy Yuki, Rena smiled and patted the girl head. Only to frown to seen Sae there."What are you doing with this playgirl? ".Squinting her eyes.
"Hello too Rena. Oh,and hi Airi".
Yuki just noticed an unfamiliar girl was standing beside Rena this whole time. She never seen this girl before, and she sure she was not one of her classmates. "Who is this? ".
"I am Furukawa Airi. Student from class 2-A and also Rena's friend from Kendo Club.Just call me Airin".The unfamiliar girl introduced herself.
"Kashiwagi Yuki. Rena's friend from middle school".
"Yeah, I know about you. Rena talked about you a lot. Trust me, almost everything about you I already known because of this Melon pan lover here".
"Stop it, Airin". Rena always became embarrassed whenever Airin teased her about Yuki,but not today. Sae's presence affecting her mood.
"Owh Rena, I never knew you love me that much. You should have told me".Yuki continued the teasing while wrapping her arms around Rena's neck. Rena blushed with her bestfriend 'S gestures. Airin smirked. Sae falsely coughed to brought back the two girls from their own world. Yuki released the hug. "How about we go home together? ". She suggested.
Sae frowned then smiled after heard Rena rejecting the offers. "Sorry Yuki, I want to, but, me and Airin gotta go somewhere buying something ".
"Is that so? ".Yuki pouted. "Can't be helped, maybe next time".
"Jaa nee ".Rena and Airin excused themselves, but not before Rena gave a last glare to Sae.
'She seriously don't want me to be near Yuki, Huh'.At the same time, Yui relaxing herself with laying on the grass under the evening sun above. Even with the sun shining brightly above their head, the sports club on the courtyard and field still did their best practicing. It quite a restful sight for Yui the vice-president of student council.
Click, click.A camera shutter. "You're in the way",said the girl who covered the sun. Yui only can saw the girl shadow.
"Excuse me? ".
"I said, you're in the way".Said the girl again with impatient.
"Huh? ".Dumbfounded Yui uttered.
"Are you dumb,or what? Step aside".
"There still many other spaces here.Why I need to move my body to other spot. Why can't you? The view still the same no matter where you capture it".
A sound of clicked tongue. "This is why I hate talking to people who don't understand the meaning of an art... For someone like you, yes. But I am a photographer.Quality of my pictures is my top priority. So move, before I kick you away".
Yui forced herself to followed the rude girl demands. After standing up, she can seen the girl features clearly. Shimazaki Haruna, class 1-A, member of photography club and a friend of Watanabe Mayu. She never talked to this girl before, never thought the girl can be a rude person.
Paruru started to taking pictures. Yui didn't realized herself that she was staring at the girl. After satisfied with the pictures she took, Paruru made her way to left the place.
"My name is Yokoyama Yui. I just thought it was best if you know my name ".Yui face-palmed. She didn't understand why she did that. Paruru went silent a bit before continued to left the place. But something she said before ringing through Yui's ears
"For someone who holding a vice-president position, you're quite a dumb".
Watanabe Resident
Mayu sitting on the couch with uneasy. She can't focused on the television. Her eyes always glanced at the clock on the wall of living room.
FlashbackMayu facing down looking at the floor while hearing Yuki scolding. Even though she was not the one who took the pictures, she still involved with the processed making that newspaper. So Yuki gave her an earful now.
But something went wrong when Yuki paused, Mayu looked at where Yuki were looking and saw a familiar man near the gate became the attention of the crowd. It caused quite a ruckus because man who doesn't had relation with the school got prohibited from entering the school ground unless they got a permission.
Mayu saw Milky and Sayanee approached the man from neighboring school. Sayanee looked pissed,while Milky looked... scared? The man saying something to Milky and pleading to her. It took a while but Milky nodded. Milky said something to Sayanee, Sayanee looked more furious and with a heavy steps she left the place. Milky took out her phone.Mayu's phone buzzing later.
'Mayu, please bring my bag home. I'll get home late tonight '.Then Milky left with the man.
'Isn't that her ex? 'End of Flashback "Tadaima".The front door opened.Like any other day, Mayu never replied to it.
Milky took a step on the staircase but quickly a hand prevented her. "Ouch!".She hissed.
"What happened to your arm? ".Mayu examinating Milky's bruised arm.
"My ex asked for a chance again to continue our relationship, but I refused him".
"So he did this to you?!! Son of a bitch, where is he? Tell me. I am so gonna beat him up".Mayu dashed toward the baseball bat beside the front door,in full mode to killed someone.
"Mayu, it's okay. I slapped him few times already. So put the bat down".
"Not enough. He deserves more than that. What kind of man dared enough to lay a finger on a girl. Such a coward".
Milky smiled sadly. She took the bat from Mayu's hand and throw it somewhere away from Mayu so Mayu can't grabbed it again if she went berserk.
"So what are you gonna do now? That bastard, you already got rid of him. The next step, are you gonna makes a move on that Yamamoto girl? ".
"I don't know Mayu-chan. I spend my night thinking if she will accept my feelings or not. If she does accept it, did I deserve her.Someone like me, there's no way I can have a chance to be with someone as pure as Sayaka".
"I wish I can be strong as you, Mayu. You brave enough to keep all the feelings to yourself. You acts normal outside,.. but hurting inside".
Milky gave a patted on her cousin's back. Mayu gazed at her cousin retreating back.
'Wish to be like me,huh?Impossible'.