CHAPTER 20 It was another hectic day for our student council president, Yokoyama Yui, strolling around the school to made sure the festival preparation processing well. Not too mention, the transfered student still not within her grasps. AKB Gakuen has rule where all students who attended this school needed to joined at least one club, except for those who has a valid reason for not to. Sadly, our charming puppy, Matsui Jurina decided to broke the rule by not joining any club like she supposed to. This causing our president and her treasure, Yamamoto Sayaka hunting her down.
Walking along the school ground, Yui proceed to the danso event stage where the preparation still ongoing. This special club event will be the highlight of festival before the fire bon and fireworks during the last day, second day of festival.
From where she stood, a certain puppy didn't escaped her eyes, Jurina was standing near the stage and she let her guard down. It was a perfect timing to ambushed her, but chose not to. Just for today, she let her off the hook.
"Rare to see you alone. Where's Watanabe-san and those fans of yours? ", asked her after near enough to the said girl.
"Oh. President! You're not going to catch me today? ", beamed Jurina. There was no fear in her eyes,like she knew well the other party will never succeeded in capturing her. Yui nodded, confirming she not going to play ran and chase today. She too tired for it. Jurina grinned. "I told the girls to leave me alone today because I don't have time to ease their lonely soul. As for Mayu, she lazying around inside the infirmary. This kind of crowded event displeasure her", Jurina answered Yui's question.
"That girl... ". Yui do not further things more or did something about it. Though she only knew the existence of Watanabe Mayu this year and barely spoken to her, she already knows enough how Mayu was. Meddling with the cyborg's business only brings nothing but misfortune for her.
Let's just hope she not gonna back out from her participation, prays Yui.
But went further to infirmary, she must hated the festival so much, was what inside Jurina's mind.
On another side "Oohhhhhhhh!!!!!!! ".
Everybody in class awed by Yuki's appearance in maid outfit and black cat ears as decoration on her head. They decided to do Maid Cafe for this festival after came up went through many plans. It was simple, they knows, but hey... Don't misjudge the power of Maid Cafe!
"And there's our proud maid from Kagoshima. Wow! Yuki. You nail this off, we're gonna be hit for sure! Attracting people no longer a problem", Miichan nodding, proud of her handy work. For this time, Takamina the class representive let Miichan did the lead this time as she so excited doing so.
With eyes all on her, Yuki felt a pang of shyness hit her. Backing away, she hid herself behind her sole protecter, Rena for some cover. This little scene only made people blush further of how cute Yuki was being that moment.
"Okay, okay, enough. We got work to do. Get those hands moving, quick! ". Takamina clapped her hand. Everyone went back to their previous work.
Sighing of relief, Yuki's plan to slip off the maid uniform from her body came halted when Sae went and made conversation with her.
"You looked suited in those". Pointing at the maid outfit. "You looks cute".
"Sae-chan! ". Yuki's face really flushed like roasted potato to received another compliment. The compliment made her happy all giddy inside, but she also hated it because it made her embarrassed. "It's normal. I am sure you and the others to will look cute".
"Probably ", Sae said with no care of those. Rather than seen herself in maid outfit, she liked it better if she became a viewer and master of the maid. "I am jealous ".
"Huh? About what? This outfit? No worries, each person gonna have their owns later after they finish with the knitting".
Sae laughed. "You really are cute, Yuki-chan. So innocent. But...maybe, that's why I attracted to you in the first place", Sae said out loud for Yuki to hears. Yuki stunned. It was too sudden, her lips locked letting Sae to finish her sentence. "What I am jealous about is not those outfit, but I am jealous because you will serve others in the day of school festival. I don't want that. After all.. ", Sae stepped forward closer to Yuki. Yuki taken aback. Sae's eyes was so intense reflecting her seriousness. Sae resumed. "I don't want the person I am in love with, serve another person..beside me".
"Sae-chan ",mumbled her under her breath.
"OUCH! ". That snapped Yuki back. She quickly took a look what the ruckus about, leaving Sae alone. Sae sighed. Her hidden emotion got the better of her this time. Sayaka who witnessed the exchange mouthed
'don't mind', Encouraging her friend. Sae sadly smiled. Rena who also one of the spectators sighing. Hoped to not dragged in this love triangle.
"Baka Gachapin! ".
"Hei! I am sorry okay.I didn't mean to". Miichan was playing around the knitting group, then accidentally hit the fabrics and made Takojo Aki who was knitting pierced her finger with the needle.
Seeing the situation, Yuki overreact and panicked. "I'll go take the aid kit",volunteered her. Walked out from the class without waiting for replies and forgetting she still in maid outfit with cat ears.
The princess reached the infirmary in no time, entering the empty room and lead her way to retrieved the aid kit. Along the way it bothered Yuki if the school nurse actually exists or not. Dismissed her unnecessary thought, she spun to leave the place quick but the closed curtain of one bed managed to attracted her. A whispers inside her told her to opened it and she did.
There on the bed, was a sleeping Mayu. Unlike usual self, she not wearing her signature hoodie and twintails today. The girl looked so peaceful enjoying her slumber time. Worries began filling her up. Yuki put the aid kit on the near desk and sat on a chair beside the bed. Touching the younger girl forehead, a normal temperature relieved her. Rather than leave the room, she took the time to inspect Mayu's face.
Just expected, there no doubt you're cute, Mayuyu~. Her milky white fair skin, cute nose, well shaped eyebrows, and her pink lips...
Hmm? Something shiny sticking out from Mayu's collar around her neck.
Snow pendant?.... Wait! Isn't that... "What are you staring at? ".
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SLAP Then, sound of something hit the ground.
"WHAT THE HELL?! DID YOU JUST SLAP ME?!", Mayu shouted in disbelief. She loves Yuki, she really do. But that was not the reason for Yuki to slapped her anytime she wanted.
"I am so SORRY! So sorry. I didn't mean to. Sorry Mayuyu!! ". After she got up from the cold floor.
"Sorry not cut it. I came here in hope to lessen my headaches but now, I need to recover my soon to be swollen cheek thanks to you". Mayu was frustrated. The headaches getting to her.
"I am sorry once again! Please forgive me, okay? ". Yuki apologized again and again with teary eyes. The idea of the younger girl hating her scared her so much.
"Forget it ", simply answered before Mayu lied back down. Yuki sat back on the chair, with head down afraid to looks at the angry cyborg.
"Yuki-chan!". The silent broken by Rena and Sae. "There you are! Come on, let's go back to class. Everyone waiting for you", Sae took Yuki's hand pulling her to stand up.
But another hold prevented Yuki from standing. It was Mayu, still laying on the bed with eyes on Yuki and Sae. Yuki shocked, Sae also the same. Eyes on the emotionless cyborg.
"Don't leave. Stay here with me. If you want me to forgive you, don't you dare step out from this room without me tell you so".
"Stop being a baby. Yuki are needed in class. She got work to do. So let her go! ", Sae exclaimed. Her tone was harsh, Mayu's expression that moment pissed her off like telling 'Yuki is mine! '.
Yuki bewildered. Which one?
"Please, Yuki ", Mayu spoke softly. Her eyes were gentle and spreading warm inside Yuki. She felt pity to let the younger girl down, but what about Sae?
That was the moment, Rena decided to stepped in became Yuki knight in shining armor. Rena putted her hand gently on Sae's shoulder made the girl jolted from her staring to Mayu and Yuki. "We got enough people to help us. Let Yuki stays here. Mayu-san are not feeling well this moment, the nurse isn't here so let Yuki take care of her".
"But! ".
Rena quickly shut Sae up and took the aid kit from earlier. "See you later, Yuki, Mayu-san ". Bidding her farewell she dragged Sae along with her.
Yuki immobilized in her spot, not knowing what just happened. A guilt creeping inside, Sae's face earlier was unforgettable. A tug on her shirt snapped her back from dealing with her emotion.
"Get in", ordered Mayu. Pat the empty spot on bed beside her.
"Are you deaf or what? ". Seeing the girl made no attempts to move, Mayu rolled her eyes before pulling the older girl to fall beside her.
"Eeehhhhhhhhhh?!!!!!!! ".
"Stop screaming. Now go to sleep ", ordered Mayu again.
"But! ".
"No buts. You're a maid,right. So be my maid for today, and my order is I want you to accompany me sleep. Understood". Mayu hugs Yuki. Wrapping her arms around Yuki's waist. Her head leaned closer to Yuki's neck. Finding it was a comfortable position, she then closed her eyes. Yuki sighed. Looking down on her maid outfit. She face-palmed asking herself how forgot to change. But seeing how peaceful the younger girl was, Yuki didn't have heart to rejected the girl and closed her eyes too. Unconsciously, in her sleep, Yuki's arms pulled Mayu closer towards her and hugged her protectively. Mayu smiling in her sleep.
"Let go of me". Sae struggle to pulled her hand back from the frail looking girl who was dragging her this moment. After far enough from infirmary and student's eyes, Rena finally let go of Sae. "Why are you doing this? I only want Yuki to back with us!".
"I saved you. Instead screaming at me like this, the thing you should do is feeling grateful that I don't leave you there suffering from broken heart".
"What are you implying, Rena? ".
Rena sighed. She shouldn't butt in others problem. But it killing her to seen more suffering. Inside her, she debating with herself if she should tell or not. Yes, she dislikes Sae, but she also can't stand seeing people suffers,furthermore when the source of the sufferness is from her own bestfriend. Finally, a final decision was made. Rena glanced around to sure no one near them. Then, looked back at Sae who still giving the same expression.
"Knowing your closeness with Yuki, you must knows about her childhood friend that disappeared 6 years ago without news".
"Yuchan?.. Yes, Yuki-chan told me before, so how can her loss friend got anything to do with our conversation? ".
Inhaling a deep breath. Rena told Sae the truth she has been hiding from Yuki itself. "Yuchan and Mayu-san, is a same person. Mayu-san is Yuki's loss childhood friend".
"That's ridiculous! How can it be! Are you nuts?! And how did you sure of this in the first place?! ".
"Calm down.. At first, it also surprised me to saw Mayu-san when Yuko-san introduced her to us. I met her before, Yuki introduced Mayu-san to me as Yuchan. But I was a shy person, I don't get along well with stranger quickly. So instead calling her Yuchan as she told me to, I asked for her real name. And the real name of Yuchan is 'Watanabe Mayu '. It's hard to believe. I also in the same position as you before".
".....And since then, you kept this a secret from Yuki-chan".
"Yeah. When I recognized Yuchan and Mayu-san is the same person, you got no idea how thrilled I was... Telling this to Yuki who has been waiting for her so long, was the first thing came up inside my mind. But, before I got to tell her, Mayu-san found out and stopped me. But fate had brought them together, with Yuki transferred here two months ago. Interesting right, no matter how apart they are, their bond is really strong. And even Yuki do not knows the truth, she still attached to Mayu-san no matter what". Rena smiled sadly. Her head looked down.
"I'll tell her". Rena's eyes widened. Looking straight at Sae. "I'll tell Yuki who is Mayu". Sae spun around to headed back to the infirmary once more but Rena hurriedly went standing in front her preventing her from walking more further.
"I never let you go if that's what your intentions is". The voice coming from Rena was cold. Full of seriousness. Her eyes reflecting her determination. Sae taken aback. She tried to passed the raven girl but unsuccessful. Like Rena said, she will never let Sae go.
"What?! Are you siding with her now?! You got no idea how mad Yuki-chan will be if she learn the truth of your cooperation with that cyborg fooling her! ".
"I know. And yes, I am scared. But I am not fooling her, it's just Mayu-san got her own reason she can't tell about. The same with everyone. Everyone also has their owns secret cannot be tell. So I am just trying to understand Mayu-san better, and let the fate works...". Rena loosen up. Speaking in more softer tone. "I know you loves Yuki so much. I understand. After all, I'd been in love with her since I could remember ".
"You... ". Sae gaped.
"Learning she was still in love with the girl that had left, killing me inside. When she rejected my confession three years ago, I decided to gave up and remains by her side as her bestfriend. As someone who will protect her. She said she will forget about her Yuchan,... how ironic. Did she think I'll fall for that. She has been waiting for 6 years, so how can another 6 years going to be a problem for her?..Maybe she will be angry, no, furious when she learn that Mayu-san is Yuchan.. But it will not last long, eventually she will forgive her. And accept her. So tell me,.. if you are sure Yuki will accept your love over her first love?... My advice as your classmate,you should give up". Rena ended her sentences. Waiting for Sae's next sentences.
".......I.. I am not you! My love for her are real! This is my seriousness. Until she tell me she can't love me the same as I do, I'll never give up this feeling of mine". Sae clenched her fists. Instead walked passed Rena, she spun towards opposite direction and left the place.
Rena felt relieved. She can felt storm heading this way. A rivalry gonna taken its place in this school. Now, it was up to Yuki for made her decision and dodged the wrong choice.
"Well said!".
"Ugh. Since when you're there? ". An annoyance showing on her pale face seeing the short haired girl standing with her back leaning on the wall with her cat-like smile.
"Nah. Just passing by. I was on my way to fetched Mayu until I heard your bickering with Sae-senpai".
"We're not fighting okay".
"Yeah. Say whatever you want. But you taken me by surprise, you knows about Mayu but did not tell it to Yuki-senpai. Oh well, it saved me the trouble to speak some mind into Sae-senpai that she never gonna win. No matter what. Well, I'll be taking my leave now. Bye!! ", Jurina said then skipping away.
"Just that? Why she bother stopping then... ". Rena murmered. Later realized she not acting as her usual self.
Focus Rena, focus. Don't let that brat influence you.
Ding Dong Ding "To every dear students of AKB Gakuen. School will be closing soon. So makes sure you don't forget anything and be safe on your way. Tomorrow is festival, makes sure everyone coming okay~or..there will be pu~nish~ment waiting for you. Understand?.. That's all from me, your dear announcer Watanabe Miyuki~". Yuki woke up finding herself still inside infirmary. Alone. No Mayu beside her.
It's already evening, I wonder if she has gone home. Yuki later headed to class taking her bag before leaving the school as well. Staying in school until night did not sound appealing to her. Just she about to passed the gate, Her shoulder grabbed from behind then felt her body got spun around by that person.
"Sae-chan? ".
To be Continued Long, I know. I kind off in hurry to finish this story before going on hiatus for my studies. New story came up in my mind. Gonna post it after I finish this.
For the readers, thank you so much

for spending your time to read this story of mine. I am really grateful. I am still beginner in writing but I hope I'll get more better in the future. Thank you~