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Author Topic: Rebirth (WMatsui OS) - COMPLETED  (Read 2408 times)

Offline shechi

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Rebirth (WMatsui OS) - COMPLETED
« on: January 01, 2014, 07:11:13 AM »
Hello everybody  :welcome I'm a new writer and that is my first fanfic.
Thank anakpanti and olive29 for support me.  :cathappy:
Thank baby KwonMinAh for translate fic to English  :deco:

OS Rebirth

* Sythian Galaxy – Sigma Planet *

"This is the morning news. Associate Professor Matsui Rena has been promoted to Professor after she succeeded in defending her "Rebirth" theory. According to the professor, the theory is about how human are able to die and meet each other in their afterlife. On the other hand, the Sigma royal stated that this theory contradicts the "Reincarnation" theory of the royal, to which human are immortal…”

Rena turned off the mini satellite-connected television. She knew she had made a mistake in announcing this theory. Now she had to hide and sneak in an obscure place to get away from the royal army's pursue. Suddenly she heard a rustling sound. It seemed like someone was coming to her place. Rena picked up her gun in fear. She knew the ones who came now could only be enemies.

*pew pew*

The electric ray from Rena's gun aimed directly at the poor victim but that person was able to dodge it. The stranger rushed forward to muffle Rena's mouth and pinned her down. "Quiet!!! Why did you shoot that!!! Do you want to call the guards' attention??"

Rena was being constrained, she could only kept quiet and stared at the one who was forcing her down. The royal's uniform. Shoulder length hair with split bang. This girl seemed quite young. It was weird since the royal didn't allow girls to be in the army. But what was more important in Rena's mind now was that the girl was clad in the royal's uniform and she was being overpowered by her.

Rena risked her life trying to struggle. Upon seeing that, the girl strengthened her power to twist Rena's hand behind her back.

"Stop struggling!!! I mean no harm!!! I just want to take a look at that theory!!! Just to see if it's the same as what the rumor says!! I will let you go just don't shout!! You wouldn't want the guards to come here right??" The girl said as she slowly let go of Rena.

As soon as she felt that her hands were being let go of, Rena immediately wanted to sprint out of her shelter, but the other girl reacted faster and held onto her again, covering her mouth, pulling her inside. Right that moment, the guards was passing by.

"Hey have you heard that?? The princess sneaks outside to play again!!!" A man said.

“ Yeah… not only that, I heard that she is near here. This morning they found a guard with stripped off uniform near this place.”

"So they say she insisted on meeting the one who wrote that  "Rebirth" theory. Isn't it weird how she cares so much about that stupid theory??? The royal too, they make us pursue the girl who wrote that at any cost!!”

"Shhh!!! Keep your voice down!!! You might lost your life.” Their voices faded away as they walked.

"Do you trust me now?? I'm Sigma Jurina. The princess of the Sigma royal palace. Don't worry I won't harm you. I just want to know about that theory." Jurina slowly letting go of Rena.

This time Rena stopped running away. She just eyed the girl in front of her carefully. After a while she said.

"Alright!! But I want to leave this place. Prepare a ship for me! When I'm safe and sound on that ship I shall give in my theory to the royal."

"That's it??!! Isn't that theory your passionate work?? Why do you give it in so easily??" Jurina asked in astonishment.

"Once you read it you will understand." Rena was not sure if she could make it out of here or not but at least she wanted this princess to get bored and returned to her palace soon.

Jurina spontaneously went to where she used for sleeping. Both of them sat there quietly. After a while.

"Why are you named as Matsui Rena and how old are you?" Jurina asked.

"It's because they used the data to make me from a girl named Matsui Rena, I'm 26, how many times have I reincarnated, I don't remember. Why did you ask that??”

"Because I bear the name of the reincarnated girl, my name is Matsui Jurina, that had also been my name before I joined the Sigma royal. I'm only 20 and I can't remember how many times I have reincarnated either. I wonder if we have known each other before?! And why did you study about that odd theory? If we can "Reincarnate" then why do we have to die?"

"I don't know!! I just wanted to find out how people had lived before the Sythian technology existed. Besides, deep inside my body I feel like something is missing?? After doing research, I found out that the Sythian people are lack of love!!"

"So you feel the same way too?? I feel that way as well. From long long ago. No matter how many time did I reincarnate, I still feel like something is missing." Jurina got near to hold Rena's hand.

*doki doki*

Rena was startled by this sudden action from Jurina, she blushed, her heart went thumping loudly. This, Rena had never felt before.

“ So… Rena. How do human love?” Jurina asked innocently.

"Umm…They… exchange kisses…" Rena blushed again… She silently prayed that Jurina wouldn't ask anymore.

"Kiss... What does it mean? Can we try doing it?" Jurina's face reddened even though she herself couldn't make out why.

 Rena's mind told her no but somehow her heart really yearned for it.

She lightly pressed her lips onto Jurina's, sensing that sudden tense feeling from the other girl's body. "Just relax your body..." She murmured on Jurina's lips. "And follow what I do." Rena tasted Jurina's lips, and Jurina did the same. She guided her tongue to gently lap the outline of Jurina's lips, and as Jurina followed, their tongues lightly touched. Both girls felt as if an electric wave was traveling up and down their body. They hastily pulled away.


“Rena? So that's what they call love? All they do is kissing? Then how do they make babies?” Jurina raised her voice to ask, breaking the awkward silence between them, just to put them into an even more embarrassing situation.


"Jurina… you can only do such things with someone you really love. You and me are not in love with each other." Rena answered.

"Really?? So just doing that doesn't mean that we love each other?? Rena!! I just want to know what love is??" Jurina pleaded with a princess-like voice.

 "It's impossible. If we are not in love with each other, doing that won't wake any feelings inside us." Rena insisted.

"We can just try and then we'll know for sure if we can wake that feeling inside each other or not." Jurina leapt at her and conquered Rena's body without wasting much strength, she went on kissing Rena in the same manner as before. Tasting and sucking Rena's lips, but then she was lost, not knowing what to do next.

Seeing that, Rena sighed in relief but soon shuddered when Jurina whispered in her ear. "Tell me what I need to do next Rena-chan." Jurina use that voice she had always used to ask for anything in the royal palace and no one had the heart to refuse her.

Rena kept on trembling as those words crushed the wall of memories inside her. Upon realizing that, Jurina didn't stop but kept on whispering in Rena's ear. “ Tell me Rena. What you want me to do next.” …

“ Tell me Rena. Where do you want me to do it?”

“ Tell me Rena. Do you love me?”

“ Tell me Rena…. Tell me Rena…”

“ Just tell me…”

Sound of voices from somewhere mingled with Jurina words, they kept on resounding inside Rena's head.

“ Stop!!! Stop, Jurina!!! I love you!!! I love you!!!” Rena screamed out in her unconsciousness.

“ Huh? Rena. Why are you crying??” Jurina let go of Rena, gently wiping away her tears.

"When we get out of this place!!! I'll tell you everything, Jurina!!" Rena gently traced her hand on Jurina's cheek, caressing it. That lone action made Jurina confused to the point that she didn't realize what Rena stated was we, not her alone.

*The communication device of Jurina started ringing *

"Rena, the ship has come. You should go now." Jurina said.

Both of them went to where the spaceship was but…

*pew pew* *pew pew*

Rays of electricity from the royal guards' guns aimed at Rena.

"Damn it!!! You called the guards here!!!" Rena turned to look at Jurina with rage.

 "It wasn't me!! Maybe they had tracked down this ship. Wait… They are not the royal guards, they are the opposition guards.”

"Then… Then their target is you!! I'm sorry for getting you involved." Tears rolled down on Rena's cheek.

"Hop on the ship. I'll cover your ba-" Before Jurina could finish her sentence, a guard had fired the gun at her.

*pew pew*

The ray of electricity hit the target but Jurina didn't feel one bit painful. She opened her eyes to see Rena standing in front of her. The scene of Rena taking the gun shot for her stirred something inside her mind.

"Rena. Why did you do that?? Why do you always do such things??" Jurina held Rena in her arms.

"Quick! Hurry up. To the ship!!" Jurina swiftly carried Rena and got on the ship. She activated the machine. The space ship soared, leaving the Sigma planet below.




After having activated the time leap machine without any guidance, their ship landed on an unknown coast of a planet.

"Jurina! Haven't I died yet??” Rena called out weakly.

“ You won't die!!! Rena you won't die!! I won't let you slip away from my arms again.” Jurina held Rena's hand and pressed it on her cheek.

" I'm glad that you remember again. But Jurina, you know this too. The electric gun is a fatal weapon to the Sigmas." Rena sighed before continuing her words. "Maybe I was wrong to study about the "Rebirth" theory. Rebirth or Reincarnation are just ways of living again. Love won't be erased no matter what form we are in. As long as Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena existed, our love will still live on."

"You weren't wrong Rena. If you hadn't studied about it, you and I would have never met. We would have kept on living without the other half of our heart. And I would have been dulled by the Sigma royal and their damn love ban law.”

"That's the reason why the royal pursued me, Jurina.” Rena sighed again. “ They were afraid that if this theory is announced, people will find the feeling of love again. The Sigma dynasty will collapse. But they didn't know that it was useless. The "Rebirth" theory can't come into reality here at Sythian Galaxy. This place doesn't have the gate of Samsara. Or rather, it doesn't exist anymore. Ever since the human beings went extinct and the Sigmas ruled over this planet, the gate of Samsara has disappeared.”

"Rena!! Th-this is your "Rebirth" theory right? But I don't care about it now!! I just want you to be by my side!!" Jurina cried out.

"Listen to what i have to say Jurina. You have seen the beings on this planet, they are the same as the former Sigmas. They are being born, growing up, falling in love, getting married, having childs, getting old and passing away... It sounds like a loop but that's life, Jurina. But the Sigmas' life now is nothing more than a mere doll, we are being made, getting expired and being recycled again. If I die here I can walk through the Samsara gate of this place…" Rena stopped for a moment before continuing. "Do you want to make a bet with me Jurina? In the "Rebirth" theory, there is also this part. It's called fate.
Only in one's 10 years of fate can they meet.
Only in one's 100 years of fate can they travel on the same road.
Only in one's 1000 years of fate can they share bed and board.”

Upon mentioning about this, Rena blushed. "The next time we meet. I want us to be officially together. Jurina. I somehow make you live the next 1000 years of this pitiful, lonesome life…. Farewell… Jurina.”

“Rena… You silly. You think that I don't know?? The lifespan of the people here is just 100 years at max. If you try to Rebirth here… Even if I wait for you for 1000 years, you'll be lonely for the next 10 lives of yours….Rena…Why??? Why??" Jurina held onto Rena's vanishing body. The Sigmas vanished when they die and they used these memories for the next Reincarnation body. But this time Jurina knew. Rena was waiting for her at the gate of Samsara. If Rena would wait for Jurina for 10 lives, Jurina would also wait for Rena for 1000 years.


*The Solar system – The Earth – Nagoya's coast*

There was a girl standing at a deserted place of the coast that no one knew, as if waiting for something. Also, there existed another girl who looked at her lonesome back, never dared to confess her feeling.

So who is the real loner then?  The girl who kept standing there alone for 1000 years. Or the girl who held onto her only love, not minding enduring 10 lives of lonely fate?

Ending???!!! I dont know the OS has ending or not. *lol*

honestly... I dont know what I write :catglare: I'm so sorry if it's not interesting :bow: Please forgive my grammar mistakes :bow:
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 10:21:38 PM by sophcaro »
Take me! Take me! Take me! Take me! Take me!
Take me away!
Take me! Take me! Take me! Take me! Take me!
Take me where you are!

Offline anakpanti

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Re: Shechi [Fanfic] [OS] Wmatsui - Rebirth
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 01:19:09 PM »
Oh, hi...  :)
I feel touched when you mentioned my name in your first OS. ;)

Finally... you're here.. as an author.  XD

Well... this is so interesting to read. Umm... Sci-fi genre. I love it!  :twothumbs

“ So… Rena. How do human love?” Jurina asked innocently.
"Umm…They… exchange kisses…" Rena blushed again… She silently prayed that Jurina wouldn't ask anymore.
"Kiss... What does it mean? Can we try doing it?" Jurina's face reddened even though she herself couldn't make out why.


“Rena? So that's what they call love? All they do is kissing? Then how do they make babies?” Jurina raised her voice to ask, breaking the awkward silence between them, just to put them into an even more embarrassing situation.

OMG! Jurina is too innocent here. So adorable.

Wait... so when they "rebirth", they can't remember their past life? So sad.

1000 years?! 10 lives?! Wow.

Ending... since it's an OS, I won't demand for ending.  :lol:
I just wanna know... they will be together or not?  :P

Good start shechi-san.  :twothumbs

Offline olive29

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Re: Shechi [Fanfic] [OS] Wmatsui - Rebirth
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 02:06:51 PM »
Sorry for the late comment

Thank you for mentioning me in your first fanfic. I'm honored.

It's a good start..  :twothumbs

Keep it up... :grin:

And I love innocent Juju  :grin:

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