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Author Topic: Yui Oshi 48's fics One-shot 'Takamina-sempai' and Short fic 'Milk on the Mountai  (Read 12437 times)

Offline Yui Oshi 48

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Re: Yui Oshi 48's fics [Current Fic: Sempai (Takayui)] Ch.10 released
« Reply #40 on: January 30, 2013, 11:00:37 AM »
I could probably have posted this last night. But I'll post it now since I managed to write it last night whilst depriving myself of sleep.


'Takahashi-sempai spoke to me the other day.'

'Oh? And how's that caused you to be so quiet?'

'...Well, the thing is....she ..uh..said something.'

'Are you going to tell me what or just leave me guessing?'

'She ... uh, kind of told me... that she'd sort of... be willing to get together with me.'

'Then why aren't you with her already?'

'What? How can you say that?'

'Yui, I love you, but you don't love me the same way I love you. Not really. You love her like I love you. I've been nothing but a distraction. You might not have realised it, but I have.'

'So you're just telling me to bandon our relatioinship just because of this?'

Sayaka knelt down next to her, took ahold of her face, and kissed her.

'Go get her.'

'I can't just do that to you...'

'Yes you can. Now lets work out how this is going to work.'


Yokoyama Yui pulled on her uniform, put a ribbon in her hair so that she looked like the one she desired, picked up her bag, grabbed the letter she hoped would change everything, and stepped out of the door.

she walked to school, accompanied by her best friend, Yamamoto Sayaka. They got to the school gates, where Yui saw the object of affections, Takahashi Minami, stood outside.

Sayaka hugged her, and pushed her in Takahashi's drection.


Takahashi looked up at her and smiled. Yui took out the envelope, and held it out.

'Will you please read this?'


Hooray for me rehashing the opening on the fic.

Next chapter might not be then end of the fic, but I think it's pretty clear where this is going.

Offline Kazan

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Re: Yui Oshi 48's fics [Current Fic: Sempai (Takayui)] Ch.10 released
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2013, 11:36:55 AM »
Thank you for update
I'm looking forward the next

Offline Yui Oshi 48

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Re: Yui Oshi 48's fics [Current Fic: Sempai (Takayui)] Ch.10 released
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2013, 02:42:29 AM »
I'm having trouble trying to write another chapter. I'm almost feeling like I should have had the resolution to the cliffhanger I setup and just ended the fic. I'll try to think of something.

Offline Yui Oshi 48

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Re: Yui Oshi 48's fics [Current Fic: Sempai (Takayui)] Complete
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2013, 02:12:57 AM »
This'll be the end of the fic. There's literally nothing else I can think of.


Takahashi took the envelope, opened it, and read it. Then, putting the envelope to one side, she stood on her toes and kissed Yui on the lips. Yui reciprocated, their lips mashing together. They hugged.

Yui was happy again. She was with the girl she loved.

After school Sayaka walked home with the new couple. She left them at Yui's house, so they could work things out, and walked home alone.

She returned to her room, and sat in the corner for a few minutes. After a while she punched  the wall in frustration, tears in her eyes. She wanted to be with Yui. Yui had been everything to her. But she hadn't been everything to Yui. And the knowledge of that hurt her. But she needed Yui to be happy. She reassured herself that she'd done what was best for Yui even as she sat there, tears streaming down her face. It was for Yui, and that was why she'd done it. Becaue she ;oved her. Even if it meant she was alone.


Feel bad for Sayanee.

Offline Yui Oshi 48

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Re: Yui Oshi 48's fics One-shot 'Takamina-sempai'
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2013, 03:05:56 PM »
So I'm guessing nobody actually read the conclusion then. Anyway, here's a little one-shot I did, same pairing, from Yui's POV

The untouchable sempai. The greatest sempai.
You lead by example, you were alwaysthe leader.
You made the openeing call of the coolest song.
Just after I’d begun.
I wanted to be like you then.

For a time you were my captain.
I stood in another girls place.
I could stand so close to you.
Yet I could never close the distance.

All too soon it ended.
You gave the announcement.
I was happy being promoted.
But not being away from you.

When it happened you praised me.
Said I was an amazing person.
I was nothing compared to you.

Even others said my effort,
was second only to yours.
But if I could work to mortal perfection.
Then you must be a god.

I worked my hardest.
At every task I was given.
If only you would notice.
And see how much it was.

In the dome I stood there
and saw you now receive
a position and a title
befitting your hard work

My team was changed that same event
You ran straight up and hugged me
I couldn't hide my smile
So I just cried instead.

I’ll work hard to help you
and meet your expectations
You say I am your Oshi
But to me you are god.


Not great huh?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 03:12:31 PM by Yui Oshi 48 »

Offline arrow27

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Re: Yui Oshi 48's fics One-shot 'Takamina-sempai'
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2013, 05:06:11 PM »
I liked the conclusion of your fic :D Glad all worked out b/w Yui and Minami but ya I feel bad for Sayaka :P
& Nice little drabble there :) I found it very interesting when Yui commented that Takamina was like a god on AKBINGO lol. Thanks for the updates :)

Offline Yui Oshi 48

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Re: Yui Oshi 48's fics One-shot Milk on the Mountains
« Reply #46 on: February 18, 2013, 12:48:09 AM »

I wrote this one a few weeks ago ut never posted it. I'm not sure if it's much good.


Milk on the Mountains

They sat in the club room

Of course, I'm not actually any good at music. Running a student council and getting people to come to agreements on policies, that's easy. Ask me to write music and I'll just come with a mess. I can't even play a few notes on the piano in the corner. Only thing I can do is use my money to buy instruments for it. Not that I particualry care for the club. Just her. Looking back across the room from the desk I'm sat I can see her there. Sat by the piano. She's looking back. But is she looking at me? Or is she looking at the other girl. The one sat on the sofa.

Is she looking at me? Or at her? I wish I knew. I wish I knew if she card more about me, since I've known her forever. I've always looked  after her. But I guess that's nothing comapred the impressive student president, what with her constant donating to the club. Anyone can see she's only doing it for her. I guess a lifetime of friendship is nothing compared to that.

They always look so angry with eachother. I mean them having differences is understandable, but Sayaka should at least be thankful that Yui's helped finance the club so much. Not that I ever thought Sayaka cared much about music. But all they ever seem to do is glare at each other. Yui's walking out of the room again. Oh god, Sayaka's following her. They're going to have another argument aren't they. I try to play a few notes on the piano, maybe come up with a new song. The noise of them arguing is distracting. I can't tell what they're saying, but I can't play like this. I sit on the sofa, waiting for them to return.

I walk back in. She's sat on the sofa. She looks sad. Did she hear us? Did we upset her? I couldn't live with myself if I had. I sit next to her, and hestitantly put an arm around her.

I walk in, seeing them like this. I glare at Yokoyama as I walk past her, and then I sit down on Miyuki's other side. I cautiously take her hand, worried about upsetting her. She looks puzzled. Or worried.

Why are they... doing this. Why has Yui got her arm around me. Why has Sayaka taken my hand. Why is Yui resting her head on my shoulder.

I look down as I rest my head. She's nervous. I've frightened her. I should move.

The lights go out. A power cut. They both get up and leave. Saying they'll find out what's going on. No doubt they'll argue again. I hear them doing so after the lights are back on. But it takes a long time after they quieten down for them to return.

We argue. She says I should leave Miyuki alone. I point out Miyuki hardly seems interested in her either. We just wind up arguing more, we've repeated this pattern so many times. I'm sure Miyuki must hear us. It must upset her. We argue over and over. It's always the same. I get closer to her as I shout....

This is new. Our lips are touching. What? How? When? I don't understand? What is she doing? We serperate.

I look at her horrified as she asks what I think I'm doing. I shout at her that it was her who started the kiss. Deep down I'm not sure though. Might it have been me.

I push her away from me. Did I start the kiss? Did she? What's going on? I don't understand. We stop still for a second. I reckon there's only one way to work things out. I lean into her.

It's a long time until they return. It was almost time to go home. Both of them looked exhausted. They never argued for that long before. Maybe I need to put my foot down.

Over the next week or so, the pair of them left more frequently, and yet I heard them arguing less, but they were gone for longer than before. I couldn't understand it. I'd have like to think they were getting along at long last, but if that was the case why would they be arguing at all? I was just glad they were arguing less.

Exhausted, and covered in sweat, I pull my shirt back on. I look over at my adversary, who looks similarly tired. We both know this isn't working. We're agonising less about Miyuki and whether or not either or us has a chance with her, but we still want her deep down. And we both know it.

As we walk back to the club room we discuss, calmly for once, what needs to happen. We have to let her choose.

I hear them as they come back. Not letting them speak I run away. I have to choose? They have feelings for me. They seem to have for the longest time. I feel awful for not realising. I've been inadvertently leading them on for years. I can't just choose one of them. I couldn't hurt the other of them like that. And honestly, I don't know how I feel.

The next time I see them, they bring me into the club room. They look exhausted. They explain how they both feel about me, and simply ask that I choose one of them. I ask them to close their eyes.

I close my eyes when she asks. I feel lips touch mine.

There are lips touching mine, but they're familiar.

It didn't work, they're looking at me annoyed. It was the only thing I could think of. Maybe they could love eachother. But no, that hasn't happened. They're annoyed at me and I can't blame them, I just don't know what to do. I tell them to close their eyes again.

I kiss them both, one after the other. It doesn't help, I can't help it. Honestly I love them both. And I can't decide. I tell them as much. They kiss me together. As much as thet's possible. Our tongues fight together between the 3 of us. I love them. Both of them. Equally.

Offline Yui Oshi 48

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And here's a short piece I stopped writing because it depressed me.

The happiest day of my life was the Tokyo Dome.
Not for the concert, or the singing, but for you. And being on a team with you. Being able to be closer to you.

Of course I appreciate what I've achieved, what I've been given, what my fans have done for me.
But my tears on the day I was promoted weren't just for promotion. They were also because I was being seperated from you.

I understood though. I worked hard. Not that I ever believed anything would come from it. You're too busy and I always knew that.
I'll never be with you. And that destroys me but I can't give you more to worry about. So I'll just work hard and maybe one day be taking the weight of of your shoulders a little.

I was so happy the moment you hugged me.
But that's not important. What's important is I don't cause you problems and keep at my work. You'll never love me. And that's how things will stay, and I'll keep it that way. So you have one less girl to worry about.
It's not much, but it's all I can do for you. Because I can't expect you to look at me.

It kills me every time you praise me.

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Nice one-shots

Keep up the good work
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline bunny_rabbit

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nice OS, yui-milky-sayanee...a nice bizzare love triangle...

I would love to add nana and ainyan just to make things more complicated LOL

keep up the good work... :on GJ:

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