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Author Topic: Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)  (Read 3997 times)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)
« on: August 12, 2014, 05:03:07 AM »
Something I was inspired to write after watching SKE Ebisho! and seeing Bukiyo Taiyou's PV


In Sakae’s SKE Ebi-sho Gakuen, there is a special club. That is “The Film club” And I am the president. Who would’ve thought, so many people had already signed up.

It made me so happy. I knew that, after graduating high school, I’d go to a great college and become Japan’s next big movie director.

And all of it started with this. My first movie…


“OK, ready… Action!”

I watched from the camera as it filmed the first scene of my movie on the other side.

Morning shining through the window, bird chirping, and the sight of Furukawa, our mousou otaku, playing the older brother of Tsugumi.

Tsugumi walks in and sees Furukawa asleep.

“Ah, he’s still asleep!” she said as she angrily walked up and sat on the edge of the bed, hitting Furukawa’s leg to get him up. “Hurry and wake up. If you don’t, Tsuu will get angry.”

Is she adlibbing? I don’t remember writing that.

Well, it’s cute, so I guess she has to act like the little sister…

“I’m still sleepy…” Furukawa grumbled as he pulled up the covers a bit.

Tsugumi jumped up onto the bed and hovered over him. “Even Tsuu is sleepy, too! Hey, get up~”

“No, I won’t…”

There was a small tug of war with the covers as the little sis pleaded to get her big brother up.

“Get up!”

“No, I won’t.”

“You’re getting up. Mou…”

She pouted and finally gave up, falling on top of him.

“Alright then…” She smiled a bit. “Let’s be late to school together.”

Furukawa smiled and pulled his sister under the covers, wrestling with her.

“We’ll be late together!”

“…And~, cut!” I said as I cut the scene and helped the two up. “Nice job, you guys.”

Furukawa let her hair out of the ponytail she put it in and smiled widely. “That was awesome!”

“I knew you’d like it.”

“Nee, ****-san, was Tsuu cute?”

I giggled a bit. “Tsuu was very cute.”


“So, what scene is next?”

“Well, we still gotta do shooting for the--”

*Ring ring* *Ring ring*

“Hm?” I pulled out my phone and saw it was Jurina calling. “Oh, hold on a sec…”



“Ah, ****. Hey, what are you doing right now?”

“I just finished filming Tsugumi-chan and Furukawa-san’s scene. Where are you right now?”

“I’m in the classroom. I’m ready to shoot my scene.”

“Awesome! I’ll be over there in a bit, okay?”

“OK~ I’ll be waiting. Bye bye!”

“Bye bye~”


Jurina’s cute, too. She’s like a little sister to me.

Well, she’s like that with everyone.

“OK, so you guys get changed for the next few scenes in town, and I’ll see what we can do next. I’ve already got someone waiting to help you.”


“Ganbare, ****-san~”



“Ready, Jurina?” I said to the cat smile girl as she stood in front of the classroom door, watching her crush and senpai.


“OK, rolling…” I pressed the record button. “And action!”

I focused on Jurina as her eyes instantly became sparkling with love for her crush. She’s such a good actress.

“Today I will definitely…” she said under her breath with hope in her eyes, “Confess my love to senpai.”

Great. This is going good so far. I knew this scene was perfect for Jurina.

Now, the confession. Kyaa! My heart is pounding.

Jurina was ready to walk in. “Sen--”


WHAT THE--?! Mieko?!

“Whatcha doin’~?”

“E-eh? Uh, I was going ho--” No, not with Mieko! You do it with Jurina! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!

“Eh? You’re going home by yourself? Mieko wants to go with you, too~! Mieko gets lonely when she goes home by herself.” She kicked the air, and… “Kan-kara-kon~”

“CUT!!!” I yelled angrily and picked up Mieko by her shirt. “Mieko, I already TOLD you! You CAN’T BE in this movie!”

“Eh~? But I WANT to~~~”

“You CAN’T! You aren’t in the Film club. If you wanted to join, you should’ve signed up when school started.”

“I don’t wanna join the club. I just wanna be in the movie.”

“Well, unless I made the exception, which I DIDN’T, you gotta be a club member to be in a film.”

“Aw~ Kan-kara-kon~” Again, with that.

“Get out.”

She crossed her arms and left the classroom, leaving everyone in a daze.

“Alright, sorry, guys. Let’s try this again.” I said as I got everyone reinstated. I turned to Jurina, “Sorry bout that just now.”

“Oh, it’s okay.”

“OK, take 2, everyone! Take 2~” Everyone got in their places again as I started filming once more. “Action!”


“Hm…” I looked over the current footage I had with Jurina. Her scene was perfect, but as I was watching I had the same thing going through my mind.

“Are you really sure it’s not okay, ****? I think I did pretty well.”

“No, Jurina. You did. But… it just feels like something is missing.”



I looked around the almost empty clubroom. “Where is everyone? I thought they’d all be back. Must still be busy with filming…”

“Churi actually told me she planned something.”

“Really? What?”


Before she could say anything, the door opened and a familiar member of the school’s Manga club walked in. The chairman, Takeuchi Mai.


“****-chan~! I have a scene suggestion that would be PERFECT for your movie.”

“Really?” I saw her sit down as she handed me her camera.

“Yeah. I also asked some of your film buddies to help! Come on~”

The door opened again and in came an obviously depressed Nakanishi Yuka and Oba Mina.

“Nishishi? Minarun?”

“What were you guys doing in the scene?”

“And why do you look mad?”

“You’ll see once you watch,” Yuka said simply.

I turned on the camera and started watching the scene. It started with filming a girl I knew a bit about. She was my kouhai, a middle school 3rd-year student named Ego Yuuna.

“Come on, places, places,” Mai said with the camera on, filming her. “Mina, get the lights.”

As Yuuna slipped into the covers of her bed, the lights went out and it was all black.

“Everyone ready?”

“Yeah, but…”

“Do we really have to wear these?”

“C’mon, you two, just go with it!”

“Ugggggh…” They harmonized.

“Ready~, ACTION!”

The lights turned back on and Yuuna pretended to wake up from her sleep.

“Eh? What’s happening?”

Mina jumped in, to my surprise, in a fairy outfit. She kind of looked like Tinker Bell, and I snickered a bit.

“I am a fairy, Minarun. I will make you into a magical girl and have you fight Ijiwarun, who is trying to destroy the world.”

“Even if you come and tell me so suddenly, I won’t be able to…”


“NISHISHISHISHISHI!” I saw Yuka come in wearing a demon costume with a crazy look on her face. I tried to hold in my laughs, where as Jurina beside me couldn’t contain hers. “Who should I bully next?! NISHISHISHISHI!”

“So, you’re here already, Ijiwarun! Now, please use your powers and fight! Please, Yuuna, lend me your power.”

“But, I can’t do something like that…”

“If you keep saying things like that, all of your family and friends will be lost! Are you okay with that?”

Yuuna shook her head and stood up from the bed. “I don’t want that! Yuuna will become a magical girl!”

Mina handed her a magic wand and she waved it a few times.

“Lovely Heart Angel!” She pointed it at Yuka, and she pretended to be hit with magic light and spun away.

“I’m sorry for bullying you~!!!” she screamed before she was off camera.

Yuuna and Mina jumped and cheered at the victory. Mai was sitting there applauding while the others and I sat silently.

“What’d you think, ****-chan?”

“Eh? Uh…” I cleared my throat and sat up a bit. “Well, I didn’t expect it to be a fantasy genre… More like, a romance.”

“So, you can’t use it?” she said with a sad face.

Ah, dang, I better make her feel better…

My rule is, never let someone go unhappy(but, Mieko earlier was just being her weird self, so…)

“I can’t use it for my movie, specifically. But, I must say, you have quite the imagination. And good work as a cameraman and director. I’ll definitely call you first if we do a fantasy film.”


“I wanted to do the confession with senpai scene…” Yuka said, still bummed.

“Don’t be sad, Nishishi.” Jurina hugged her and laid her head on her shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll be able to do a scene like that soon.”

“Yeah, but, when it comes to girliness, I lose…”

“Well, anyways, I gotta go and check on--”

“Wait!” The door burst open one more time and I saw Masana standing there. She seemed more confident than usual about something.

“Eh? Masana-chan?”

“Uhh, Masana, what are you…?”

“I have a scene with Ego-chan that is MUCH better, and much, MUCH cuter than Mai-san’s!!!”


Masana pulled out her phone and started playing the video. “I had my friend, Mizuki, film it.”

“Why? Are you in it?”


Oh boy…

When it started, the scene was at the beach. Yuuna ran in and turned around. “Masana-chan, come over here!”

“Wait for me, Ego-chan~ Haa….” Masana ran in, out of breath.

“Mou~, Masana-chan, you’re as slow as a turtle.”

“Eh~? I’m way faster than that!” she laughed. “Now then, you try to catch me, Ego-chan!”

The two ran off the screen, Yuuna chasing after Masana… Then, they came back in the other direction…

Really, all they were doing was going back and forth across the screen. And that weird laugh Masana was making just made it look even more cheap.

It finally ended with Yuuna finally catching up to Masana.

“I caught you, Masana-chan!”

“Ah~ you got me!”

“Don’t you run away from me again, okay?”

“Un! I won’t!” The two hugged and Masana giggled like a fangirl as she poked Yuuna’s cheek. “Kawaii~~~”

I looked around at everyone else.


Masana turned to look at me. “Well?”

“Uhhh… I.. don’t know what to say.”

No, really. I DO NOT know how to respond to that.

“Was it good? Can we use it?”

“Well… I do like it, and I think we can use some scenes on the beach. But… that scene just needs a bit more editing.”

“Editing? Was it bad?”

Better come up with something fast.

“Well, see, since it was filmed on your phone, the quality wasn’t good. And also, since it was windy, it was very loud and I couldn’t hear some of your lines.”

“Hmm… I guess you’re right.”

“Exactly. This kind of scene needs the professional work of our club. Just leave it to me, Masana. Now, you need to hurry and meet up with the others for the next scene.”

“OK!” Masana took her phone back and walked out, waving goodbye.

“Well, now what?”

“It still feels like it needs something…” I said to myself. What could my movie be missing?


Walking down to the beach, I saw a certain Osaka girl preparing for what looked like a scene for my movie. It was a transfer student from Namba Girls’ High, Yamada Nana.

“Nana-san?” I walked up and saw her standing at a takoyaki stand, wearing a standard takoyaki salesgirl outfit.

“Ah, ****! You’re just in time.”

“What’s going on? I didn’t remember writing this scene in the movie.”

“Well, I was really thinkin’ about what ya texted me, about ya’ll sayin’ that the movie needed somethin’. And then, I figured out somethin’!”


“Since me and Milky don’t have a lot of screen time, we needed a scene that showed the full beauty of Osaka to this school!”

That explains the get-up…

She handed me a camera and turned it on.

“I’ll need ya to record since I’m going to be part of the scene.”

“Alright, uh, who else is here?”

“Come on, you two!”

I looked and saw Milky walking up to hug me. “Hi~”

“Hey, Milky. Where’d you get this jacket?”

“My brother lent it to me for the scene.”

“Hey, Warukii, don’t suddenly go fishing ****-san again.” A familiar voice rang in my ears.

OMG, it’s Miyazawa Sae!!! I can’t believe Nana got her to be in this scene. And also, a boy’s role! She’s so ikemen~~~

“Gomen ne, Sae-chan.”

Sae laughed as she separated us and smiled at me.

“Sorry bout her. You know how she can get.”

“Nah, it’s okay, Sae. I-I totally understand…” Crap, I can’t speak properly in front of her. She’s so cool~…

“Alright, let’s shoot this baby!” Nana shouted as they all got in their places. “****, you recordin’?”

“Yup!” I said as I pointed the camera forward.

“Alright, we’re ready!”

“OK~… Action!”

As Nana pretended to be preparing takoyaki, Milky suddenly ran in, Sae following behind.

“Hold on a sec, Miyuki!”

“Don’t touch me!” Milky said as she pulled her arm back, in her Osaka accent.

“I told you, it’s not like that. It’s all a misunderstanding.”

“What misunderstandin’? I don’t care anymore!”

“I didn’t do anything with that girl.”

“If you didn’t do anythin’ with her, then why did y’all go to Don Quixote together? I saw everythin’!”

“…I have a reason for that.”

“What is it? Tell me!”

Sae sighed and reached into his pocket. “The truth is….this.” He pulled out a small pink box.


“Today’s the 3rd year anniversary since we’ve started dating, right? So…here.” He gave the box to Milky. “I’ve never bought a present before, so I had to get a friend to help me.”


Sae nodded.

“And I was doubtin’ you… I’m such a bad girlfriend.”

Sae smiled, and then…

“That’s not true.”


“I love ya!” Milky, I’m SO jealous of you, right now~~~

“Right~? I love you too.”

I saw Nana applaud the scene and step out. Is this a continuation?

“That is nice~! I saw everythin’! Here, eat this,” she handed the two a plate of fresh takoyaki.

“Eh? You sure?”

“Yea, no problem! I just made it so it’s still hot.”

“It IS hot!”

“It’s hot, right, but it’s not as hot as the burnin’ love between you two!”

“Oh, you’re funny~” Milky elbowed her shoulder a few times.

“To say something like that! Haha!”

As they were laughing and eating the takoyaki, I couldn’t help but smile. This was a great scene for the movie.

“Cut!” I said as the scene came to a close. “That was great. Thanks, Nana-san!”

“Gotta to work on the other scenes?”

“Yup. You guys get changed and meet up with me in the clubroom later.”


“See ya, ****-san~”


With everyone gathered in the club room, we all sat silently as I looked through the footage we had. Even with editing, re-editing, and re-re-editing for certain cases, I still couldn’t figure out what was missing.

“I don’t get it…” I said aloud. “There just something… SOMETHING missing.”

The other Matsui, Rena, walked up to me. “****, I know you really wanted to do this movie, but if you can’t…”

“No, I can! I can figure this out!” I held my head a bit. “Ah, Churi, do you have the film for Rena’s scene?”

“Oh, yeah!” The bird-loving girl looked through her bag and pulled out a disc.

I put it into my laptop and started the footage as everyone circled around me to watch it.

Maybe this could be my answer..!

“Ah, it’s starting!”

The first thing we saw was… Suda? What is she wearing? And what is she doing to Rena?

“Come!” she said pulling her arm. “Come! Come!”

“EEEEEH?!” All of us screamed and turned to Akari. She just shrugged as a reply.

This looks more like a period drama!!!!

“Come, don’t be shy! Come here~, come here~”

“Let go of me!”

“Don’t you want to?” She took her hand and started rubbing it. “Isn’t it fine~? Isn’t it fine~?”

Rena looked to the camera “You can’t. No no.”

Where have I seen that before?

“No, no, no, you like this, right?”

“Please, let me go!” Suda made her stand up and untied the sash at her waist, pulling it. She span around and fell to the floor. “Are~~~”

We then noticed she slipped out of her yukata as she fell.

“Wait, what’s with her clothes?” One member, Kanon pointed out as we saw the clothes she wore underneath the yukata.

“Rena-chan?” The puppy Jurina turned her head to Rena.

“Uh… i-it’s a… ninja costume.”


“That outfit…” The Akari on the computer screen said. “You…! You’re a ninja!”

“Damn it! Now that you’ve found out, there’s no choice. It’s a duel!”

Rena took out a katana sword and stood up. Akari also unsheathed her sword and faced her.

“My seventh rival!”

“How many rivals do you have anyways?” Oba Mina said in the back.

The two battled it out for a bit, then Akari pushed Rena back with her sword and knocked her to the ground.

“If this keeps going…”

Just then, a certain bird-girl jumped up and her head popped up from the bottom of the screen. The camera moved down to face her.

“Could it be~ Could it be~ Do you want me to come in and save you~?”

Again, where have I heard that before?

Churi ran up with her sword to Rena’s side and pulled her katana out.

“Let’s do it!”

“Try it, if you dare!!!” Akari said, facing the two.

Then, anticlimactically, the two slashed her from both sides and killed her instantly. Akari, being Akari, ran towards the camera and faced the screen before falling to the ground, “dying”.

“That was fast!” Furukawa said.

Churi and Rena, both out of breath, smiled.

“We did it.”

“Yes. Great job.”

The two changed to the “roof” set and did a super-fast ninja walking as they “flew” through the sky.

“Demons are still ruining rampant in this world.” Wait, what?

“Master, it’s ‘running’ rampant.” Rena corrected Churi. I facepalmed.

Then, a voiceover played, “Until they vanquish the evil in this world, do your best, Sakae’s female ninja!” Then they pretended to teleport and the screen faded to black. “Fin” appeared on the screen shortly before the video ended.

Churi banged her head on the table a few times.

“I don’t remember this movie having ninjas.”

“We were just messing around before we filmed the scene…”

“I thought it’d be funny on the blooper reel.”

Churi groaned and looked through her bag. “I must’ve brought the wrong disc! I’m sure it was in here somewhere.”

I sighed as I sat back from my chair. Still, no answer…

“I’m sorry, ****.”

“It’s okay, guys… All I wanted to do was, figure out what was missing.”

“Hm…” Jurina listened to the recording of the song we did for the movie and smiled. “Hey, don’t you guys see what this movie is about?”


“What’s our movie really about?”

“Uh… love?”



“Actually, it’s all of these things! We had it perfect, but there’s still one thing we can do to make it perfect.”


Jurina came closer and whispered her idea into my ear. I smiled widely.

“That sounds perfect.” I grabbed my camera and headed out. “Come on, guys! We need to hurry now, while the sky is still clear.”

“The sky?” Everyone harmonized.

“Yup. We’ve got ONE more cast member joining our movie,” I said pointing to the most important thing we needed. What we were missing.


“Ready, Jurina?”


“And… action!”

« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 11:46:52 AM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline fridaa_ai

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Re: Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2016, 08:02:05 AM »
Eh? How with the bukiyou taiyou scene? Am I the one who don't realize it?  :?
Is it had a relation with the picture below? Bcz the picture (idk why) can't be shown in my laptop  :sweatdrop:
Or, masaka this story will have the sequel?(?) .-.
Anyways, good story you have there, I like how you combine the parted scenes from ebisho into one complete fiction :on GJ:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2016, 11:47:21 AM »
Eh? How with the bukiyou taiyou scene? Am I the one who don't realize it?  :?
Is it had a relation with the picture below? Bcz the picture (idk why) can't be shown in my laptop  :sweatdrop:
Or, masaka this story will have the sequel?(?) .-.

Fixed it. ;)

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline hackata48

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Re: Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2016, 01:33:46 PM »
What are you capable of Ruka.... That I now know....

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2016, 01:39:09 PM »
What are you capable of Ruka.... That I now know....

Oh, is that so? :3

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline fridaa_ai

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Re: Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2016, 01:58:03 PM »
Ah, I got it, so after that conversation, they make this bukiyou taiyou video? (If I'm not mistaken :v)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Bukiyo Taiyou: The Movie (You fic)
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2016, 02:02:18 PM »
Ah, I got it, so after that conversation, they make this bukiyou taiyou video? (If I'm not mistaken :v)

Yes. :D

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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