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Author Topic: DiVA Project (SaeYaka + others):Chapter 10 -Torn Hearts: Part 2 (26-09-2014)  (Read 24385 times)

Offline Cometerz48

  • "Nothing is prettier than a smart mind and a warm smile, thus that is why I like Kamieda Emika. She has both."
  • ecchi
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  • Everybody needs a dark horse.Kamieda Emika is mine
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Re: DiVA Project (SaeYaka + others): Chapter 8 - Visits (Part 2) (1/27/2014)
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2014, 04:29:15 PM »
@Shinoki-san: Hehehe, thank you for the compliment. Yes, Erepyon and Minami is set to be dead already in this fic. But despite that, I shall turn the odds as this fic goes on. So I hope you stay tuned until all of the mysteries are revealed.

@Ruka Kikuchi-san: Yes, the Mistress is capable of bringing the dead and controlling people's mind. Oh, just wait and see until I posted next chapters soon.. *evil laugh*

@Lost Heaven-san / Ann-san: Yes, Maachan is dead. But you were right when you asked whether there is a big event happened to her. I'm actually planning to use Micha soon, but not now and not as Mistress being honest. But soon...

@BbSis-san: Of course you'd know. This an AKB Fanfic thread and we're all wotas here so I guess we should know who'd it be. Hmm.. you're on the right track when you say the word "godness"..

@DiVAGal2458: Natsumi won't be given any serum unfortunately. As it was said before, the serum is still on experiment stage where only DiVA members are given. Hehe, drunk Noro is cool eh? Wait till you see what I've got in store for her. Hope you're still interested in Lunar Project after this  :lol:

Hello minna-san~

Sorry for long time update. Had lot's of things going on now since I decided that I'd need to work hard on Chemistry and Biology at school, and also I am happy to announce my first collaboration fanfic, Samurai Princess: The Legend Begins with the awesome legendary, Ruka Kikuchi-san. Yes, this is a quick advertisement that will soon be heading towards the continuation of this fanfic.

Now, here is the next chapter of DiVA Project. Sorry for the bad English and SaeYaka shippers, brace yourself~

DiVA Project: Chapter 9 - Unraveling
By Cometerz48

Akimoto Sayaka POV

“We’re here.” announced Ayaka as soon as she stopped the car by the cemetery gate. The cemetery was located on a hill, a few miles from the base and this cemetery is special dedicated to those who died in actions or on duty. “We’ll be expecting new ones coming since our “visitors” killed them.” She added grimly.

“Come on.” Said Noro opening her door and slammed it close. She hasn’t spoken since she announced where we were going and her expression the whole time in the car was so tensed up instead of being drunk as she meant to be.

Noro then started heading up the hill with me and Ayaka trailing behind. After passing rows of gravestones, we finally stopped in front of one beside a hollow tree, it was covered with snows and when Noro rubbed it out, the name carved there was clear.

Born: 22th  November 1995
Died: 30th April 20XX

“You were wondering what is Lunar Project aren’t you?” asked Noro to both of us. I was confused of course since I didn’t knew anything about it, while Ayaka whom stood beside me nodded. Realising my confusement, Noro jerked her head towards me. “Tell her what you’ve got so far, Ayaka.”

Ayaka then started explaining to me about the whole bunch of things she has gathered so far. From the attacks on the night of Erena’s death, the attack we had days ago and the correlation between them. I gapped my mouth as I started processing it all in my head, which then ended up myself wondering what is it that Noro is about to talk about.

After Ayaka finished her explanation, I turned to Noro whom decided to sit on a stonebench beside Manami’s grave. “What is Lunar Project?”

Noro took a deep breath before then stared at us one by one in the eyes, her own eyes radiated some seriousness . “What I am about to tell you is classified, so I want both of you to make sure no one knows about it other than you guys and the rest of DiVA. Got it?”

Ayaka and I nodded, Noro smiled thinly. “First of all, I knew all of these after the General appointed me as his secretary. If I were to know this earlier, I would stop it before it gets out of hand and took Erena’s life in the end.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. Noro didn’t answer and continued on.

“The reason that I brought you to Manami’s grave is because she played an important role in the Project.” Began Noro. “It began years ago before we were even born when a famous fortune teller made it’s way to the previous General and said it’s prophecy. Now, I know it sounded crazy but this fortune teller was the imperial fortune teller which tells the fate of this country in the coming days and so far none of his predictions ever miss.”

“The fortune teller said that one day the whole world will be on the verge of mass death if the Moon’s wrath weren’t contained. And before anyone could ask what he meant by that, he died of a sudden heart attack right where he announced it. Clutched in his hand was a sketch of crescent moon and a bow.”

“Then soon the higher ups started their investigations on the prophecy. Now, I know it sounded crazy. But if the higher ups believed in the fortune teller, the military also will be forced to believe and investigate it. Then it was revealed that the symbol on the sketch was none other the sign of Artemis, the Greek Goddess of Moon, Hunting and…. Virginity.”

“Or known as Diana..” spoke Ayaka. “Then does it have the correlation towards the temple we blew up?”

“I’ll be getting to that soon.” Promised Noro. “Now, then after researching about it, the archeologists found a legend that the Goddess have no child and instead have a band of huntress that served under her name. Another thing that they also found was shockingly an identical site of a temple dedicated to her in this country that is the same as the one in Greece, which was the temple we blew up.” She nodded.

“How the hell did that get in to this place?” I asked.

Noro shrugged, “I don’t know, Sayaka. Well then continuing on, each temple is meant to serve as a safe keep instead of just a place to pray to her. What they keep was said to be something powerful, powerful enough to bring down the whole Mt. Olympus where the Gods lived..”

“Now, the only one that could get it’s hand on this thing was said to be Artemis’s Huntress or her own descendants..”

“But you said before, that Artemis has no child!!” I complained.

“She doesn’t, but the descendants of Artemis Huntress who breaks the rules of Virginity might as well have the power to achieve the object at the temple.” Said Noro. “Then the higher ups made a decision to prevent the prophecy by getting it’s hands on the object firstly before it could happen. The project then is called Lunar Project.”

“First of all, none of them believed that only the descendants could retrieve it, then they started searching it by themselves by sending agents to the temple. But then, there were no results of it. The Agents that were sent never returns and the search party that looked for them also faced the same fate.”

“Realizing that they’re wasting their time and soldiers, the higher ups then search for the possible descendants. They secretly sent agents to Europe and search for the descendants by tracing each people’s history roots. One of the agents that was sent was your uncle, Akimoto Yasushi.”

“The General?” I asked. I never referred him as uncle as I grew in the military system, the system was tough and professionalism is an important matter. That’s why I always addressed him as “General” instead of “uncle”.

“Your uncle is a very smart man. He went to the village areas of each of Artemis’s temple and did a full scan on the history background, it took him more than ten years to do it all.. Until finally he found what he might be looking for, a five year old orphan girl who lived with her neighbors down in the meadow of Artemis’s temple area.”

“The girl then was brought to this country carefully and she has been under the care of the country’s secret service in order to secure her safely. Her identity was hidden and replaced by the name of Oku Manami.”

“Maachan..”   whispered Ayaka. Noro nodded and gets a lighter out of her jacket pocket and played with it.

“Manami who was under the protection of the secret service has a pretty out going attitude. She loved escaping from the safe house and explored the forest, sometimes for a day hike or days of camping.” she chuckled. “Of course, the secret service had a good amount of scolding from your uncle. And in the end he decided to keep Manami under his eyes, yes he brought Manami home didn’t he?”

“He did..” I whispered.

Memories flashed in my mind, the first time I met Oku Manami. I was 17 years old that time and just got home after school was finally over. When I took a walk to my uncle’s huge green house, I saw her just there kneeling beside the blueberry bush. I, who didn’t recognized her at all then approached her. As I get closer, I also noticed that there’s someone else kneeling beside her; my uncle.

Noticing my approach, the girl turned and swished her light brown hair. She was frightened and quickly hid behind my uncle. She clutched his pant’s materials as she watched me getting closer.

“Sayaka, she will be staying with us for now.”

“Who is she?”

“Let me introduced you,..” he said before lightly pulled  her from his leg and made her stand in front of him. “this is Manami.”

Noticed how scared she is, I pulled myself a smile and bent down to her. Her iris was light brown just like her hair and her skin was white as porcelain dolls, clearly hinting that she’s a foreigner.

“I’m Sayaka.” I introduced myself and offered her my hand. “Nice to meet you, Manami.”

At first, she only looked at my opened hand before eventually reached out for it and took my hand. I shook it nice and easy as a sign of welcoming her, she smiled then eventually and soon she picked a blueberry from the bush and offered it to me.

“Can I?” I asked her after she dropped the berry on my palm.

“Yes you can.” She spoke to me for the first time. Her voice sounded clear as the her irises gleamed that time, so pure and yet refreshing…

As years passed since I met her for the first time, she grew up and treated me like an older sister while I treated her as my own little sister. We laughed, we shared, we talked, we helped each other and many more. But then, she decided to shock all of us by joining the army recruits in the same time as I.

“I want to explore the nature!” she spoke clearly at the night I confronted her. I was trying to remind her that she has a bad health already and entering the army might push her limit. “I don’t mind to do it.” She answered me. “As long as you’re there, I’ll be fine..”

“Please…” she pleaded to me with those round eyes. Couldn’t resist it at all, I made her face uncle instead for the permission. Which then she got them easily just in one night and came the next morning with her documents completed…

Short story, we both managed to past the hellish exams and soon was down to the last test. The ones remaining were I, Manami, Yuko, Natsumi, Kana, Ayaka, Yuka, Noro, Meetan, Natsuki, Erena, and Sae. Our last test was to survive in a remote area for the whole week with our own packs, we weren’t allowed to help each other at all and it was tough for me to leave Manami like that.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine Onee-chan.” She assured me and ran when the bell rang for us to separate. I couldn’t help to think about her for every second, my “older sister” instinct always told me to go look for her. But then my other part of me managed to make me not to follow that instinct unless feel like failing.
Six days passed on the test, I managed to survive a whole bunch of things such as angry brown bears, wasp nest, poisonous snakes, and thirsty mosquitoes. I t was down to the last night and just before I decided to go to my tent and have my last snooze for the day, my chest felt tightened all the sudden and made me dropped to my knees.

What was that..? I thought to myself.

But before I could answer that, I heard the voice of a helicopter from above and saw that it was one of ours and headed towards east in high speed. My heart fell as if something bad was happening, the helicopters are meant to be for tomorrow.. And so I grabbed my blade and ran chasing the helicopter on foot. I slashed the tall grasses that blocked my way as once in a while glanced up to see if I’m still following the flying steel. I didn’t stop to catch my breath and kept on running, my instinct told me to. My “older sister” one..

Once I arrived at the helicopter landing place, I saw someone leaning against the tree and motionless. The light brown hair was swished by the night wind and was recognized able enough for me to see thanks to the helicopter’s lamp. Without waiting for the crews to get down, I ra to the tree and saw Manami with closed eyes and pale face.

“Manami!!” I yelled at her in my arms. She wasn’t breathing and yet her pulse felt weak, something happened to her quite badly.. “Manami!!!”

I felt hands pulled me away from her, I resisted it and managed to punch one of the crew in the nose. Soon then, I was dragged away from Manami and watched her being tended by the medic crews. The tears in my eyes swelled up before eventually I started crying in worries. I’ve lost a lot already in my life, and now Manami is going to..

When Manami was put on the stretchers with her mouth covered with oxygen mask, I ran up to her as she was being taken to the helicopter and no one stopped me. Instead, they told me to get in to and the test got officially cancelled. On the way back to the base, I kept holding to her hand as she lied there on the stretcher with her eyes closed. Then when we arrived, she was rushed quickly to the hospital wing.

 I ran to chase her, but a hand stopped me. I turned, and saw my uncle with a grim expression on his face. He told me that I can’t go further more and told me to stay by his side. I refused and struggled my hand free, but he kept his firm grip steady and Manami was already taken somewhere else where I can’t see her anymore. I beg him to let me go, but he just stand there in silence as his hand still gripped on mine. I couldn’t take it anymore, I cried. It was the first time I cried since I lost my parents and my brother..

“In the end she died..” I spoke softly before sniffing my nose. Ayaka looked at me with a sad face and pat my back softly, while Noro still played with her lighter.

“She did died in the end.” said Noro. “But the Lunar Project continues..”

“What do you mean?” I sniffed. “Manami is dead and who else would do that stupid project?”

“The government refused to let go of the matter.” Said Noro. “They have spent years of researching and efforts on finding the heir and would they want it all to end by a death of a girl? No they won’t..”

“Then what happened next?” huskily asked Ayaka. “How come Erena was involved in this after then?”

“I’m getting to that.” continued Noro. “The government was very angry at the General Akimoto once they found out Manami’s death. They tormented him non-stop until he himself suggested another way to continue the project.”

“What did he suggested?” asked Ayaka anxiously.

 “He suggest to do an experiment so that Lunar Project could carry on. Since Manami’s body was preserved at least for a week this meant that the organs in her body might still be fresh and appropriate for transplant.”

“He suggested Erena to take Manami’s organs…” I finished up with widened eyes.

“Yes. If you can remember, Manami and Erena was called “the Miracles” by the examinee for their toughness until the last stage of test despite their physical condition. Erena was an orphan adopted by the Takahashi Family. So if you can remember why Takamina was over protective to her, it’s because Takamina already treated her as a sister.” said Noro continuing her activity of lighting candles. “You remembered who was the one looked beat up the most and was close to death after that test? Other than Manami?”

“Erena was the one.” Said Ayaka. “She was….” She shook her head and pulled a deep breath, unable to say further.

“Yes, she was in a horrible state when the medic team found her. So bloody and beat up, but alive..” said Noro. “Now, continue on.. General Akimoto believed that the legend said before that only descendants can retrieve the object, if it was true he believed that scientifically the temple only accept the descendant’s blood.”

“So he suggested to fully transplanting all of Manami’s organs to Erena?” asked Ayaka with a wrinkled nose looking a bit disgust.

“Yes.” said Noro before she put down her match into her pocket.

“That’s horrible.” I spoke loudly. I can feel my blood boiled all the sudden after hearing Noro’s story.

Manami whom I always treated as a sister.. Her empty body buried under the grave of her name, like a scrapped container while her insides were all taken out for a stupid project…

I took a deep breath, “Then how come we were attacked on the same event of the moon?”

“Do you remember what they told us to do that night when Erena died?” asked Noro with a gritted teeth.

“They told us to get investigate some strange cases happening around the temple.” I answered. “Missing local villagers and farm animals.”

“Well, all of those are lies.” said Noro. “The main mission wasn’t that, in fact it’s not our mission. It’s just a decoy for us not to notice what the real mission was.”
“What was the real mission?”

Noro took a deep breath, “The real mission was top secret an only Ono Erena was given the mission. The mission was to retrieve the object safely and secure it, it was the last step of the Lunar Project.”

“But it failed.” I spoke. “Instead, those savage creatures came out and chased us. Erena sacrificed her life for the last stand on that bridge.”

“It was her duty.” said Noro. “If she were to failed, she was to kill herself in order to keep the information on Lunar Project hidden forever.”

I was angry. I was angry at the Government, the higher ups, the military, the previous General, and of course the General Akimoto Yasushi..

As if Noro can sense my anger, she looked into my eyes with apologetic eyes. I knew she felt guilty deep down for the late mention to me. I sighed, “It’s not your fault Noro.”

“But at least I should told you earlier..” said Noro grimly. The sudden ringtone of Ayaka’s phone cracked the silence until Ayaka picked it up.

“Umeda’s here. Ah, Yuko!” answered Ayaka. “You got some answers already..?”

No one’s POV
Team A Interrogation Room

“Not much.” answered Yuko through the phone as she kept her eyes focused on the clear glass in front of her. The clear glass window showed Kobayashi Kana tied up in a white strait jacket, her eyes were cold as ever despite the fact that she couldn’t move at all. “Pretty much they all refused to tell us..”

Yuko strained herself not to reach out for the figure and shook it hard so that “the real” Kana would come back, but she knew it’s not going to be easy since someone else is in there. Somebody evil enough to kill the guards and break down Takamina’s door..

“You’re lucky that my Mistress didn’t give my power back. If she did, you’d all be dead by now..” spoke Kana coldly to the other figure in front of her.  The low humming of electric current soon to be heard and Kana wriggled in pain. When the sound goes down, Kana was huffing but the sinister smile was plastered on her face. “Go on, kill me if you can. Once this heart stopped beating, Kobayashi Kana won’t be back forever.”

“Don’t make me get my hands bloody.” warned a voice from the tall figure in front of Kana. “You wouldn’t want to get the best interrogator’s hands bloody, right?” said the figure in a sadistic tone.

“Mariko..” warned the other figure beside the tall one. “Don’t.”

“Oh come on, Takamina!” retorted Mariko to the figure before glancing back at Kana. “And beside you don’t have your power currently, Miss…”

“Persiphae would be lovely.” Laughed Kana evily.

“Right, Miss Persiphae..” continued Mariko. “Now tell me who the hell sent you!!” yelled Mariko loudly but only to be laughed again by Kana. Mariko then raised her fist and punched Kana right in the guts, making Kana coughed up some blood.

“MARIKO!!”yelled Takamina as she grab hold of Mariko’s arm and pulled her back out of the room. Kana whom just finished up her bloody cough just smiled with those bloody red glossed lips, successfully making Yuko shivered up to her bones.

“It’s not going so good until now. I’ll inform you once I got something out from them..” said Yuko through the phone and shut the connection. “Kana, what happened to you…” whimpered Yuko alone looking through the glass.

“Something that I was afraid of..” said a voice behind her. Yuko turned and saw the General was standing just behind her with his trademark grim look.

“General!” yelped Yuko and gave the General the military salute. “What brings you here may I asked?”

“News.” answered the General shortly. “News of Kobayashi Kana has returned to this place and rampaging the front hall and possibly the hospital wing..”

“It wasn’t her General!” said Yuko. “Kana was possessed! Or someone possessed her body..”

“Well whatever it is, it’s the beginning of what this country has been dreading for a long time..” said the General as his eyes peered into the glass too.  Yuko frowned on the General’s words and suspected that the General knew something about it, but she kept her tongue tucked in. If she asked, she knew he’s not going to answer it.

As if she could hear the General’s word, Kana raised her head towards the glass and grinned evilly. Her eyes peered into the glass and Yuko knew she was looking either at her or the General himself. “Yes, the Moon Wrath shall not be contained anymore now.. My Mistress shall unite with her weapon after being separated from her for centuries and renewed this world…” spoke Kana still with her eyes to the window. “And I shall have my full power back and then the real Kobayashi Kana and the rest of all of you shall fall hard into the underworld…”

Matsubara Natsumi’s room

“Oi wake up.” Said a voice as Sae felt somebody shook her shoulder hard.

The Genking groaned and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She was sleeping the whole time by Natsumi’s bed and she could see that the night has settled in. She turned and saw Yuki was staring at her with hands on her hips and a clipboard.

“Get something to eat Sae. You’ve been here since hours ago and now I need to check on her.”

“I’m not hungry.” mumbled Sae as she stretched her arms and got out of Yukirin’s way.. “I heard you’re handling Miho. How is she?”

“A deep stab on her chest was troublesome.” Said Yuki without looking at Sae and checked on Natsumi’s breathing by the states cope in her ear. “But thank God it didn’t get her heart, her lungs suffered badly though…”

“You think she’ll live?” asked Sae all the sudden. Yuki nodded and continued examining Natsumi’s pulse. Sae threw her head to the side, and headed towards the door, “I’m going to get something then you better let me back in here again..” she said without looking at Yuki.

“How long are you going to stay here and mourn over her?” asked Yuki. Sae turned back and saw the doctor filling in the form on her clipboard, “Don’t you have a mission now? While your friends struggling to answer all these craziness, you’re here mourning over someone who’s not even dead yet.” Spoke Yuki loudly then turned to Sae with a disgust look. “HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO STAY LIKE THAT, MIYAZAWA?!” she yelled.

Sae was taken back by Yuki’s expression and fell quiet. The tomboy bit her lips, “Until…”

“UNTIL THIS PLACE TURNS TO DUST? UNTIL EVERYONE IS DEAD?!” asked Yuki with a red face. “Can’t you see that we’ve lost a lot of people already? Can’t you see that your friends has turned to monsters and killed them? And I’ve got a member of my team with a stab on her chest and was on the verge of dying!!?

“SHUT UP!” yelled Sae frustrated. This time it was Yuki who was taken back by Sae, “Like hell you know about me, Yukirin!! Like hell you know how much I’ve been suffering since I lost her for real..”

“Sae…” said Yuki.

“I lost her and it’s all my fault…” said Sae with guilt look upon her face and slumped as she sobbed. “If it weren’t for my phobia, she would have been alive. And now, I just don’t want to lose anyone again…”

“Sae..” said Yuki again. She was about to approached her, but just before her hand touched Sae’s shoulder she stopped it by herself and pulled back. “Geez, you never change do you? Always blaming yourself for everything and cried in the end like a child.”

“I could say the same to you Yukirin.” said Sae as she stood up and back away. Her face was still red from crying, but at least it’s under her control now. “None of us change.”

“Yeah.” Said Yuki shortly.

“How is she treating you now?” asked Sae without looking at Yuki.

“Better than you I suppose. At least she knew the timings to give me space when I want it.” answered Yuki ignorantly.

“That’s good..” commented Sae awkwardly. “I’m going to get something then..”

“Wait.” Sae turned again. “Why are you still calling me Yukirin?” questioned Yuki with a frown and blushed. “You realized that we’re over ages ago.”

Sae shrugged, “I know.”

“Maybe it’s because I can’t get over you, Kashiwagi Yuki.”

Chapter 9 - Unraveling: End

To be Available: Chapter 10 - Torn Hearts

Offline Shinoki

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Re: DiVA Project (SaeYaka + others): Chapter 9 - Unraveling (02-09-2014)
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2014, 05:16:30 PM »
...doki doki... doki doki...
much revealed eh~
I'm looking forward to the next~~~
the management in this world
is as much of a butt as any world...
so thats what happened to Manami and Pyon...

Offline Lost Heaven

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Re: DiVA Project (SaeYaka + others): Chapter 9 - Unraveling (02-09-2014)
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2014, 09:16:16 PM »

It's Lunar Project is so terrible!
How can General do this? Because of him, Maa-chan and Erepyon died... And Sayaka and Takamina was left without their dearest little sisters, thought they're not really related by blood...

It is my imagine, or in the end it's really turn in SaeYuki? Oh, my God, no! Sae, please come back to Sayaka...

Offline Cometerz48

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Re: DiVA Project (SaeYaka + others): Chapter 9 - Unraveling (02-09-2014)
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2014, 02:45:18 PM »
@Shinoki-san: Glad you're looking forward to it~ Here's the next chapter~~

@Lost Heaven-san: Yes, it was technically created by the Government and General Akimoto was doing his job as a secret service that time. Of course which later then getting him promoted to General rank. Hmm.. Don't worry whichever Sae would be with, you'll love it~

Hello people!!! Sorry haven't been writing much since I got a lot of projects at school. And someone when I finished them I started getting so lazy, before then I pushed myself at least to type this chapter.

(*someone yells* If you are, then why are you updating this??!!)

Well, I know there are a collab that I have been running away from for the last month (Ruka-san, hontouni gomenasai.. *bowed deeply*) which I will get to them very soon!!!

Now, here it is, the next chapter of DiVA Project. Hwaaa!! So excited that DiVA finally released a cover song!! Damn, Ume looked so hot with that hat and white shirt.. *drools over Ume*

Ah, sorry about it!! Here it is then~ Sorry for the bad English and I welcome anyone to give comments, critics, suggestions, or review about it~

PS: Guess what? Cometerz48 is one year closer to 18 now~~ Man, can't wait for the 'access'...

DiVA Project: Chapter 10 - Torn Hearts (Part 1)
By Cometerz48

No One’s POV
Somewhere in the city’s outskirts – Takahashi Mansion

A car stopped in front of the mansion’s gate. The driver press down the window button to reveal her face to the surveillance camera set near the gate. She lowered her shades slightly to reveal her entire eyes.

“It’s me.” said the driver looking straight at the camera.

“Ah, Ojou-sama.. Oyashiburi.” replied a voice from nowhere before the gate opened by itself. The driver nodded briefly and drove the car inside to the mansion before the gate closed behind it.

After a short drive to the front door, the car stopped it’s engine and the driver got out just in time when the front door opens. A butler stood in front of the door and gave a bow to the driver.

“Welcome home, Ojou-sama.” Greeted the butler briefly before taking off the driver’s jacket.

“Tadaima, Kai.” Replied the driver and opened her shades, revealing her sharp eyes. “Is Juri home?”

“She is in your father’s room, Minami-sama.” Told the one called Kai.

“How is he?” asked Takamina huskily.

“I am afraid his conditions are the same as last time you came, Minami-sama.” said the butler sadly as he followed Takamina walking down the hallway towards the stairs.

“I’ll go by myself from here, Kai.” said Takamina in front of the stairs. “Bring me something that will warm me up like tea or-“

“Vodka?” asked the butler with a slight smile, reading what’s on his mistress’s mind.
Takamina replied the smile with a sheepish look, “You read me well, Kai.” She admitted. “Yes that will be perfect. Bring me two glass of it, Kai.”

The butler’s eyebrows raised in interest. “Minami-sama, may I remind you that Juri-sama is still underage for alcohol drinks?”

Takamina sighed, “Kai, I won’t let my sister drunk with me until she’s legal to do so, alright?” she looked at Kai with a sarcastic look. “It’s for someone else.”

Again, the butler replied his Mistress’s order with a smile before bowing briefly. “As you wish, Minami-sama.” He said before turning to the kitchen.

Takamina sighed and stepped up to the second floor. The journey on the hallway was long but she finally came to stop in front of a big oak door. The girl sighed and knocked softly before turning the knob.

“Ohayou..” greeted the girl as she came in. The room was split into two parts, a huge study room with book cases raised up into the ceilings and a huge bedroom separated by only huge velvet curtains.

A girl, sitting down on one of the seats in front of the bookcases looked up towards Takamina before she smiled and ran up to her. Her black hair was tied into a ponytail, swishing around as she ran.

“Onee-chan! Oyashiburi~” hugged the girl as she buried her face on her sister’s hair. “I missed you, Onee-chan.”

“Tadaima, Juri.” Hugged Takamina back as she caressed the one called Juri on the back. “Sorry, I just managed to get a free time to visit now.”

“It’s alright.” comforted Juri after she pulled back from the hug. “Wow, you look great now, Captain Takahashi Minami.” compliment Juri. Her sly and thin looking eyes sparkled enough for Takamina to see it’s irises.

“How’s dad, Juri?” asked Takamina to the young girl. The smile on Juri’s face were quickly wiped out and she tilted her head down, shook it.

“Still the same. The doctors said that his internal injuries were already healed but he hasn’t woke up yet.” answered Juri as she walked towards the curtain and jerked it open.

“Three years, eh?” asked Takamina before she followed Juri and stepped in to the bedroom. A huge bed was set in the middle with many health equipments surrounding it. Cables, tubes, and syringes were attached to the on the bed.

The two siblings walked closer to the bed and stare down at a middle age figure lying on the bed with his eyes closed. The oxygen mask was covering his mouth and nose with the heart statistic attached to him.

“Dad..” whispered Juri as she hold the man’s hand that were lying on his side. “Onee-chan is here.”

“Tadaima, Otou-san..” nodded Takamina sadly. She pulled two chairs not far from her and place it next to the bed.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” stated Juri, rejecting the offered chair. She walked back to the library after taking a last glance at his father. “I love you, dad.” she whispered before leaving the room entirely.

Takamina sighed and turned her eyes towards the man on the bed. His eyes were  closed peacefully as his lungs steadily operates. Takamina put out her hand and hold his father’s hand for the first time since years ago. The young captain closed her eyes as she tried to recall her last memories with her father.

She was just a young lieutenant that time, like a few months old assigned to Team A. She could remember how happy she was when she passed the recruitments and stare up to the man standing on the platform above, smiling proudly at her and gave a standing applause on the coronation day.  Her two sister weren’t far from him, Erena and Juri was smiling at her too.

On daily basis, she would often see the General either in his office or hanging around the base with his guard and socialized with the ones around. Takamina remembered when he visited the Team A’s base and gave her and Acchan advises in sword practices.

“When you were holding the Katana, it’s different from holding other type of swords. With Katana you must swing it swiftly without much power to it. In missions, Katana is used for assassination mostly and the key of assassination is to do it fast without getting messy and loud.” He told the girls as he approached one of the dummy with a Katana in his hand.

“If you put too much power to it, the slim figure of Katana would eventually stick to the flesh when you swing it.” stated the General Takahashi before swung it to the dummy’s torso. “The Katana will be stuck there and you’d find your victims screaming in agony instead of instant silenced death.”

“However, if you swung it fast and swiftly…” he pulled out the sword from the torso and swung the Katana in an incredible speed to the dummy’s neck. “The sword goes through and will stop the air distribution to the head.” He ended after watching the dummy’s head fell down with bits of artificial blood splattering on the ground from the cut.

“You get it?” he asked the two girls and offered the Katana back to Takamina. The two girls nodded in awe after the short example. The man smiled and messed up Takamina’s hair a bit before leaving the room.

Later that night, she found him covered in blood in his study room just before dinner. It was a stormy night and she and Juri has been waiting for him to come down for the dinner. As soon she knocked on the door, a thunder clapped loudly shaking the mansion. Surprised, Takamina rushed to the room and met the huge window behind his father’s desk was already broken and saw a figure standing on the window’s frame.

“Ojou-sama, please save yourself!!” yelled a familiar voice on her left. Takamina glanced and saw her father’s guard struggling to get up. On his chest, a red rose has made an appearance on his shirt and the red liquid substance were coming out from the guard’s mouth as he speak.

Horrified, Takamina turned her eyes to the slumped figure behind him. Her eyes widened realizing who it is, the General himself.

With those things connected in her head, Takamina roared and threw her hidden knife to the figure on the window. She could hear the figure grunted as the metal managed to pierced a bit of his neck, but she did not stop and lunged at the figure and found herself falling from the window along with the figure.

Luckily, the pool bellow managed to gave her a safe landing for her and her figure. Not wasting her time, Takamina grasp for some air and punched the figure right in the guts. Her first punch did not failed her, but the second one did. The figure grabbed her fist and managed to bring his other hand on her nape and plunged her down to the water.

The danger of drowning surrounded her and panicked her. The young girl then pushed up her legs and bring it down on the figure’s head, plunging his face into the water too. Takamina struggled and finally managed to grasp for some air. Her fingers rounded themselves on a piece of glass and a sharp pain pierced through them. She ignored the pain and ripped the figure’s mask only to found herself staring at a pair of dark brown irises. She was dazed for a moment, a big mistake. The figure then landed his fist on her chest right in her breathing area.

Takamina coughed and soon found herself staring into the dark night clouds as her body sank slowly into the water.

“Ojou-sama.” a familiar voice woke her up. Takamina opened her eyes and glanced to find Kai standing beside her with two glass of vodka.

“Kai.” She fumbled before taking one of the glasses from his hand and pointed him to sit down on the other chair.

The butler obeyed and sat down. She gestured him to drink the vodka in his hand, but the butler only stare down at it.

“Kai, drink it. I know you haven’t been touching alcohol since that night.” said Takamina taking a sip for herself.

“I’d like to keep a low figure on myself since that night, mistress.” explained the butler shortly without any expression. “And I’d like it to keep it that way.”

“Please.” said a voice that shocked the butler. He found himself then staring at a pair of glassy looking eyes infront of him. “Please, I need you.”

The butler hesitated but then sighed before taking a sip then. “Ojou-sama, I-“

“I know you’ve been too hard on yourself.” Sniffed Takamina. “It was not your fault that time, that he got hurt..”


“I almost had him that night if only I could get a better sight of him, I’m sure he would be paying it by now..” sobbed Takamina as the alcohol sips in. “I was the one who failed..”

Kai put down his glass and stood up before approaching the girl and hugged her. Takamina couldn’t help it anymore, in the end she sobbed up like a baby in his chest. Crying her hearts out..

“Tell me, Kai..” fumbled Takamina between her tears. “Tell me why does anyone want to hurt him..? He was a nice man, Kai and you know it.”

Kai didn’t answer but instead caressed the girl’s hair softly, trying to comfort her. Not getting her answers, Takamina sobbed harder and pounded into his chest demanding for answers before eventually put her hands on his chest.

His chest wasn’t flat and she knew the wrinkly texture bellow the fabric on his chest. The wound on his chest has healed long time ago since that night, but she knew that his memories were still fresh from the event.

After she calmed down, Kai whispered in her ears. “I know.. But he was too nice, Ojou-sama..”

“What?” Takamina pulled back from Kai and stare at him.

“Erena-sama’s last mission. Your father was trying to stop it.” said Kai briefly glancing down at the general. “The mission handed out to her was planed behind him. I managed to find out about it and reported it to him on that night, but then he himself came to stop your father first before he could stop them.”

“Who is-“

“Hush..” whispered Kai placing his index finger to her lips. “This place has been bugged my lady, I can’t explain to you much more.” He whispered. His hand made it’s way to the General’s pillow and pulled something from under it.

“This should do. It’s my notes on the investigation about her mission. I hid it there so that no one could find it other than me.” He whispered cautiously as he handed the notebook to her.”Read it carefully, my lady. I’ll leave you so you can read it yourself.”

“Kai-“ gasped Takamina as Kai stood up and walked towards the curtains.

“My lady, if you are seeking for revenge, don’t do it. Let it go..” said Kai before closing the curtains.

Takamina stared dumbfounded for a moment, couldn’t believe her ears on what she just heard. She stared at the book and opened the first page.

Lunar Project

Takamina stare down at the two words before glancing at her unconscious father, somehow she could feel that her father would be urging her to open it if he was awake. She sighed before continuing on to the next page.


Masuda Yuka’s POV
Hospital Wing – Rooftop

Ignoring the police lines on the crime scene, I stepped in passing the yellow lines. Some burning marks on the rooftop were still there after what happened, also a large hole where I remembered seeing the metal ball for the first time.

“Miss, you are not permitted to enter the crime scene!” exclaimed a CSI. I flashed him a look to silence him, but someone else seemed to be doing a better job to do so.

“Let her be.” said a familiar voice. I turned to the source of the voice and saw The General’s secretary gesturing the CSI team to dismiss themselves.

“Nonti..” I said. The woman gave a sly smile and took off her shades, wind swishing her brown hair and the trench coat she wore.

“They’re still looking for clues.” said Noro Kayo approaching the roof’s railway. “They couldn’t find traces of the other figure you saw. But they found Natsuki’s finger prints on the windows when you said that she climbed it all till here.”

“Natsuki..” I fumbled. “It couldn’t be her.. There must’ve-“

“Yuka.” said Noro with a straight face. “It’s positive. They’ve cross checked the finger prints with the database.”

I shook my head in this believe, trying to hold the urge to cry right now.

“I’m sorry.” said Noro before I eventually fell on my knees and sobbed hard. She hugged me tight as I sobbed into her chest.

“It can’t be..” I shook my head as tears ran on my face. “Noro you know what Natsuki is really like..”

“I do Yuka.” said Noro with a comforting voice. “But it wasn’t her, honey.”

“What do you mean?” I asked looking up at her eyes.

“There was something different from them.. ‘Kana’ said that the real ‘Kana’ was locked somewhere.” Explained Noro. “I think the same case happened to Natsuki too.”

“Oh my God, Nacchi..” I sniffed. “Someone is controlling her?”

Noro nodded, “ ‘Kana’ said that there’s a ‘mistress’ whom revived them all and place them into the member’s body.”

“How is that possible??”

“Yuka,” said Noro sharply. “Sometimes you have to believe in something that sounded impossible because the fact that it’s possible and it has occurred.”

“What do you mean Noro?” my eyebrows scrunched in instant.

Noro sighed, “Let me tell you something, Yuka. But promise me you'll believe in it because I believe all of these were meant to be connected."

I nodded. Noro sighed before opening her mouth again.

"It all began with a project called the Lunar Project.."


No One’s POV
Somewhere in the city’s outskirts – Takahashi Mansion

The young woman closed the book on her lap and leaned back on her chair, thinking about everything that she just read for the last five hours. She couldn't help not take a deep breath before looking down at her unconscious father. She knew he was doing his job, protecting his daughter even know she's not his own blood.

"Dad.." said Takamina holding his father's hand tight. His hand felt warm as the chilly air starts to fill in the room from the stormy sky outside. She then remembered about when she was small. Despite being the oldest, little Takamina usually hides behind her dad when she heard the thunder clapped in the storm.

Years later then, she learnt not to be scared of it. But somehow now, she needed her dad again to face the storm..

"Ojou-sama.." a voice called in. Takamina turned and saw Kai standing infront of the curtains. "I apologize for disturbing, but Juri-sama and I have been worried since you didn't come down for the last five hours and the room was very silent."

"It's alright Kai." smiled Takamina thinly. "This thing kept me occupied." she waved the book.

Kai's eyebrows raised, "Then what are you planning my lady?"

"Being honest Kai, I don't know.." said Takamina. "I was angry when I knew everything now.. But-"

"It's your father's message, not mine." cut Kai shortly without looking at the young mistress's eyes. "He told me to tell you if anything would happen to him and Erena-sama, don't take revenge to them."


"Let it go, Ojou-sama.." calmed Kai down. "Let it go for Juri-sama's sake. You can't let the military know that you're now aware of what happened that night and Erena-sama's death."

"Does she know anything about this?' asked Takamina huskily. Kai shook his head, "Good. Keep it that way.."

"As you wish." bowed Kai. "Speaking of which, are you staying here?"

"Nah." shook Takamina. "I need to get back to the base, you know what happened there right?" asked Takamina.

"Of course, I do." smiled Kai wryly. "I might be in their unofficial black list until now since that night, but I have eyes and ears everywhere in that place."

"That's good then.." said Takamina.

"Would you like some dinner? I can get the chef to cook a Katsudon set in minutes." offered Kai.

The idea of her favorite food made Takamina tilted her head, before finally nodded. "I guess I'll have some of that before leaving then." said Takamina with a sheepish smile.

"Very well." bowed Kai off. "By the way, Juri-sama just baked a melon shortcake a while ago. She's probably enjoying it right now with a cup of tea in the dining room. Would you like some too?"

"That would be lovely too." stated Takamina before the butler dismissed himself from the room.

Takamina sighed and hold his father's hands before she decided that it's time for her to go since Kai went out. She leaned in and kissed his father's exposed cheek.

"Jya ne' , Otou-san.." whispered Takamina as she squeezed her father's hand. Her eyes suddenly widened then when she felt the man's hand gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Otou-san.." she gasped, looking at the man's face. His eyes were still shut and breathing, the gentle squeeze was short but comforting. "If you hear me, I'm back dad.." said Takamina before gave him a light kiss on the cheek and went out of the room, leaving him in peace.

Takamina closed the door behind her gently and sighed as she leaned on the door. She felt a heavy burden has been lifted up from her, leaving her heart relieved and relaxed. She walked through the corridors silently, but then she felt something wrong.

It was too quiet, as if the whole mansion just want to hear her heartbeats and footsteps.

Realizing it, Takamina stopped her walk. She slid her hidden sword on her sleeve to her palm, ready to strike with the slightest sound. She then walked slowly and cautiously to the dining room. But then before she could reach the room, she heard Juri's scream.


With no further denial, Takamina dashed off towards the dining room to found the whole Dining table was covered in red liquid and the sight of Kai being pinned to the wall with blades pinning him in his on his body. Bloody and beaten up, Kai took a breath.

"Run.. Minami.." he gasped before slumped into unconsciousness.

"KAII!!" yelled Takamina. Her eyes then turned to the table and found it occupied by five people, one of them is tied-up Takahashi Juri. "JURI!! You-"

Takamina's words hung in mid air as her eyes caught the other faces. The other four were recognizable in her eyes. All wearing black hoods and they were all sitting nicely on the table with a piece of Juri’s cake in front of them.

“Gokigen yo, Takahashi Minami-san.” said one of them after wiping her lips with a handkerchief.  Takamina’s eyes widened as she saw the figure stood up. The long jet black hair and the sexy figure were undeniable that the owner of the body was none other than Kuramochi Asuka

“Asuka!!” said Takamina. Her eyes scanned others and saw Nakata Chisato, Chikano Rina, and Suzuki Mariya. All of them sat and enjoyed the cake without caring Juri's scared look.

Juri's eyes were wide open but glassy, her mouth was covered with a masking tape, silencing her. Takamina knew that Juri must've witnessed Kai's last stance.

"Who are you?!!" yelled Takamina. "Let go off my sister!!"

"Jeez, relax will you?" leaned Chisato pushing her finished cake aside then stood up. "We're technically here to see you, but that guy got in the way." she jerked her thumb to Kai.

Takamina's blood boiled that instant but then the sight of Chisato licking the side of Juri's tears and smirked made it worse. She raised her sword and threw it to Chisato's head, how much she was surprised then that a hand caught it in mid air right on the handle.

"Enough." said Asuka sharply. "We're wasting time."

"Then why are you here to see me then?" growled Takamina.

Asuka's smile grew wide and threw back the sword and landed it in front of Takamina, "Our Mistress wants to see you."


Masuda Yuka’s POV
Hospital Wing – Rooftop

Noro left me alone then on that roof after her explanations. My mind were still processing what she just told me; Diana, Temples, Erena's death, Lunar Project...

I sighed and stare up the darkened sky. I could see a storm heading towards the base from the roof, and I knew it was a matter of time before it reaches here. I watched the storm as my other parts of body functioning, including my ears.

"Glad you're better."

I raised my dagger just in time to parry an attack from behind. I looked up at the attacker and pushed back, I raised my head to look at the attacker in the eyes. The cold gray eyes and the brown hair was getting familiar in my eyes since I've seen her already when she blew the roof badly.

"Natsuki.." I said finally. “So it was you watching us the whole time.”

“I was, Masuda Yuka.” said Natsuki. “Just doing what my Mistress told me to.”

“Who are you?” I asked cautiously and tried not to be shaky. “What did you do to Natsuki?”

“For now, she’s locked, Masuda Yuka.” Answered Natsuki. “You may call me Atlanta for now.”

“Atlanta, the servant of Artemis, the Goddess of Moon.” I simplified. “Or known as Diana.”

"That is me."

"How do I get her back then?" I stepped closer.

"I'm afraid that is classified between me and my Mistress." said Atlanta simply.

"Then I'll just force it out of you then!!" I yelled and charged to the person I loved the most.

Chapter 10 - Torn Hearts (Part 1): End

To be Available: Chapter 11 - Torn Hearts (Part 2)

Offline Lost Heaven

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Kowai, kowai, kowai!!!
The great action is coming, I can feel it!
This Lunar Project... I don't like it - too many victims, too many tears...
And Minami's dad... Is he a General Akimoto's victim? Because he is the head of this project, he had reason to kill General Takahashi...
And Natsuki... Yuka worried so much... Zurui yo~
Others appeared... And Taka should go to the Mistress... What will happen next?
Thank you for the update! :heart:

P.S. Are we around the same age? :dunno:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Hello people!!! Sorry haven't been writing much since I got a lot of projects at school. And someone when I finished them I started getting so lazy, before then I pushed myself at least to type this chapter.

(*someone yells* If you are, then why are you updating this??!!)

Well, I know there are a collab that I have been running away from for the last month (Ruka-san, hontouni gomenasai.. *bowed deeply*) which I will get to them very soon!!!

Now, here it is, the next chapter of DiVA Project. Hwaaa!! So excited that DiVA finally released a cover song!! Damn, Ume looked so hot with that hat and white shirt.. *drools over Ume*

Ah, sorry about it!! Here it is then~ Sorry for the bad English and I welcome anyone to give comments, critics, suggestions, or review about it~

PS: Guess what? Cometerz48 is one year closer to 18 now~~ Man, can't wait for the 'access'...

Mou~ don't be so worried. Just take your time, I'm always waiting for you~

DiVA's new cover single, yea~ I love em SO MUCH!!!

Anyways, new update........ WOW!!!

So much going on now... things are starting to really hit home.

I can't wait to see the next part. Hope you come back soon; we need to get started on things, too. (Oh, and happy birthday :heart:)

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Shinoki

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Stuff happened... (well, that was obvious)
*thumbs up*
I shall patiently await the next...

Offline luvsidney

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Cometerz-san, DIVA will start activities again and disband this year end, will you continue and finish the story? ^^

Offline Cometerz48

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DiVA Project (SaeYaka + others):Chapter 10 -Torn Hearts: Part 2 (26-09-2014)
« Reply #48 on: September 26, 2014, 12:43:26 PM »
@Lost Heaven: I guess we are ;)) How old are you?

@Ruka Kikuchi: Thank you~

@Shinoki: Your waiting time is over, I'M BACK!!!


Minna-san, Gomen for abandoning this fic. I actually planned this for a second season and if time lets me I can actually do that ._. Anyway, here's the next one. Sorry for the bad english~ Comments, critics, complains, a virtual kick for being such a slacker is most welcome~


DiVA Project:Chapter 10 - Torn Hearts (Part 2)

No one's POV

A few moments before in another place…

Sayaka and Ayaka returned to the garage after they dropped Noro to the hospital to check out the scene where the fire on the rooftop occurred on the way to the base. Somehow along the way, Ayaka could not help to not glance at Sayaka repeatedly as the woman volunteered to take the car’s wheel.

“You’re okay, Sayaka?” asked Ayaka after Noro was gone.

Sayaka smiled thinly, “I would be lying if I say all her words doesn’t feel a thing.” she answered. “I should have realized it sooner that my uncle was planning all of these things all along..”

“But you and her weren’t even aware of what’s really going on!” said Ayaka. “And neither Noro nor us all.”

“But at least I should have stayed with her in that forest!” said Sayaka as she hit the car’s wheel in frustration.”Or maybe I should have stopped her from enrolling in..”

“Listen it’s none of your fault.” said Ayaka putting her hand on the muscular girl’s shoulder. “Quit blaming yourself, Sayaka. We’ve got enough problems in our hands already, let’s not add another..”

Sayaka fell silence as she kept driving, “So who do you think is behind all of these?”

“Well, if I put it simply.. The government use the military to launch Lunar Project but then it failed when Erena died, now things pointing back to the Lunar Project and it’s hidden secrets and failures. So I think it should be someone who was very pissed about the Lunar Project but not someone who was literally involved in it. Because I’m sure the government nor the military would bother to play out a failed project and made that crazy ruckus.” Said Ayaka.

“Who was the General at that time around Erena’s death?” asked Sayaka carefully. “If it’s true that Erena was given the mission to get the thing, then she must have received it directly from the General since it was a top secret project.”

“It was your uncle I think…” said Ayaka. “He was still newly appointed after the previous one was pronounce dead.”

“Ah, Takamina’s dad right?” asked Sayaka. “He’s such a kind man, right?”

Ayaka didn’t answer that and fell into silence. Worried, Sayaka glanced at the small girl as well keeping her eyes to the road.

“What’s wrong, Ayaka?”

“Say…” began Ayaka without looking at Sayaka. “You remembered that Erena was adopted by the Takahashi family, right?”

“Yes. Takamina told me once that I better take care of Erena since she was like a sister to her or I will face her in Takamina’s ultimate form.” frowned Sayaka. “Somehow that’s  sounded like something from a game.” She added.

“Just stick to the topic!” hissed Ayaka. “What if the Takahashi knew something about Erena’s mission? Especially Takamina since she was Erena’s step sister and both of them were close to each other right?”

“Formal General Takahashi might knew something or maybe he was part of the project!” exclaimed Sayaka realizing the explanation. “But he’s dead.”

“But what if he left some documents regarding to the project?” asked Ayaka. “I’m sure he at least have got the idea of the Lunar Project it self.”

“So we’re going to Takamina then?” asked Sayaka taking a space in the parking basement.

“Yep.” Said Ayaka as she came out from the car.


No one’s POV

Matsubara Natsumi’s recovery room

Natsumi felt a gentle breeze passing through her nose and filled her lungs with such a cool air that her throat felt extremely freezing. She opened her vision and stare at the lamp on the ceiling for a moment with nothing passed through her mind.

Where am I…?

She tilted her body slightly and hissed at the sharp pain came from her sides. She looked down and saw her body bandaged up thickly and her right arm on a hard cast. Confused, she asked herself.

What happened to me…?

Her left arm trailed itself through her sweaty neck, ears, and hair. But eventually, it stopped upon a strange texture covering where her left eye meant to be. Curious, she touched it and pressed on it lightly. She felt a numb pain from where she pressed before, she pulled it out quickly and saw her palm skin covered in red.


Before her mind answered it, she looked down when a red liquid drops to the bedsheets.


Her eyes widened upon the sight of a single red dot on the bed sheets, her memories flashes back on the last moments she could remember. She remembered such a strong pain on her left eye and being surrounded by figures in black hoods while her body felt numb and all her muscles refused to move. Then someone steps out from them in white cape, edging forward towards her with a hand reaching at her left and…


Her breathings went rapid as more red liquid drops from the left side of her face and tainted her bed sheets. She grabbed her chest where her heart was attached deep inside it and screamed her lungs out in fear.

 “Finally you are awake.”

Still breathing rapidly, Natsumi turned to the door and saw a figure standing by the open door. The poor girl tried to scramble her mind upon recognizing the girl’s face owner.

“Shiichan..” she whispered.

The last time she remembered seeing her face was when she saw her lying unconsciously on the ground with the others except Natsumi herself whom faced the whole bunch of black hooded figure helplessly.

“I am no Oya Shizuka.” She said as she moved towards the bed. “My lady has kindly given me this body to replace the helpless soul living inside it before. I am thrilled to serve my lady once more although in different condition..”

“Your lady…?” asked Natsumi weakly. Her eye moved to the figure’s hand which was carrying an intimidating silver dagger.

“Yes my lady.” Said the figure stopped by the side of the bed. “She was thrilled to have me serving her again after many years, and even gave me a simple mission to start with.”

Natsumi looked up to the raised dagger in fear, she knew what used to be her best friend plans to do. She could not move a single inch, everything of her body was numb and in great pain. The dagger raised above was all that she stared at as if it was a death sentence to end all the despair she experience.

“She told me to end your life, it was a mistake to let you leave the altar alive.”

“Shiichan…” said Natsumi weakly.

“Goodbye now, Matsubara Natsumi.” She said before plunging it down.

Natsumi closed all her remaining eyes and prepared to feel a greater pain that will end her despair, she waited but nothing came. She opened her eyes and saw a clipboard holding down the dagger which was plunged right through it and stopped just before it touched Natsumi’s abdomen.

“YOU ARE NOT KILLING ANYONE AGAIN, ESPECIALLY IN THE HOSPITAL!!” yelled a familiar voice from just beside Shiichan.

Natsumi turned weakly and saw a figure in white doctor coat holding the clipboard firmly and pushing the dagger up all the sudden before she kicked Shiichan on her side. The black hair swished in the impact, but the figure didn’t care.

Shiichan hit the wall in a loud thud, her dagger was thrown away not far on the floor. The kick on her side was hard enough for the new owner to feel a good amount of pain.

“Who are you to interfere my business?” hissed Shiichan dangerously.

The doctor figure steps to the front of Natsumi’s bed and stood between her and Shiichan, “I’m Kashiwagi Yuki, the head of the hospital and like hell I’m going to let you kill more than you already did!!”

“Tchk.. If my lady has made sacrifice for her existence, then it shall be necessary for those who died for her.” Said Shiichan coldly before pointing to Natsumi. “That girl there was meant to be one of them, and I shall bring her heart to my lady.”

Natsumi gasped upon Shiichan’s words, it sounded very concrete especially when it’s speaks in her best friend’s voice. But however, she could not believe that…

“Over my dead body.” growled Yuki. “Natsumi, stay back.  If you could walk, you have to get away now.”


“She won’t leave to anywhere.” said Shiichan before pulling out another dagger. “And you won’t be stopping me from taking her heart.”

“We’ll see about that!” barked Yuki before pulling out a bunch of thin surgery knives for her pocket. “I won’t let you go near her even just an inch!!”


Sayaka and Ayaka headed down to Takamina’s office which was located in Team A’s information center near the big library.

“You think she’s gone home yet?” asked Ayaka as they walked passing many bookshelf along the way.

Sayaka shook her head, “I heard Takamina has a habit to sleep in her office when it gets too late to go home and Acchan stays with her too.”

“Is it possible for the two of them to be making out in the office at certain times?” asked Ayaka in a low voice upon arriving at the office’s door.

“Ayaka, I do not want to think about it honestly.” Sighed Sayaka looking at the shorter girl in a strange look.

“Shiritaro-kun or Sae-chan, Sayaka?” asked Ayaka with a naughty grin. Her words instantly made Sayaka blushed in red.

“Now listen to me you-“

“For the fact that whether we both were making out in the office, that really is our privacy, thank you very much.” said a voice from behind them. Ayaka’s grin washed away instantly upon recognizing the voice and the suddenly darkened atmosphere.

“She started it, Acchan!” pointed Sayaka at Ayaka. Ayaka glared at her friend before smiling as if begging for mercy to the girl behind her.

Atsuko sighed, “Never mind about it.. Are you looking for Minami?”

“Yeah, we got something to discuss with her.” Said Sayaka. “Is she in?”

Atsuko tilted her head as if she was thinking, “If I remembered, she said she’s going home today..”

“This is emergency Atsuko.” Said Ayaka. “Can you take us to her house?”

“What’s this matter about?” asked Atsuko. “I’m sorry for asking but as Takamina’s second hand, I have to know what’s really going on.”

“Hee? Takamina is not in the office??” asked another voice from the corridor. Turns out to be Kitahara Rie coming closer with a brown folder in her hand. “Mou.. I really need to see her now.”

“Why is everyone looking for Takamina these days?” asked Atsuko. “Sorry Rie, she’s gone home already. Maybe I can take a message to her, perhaps?”

“This is a really important matter, Atsuko.” Pouted Rie. Then she saw Sayaka and Ayaka, “Are you here to see her too?”

“Yes.” answered Sayaka. “We just realized a fact about the things that occurred lately has something to do with Takamina and maybe her dad too.”

Atsuko froze instantly upon hearing the name, “Did you just say Takahashi Oji-san?”

“Yes, but-“ Ayaka’s voice was cut off by Atsuko’s hand covering her mouth to shut her up.

Atsuko shot a ‘be quiet’ look to the other two before she straightened up and coughed, “Follow me, you too Rie.”

The three others looked at each other before following Atsuko to the garage and followed the signal to get into the car. None of them dared to ask question as Atsuko kept shooting them a scary look, only when they reached the highway that Atsuko began to speak.

“The base are packed with many bugs and hidden cameras, especially near Takamina’s office.” Said Atsuko.

“Why only there?” asked Sayaka.

“The higher ups always watch Takamina closely more than any other captains.” Said Atsuko.

“Is it something to do with the former general?” asked Ayaka.

Atsuko nodded, “’l’ll explain more later. Rie, tell me what you’ve got there.”

“Well I guess it’s fine to talk about it to you guys since you’re the one assigned to solve this..” began Rie nodding to Sayaka and Ayaka. “I checked out the dagger that I managed to pull out from Miho with Yui’s help, it turns out that the dagger was quite special since it wasn’t made out of normal metal. It turns out to be made out of pure silver.”

“Silver? That’s like way expensive for one dagger!” I said. “Any fingerprints?”

Rie shook her head, “There were no recognizable fingerprints on it and I’ve checked it with the database. However, I found a trace of wax made out of honey and surprisingly a strange type of fat from.. you won’t believe what I’ve got here.. a whale?”

“A what?” asked Sayaka. “That sounded like something off history books like in the ancient times page.” 

“Greek candles.” Said Ayaka. “Ancient times used whale fats to make oils and wax for their fire offerings so they kept on burning all nights, including the Greeks.”

“But does that mean that most likely our enemy is someone obsessed with Greek Mythology or something?” asked Atsuko as she kept driving.

Ayaka shook her head, “No, it’s more than that. I think it’s the Greek Mythology itself.”


“Why does your master want to see me exactly?” asked Takamina into Asuka’s eyes. Those cold eyes weren’t like the ones that she used to know. It was cold and sinister.

“Let’s say she has a plan involving you.” Answered Mariya.

Takamina picked up her dagger on the floor and gripped it tightly. “If she’s not a chicken, she should see me herself here. Not the other way around.”

“How dare you insult our lady!” yelled Rina.

Asuka put an arm in front of Rina, “We come here in peace. Our lady told us not to spill any blood unless it’s necessary and so we obey her.”

“Not to spill any blood, eh?” gritted Takamina. She pointed at Kai’s bloody figure on the wall, “Tell me what that is?!”

“It’s a different story.” Sighed Chisato. “He’s such a pest for trying to stop us meeting you.”

Takamina gritted her teeth harder, “You…”

Asuka raised her eyebrows when she saw Takamina standing in her attacking stance, “Does that mean you refuse?”


“Very well..” said Asuka stepping forward. “I will be your opponent.”

“Bring it on, freaks.” Yelled Takamina.

“Do not get to full of yourself, human.” Said Asuka. In a sudden flash, she stood infornt of Takamina and was in time to catch the captain’s reflex kick. “I may have a human form now, but I am still as fast as I was before.”

“You sounded like you’re not human.” Said Takamina pulling back and release a jab which was caught easily.

“Maybe because I’m not.” smiled Asuka, stunning Takamina just for a moment. Enough for her to land a kick to Takamina’s stomach and threw her back to the wall.

Juri’s squeal was muffled by the tape on her mouth. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes after witnessing Kai trying to protect her, now she’s seeing her sister struggling against the intruders.

“Ugh..” Takamina groaned. The kick was not a strong one, however it hit the right spot where it’s enough to daze anyone for a couple of minutes. She doesn’t feel strong like how usually she is, especially after receiving the blow.

She looked up and saw Asuka standing over her with a cold smile. The woman smiled at her before she landed another kick, this time on her stomach.

Takamina dropped her blade as she tried to stop the blood coming out of her mouth. She felt so weak and hurt on her stomach, she slumped to the floor on her side. Still breathing, but struggling and panting.

“I kicked your breathing muscle area to restraint your movement.” Said Asuka. “Now are you still refusing?”

Takamina looked up to Asuka once again, “Darn it..”

Asuka sighed, “I guess that’s a yes for refusing.” This time, Asuka gave a chop from each of her hand towards Takamina’s shoulders. “I blocked your abilities to move your arms, don’t make me do the same for your vital areas.”


Chapter 10 - Torn Hearts (Part 2): End

To be Available: Chapter 10 - Torn Hearts (Part 3)

Offline luvsidney

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Re: DiVA Project (SaeYaka + others):Chapter 10 -Torn Hearts: Part 2 (26-09-2014)
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2014, 02:59:21 AM »
you would definitely become much crazier when you see umeda sings as second one just after sae and the ending is umeda + sae haha ^^ I just a little bit disappointed that twintower just in center in the promotion photo but totally no interaction in the song or dance =.=;

back to the story, hope atsuko can drive faster and arrive tkmn's home earlier then save tkmn from danger~!! will the K members would died one by one afterwards? just like the order of their graduation? I really miss them so I always ask someone to complete their story if the stories are abt K members ^^ especially my favorite twintower =P

Thank you for your work and continue ^^ I really glad you come back and restart the stories again~!!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Uwa uwa uwa uwaa~

So intense~

I WANNA SEE MORE SAEYAKA!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Update please great story
Kami Oshi:

SaeChan Gonna eat you alive
Team A: Kojima  Haruna,Takahashi Minami Team B: Watanabe Mayu, Kashiwagi Yuki,Takajo Aki
                Team K: Yokoyama Yui,Matsui Jurina Team 4: Minegishi Minami Team S:Miyazawa Sae,Matsui Jurina
                Team M:Murase Sae Team BII : Ichikawa Miori Team H: Sashihara Rino Team KIV : Oota Aika
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Offline yoybyeol

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Here i am, pleading for you to update. I've read this last night and i was so into the story. I registered only to plead because i found this fic amazing and i am so intrigued. Please please please and i will love you forever and ever ever ever ever.

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