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Author Topic: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PART 2]  (Read 47153 times)

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: "Photography 101"]
« Reply #100 on: July 30, 2009, 04:17:54 PM »
You can call me that, it's fine. :grin: And 1 billion divided by 4 is 250 million. :lol:

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: "Rest in Peace, Cruise Bud"]
« Reply #101 on: February 06, 2010, 04:38:31 AM »
[Rest in Peace, Cruise Bud]

'Dumbass! Why did you leave?!'

'You didn't have to go!'


I lay there looking up at the night's sky, star gazing. Tears running down the side of my face as I scolded you in my thoughts. I wonder, are you up there hiding behind one of the stars right about now? Watching over all of us? Although there's probably many things you don't want to see right now huh?

Like how your (assumablely) good friends are all pushing the blame onto that one single person, that you love, for your dissappearence. Can I just give my two cents to you about those friends of yours though? ... They're assholes. All they want to hear is a confession, a confession from her saying that she was the one that drove you to your current state. Human beings are all just... stupid. But I didn't do or say anything, not a thing to help her out at that point.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for being a coward. I'm sorry I didn't do anything. And then... she broke down and cried. I'm sorry



"I'm never going to see you again huh?"

A fresh batch of tears filled my eyes, following the stream of dried tears down my face. I'm never going to see you're stupid grinning face anymore. I'll never be able to do all those ridiculously dumb things we do together anymore. I'll never be able to talk to you about anything and everything anymore...

I just realised.. Do you know? How very true the phrase "You don't know what you have until it's gone" is?

'Rest in peace buddy. Until we meet again in our next life.'

"I'll miss you... a lot."


Sorry.. I just wanted to post this somewhere. Didn't wanna post this in my blog or facebook, I'll end up hating the attention I might get from my friends. So... Just ignore this. :)

Offline badsaints

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: ---]
« Reply #102 on: February 06, 2010, 07:06:32 PM »
Oh wow! This is deep :shocked

Kinda sad. The feeling of losing a friend... But someone is made a scapegoat for her death? :(

Offline SteelReality

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: ---]
« Reply #103 on: April 10, 2010, 12:02:52 AM »
@ if it were supposed to feel good, then it wouldnt be called a crush (paraphrasing...)

GAH! I saw this line (i paraphrased it cuz i kinda forgot the exact wordin...) and I immediately freaked out and totally turned to my best friend beside me and tried to convey to her the awesomeness of this line (however, it failed cuz she's an idiot and is playin tetris). Dang this line is AMAZINGLY awesomely accurate and it describes my feelings.

*Heart* :D

Offline stefy

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PT1]
« Reply #104 on: July 14, 2010, 09:07:04 AM »
[Love Never Found] - Part 1

When one happiness ends, an opportunity for another opens. But some types of happiness, aren't easy to forget. Thinking back of you, there's nothing other than what I can think of which seemed more important. She was perfect, the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. But everything changes, all for a reason... Perhaps.

"Stop it! I can't take anymore!" I screamed, trying to catch my breath, as a single tear slowly flowed down my right cheek. You'd think it's due to sadness, but it's not. In fact, it's far from sadness.
"Aww, don't cry... I didn't even say anything worth crying..." She giggled as she cupped my cheeks with her warm and soft pair of hands, wiping away my tears with her slender thumb.
"It's your fault." I said, giving her a playful slap on her arm as I pout, trying to show some form of anger towards her. She deserved the slap though, for making me laugh this much.
"That's only because your smile is so beautiful, I want to see you smile forever." She cooed as she pulled me closer to her, capturing my lips with hers.
Damn her, why does she always have something so sweet to say? It's always hard to believe, that she's actually younger than me. Although sometimes she can be such a child, I have to baby her most of the time.
"Sayumichan..." she whispered, calling out my name in that sweet voice of hers.


She said as she held my hand gently in her own as she pulled me up from the bed we were lying on, leading me towards the balcony. She stared out into the clear blue night sky. I took my gaze away from her beautiful face to look out at the scenery before us; a mesmerizing ray of light illuminated the night's sky.
"It’s beautiful..." I say, softly, taking in the sight before me as it took my breath away.
"Uh huh it is, but it’s not as beautiful as you are."
She turned to face me as she said that, grinning. I guess she was probably hoping that I would turn into a pile of mush with all her sweet talks. I showed her an ever so tiny smirk and rolled my eyes a little at the same time.
"Koharuchan, why do have to ruin the moment? That's just the cheesiest line ever!"
"No it’s not!" She pouted, probably genuinely assuming that her sweet talking would make me go all weak in the knees. She assumed right though, I WAS getting all weak in the knees. But I just wanted to see her cute disappointed look that's all.
I pinched her right cheek with a mischievous grin plastered onto my face, "You’re too cute! ... Not to mention easy to tease~"
She grinned too, and then stuck out her tongue at me. "And you’re just mean." She countered.
Thus, is how I have been spending all my time here in this under populated town by the sea. Pretty much, almost always with her, Kusumi Koharu. The always cheerful and ever so high tensioned teenager, whom I’ve met... Well I’ll explain how I met her later on. But I don't thing I've ever seen her frown before, well why would she? She gets to see the one and only cutest and most gorgeous being everyday! Me! Michishige Sayumi~!
"Your leaving already?" She said as she pouted for the second time today. I nodded in response as I slipped into my cute, pink coloured, beach sandals.
She stood at the entrance way, watching my every move. I love being watched, especially by her.
"Can't you stay a little longer? Or even just stay over?" She asked with a pout.
"Bargaining with my length of stay here won't change anything Koharu." I said with great effort, trying very hard to part from her.
"I've already stayed over for the past two days already. Mom is getting worried, more like paranoid now." I carried on with my reasoning’s, which somehow tends to lead to my occasional ramblings.
"I don't get why she's so worried for... It's ju-"
She cuts me off in the middle of my rambling, with a kiss, a long one at that. Leaving me feeling like I was floating on cloud number nine. Pulling away, she shows me a warm smile.
"Good night, Sayuchan." She grins now, while I was still in a daze standing at her door step. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Un!" I nodded cheerfully, already hoping tomorrow would arrive like, now. I ran down the steps from her cozy beach house as turned back waving at my infactuation one last time before rushing home.

"By the way!" She shouted. It was so loud, that it startled me for a moment there. "Tomorrow I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine tomorrow!" She continued, leaving me a little confused. Koharu never mentioned that she had a friend around the area before.. She moved here a few months ago alone into this beautiful beach house which I always thought was abandoned. She told me  that her father bought this house for when he needed to be alone, and now he gave it to her. Which is why I always thought that I was her only friend here, I wonder if I know the person..

"As my GIRLFRIEND!!" She yelled out again. This time making me blush... Girlfriend huh.. I chuckled in a shy manner, even if she couldn't hear me.

"OK!" I yelled back to her smiling from ear to ear, beaming with happiness.

"See you tomorrow!"


Partttto~ 1 owari~So cool~ ^ It moves! :w00t:

Anyways, new short story up. Well not exactly new to me since I started writing this like.. last year? XD It's supposed to be a 3 part story I hope, depending on how long I write each part~

Well enjoy~ And pray that I write the next part faster... hehe :P


Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PT1]
« Reply #105 on: July 14, 2010, 02:39:26 PM »
You lives! Again! :cow: :cow:

SayuKoha I like, I wonder who the friend is.

So cool~ ^ It moves!
  :lol: :lol: It's cool.

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PT1]
« Reply #106 on: July 14, 2010, 04:08:13 PM »
Aw cute SayuKoha! I've been wanting to write them since I saw this moment on the backstage footage to Nine Smile. They're so cute! I think you've written them very well. I can picture Koharu being very romantic.  :wub: I guess she can be besides being hyper, childish, and sometimes annoying. XD

I'm curious to how Sayu and Koharu met. Also, if Koha never told Sayu about her friend does that mean Koharu is hiding something from Sayu? O.O I hope not! Man is Koharu's family rich! A beach house, huh?

Oh, here's another question! Does Sayu's mom know that Sayu is dating Koharu? Or does Sayu sneak out to Koharu's place behind her mom's back? O_____O Now I'm only worrying myself! >_<

I don'tk now why, but I suddenly have the feeling that everything is going to end bad. T______T Please don't make it end sad! I like to see this couple cute and romantic. If you can't tell, I'm intrested and hooked to this fic. XD So, I hope you can make the other 2 parts soon!

So cool~ ^ It moves!

How did you do that?! I didn't think it was possible! lol XD

Offline LiLith

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PT1]
« Reply #107 on: July 14, 2010, 05:08:17 PM »
Since I'm always running around to search for SayuKoha fics, I was like  :w00t: when I saw this ^_^
However, like Junkie-chan said, I have a bad hunch... <_< I feel something worrying about that "friend". Feel like she is gonna break my SayuKoha love <_< (Hope that I'm wrong XD)
Anyway, SayuKoha is cute as always <3 Hope nothing bad will happen to them. I'll be hurt  :cry: LOL.
*waiting for part 2*

Eh? What happened on the backstage, okaa-sama  :love: ?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 06:24:26 AM by LiLith »

Offline stefy

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found - PART 2]
« Reply #108 on: July 29, 2010, 07:07:28 PM »
Comment replies~! *Thanks for commenting*

@rndm - Yay I lives! Again~ Wait.. when did I die? Well hopefully I lives long enough then XD And friend of Koha is gonna be revieled!

@WJ - Don't mind if I cut short your nick? XD Sorry.. And ehhmz... I don't think this story would turn out as sad as you might think? It's sad in a different kinda way~ Well most of your questions shall be answered in this next chapter anyways. Btw.. what Nine Smile backstage happening?! Pweease enlighten me!! Oh the moving thing.. That *arrow* M thing makes the words move!! Cool huh?

@LiLith - You worry too much too~! Rela~X nothing's gonna happen to cute SayuKoha. here, I promise!

Okayz... PAAAAAAA~RT 2!!


[Love Never Found] - Part 2

The soothing rhythm of the morning waves woke me from my sweet slumber. Getting up from my cute princess bed, which I decorated myself might I add, I groggily walked over to my window and slowly drew the pale pink curtains open.

"Good Morning to you too.." I mumbled, greeting the calming waves from the beach, which was the view from my lovely little room. Even from a distance, I could hear the refreshing water splashing back and forth against the clear white sands. I love my hometown, it's really relaxing.

With a smile plastered onto my face, I walked out towards the kitchen where my mother stood, preparing breakfast. I wrapped my arms around her waist hugging her from behind. I missed my mama, even though Koharu is a blast to be with, this lady did see me first, heck she even made me!

"Ohayo mama~" I greeted and peered over her shoulder to see what she was cooking.

"Ohayo Sayumi. How nice of you to remember you're dearest and most beautiful mother." She replied, making me roll my eyes at her narcissism. But I also felt slightly guilty for abandoning her the last few days..

"I'm sorry mama," I sigh, hopping onto the counter top beside the stove watching her continue with her cooking, "I lost track of time?" I grinned apologetically.

"Ri~ght, I forgot. All our faces just disappear once you're with her I suppose."

Damn.. I knew she'd tease me about Koharu sooner or later. "Mama~ you know I love you too right? How could I ever forget you?!" I protested with a pout, no one can resist my cute pouts!

"Oh.. So you love her now? My oh my, my precious Sayumi is in love~!" She rebutted mockingly, twirling her cooking chopsticks forming little heart shapes in the air. I felt my cheeks burning into a bright shade of pink. No way, I didn't say that!

"I didn't say that!" No, I didn't.. I don't.. love Koharu.. Do I? Look what mama has done to me! I'm all confused now! I crossed my arms, my eyebrows contracting into a frown, and my mouth protruding into a pout. Now she'll apologise, no one can resist this face!

"Okay fine.. I'm sorry Sayumi." She apologised! See, I knew my cute face can get me anything. "And don't give me that look, I invented that look." She spat out breaking my triumph moment. My mouth opened agape at mama's words... How rude!

"But I'm happy that you're happy Sayumi. It's been awhile since you've smiled like that." Mama's eyes softened as her hand reached out to stroke my dark long locks, making me smile genuinely thankful to have such a kind, though occasionally narcissistic, and understanding mother like her.


It was four in the afternoon already, why does time always go by so fast?! I watched the day go by quickly with the company of my beloved sister. Isn't it lucky how the day I come home, she has a day off from her work? We spent the day watching movies and catching up with each other's lives. I had so much fun that I almost forgot about meeting 
"Oneechan byebye!" I kind of felt guilty for leaving them to meet Koharu yet again, but I promised Koharu.
"See you later Sayumin~" My older sister replied with a sweet smile. I returned her gesture with an even sweeter smile of my own and quickly slipped onto my white canvas shoes dashing out of the house yet again.
When I reached Koharu's house, just a few blocks away, I double checked my reflection through the glass door. Fixing my pigtails, which my sister did for me, I pulled the two ends of my tied hair to the front of my bare shoulders. Hair: check. I then brushed down the skirt of my pale red dress with frills from my hip down to my knees. Outfit: check. And... Oh no! My shoes! It doesn't match my outfit! I stood at her doorway contemplating if I should run home to change, when suddenly the door flung open.
"Konbanwa!" My bright and cheerful girlfriend greeted me with a grin, and my previous worriment escaped my mind completely.
"Let's go! My friend would be reaching soon!" She said grabbing hold of my hand into hers as she led me downstairs towards the small garage of her house.
"Are you sure about this?" I watched her fearfully as she opened the doors of the pearl white mini truck that was parked in the garage. Wasn't she underage to drive?
"Don't worry, my uncle gave me a few driving lessons. It shouldn't be that hard." She murmured as I stood at the hood of the vehicle watching her study the gears intently. "Hurry up and get in." She ordered.
Before I knew it, we were cruising down the empty roads, singing along to the songs being played on the radio, as we headed to the train station. She wasn't that bad at driving, or maybe it was because of the long empty road which made it easy to drive.
Koharu finally came to a stop and parked the truck in front of the station, she told me to wait in the car as she went over to fetch her friend. And so I did. I sat there staring somewhat remorsefully at my shoes as I tapped the front of the shoe with both my foot. I should have worn a different pair. Now it’s too late, I pondered while pouting.
Koharu's loud voice was heard as she yelled some sort or greeting to her friend, I didn't really bother about it since I was still very much bummed out about my choice of shoes. Finally looking up, I noticed Koharu making her way over to the car; she opened the door and grinned at me, causing me to smile in return. She stepped aside and let her friend in and I couldn't believe my eyes. There she stood, frozen just like I was. The older and slightly tanned girl with short curly brown locks glanced back at Koharu, a shocked expression carved her face.


Whaccha think? I TOOK 2 WEEKS (give and take a few days) TO FINISH PART 2!

Haa~ So proud of meselfz~ :P


Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PART 2]
« Reply #109 on: July 29, 2010, 07:45:55 PM »
KAMESHIGEKOHA~~!!!  :shock: :shock: BTW I love Sayu's family :lol:

I'm proud of you for updating so fast! But I guess, maybe I don't really have room to complain, now do I? :sweatdrop:

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PART 2]
« Reply #110 on: July 30, 2010, 08:21:06 AM »
lol Sayu with her mom are so cute!!  XD
OMG I did have felling that friend is Eri!!!!  :shocked (it's always KameShige that is SayuKoha's rival? eh? XD)
Awww...  :cry: So Eri is Sayu's ex-lover? I wonder what will happen next?
Is part 3 the last part? Wanna read it now!!  :cry: Please update soon, <3
You worry too much too~! Rela~X nothing's gonna happen to cute SayuKoha. here, I promise!
I love you <3 <3 XD

Btw, about Nine Smile backstage, you should watch that! XD lol I had heart attack when Sayu and Koha suddenly hug each other, hold hands and walk to somewhere I dont know wth it is. XD Sayu's face when hugging Koha was so cute!! lol.

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PART 2]
« Reply #111 on: July 31, 2010, 06:16:31 AM »
Wow you actually updated quickly! Good job Mate :thumbsup

"And don't give me that look, I invented that look."
Love this line. Gawd I love the bunny's mum :lol: So that's where she's learn her skills from.

So the friend is Eri?

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Re: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PART 2]
« Reply #112 on: June 30, 2012, 08:20:15 AM »
Ahhhhh, IshiYoshi! Yet another fan-freakintastic fanfic. Again, I wish people would write a tad more. You IshiYoshi writers always leave me wanting more.

So beuno :grin:

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