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Author Topic: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Forty-Six -- Nightmare]  (Read 148277 times)

Offline ziggurat

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #100 on: April 19, 2007, 03:58:58 AM »
Quote from: FeverInducedMadness
“Oh, by the way, your girlfriend showed up last night.”

Risako choked on her drink, and gave me the most peculiar glare I have ever received.


“Well… you just… shouldn’t.”

That’s some good Risako-logic for you right there.

Their logic always make sense.. or not.. XD

At least, I had never heard anything about this ‘epic fling’..

Hehe, epic..

Actually, I think she and that other girl… the really tall rough-looking one? They kind of wander around a lot.

That tall rough-looking one name is Maasa -_-""" Learn to google! XD

“Come on, losers! We have to go pick up Kumai from her house now, remember?”

Damn.. That is too EVIL! Another side of me reading that as a challenge.. :D *take a look around*

Hehe, all the sweetness from the conversation between Momo and Risako made me full :3

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #101 on: April 19, 2007, 07:23:33 AM »
Too much to read! Argh, I can't keep up, with so much going on, I don't even know what to comment on. Except evil Momo, I like evil Momo.

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #102 on: April 19, 2007, 10:13:43 PM »
Yay for angry, sleepy Momo!! And it's obvious that Risako and Maiha were together. Risako...let her can get back at her later. Be "angry" and make her buy you things!  ;) And of course...Miyabi's one line rocked.

Offline TydusArandor

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #103 on: April 20, 2007, 12:18:43 AM »
Hello! I've been stalking this fic for a while. I have no excuses for not commenting except for being lazy, sorry. But I've decided to come out of the dark to show my support :D

I only just got into Berryz recently, so I don't know much about them at all but I think this helped me keep my interest in them a lot! Everyone has pretty much said what I want to say about the recent chapters, so I'll start seriously commenting on the content next chapter (which I believe should be very soon if this rate of updating is continued o_o!). But Miyabi's awesome line deserves a mention right here right now  :D

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #104 on: April 20, 2007, 02:44:42 AM »
Dibs on first comment! xD

Hot damn xD Are we starting a dibs war too?

I knew Risako had something big for Maiha xD But it is a shame that Maiha is a Fujimoto Jr. and Risako is a Risako :< Don't give up Risako~! Maiha will stick with you eventually~! <3

Roffle at Miyabi at the end xD

But I'm still curious of her and Captain's relationship back then =_=; I sense that Miyabi was the one with the crush on Captain, and felt betrayed when she left the troupe, ne? At least that was what my first impression :< Cover it quick!

-pets your hardhat to make sure its powers are in check- :]

XDD Silly girls.

It's funny how Maiha ended up to be Miki Jr. here... When in reality I see Miyabi in that position better. XD

It gets better. XDD

Hm... I cannot respond too much to your speculations... X3

It's a nice hardhat. Thanks for giving it to me. <3

Woo! So Risako definitely likes Maiha. XD And I was right, Momo feels something for Maasa. XD

Mmhmm, Miyabi. XD I like her, even if all she did in this chapter was drive up in a car. XD

-sits and waits patiently for the show to begin- XD

Oh you and your rightness. >3


Would you like some popcorn while you wait? -offers-

So in a small way they're sort of outsiders as well, Sort of..hnn...

Now, My slave prepare to lose!! O_O
also can't forget this

-insert crapload of scaryfaces-

~Update Fimmy-poop o_o

Mhm, you've got the right idea...

And you should be the one preparing... Muahaha.

-slinks away, as is my routine-

That tall rough-looking one name is Maasa -_-""" Learn to google! XD

Damn.. That is too EVIL! Another side of me reading that as a challenge.. :D *take a look around*

Hehe, all the sweetness from the conversation between Momo and Risako made me full :3

You know, I've always wondered if the H!P girls were internet-savvy or not...

XDDD Nah, it's just Miyabi being mean.

Well, hopefully it will sustain you for a while. I don't know if there's gonna be any more fluff for a little bit.
(Humor, though. Lots of that. XD)

Too much to read! Argh, I can't keep up, with so much going on, I don't even know what to comment on. Except evil Momo, I like evil Momo.

Haha, the war between my master and me is getting intense... Maybe I'm updating too much. XD

Yay for angry, sleepy Momo!! And it's obvious that Risako and Maiha were together. Risako...let her can get back at her later. Be "angry" and make her buy you things!  ;) And of course...Miyabi's one line rocked.

I want one. :3 (a Momochi, that is.)
Haha, maybe Risako will take your advice... Or maybe she'll be stubborn. lol

Hello! I've been stalking this fic for a while. I have no excuses for not commenting except for being lazy, sorry. But I've decided to come out of the dark to show my support :D

I only just got into Berryz recently, so I don't know much about them at all but I think this helped me keep my interest in them a lot! Everyone has pretty much said what I want to say about the recent chapters, so I'll start seriously commenting on the content next chapter (which I believe should be very soon if this rate of updating is continued o_o!). But Miyabi's awesome line deserves a mention right here right now  :D

Well, it's good to have you on board. :3
Glad you like my fic enough to come out of hiding. <3

Haha, sweet, we're starting a Berryz revolution with all of this fanfiction!

And a new chapter should be coming up... in a few... minutes... maybe. XD

[-Yuu-chan wedge-call- (Or whomever tries to steal the spot. XD)]
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Offline Yuuyami

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #105 on: April 20, 2007, 02:45:48 AM »


Offline Estrea

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #106 on: April 20, 2007, 02:48:52 AM »
-Double WEDGE-



Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #107 on: April 20, 2007, 03:11:15 AM »
[Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]

I was very much afraid for my life.

Risako was clinging to and cutting off the circulation of my arm as we sat in the backseat of Natsuyaki’s demon-mobile. The girl couldn’t drive. Period. So why were we there in the first place? Because the theatre was too far from both Risako’s apartment and Yurina’s house, and besides that we weren’t going to make the poor girl hobble around on her crutches when she didn’t have to.

So yesterday, when we had been making plans to set things in motion, Natsuyaki had offered to come and pick all of us up since she was the only one who could drive.

The only reason I don’t know how is because there isn’t really any need to drive around where I live. If there wasn’t a need, why bother?

Umeda had already been in the car when the two of them had shown up at the apartment, and she seemed to be the only one out of us that was brave enough to ride shotgun. Which was ironic, because I considered her to be more of the timid type…

“…Which way do I go again, Risako?”


I let out an involuntary shriek as we swerved a bit in order to get back into the proper lane. Natsuyaki had let the car drift a little when she turned back to ask my cousin the question.

“Haha~! Sorry. Which way, though?”

“T-turn left up here…”

I resolved that the only way to survive the rest of this ride would be to focus on something else… something else… my eyes landed on the row of buttons that was on the arm rest. Mustn’t touch them, Momoko… no matter how tempting… no… matter… how… I couldn’t help it, and my finger jabbed the one that had the down arrow on it. The window slid downwards accordingly.

Because it doesn’t take much to amuse me, I continued to make the glass slide up and down until Natsuyaki slammed on the brakes all of a sudden, causing all of the rest of us to squeal (or, in Risako’s case fall into the floor of the car, because she hadn’t been wearing her seatbelt).

“Haha, I almost passed the house… Well anyway, go in there and get her. We’ve got a lot of work to do today.”

Seeing as Risako was currently… well… cowering beneath the seat, I decided that Natsuyaki must have meant me, and so I got out of the car, trotting obediently up to Yurina’s door.

I could hear the piano going inside already, and I wondered if maybe the girl had forgotten about our plans today. We had stopped by yesterday after the incident at the theatre to enlist Yurina’s help, and she had agreed very enthusiastically to everything. (See, I told you I was a genius. I can read people pretty well.)

Perhaps her mysterious visitor was there…

Either way, I managed to knock on the door, and the playing ceased. I could hear shuffling going on inside, and after a minute or so, Yurina appeared at the entrance, propped up by her crutches. She gave me a sheepish little smile.

“Ah, sorry for making you wait…”

“It’s okay. Are you sure you’re going to be able to get around okay today?”

Determination spread over the slender female’s features. I was stupid to doubt her.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine.”

That determination melted clean away once she realized whose car was parked outside, and her face turned very, very white.

“Oh… I forgot that Miyabi was driving…”


When you leave five girls alone in an empty theatre with no supervision, bad things are bound to happen.

The idea had been that we were going to immediately begin to plan out the new routines to go along with the music that Yurina had for us, but Natsuyaki, it seemed, had difficulties with being serious for much too long, and she turned her attentions to tormenting poor Umeda.

Apparently, the tall girl was really, really ticklish, and Natsuyaki was amused by this fact, and so she started out by just poking her in the sides. After a while, her victim started to run, and they had disappeared into another area of the building, Umeda’s shrieks alerting us to their position every so often.

Yurina was seated at the grand piano that was on the stage, writing out notes on a stack of blank staff paper that Risako had found for her. She was so absorbed in doing this, that I thought it best to just leave her alone for a while. It was then that Risako called me over to her, and I could almost see the lightbulb hovering over her head.

“I just remembered something, Momo-chan… I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before, but… I bet we could find some interesting things in the library backstage. Takahashi-san told me once that every piece of music that has been performed on this stage is in there. We might not be able to use any of it, but it’s worth checking out, don’t you think?”

I nodded. It was a brilliant idea. What did I tell you? My cousin and I are geniuses.

We left Yurina sitting there, and she led me behind the stage to this door that opened into a long, dark corridor. A gust of stale, cold air greeted us, and for a moment, I hesitated.

“I’m not going in there unless you have a flashlight, Risako-chan…”

“Oh hush, you… It’s not that bad. We’ll just leave this door open so that the lights from the stage can trickle in and stuff. The room isn’t that far down anyway…”

Well, okay… Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

“I’m pretty sure, anyway… come on.”

She grabbed my hand in order to prevent me from fleeing, and I could do nothing but follow reluctantly after her. The farther we got from the door we entered from, the colder it got, and I traced along the wall with my other hand as we walked, not wanting to get too far away from it. You can imagine my surprise when I brushed against a cobweb.

Oh yeah, I screamed and jumped and spazzed out for a while there.

“How long has it been since someone’s been back here?” I asked, still feeling a bit twitchy after my encounter.

“Takahashi-san said that the room hasn’t been used in a while… There wasn’t much of a need for it when the theatre started to replace the orchestra with recorded music… Ah, I think I found it.”

I couldn’t see much in the darkness, but I could hear the creaky groan of a doorknob being turned, and Risako pulled me in along behind her. I had absolutely no idea what we were getting into.
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Offline Estrea

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fourteen – Secrets for Breakfast]
« Reply #108 on: April 20, 2007, 03:12:14 AM »
Dibs on first! :D Haha I beat Yuu to it! XD

Miyabi the crazy driver! Fufufufu. Poor Risako, it must be truly shocking an experience. XD

I wonder what's inside the room. Probably something unexpected. XD

-sits and waits- Oh and thanks for the popcorn. :D
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 03:20:29 AM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #109 on: April 20, 2007, 03:13:22 AM »
Dibs on second! xD

Oh my, unused library? Perhaps Miyabi scares the crap out of them, earning a slap/punch from one of the two xD!

That or they might find secret information of some sort o_o'

I love Miyabi's driving skills. Very much. :]
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 03:17:58 AM by Yuuyami »

Offline C60533

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #110 on: April 20, 2007, 03:25:57 AM »
^....about that...all right....Okay...Third.
DRIVING MIYABI! Nice! Do you have any idea how entertaining it is to have a crazy driver who has know idea where they're going in your story for me? Reading that put a smile on my face. Reminds me of past experiences. I can only imagine how she learned how to drive. I assume video games...but who knows...But poor Risako. She had to give directions and ended up cowering under the seat (if she knew it was Miyabi driving, why didn't she put on a seatbelt?). And judging by Yurina's reaction...I take it Miyabi's driving is known. And it seems Umeda is a victim of Miyabi's teasing. Bored Miyabi is a serious threat too it appears. When is she not threatening? Somehow I doubt she's less of a threat while sleeping....
When you leave five girls alone in an empty theatre with no supervision, bad things are bound to happen.

Quoted for truth.

Cliffhanger...I'm afraid of heights though....

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #111 on: April 20, 2007, 04:18:27 AM »
I love playing with the windows in cars. That's so much fun.

I wonder what they'll find in the library? ?_?


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #112 on: April 20, 2007, 05:51:25 AM »

New chapter yay!!
Now, I would do my quoting routine but I'll do that later tomorrow after school
~Sigh~ I must've been real tired...and of course asleep to be this late of a commenter ;+;


*kicks you* XDXD
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 05:51:42 AM by Loser87 »

Offline iacus

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #113 on: April 20, 2007, 06:44:14 AM »
I wonder what they'll find in the library? ?_?

A unicorn?

fic comment time

Offline ziggurat

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #114 on: April 20, 2007, 07:47:31 AM »
Quote from: FeverInducedMadness
Risako was clinging to and cutting off the circulation of my arm as we sat in the backseat of Natsuyaki’s demon-mobile. The girl couldn’t drive. Period. So why were we there in the first place? Because the theatre was too far from both Risako’s apartment and Yurina’s house, and besides that we weren’t going to make the poor girl hobble around on her crutches when she didn’t have to.

Lol, Risako clinging to Momo is cute :3 Miya devilish meter is hiking .. XD

That determination melted clean away once she realized whose car was parked outside, and her face turned very, very white.

Poor Yurina :D

Yurina was seated at the grand piano that was on the stage, writing out notes on a stack of blank staff paper that Risako had found for her. She was so absorbed in doing this, that I thought it best to just leave her alone for a while.

:heart: (only that can describe her :3)

I couldn’t see much in the darkness, but I could hear the creaky groan of a doorknob being turned, and Risako pulled me in along behind her. I had absolutely no idea what we were getting into.

Something good or bad ? Guess we will wait till next chapter then.. (My concentration lost for a while, maybe because I just had my lunch. Forgive me if the comments seem lame  -_-")

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #115 on: April 20, 2007, 11:01:31 PM »
Dibs on first! :D Haha I beat Yuu to it! XD

Miyabi the crazy driver! Fufufufu. Poor Risako, it must be truly shocking an experience. XD

I wonder what's inside the room. Probably something unexpected. XD

-sits and waits- Oh and thanks for the popcorn. :D

XD Again, ya'll are crazy.

Hahaha, yeah. She can't stand the Miyabi-mobile. <3

For Momochi, it is...

No prob, Bob. [Haha, your name isn't Bob. XD]

Dibs on second! xD

Oh my, unused library? Perhaps Miyabi scares the crap out of them, earning a slap/punch from one of the two xD!

That or they might find secret information of some sort o_o'

I love Miyabi's driving skills. Very much. :]

Though that would be fun to write about, Miyabi doesn't make an appearance in this chapter.

Not secret information exactly...

XD I based that off of Yukari-sensei from Azumanga Daioh.

DRIVING MIYABI! Nice! Do you have any idea how entertaining it is to have a crazy driver who has know idea where they're going in your story for me? Reading that put a smile on my face. Reminds me of past experiences. I can only imagine how she learned how to drive. I assume video games...but who knows...But poor Risako. She had to give directions and ended up cowering under the seat (if she knew it was Miyabi driving, why didn't she put on a seatbelt?). And judging by Yurina's reaction...I take it Miyabi's driving is known. And it seems Umeda is a victim of Miyabi's teasing. Bored Miyabi is a serious threat too it appears. When is she not threatening? Somehow I doubt she's less of a threat while sleeping....

Cliffhanger...I'm afraid of heights though....

Lol I'm glad I can make someone else smile. <3 Yeah, video games would be a good bet. As for Risako's lack of seatbelt, one must assume that she was too frightened to even think about that. XD Miyabi's driving is like... infamous to members of the troupe.

I'm afraid of heights, too... ;-; -nod-

I love playing with the windows in cars. That's so much fun.

I wonder what they'll find in the library? ?_?

Indeed it is. It's something that I would do.

Something awesome. <3


New chapter yay!!
Now, I would do my quoting routine but I'll do that later tomorrow after school
~Sigh~ I must've been real tired...and of course asleep to be this late of a commenter ;+;


*kicks you* XDXD

XD You must be really, really tired. Usually your comments are full of more energy. XD

-kicks you back... with love- <3

A unicorn?

fic comment time

Better than a unicorn.

Lol, Risako clinging to Momo is cute :3 Miya devilish meter is hiking .. XD

Poor Yurina :D

:heart: (only that can describe her :3)

Something good or bad ? Guess we will wait till next chapter then.. (My concentration lost for a while, maybe because I just had my lunch. Forgive me if the comments seem lame  -_-")

Aw, your comments aren't lame. I always appreciate them. :3

[Yuu-chan wedge call. Chapter soon after. <3]
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Offline Yuuyami

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #116 on: April 20, 2007, 11:02:33 PM »
-WEDGE- <3

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #117 on: April 20, 2007, 11:06:20 PM »
Haha, I don't have much to say except this:

thexxHERO (4:23:34 PM): lol I'm almost done... and then I'll start working on finishing up Chapter Sixteen.
Simply Shatten (4:23:48 PM): XD
thexxHERO (4:24:33 PM): which would be... now.
Simply Shatten (4:24:47 PM): !
Simply Shatten (4:24:59 PM): -heads straight for the forum to wedge it- <3
thexxHERO (4:25:11 PM): Iol... i mean that I'm going to start working on it... now...
thexxHERO (4:25:12 PM): haha
thexxHERO (4:25:16 PM): you're too excited.
Simply Shatten (4:25:28 PM): ...Oh you whore D:
thexxHERO (4:25:41 PM): hahahaha you're very amusing.
Simply Shatten (4:26:21 PM): >:C
Simply Shatten (4:26:22 PM): XD
thexxHERO (4:26:37 PM): I think I'm going to go downstairs to get some food and something to drink... just to make you wait a little longer.
Simply Shatten (4:26:48 PM): Can't wait for it, nonetheless
Simply Shatten (4:26:49 PM): O_O
thexxHERO (4:26:44 PM): hahahaha
Simply Shatten (4:26:51 PM): YOU
Simply Shatten (4:26:53 PM): FREAKING
Simply Shatten (4:26:56 PM): (*&$*$^#$(&#@)($)*@(*#_)@(*_#&^&
Simply Shatten (4:26:58 PM): X____X;
thexxHERO (4:26:58 PM): be right baaaaaack~!
Simply Shatten (4:27:09 PM): ;____;

[Chapter Sixteen -- Surprise...?]

Saki wasn’t used to waking up in somebody else’s arms. That, and she wasn’t used to Chinami actually being around in the morning, especially since the younger girl was prone to running off at this time of the day. She wasn’t complaining, though. It just meant one less thing to worry about.

She carefully slid out of the tanned girl’s grasp, standing up to stretch and yawn and allow her eyes some time to adjust to the sunlight shining through the decaying roof. But the brightness outside was in sharp contrast with how gloomy she felt on the inside.

Maybe I should just go back to sleep… There isn’t really any point in going to the city today… Especially if Chinami’s getting some rest for once.

Saki was about to turn around and return to the comfy little pile of coats, when she heard a rather loud thud sound from somewhere beneath her. As she leaned over the edge of the Loft to investigate, she found herself peering down at one very intoxicated Sudou Maasa, who was lying on her back in the grass.


The tall female squinted up at her for a few minutes, before a goofy smile spread across her lips and she began to giggle.

“I din’ know y’could fly, Sakiiii…”

Concerned, the small girl quickly made her way down the ladder and onto the ground, coming to a crouch beside Maasa. If her bloodshot eyes and slurred, broken speech weren’t enough to prove that the female was drunk, her alcohol-scented breath surely was…

“God, you must be really upset… How much have you had, Maa-chan?”

“Nyaaaaaaa~ah… lots las’night. Then this mornin’… more, cuz I had… -hiccup- a real bad headache…”

“Maasa, you don’t drink more alcohol to get rid of a hangover that you got from getting drunk!”

Maasa sat up, reeling a bit as she did so, because the sensation of her blood rushing back to her head combined with her current state was a bit overwhelming. She attempted to give Saki a really hard glare, but all she managed to do was cross her eyes, which wasn’t very intimidating at all.

“I’mma big girl… can have… -hiccup- s’much as I wan’…”

“Not really, considering it’s illegal!”

“’ve broken th’ law b’fore…”

“That doesn’t make it right… And I know you, you’ve only done this because something’s bothering you… what’s wrong, Maa-chan?”

The tall girl got to her feet with some difficulty, and Saki straightened herself back up, ready to try and steady Maasa if she happened to tip over… which wasn’t all that unlikely, because she had done it before. Maasa tried to focus on the smaller girl, but it was really hard to do while there were five of her floating around…

“Nothin’s wrong… nothin’s ever wrong… I’m always… -hiccup- okay.”


“I really… -hiccup- hate it when you look at me like that.”

“…Like what?”

“Like you’re searchin’ for somethin’… -hiccup- inside me… tryin’ to… -hiccup- find m’secrets… Stop it.”

That serious tone had crept back into Maasa’s drunken voice, and Saki knew that she was treading on thin ice now. The taller girl could be a really stupid, clumsy drunk, but she could also be a really mean, dangerous drunk. And no one in their right mind wanted to be hit by the powerhouse that was Sudou Maasa.

“Alright, I’ll drop it… are you going to be okay, though? Do you want to stay here until you feel a bit more… um… sober?”

Maasa shook her head roughly, and Saki watched as the other girl staggered off and nearly got herself entangled within the chain-link fence that surrounded the house. That was when she realized something.

…Did she fall off the ladder a minute ago?


I hugged my arms tightly as Risako stumbled around in the pitch black room, searching for a light switch. …Assuming that there even WAS one in there… She was making an awful lot of noise, and I could hear things being knocked over every so often. Things that were probably fragile by the sound of it, mind you.

All of a sudden, bright light split through my vision, and I had to cover my eyes for a moment while they adjusted to the change. That didn’t stop me from scowling at Risako, though.

“A warning would have been nice.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know that I had found it…”

When my eyesight returned to me, I realized that we were standing in a very dusty room, the likes of which were covered in stacks and boxes of sheet music. It wasn’t very organized at all, but the mess had been made much greater thanks to Risako’s clumsiness, and several pages cluttered the floor as well.

“What were you planning on looking for when we got in here…?”

“Oh, you know… I thought we could just shuffle through all this junk… see if we could pick up anything interesting…”

She was hiding something from me. I could tell by the way she was speaking. And by the way she was avoiding my eyes. Was there something special hidden in this musical treasure room that she didn’t want me to know about just yet? I wasn’t so sure about this idea anymore.

I don’t really like surprises.

Risako must have noticed my hesitation, because she rolled her eyes at me.

“Oh, just help me look, Momo-chan.”

We started at one end of the room, pulling down a box from the top of a particularly large pile to begin with. We pulled it over to the center of the room, and sat down in order to try and file through the sheets of music. Some of them had started to yellow with age, and others I couldn’t even handle properly, because they were starting to fall apart.

“Nasty… This is probably not the best place to store this stuff…”

“Yeah, this is the really old junk… What we’re looking for is something that was performed only twenty or so years ago.”

I glanced at Risako with a raised eyebrow as she stood up again and began to dig through another pile of music.

“So we are looking for something specific.”

“Just be patient and wait.”

“I’d like to know what I’m waiting for, though…”

“Ah! I can’t believe I found it! Come and look Momo-chan, I think you’ll be excited!”

I let out a long-suffering sigh and got to my feet, brushing the dust off of my pants. Risako was holding a score of some song, and I walked over to her, peering over her shoulder in order to read the title at the top of the page. My eyes widened as I began to comprehend what it was that she held in her hands.

This is…
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Fifteen: We’re the Good Kind of Crazy]
« Reply #118 on: April 20, 2007, 11:07:45 PM »
Dibs on first comment! <3

Gotta love my spazzing from AIM xD

Aww at Chinami and Captain at the beginning.

Oh my, Maasa is certainly stubborn about keeping her touch image in front of everyone, drunk or not o_o; I wonder what her secrets really are... Hope Saki finds them soon xD

I think Risako and Momoko found Love Machine xD

...Or Anata nashi de wa ikete yukenai xD
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 11:13:25 PM by Yuuyami »


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Sixteen -- Surprise...?]
« Reply #119 on: April 20, 2007, 11:11:29 PM »
WHOO!! >_<

I did it!! I made it faster! O_O

I wonder what music is the sheet music...>_> Bad engrish I know >_>

I wuv this chapter though! >w<
Maasa drunk and I bet I know why >w<


Saki wasn’t used to waking up in somebody else’s arms. That, and she wasn’t used to Chinami actually being around in the morning, especially since the younger girl was prone to running off at this time of the day. She wasn’t complaining, though. It just meant one less thing to worry about.

Well now, ain't that just flippin' adorable! >w<

“Nyaaaaaaa~ah… lots las’night. Then this mornin’… more, cuz I had… -hiccup- a real bad headache…”

XDXDXD I love her reason XD

“Like you’re searchin’ for somethin’… -hiccup- inside me… tryin’ to… -hiccup- find m’secrets… Stop it.”

That serious tone had crept back into Maasa’s drunken voice, and Saki knew that she was treading on thin ice now. The taller girl could be a really stupid, clumsy drunk, but she could also be a really mean, dangerous drunk. And no one in their right mind wanted to be hit by the powerhouse that was Sudou Maasa.
Maasa always doing the tough routine...She needs a hug!! >w< *Huggles the drunky*

Maasa shook her head roughly, and Saki watched as the other girl staggered off and nearly got herself entangled within the chain-link fence that surrounded the house. That was when she realized something.

…Did she fall off the ladder a minute ago?

I have no idea why but I laughed hard at this XDXDXD

All of a sudden, bright light split through my vision, and I had to cover my eyes for a moment while they adjusted to the change. That didn’t stop me from scowling at Risako, though.

“A warning would have been nice.”

Lol, I love the attitude XDXD

Just be patient and wait.”

“I’d like to know what I’m waiting for, though…”

“Ah! I can’t believe I found it! Come and look Momo-chan, I think you’ll be excited!”

I let out a long-suffering sigh and got to my feet, brushing the dust off of my pants. Risako was holding a score of some song, and I walked over to her, peering over her shoulder in order to read the title at the top of the page. My eyes widened as I began to comprehend what it was that she held in her hands.

This is…



Quality and Quantity, Doofus!


~Update and who said you can kick me back!
*pinches your cheeks* RAWR!!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 11:24:12 PM by Loser87 »

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