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Author Topic: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 11 up 17th May]  (Read 9411 times)

Offline Blu-Cherri

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Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 11 up 17th May]
« on: April 17, 2007, 04:28:53 PM »

2002 June 30th, 15 young girls are selected for special government training.
Out of these, 8 were chosen to begin to become members of a special government agent group. B e r r y z koubou- formed 2004 unknown date

Saki Shimizu, Momoko Tsugunaga, Chinami Tokunaga, Maasa Sudou, Miyabi Natsuyaki, Maiha Ishimura, Yurina Kumai and Risako Sugaya

True capability – unknown
True purpose – unknown
It is also unknown if anything biological was changed.  But they are trained to follow orders and get the job done by any means necessary.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2008, 07:34:10 PM by Blu-Cherri »

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2007, 04:29:18 PM »
Chapter 1

 2006 31st December
Minutes away from the New Year.

“Momoko, Momoko respond”
“Hai Momoko here, I’ve infiltrated and am currently sliding through the air vents.  When I reach the room I will contact you, Kumai-chan” with the name being emphasised in a cute childish way.  Momoko was the smallest member of the group and was also pretty agile and so often did the ‘small space’ sneaking around.
“Just keep an eye on where you’re going”
“Hai hai~,”

Yurina Kumai standing 173cm tall was posing as a mid-teenage waitress, when in fact she was almost the youngest of the group at 13.   She proceeded to smile at an old man that walked past, obviously liking her maid-like uniform, then walk off carefully to a staff only room.

Puts her hand to her ear.
“Minna, Tsugunaga is on the move positions.” She then touched her ear in a slightly different way.
“Maasa, you too”
“Huh? Oh right mission.”  Maasa had an unfortunate habit of ‘spacing out a lot.’

“Kumai-chan, the boss is on the move.” Said a small girl, with headphones on sitting infront of lots of screens, most showing security cameras.
“Ryokai, I’ll make sure to give him my best smile.  Here he is.  Kumai out.”

The ‘boss’ walked up onto a stage with a microphone on a stand in the middle.
“It is my greatest pleasure to see you all here today, together for one cause.  I have not had the opportunity to visit the communities in Africa, but my colleagues have kept me well informed and I am pleased to say that the money raised tonight is truly for a good cause.”
Yurina could not help but laugh at this, not out loud she was better trained than that.
“All these rich idiots think that we’ll keep giving them our money into their businesses if it looks like they’re ‘good people.’  Are other people really that blind?”  she thought
“We would like to welcome some talented youths to perform for your enjoyment this night.” The irony of this comment also made Yurina laugh.
“Presenting Sakura Yamamoto backed by the dance group ‘Otome Hearts’.”
Miyabi in a beautiful gown, complete with gloves and stilettos walked onstage.  She was followed by Chinami and Maasa dressed similarly but obviously more practical.  Risako was also close behind them, acting the part of a friend/manager.  Much easier to conceal weapons and other devices in what she could wear if not performing.
They began their performance.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 02:51:33 PM by Blu-Cherri »

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2007, 04:29:34 PM »
Chapter 2

“Ah kita, kita” Momoko put her hand to her ear “Captain, I’m here and it’s empty, shall I proceed?”  Saki then went to checking her screens.
“Just a second, place your locating device on the outside of the air vent so I can check the security system in the room.”  Momoko followed this instruction.
Saki then began to formulate a map on her screen and began hacking into the security system. 
“Ok if there was a security system I think I’ve disabled it, but proceed with caution.”

Saki then informed Yurina of the situation, who then sent Miyabi the first signal, who then relayed one to Risako who was not in Yurina’s line of sight.

“Ok I’m fully in, so where do you think the chip will be?”
No reply
“Yes sorry I was running a scan, seeing if I could detect it, I’m afraid there are too many other silicon and metal based objects it’s impossible to detect without knowing its exact structure, and even then it’s not even very accurate.  Sorry but you’ll have to just do this the old fashioned way.  Well, to a degree anyway, some of your tools should help.  Saki out.”

Momoko pulled out a thin, but bright torch and began looking around.
“Ah~ how am I supposed to find a small chip?”

She began searching in, around, between, under, on top and any other way she could think of.  It was not going well, but she was not going to give up.  Momoko never gave up on anything.  It was just then that she noticed something odd.  She spotted an unmarked metal box.  It was locked but that would never stop her.  She took out a small kit with lots of tiny metal rods and a ‘skeleton key’ of sorts.  She tried the key, changing its shape several times, but to no avail.  She had guessed it wouldn’t be that easy.  She then spent ten minutes being her pieces of metal and turning them in different ways.  Eventaully it came loose and inside was a ‘keep safe’ box, like the type a child would have.  It was wooden and well decorated.  She pulled it out and opened this lock easily.  Inside it was lined with red material and she quickly noticed it was a false bottom and was about to pull it out when suddenly.
“Momoko Tsugunaga! Don’t take it out!  It has a pressure trigger inside and will explode whilst setting of an alarm.  I’m almost sure it has the chip inside it but it could be a decoy.  We’ll have to try and get inside it now…hold on Yurina’s contacting me.
“Captain Miyabi-tachi are nearly finished we need to get out now!”
“Ok I’m talking with Momoko now, we have a complication try to drag it out, stop them from starting the last song straight away, make a ruckus or something.”
“Ryokai.”  She smiled “This is just too great.” She thought to herself.


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Offline Blu-Cherri

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2007, 04:31:46 PM »
Chapter 3

“Ok Momoko, Yurina will drag out the performance, we need to think of something.”
“Oh I once saw something like this in a manga” you could almost hear Saki sigh inside; Momoko’s weak spot was manga.
“What we need is something of the same pressure and weight to go onto it after I’ve taken my finger off, using that first since it’s still likely to detonate but at least it might help make it smaller.  The manga used dirt, there’s a plant pot here, I’ll use that.”
“Ryokai, just be careful.  Saki out.”

Meanwhile Miyabi’s song was finishing and Yurina already had an idea.
Just as the music was fading, she screamed.  Her scream was pure pain.
“A COCKROACH!!”  and pointed towards the stage causing Miyabi and Maasa to scream also.  They ran and hugged Chinami, who never really had a problem with bugs.
“Daijobu, Daijobu it’s not going to hurt you.”
This kept the audience distracted for a while.

“Yosh this should weigh about the same as the cover, it doesn’t seem that heavy.”
She then carefully poured about half through a little corner she lifted up.  She then peeled the rest away until she could careful place her finger on the trigger.  Sure enough it all came of without detonating.  It was filled with some kind of foreign currency and underneath the notes, sure enough, was a silicon chip. 

By this point the cockroach problem had passed they had just begun the final song.  Yurina was being scolded by the other waitresses but was laughing inside.

“Ok, here it goes” and with that Momoko put the rest of the dirt in whilst taking her finger off.  Nothing happened
“Captain! It didn’t detonate!”
“…..but I can detect a change in the room, I think it has a delayed response get out of there.”  And with that Momoko decided it would not be clever to hang around and so quickly grabbed a chair and climbed back in the airvent, just as she did the explosion happened. 
“Momoko what’s wrong?”
“Captain a shard of wood is in my leg I think.”
“Can you still get out of there?”  Momoko began to crawl.
“It hurts but I can keep moving.  Momoko out.”

“Yurina signal to Miyabi, get it done now.”  She began to sway her head to the music, Miyabi understood.  She began to raise her arm up, pointing towards the boss, but looking like it was part of the dance.  Risako’s face changed, she was in killer mode.
She dropped her smoke bomb and just before it detonated, lifted her arm and shot the boss clean in his head.  The rest of the girls grabbed guards and knocked them unconscious.  They all ran out in previously set out paths, not again meeting until they were at least three blocks away, where Saki’s van was parked.  The door opened and they climbed in.

“Well done team, another successful mission,” but suddenly noticed, “Where’s Momoko?”


So what does everyone think of the first 3 chapters??  Sorry they're not beta so probably full of English mistakes but I'd love to know what people think so far??
First time writing a H!P fanfic...first time properly writing a fanfic lol hope I portrayed them all ok.^^ and dont worry Maiha's not appearence will be explained later.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 04:32:14 PM by Blu-Cherri »

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2007, 05:35:59 PM »
Cute and chibi agents are my type :3 Lol, Momo need to be more serious.

Quote from: Blu-Cherri
Yurina Kumai standing 173cm tall was posing as a mid-teenage waitress, when in fact she was almost the youngest of the group at 13.   She proceeded to smile at an old man that walked past, obviously liking her maid-like uniform, then walk off carefully to a staff only room.

Lol, this make me giggle unconsciously.

“Huh? Oh right mission.”  Maasa had an unfortunate habit of ‘spacing out a lot.’

Lol, when I trying to have faith in Maasa. She better be careful. XD

“Kumai-chan, the boss is on the move.” Said a small girl, with headphones on sitting infront of lots of screens, most showing security cameras.


Beautiful dancers!.


Saki then began to formulate a map on her screen and began hacking into the security system.

... Captain gonna catch me next time lol.

Oh, damn. It gonna explodes?!


“Oh I once saw something like this in a manga” you could almost hear Saki sigh inside; Momoko’s weak spot was manga.

LOL, what?! That will cost her life.


Although this scene should be serious and dangerous, I can't stop thinking about Momo's cuteness lol.

“Well done team, another successful mission,” but suddenly noticed, “Where’s Momoko?”


I'm shocked when refreshing the page. Because I see another Berryz fic :D Wow, 3 chapters in a row sure fast. Your fic is good and interesting to read. I think it just need more details. Ah, you will include Maiha too?! That will be awesome! I would like to read more! Thank you :3

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2007, 05:47:19 PM »
yay~ someone read my story!!
I was worried people might get bored with too much detail, but I guess real stories are full of description.
I'll keep that in mind when writing my next chapters. yeah I wrote all 3 at once, it was fun ^_^
btw anything in reference to character is usually in their profiles(like Maasa spacing out, momoko and manga and miyabi+maasa with cockroaches etc Saki's fast at emailing so i thought she could be computer girl lol plus seems boss like)
kyaa~ i wanna write the next bit now lol

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2007, 06:26:09 PM »
After one day, other readers will start pouring in lol. Just give them some time to read :D

Heh, people don't get bored over details. They love every inch of that. (well, in my case and some other readers I know).

Because other fanfic writers tend to create each members own unique characteristics, I'm assuming that when I start reading yours too. Lol. I'm so stupid don't realize it after reading though. So, you're going to use their true characteristics? That will be welcomed XD Anyway... if you're posting new chapters too fast, the readers will be left behind XDDD

Ok, scrap that. I'm joking lol. Keep the spirit up!

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2007, 08:01:12 PM »
I'm already in, umm I usually read fanfics after school
and I'm starting to like this one.
This mission was to prevent silicon poisoning? Well anyways I might've misinterpreted the story wrong.
I might start a fic of my own,
starting with the main character as Chiko (Risako)
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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2007, 08:15:56 PM »
Hey, this is good. I don't know much about these girls myself, and I guess it helps: I have no expectations about them and therefore, I'm open to whatever I'm presented with.


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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2007, 09:08:25 PM »
yay more readers!!

I was probably pretty vague cuz I'm a slight geek, but often computer chips are made from silicon as silicon has properties of both a metal and non-metal.  There'll be more information about it in a later chapter, don' t worry i won't leave you in the dark  ^^

Also I'm quite glad that I've even managed to get the attention of a non-berryz fan woo~

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2007, 09:17:59 PM »
But, but, I must know! -flails-
What's become of Momoko?! D:
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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2007, 09:46:10 PM »
Chapter 4

All she could hear was the sound of her heavy breathing and her heart pounding out of her chest.  Momoko was trapped.  She was in a dark alleyway, a street away from the van, but the guards were so close that if she spoke she would definitely be found. 
“Doushiyo, Doushiyo, Doushiyo, Dou.shi.yo~” she thought to herself.  She needed to get out but even if she could call for help, it would just put the other girls in danger.

“Think Momo, think!  What can you do?”  The guards were still out there and it was only a matter of time before they came into here, looked behind the dumpster and found her.  Also, her leg had started bleeding with the wood still in there; she needed to get out of here. 

She thought she saw someone out the corner of her eye, but they moved so fast she was not sure.  The sky was black with a pinkish orange haze from the street lights, reflecting on the clouds.   The moon was a perfect crescent, so light was not particularly good.  Just then, she heard a loud crash from in the street, she got her night vision goggles out(which of course, being a secret agent meant they only looked like sunglasses with a few bumps at the sides for buttons) to see what was happening.  She could not believe it, the guards were gone.  It was just a street with some trees and parked cars.  She switched the goggles to heat vision mode and saw there was no one, as if nothing had happened.  She decided not to wait around and fine out more so came out from behind the dumpster, which smelt really bad by the way, and ran towards the street, keeping close to the wall.  When she was sure it was safe she took her goggle/glasses off and it was then she saw it.  A red tulip on the floor.
“My favourite flower…” she picked it up, “Kirei…” then realised she had stayed to long and ran to the van.

“Why don’t we try to contact her?” Maasa suggested.
“No, if she was in a situation where that would be safe to do, she would have done that herself by now.” Saki replied.
“Well we can’t sit here and do nothing Captain.” Miyabi complained.
“Everyone just calm down, I’m sure if there was an option right now Captain would have said by now.  She might’ve just gotten into a point where she could be caught and had to wait.”  Chinami suggested.
Captain’s eyes suddenly widened dramatically
“Oh no, Momoko injured her leg at the end of the mission.”
“Nani!” replied everyone else.
“Oh no this is terrible, what are we going to do?” Miyabi began to become very worried.
“She’s here…” said Risako, with no expression on her face or in her voice.  Sure enough Risako was the only one still watching the monitors and there was Momoko.
Saki quickly returned to her computers and opened the door.  Into which Momoko pulled herself in, before collapsing under her pained leg.
“Momoko thank God you’re ok!” Yurina exclaimed before really seeing her leg.  “Maasa quickly get the first aid kit!

Maasa brought the small green medical kit over to where Momoko was as Chinami and Yurina pulled her inside fully so that the door could be close and so she was now lying properly.  Maasa then ripped her clothes of where the wound was
“Right, I’ll tell the driver to take us back to base.” And with that Saki began typing again.
“Captain…the chip” said Momoko’s wavering voice.
“Shh, try not to speak too much.” Maasa said, carefully brushing her fringe to try and calm her down.  She then went into her pocket and pulled out the computer chip.  It was in a special air tight ‘static-proof’ plastic bag.  She then handed it to Miyabi who handed it onto Saki.
“Ok let’s see if we can get anything off this,” and with that she inserted it into a slot on the computer.
“It’s on a separate system so if there’s some kind of virus it shouldn’t mess up the equipment.”  And with that, she was away into her work.
“Ah, ittai~” Maasa had just pulled the wooden chip out of Momoko’s leg.
“Sorry Momo, it had to be done.”  And with that she began checking for splinters, then spotted something odd.
“Kuso.  I think there’s something Captain needs to look at.  Captain!”
Miyabi woke Captain from her ‘computer studying trance’ and signalled at Maasa.
“What is it?”
“I found this in Momo’s wound,” and she pointed to a metallic looking object, miniscule object.
“Dammit, Get This Out Of Here, they’ll find us with this thing.  Can you remove it Sudou-chan?”
“I think so but not without hurting Momo a lot, we really need to be in controlled conditions wi..”
“It’s fine...just get it out.” Momo’s faint voice said.
“…wakaru.”  Maasa began getting out her instruments(medical ones) and proceeded to remove the object.


omg another reader, kyaa~ i'm so happy im grinning from ear to ear.
again it's not beta'ed so do tell me if there's any huge mistakes or if i made anything unclear that seems like it should be clear.

Also just realised I left out Saki and Momoko's clothes description, I'll add this is if I ever go through and correct previous mistakes
Saki is wearing a dark blue plasticy/leather jacket with a white srtipe and a black top underneath with matching bottoms.
Momoko was wearing a spy type 'crawling in tight places' smooth tight outfit, kinda totally spies-esque but black(to hide her at night) with a utility type matching belt.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 03:01:52 PM by Blu-Cherri »

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 4 up!]
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2007, 10:09:10 PM »
Berryz Koubou.

A super top secret government group trained to infiltrate and combat terrorists.

They fear nothing.

Except cockroaches ;D

I lol'd at the part where Maasa forgot about their mission. :lol:

Yurina in a maid outfit? Did you just say Yurina was wearing a maid outfit?  :imdead:

Momo's the one doing the infiltrating like crawling in vents in stuff. I imagined that Saki would be the one doing that because she's the smallest...oh yeah they almost have the same height now. :D

Your English is fine, don't worry too much about mistakes, Blu. That's the least of your problems because now you have to keep on updating to satisfy rabid readers like me. :temper:


It was really fun reading your story. Keep it up. :D

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 4 up!]
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2007, 10:24:07 PM »
Well technically Momo is the smallest now, by something like 0.2cm.  PLus this meant Saki could be more boss-like ^^
I'm glad I have rebid readers cuz I'm absolutely love writing this story, I'll probably spread out the rest of my postings to stop me writing too much without thinking it through.

I'll try and fail to draw chibi pics of the girls(im crap at drawing made-up even half-real looking people without vast amounts of references lol.)
and yes Yurina in a maid outfit! thought it'd be cool :p

kyaa~  i really hope my story becomes popular! lol

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 4 up!]
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2007, 03:32:47 AM »
Quote from: Blu=Cherri
“Doushiyo, Doushiyo, Doushiyo, Dou.shi.yo~” she thought to herself.  She needed to get out but even if she could call for help, it would just put the other girls in danger.

Poor Momo. Ganbare!

A red tulip on the floor.
“My favourite flower…” she picked it up, “Kirei…” then realised she had stayed to long and ran to the van.

I smelled a saviour. Somebody help her, or the flower just a coincidence?

“She’s here…” said Risako, with no expression on her face or in her voice.  Sure enough Risako was the only one still watching the monitors and there was Momoko.

Risako believes in Momo. At last, saved!

“I found this in Momo’s wound,” and she pointed to a metallic looking object, miniscule object.
“Dammit, Get This Out Of Here, they’ll find us with this thing.  Can you remove it Sudou-chan?”

Huh, tracking bug? Hmm, I wonder when and how it stucked at her injury.

Phew.. Nice chapter 4 Blu-Cherri :D The heart-pounding Momo's moment can be felt. Keep the idea pouring! XD

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 4 up!]
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2007, 02:51:15 PM »
Oh crap I just noticed a continuity mistake xD
I won't point it out but I will edit it, sorry everyone.

and and anothe, I wrote Momoko instead of Maasa at one point, maybe i should check these through before posting lol.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 03:04:53 PM by Blu-Cherri »

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 4 up!]
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2007, 10:34:41 PM »
Chapter 5

“It’s out, I got it Captain.”  Saki grabbed it out of Maasa’s hand, very harshly.  “Just as I expected, we need to somehow make them think it’s still with us so that they follow a cold trail.”
They all sat silent for a moment.
“Ah, why don’t we use Mika?”  Yurina suggested.
“Yes, that’s exactly what we’ll use.
Mika stood for Mechanical Instrumental Kanine Autobot
Yurina took out from a metal box, a robot dog.
“Yosh, yoshi” Yurina said as she patted the metal dog.
“Ok let’s say our goodbyes to Mika and get back to base safely.”  So Saki began to insert the tracker so that it was definitely stuck in Mika’s outer casing.
The vehicle stopped for traffic lights.
“Here’s our chance” Chinami said has she opened the door in the floor.
“Bye, bye Mika” said Yurina, waving as Saki carefully placed the dog-bot on the road.  Immediately it shot to life and ran to the pavement, taking off onto another road.
“I’m gonna miss Mika she’s so cute!” Sighed Yurina.

Some time passed as they approached base.
“Yosh, I think I understand.  This is indeed the chip we were looking for.” Said Saki, taking off her headset as she did.
“So what does it do?” asked Maasa, who had Momo sleeping on her lap.
“Well it’s a decoder of sorts, I haven’t got the code it’s for or anything relating to it, so I can’t tell you much.  It’s probably not information meant for us.”
“If we don’t know what it does exactly, how can you tell you’re got the right chip?”  Miyabi asked.
“Well basically they just gave me things to look for, such as which gates in which order.”
“Gates?” Momoko spoke, as she came to.
“It’s physics and circuits, basically they sometimes pass electricity and sometimes don’t.”
“Oh is that all” and with that Momoko fell back asleep.  Maasa laughed at this under her breath.
“Yes anyway, we’re about to arrive, everyone get ready and changed.”

Sorry it's such a short chapter, but the next one is mure full of detail and happenings as I'm sure you can imagine, so hold tight.  I've even got pictures to go with the next bit!

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 5 up!]
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2007, 12:59:58 AM »
Quote from: Blu-Cherri
Yurina took out from a metal box, a robot dog.
“Yosh, yoshi” Yurina said as she patted the metal dog.

This scene is so sweet. It kinda remind me when captain take out the dog from a box at the river in Koinu Dan Monogatari. >_< No more Mika after this?

“So what does it do?” asked Maasa, who had Momo sleeping on her lap.

Momo always got cute moment. Yeah, I know she's injured. Not like I'm complaining though XD

“Gates?” Momoko spoke, as she came to.
“It’s physics and circuits, basically they sometimes pass electricity and sometimes don’t.”
“Oh is that all” and with that Momoko fell back asleep.  Maasa laughed at this under her breath.

Hehe. See?

Wheee... :D I'll waiting for the longer one patiently now..

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 5 up!]
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2007, 01:07:04 AM »
nono its ok
damn psp lmao
some1 already posted when i got to the reply box (it says lmao)
gj im liking it so far, they are pretty and clever and nice c-ute sig, i can use that for my background on my psp
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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 4 up!]
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2007, 01:24:28 PM »

Mika stood for Mechanical Instrumental Kanine Autobot

hihi~ nice story blu-chan! <3<3<3

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