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Author Topic: Berry Beautiful [Volume 2]  (Read 95772 times)

Offline rokun

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 10: Oh Captain...]
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2007, 09:22:14 PM »
Chapter 10

The evening concert couldn’t have gone any better. All the girls nailed their lines. They reacted very well to each other. Saki was very proud of how far they all had come. The smiles and cheers from the girls afterwards seemed to indicate they felt the same.

After changing, Saki accompanied Chinami and Maasa – the only two girls ready aside from Yurina, who she had a special mission for – out behind the arena to gather for the trip to Fujimoto-san’s. The two other girls were hyper as always, although Maasa seemed to be trying hard to scare the slightly older girl as much as she could. Usually Saki would try to stop something like that, but she didn’t want to get too involved again and have a Chii-chan accessory for the party.

“By the way…” she began, but Maasa cut her off.

“So who all is coming? I’m so excited! Mikitty throws the best parties, and this one is even going to be at her house!” The girl’s eyes were wide as with awe at the idea of treading in that most sacred of places in Hello! Project social lore.

Saki held her tongue. If only these girls knew the kinds of things that really went on in that place… Well, maybe they’d get a taste of it tonight. She looked between the two girls, Chinami now also with an expression of wonder and awe. A tear nearly came to Saki’s eye. They were almost all grown-up now…

“I told Momo about it before the concert. I think that was part of the reason she was even bouncier and squeakier than usual. So she’s definitely coming. When coming to meet you guys I ran past Rii-Rii’s room and shouted at her about it. She said enough to let me know she heard me but I couldn’t tell anything else from her mumbling… I also sent Kuma-chan to tell Miya. Those two always take the longest to change, so I imagine they’ll be out at some point…”

She had thought about not telling Risako about it since that was one girl she still wanted to try to preserve whatever innocence was left in her, and she was afraid a party at Fujimoto-san’s would forever cause that line to be crossed, but with the rest of them going there was no way she could leave her out. Still, she held out some hope she might not show up…

However, all four girls eventually did show up. Risako made it just before Saki was going to take the rest and leave her behind. Saki also stared at the girl’s long legs underneath shorts that were barely long enough to be called such. With those and a face like hers, she’d be lucky to escape the house tonight with any sort of faux innocence intact. Sighing in resignation though, she joined the girls in heading toward the station.

The ride over was uneventful, and aside from a bit too much teasing once they left the train they all kept together until they arrived at Fujimoto-san’s. The place was exactly as she remembered it. She’d sworn she wasn’t going to drink since she wanted to be at her best for Jun later on, but Fujimoto-san almost clung to her as soon as she walked in the door. First it was just congratulatory, but then she began offering cup after cup until Saki became annoyed enough and caved in.

After her second drink she was still quite composed – for such a small girl she had quite a head for liquor – although she did feel a bit more relaxed and loosened up. Miki however must have underestimated her, and Saki found out the girl’s true intent. With Yoshizawa-san’s upcoming graduation and Miki’s looming tenure as leader of Morning Musume, the woman apparently thought Saki, in her years at the helm of her own girls, had all the answers! She tried to help the best she could, but couldn’t really get out of her mind the ridiculousness of a twenty-two year old asking a fifteen year old for leadership advice. In hopes of making the woman realize it, Saki decided to give her something to chew on.

“You know, the main thing that will help you be a great and independent leader is to have support for yourself. Make sure you get a lover as soon as possible.” Of course everyone knew the rumours of her and Matsuura-san, and although Saki knew nothing was happening with them, she wouldn’t be surprised if things ended up that way. “You’ll be able to be much calmer in the face of whatever stresses might rise, and you’ll always have someone to fall back on if nothing goes right and everybody hates you – which will happen.” That much was true. There were times when things were rocky with her girls, but ever since she met Jun they just seemed to feed off her energy and visibly appreciated her. Of course, that wasn’t her point in talking to Miki. She just hoped her fifteen year old self talking to a woman seven years her senior about lovers would be what clicked in that warped mind of hers and made her realize Saki didn’t know what she was talking about and make her leave. Well, it did succeed in making her leave, but the thoughtful face the woman showed as she sauntered away caused Saki’s brows to knit. After watching her disappear behind a door, she whipped out her cell phone and opened a new mail message.

I can’t stand this any more. Take me away!!!

She grinned as she pressed “send”, all thoughts of strange older girls gone. She’d spent long enough here now. It was time to go have some real fun. Sipping the last from the cup in her hand and setting it on a table, she went through a door opposite the one she was just watching, carefully dodging a small ball flying across her path followed by a screaming Tanaka-san.

Once in the other room, she scoped it a bit and saw Miyabi sitting quietly on a couch, twirling a cup in her own hands. Immediately her expression fell into one of concern. All of her girls would have fun tonight! Strolling on over there, she slid smoothly into the seat next to the younger girl and pulled her feet in toward her lap.

“Fun party, huh?” she asked. She hid a grin as she immediately heard a crash and other noises from back past where she just came from resulting in a yell from Miki. Apparently the woman wasn’t taking her advice too much to heart.

“Everybody seems to be having a great time,” Miyabi replied in barely more than a mumble. Saki looked over at her, but the girl was still staring at her hands and that cup.

“It doesn’t look like you are though, Miya-chan.” Miyabi finally tore her eyes away from below and looked into Saki’s.

“I’m just tired,” she said, before apparently losing her will and letting her face fall back toward the cup that must have been quite something for all the attention she paid it. “Being the center of attention all the time is hard work, you know.” Saki widened her eyes at the smirk she saw when the girl said that. Miya and Risako seemed to be the hardest ones for her to deal with. The rest of the girls, possibly excluding Momo, just seemed to enjoy having all the opportunities that came to them. Those two however always seemed to have stars in their eyes lately as if they thought they would really be special some day. Saki didn’t tell them so of course to make sure they didn’t get big heads, but she thought they would too. They already were, really. They’ll definitely make of themselves far more than her. She worked hard, but that could only get her so far. Jun really helped her realize there are always other meanings to life out there.

She chuckled before responding and dropped her own gaze. “Maybe I should tell Tsunku to give you fewer lines. Or maybe just separate you and Rii-chan for once during a concert. You always seem to tire yourself out most in those songs.” Miyabi stayed silent after that, though from the corner of her eye Saki thought she saw the girl tense up. Ahh, it seemed she’d hit a nerve. Those two always did seem to have more going between them than their performances. Saki also swore she saw Miyabi creeping from Risako’s room some mornings when they weren’t assigned to the same one. “Are you two all right?”

“O-of course we are,” the girl responded quickly. She was such a bad liar. “You know us. We don’t let anything get us down.”

Saki smiled. “I try not to get involved in the personal affairs of my girls… But you know I’m always willing to listen if one of you wants to talk.”

“I do know, Captain…” Miyabi began as if reassuring her Captain of something. “I guess it’s just complicated. And I made it more complicated last night, I think…”

Saki smiled softly to herself. Yes, much more than meets the eye. She decided she’d try to share with this girl some of the joy she felt lately herself. Love really was a wonderful thing. Noticing that the other girl seemed almost about to cry, she wrapped an arm around her, taking a deep breath, and went for it. “Does it have to be complicated?”

Miyabi turned toward her. “What do you mean?”

Saki hugged the girl closer. These were the situations that made her happiest. Some of her girls might accomplish much more than herself, and she greatly respected Miyabi, so she felt proud when she could do even the slightest thing to help them out with one of the few things she knew. “Most of the time it’s only complicated in your mind, when in reality it’s as simple as anything could be. Whatever you did last night, did you get a complicated reaction?”

“…No,” Miyabi answered after a moment. “There was really no reaction other than that it was… nice…”

Saki smiled. Well that was more than she expected the girl to say. She looked toward her and caught her eyes, which stared back intently. The girl did have the most beautiful and deep eyes… “It sounds pretty simple to me, then,” she said almost as if in a wistful sigh. “After tonight’s festivities are done, you should see what you can do to ‘make things complicated’ again. It doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me.”

Miyabi stared back for what seemed the longest time. Saki secretly enjoyed the connection the two shared right now until Miyabi broke it to look down. Only the best for her girls…

“Thank you… Captain…”

“Don’t mention it!” Saki suddenly burst out.

Neither of them could say more before Saki felt her phone vibrate between them. Excitement bubbling up inside her at what it should be, she hurriedly pulled her arm from around the girl and tugged it out of her pocket, clicking it on. She smiled at what she saw, trying her best to hide the blush that suddenly infused her face.

Well then, don’t keep me waiting…
« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 09:28:07 PM by rokun »


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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 10: Oh Captain...]
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2007, 04:41:03 AM »
I want to know moooorrreee~
in should Double post!! =D
with you know...TWO chapters *cough* >_>
Update faster please =D

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 10: Oh Captain...]
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2007, 06:10:37 PM »
Setting Cap'n up to take a fall?

Offline mode107

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 10: Oh Captain...]
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2007, 12:14:00 AM »
Why do I have such a dirty mind for the upcoming chapter?
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

Offline rokun

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 11: My Captain...]
« Reply #44 on: June 02, 2007, 12:52:20 AM »
Don't kill me... :heart:

Chapter 11

“Sorry Miya, I have to go,” Saki spluttered out, trying to maintain some sense of composure. “I already had plans for tonight, but I just had to make an appearance here…” She stood up and cast a glance back at the seated girl. “You’ll be all right?” The girl nodded, though Saki couldn’t see her face. She thought she should maybe comfort the girl a bit more, but her anticipation was beginning to kill her. “Just be yourself!” she called out, almost kicking herself for such a lame farewell, but ran out of the room and then the front door. At least she still had sense enough to check cautiously for a potentially lurking Fujimoto-san on the way.

Once she was outside, she confirmed Jun’s address and almost ran to the station, finding the right train and taking it to his neighborhood. It wasn’t quite as glamorous as Miki’s, although she was never too worried walking the streets of Tokyo, but between anticipation and anxiety still walked quickly until she came to an intercom near the door of a tall mansion. Finding his number, she pushed the button and waited.

“Hello?” came the reply through the speaker.

“Um… hello… This is Saki…” Excitement was really starting to fade into nervousness now.

“Well step right up m’lady,” came the response, and she giggled as he buzzed her in.

Once inside, she found an elevator and rode it up to his floor. After leaving it and coming to his door, she knocked softly. Almost right away it swung open and a smiling Jun stood in the same clothes she saw him in earlier, minus the hoodie, and waved her in. “Welcome to my humble abode…” he said with a grin.

Once inside, she looked around. It really was a small place. There was a living room large enough to fit one futon and his desk and television, a small kitchen off to the side, and a hall branching off the other that she imagined must have led to the washroom and bedroom. It was almost as if the two of them were from different worlds…

She twitched as he walked past her, heading over to the loveseat and dropping down into it. He slid down as if slouching and draped an arm across the back behind the seat next to him. “I know it’s not much,” he said, looking around. “In fact, I’m kind of ashamed to show it to you…”

“Don’t be,” she said quickly, stepping into the living room herself. “It’s your home. That’s all that matters.” He smiled, though Saki thought she detected a hint of sadness in it.

Looking down at the seat next to him and back up to her, he asked, “Well, would you like to join me?”

Saki nodded and walked over to sit next to him. Feeling the warmth of his body, her surroundings faded and all she could sense was him. She sidled next to him and wrapped an arm of her own around his waist, snuggling her head against his shoulder.

“Did you have a nice evening?” he asked, stroking her hair.

“Mmhmm,” she responded. This truly was the perfect day. Perfect concerts, perfect dinner, perfect friends… and a perfect ending. “I think I even touched two lives tonight. Apparently sometimes being Captain has its advantages.”

She felt a finger on her chin, and it tilted her face up to his, which was looking back earnestly. She blushed. Then she blushed more realizing she couldn’t hide it. His expression never wavered. His eyes were deep and thoughtful. She thought she could lose herself in them…

“Am I one of them?” he asked, and leaned in for a kiss that Saki returned eagerly. His arm slid behind her neck holding her mouth against his, but she wouldn’t have moved it away for the world. She wrapped her other arm around the front of his waist and they pulled each other close. The world really could not have been more perfect.

They shared seemingly endless kisses until Saki felt his hand slide slowly down her side. She didn’t think much of it at first until it dipped below her waist. Then she became more nervous at what he was doing and tried to pull her mouth back from his. His arm around her neck wouldn’t let it budge though, and her resistance seemed to only spur him on. What was he doing? They were getting along great, but she was still only fifteen. As he continued, even though everything had been perfect, she realized she most definitely was not ready to go that far.

She began struggling against him, using her hands to try to push herself away, but he wouldn’t let her go until suddenly after putting all her strength into it she was able to break free and jump back from the couch. He looked up at her with wide eyes, although she was sure they couldn’t be as wide as her own.

“What’s wrong with you?” she breathed in not much more than a whimper while hurriedly re-buckling her belt. “Couldn’t you tell I was uncomfortable?”

He just continued to stare at her. Why didn’t he get up to comfort her? Not that she would have let him. Why didn’t he show any emotion??

“I just thought you were getting into it,” he said slowly.

“Getting into it?” she asked incredulously and almost frantically. “Getting…” Ok Saki, calm yourself down. This was just a misunderstanding… Be reasonable. “Okay. Did you notice my pushing away from you there? That meant I wanted to stop...”

“Stop?” he asked, and his expression changed as his brows furrowed. “You wanted to stop?” Finally he stood up and took a step toward her, though she took a step back. “You kiss me like you do… You come to my apartment… I could even smell alcohol on your breath… I thought girls like you did stuff like this all the time!”

Saki tried to keep her mouth closed. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Girls like you???

“I put up with an awful lot from you…” he said, turning away. “I really do…” What was he talking about? He hesitated for a moment before turning back to her with a glare unlike any she’d ever seen, and it caused her to step back again, though this time she felt herself halted by a wall. “So I think I deserve something in return!” He started toward her, and she cried out before darting quickly to the side and toward the door. One of the few talents she did have was a quickness that benefited her in things such as dancing… and apparently this as well. Although, she never could have imagined this one.

At the door, she turned back to see him leaning toward the wall she just moved away from, stretching his fists out against it. “Why are you doing this…?” she asked in a voice she was trying with all her might to keep composed.

“Get out…” he nearly growled after a hesitation. She could see his whole body tensing as it pressed against the wall. “I don’t want to see your face again…” Suddenly he pulled away and turned to her. “Get out!!”

Saki didn’t need any more urging. She tore the door open and slammed it quickly shut behind her, running down the hall to the elevator. She lost almost all sense of time as she barely kept herself from running from the building down the street to the train. While waiting she paced back and forth, trying to rationalize everything that had just happened. It was a dream. It was a nightmare. It had to have been! She was becoming like Chinami… only worse… The girl wasn’t insane.

On the train ride she buried her head in her hands, hugging into herself as she kept up her strength not allowing herself to cry. Eventually she managed to clear her mind of all thought and just looked out the window at the passing lights.

Back at Saitama, she walked calmly to her hotel; past all the staff; into her room. Nobody was there yet. She’d shut off her phone long since because she didn’t know if she could stand to hear a message come in. Now she turned it on. Nothing was there.

She sank down at the foot of her bed holding her phone with both hands between her legs, lowering her head. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. What went wrong? She always had the answers… Where was her answer now? A teardrop fell onto her phone. Was she finally crying? The silence of the room around her echoed through her head. Yes, it was time to cry.

She shook as she fully broke down, her breathing becoming wracked with sobs. Let me cry… Let me cry… After a minute she regained some sense of herself. This room wouldn’t be vacant for long. She couldn’t be found crying here. She was the Captain; she had to be strong. She had to be strong no matter what…

Rising quickly, she tossed her phone onto her bed and ran out the door before walking quickly down the hall, trying to stall her tears as much as possible. She knew there was a private courtyard below. That was where she should go. Eventually she made it there and crawled past bushes with crickets chirping before curling into a ball behind one. There was no reason to hold it in any more. She let herself go for what seemed like ages. Ages, at least, until…


I want at least 5 comments before I post my next chapter. :P It shouldn't be hard, because at least that many have even responded so far and it shouldn't be a problem considering the subject matter above... Thanks all for reading. :) Your comments make me happy!

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 11: My Captain...]
« Reply #45 on: June 02, 2007, 01:55:30 AM »
O.. wow I held my breath the whole time I read this chapter, i dont know but im getting little chills. at least the worst didnt happen
"Under the beautiful blue sky"


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« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2007, 02:07:14 AM »
Comment number 2 man...
>_> should like...
Toss the minimum comment thing because ya' know..I Commented >_> *cough*
C'mon...update the next chapter you know you wanna

The chapter was for me like this
 :OMG: :dizzy: :depressed: :err: :fainted: :frustrated: :pleeease: :scared: :scolding: :shock: :tantrum: :temper:


Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 11: My Captain...]
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2007, 02:11:04 AM »
-materializes out of lurk-mode-
D: Captainnnnnnn... ><;;
That really bites. T________T
At least he didn't like... rape her or anything.
That's what I was thinking was gonna happen. o_o

Buh~ I'm a bad commenter. ><;; I should keep up better. XD
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

Offline Aioros

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 11: My Captain...]
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2007, 02:35:49 AM »
That Jun's a playa!  :mon zoom: Good thing he wasn't able to do anything 'drastic' to Captain.:mon geek: but still, Captain!!!! :gyaaah:

Know what? Captain should get even but she's too nice, I can't imagine her thinking about stuff like revenge.

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline chibilolli

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 11: My Captain...]
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2007, 05:23:59 AM »
-materializes out of lurk-mode-

Comes out of lurk mode too  XD

What a jerk. I had someone try to do that to me when I was 15 (he wasn't my b/f thou). But he was only 15 too and luckily very drunk. Was able to push him away enough times until he fell asleep!!  :lol: So I feel very sorry for Captain.

Great story. I can't stop reading and I agree with Loser87 ~ update the next chapter!!!!

(plus ~ more Risako please  :D)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 11: My Captain...]
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2007, 04:41:17 PM »
I knew it! That bastard! Grrr, let me at him, I'll rip him to peices!

Offline rokun

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 11: My Captain...]
« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2007, 01:34:25 AM »
Aww thank you all! :) :heart: I'm glad to hear from all of you - the ones who I've seen before as well as the ones who I haven't. :)

rndmn: Lol, yep you guessed it early. ^^; Although, it wasn't terribly hard to predict. You knew something was going to happen, and I was setting her up well. >.>

Lolli: Hey! Nice to hear from you! I've not seen you around here yet. :) I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience too :/ That's part of why I did it how I did though - things that really do happen, so it's easier to relate to. Anyway, things shall get better from now on. ^^ For awhile at least... :ph43r:
Edit: Oh, I forgot to say!! There will be much more Risako soon! :D

Wordy: Captain is too nice, isn't she? :)

Fimmy-chan: Hey there! I've gotta keep up with you and Loser's Senjou more >.>. It's interesting how you guys thought she might get raped. While something of that nature is very possible in my stories, I just can't quite do that to Berryz yet... :oops:

Loser: :heart: as always. ^_^ You are so impatient! Even though I do write a little ahead, if I post too fast I might not get the chance to write for a little while and you'd be out for several days! Like, that might happen after I do what I'm going to do now... I tell you, you guys quickly got to me. :P

modesta: Glad to see you're getting into it. :) Here's a little something to relieve a bit of the tension...
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 03:18:14 AM by rokun »

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 12: Duet]
« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2007, 01:42:08 AM »
Chapter 12

Miyabi and Saki stared at each other, one with wet eyes and the other’s anger quickly dissipating. What is Captain doing out here? And crying! Miyabi didn’t think she’d ever seen Captain cry, except at the ends of concerts. She seemed to have something for things coming to an end, but Miyabi thought that was about it. Judging by the redness around her eyes now, the whole world might just be coming to an end.

Miyabi’s eyes widened as she processed that thought. First Risako told her to go away, and now Captain was sitting behind a bush crying. That was it! The world was coming to an end! She looked up into the sky, expecting to see shinigami start flying around and tossing down fire and brimstone to burn Japan away from the Earth. She fell to her knees. She was too young for the world to end!

“Miyabi-chan…” Saki breathed. Miyabi looked down at her, though the other girl was looking even lower. “…Why are you walking around outside with no pants on?”

Miyabi opened her mouth, but realized she had no idea how to respond to that, and shut it slowly. Captain looked up intensely and questioningly into her eyes, and once again she couldn’t tear her own away. Suddenly she blushed and pulled her legs tightly together and her knees up, hugging them to her chest. She remembered she was seeking some kind of comfort right now and slid over closer to Captain.

“You should be careful about that, you know,” Saki said softly. “You might catch cold.”

Miyabi greatly doubted that she would catch anything of the sort due to not having pants on, since it was really quite a mild spring night. Plus, she was used to the Saitama weather to where year-round it hardly bothered her anymore.

Both girls stayed silent for a time until Miyabi remembered how the idea of creeping into Risako’s bedroom was confirmed. “You’re bad at giving advice, you know,” she said with a grumble. She didn’t hear anything from beside her, so looked over to see Saki turned toward her with an apology on her face.

“I know,” she said. “I’m sorry.” She looked back ahead. “I was too caught up in my own matters that I let them influence how I look at everything in life. Now I know that view of things was wrong, though.”

Miyabi closed her eyes, and a vision of the curled hair on the back of a head came to her. She wanted to touch the hair, but knew she couldn’t. The curls would turn to snakes if she did, and they’d bite her fingers off. Wait. What did Captain say?

“Your own matters? Are you okay, Captain?”

Saki looked back at her, smiling underneath swollen red eyes that belied the expression. “Of course. I always am, remember?”

Miyabi wasn’t too sure. Those were awfully red eyes for someone who was always okay. Apparently she didn’t want to talk about it though, so Miyabi let the subject be.

“Things didn’t go well with Risako tonight...” Miyabi began, dropping her eyes back into her knees.

“Oh?” she heard the voice from beside her ask.

Miyabi nodded. “I’m not sure whether to be sad or upset with myself though. Nothing was ever really happening to begin with. It was probably all just in my mind.” Silence answered her this time. “I guess… there was just finality to it this time… She said she’d moved on…” Raising her head, she balled her hands into fists and dropped her knees, her legs now sticking straight out in front of her. She banged the bottoms of her fists down against them. “What does that mean anyway?! I’m not good enough for her any more? If she thinks she really has become the princess now, then…”

“That’s not what she means,” Saki broke in, and Miyabi felt a hand on her shoulder. She angrily looked at the girl beside her for interrupting her. She’d almost forgotten she was there in her tirade. The smile was there again below those red eyes, but this time it looked a bit more genuine. “You’re good enough for anyone, Miyabi Natsuyaki. Don’t let anybody tell you different.”

Miyabi stared again at the small girl. The smile now most definitely was genuine because, Miyabi thought, this time it was for her. She felt herself begin to blush again and looked away. The hand didn’t leave her shoulder though.

“I don’t know what all has gone on between you and Rii-chan…” she heard the older girl say from behind her. “But I’m sure it has nothing to do with anything you’ve done.”

Miyabi felt her eyes begin to moisten. Were the tears finally coming on? The girl had to be right of course. She and Risako had hardly seen each other for so long, and suddenly Miyabi was trying to wiggle her way fully back into the girl’s life. Who knows what might have happened during that time. She’d had school. She has her own life in her own home. Miyabi had her own life…

Well, the problem was, Miyabi didn’t really. It’s true she’s finishing up junior high, but she hadn’t been focused on school in a long time. Ever since the Berryz debut and her opportunity with Aa!, she’s known what she wanted to do. All her effort was put into perfecting her voice and her performance skills. Everybody told her how much she was improving lately. She didn’t know how many compliments she got after the all-project concerts at the beginning of the year. Of course, that led her into getting a big head, but she didn’t think it was too overboard… People really did look up to her.

She didn’t have many friends from home. That’s why, even though she was in Saitama for this concert, she always spent her time with the Berryz. They were her real friends. They were also the ones that mattered. They were her business friends. Aside from them, she was pretty much a loner ever since her brother went away to college a few years ago… In fact, that was around the time this all started. Of course Risako would have other friends. She’s such an outgoing girl. She’s probably the most popular girl in her school…

She felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, and she leaned over, now really crying. Apparently she was more sad than angry. “I’m sorry…” she sniffed after a while. “I must seem like a baby to you.” She tried pulling herself up and found herself looking down at the smaller girl.

“Don’t worry about that.” It looked like Saki was trying again to keep from crying herself.

Miyabi looked carefully into the other girl’s face. There was something there she didn’t like; something she didn’t like at all. She’d been so caught up in her own stupid matters she’d forgotten that Saki had been here crying for much longer.

“What’s wrong… Captain?” The last word came with difficulty this time for some reason. She had wanted to say ‘Saki-chan’, but propriety took over…

“I told you, I’m okay.”

Miyabi though now had about enough of this. “Saki,” she started, and the other girl’s eyes widened slightly. “Stop it. Your eyes look like somebody’s been beating on them for half the night, you’re sitting out behind a bush in a hotel courtyard at who knows what hour, and otherwise you look like somebody died. Maybe even you! Don’t tell me you’re okay…”

The other girl stared back steadily – Miyabi was amazed at her resolve – but she could tell something changed. Had she finally gotten through?

Miyabi carefully wrapped her own arm around her senpai. The girl was so small and thin she thought she could almost wrap it totally around her body. For some reason this felt very weird; sure they hugged from time to time, mostly after concerts and such, but there was something different now… It was intimate.

The next thing she knew, she was frozen in surprise when the girl leaned into her and laid her head on her shoulder. Sure, that’s what she was offering she supposed, but she didn’t at all expect Saki to accept. It was a sign of vulnerability and comfort-seeking that she thought impossible for Captain to show. If she had any doubts that something was very wrong before, they were completely gone now.

Not knowing what to say or do, Miyabi kept perfectly still for a minute while the other girl snuggled into her in an apparent attempt to get comfy. She held her hand just off the other girl’s arm until she became still as well. Then she carefully laid it down.

“You’re horrible at cuddling and comforting, you know,” came the voice from below. Saki’s head was now resting lightly just below Miyabi’s shoulder, and she could hear her sighing softly in comfort. She felt a hand take the one that laid on the girl’s arm and pull it in tighter until she was hugging her close. This all felt very strange to Miyabi, but feeling the warmth of the small body curled up against her, she felt a calming sensation as well.

“I’m sorry…” she managed finally. She closed her eyes and relaxed. It really did feel quite nice. It reminded her of the times she held Risako close through the night, but it was also different… This time she felt stronger… more secure.

“I’m glad to see you learn fast though.” The voice that spoke most definitely was not Risako’s, and she was suddenly very in the present, with the very real realization that it was her Captain she held in her arms this time, the girl whom she respected immensely and always came to for advice, the girl who always knew the right thing to say, who made Berryz such a great thing to be a part of and allowed it to be what pretty much comprised Miyabi’s life… That girl was now in her arms, making herself as vulnerable as the younger Risako ever did.

“I was crying tonight because of Jun.”

Miyabi opened her eyes, looking ahead. She was looking above the other girl, but was very conscious of what her face might look like. Her boyfriend? To hear her talk about it, he was the greatest thing that could have ever happened… How could that have made her cry?

“He… he tried to take advantage of me. But… I wouldn’t let him. I’m still too young. I’m not ready…” Miyabi tensed and involuntarily tightened her hold on the girl in her arms. He took advantage of her? Miyabi couldn’t even begin to imagine… “And when I told him that, he like… freaked out… and threw me out of his apartment…” The girl began stuttering more as she became shorter of breath, and Miyabi noticed she was crying again. Miyabi hugged her closer, and without knowing what she was doing, took her hand. Saki’s fingers twined with hers, and once again she realized how close they were. They were holding hands… like lovers… Miyabi was glad the girl’s head was below hers so she couldn’t see her blush, but she couldn’t hide it to the dark in front of them.

“I’m sorry, Saki-chan,” Miyabi finally managed to say. “I don’t… I can’t imagine how you’re feeling.” She felt something steel up inside her once again, and she forgot about her feelings about her present condition as she squeezed the girl’s hand tighter. “It’s not right that this happened to us on a day like today.” She closed her eyes, sniffling with emotion. “It just isn’t right!”

“I’m sorry you had to see today how cold and harsh a place the world is…” Saki said. “I try to protect you from it… I try to protect all of you… But it seems I can’t help but fail.”

“You don’t need to protect us from the world,” Miyabi responded quickly, shaking her head. “We’re all in it, after all. I’m just glad…” She trailed off, feeling the warmth in her arms very vividly again suddenly. I’m just glad you’re in it with me… she thought to herself.

The two girls laughed and cried a while longer about each of their problems, each never letting the other go. Eventually when they were about to fall asleep right there they both rose, parting slowly and a little awkwardly. At least that’s what it felt like to Miyabi. Saki seemed as cool as she always seemed to be about everything, despite her still-red eyes.

Their hands didn’t part though, and after they walked back up into the hotel and left to their respective rooms with nothing more than quiet “goodnight”s, as Miyabi slowly closed her door behind her she laid back against it, closing her eyes in contented thoughts. What a day…

She slowly made her way to the bed, lying down and this time not even paying mind to the other girl occupying it. As she quickly drifted off to sleep, her last thought was that when she woke, nothing was going to be the same…


If I'm leaving you for awhile, at least I'm leaving you in the hands of some good fluffiness. ^-^ These are the kinds of chapters I enjoy writing most - just two girls having a conversation the entire time. You'll notice it's also probably the longest chapter of the story so far. I enjoy them, but they're hard... It's much easier when there's lots of stuff happening. This is where character comes from though, and where I fall in love with them. :) :heart:
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 01:43:18 AM by rokun »

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 12: Duet]
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2007, 01:50:00 AM »
-fangirly sigh- Yayyy~
That was very heartwarming. <3
You're such a fantastic writer, has anyone ever told you that?
I'm pretty sure I melted.

Don't let Loser push you around, though. XD Take your time with this stuff, it's definitely worth the wait.
(Although, I have to admit I'm just as impatient. >__< It's just so good. XD)
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 12: Duet]
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2007, 08:27:08 AM »
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :heart:

Also MiyaXSaki. Yay!

This is where character comes from though, and where I fall in love with them. :) :heart:

This is where I tend to fall in love with them too.


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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 12: Duet]
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2007, 03:28:23 AM »
I sense Captain/Miya!! =O

I really thought I commented but I guess I didn't oh well
I'm commenting now!

Soooo....I wonder...If you're deciding to make a Risako/Miyabi/Saki Lurve triangle?
That'd be major conflict-o!!
I love it!

Anyway....WHY GO ON HAITUS WHY!?!?!  :OMG:

I can't wait, I'm not patient enough  :pig cry:

Don't let Loser push you around, though

<_< The only person I'll push around is you Fimmy-chan
I'm just....nudging Rokun to update faster *cough* >_>


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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 12: Duet]
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2007, 04:08:15 AM »
I sense Captain/Miya!! =O

Soooo....I wonder...If you're deciding to make a Risako/Miyabi/Saki Lurve triangle?
That'd be major conflict-o!!
I love it!

Nooooo ~ don't do it  :cry: Only Risako/Miyabi  :angry:

Could be quite interesting though  XD

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 12: Duet]
« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2007, 01:11:09 PM »
Cap'n and Miya comfort is good! So sweet and awkward. *waves* See ya later!

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 13: The Morning After]
« Reply #58 on: July 17, 2007, 05:13:11 PM »
Wow, it really has been a long time since I last posted here! Well, at least I warned with a suggestion of a hiatus. ;) I'm sure everybody will forget everything and not many will read anymore, but it's not too long to re-read or catch up with, and... Well, I hope a few of you still :heart: me. ^_^ The day after: things begin to change a little bit... ;)

Chapter 13

Miyabi woke slowly the next morning, and the first thing she saw was her roommate sitting backwards in a wooden chair not far from the bed and apparently watching her while munching on some rice cakes. She took a minute to orient herself and be sure that what she was seeing wasn’t another dream – she’d had many quite pleasant, but rather embarrassing, ones over the night – but the other girl only kept munching and watching.

“I know I’m the cutest thing ever when I’m sleeping, but you’re starting to freak me out you know, Maa-chan…”

Maasa kept silent for a little longer as she finished up a cake and brushed her hands together. “I’m trying to decide something,” she said finally, her eyes not straying from Miyabi’s face. Miyabi wondered if she was drooling, but she couldn’t feel anything… Under the circumstances though, she decided to keep still and comfy.

“By the smile you’ve had on your face while you were sleeping at least since I woke up – from the fact that you were sleeping that well next to me at all - I would guess either you must have been having the greatest dream in the world, or you just had a really good night last night.” She rose from the chair and picked it up, stuffing it back under the table nearby before turning back to Miyabi.

“However, since you are here, and not somewhere else… I kind of have to throw out the second option. Still, dreams don’t make much sense either. So!” She hopped on the bed, causing Miyabi to reflexively turn onto her back, and sat on her stomach. “Before you go anywhere this morning, you’re going to tell me what happened.”

Miyabi attempted to breathe, which was difficult with the mass above her, and looked up at the ceiling, closing her eyes for a moment. She tried to relax herself. There were worse things than being basically woken up in the morning by a large girl sitting on you.

“Last night I went to Mikitty’s party with you all and had a bit to drink… like you all… And then I came back here and went to bed. Does that explanation suit you?”

Maasa studied her face closely as if its appearance would tell her that Miyabi was lying. She was, of course. Or at least, she wasn’t telling the whole story. She was a good liar though, so she felt she would be relatively safe. The narrowing of the girl’s eyes though told her she was wrong.

“I don’t believe you,” she said, confirming Miyabi’s guess. “And since that means you’re lying to me, I’m going to have to tell Captain as well. We’ll see what she can wring out of you about what naughtiness you were involved with last night.”

Miyabi grinned widely. “Go ahead. Tell Captain. I’d be interested to see what she’d have to say…”

Maasa’s eyes widened at the insubordinance and with a frustrated groan jumped off the prostrate girl and walked to the washroom. “Don’t bother needing to use this for a while. I’m going to be in here a long time…”

Miyabi looked at the ceiling, filling her lungs since she was unable to with the girl on top of her, and waited for her lower body to wake up again. There might be worse, but there definitely were more pleasant ways of waking up in the morning. Well, she supposed she deserved it in return for the morning before.

Thinking of that time, even after she became comfortable again, she lay there while the events of the previous day flashed through her mind. She didn’t know where to go from here. They would be here another day, so she’d have to deal with… everyone… somehow. Well, staying in bed certainly wasn’t going to answer any of her questions.

Sliding a sheet slowly down herself, she realized she still didn’t have any pants on. What she wore last night upon going to bed was so comfortable, and she was so tired at that very late point, that she still wore the shirt she expected to go to Risako with. Trying to stop that train of thought for the moment, she jumped up and looked toward the washroom door. True to her word, there seemed no sign the other girl would be out anytime soon. The water was just running for a bath, and Miyabi imagined she could soak forever. She certainly felt like it this morning. Cuddling and crying behind a bush for hours definitely wasn’t conducive to keeping clean.

After staring at the door a moment as her mind felt blank and not quite awake yet this morning, she wandered through it, looking around at a hallway that was still rather quiet. Sounds of some sort came from one of the doors near her that could have been real voices or just the television. She knew many of the girls liked to watch the morning variety shows.

Walking slowly, she headed to the end of the hall and a door that stood silent before her. Gathering some courage after the events of the night before, she knocked softly on it. Just a few seconds later, it was opened by a girl who still held her toothbrush in her mouth. They exchanged looks for a moment before she pulled it out and with a closed mouth tilted her head to show she had to hit the sink. Miyabi nodded, and after a short disappearance the head popped up again.

“Good morning!” Saki said with the smile she always showed in greeting.

“Good morning…” Miyabi said slowly. “Um… Do you mind if I use your washroom? My roommate is being a hog and keeping me from ours because she’s mad at me or something…”

“Sure!” the other girl responded, backing up and pulling the door fully open to allow Miyabi entrance. Saki gave her a funny look. “You’re still not wearing pants, huh?” Blushing furiously and hoping Saki wouldn’t notice, Miyabi walked in, looking around at the dimly lit westward-facing room, no sign of much lying around except for a few small piles of neatly folded shirts on a dresser.

“Um…” Saki began, still holding the door open. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Miyabi stared at her at a loss until Saki’s eyes traveled up and down her body, making her cheeks faintly flush again. “Your, er, shirt…” she explained. “Since I’d guess you want to change, you’ll need something to change into, won’t you? I’d offer you something of mine, but I have a feeling they wouldn’t fit too well…”

That made Miyabi flush brighter at her cluelessness. It was most certainly lucky they were not the same size, because she wasn’t sure if she was ready to deal with the other girls seeing her walking around sporting Captain’s skirt. Not that they would have any reason to think anything of it. None at all.

“I’ll be right back…” she said, and ducked quickly out of the room, the other girl nodding as if Miyabi wasn’t tripping all over herself this morning. Keep your control, Miyabi… Keep your control! There’s no reason to be acting like this…

Finding an appropriate set of clothes for the day, and still hearing soft splashing coming from her own washroom, she returned to find Saki sitting crosslegged on her bed watching TV. After closing the door, she thought about approaching the other girl, but since her eyes didn’t waver from the television, she just headed on into the bath.

She came out to find the TV off and Saki gone, so she headed on out herself after supposing she should begin the day. Maasa was still in the washroom, though she supposed the girl really had no reason to leave it since the day was pretty much their own until the afternoon. Plus, Miyabi knew her friend must be loving spiting her. On the other hand, it was good she was cooped up in the room and unable to see where Miyabi had gone…

She walked back out into a silent hallway. Aside from Maasa still in the bath, the other girls apparently had already left since there were no more sounds of television or video games emanating from behind closed doors. Miyabi checked her cell. She was slightly surprised to see that it was well into the morning now. She tilted her head to the side and felt suddenly as if someone had stuffed a bag of cotton into her ear. Despite the loss of time and apparent sleepiness of the morning, the events of last night had made her give up her vow to never drink again. There was just too much that happened in life to not allow yourself certain pleasures… And, she thought, being the performer she was at least she definitely had no interest in mind-altering drugs in order to promote her “creativity”. Well, that’s what songwriters were for. Hers were more physical talents. For some reason, she blushed at that thought.

Still, she didn’t let that stop her from taking certain other… liberties… in life. She smiled thinking of what awaited her once she returned home tomorrow. The experience of yesterday was just what she needed…

“Miya-chan?” came a squeaky voice from behind that broke her out of her reverie. “Why are you standing in the middle of the hallway twirling your hair and staring at the ceiling?”

Miyabi spun, her hand flying down to her side, to see Momoko slipping out of her room and shutting the door softly behind her, scrutinizing her closely. She narrowed her eyes at the unexpected encounter. Momo must have just been getting ready to leave and so had turned anything off already that would alert Miyabi to her presence within her room. “If you must know, I was pondering the metaphysical effects of extreme elation.” Momo tilted her head, studying Miyabi as if she were a fairly uninteresting species of worm. “And for some reason, now you’re here my train of thought seems to have left for Hokkaido.”

She looked back as Momoko stared at her with her beady tilted eyes. She somewhat regretted being so harsh, but the girl was hardly nice to her lately, so she held her tongue from any sort of apology. “You’re a strange girl, do you know that?” Momo said quietly.

“Yeah,” Miya responded with a bored expression. “I hear it all the time lately. I must be doing something right.”

Momoko stepped primly closer to her, her eyes still studying Miyabi’s face. Miyabi’s bored expression evaporated into a suspicious look, and she dropped a foot back herself. Momo’s face no longer seemed to express her usual teasings, but instead made Miyabi feel like she was something caged that was being carefully examined. “Something’s changed…” the girl said after a moment. “Hasn’t it?”

Having not a clue what the girl was blabbering about, Miyabi looked down her own body. She was just wearing some snug jeans with a thin chain hanging from the pocket and a T-shirt with an English phrase she thought looked cool beneath her thick leather jacket – nothing out of the ordinary for her. “What are you talking about?” she asked in an honestly blank voice.

Momoko continued to peer at her though in silence until breaking it again after a time. “Would you like to go for some coffee?”

Caught off-guard once again, Miyabi felt her mouth hang open before she was able to respond, “Er… why?” Immediately realizing how that sounded, she hastily corrected, “O-of course.”

“Great!” Momo said, and her studious look disappeared in a flash. She bounced up to Miyabi and took her arm in her own, pulling her along the hallway, Miyabi stumbling to keep up with the other girl’s skipping trot.

They were able to find a corner coffee shop quite easily – strangely, it was just around the corner. As Miyabi felt herself wake up over the coffee, even though it most definitely didn’t help the cotton in her head which now felt the size of a giant panda, the two girls chatted about meaningless things as well as how the concert yesterday went. It was not precisely the start to the day Miyabi expected, but after a while she admitted to herself that she would have been hard-pressed to find more pleasant company. Excepting perhaps that of Saki, although she felt there also would be quite enough awkwardness involved in that to cancel much of the pleasure out.

All of this, lying underneath the edges of Miyabi’s mind the whole time, fed growing suspicions of what brought this on. Just the fact that she was having a quite relaxing and friendly time speaking with Momo was enough to throw kilos of coal on that fire. Of course obviously the girl did have many friends and surely shared occasions like this with them all the time, but occasions such as those that included Miyabi were quite rare, especially recently for some reason. Suddenly however, it was like they had just met again and each was happy to get to know the other.

Miyabi expected the conversation to at any point turn to the real reason Momo asked her out to coffee, as well as to follow up on her cryptic comment about something having changed, but as their cups were drained and their plates lightened to hold only crumbs, there seemed no sign of movement of the conversation away from chatter about last night’s party.

“And when Toku-san started scolding Mikitty’s armoire for peeing on the floor, when it was just her that had spilt her drink, and Mikitty herself came up and virtually dragged her away by her ear, I almost died!” Momoko tittered, breaking out in a fit of giggles.

Miyabi laughed along since it undeniably made a very funny image, although it was one she hadn’t the faintest recollection of as it was long past the time when she could remember anything at all. A faint feeling of envy of the girl sitting across from her pervaded her however, since she wished she had such a head for alcohol. Momo had drunk at least as much as Miyabi. Hadn’t she? Miyabi propped her head with her hand and stared out the window in thought as the girl continued going on about last night’s apparent misadventures of Natsuyaki, Tokunaga and Kumai. The girl had surely drunk as much as her. She took one pretty much as often as Miyabi herself did after they played flippy cup…

She was trying to remember if Momoko actually had played flippy cup when out of the window she saw some girls walking by that caught her eye. She raised her head slightly from her hand, still hearing Momoko nattering on, her attention now back in the present. The girls were talking to each other, but their heads also swiveled in interest at everything they passed. One, who had glanced into the window Miyabi was staring out of, came to a sudden halt, and the two with her paused soon after, looking at their friend and then into the window once they followed her eyes. Miyabi stared back at them as they shuffled their way into the shop, the shortest leading the others, of whom the youngest looked slightly reluctant to enter the shop, but curious as well along with her companions.

“Well hello there!” Saki said, beaming at the two girls on high chairs as Momo finally ceased her chittering. Yurina shared her expression, but Risako looked off to the side as if avoiding their eyes. Miyabi wasn’t really concerned with that though, and it was something she only caught out of the corner of her eye. She was doing her best to hide a blush at the wide smile Saki bestowed on her.

“Hello,” Momoko replied with one of her small squinty-eyed smiles that betrayed absolutely nothing of what she was really thinking or feeling.

Trying to avoid the infuriatingly genuine expression on the girl who barely came up to her elbow as she sat on the high stool, Miyabi saw that Yurina was now looking between Momo and herself, a questioning expression on her eyes. She didn’t look her direction, but she imagined the youngest girl appeared the same.

“How… nice to run into you two here,” Yurina said, plainly curious at the odd coupling. Miyabi and Risako normally kept to their own business or that of the group, and Yurina, Maasa and Chinami normally hung out together, and none got along incredibly well individually with Momo who was, well, rather individual. Except for Captain of course. The two of them could be seen speaking alone sometimes, but that could be said of Captain and everyone. Her non-judgmental demeanor won the loyalty and friendship of, to Miyabi’s knowledge, anyone she came into contact with. At these thoughts, she once more found herself gazing into the face of the girl in question. It was much nicer when it wasn’t red and tear-streaked, although when it was, it allowed Miyabi a peek at an inner vulnerability she had a feeling the older girl had only ever shown to very few.

“Miya and I were just talking about everything that happened yesterday. It was all great, wasn’t it!” She looked around them as if for chairs, but there were only the two at the table, which in itself was barely large enough for even the two of them. “You can… join us if you’d like…” She hesitated when she realized that there actually was no way they could really join.

“It’s okay,” Risako said, and Miyabi thought she noticed a strange insistency in the young girl’s voice she hadn’t noticed in a long time. She didn’t bear her more than a glance though before returning to the dregs of her coffee, which were unpleasant, but preferable to the frown she found on a face that was staring back at her as if trying to catch her eye. Was the girl finally going to pay her attention now? Well it didn’t matter anymore. Miyabi actually felt too confused to be around most anyone in particular, which led her to give Momo an odd look as she wondered why she had no trouble carrying on for an hour alone with her.

“We were just passing by, really,” Risako continued. “Kuma-chan wanted to do some shopping, and Chinami had just left us to go look for Maasa… You two haven’t seen her lately, have you?”

“Call Toku-san up and tell her to look in our bath,” Miyabi said, pointedly not looking at the girl she was responding to. “Maybe she’ll have drowned herself by now…” she finished hopefully, resting her head back on her hand and staring wistfully up at the ceiling.

“Now, now!” Saki laughed. “No wishing death on other Berryz! We know you want more of the spotlight Miya, but really, that’s not the way to go about it.” Miyabi’s widened eyes darted to her Captain, who was smirking back at her. Her heart had almost stopped at the scolding, but one look into Saki’s eyes told her how she meant it, and it even skipped a beat starting back up again as she burst into a smile herself.

You don’t have to sleep next to her while she snores all night long…” she grumbled dramatically. The girls around her laughed, all having experienced that unfortunate situation in the past. All except Risako, Miyabi noticed, as her grin widened at the glance she caught of the girl’s darkened pouting face. Well, today might not turn out so bad after all.

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Re: Berry Beautiful [Chapter 13: The Morning After]
« Reply #59 on: July 17, 2007, 11:19:49 PM »
I'm not sure what the mood for this chapter was suposed to be but I actually found it funny. Nice to see you updated. Berryz goodies FTW
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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