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Author Topic: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Final Lesson + Epilogue  (Read 29948 times)

Offline Aioros

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Final Lesson + Epilogue
« on: May 29, 2007, 04:44:19 AM »
I couldn't sleep again last night because
1) I watched Miyabi's making of clip and she was really pretty in it.
2) I had this story in my mind.

I just had to write it. It's almost like Tenjou Tenge, minus the guys and the bouncing bo... you get it right?

"Destiny is something that you make, not something that decides what you should be..."

"Maimi-chan, Maimi-chan! Wake up! We're almost there!"

The warmth of the sun that entered the window did not help the girl in waking up her companion. The naive, young girl could only think of one way to wake her up...

"Ooouuuch! What was that for?"

The other passengers on the bus looked at what the commotion was about. Maimi, the older girl, just gave them a glare to make them mind their own business again.

"Did you just bite me, Airi-chan?" Maimi asked her, even if the teeth marks on her wrist were quite obvious.
"Well, I couldn't pour water on you so yeah, I bit you. I'm sure you wouldn't want to enter the new school wet, right?"
"Great. Now I have to get anti-rabies shots."
"I don't have rabies..." Airi said as she looked at Maimi with teary eyes.
"Just kidding." Maimi said as she kissed the younger on the forehead.

The two got off on the next stop and started to walk towards their destination.

"So, can you tell me more about the school, Airi-chan?"
"It' do I say it...Taikosaku's weird?"
"The school is weird? Because of the teachers?"
"Yeah. Not just because of the teachers, but also because of some of the students. And it's also dangerous." Airi answered as they stopped in front of the school gate. Maimi took a good look at the school. It seemed normal to her, she found nothing suspicious or dangerous about it.
"How come?"
"It's because of them." Airi said as she pointed to some vandalism on the wall.

It was a pink, spray painted skull with hearts as eyes. There was something written in below.

"Be...Berr...Kou.. I can't read it! The one who did this really must be really sloppy hahaha."
"It's Berryz Koubou, dear. And thank you for dissing my handwriting."

Maimi and Airi turned around and saw another girl wearing the same uniform they wore, except that she had knee high black socks and there was a skull patch, similar to the vandal on the wall, stitched  on the left sleeve. Maimi couldn't figure out if she was younger or older than she is. Her face was smooth, almost perfect. Her hair was light brown and it looked like she just came out from a salon.

"Who is she, Airi-chan? I thought I told you that you couldn't go out with anyone else except me?"
"Rii-chan. I...."
"Who's this weirdo, Airi-chan? Classmate of yours?"
"Ah. So you're new here! I can introduce myself Airi-chan. Sugaya Risako. 13 Years old. Berryz Koubou." the girl said as she did some kind of introduction pose, like those Sailormoon girls.

Maimi wasn't amused.

"There's a section here called Berryz Koubou? Eew!"
"Shut up. How dare you insult us like that!"
"It's not a section Maimi-chan. Berryz Koubou. They're like the rulers of the school." Airi said.
"Pfft. Whatever! Come on Airi-chan, We're gonna be late." Maimi said as she grabbed Airi's hand.

Before they could walk any further, a steel chain wrapped around Maimi's wrist. After a few seconds, they were surrounded by a bunch of other students. Maimi could hear them whispering that Risako will probably rip the other girls' uniform off, that she'll make her beg for mercy. Good thing it was an all girls school though.

"Don't you know that it's not polite to turn around when someone's talking to you?" Risako asked. She was wielding a kusarigama.
"Don't you know it's not polite to force people to talk to weirdos like you?" Maimi said as she grabbed the chain. Then in one swift motion she tossed Risako overhead and slammed her on the ground. The other students who were watching had to pick up their jaws on the floor before they left the scene. It was the first time they saw someone hold her own against one of the members of Berryz Koubou, especially Risako, who had a 7-0 record when it came to duels, and actually win. Most of them were glad that someone was actually able to do it. But some were worried because they might get involved when Berryz Koubou decide to extract their revenge.

"I'm...I'm not done yet!" Risako said as she started to get up.
"Don't bother. I can see than your arm's been hyperextended and now it's dislocated. Go have it fixed first, like your teeth, then we'll fight. Come on Airi-chan."
"Wait. What's your name?"
"Maimi. Yajima Maimi. Tell my name to your friends in Berryz Kou…Berryz Ko…"
"Whatever. Tell them that the girl who owns that name isn't afraid of any of you. "

Risako walked inside a secret room within the school. It was the room exclusive to Berryz Koubou. It was so secret, even she gets lost looking for it sometimes. Before she could close the door, someone already spoke to her.

"What happened to your arm, Rii-chan? It's just the first day and you already get injured." The girl was referring to the cast and sling that covered Risako's right arm.
"Maybe she tried to wash her hair again." said another.

She could hear five voices laughing at her but Risako didn't cry. She was much tougher than that. She just smirked and was about to hurl the bladed end of her weapon to them, but someone stopped the laughter.

"Enough!" the one who stopped them seemed to be the leader of the group." Who did that to you, Rii-chan?"
"A new kid."
"A new kid? O boy, now we get to play with someone new." said a girl with a squeaky voice.
"We know, you've been building your muscles for the day someone actually decides to put up a fight against us. But you'll have to wait for your turn."
"So, who's next anyway?"
"Youngest to oldest. That's the rule. But we'll let Rii-chan get a rematch first."
"Eh? But then I'll be one of the last to fight." said the girl with the squeaky voice. "And I don't expect her to get past three of you."
"But if we do it by height, it's either you or Captain who will get to have all the fun." said the tallest girl in the room.
"Alright, alright. Let's settle it by jankenpyon then..."

As the others proceeded with their jankenpyon battle, the captain, who seemed to be interested with the new kid, asked Risako some questions again.

"She...she just caught me off guard Captain." said a teary Risako.
"I know. She just got lucky. Don't think too much about it. Just focus on getting better. You'll have a rematch anyway."
"Thanks a lot, Captain."
"What's her name, Rii-chan?"
"Her name is..."

"...Yajima Maimi. Nice to meet you all!"  Maimi said as she bowed in front of her classmates.Her classmates clapped as she headed to her seat. They probably weren't around when she kicked one of Berryz Koubou's assess earlier. She took one of the back seats.

"Nice to meet you, Maimi-chan." said the girl who sat behind her.
"Thanks. You're name is?"
"Saki. Shimizu Saki. And I'll make sure that you're going to enjoy your stay in Taikosaku..."

"Hey. You're short Saki-chan. You should sit in front..."

« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 10:56:33 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2007, 05:51:30 AM »
Maimi's fic! O_O

I smells some fluffiness in the intro :D

skull patch?! o_o that is so gangsta! my favourite type :3 (not really, but because berryz love skull, so.. yeah)

Oh, kusarigama is in musashi too... that is dangerous!

Maimi is so tough lol.

Lol, I need to quote this:

Quote from: wordsworth
"Maybe she tried to wash her hair again." said another.

I lol so hard even feeling like saying "lol" so loud XD

"Enough!" the one who stopped them seemed to be the leader of the group." Who did that to you, Rii-chan?"

I like this part so I quote it too, for reference purpose :3

"A new kid? O boy, now we get to play with someone new." said a girl with a squeaky voice.
"We know, you've been building your muscles for the day someone actually decides to put up a fight against us. But you'll have to wait for your turn."

OH SHIT! ARGH! (a broken stomach because of a supressed laugh)

"Hey. You're short Saki-chan. You should sit in front..."


I enjoy this so much, because you put things that we always made joke around lol. Damn, I can't wait for the next chapter. :3

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2007, 02:14:16 PM »
Lol, Wordy, that was very fun! ^___^ It's nice to see a different type of Berryz/C-ute story. Maybe you'll start a trend! I'm not sure exactly how to describe it though... It almost seems a mix of BR and Sukeban Deka (though mostly Sukeban XD). Go Raikou Shojo Maimi!!  XD

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2007, 11:10:47 PM »
Oh yeah Maimi story! already starting to love it.
I laughed and loved that fact that you actually linked one of the words to wikipedia. it helped though.

lol, and that comment at the end by Maimi.
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 2: Those Who Lift Weights
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2007, 07:15:39 PM »
Lunch Time...

"Just who exaclty are these Berryz Kou...Berryz ko..."
"Yes, yes. Just who are these Berryz whatever, Airi-chan?" Maimi asked her as she took another bite at her Yakiniku.
"You don't wanna know, Maimi-chan."
"Why not? They're just students like us aren't they?"
"Yes they are. But the truth is, aside from Rii-chan, we don't know who they are. "
"They terrorize the school and do stuff like organizing fake fund-raising events but they haven't revealed their identities..."
"That's cowardly!"
"...but one of them like, owns the school, and Rii-chan, is a model for a magazine, and some of them are trained in various martial arts, and one of them is a weight lifter and..."
"And that makes them free to do whatever they want?"
"I guess so. Because anyone who gets in their way gets either injured too badly, vanishes mysteriously, or just transfers to another school."
"That's not right!" Maimi said as she slammed the table, catching the attention of the other kids in the canteen. Some of them recognized her as the one who defeated one of the Berryz Koubou earlier that day. The ones who were sitting near Maimi and Airi, after hearing about what Maimi has done, decided to vacate the table and transferred. "Fine! Avoid me like I'm a plague but I won't allow these 'elitists' to bully us around!"

"I heard that Berryz Koubou already captured the one who beat Risako earlier." said a small girl who was wearing some large, weird sunglasses. She was with another girl who was eating some ice cream. Both of them were probably a bit younger than Airi.
"What did you say, Maimai?" Airi asked her. "Is this true, Chisato-chan?"
"Yeah. I saw them dragging someone they called 'the new girl' into the gym." said Chisato.
"It could be that they have mistaken that girl as you, Maimi-chan." Airi told her.
"That does it!" Maimi said as she headed for the gym. "Don't follow me, Airi-chan. They might go after you too. And thanks for telling me about this you two."
"No problem." Chisato said. "But you'll have to give us 10,000 yen when you get back."

Maimi stopped on her tracks. Then headed back to Chisato.

"10,000 Yen?" Maimi asked her with one eyebrow higher than the other.
"Okay. 9,000." Mai said.
"You're really testing my patience aren't you?"
"Come on now, Maimi-chan. Don't get mad at them." Airi said as she tried to calm her down.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of them. Just go save that girl."
"No matter what happens, don't give them any money."
"I won't. They were just kidding, right girls?"
"Aww. How come you always spoil the fun, Airi-chan?"
"Just have some Pocky sticks, you two." Airi said as she handed both of them a box of Pocky. "Have a signed picture of me too..."

Maimi kicked the door of the gym open. At the center of the court, 'the new girl' was tied to a chair, blindfolded. She ran towards her, untied her and removed the blindfold. She also checked and it seemed that the girl didn't have any bruises or cuts.

"What's your name?" Maimi asked her.
"K...Kanna. Arihara Kanna." the girl replied.
"You're a transfer student yourself aren't you?"
"I'm sorry for getting you into trouble Kanna-chan."
"It's alright. It's not your fault."
"Do you recognize the ones who abducted you?"
"They were..."

"No need to ask her that, Yajima-san!"

Maimi signaled Kanna to get away from the gym before she looked above. There were three girls on the bleachers. She couldn't see their faces clearly because of the shadows, but she could see that two of them were quite taller. And the shortest one was the one who speaking.

"We just used her as bait, in case you didn't have the guts to show up..."
"You really play dirty, huh."
"If it's fun, then it's okay!"
"You call taking someone who has nothing to with this as a hostage fun?"
"Of course. You should have seen how she tried to convince us that she wasn't you. It was funny haha. Especially when I asked her to do that chicken dance."
"And since Rii-chan said that the winner of the jankenpyon battle can fight you before she gets her rematch clause, I will fight you, Yajima-san." the girl said as she stepped into the light while the other two stepped back into the shadows and vanished. The squeaky voice cam from a squinty eyed girl who girl wore a red head band and the school uniform. Only, she was wearing a black sweater with the pink skull on it. She also had a necktie.

"Tsugunaga Momoko. 15 years old. Berryz Koubou." the girl said as she did her intro pose as well.

"Wow! That's a sexy pose!"
"Really? My sexy pose would sell?"
"Yeah. But...tell me. You're the weightlifter, aren't you?"
"How'd you know?"
"Your muscles are bulging from that sweater."
"Why thank y...wait! They'r not bulging!"
"So you are the weightlifter!"
"What if I am?"
"Didn't you know that boys don't find muscular girls attractive? I bet you never had a boyfriend, huh? And don't lift weights too much or else your armpits are gonna get wrinkled."
"Shut up! This is not about armpits or me not having a boyfriend. It's about me teaching you how to respect Berryz Koubou."
 "How can I respect a bunch of low-lives like you, who only use their powers to prey on others. What you're doing is inexcusable and unforgivable. Respect is something you earn, not something you force onto others."
"Spare me the hero talk! Let's just fight okay?"

After saying that, Momoko got off the bleachers and picked up a rack of basketballs. Using only her pinkie. Then she tossed it at Maimi like it was a candy wrapper. Maimi barely evaded it but she realized how heavy the rack was, for the number of balls it had were more than fifty. Momoko picked up one of the balls that rolled towards her. She gripped it easily with one hand, then crushed it and threw it at Maimi, who just slapped it away.

"Am I suppossed to be impressed?" Maimi asked her.
"Of couse. I'll bet you my lunch you can't do that.."
"I can't do that pinky toss you did but..."

Maimi picked up one of the balls and compressed it too. Just by using her thumb and index fingers.

"What the? How'd you..." Momoko asked as she started blinking rapidly.
"I've been doing that since I was three. Wanna see what I can do with bowling balls?"
"Arrggh!! This cannot be! I refuse to believe it! I'm still stronger than you!""

Momoko then ran to the locker room and took out a couple of them, carrying them over her head, and tossed them to Maimi. Maimi didn't dodge this time. She punched the lockers as they came. The lockers were bent in half as they landed on the floor.

"How can she do that?" Momoko asked herself. Then she thought she saw some surges of lightning crawling on Maimi's arms. "You're a freak, aren't you?"
"And what do you call yourself? Don't tell me that you got that strong by eating spinach. Also, I find the way you stick out your butt is kinda cute."
"Arrgggh." Momoko was pissed. First was because Maimi was able to negate her attack. Second is because someone noticed her butt-sticking habit again. "

She took a deep breath and as she exhaled, the sweater she wore got shredded. The sleeves of her uniform got ripped too, revealing her muscles. Then she ran towards the stage.

"What are you doing?"
"I’m not going to lose, not to you!! I'm taking you down, no matter what!" she said as she started to lift the stage.
"Hey, that's dangerous!"

Momoko was able to uproot the stage and carried it over her shoulders.

"Your face is a mess!" she said as she hurled the stage at Maimi.
"Why you..."

Maimi took a fighting stance and closed her eyes. Now the surges Momoko saw on Maimi's arms earlier became visible. The lights of the gym started to fluctuate and the hairs on Momoko's arms started to stand up too, because of the energy Maimi was generating. Before it could hit her, Maimi opened her eyes.


The stage stopped in mid-air, then exploded into a million fragments. The fragments were the size of small, lego blocks and could not really do that much damage, but the impact of the punch was strong enough to shatter the glass windows of the gym. The fist with which Maimi punched it was still smoking.

"How in the..."
"I've defeated a lot of people, some of them even stronger than you. But the ones I really hate are the ones who use innocent people just to get what they want."
"You could have just called me out if you wanted. I'll take you on anytime, anywhere. Heck, I'd even take all of you at the same time!"
"Go ahead! Beat me up!" a pouty faced Momoko said.
"I'm not like you. I don't use my power to hurt, to bring fear. I use my power to do what's right, to correct the wrong."
"Your face is a mess!"
"Yeah, yeah. But I'm sexier than you and I already had a boyfriend before." Maimi said as she imitated Momoko's introduction pose. "I win. Nyaa! I lifted some weights before too, but my armpits are still..." Maimi said as she started to roll up her sleeves.
"Waaah!!!" Momoko dropped on her knees and started to weep. Maimi walked closer to her and picked her up by the uniform's collar.
"I'm gonna make you apologize to Kanna-chan." she said as she carried Momoko out of the gym.

There were already a bunch of students gathered outside. They couldn't believe how Maimi carried Momoko like a kitten.

"Momo-chan is a member of Berryz Koubou? I can't beleieve it! She's one of the nicest kids here." Airi said.

Maimi held Momoko in front of Kanna.

"Apologize to her." Maimi commanded.
"It's not really necessary Maimi-san. They didn't really hurt me." Kanna said.
"Apologize to her."
*sniff**sniff* "No way!" *sniff*

Maimi then raised her in the air.

"Take a good look at her. She's a member of Berryz Kou...Berryz Ko..."
"Whatever. You don't have to be afraid of people like her. As long as I'm here, I'll..."

Before she could finish, Maimi's hand was hit by a wireless mouse, causing her to drop Momoko. Momoko ran through the crowd and disappeared from their sight. Maimi was about to pick up the wireless mouse but amazingly, it retracted back to its owner, just like a yo-yo. Maimi looked at the one who threw it but saw nothing but the girl's silhouette. She couldn't see her face.

"She's tall..."
*gasp* "Maimi-chan! Your skirt!" Airi said as she pointed.
"What about my skirt?"
"I've got the same one at home!"
"Duh? It's the school uniform. Everyone else here has it."
"You're wearing striped undies." said Mai
"How'd you know?"
"Your skirt has a hole in the crotch area." pointed the young girl.

*<insert camera sound here>*

"100,000,000 Yen or this spreads in the internet!" Chisato said.
"Why you..."

Back in Berryz Koubou's secret room...

"She beat Momo too? Haha. Now Momo has a 4-3 record. She'll definitely slip down the rankings."
"Rii-chan and Momo in one day. Interesting. And she wears striped underwear. Maybe I should too. Hmm..."
"She's nothing to be scoffed at. Look at what she did to my mouse. It got dented and to think it just hit her hand. We should do something about her before she can cause us any more trouble. "
"What do we do know, Captain?"

"...even if she called me short, which should have made me eliminate her on the spot..."

"...we'll just have to wait for things to happen..."

« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 05:50:54 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2007, 08:30:15 AM »
Lol, why Airi is so attached to Pocky? :D

Quote from: wordsworth
Maimi kicked the door of the gym open.


"Of course. You should have seen how she tried to convince us that she wasn't you. It was funny haha. Especially when I asked her to do that chicken dance."

Lol, ookina aide motenashite.. XD

"Yeah. But...tell me. You're the weightlifter, aren't you?"


"I've been doing that since I was three. Wanna see what I can do with bowling balls?"

Omg, haha. So, they really have power? o_o

"Your skirt has a hole in the crotch area." pointed the young girl.

<insert shocked smiley here>

Time for Captain to move ? :D Nice chapter words! So, it just not an ordinary fight :D

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2007, 01:59:55 PM »
You should have seen how she tried to convince us that she wasn't you. It was funny haha. Especially when I asked her to do that chicken dance."

lol, I just knew it had to be ooki na ai de motenashite.

"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2007, 10:58:51 AM »
Another cover made by ChrNo  :D

It's great but I told ChrNo that it could be better by making the skirt shorter...:mon lurk: :mon sweat: j/k

I thought that I could finally get some rest after finishing Detonator M but I was wrong. Also, I'm a bit reluctant with continuing Kamen Rider NEK0 since Miki is out (damn, if she wanted a scandal, she should have called me :mon annoy: but at least there's a reason why she'll have off nights at GATAS - it must be the butter!). I had plans for it but...

Anyways, I'm not really good at this but...

zigg - Captain should be in front. Especially on dance numbers :P

rokun - I try to be different all the time and for this fic, expect the appearance of only one, I repeat, ONE male character :D

modesta107 - yeah, the chicken dance was from Ookina. :P I don't know but I find that quite adorable. I saw Rika do a part of it and it was still cute. Now I wonder what it'll look like if the Berryz does it  XD

This won't be as long as Detonator M but I'll make sure that it'll be as fun and enjoyable.

Again, thanks for reading. :D

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2007, 12:31:21 PM »
Another cover made by ChrNo  :D
It's great but I told ChrNo that it could be better by making the skirt shorter...:mon lurk: :mon sweat: j/k
Seconded!  XD

modesta107 - yeah, the chicken dance was from Ookina. :P I don't know but I find that quite adorable. I saw Rika do a part of it and it was still cute. Now I wonder what it'll look like if the Berryz does it  XD
You know you can see Berryz do it in this past winter's Wonderful Hearts Otome Gocoro concert... ^^ If you can't get a hold of it I'll try to grab the clip for ya.
...While typing this I found the clip on Youtube! Thought I would... The rest of Wonderful Hearts does it too for a time. ^^

This won't be as long as Detonator M but I'll make sure that it'll be as fun and enjoyable.
I need to read the rest of Detonator M too >.> I think I only caught the first several chapters...

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 1: The New Girl
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2007, 09:44:20 PM »
I saw Rika do a part of it and it was still cute.

Where does Rika do the dance? I know she does it at the wondeful hearts thing, was the another one?
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 3: Wrong Suspects
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2007, 12:09:26 PM »
Maimi couldn't get the image of the tall girl out of her head. Even if she only saw the girl's silhouette, she was able to see the evil smirk on her face as her wireless mouse returned back to her hand.

She knew that she has established herself as an enemy in the eyes of the members of Berryz Koubou.

But she wasn't afraid. She knew exactly what she was getting into the very first time she encountered one of its members.

She was just waiting for them to make their move. But little did she know, that Berryz Koubou has been waiting for her move too...

"Maimi-chan, wake-up! Are you daydreaming about me again?" said Airi, who was sporting a granny bun this time. "Here, have another Pocky."

Maimi took the Pocky stick and gave it a small bite. Somehow, the sweet taste removed any thoughts she had in her head that time.

"Thanks. I needed that, Airi-chan."
"What were you thinking of anyway?"
"Beer Koubou."
"Berryz Koubou?"
"Right, right. By the way, do you know any tall girl here in school?
"Aside from you? Well, there aren't really any tall girls here aside from you, Erika-chan and..."
"Yeah. She's in the same level as you. And she's pretty too."
"Do you know where she hangs out?"
"She's usually in the cafeteria."
"Why are you asking, Maimi-chan? Are you suspecting Erika-chan to be a member of Berryz?"
"Well, yeah. But I don't have evidence yet. That's why I need to know more about her."
"I saw Erika-chan acting weird lately." interrupted Chisato.
"But that's not enough, Chisato-chan." pouted Airi. "I don't think Erika-chan has something to do with them."
"I saw her talking to Momo." said Mai.
"Just now."
"What? Where did you see them?"
"At the stairway going to the rooftop."
"I'm going." Maimi said as she finished her Pocky stick.
"20,000 Yen." Mai and Chisato said in unison as they showed Maimi their palms.
"Get them out of my sight Airi-chan, before I..."
"Okay. Come on girls." Airi said as she tried to take the younger ones away. "Let's just get some ice cream in the cafe. And Maimai, I thought you were gonna teach me to swim?"
"Ummm, Airi-chan, you forgot to tell her about the other tall girl..."

Maimi was able to see Erika, who was only halfway done with the stairway. She followed her, to see where she was heading.
 But since Maimi wasn't trained to do reconnaissance, she made noises every now and then, which prompted Erika to check if someone was following her.

Maimi was almost caught once, but she was able to dive into an old, abandoned men's comfort room, probably the only one in the school. And it looked like it hasn't been cleaned in ages. To prevent herself from inhaling the evil stench, Maimi held her breathe for ten minutes, to give enough time for Erika to forget what she heard and keep on walking. Maimi peeped from the door to make sure Erika wasn't looking around anymore. She was out of sight but she could hear Erika's footsteps. Maimi sneaked out of the CR, but she couldn't believe what she saw. The walls and the windows of the hallway were damaged by something. And those weren't around when she ducked inside the CR. The thing that made those damages left numerous craters and holes on the wall. And Maimi knew exactly what that thing was.

"...wireless she's really part of this..."

Maimi reached the rooftop, not trying to sneak around anymore. Her mind was made up and she was ready to confront Erika, who incidentally, was holding a flag with the Berryz skull emblem stitched on it.

"So you're really a member of Very Koubou."
"Berryz Koubou."
"Yeah, yeah. I won't let you harm any of the other students here anymore."
"What are you talking about? I'm not a member of Berryz!"
"Explain that!" Maimi said as she pointed at the flag.
"Oh this? Momo-chan told me to get it because she was too small and couldn't reach it from the pole."
"Like I'd believe that. Little miss muscle could have just pounded the pole's base so it'd fall down. Come on, take out your mouse!"
"Mouse? You mean this?"

Erika tried to take out something from her pocket while Maimi took a fighting stance.

"Here it is." Erika said as she showed Maimi a Minnie Mouse purse. "Do you want one? I have an extra at home."
"Wait. You're not really a member of Berryz are you?"
"Of course not. Momo-chan just told me to get this flag, that's all."
"What about those broken walls in the hallway?"
"What broken walls?"

Suddenly, the dreaded wireless mouse came out of nowhere and was headed straight for Erika's face. Maimi caught it before it made contact and she prevented it from going back to its owner.

"Shit! This thing is heavy!" Maimi thought.
"Ooh! Nice catch! Do you play softball?" Erika asked her.
"Sorry if I suspected you as one of them, Erika."
"Don't worry about it. Hey, you're kinda cute. Wanna go out sometime. You're hair smells nice. What shampoo do you use?"
"Ummm, it's like, not the time to talk about this? And, I just came from a dirty guys comfort room, don't tell me you like that smell?"

Suddenly, another tall girl made an appearance. She wore a sleeveless version of their uniform but she was wearing a striped long sleeved shirt under. And her skirt was too short for her legs. Oh, and the Berryz skull prints were all over her black socks.
"You want that mouse? You can have it." she said.

Suddenly, the mouse Maimi was holding started ticking. Maimi saw a digital timer counting down to zero. She threw it towards the other tall girl who kicked it towards the sky, where it gave a mild poof before showering the ground with confetti. The Berryz member took out two mice  from her sleeve.

"If you say that you can control your mouse using skills from Naruto and I'll..."
"Why what's wrong with Naruto? Don't worry, these mice, they're not really wireless..."

Maimi checked her wrist and saw some marks made by a thin piece of wire. She concluded that it got there when she caught the mouse.

"So you use those invisible wires they use in toku-shows..."
"Ah, so you figured it out already. Nonetheless, knowing what defeated you won't be any help at all."
"Who are you?"
"Kumai Yurina, 13 years old, Berryz Koubou." she said as she did a sexy pose.
"You're sexy but you're too thin." Maimi said. "And my hair is better than yours."
"So what? I'm younger than you anyway. I'll get sexier hahaha." Yurina said as she brushed her hair aside. "Prepare yourself!"

Maimi told Erika to find somewhere to hide. Yurina threw her weapons at Maimi. Maimi prepeared to parry them but blades suddenly came out of the once harmless looking device. Maimi rolled out of the way then she ran towards Yurina. The mice retaracted quickly and Yurina was able to throw them again. Maimi couldn't get closer to Yurina so she decided to back down but she felt something on her back.

"Keep on throwing them! You can't hit me! You're only going to miss no matter how many times you throw them." she told Yurina.
"That's what you think." Yurina answered.

Maimi looked around her. Normal people wouldn't be able to see it, but she saw that she was already surrounded by the invisible wire Yurina was using. When she turned around, Yurina was no longer there. She tried to go to a fighting stance but she felt that her arms were tied to her body. She also couldn't move her legs. Yurina pulled on the wires, causing Maimi to fall.

"I caught you." Yurina said as she flicked a switch. It shocked Maimi with a huge dosage of electricty. "Let's see who has better hair now."

Maimi just stood up and broke free from the wires, but she didn't let go of them. She mockingly fixed her hair, which was still the same even before the shock. Some portions of her clothes were fried too, though not much was exposed.

"What the?"
"Wanna know how it feels to get shocked?" Maimi said as she sent a jolt using the wires.


It was a mild shock. Yurina let go of the wires before she could feel the rest of it. She took out a small mirror from her pocket and found out that her hair got messed up.
"My hair! You ruined it!"
"What? You can get it done again anyway."

Yurina ran towards Maimi and threw a couple of punches. Maimi was able to dodge them.

"You can't hit me. I was already to measure the reach of your arms earli...."

But one punch caught Maimi on the cheek. Maimi backed down and wiped her lips with her sleeve. She was a bit of blood.

"Shit! How'd that happen... Now I get it. Those stripes on her sleeves, they create an illusion about her reach. You stole that from Rurouni Kenshin, didn't you? From that Oniwabanshuu ninja!"
"So what if I did?"
"That was a nice punch. But it would have been stronger if you threw it like this." Maimi said as she demonstrated a right straight.
"Whatever!" Yurina said as she punched her again.

Maimi didn't dodge this time and caught Yurina's fist with her hand. Yurina tried to punch her with her other hand but Maimi caught it too. Now she held Yurina by her wrists.
"So, you wanna know how strong the shock you gave me earlier is?" Maimi grinned.
"I...if you do that, you'll fry my hair!"
"No!" Yurina said as she got away from Maimi. She went to a safe distance, then reveales a dozen, probably more of those miniature mice from her pocket. "Let's see you dodge this!" she said as she hurled them at Maimi.

Maimi then created a sphere of electricity from her left hand. "I didn't want to use this here but..."


Maimi shouted as she kicked the sphere, turning them to something like lightning arrows, causing it to go into various directions, destroying Yurina's weapons that were headed her way. A wayward arrow grazed Yurina's skirt, making it shorter. One was about to hit her face but Maimi snapped and the arrow vanished.

"Why'd you do that? You want me to be grateful?" Yurina asked.
"You're pretty, Kumai. Though I don't like your tactics in battle. Yeah, you're young and you have a lot of time.
A lot of time to change."
"I don't use my skills to hurt the weak. I use it to do what I believe is right, what I believe is just. And with what and your group has been doing to the school, something had to be done." Maimi said as she picked up the Berryz flag Erika dropped and handed it to Yurina. "Sorry about the skirt. Use this. I can almost see your..."
Yurina slapped her hand away and ran. But she took the flag with her.
"Maimi!" It was Erika. "Now, how are you gonna walk around wearing that?" she said as she pointed at Maimi's almost non-existent top uniform.
Maimi blushed before running to the ledge and shouting "AIRIIIIIII! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I'll let you borrow mine if you want to..." Erika said as she started to unbutton her uniform.

They didn't notice the two figures who were observing them since the beginning.

"You're the one who fights her next right?"
"She beat Yurina."
"I saw."
"What are you gonna do then?"
"I'm going to make her use her full power..."

"Airi-chan, these are to small." Maimi complained.
"Of course. Those are my clothes." Airi answered as she took out more clothes from her bag.
"Do you always bring these many clothes at school everyday?"
"Ummm no. I just get them from my locker."
"I see. So you bring clothes to school and store them in your locker."
"No. Someone drops these clothes in my locker. All of those are brand new. Looks like I have a secret admirer." Airi said as she nudged Maimi. "Jealous?"
"Ummm this is an all-girls school right?"
"Maybe one of the teachers then."
"Umm, I’m not sure about that."
"Really? Then how come I saw Goto-sensei use the men's comfort room?"
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 02:23:15 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 4: The Maiden's Bitter First
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2007, 11:11:09 AM »
It's been three months since Maimi-chan defeated Kumai-chan of Berryz. After that, we haven't heard much from them. The kids in school felt like they were released from a certain curse. Taikosaku actually felt like a safe place to be in. Most of them now talked to Maimi-chan, whom they avoided when they heard that she'd go against Berryz. Aside from Kanna-chan, Mai-chan, Chisato-chan, Erika-chan and me, Maimi-chan seemed to get more friends as each day passed. She even has some groupies. Everything seemed to be going well.

But where are we now? We're on one of our vans, going to see Maimi-chan's senpais.

Because Maimi-chan lost. She lost to Sudou Maasa, another member of Berryz Koubou.

We were on the school's swimming pool because they were teaching me how to swim but suddenly, Maasa-chan appeared and challenged Maimi-chan. And take note. She didn't to a sexy pose when she introduced herself. She gave a bow though.Even if she didn't look that scary, Chisato-chan trembled when she saw her. Maybe she had a bad encounter with her before.

Maimi tried every technique she knew but Maasa-chan wasn't even fazed. She only hit Maimi-chan twice but it was enough to knock her out. She grabbed Maimi-chan by the leg from the pool but before she could land the coup de grace, Megu-chan arrived and stopped her.

Who's Megu-chan you ask?
Well, before Maimi-chan arrived, she was the Berryz's nummber one enemy. There was a rumor that she was once a friend of one of the Berryz because they went to the same school before but when Megu-chan learned about what they were up to, she severed all connections with them. She was able to beat a few of them but she fell into one of their traps and they ganged up on her and she got injured. While she was recovering, that was the time when the Berryz spread their reign of terror.

I'm not sure if Megu-chan's fully recovered but she said that she'll try to hold them down until we return. Megu-chan is strong but I don't know if the Berryz got any stronger too.

I think this is the first time Maimi-chan ever got defeated. I never saw her so depressed before. I tried to cheer her up but she'd only give me a fake smile. I just hope that by seeing her teachers, she'd be able to gain her confidence back.

We got off the van. I told the driver that I'd just give him a call when we're ready to go. Maimi-chan said we had to walk the rest of the way. We had to go through a forest and reached the bottom of a mountain. It had a small wooden sign that said "Gatas Brilhantes Dojo" and as I looked up, there were steps leading up.

"How many steps are there, Maimi-chan?" I asked her.
"I'm not sure. I haven't counted them."
"There are one thousand four hundred thirteen steps…" someone said. We turned around. It was a lady. I wasn't sure how old she is, because she looked young. And she was quite sexy too in that leopard-spotted kunoichi outfit.
"Nakazawa-senpai?" Maimi-chan said.
"Oh, Maimi-chan! What brings you back here? Tips on how to get a good boyfriend?" the lady said.
"She's your senpai?" I asked Maimi-chan.
"Well, yeah."
"Nakazawa Yuko." the lady said."You can call me anything, except ma'am."
"She's like the niece of my grandpa from my mother side's cousin's sister-in-law, who happens to be the eldest.. ."
"She's your what?"
"Let's just say we're related to cut it short. Telling her all that crap makes it sound like I'm from the Edo period." Nakazawa-san said.
"What are you doing here senpai?"
"Well, those three were debating on the number of steps our stairway had. I had to count so that I can shut them up. You know those three when they're arguing."
"Are we really gonna climb those steps Maimi-chan?"
"Yes Airi-chan. Don't worry, if you get tired I'll carry you on my back." Maimi-chan said as she gave me a smile. It wasn't a fake smile this time.

Maybe going to the place where she grew up wasn't a bad idea at all. I hope that Maimi-chan gets to learn something new from her senpais so she can finally defeat Maasa-chan.

I think I can climb one thousand four hundred thirteen steps, as long as I'm with Maimi-chan. But I can pretend to get tired, just so she'll carry me on her back...
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 02:26:27 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 4: The Maiden's Bitter First
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2007, 02:12:29 PM »
I think I can climb one thousand four hundred thirteen steps, as long as I'm with Maimi-chan. But I can pretend to get tired, just so she'll carry me on her back...

He he he he! :lol:

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 4 in going on...
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2007, 02:51:34 PM »

We were on the school's swimming pool because they were teaching me how to swim

Lol, yeah I've heard that she couldn't swim. I'm guessing you were making a reference to that
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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 5: Invoke
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2007, 09:49:08 AM »
"You can put me down now, Maimi-chan. I think there are only a few steps left." Airi said.
"Are you sure?" Maimi asked her.
"Okay. You can carry me til the top then." Airi answered as she tightened her hold on Maimi.
"Ugh. Can you two cut it out? I'll lose my teeth because of the sweetness." said Yuko who was a few steps behind them. "And who told you that I should be carrying your luggage?" she added.

The two girls blushed as they walked on.

Airi told Maimi to put her down and took their bags while Yuko led them to the gate when they reached the top.

"Look who's here everyone!" Yuko said as she pushed the doors of the dojo open. The girls inside the hall looked at her for a few seconds, then went back to what they were doing.
"Hmmm. Seems like they still don't give you attention, senpai." Maimi said.
"Well, I don't expect them to answer unless I give them permission to." Yuko said as she took out a cigar. "Oh, does your friend mind?" she asked Maimi.
"Do you mind if she smokes Airi-chan?
"Of course not." Airi said. "Here." she added as she took out a lighter from her bag and lit Yuko's cigar.
"Why thank you little girl. Oooh, is that a bottle of wine I see in your bag?"
"Yes it is." Airi said. "You can have it."
"Thanks, thanks." Yuko said as she patted Airi's head. "You have made this lady happy."
"I don't smoke nor drink. But I have lots of stuff in my bag. Wanna see?"
"Oookay. You're quite weird Airi-chan."
"And you noticed only now?"
"Oh hi Maimi-chan!" said a pretty girl who had light brown dyed hair. She was wearing a pink kimono with bunny prints.
"Ishikawa-senpai. You look as pretty as ever."
"Why thank you. You're look pretty yourself. Who's your cute friend over here?"
"I'm Suzuki Airi. Nice to meet you..."
"Rika. Ishikawa Rika. What a polite young girl. Hope you grow as cute as me someday. Those pigtails look nice on you."

Loud crashing noises in one of the rooms caught their attention.

"Are Fujimoto-senpai and Yoshizawa-senpai fighting again?" Maimi said. "I thought you told them to get rid of the PS2, senpai?"
"They did get rid of it. But that cunning Miki got herself a part-time job and bought a Wii." Yuko answered.
"Part-time job?"
"Yeah. But like you I doubt it. I'm thinking that she just swindled a rich dude somewhere in the city."
"Did they buy the sports pack?" Airi asked.
"Yeah. Now they do nothing but play that game most of the day. But they always quarrel a lot. Makes me feel like they're a couple or something." Yuko said.
"But this one's kinda serious. Coz the loser will have to lick butter off the chest of the winner." Rika told them.
"Eeww." Maimi and Airi said together.
"Who thought of that kind of consequence?" Maimi asked.
"Who else?" Rika said as she pointed at Yuko.
"Wait, who's winning then?" Airi asked.
"I dunno. But both of them want to lose pretty badly hehe." Rika answered. "Why don't you greet them, so that they'd stop for a while."

Maimi went in front of the room and knocked. The door slid open and she saw Yoshizawa and Fujimoto lying on the ground, staring at her with their WTF faces. The two girls sat up when they saw that it was Maimi.

"Umm how are you doing, Fujimoto-senpai, Yoshizawa-senpai?"
"Hey hey hey it's Maimi-chan! Wow, you look really sexy today." Fujimoto said as she eyed Maimi from head to toe. "Wanna join our game hmmm?" she said as she ran her fingers down Maimi's legs.
"Uh no thanks. I'm not good with video games."
"Forgive her Maimi-chan. Miki's been in a crazy mood because she's currently on top." Yoshizawa said as she slapped Fujimoto's hand off Maimi.
"On top?"
"On top of the the game."
"Maybe your cute friend can play with us..." Fujimoto said as she used her hands to signal Airi to go closer.
"...and she's a bit drunk too so it's best you stay away from her for a while."
"Airi-chan, these are two of my senpais, Yoshizawa Hitomi and Fujimoto Miki." Maimi said as she introduced them.
"Nice to meet you." Airi said as she bowed. "My name is Airi Suzuki."
"You can call me Yossi." Yoshizawa said.
"Oooh. So you replaced Shun with this cutie. I approve of it though..." Miki said.

There was a blank look on Maimi's face after she heard the name Miki uttered.

"Miki!" Yossi said as she nudged Miki.
"Oh. Sorry. I should have kept my mouth closed."
"Who is Shun?" Airi asked Maimi.
"He was my..." but before Maimi could speak any further...
"What is your purpose for coming here Maimi-chan?. What is troubling you?" Yuko interrupted. "There's something different in your aura. I felt your power diminish greatly when we reached the top. I'm not saying that Airi-chan is heavy but...I think it's the first time I ever saw you get tired after climbing the steps."
"I....I lost."
"YOU LOST?!!!" Yuko, Rika, Yossi and Miki said.
"Yeah. I lost. Please, senpai. I need to train again." Maimi said as she bowed in front of her seniors.
"But we already thought you everything we know." Rika said.
"Yeah. Unless you want to learn some tricks in Wii too." Miki added. "And some tips on how to choose the wrong dye color for you hair..."
"Can't you keep quiet, even just for a while." said Yossi as she put Miki in a sleeper hold.
"Please. I need to learn." This time Maimi knelt on the floor. Airi looked at her and knelt down too.
"Fine, fine." Yuko said. "Follow me." she told them. All of them followed Yuko to the training hall, except Miki, who was half-unconscious after being put in a sleeper hold.

"I still have one thing to teach you Maimi. But you'll have to win my challenge first." Yuko told her.
"I will not fail." Maimi answered.
"Okay. Here's what you have to do. All you have to do is to defeat Yossi within three minutes."
"W...wait! How the heck did I get involved here? I mean my body's still aching because of playing with Miki now you want me to spar with Maimi?"
"Yeah. Only I can beat Yossi in that short amount of time. And not just in Wii games but also in bed. Whoops. Don't mind me..." they heard Miki shout from the other room.
"Shut up Miki!"
"Yoshizawa-senpai can still be a tough opponent even if she isn't at full power, but I don't think it would be fair if she was the one who'd spar with me." Maimi said. "Maybe I can spar with Ishikawa-senpai instead."
"Hohoo. No sparring for me, Maimi-chan." Rika answered. "I just had my nails done. "
"Are you saying that you're more than a match for me?" Yossi asked. The tone of her voice suddenly changed.
"I don't want to hurt you, senpai."
"You didn't answer my question. Know what, why don't you just get you butt here in the mat so I can see how good you really are." Yossi said as she took off her Kimono. Under it was a kunoichi outfit like Yuko's.
"Nakazawa-san..." Maimi looked at her senpai.
"What? Do you want me to teach you or not?" Yuko told her.
"What are you waiting for Maimi? Yuko-san to get married? That won't happen. Get your ass here now!" Yossi said.
"Huh? What did you just say Yossi?" Yuko asked.
"O..okay." Maimi said as she went to Yossi.

Maimi could clearly see that Yossi was pissed off.

"Yoshizawa-senpai. That's not what I meant."
"Tsss. After you got me hot blooded? Let's start already!"

After that, both of them vanished but everyone in the room could hear punches and kicks being thrown. Rika and Yuko could see them while Airi just closed her eyes, praying that her friend would win.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 02:22:06 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 5 just started...
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2007, 12:49:53 AM »
Maimi lost?! ARGHHHHHH

Maasa is strong. But that isn't a secret lol. So she get her revenge for Kumai-chan?

Do Airi has doraemon 4 dimensional pocket? lol

Wth, Miki and Yossi.. haha

Damn, words. Really good! Thanks for providing new chapters. Keep them coming!

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 6: Awaken! The Hero!
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2007, 08:42:04 AM »
"181 seconds." Yuko said as she looked at her watch.
"Go meditate in the waterfalls." Yuko commanded her.

Maimi didn't answer but she followed what she was told to do. She bowed at Yossi who was sitting on the mat wiping a slight trail of blood coming from her lips. Airi tried to follow her but Yuko stopped her.

"But..." Airi said.
"The waterfall is halfway the stairs dear. It's better if you just stay here."
"How was my acting, Yuko-san?" Yossi asked as she got up and dusted herself.
"It sucked!" Miki yelled from their room.
"How would you know? You didn't see it!" Yossi snapped back.
"I think you should go under my acting workshop." Rika suggested.
"Thanks Yossi. Sorry if I had to put you in that situation. Let's just hope that Maimi-chan learns what I want her to learn."
"Acting?" Airi asked them. "So that was just a show?"
"Yes little girl." Yuko told her.
"But Maimi doesn't know. That's why her punches hurt. Owww." Yossi added. "No kissing for me tonight."
"I though you were going to teach her a technique or something?" Airi asked them.
"We did teach her something. Now it's up to her if she'd get it or not." Yuko answered.

At the waterfall...

Maimi was on the lotus position. Her eyes were closed as the cold water from the falls hit her body. It hit her body like bricks but she was in deep meditation, trying to reflect on what was happening.

"What did I do wrong..."

"'s the ogre lady!" Chisato told them as she pointed at the girl who just arrived.
"You know her,Chisato-chan?" Airi asked.
"S...she hurt me before." Chisato answered.
"Don't worry Chisato-chan. I'll teach her a lesson." Maimi said.
"Yajima Maimi. I have come to challenge you." said a girl who wore a business suit with the Berryz logo stitched at the side. She was quite tall, almost as tall as Yurina.
"And who might you be?" Maimi asked her.
"Sudou Maasa. Berryz Koubou." The girl said as she bowed.
"No sexy pose?"
"I don't need one. I didn't come here for that."
"Whew. I thought you already chickened out on me. I was waiting for the next one to fight me for a long time."
"Sorry to have kept you waiting. But you did not wait in vain. Because I will give you a defeat you'd wish you'd just die."
"Ha. I'm ready whenever you are." Maimi said as she climbed out of the pool.
"Maimi-chan. Shouldn't you change first?" Airi told her as she pointed at Maimi's bathing suit."
"No need Airi-chan. I'll beat her fast."
"Let's see you do that." Maasa told her.

Maimi rushed towards Maasa. Her punch landed but Maasa just smiled. Maimi kept punching and kicking her but Maasa didn't feel anything. Maimi distanced herself from Maasa.

"Is that all you've got?" Maasa asked her. "If you think you're going to beat me like the way you beat Momo, Kumai-chan and Rii-chan, think again."
"I'm not done!" Maimi said as she charged her fist and ran towards Maasa.


The punch made contact and it made a huge explosion. But after the smoke cleared, Airi, Chisato and Mai saw that Maasa stopped the punch using her palm. And now she was holding Maimi. Maimi knew she was defeated but she stopped herself from crying.

"I had high expectations from you." Maasa said. "But it seems that you're just a waste of time after all. If you can't get past me, don't expect to win against the other members that you haven't fought yet."

Maasa then punched Maimi in the gut, causing her to kneel. Then she kicked her back into the pool. An unconscious Maimi floated from the water and Maasa picked her up by the leg.

"You're just all talk after all. You've come to help the weak? That's crap! You're just like us..."

"You're just like us..."

Maimi opened her eyes.

"That's it!" she said as she stood up. "Now I get it."

Maimi walked away from the waterfall. She took a fighting stance, channeled her energy and then threw a punch towards the waterfall. The force of her punch stopped the water from flowing. Maimi used a lot of energy but she didn't get tired. Then she started to head back to the Dojo.

"I'm back!" Maimi said as she went inside. Yuko, Yossi, Rika, Miki and Airi were eating some sushi. "She greeted them with a cheerful smile."
"Maimi-chan!" Airi said as came running to hug Maimi. "You should change, you're all wet."
"Hello, Airi-chan. Hmmm, why do you smell like sake?"
"Yeah, go change first Maimi. I don't like the way Miki's staring at you with your wet clothes on." Rika said.

After a few minutes...

"So, what happened Maimi-chan?" Yuko asked her. "Did you find out what was bothering you?"
"It was my arrogance, senpai. It blinded me and made me feel invincible. It made me feel superior than the enemy. But by doing that, I also let my guard down. I looked down upon her and I underestimated her."
"Right." Yuko said. "Always remember that your power is intended to help the oppressed, to serve justice. However, if you see your enemy as weak, you just turn yourself like the people whom you are trying to fight. No matter how evil your opponent is, always remember that he or she is also a human being like you..."
"Can you cut the hero talk, Yuko-san? I'm trying to eat." Miki interrupted.
"Tsss. You're just jealous coz Maimi got it fast. It took you weeks before you were able to understand that concept." Yossi said.
"Shut up, Yossi!" said Miki as she continued eating. "Here, have some sake, Maimi."
"You're such a bad influence Miki." Rika said as she took the glass away from Miki's hands. "Maimi can't drink sake yet."
"Yoshizawa-senpai, I'm sorry about earlier." Maimi said as she knelt in front of Yossi.
"Don't worry, I'd do anything to help you. But that punch of yours was really something." Yossi said. "I can't eat properly yet."
"Your punch was strong too, senpai." Maimi said as she raished her shirt halfway to reveal some bruises at her side. Then she pulled her shirt down.
"So, are you ready to face her again, Maimi-chan?" Rika asked.
"Yes. I just hope that Murakami-san is still alright."
"I just have one more question for you, Maimi-chan." Miki said.
"What is it?"
"Can you raise your shirt up again? I quite didn't see the bruises..." said Miki as she wet her lips with her tongue.

On the ride home...

"Your senpais are funny, Maimi-chan."
"Yes they are. But don't let their looks fool you. They are strong fighters."
"I know. Just like you."
"By the way Airi-chan, I noticed that Fujimoto-senpai smiles differently when she looks at you."
"Oh that? You see, when you were meditating, she asked me to play Wii with her."
"Yeah. And we made the same bet she had with Yoshizawa-san."
"The "licking the chest" bet?"
"What happened?"
"I won. Fujimoto-san lost so she li..."
"Turn this car around, now!" Maimi told the driver.
"I'm just kidding, Maimi-chan!"

Taikosaku, Room 3F

"Can you hurry up with Kumai-chan's book report? I need you to do my math homeowrk, Megu."
"Can't you do simple addition Momo? I saw the problems on your book and they were quite easy." Yurina said.

The Berryz were asking Megumi to do their homework for them. Maasa sat on the teacher's desk.
"If you don't finish my homeowrk, I'm going to be screwed!" Momo said as she pushed Megumi on the floor.

Yurina took out a mouse from her sleeve and was preparing to hit Megumi with it but...

"If you want it to be done badly, why don't you do it yourself!"

The door opened and Maimi went inside the room. Yurina and Momo run towards the teacher's table and hid behind Maasa. Maimi helped Megumi stand up and gave her to Airi and Erika, who were waiting outside.

"Round two?" Maasa asked her as she stood up.

"The results won't be the same this time..."
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 02:34:00 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 6 just started...
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2007, 06:24:47 PM »
"Hello, Airi-chan. Hmmm, why do you smell like sake?"
"Yeah, go change first Maimi. I don't like the way Miki's staring at you with your wet clothes on." Rika said.
XD but who could blame Miki

"Your punch was strong too, senpai." Maimi said as she raished her shirt halfway to reveal some bruises at her side. Then she pulled her shirt down.
"So, are you ready to face her again, Maimi-chan?" Rika asked.
"Yes. I just hope that Murakami-san is still alright."
"I just have one more question for you, Maimi-chan." Miki said.
"What is it?"
"Can you raise your shirt up again? I quite didn't see the bruises..." said Miki as she wet her lips with her tongue.
Oh Miki  :roll:  love Miki's character in this story :wub:

"By the way Airi-chan, I noticed that Fujimoto-senpai smiles differently when she looks at you."
"Oh that? You see, when you were meditating, she asked me to play Wii with her."
"Yeah. And we made the same bet she had with Yoshizawa-san."
"The "licking the chest" bet?"
"What happened?"
"I won. Fujimoto-san lost so she li..."
"Turn this car around, now!" Maimi told the driver.
"I'm just kidding, Maimi-chan!"
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 06:28:14 PM by modesta107 »
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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 6 just started...
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2007, 03:20:35 PM »
I'm loving this story. You said its kinda based on Tenjo Tenge but when I read it I think of Ikkitousen. :D Maimi reminds me of Hakufu but without the big b...

Anyone else think this?

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"Didn't you learn from our last encounter, Maimi? You can't hurt me." Maasa said as Maimi's punch made contact.

Maimi backed off a few steps away from Maasa.

"I'm just testing something." Maimi answered as she hit Maasa again.
"Testing?" Maasa asked as she took another of Maimi's punches. "Trying to find my weakness?"
"Iron Wall. My senpais told me about that technique. It's a formidable defensive technique but it reduces the user's offensive capabilities.They said that it can only withstand a couple of attacks and that it can be broken." Maimi said as she stopped hitting her and backed away.
"I see. You have good senpai's then. They were right." Maasa replied as she watched the sleeves of her suit slowly turn to ash. Maimi's punches started to show its effects. "However, the Iron Wall is not the only technique in my arsenal." she added as she removed the remains of her suit, which revealed some kind of battle gear.

In the blink of an eye, Maasa dashed towards her and attacked. Maimi evaded but Maasa's punch destroyed the floor, causing the whole 3F classroom to fall to the ground floor.

"What the..."
"Let's see how long you can run from me, Maimi." Maasa said as she attacked again but Maimi leapfrogged over Maasa's head. She couldn't help but marvel at the suit Maasa was wearing.
"Is that the..."
"The Leviathan Regalia. Yes it is."
"The one that can amplify one's strength a thousand fold."
"Your senpais must be real masters to be able to provide you such information. Only a few people know of it's existence. They must be really old..."
"Well, Fujimoto-senpai and the others aren't really that old. Nakazawa-senpai however..."

"What's the matter Nazakawa-san? Sudden allergy towards liquor?" Yossi asked.
"Somebody must have remembered her! An old boyfriend perhaps?" Rika said.
"Shut up you two! Can't you see that Miki-can't concentrate on what she's doing?!" Yuko told them.

"Nazakawa? Hmm. I think I heard that name before. But that was years ago."
"Where'd you get it?" Maimi asked.
"It's a family heirloom, but enough of this chat. Let's continue."

Maasa then ran towards Maimi and threw a punch. Maimi was able to block it, but the punch sent her flying through the tennis court, with the safety net preventing her from being thrown any further. Her arms felt numb and she felt like she was about to lose consciousness, but she got back up and ran towards Maasa, who was not expecting any retaliation from her. Maimi's punch landed squarely on Maasa's face. With the effect of her Iron Wall technique gone, Maasa felt the full strength of Maimi's punch. She countered with a punch of her own, sending Maimi down on the ground but she skipped away to avoid Maasa's second strike. Both of them placed a finger in their mouths.

"My teeth are stil intact." Maimi said. "What about yours?"
"They're fine. Looks like I'm going to enjoy fighting you, Maimi." Maasa told her. "I have yet to find a worthy adversary and I think I found one in you."
"Me too, Maasa. We could have been good friends. It's just too bad we had to be on the opposite sides of the field. But I won't lose."
"Me neither."

The two clashed and started trading blows. For every punch Maimi threw, Maasa returned the favor, and vice versa.

"Aren't we going to stop them? They might kill each other! And Maimi's uniform is getting torn again!" Airi told Erika, Megumi, Yurina and Momoko who were watching from a distance.
"Are you kidding? Maa-chan will kill us if we interfere!" Momoko answered.
"Their blows are enough to destroy a whole building but they take it like it's just a slap in the face. It's hard to tell who's winning." Yurina said.
"It will be over soon." Megumi told them. "But Maasa hasn't used that technique yet..."

Maasa evaded Maimi's last punch and moved a few steps back.

"It's over, Maimi!" she said as she put her hands together before smashing the ground.

"Hissatsu attack! GRAVITON CRUSHER!!!"

Maimi felt the ground shake. Suddenly, a torrent of energy blasted from where she was standing. Energy that was enough to annihilate anything it can make contact with. It destroyed 1/4 of the school's main building.

"Maimi-chan!" Airi tried to run where she was but Momoko stopped her.
"I don't think your friend would like it if you died too."
"Tsk. Maasa wasn't able to destroy my classroom. We'll still have classes tomorrow." Yurina grumbled.
"At least Maa-chan won. Hehe." said Momoko.
"No one could have survived that." Erika said.
"I did didn't I?" said Megumi.
"Hah! You were able to dodge it, that's why you're still here Megu." said Yurina.
" she..."
"You better start looking for her, Airi-chan, if you can still find her." Momoko said. "I think she disappeared."
"No she hasn't!" Megumi told them as she pointed to where the two were fighting.

The smoke hasn't cleared yet but they could see a silhouette. A strong wind cleared the remaining smoke and revealed who it was.

It was Maimi. Her uniform was the only thing that was destroyed. But don't get any ideas yet. Coz now she was wearing her kunoichi outfit.

"That was close, Maasa. I thought I was not gonna make it. I haven't tried this technique yet but..." Maimi said as extended her arms to her sides before she put them together and aimed them towards Maasa.
"That outfit. And that emblem. And that mark on your arm. Don't tell me..."
"That I'm the successor of the Raikou Taikyokuken? Yes. That's me." Maimi said.
"I see.." Maasa said as she placed her arms in front of her, preparing for Maimi's attack.


A beam made from Maimi's Raikou power and her Ki shot towards Maasa. She was able to block it but it pushed her a few meters away before exploding.

"Oh no! Maasa!" Maimi shouted as she ran towards her. "What have I done?!"

Airi, Megumi, Momoko and Yurina also headed to where Maasa was blown by Maimi's attack.

They found Maasa lying on the ground.

"Ey, Maa-chan. Are you dead?" Momoko asked as she poked her with a stick.
"Maybe she needs a jumps start." Yurina said as she took out some alligator clips and car battery.
"I think she's okay. Her calf muscles are twitching." Erika ointed out.
"I'm fine." Maasa said as she sat up. "But looks like the regalia is broken. Oh well. I'll just ask my grandpa to fix it."
"I'm glad that you're alright." Maimi said. "Sorry about the regalia. I know how precious family heirlooms are." 
"No, no. It's fine. It's an honor to fight the successor of Raikou Taikyokuken. Do you think we can do this some other time again?" Maasa asked.
"Why not? But next time we shouldn't do it in school grounds." Maimi said as she reached her hand out to help her stand up.

But before they could touch, Maimi sensed that something was approaching her. She caught it before it could hit her face. It was a dagger. Her hands bled as she tried to look for who the attacker was. Also, the dagger looked familiar.

"Come out! You wouldn't like it if I hunt you down." she said as she threw the dagger at her attacker.

A boy approached them. He was about Maimi's age. Maimi couldn't believe it when she saw who it was.

"N-no. can't be. S...Shun?"
"Shun. It's you." she said as she slowly walked towards him. She stopped when they were face to face. "You came back."

The boy placed her hand under Maimi's chin. It looked like that he was about to kiss her but suddenly, he used the dagger to slash Maimi's face. It was a good thing she had the presence of mind to dodge, or maybe it was her natural reflexes that saved her, or maybe the boy didn't really want to kill her. Yet.

The cut on her cheek wasn't deep. But it was enough to make her bleed.

"Why are you dong this Shun? Don't you remember me?" Maimi said as she grabbed both of the boy's wrists.
"Let go of me, murderer. I'm not Shun."
"But...I can't be mistaken. It's you. You're Shun. Please don't lie." Maimi said as tears started to fall on her cheeks.

"Shun is dead, Maimi. You killed him, remember? You killed him so you can be the successor of Raikou Taikyokuken!"

" That's not true. That's not true!"

"My name is Shin. I'm his brother. And I'm going to avenge his death, by destroying you and your precious Raikou Taikyokuken!"

« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 02:07:37 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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