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Author Topic: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Final Lesson + Epilogue  (Read 29971 times)

Offline slasha

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 15: Bitterblossom
« Reply #60 on: September 01, 2008, 08:05:49 PM »
lol@Miki getting KOed by a flying sake bottle.

"I'm not stripping in front of her..."

"...unless she does the same in front of me..."

Classic Fujimoto  :lol:

Aww Airi's taking care Nakki even though she was evil.

I hope Captain can get rid of whatever possessed her.

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 15: Bitterblossom
« Reply #61 on: September 02, 2008, 04:54:55 AM »
Please! next chapter!
and I want to see the battle!
Maimi in action along with Saki!
and Suzuki with Maimi loveless!
Please the next chapter!

Wawwwwwwww!!! Miki-senpai!!!!
Abe-san!!!!!!!! happy!!!!

I am happy that this Abe-san.
Miki is very fun !!!!!!!
The technique that  teach to Maimi is dangerous!
It looks that will have a training hard and difficult.
Suzuki when you see a wound Maimi or  was tired worry!
AH!  want to see it!
And saldra's great love  suzuki for Maimi! :wub:
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline ayase909

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 15: Bitterblossom
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2008, 07:01:42 PM »
i was laughing so hard in reading this fic.......know why? because all the things that miki says makes a detour to be a perverted one... :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak: its so hilarious......hmmm why dont you make an Aya appearance to shut up the groping demon.....hahahaha

nice fic.......

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 15: Bitterblossom
« Reply #63 on: September 26, 2008, 06:13:31 PM »
next chapter!!  :P
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline Aioros

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 16: Unleashed
« Reply #64 on: October 06, 2008, 07:28:55 AM »
The Taikosaku Arena was already filled with the students, even before it was time specified on the fliers. Most of them were supporters of Maimi, and very few supporters of Berryz Koubou.

Berryz Koubou, including Maiha, was at ringside, while Airi and the other girls were seated behind them. They had Shin carry a Maimi banner for them.

Miki was there too, sitting beside Mai and Chisato with her videocam ready. She got a bit disappointed though when she saw Maimi walking out of the locker room already in her kunoichi outfit.

The Captain stood in the center of the ring, her arms crossed on her chest, waiting for Maimi to arrive. She was wearing a kunoichi outfit too, similar to the one Maimi wears, except the soles for her footwear were a bit elevated, you know, to make her look taller.

"Your outfit tells me what your decision is Maimi. You are going to fight me, aren't you?" Saki asked as Maimi entered the ring. It was Saki, but the voice belonged to the demon.
"Yes. I have to fight you."
"I see you've been training a lot." she added as she noticed her bruises and her heavily bandaged right arm. "Maybe you'd like to do this some other day. I'd like to fight you when you're at 100%."
"Nah. My arm's not broken. Those bandages aren't there because I'm hurt. It's a seal." answered Maimi. "I don't want to reschedule. We should finish this today."
"Hmmm. A seal for what? A secret technique? It doesn't matter. I don't think we'd reach a part when you'll be able to use it. I'm going to end this fight swiftly. You'll be sorry that you chose to fight me."
"I'll do anything. Anything to get rid of you, the one who possessed Shun and Shimi-chan."
"Anything? Like killing me the way you did to your former lover?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you wanted to forget about that huh? Don't worry, there's a possibility that you'll be joining him soon if I won't be able to control myself." Saki said as she put on a fighting pose. Maimi was about to put a fighting pose but Saki suddenly dashed and attacked her. She was able to block it but she was thrown out of the ring.

"T-that was fast!" exclaimed Maimi as she got back up and climbed the ring again.
"Looks like your training paid off. If that hit you, it would have been over."
"I have good senpais."
"Good. I hope they're good at crying too. They'll need it after I finish you off..."

Before she could finish speaking, Maimi was already in front of her and gave her a roundhouse. She was able to block it too but she was also thrown out of the ring. But before she could hit the ground, Maimi appeared behind her and kicked her again, sending her into the ring once more. Maimi continued to press the attack a barrage of Raikou Knuckles. Saki blocked but she was getting hurt. Then Maimi grabbed her wrist and threw her in the air. Maimi ended it with an axe kick from above, sending Saki spiraling to the ground. Saki quickly got back on her feet and spat out some blood. She was fine but the sound of the crowd cheering made her fuming mad.

"Do not underestimate me and Raikou Taikyokuken." Maimi said as she dashed to attack again.

Saki smirked and threw a punch at her left side. Suddenly, an unseen force hit Maimi on the face from the right. Saki threw another punch, this time to her right side and Maimi got hit on the left side. It didn't stop Maimi from advancing until Saki threw a punch aimed at the ground, causing something from below to hit Maimi like an uppercut. The last attack stopped Maimi and she backed off a few steps, thinking that it was a safe distance. Saki wasn't finished though as she punched towards the ceiling. Maimi knew where the attack would come from this time as she moved out of the way. The force came from above, shattering the ring tiles that it hit.

"W-what just happened, Fujimoto-san?" a bedazzled Shin asked Miki. "What hit Maimi oneechan?!"
"Fujin Seiken attacks are based on air right?"
"Yes. But that technique she used is different from Nakjima-san's technique."
"You see, all of us are surrounded by air. Fujin Seiken users can disperse the air around them. That attack Nakajima used on me before is a sample of dispersion; she punched the air in front of her, causing it to hit me multiple times. But this technique that small brat is using is a displace technique."
"The air she hits doesn't disappear. It just transfers to another place. Imagine yourself submerged in a swimming pool that is sealed from the top so that the water cannot go out. Your body will take some of its space and when you move, the water will have to go to another place right? But it can't because the pool is sealed. The force made by your movements will try to travel some place but since the water is compressed in an enclosure, the force will just travel within the walls of that pool."
"So that means when Shimizu-san hits in any direction, the force will go somewhere and has to hit something or anything."
"Something like that. But that technique is pretty high-level, considering the size of this arena. She should probably know the exact area or space it has to be able to throw those attacks as accurate as possible. Unless she's preventing some of the air from leaving the ring area."
"That's amazing..." said Shin.
"Yeah. That technique can hit you from anywhere and is unpredictable compared to a dispersion attack."
"I wasn't talking about the technique. I was amazed at how I was able to have a conversation with you that didn't have any perverted undertones."
"So, yeah. This chapter is still below the PG-13 rating."
"I kissed Airi-chan before."
"Like I'd believe you..."
"She's telling the truth Shin-kun." Airi told him.
"That's more painful than getting kicked in the nuts, huh? But don't worry, it was just an innocent, friendly kiss."
"Like a mother's kiss to her child?" Shin asked. "Nah, you won't know that since you never had a kid before."
"Well if you like to put it that way. But I'll never tell you where I kissed her though." Miki said as she glanced downwards.

"So you can still stand up after that. Looks like you're a worthy adversary after all." Saki said as she did some stretching. "But that was just some warm up."
"I know. I'm just warming up too. That technique won't work on me again though." answered Maimi as she wiped the blood from her lips.
"Oh yeah?"
"Go ahead. Try again."

Saki punched to her left again. Maimi closed her eyes as if she was waiting for something. When she heard the sound she was waiting for, she threw a punch to her left side. The air that Saki displaced with her punch was sent back to her, hitting her on the face.

"What the fuck?!" said Saki as she touched the part of her face that got hit. "What the fuck?!!!"
"Ishikawa-senpai  and Yoshizawa-senpai taught me how to defend against that technique."
"What?! It's impossible for a lowly fighter like you to do that! I am the Fujin Seiken successor!!!"
"No you're not. You just happen to possess the body of the Fujin Seiken successor. And not being able to avoid a simple counter attack like that shows how pathetic you really are. Stop hiding in Shimi-chan's body. So I can destroy you, you coward."
"You bitch!" Saki yelled as she charged at Maimi.

She started to unleash multiple punches but Maimi was able to block and avoid some of them. In one punch, Maimi stepped back to evade it. However, she didn't notice that the recoil of Saki's punches created a vacuum, and it sucked her within striking distance. She got hit a couple of times before Saki ended it with a sweep, grabbing Maimi's leg and slamming her on the ground.

"Do not mock me!"

Saki continued her attack by creating a sphere of air using her ki. She threw it at Maimi who was still lying on the ground, launching her into the air. The Fujin Seiken successor then started to wind up her right arm in a circular pattern until a small, visible tornado was forming on her wrists. Then she aimed a punched towards Maimi.

"Fujin Seiken Tornado Crusher!!!"

A full-blown tornado came out from her fist, and it devoured Maimi who was still in the air. Maimi was caught inside and the sharp winds cut her in different places while she was being tossed around. She dropped back on the ring once the tornado was gone.

Saki walked towards her and grabbed her by the throat. She punched Maimi a couple of times before throwing her away.

"Not so tough now huh?"
"It's not...yet...over." Maimi said as she tried to stand up.
"Oh yeah. I guess I should finish it."

Saki started with the displace technique, throwing punches from every angle. Maimi got tossed around by the hits and Saki only stopped when Maimi landed in front of her. She picked her up again and used the same disperse attack that Nakki used on Miki. Saki's technique was more brutal since it was done in close range, making Maimi's body absorb all the hits. Before losing consciousness, Maimi leaned on the Captain's petite body so that she won't fall on the floor.

"Should we kill her? She called you short, remember?"
"I'm sorry, Maimi-chan." Saki said.
"What are you apologizing for?" the demon asked. "Is this not what you wanted?"
"Stop putting words into my mouth. I never wanted any of this."
"Whatever. Too bad we didn't see her secret technique. Anyway, we've won already. Time to...huh."

The demon was cut short when he saw the bandages from Maimi's arm floating in the air. Saki stepped back, thinking that Maimi, who was still leaning on her would fall on the ground, but she didn't fall. Instead she was covered by a blinding light. Everyone in the arena couldn't see what was happening. By the time everyone could see, it was only the Captain who was standing in the middle of the ring.

"Fuck yeah! Time to kick her ass, Maimi!" Miki shouted from her seat.
"Where'd she go? What happened to Maimi-chan, Fujimoto-san?" Airi asked.
"Maybe she changed her clothes. The release must have disintegrated her previous one."
"Just kidding. She's just there Airi."

"So that's what those bandages are for? A fancy light show? Come on, I was expecting something better." the demon said.
"I'm talking to you! Answer me, bitch!"
"Fine!" Saki said as she started to wind up both of her arms. "If you're fine with everyone in this arena getting hurt so be it! Fujin Seiken Tornado..."

Suddenly someone grabbed one of her wrists. It was Maimi.

"Surrender now if you still want to live." she said.
"Are you kidding me? I should be the one saying that to you! Fujin Seiken Tornado Crusher!" Saki said as she unleashed her attack with her free arm at point blank range. But to her surprise, It didn't even faze Maimi and she was holding on to her wrist.
"That won't work anymore." Maimi said as she let go of Captain. "Now surrender. Leave Shimi-chan's body."

Saki backed off and she attacked using a combination of the displace and disperse techniques. They didn't work on Maimi though.

"Last warning."
"Never!" The demon charged all of her energy into her fists and headed straight for Maimi. Maimi caught her fist with her left hand and countered it with a right. It sent Saki crashing out of the ring. The safety cushions on the wall were not enough to catch her. It did stop her from being thrown further but the wall was caved in.

"Fujimoto-san, what happened to Maimi-chan's arm?" Airi asked.
"Heh. That is the Raijin's hand. Damn thing can destroy a moon with one hit. I just hope that Maimi was able to control so the small girl won't get hurt too much."

Maimi's entire right arm was covered with Raikou energy. It was different from before because this time it took the form of a dragon's tail. The tail was so long, it spanned half of the ring's diameter. It could have been longer if it wasn't coiled onto one of Maimi's legs.

"What about those orbs hovering behind her?" Miya asked her sensei. "They're like the Raijin's drums from the drawings."
"Kinda. Those eight orbs are the essence of the Raikou Taikyokuken masters. Nakazawa-san, Rika, Yossi, Nacchi, me and three other masters. The secret technique has been passed down to us but the rightful successor will be the only one who can utilize it to the fullest."
"Oh. Your essence must be that one that's floating closest to her butt."
"Looks like it."

Saki stepped out from the wall. She was bloody and she could barely stand.

"I won't accept defeat!"
"Get out of Shimi-chan's body."

Saki attacked Maimi again but Maimi didn't bother to defend. She just let Saki land all of her punches and kicks. When Saki was about to impale her, she caught her wrist and hit her in the midsection. Saki crumpled in pain and started to throw up. A worried Maimi tried to check her condition but the traitorous demon used a flash technique to temporarily blind Maimi.

"I-I can't see!"
"You don't have to. I know that you'll always remember the face of the one who killed you! Goodbye Maimi!"

The demon prepared to chop off Maimi's head but it stopped at the last second.

"W-what are you doing, Saki!!!" the demon asked for he could not move any part of the Captain's body
"Maimi-chan, now. Defeat him!"
"Shimi-chan. What about you?"
"Don't worry about me. Just do it."
"I'm...I'm sorry."
"I will be fine..."

"Raikou Ryu Knuckle!!!"

It was a clean hit. The eight orbs behind Maimi twirled in her fist and a lightning dragon came out, taking the Captain and the demon up into the air and through the Arena's ceiling.

Maimi caught Saki's body as it fell from the air.

"T-thank you, Maimi-chan."
"Shimi-chan?! Shimi-chan?!"

The members of Berryz Koubou started to run inside the ring even before they could hear Miki's warning.

"Hey, you dumbasses! It's not over yet!"

Before any of the Berryz could enter the ring, torrents of flame started to come out of the ring's borders, creating a wall, preventing anyone from getting in or getting out.

"I don't need that body anymore. I've already absorbed all of her techniques, adding more to mine. Get rid of it before we start."

It was the demon, using his true form. He had black wings and the strange markings were everywhere on his body. The students started to evacuate the arena once they saw the demon. What pissed Maimi off was he using Shun's visage.

Maimi, still carrying Saki, walked at the edge of the ring. She flicked her finger, blowing away a portion of the flame wall and handed Saki to the Berryz Koubou members.

"Is she....Is Captain..."
"I'm not sure Momo-chan." Maimi said. "If she is, I'll give you the honor of taking my life. But for now, I have to finish this."
"Kick his ass Maimi-chan." Chinami told her.
"I will, Chinami-chan. Just watch." said Maimi as she walked back to the center. The torrent of flame rose up to cover the ring once Maimi stepped away from the edge.

"Are you ready to die Maimi?"
"I should be the one asking you that. Are you ready to die?"
"Of course not!"
"Oh? Then you should do something about that hole on your chest...."
"What hol......HOLY SHIT!!!"
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 04:19:25 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline ziggurat

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 16: Unleashed
« Reply #65 on: October 06, 2008, 01:50:10 PM »
hahahaha, another master piece!

Quote from: wordsworth
She was wearing a kunoichi outfit too, similar to the one Maimi wears, except the soles for her footwear were a bit elevated, you know, to make her look taller.

"I wasn't talking about the technique. I was amazed at how I was able to have a conversation with you that didn't have any perverted undertones."
don't see that coming -_-"
"So, yeah. This chapter is still below the PG-13 rating."
"I kissed Airi-chan before."
"Like I'd believe you..."
"She's telling the truth Shin-kun." Airi told him.
it's coming!!
"What the fuck?!" said Saki as she touched the part of her face that got hit. "What the fuck?!!!"
lol, priceless
"Heh. That is the Raijin's hand. Damn thing can destroy a moon with one hit.
It could have been longer if it wasn't coiled onto one of Maimi's legs.
"Oh. Your essence must be that one that's floating closest to her butt."
"Oh? Then you should do something about that hole on your chest...."
"What hol......HOLY SHIT!!!"

captain is heavily injured  :mon runcry: Hope nurse chisato can treat her wounds properly :mon fyeah:

thanks for the new chapter.

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

Offline slasha

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 16: Unleashed
« Reply #66 on: October 06, 2008, 10:51:37 PM »
"I wasn't talking about the technique. I was amazed at how I was able to have a conversation with you that didn't have any perverted undertones."
well that's a first

"Oh? Then you should do something about that hole on your chest...."
"What hol......HOLY SHIT!!!"
:rofl: Does that mean the demon is a hollow?(Bleach reference:complete)

ziggurat are you talking about that nurse chisato?If you are, then she can't help Captain. She's too busy beating up Dr Maimai lol

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 16: Unleashed
« Reply #67 on: October 09, 2008, 03:19:46 PM »
Next Chapter pliSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline Sancho

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 16: Unleashed
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2008, 12:09:20 AM »
Just finished the latest epi.  From the looks of it, It's like the story is coming to an end ( But I hope not. I still want to see Miki doing some naughty things. Joke  :lol: :lol:)  I hope the captain all right.

Offline Aioros

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Lesson 16: Final Exam
« Reply #69 on: November 13, 2008, 10:52:12 AM »
"If you try to fight me, I'm going to cave your face in next." Maimi said as she bit her lip, preparing to do what she just said.

"When did you?..." asked the demon who was still in awe. He never noticed the wound if Maimi didn't tell him. He tore some skin from his arm and covered the hole with it. A few seconds later, it was fully healed. "You see now? You can hit me all you want but you can't kill me."

"I will try as many times as I can. But one thing is for sure. I'm gonna end this fight by erasing you from existence!"

Both of them ran towards each other and started trading punches. Maimi was getting the better of the exchange, being able to land punches while evading at the same time. The demon saw her advantage so he created some space by backing off and taking flight, then using Fujin Seiken dispersion and displacement techniques to attack from a distance.

Maimi retaliated by firing multiple Raikou bolts. Not all of them hit the mark for the demon blocked them using its wings. But they were enough to distract the demon so she could get closer. Once the demon landed on the ground, Maimi was able to land a punch to his mid section, obliterating a huge chunk of his torso. The demon screamed in pain but Maimi was without mercy. Every punch that landed took off a part of his body. Maimi swept him off his feet and leapt into the air, intending it to be the last blow. But the demon smirked, pulling out the last card from his sleeve.


Maimi stopped her attack when she saw who was in front of her. Airi was bound by the demon's tail, and he was going to use her as a shield.

"Nice trick. But that illusion won't work on me." Maimi said.
"Really? I guess illusions don't bleed then." said the demon as he used the sharp end of his tail to graze Airi's cheek.

Maimi looked at the crowd and she couldn't find Airi anywhere. She wasn't with the Berryz and she wasn't with Erika and the others. She could see Shin though. And he was wounded.

"I'm sorry onee-chan. I tried to save Suzuki-san but I couldn't stop him." he said before he passed out.

Maimi turned her attention on the demon once more. He was almost done regenerating himself.

"Hmm. The blood of this girl seems to help accelerate my regenerative powers. Could it be that she has the blood of a youkai?" the demon thought.

"Let Airi-chan go."

"Make me."

"Bastard!" Maimi shouted but before she could take a step...

"If you make a move, your friend is gonna die." the demon said as he tightened his grip on Airi. "You don't want that to happen right."
"Don't worry about me Maimi-chan! Finish him off!"
"Maimi doesn't want you to die, kappa girl." said the demon as he inched close to where Maimi was standing. "So what are you gonna do now Maimi?"

Maimi set her sight on the demon's tail, thinking of how she could sever it then take Airi to safety.

"If you're thinking of cutting my tail, don't bother. If it gets cut, it will automatically crush you friend's body."

"What do yo..." Maimi couldn't complete her sentence. The demon hit her hard on the face, throwing her halfway across the ring.

"Maimi-chan!!!" shouted Airi as she tried to free herself from the demon's tail but the more she struggled the more the grip tightened.

"You may be a lot stronger now, but all that power will be useless if you can't hit me." said the demon as she picked up Maimi by her hair. "You're still pretty even if you're all bloody and battered. That Shun guy is a lucky bastard..."

Apparently it was a trap set by Maimi to get him closer. She was about to punch him but the demon quickly put Airi in front of him again.

"Nice try." he said as he hit Maimi in the gut. "You almost got me there."

The demon continued attacking Maimi but Maimi didn't fall. Airi kept telling her to fight back but Maimi didn't want to put her in any more harm. She just closed her eyes and thought of what her senpais have taught her...

"There's no other way to celebrate a victory than getting drunk! But since you're still underage, I can only let you drink beer flavored Ramune mmkay..."

"Throwing a punch using the right form increases it's efficiency. The right form removes any unnecessary movements, increases the rate you can throw it and it gives you a faster chance to react. You can dodge, block or hit back. Defense and offense at the same time..."

"Power isn't the only thing you should consider when you attack. You should also find the right place to hit to make it more effective. A weak punch can be fatal if you can land it on a vital part..."

"That witch Rika wears smaller sized bras so that her boobs would look bigger. Try that and all men will be yours..."

"Justice and vengeance isn’t the same thing. Justice is for balance. Vengeance is just for payback. What are you fighting for, Maimi-chan?..."

"Looks like she passed out. I guess I'm gonna need to finish her off."

The demon let go of Airi, took off into the air and charged his fists.

"Goodbye. You won't be troubling me anymore!" he said as he approached at top speed.
"Maimi-chan look out!" Airi shouted.

But Maimi didn't budge. Airi just covered her eyes. She didn't want to see Maimi get hurt. She took her hands off after hearing something fall on the ground.

"W-what the fuck?!! I can't move!!!"

The demon was a few steps away from Maimi but was lying on the ground.

"Hurry Airi-chan! I don't know how long my Gorgon Stare can hold him."
"Go! Wake her up!"

Airi ran towards Maimi. It looked like she fainted while standing.

"How do I wake her up?" Airi asked the Berryz.
"I dunno? Kiss her?" Momo answered.
"But I...I never kissed someone before." Airi said as she blushed.
"How about tickling her somewhere." Chinami suggested.
"But...but Maimi-chan's only ticklish spot"
"We'll buy you some time!" Yurina said as she used her wires to tie up the demon. Maasa then used her Graviton Crusher attack to bury the demon under the ring.
"Hurry up Airi-chan!" Miya said.
"What do I do? What do I do?"
"Bite her!" Risako suggested.
"Oh! Okay!"

Airi took Maimi's left arm and bit it with all her might.

"Ooouuuch! What was that for?"
"Maimi-chan! You're awake!" Airi told her as she trapped her in a hug. "Are you okay?"
"Not after what you did to me." answered Maimi as she showed the bleeding cause by her bite.
"Oh. Let me take care of that."

Airi covered it with her palm. Maimi felt a warm sensation over her wound and when Airi removed her hand, the wound was fully healed. Airi continued to heal the injuries on her face, especially the ones on her lips.

"I told you to take care of your lips, didn't you."
"Since when did you..."
"I'm a princess. In games and in anime shows, princesses have healing powers."
"Oookay. I'll take that answer for now."
"Shimi-chan. Are you okay?"
"I'll be fine.
"Let me help you Saki-chan." Airi said as she hugged the battered captain. The was a bright flash and after that, almost all of Saki's wounds were healed, including the internal injuries.
"Amazing. Thank you Airi-chan." said Saki as she hugged Airi back.
"That should do it..." said the princess as she fell on the floor.
"Don't worry Maimi-chan. I'm just exhausted from using my powers. I've run out of MP."
"Guys, I can't contain him anymore! Gahhh!" Miya said as she also fell on the floor.

The demon rose from the hole and broke free from Yurina's wires.

"Brats!" he said as he fired some energy beams them. It was deflected however by Miki, Maiha and Megumi. The demon gritted his teeth as he prepared to release a Fujin Seiken Tornado Crusher.

"Hey. Who told you that you could take away your eyes from us."

Saki appeared below him and gave him an elbow to the face. She followed up using a variant of the disperse attack, hitting the air in front of her a couple of times rapidly, causing the air particles to have sharper edges. All of them hit the demon. She continued with a displace attack, making the sharpened air particles sink deeper. He got hurt but he was still able to regenerate.


Maimi and Saki attacked the demon in unison, not letting the wounds they inflicted a chance to regenerate. They kept attacking until the demon was too tired to regenerate himself.

"Lets finish this!" Saki said as she winded both of her arms. "Fujin Seiken Double Tornado Crusher!!!!"

The demon was lifted from the ring and was consumed and tossed around by the tornados. He was able to break free from the tornados and was preparing to escape but Maimi charged her right fist, bringing the Dragon made from her Raikou energy to life.

"This is for everyone you hurt! Raikou Ryu Raijin's Verdict!!!"

The blue dragon emerged from Maimi's arm and chased the demon. The demon tried to fly away from it but the dragon was able to catch him. It appeared to be eating the demon as it crushed him under his jaws, bringing him into the atmosphere where both of got frozen.


Maimi said as she closed her fist. As soon as she did, the frozen dragon shattered, and it's fragments created something similar to a meteor shower in the sky. 

"That's what I fight for."

"I can't feel any traces of his aura anymore." Saki told her as she tapped her shoulder. "You won, Maimi-chan."
"No, Shimi-chan. We won. I couldn't have done it without yours and the others."
"Maimi-chan! You did it!" Erika shouted as she and the others entered the ring.
"We're never going to piss you off again Maimi-chan." Chisato and Mai told her.
"Nah. It's okay. I've gotten used to it anyway. Just be yourselves." Maimi said as she patted their heads.
"Yay. So you won't be mad at us anymore for selling those pics of yours." Mai said.
"Which pics?"
"The one from the pajama party at Airi-chan's place. You know, the time you wore those uber-tight PJ's?" Chisato reminded her.
"Oh, those? It's okay. Erika-chan told me that she's the one who bought it."
"I bought some too." added Kanna. "Airi-chan did too."
"She's alright, onee-chan. She just fell asleep." Shin told her as she carried Airi to them.
"Sorry. That's the last time I'll call you onee-chan, Maimi-san."
"You can call me onee-chan anytime you want, Shin-kun."
"Maimi-chan...did anything happen to your legs?"
"What? I'm just concerned for you. You have that marathon thing next week right."
"Oh yeah..."


It was Saki and the rest of Berryz Koubou.

"Thank you." they said as they bowed to her.

"If not for you, our group would not have been saved. We may have a bad reputation here in school and we will try to change that. Berryz Koubou aren't spoiled brats and bitchy girls. We're just as normal as everyone else..."
"Except one is a giant!" said Momo.
"And one of us has a pinky that has a mind of its own!" said Yurina.
"And none of us can cook." added Maasa.
"And Risako-chan is afraid to feed horses and Chinami went out with a boyband guy." Miya said.
"What? He's cute anyway!" Chinami pouted.
"At least I don't have a tattoo...." said the youngest



"I know..."


"But I won't tell you..." she told them as she laughed and ran off.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 02:47:09 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Raikou Shojo Maimi - Epilogue
« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2008, 10:56:01 AM »
And so...

Taikosaku has become peaceful once again.

No more fighting.

No more missing students.

No more vandalism on the walls.

The arena was no longer required and it was converted into a theater where Berryz Koubou would usually hold a performance at least twice a month.

Ah yes. Berryz Koubou.

They no longer hide in secrecy. They are no longer feared or hated.

Captain Saki made sure that they were friends with everyone on the school, that they knew everyone by name. She and Nakajima Saki were taken in by the Ryujin-waza school and Shin's family so that they can continue to hone their skills and preserve the Fujin Seiken line.

Erika, Miyabi and Risako got together and gave fashion advise to those who needed them. Now Miya's eyeglass-wearing groupies had enough looks to be frontpage covers for idol magazines.

Momoko tried to improve her cooking by asking for tips from the other students. But apparently, the same students were getting their cooking tips from Chinami.

Maasa and Yurina helped the basketball team their first ever championship.

Maiha and Megumi continued on their studies and now both of them are already qualified to enter the University of Tokyo despite not graduating from high school yet.

Chisato and Mai opened a website that sold the pics of Berryz and the others. They became millionaires overnight. Kanna bought a lot of stuff from their site. She even won the auction for Airi's golf club.

Airi pioneered a new sport: Beach Golf! What started as a ploy to get Maimi in a bikini took the whole country by storm. It's even being petitioned to become a part of the Olympics.

And Maimi...

Raikou Taikyokuken Dojo (she still studies in Taikosaku but it's summer break...)

"Yajima-senpai..." *sniff**sniff*
"Yes? What is it, Yuuka-chan?"
"They said…they said that my kicking form is wrong."
"Really? Okay, do one."

The girl with snow like complexion performed a basic kick. It was indeed wrong. So wrong even Maimi was out of nice things to say.

"To be honest...that kick looked ugly."
"Don't cry Yuuka-chan. There is still room for improvement. Alright, raise your right leg forward."

The younger girl obeyed her senior. Maimi held her heel and tried to raise the girl's leg higher bit by bit.

"Just let your muscles relax. Being nervous makes it stiif." advised Maimi. "Okay I'll raise it higher a bit. Just tell me if it hurts already okay."

Maimi raised Yuuka's leg higher and she leaned closer and placed a hand on her shoulder to help her keep her balance.

"You're pretty when you're serious."

Their lips were close, close enough for a kiss...

"Oh, what an uncompromising situation I caught you in, Maimi. Maybe I should come back later ne?"

Maimi slowly guided Yuuka's foot back on the ground before acknowledging the newcomer.

"Natsuyaki-senpai." Yuuka said as she bowed to her.
"Don't call me senpai. I'm a newb like you hahaha."
"O-okay. I'll be going now." Yuuka told them "Thanks for your help, Yajima-senpai."
"Just tell me if you need any more. Don't worry about your form. Just keep on practicing."
"I will." Yuuka said as she went inside.
"She's pretty cute, don't you think?" Miya asked.
"No doubt."
"You have private lessons for her?"
"Not just her. Kanon-chan, Akari-chan and the others too. I want to help them learn."
"Especially Yuuka?"
"Airi-chan will be jealous."
"Haha. They've met. And she caught me in a more uncompromising position than that. They got along well easily though."
"Drat! And I thought I had something to blackmail you with!"
"Hahaha. You should ask Fujimoto-san for advice."
"So, how is the feeling of teaching Raikou Taikyokuken?"
"I'm enjoying it. Actually, I see myself in them when I was training before."
"Trying to hit on your senpais too?"
"Well, except that."
"Coz you have Shun, right."
"Umm...sorry if I bought him up again."
"It's okay." *sigh* "Time flies so fast, doesn't it?"
"Yeah. It was just like yesterday when we were hitting each other in the face."
"Right. Hahaha."
"By the way Miya-chan, can I ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"Do you really have a tattoo?"
"Don't you have one too?"
"Of course not! I don't have any tattoos on my body. Who gave you that idea?"
"Fujimoto-san said that Raikou Taikyokuken techniques are etched on the skin of the users so that others won't have access to it!"
"Oh that? That only applies if you're already a master."
" don't have a tattoo."
"Fujimoto-senpai didn't write anything on your thighs in a hot spring?"
"Hell no!"
"Why that no good..."

They were interrupted when they heard the senpais laughing out. They rushed into the room and saw them making fun of Miki.

"What happened Ishikawa-senpai?" Maimi asked.
"Yossi asked Yuuka-chan to proxy for her in the game they were playing." Rika answered. "And Miki lost to her hahaha."
"I see. Yuuka-chan is pretty good at video games." said Maimi.
"But how come Fujimoto-senpai looks like she doesn't mind losing?" asked Miya who noticed an evil smirk on the face of her senpai.
"Well, we still have that bet, Maimi-chan. Remember that? Yossi asked her.
"Bet...You mean..."
"The one that involves butter, dear." Nacchi gave her a clue.



Yuuka looked at Maimi with a big smile on her face and with sparkly eyes, unaware of the prize/consequence of her victory.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 03:18:27 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline slasha

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Final Lesson + Epilogue
« Reply #71 on: November 13, 2008, 10:49:58 PM »
Aww it's over :cry: ? Oh well, at least it had a great ending.

"Yajima-senpai..." *sniff**sniff*
"Yes? What is it, Yuuka-chan?"
"They said…they said that my kicking form is wrong."
"Really? Okay, do one."

Cute Yuuka!!

"That witch Rika wears smaller sized bras so that her boobs would look bigger. Try that and all men will be yours..."

lol that part made me laugh so hard

Maasa and Yurina helped the basketball team their first ever championship.

"You may be a lot stronger now, but all that power will be useless if you can't hit me." said the demon as she picked up Maimi by her hair. "You're still pretty even if you're all bloody and battered. That Shun guy is a lucky bastard..."

Stupid demon...I'm glad he got what he deserved

Thank you for making an incredible story. I read every chapter of it.

I can actually imagine that happening in real life

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Final Lesson + Epilogue
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2008, 01:43:44 AM »
Yuuka KAWAIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yuuka this love with his senpai!
I bet that the prize want yuuka is kissing to his senpai Maimi!

AH! Berryz are the best!
Maimi helped!
Miyabi! I love the act of Miyabi!
Miyabi protect to Maimi!.
uM ...
Airi no to have kissed Maimi! :(
but ...
I imagine that even missing the final!
Airi when you see very close to Yuuka with maimi, Airi may be angry and jealous!
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline ziggurat

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Re: Raikou Shojo Maimi - Final Lesson + Epilogue
« Reply #73 on: November 16, 2008, 02:25:40 PM »
Quote from: wordsworth
Airi took Maimi's left arm and bit it with all her might.


Don't worry Maimi-chan. I'm just exhausted from using my powers. I've run out of MP."

I can't imagine airi as a geek. Nooo!

"Lets finish this!" Saki said as she winded both of her arms. "Fujin Seiken Double Tornado Crusher!!!!" | "This is for everyone you hurt! Raikou Ryu Raijin's Verdict!!!"

The hottest combo in this chapter. /me nods.

We're never going to piss you off again Maimi-chan." Chisato and Mai told her.

Nuh uh.

Yajima-senpai..." *sniff**sniff* "They said…they said that my kicking form is wrong."
OMG!! *headplosion*

The yuuka part is exactly what her character like in my mind lol. You bastard.

Epic. Need to say more?

Just a question, why every innocent scenes you did seem like going to the wrong way? :P

Last but not least, woot! Congrats on finishing this fic. Now it's time for another adventure!

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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