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Author Topic: memoir [The End - 08/15]  (Read 102620 times)

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Re: memoir [07/28 New Part-pinku!]
« Reply #140 on: July 28, 2007, 10:37:31 PM »
Hong Kong was the best and worst trip I have ever taken.


"So, who'd you end up with?" you hissed when the cameras were finally off.

"Sayumi," I groaned. "Did you know she seriously does that 'I'm cute today too!' thing every morning?" You shook your head.
Wouldn't surprise me.  XD

"We could always tell her to go away so we can have sex." You burst out laughing.

"Aah~ My prince and the demon woman! What will I doooo~" you exclaimed in a scarily spot-on Michishige impression.

"Yocchan, do you enjoy our 'leader time' together?"

"Of course."

"Then never do that again."
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

"What did you need help with?"

"This," you grinned. Next thing I knew, you had pulled me into your arms and bent me backwards into a deep kiss. I wrapped my arms around you, letting my hands entangle themselves in your hair and pull you closer.

"Fujimoto!" one of the staff members called. What? Oh. Oh, right. Filming. You pulled away and smiled.

"I just had to get that out of my system," you said in a low voice before pushing me out the door.

Evil. You're pure evil.
Hot dayum!  :twisted:  :pimp:

God bless Ogawa Makoto, though. She may be weird, but she would do just about anything for you and came up with a fantastic plan. She always has been great with plans.

"You want to do what now?" I asked.

"The drinking age here is 18!" Makoto repeated. "So, we'll all go out drinking! We'll get Konkon and Ai really smashed and then I'll make Gaki help me take care of them! Then you and Yoshizawa can have my and Konkon's room all to yourselves!"

"That's freaking brilliant," you mused. sweet of Mako. She must love seeing Yossi in love as much as we love seeing Yossi in love.  :love:

"Why are you being so nice?" I asked suspiciously.

"Makoto's always nice," you laughed. Makoto nodded enthusiastically.

"I think it's because Yoshizawa accidentally grabbed your boob when she was freaking out during that foot massage," I replied. Makoto turned bright red. You just shook your head.
Did that really happen? Fuck I gotta watch that DVD again. :wahaha:

"Princess Sayumin won't get out of the damn shower," I replied. "She's been in there for over an hour and I'm sorry but I feel really gross."

"Well, tell her to get out," you replied. I laughed.

"Be my guest." You gave me a strange look and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Sayu! Miki needs to shower too!" you called. The door flew open and a great cloud of steam billowed out into the room.

"I'm sorry, but this is Sayumi's beauty time!" Sayumi exclaimed perkily before slamming the door shut again. You blinked.

"Uh, she was naked."
Whoa. :O  Sayu's not self-conscious, now, is she?

"Aah! I'm so sorry, I thought you were out for the night!" a muffled voice called. I looked around the room.


"...Fujimoto?" Ah! There she was! In the armchair near the window, curled up in a little ball.

"Yeah... Yocchan said I could use the shower in here." Something was weird. I walked over to her. "Is that ok?"

"Oh! Yeah, it's fine!" She wouldn't look at me. Dammit, I didn't have time for this. I sat down across from her.

"What's going on? Are you sick?" She shook her head violently.


she looked up at me. My eyes widened as they took in her tear-stained face. "What on earth is wrong?" I asked, genuinely concerned. She burst into fresh tears and threw herself onto my lap. I patted her head as she cried into my shoulder.

"I'm just... I... know.... I'm a... idol now... and I..." she was practically hyperventilating.

"Koharu, calm down. You need to breathe, ok?" She took a few shaky breaths. "Good," I said. "Now, what is the matter?" The 13-year-old sniffed.

"I MISS MY MOMMY!" she wailed before burying her face in my hair. Shit.
One the one hand...awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...poor Koharu. :cry:  Kind of understandable, what with her still being so young and all, AND the fact that the Hong Kong trip happened not too long after she joined the group.

But on the other hand...shit this is gonna cut into "leader time", isn't it?  :banghead:

"You're thirteen freaking years old, Koharu. You're in a foreign country with a bunch of people you've known for about five months. You're allowed to miss your mom." Koharu just wailed louder in response. I sighed and resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I adjusted myself in the chair. "It's ok. You're allowed to cry, ok? Just let it all out." I continued rubbing her back in a soothing motion. Trying my best to comfort the hysterical teenager, I leaned back and closed my eyes.
See? Miki-sama knows! :yep:

I was awoken by a light kiss on my forehead. I opened my eyes to find you standing over me with a smile on your face.

"Yocchan? What time is it?" I mumbled. You brought a finger to your lips and effortlessly picked the sleeping Koharu up off of my lap. I sleepily watched you deposit the lanky girl onto her bed and pull the covers up around her before returning to my side.


"She was really upset and I couldn't leave. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. These things happen. I wish I'd gotten a picture before waking you up, though," you grinned. "You're such a good 'mom'!"
If she reacted anything like how I did (mentally, not that I actually physically did it, upon seeing Miki and Koharu asleep Yossi must've been like this = :wriggly:

On a semi-related note, if you haven't seen the YoMiki foot massage in Hong Kong, I highly recommend it.
Well, that saves me from having to find the DVD. :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: memoir [07/28 New Part-pinku!]
« Reply #141 on: July 30, 2007, 12:41:07 PM »
Part 11 is coming slow and my brain's started working on something else, so I might actually update only *gasp* every OTHER day!  :lol:



"Waaaa~" was my only warning before I was half-tackled on the morning of Ribbon no Kishi rehearsals. I groaned. Why. Why, Why, Why was I so nice in Hong Kong?

"Good morning, Koharu," I said, attempting to extract myself from her grasp.

"Good morning!" she grinned.

"So... you've been studying your lines, right?" I asked, finally wrenching myself out of her cling.

"Yes! Yoshizawa has been helping me." I smiled.

"Speaking of which, where is Yocchan?"

"She went off with Ishikawa a little while ago." Rika? That's odd. "Yeah, I guess they're having leader time like you do!" They better not be. Despite our best efforts, Koharu still had no idea about us. I remember she even walked in on me straddling you and in the process of removing your shirt and still did not get it.

"Do you know where they went?" I asked, wanting a little morning action. Koharu pointed down the hall at our dressing room.

I noticed the door slightly ajar as I neared the room.

"Hey, just for old time's sake?" I heard Rika say. I pushed the door open just in time to see her wrap her arms around your neck and pull you into a kiss. My heart dropped.

I was frozen to the spot. I couldn't move or think. I just stood there like an idiot staring at the two of you. To this day, that image is burned into my mind.

You reached up and gently took her hands into yours, pulling them off of your neck as you moved away from her.

"Rika, no," you said softly. Rika's face fell.

"But, this time I - " she protested.

"It's not that. I'm with someone now." Ishikawa's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What? You didn't tell me? Who..." The question died on her lips as she looked over your shoulder and saw me standing in the doorway. "Oh." You turned around.

"Miki..." You quickly dropped Rika's hands. "This - It's not - I mean!"

"You sound way guiltier than you should be," I said dryly. "I've been standing here for a while." You looked embarrassed. "And Ishikawa," I said, turning to the Viyuden leader. "Next time you want to get a little action, you should probably shut the door."

"Yoshizawa! We need you for this scene," a staff member called from behind me. You nodded and looked at Rika.

"Rika, I -" you started to say.

"Just go," she replied, sitting down at the makeup table.

"I'm sorry," you whispered in my ear on your way out the door. I shook my head and started to leave.

"Miki," Rika called out, gesturing for me to come over. I shut the door and walked over to her. "I should apologize. I didn't know that you and Yocchan..." she trailed off.

"Yeah, we've only really told the other members," I explained. "Just, you know, don't do it again or I won't be responsible for my actions." Rika smiled.

"So. How long have you two been together?" she asked carefully.

"Over a year."

"A year! That's back when I was still in the group!" Rika exclaimed.

"Uh... yeah..." I laughed guiltily, thinking about our little quickie during Rika's graduation concert. Rika shook her head.

"I can't believe she didn't tell me." She looked thoughtful. "You haven't told her how you feel, have you?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, that was rude," Rika laughed. "It's just... well, speaking from experience, Yocchan worries way too much about other's feelings sometimes."

"What are you talking about?" Rika sighed.

"Yocchan and I... well, we never really dated, but we kind of fooled around a bit when we first joined, before she and Maki hooked up." Well, that's a new piece of information. "But, I made the mistake of telling her I was starting to fall for her. She broke it off, saying she didn't feel the same way and didn't want me to get hurt."


"Pretty much." She smiled wryly. "I'd wondered what was up with her, though. She's been acting differently... I just figured it was the whole Leader thing." She shook her head.

"You're not mad?" I asked, having seen angry Ishikawa firsthand once before.

"Oh, I'm furious and will plot to break you up during my every waking moment," she deadpanned before cracking up. "What am I, some sort of obsessive psychopath? I'm glad she found someone to make her happy even if it's not me." There was a knock at the door.

"Ishikawa! We need you for the next scene."

"Coming!" Rika stood to leave. She stopped by the door and wagged a finger playfully at me. "Don't mess this up or she's free game" she said with a wink before leaving the room.


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Re: memoir [UPDATE! 07/30]
« Reply #142 on: July 30, 2007, 01:21:13 PM »
ISHIYOSHI!!! woo wooo~ though it was just a little bit.. loved it~

glad Rika's not the jealous ex-girlfriend type here..

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Re: memoir [UPDATE! 07/30]
« Reply #143 on: July 31, 2007, 04:07:07 AM »
Despite our best efforts, Koharu still had no idea about us.
Ha, poor, clueless Koha. :P

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Re: memoir [UPDATE! 07/30]
« Reply #144 on: July 31, 2007, 06:12:07 AM »
something about the phrase fool around make me grin line a cheshire cat. Uhh, im really not sure what to say. Its lovely. Thanks for updating. Im  waiting ever so patiently for more... *claws couch*

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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Re: memoir [UPDATE! 07/30]
« Reply #145 on: August 01, 2007, 12:40:42 AM »
"Waaaa~" was my only warning before I was half-tackled on the morning of Ribbon no Kishi rehearsals. I groaned. Why. Why, Why, Why was I so nice in Hong Kong?

"Good morning, Koharu," I said, attempting to extract myself from her grasp.

"Good morning!" she grinned.

"Speaking of which, where is Yocchan?"

"She went off with Ishikawa a little while ago." Rika? That's odd. "Yeah, I guess they're having leader time like you do!" They better not be.
If Rika values her life, she'd better not be. :lol:

Despite our best efforts, Koharu still had no idea about us. I remember she even walked in on me straddling you and in the process of removing your shirt and still did not get it.
She saw that, and STILL doesn't get it? Either she's REALLY dense, or YoMiki came up with one HELL of a cover story. If it's the latter, I wanna hear it! XD

"Hey, just for old time's sake?" I heard Rika say.


"Rika, no," you said softly. Rika's face fell.


"What? You didn't tell me? Who..." The question died on her lips as she looked over your shoulder and saw me standing in the doorway. "Oh." You turned around.

"Miki..." You quickly dropped Rika's hands. "This - It's not - I mean!"


"Yoshizawa! We need you for this scene," a staff member called from behind me. You nodded and looked at Rika.

"Rika, I -" you started to say.

"Just go," she replied, sitting down at the makeup table.

"I'm sorry," you whispered in my ear on your way out the door. I shook my head and started to leave.

"Miki," Rika called out, gesturing for me to come over. I shut the door and walked over to her. "I should apologize. I didn't know that you and Yocchan..." she trailed off.
Damn, considering they first hooked up before she left the group, they must have done a REALLY good job keeping it a secret from her.  And still, Rika became the new host of H!M soon after.  Considering how much "leader time" Miki and Yossi had, it's amazing that she didn't figure it out or accidentally walk in on them then.

"Yeah, we've only really told the other members," I explained. "Just, you know, don't do it again or I won't be responsible for my actions." Rika smiled.
I'm surprised/impressed that she's been able to keep from beating the snot out of her for THIS long. :P

"So. How long have you two been together?" she asked carefully.

"Over a year."

"A year! That's back when I was still in the group!" Rika exclaimed.

"Uh... yeah..." I laughed guiltily, thinking about our little quickie during Rika's graduation concert.
Eep. :hee:

"Yocchan and I... well, we never really dated, but we kind of fooled around a bit when we first joined, before she and Maki hooked up." Well, that's a new piece of information. "But, I made the mistake of telling her I was starting to fall for her. She broke it off, saying she didn't feel the same way and didn't want me to get hurt."

Aw crap. Poor Rika. :(

"You're not mad?" I asked, having seen angry Ishikawa firsthand once before.

"Oh, I'm furious and will plot to break you up during my every waking moment," she deadpanned before cracking up. "What am I, some sort of obsessive psychopath? I'm glad she found someone to make her happy even if it's not me."
Wow, that's awfully mature of Rika. :)

There was a knock at the door.

"Ishikawa! We need you for the next scene."

"Coming!" Rika stood to leave. She stopped by the door and wagged a finger playfully at me. "Don't mess this up or she's free game" she said with a wink before leaving the room.
Hey, at least she gave her fair warning. After all, Yossi's damn hot. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: memoir [UPDATE! 07/30]
« Reply #146 on: August 01, 2007, 01:12:58 AM »
Quote from: stefy link= :luvluv2:topic=11667.msg387193#msg387193 date=1185794473
ISHIYOSHI!!! woo wooo~ though it was just a little bit.. loved it~

glad Rika's not the jealous ex-girlfriend type here..

Yeah, after reading all of those fics where Rika's insane over Yossi, I wanted to give the girl a break.

Despite our best efforts, Koharu still had no idea about us.
Ha, poor, clueless Koha. :P

Yep. More on this in a sec.

something about the phrase fool around make me grin line a cheshire cat. Uhh, im really not sure what to say. Its lovely. Thanks for updating. Im  waiting ever so patiently for more... *claws couch*


Despite our best efforts, Koharu still had no idea about us. I remember she even walked in on me straddling you and in the process of removing your shirt and still did not get it.
She saw that, and STILL doesn't get it? Either she's REALLY dense, or YoMiki came up with one HELL of a cover story. If it's the latter, I wanna hear it! XD


 - - - - - - - -
"Come ON already," Yossi groaned, making Miki grin at the impatience in her voice. The smaller brunette had just begun to playfully unbutton the leader's shirt when the door slammed open. The pair froze.

"THERE IT IS!" Koharu exclaimed, walking past them to grab her coat. She turned to the stunned couple and giggled. "I swear, I'd forget my own head if it wasn't attached!" The young girl waved merrily and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Yossi and Miki blinked.

"Well..." Yossi said finally.

"She is the most clueless person I have ever met in my life!" Miki exclaimed, staring at the door incredulously. "I mean, really! She just doesn't notice anything around her."

"Yeah, I don't really care anymore," Yossi replied, her hands under Miki's skirt indicating what she did care about at that moment.

"...where did my underwear go?"

"I learned from the best." Yossi grinned wickedly. "Who's the clueless one now?"

- - - - - - - -


"You're not mad?" I asked, having seen angry Ishikawa firsthand once before.

"Oh, I'm furious and will plot to break you up during my every waking moment," she deadpanned before cracking up. "What am I, some sort of obsessive psychopath? I'm glad she found someone to make her happy even if it's not me."
Wow, that's awfully mature of Rika. :)

There was a knock at the door.

"Ishikawa! We need you for the next scene."

"Coming!" Rika stood to leave. She stopped by the door and wagged a finger playfully at me. "Don't mess this up or she's free game" she said with a wink before leaving the room.
Hey, at least she gave her fair warning. After all, Yossi's damn hot. :yep:

Yeah, just to clarify this part a bit better. Rika wasn't in love with Yossi and never has been. She just started to fall for her and Yossi cut it off at that point. Rika's mainly just bitter she didn't get to keep fooling around. XD

Oh and if I DO write the sequel that's floating around in my head, it won't be Rika messing with them.  :wahaha:

Part... what the hell part am I on? *scrolls down through replies*

Part 10-II coming up shortly!

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« Reply #147 on: August 01, 2007, 01:25:14 AM »



"Fujimoto, can I talk to you a minute?" I turned in surprise.

"Uh, sure. Come on in," I replied, gesturing at the empty seat across from me. Makoto walked in and sat down.

"It's about Yoshizawa."

"Is she okay?" I asked, feeling a bit panicked. I'd never seen Makoto this serious before.

"You tell me."


"I'm graduating in less than a month," Makoto said slowly. I nodded. "I won't be here to watch out for her anymore."

"I always thought it was the other way around," I snorted. Makoto ignored me.

"She's been losing a lot of weight recently," she continued. "I know it's because she's really busy and active, but... I'm worried that you might do something to push her over the edge and no one will be here to catch her."

"What!? First of all, she does have friends. Do the names Ayaka and Satoda Mai ring any bells? And second, I'm not sure what it is you think I'm going to do, but - "

"You do realize she's in love with you, right?" Makoto interrupted me. I could feel my face start to flush. Dammit.

"What is this all about?" I asked in a low voice. Makoto turned suddenly and walked over to shut the door.

"Basically, I want to know what your intentions are," she replied, coming back over to me. My intentions!? I stood up to face her.

"What are you, her father?! It's none of your business."

"You weren't here," she hissed, coming close to me. "You didn't see what that mess with Goto did to her." My eyes narrowed.

"That was different. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon and I wouldn't wait a month to tell her if I was," I snapped.

"You're right it is different," Makoto replied. "She wasn't in love with Goto. She's in love with you." Shut up Shut up Shut up!

"Why do you keep saying that?" I exclaimed. "You have no way of knowing what goes on in someone's head."

"I've known her for five years. I can tell."

"Whatever," I dismissed her with a wave of my hand. "What do you want from me?" Makoto crossed her arms.

"I want your assurance that you're not going to break her heart," she said calmly. I sighed.

"Fine." I raised my right hand and looked towards the ceiling. "I have no intention of breaking the fair Yoshizawa's heart." I looked back at Makoto. "Happy?" She just sighed and shook her head.

"I don't know why I bothered," she muttered.

"She's stronger than you think," I said evenly.

"She's more sensitive than you think," Makoto snapped, turning to leave. Crap.

"Makoto, wait."

"What?" I sighed deeply and looked at the floor.

"...I can tell you this much. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her," I said quietly.

"Mi-" A knock interrupted us.

"I'm coming in!"

Makoto and I exchanged a panicked look. SHIT! What were you doing out there?

"Miki!" you exclaimed with a smile. "What a surprise! Makoto, can I talk to you?" I studied your face trying to determine if you'd heard us or not.

"I'll leave you two alone," I said at last. I walked down the hallway and turned the corner, waiting until I heard the door slam shut before scurrying back to listen.

"What. The. Hell," you growled in a low voice.

"What!?" Makoto exclaimed.

"I heard you!" you snapped. "What do you think you're doing? I'm a grown woman and I can take care of myself. My relationships are of no concern to you."

"You were eavesdropping?!" Makoto sounded shocked.

"You were talking about me!" you retorted angrily. "And how DARE you tell Miki that I'm in love with her!" I couldn't listen to this anymore. I turned and ran out of the building. Gasping for breath, I leaned against the brick wall and closed my eyes.


"Dammit, Ogawa, leave me ALONE!" I groaned, opening my eyes.

"Just answer me one thing honestly."


"Are you in love with her?"

"Yes," I replied cooly. A slow smile spread across Makoto's face.

"Ok," she nodded. "I can graduate in peace now." What is she, dying? God, this girl was weird.

"Are you?" I asked.

"Hmm?" she blinked.

"Are you in love with her?"

"WHAT? No!" she shook her head violently. "No, I'm not in love with Yoshizawa. I just... I don't know, it's weird, but it's definitely not a romantic thing. I mean, I wouldn't say no if she wanted to - oh, but I'm not trying to come between you! I just was mentioning it and, honestly, I really think you two are good for each other and stuff and, just, yeah, no, I'm not in love with her really." I nodded without really understanding her rambling. "Fujimoto," she said at last, "If you ever need anything, just call me, ok?" I spontaneously ruffled her hair. If nothing else, her fierce loyalty to you was adorable and admirable.

"Will do." I saluted.


La de da de da~

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"Come ON already," Yossi groaned, making Miki grin at the impatience in her voice. The smaller brunette had just begun to playfully unbutton the leader's shirt when the door slammed open. The pair froze.

"THERE IT IS!" Koharu exclaimed, walking past them to grab her coat. She turned to the stunned couple and giggled. "I swear, I'd forget my own head if it wasn't attached!" The young girl waved merrily and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Yossi and Miki blinked.

"Well..." Yossi said finally.

"She is the most clueless person I have ever met in my life!" Miki exclaimed, staring at the door incredulously. "I mean, really! She just doesn't notice anything around her."

"Yeah, I don't really care anymore," Yossi replied, her hands under Miki's skirt indicating what she did care about at that moment.

"...where did my underwear go?"

"I learned from the best." Yossi grinned wickedly. "Who's the clueless one now?"

Yeah, just to clarify this part a bit better. Rika wasn't in love with Yossi and never has been. She just started to fall for her and Yossi cut it off at that point. Rika's mainly just bitter she didn't get to keep fooling around.
Well, as I said...Yossi IS damn hot. Who wouldn't be? :P

Oh and if I DO write the sequel that's floating around in my head, it won't be Rika messing with them.  :wahaha:
DAMMIT!  :angry: Why must you toy with my emotions/fantasies so? :pleeease:

"I'm graduating in less than a month," Makoto said slowly. I nodded. "I won't be here to watch out for her anymore."

"I always thought it was the other way around," I snorted. Makoto ignored me.


"You do realize she's in love with you, right?" Makoto interrupted me. I could feel my face start to flush. Dammit.

"What is this all about?" I asked in a low voice. Makoto turned suddenly and walked over to shut the door.

"Basically, I want to know what your intentions are," she replied, coming back over to me. My intentions!? I stood up to face her.

"What are you, her father?! It's none of your business."

"You weren't here," she hissed, coming close to me. "You didn't see what that mess with Goto did to her." My eyes narrowed.

"That was different. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon and I wouldn't wait a month to tell her if I was," I snapped.

"You're right it is different," Makoto replied. "She wasn't in love with Goto. She's in love with you." Shut up Shut up Shut up!

"Why do you keep saying that?" I exclaimed. "You have no way of knowing what goes on in someone's head."

"I've known her for five years. I can tell."
Come to think of it, have Yossi or Miki ever told each other those 3 little words? It almost sounds like Miki's scared to hear Yossi say them or to say them herself.   

At the very least, even though Mako means well, Miki's probably just tired of people butting into their relationship.

"Miki!" you exclaimed with a smile. "What a surprise! Makoto, can I talk to you?" I studied your face trying to determine if you'd heard us or not.

"I'll leave you two alone," I said at last. I walked down the hallway and turned the corner, waiting until I heard the door slam shut before scurrying back to listen.
Well duh, of course Miki's gonna listen in on this. :)

"You were talking about me!" you retorted angrily. "And how DARE you tell Miki that I'm in love with her!" I couldn't listen to this anymore. I turned and ran out of the building. Gasping for breath, I leaned against the brick wall and closed my eyes.
Oh, she left before hearing Mako ask Yossi "the question"! :O


"Dammit, Ogawa, leave me ALONE!" I groaned, opening my eyes.

"Just answer me one thing honestly."


"Are you in love with her?"

"Yes," I replied cooly. A slow smile spread across Makoto's face.

"Ok," she nodded. "I can graduate in peace now."
Mako knows that if Miki loves Yossi, she'll take care of her just like, if not better than how Mako did.

"Are you in love with her?"

"WHAT? No!" she shook her head violently.

"No, I'm not in love with Yoshizawa. I just... I don't know, it's weird, but it's definitely not a romantic thing. I mean, I wouldn't say no if she wanted to - oh, but I'm not trying to come between you! I just was mentioning it and, honestly, I really think you two are good for each other and stuff and, just, yeah, no, I'm not in love with her really." I nodded without really understanding her rambling. "Fujimoto," she said at last, "If you ever need anything, just call me, ok?" I spontaneously ruffled her hair. If nothing else, her fierce loyalty to you was adorable and admirable.

"Will do." I saluted.
Awwwwww. :hee:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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waaiiiii!!!! i just read your fic!!!! i like it... no... I love it!!! :ding:
can't wait for the next chapters!  :luvluv1:

Offline stefy

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Aww... she ran off too early!!

Makocchan probably loves Yossi in a sisterly kinda way.. ehh maybe just a tad bit more then a sisterly love..

Offline almond

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Oh and if I DO write the sequel that's floating around in my head, it won't be Rika messing with them.  :wahaha:
DAMMIT!  :angry: Why must you toy with my emotions/fantasies so? :pleeease:
Because I'm evil?  :shifty:

Oh, she left before hearing Mako ask Yossi "the question"! :O

I know! I'm so mean to my characters! (Wait till you see the other thing I'm writing)

waaiiiii!!!! i just read your fic!!!! i like it... no... I love it!!! :ding:
can't wait for the next chapters!  :luvluv1:
Yay! Thank you so much for your kind comments!  :heart:

Aww... she ran off too early!!

Makocchan probably loves Yossi in a sisterly kinda way.. ehh maybe just a tad bit more then a sisterly love..
Makoto and Yossi have such a weird relationship, I decided to be as vague as possible. XD

And, yes, this means part 11-II is coming up after dinner!

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Re: memoir [Update ~ August teh 1st!]
« Reply #152 on: August 02, 2007, 01:57:37 AM »


I've noticed that when I don't know what else to do, I tend to laugh like a maniac. I mean, I was in utter agony during that foot massage in Hong Kong and just laughing insanely. Of course, you were chanting, squirming, squealing, and spouting random English, so I guess my hysterics weren't too bad.

"Ok," Aya said, looking up from the script. "I'm apparently the initiator in this." I nodded. "So, I'd like to get some practice in before I make a total ass of myself on set."

"Like we've never kissed before," I laughed. "Of course, you're always the passive, delicate little flower." Aya glared at me.

"Do you want me to tell Yoshizawa about the clothesline incident?" I quickly stopped laughing. Aya smirked and scooted her chair closer to mine. "Ok, so practice. I was thinking of a chin lift followed by an eye lock. Sound good?" I nodded and she drew near to me.

I'm not sure exactly when you had shown up, but you scared the living daylights out of me. One second I'm kissing Aya, the next she's being held up by the back of her shirt, her feet dangling above the ground and you're standing there holding her looking about ready to literally rip her head off. I looked at you shaking with rage, at Aya dangling awkwardly, and at the folding chair you'd knocked over. I'd never seen you like this before. My reflexes kicked in. I started laughing my ass off.

My laugh seemed to break your berserker trance and your eyes widened. You looked at Aya as though you'd never seen her before and quickly released your death grip on her shirt.

"Sorry, I, um," you looked from me to Aya. "Sorry," you mumbled and turned around.

"Miki!" Aya exclaimed, giving me a "what the hell is your problem?" look. I knew that Aya look very well, but I couldn't stop laughing. I gestured helplessly for her to stop you. "Yoshizawa, wait!" she called, glaring at me. You kept walking towards the door. Aya grabbed the script ran after you. "Yoshizawa!" she repeated, grabbing you by the arm. You flinched.

"I'm sorry," you said, your voice shaking with anger. "I was just surprised, that's all."

"No, you don't understand!" Aya shoved the script at you. "It's in the script! We were rehearsing, I swear!" You took the paper from her and studied it. I could see the relief wash over you as you read the words on the paper. As you handed the paper back to Aya, your eyes widened.

"I am so sorry!" you exclaimed. "Are you okay?" Having finally stopped laughing, I started walking over to them.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it," she replied with a wave of her hand. She turned on me. "But YOU! What is wrong with you!?"

"It was just so damn funny!" I protested lamely. "The calm cool Yoshizawa turned into the Incredible Hulk or something." Crap. Now I was picturing her turning green. A small snicker escaped. You narrowed your eyes at me. This couldn't be good.

"Sorry," you hissed at Aya. Aya cocked her head to one side. You looked straight into my eyes and smiled. This was definitely not good.

To my utter shock, you grabbed Aya, dipped her back and proceeded to kiss her like you were starring in Mr. Moonlight -The Movie-. Aya flailed about a bit at first, but she was used to these types of attacks and quickly recovered, wrapping her arms around you.

I stared in shock, in disbelief, in amusement, and in utter rage. Turnabout is fair play and all, but come on! It was a peck for rehearsal and this was a full blown... was Aya using tongue!?!

You finally pulled away from Aya and gently set her upright, turning to me with a smirk.

"Still funny?" you asked calmly.

"Point taken," I replied stonily. We stared at each other for a moment.

"Um, I'll leave you all alone now, but, uh..." Aya cleared her throat and turned to you. "If you two ever break up, um..." Oh, no, she wasn't. "Call me. Seriously." Aya fanned herself and walked shakily out of the room. Bitch. You were blinking in shock.

"Ok, Casanova," I said, still annoyed. "You are damn lucky that Rage Yossi was so damn hot, because otherwise I would seriously punch you." I walked over and draped my arms around your neck. "So, let's go back to my place and after you shower and get all that Aya off of you - "

"Miki, what are we?" you asked suddenly. I blinked.

"Uh... female Japanese idol singers?" You shook your head.

"No, I mean... what am I to you? What are we doing?" You tipped my chin up so our eyes met. "What do you want?"

I LOVE YOU, I WANT TO MARRY YOU AND HAVE YOUR BABY, my brain screamed. What the hell, a baby? That's not even possible. Of course, we could try a lot anyway...

Actually, would I even be the one carrying a baby? You might want to do it... you do really like babies. I wonder how many we'll have. I guess we could adopt, too... You'd be the better one to carry a child, actually. I apparently have 'mood swings' and might kill someone if I had the extra hormones. Oh my God, you would be so freaking cute pregnant. I can see you now squealing over baby booties at the shower and -

"Miki?" What!? Oh. Oh, right, conversation.

"I'm not sure what you mean," I replied, not really remembering what we were talking about. You sighed and turned away from me.

"I mean, are we a couple? Are we just friends who have a lot of sex? Are we exclusive either way? I just don't know where we stand really." I LOVE YOU.

"I'm not sure really," I said aloud, trying to prevent my brain from making me word vomit. "I mean, I think we're definitely more than friends... and, well, I thought we were exclusive. Do I need to get tested?" You laughed and shook your head.

"No, I haven't slept with anyone else," you replied. I smiled. "So I guess you're my - "

"Let's get married!" I burst out. Damn you, brain.

"What!?" You burst into laughter and turned back to me. "You're hilarious." I laughed nervously along with you.

"I don't know," I said to keep you from continuing on the subject. "Shouldn't we have had this conversation like, I don't know, a year and a half ago?"

"In case you haven't noticed, we don't really go about things normally, Miki," you replied wryly. And you didn't even get to partake in that insane baby conversation in my head.

"We're more than friends and exclusively sleeping together," I replied. "Sounds like we're in a normal relationship to me." Except that whole thing about me being petrified to tell you that I'm hardcore in love with you because of what Rika said. Oh and the whole idol thing.

"Just a normal relationship, huh?" you repeated. I nodded. "Ok, I can deal with that." I started laughing.

You lazily draped your arms around my waist and smiled down at me. I brushed your hair away from your eyes.

"Better?" I asked.

"Much," you replied. I LOVE YOU.

"Shall we adjourn to my place then?" I asked, arching my body into yours.

"I don't know," you said with a grin. "I think I have a headache."


I came up with Miki's randomass baby rant at work and almost busted out laughing.  :lol:

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Re: memoir [Update ~ August teh 1st!]
« Reply #153 on: August 02, 2007, 05:10:23 AM »
I apparently have 'mood swings' and might kill someone if I had the extra hormones.
I guess it'd get great media coverage...  :lol:

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Re: memoir [Update ~ August teh 1st!]
« Reply #154 on: August 02, 2007, 06:08:29 AM »
"Ok," Aya said, looking up from the script. "I'm apparently the initiator in this." I nodded. "So, I'd like to get some practice in before I make a total ass of myself on set."

"Like we've never kissed before," I laughed. "Of course, you're always the passive, delicate little flower." Aya glared at me.
OH SWEET! Miki's POV of the MELODIES PV incident!!! :w00t:

I'm not sure exactly when you had shown up, but you scared the living daylights out of me. One second I'm kissing Aya, the next she's being held up by the back of her shirt, her feet dangling above the ground and you're standing there holding her looking about ready to literally rip her head off. I looked at you shaking with rage, at Aya dangling awkwardly, and at the folding chair you'd knocked over. I'd never seen you like this before. My reflexes kicked in. I started laughing my ass off.
Yossi =   :mon zoom:
Aya =   :mon scare:
Miki =  :mon lmao:

"It was just so damn funny!" I protested lamely. "The calm cool Yoshizawa turned into the Incredible Hulk or something." Crap. Now I was picturing her turning green.
Question is, when Miki pictures Yossi turning green, does it turn her on???  :pimp:

A small snicker escaped. You narrowed your eyes at me. This couldn't be good.

"Sorry," you hissed at Aya. Aya cocked her head to one side. You looked straight into my eyes and smiled. This was definitely not good.
Ooooooooooooh here we go!  :mon misch:

To my utter shock, you grabbed Aya, dipped her back and proceeded to kiss her like you were starring in Mr. Moonlight -The Movie-. Aya flailed about a bit at first, but she was used to these types of attacks and quickly recovered, wrapping her arms around you.
Wait, Aya's used to that? :dunno:  What, did Miki re-enact the Mr. Moonlight PV herself with Aya before?

I stared in shock, in disbelief, in amusement, and in utter rage. Turnabout is fair play and all, but come on! It was a peck for rehearsal and this was a full blown... was Aya using tongue!?!
Tongue??? :OMG:

Wait...ooooooooooooooooooh Ayaya. :twisted:

"Um, I'll leave you all alone now, but, uh..." Aya cleared her throat and turned to you. "If you two ever break up, um..." Oh, no, she wasn't. "Call me. Seriously." Aya fanned herself and walked shakily out of the room. Bitch. You were blinking in shock.
Oh yes she did. :yep:  Miki should understand...considering she's been getting Yossi all to herself and what not. Evidently Yossi's like a Lay's Potato Chip. ;D

"Miki, what are we?" you asked suddenly. I blinked.

what am I to you? What are we doing?" You tipped my chin up so our eyes met. "What do you want?"

I LOVE YOU, I WANT TO MARRY YOU AND HAVE YOUR BABY, my brain screamed. What the hell, a baby? That's not even possible. Of course, we could try a lot anyway...
Oh my...:imdead:

Actually, would I even be the one carrying a baby? You might want to do it... you do really like babies. I wonder how many we'll have. I guess we could adopt, too... You'd be the better one to carry a child, actually. I apparently have 'mood swings' and might kill someone if I had the extra hormones. Oh my God, you would be so freaking cute pregnant. I can see you now squealing over baby booties at the shower and -

"Miki?" What!? Oh. Oh, right, conversation.
Omgass. If there's anyone here who DOES NOT find that INSANELY have no soul.  :wriggly:  :inlove: :mon cute:

"I'm not sure what you mean," I replied, not really remembering what we were talking about. You sighed and turned away from me.

"I mean, are we a couple? Are we just friends who have a lot of sex? Are we exclusive either way? I just don't know where we stand really." I LOVE YOU.

"I'm not sure really," I said aloud, trying to prevent my brain from making me word vomit. "I mean, I think we're definitely more than friends... and, well, I thought we were exclusive.
Damn, all this time they've been together, and yet they've never really "defined" their relationship, have they? By the sound of it, they've never even told each other those "3 little words".

"We're more than friends and exclusively sleeping together," I replied. "Sounds like we're in a normal relationship to me." Except that whole thing about me being petrified to tell you that I'm hardcore in love with you because of what Rika said. Oh and the whole idol thing.

You lazily draped your arms around my waist and smiled down at me. I brushed your hair away from your eyes.

"Better?" I asked.

"Much," you replied. I LOVE YOU.
Dammit, something tells me Miki's not going to ever say it. And before you know it Yossi graduates, Miki's scandal comes out, and they meet back in Yossi's room where she throws her pen and ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!! :frustrated:

I came up with Miki's randomass baby rant at work and almost busted out laughing. :lol:
As I said, people who don't find it cute have NO SOUL! :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline arina_shinh

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Re: memoir [Update ~ August teh 1st!]
« Reply #155 on: August 02, 2007, 12:19:35 PM »
I LOVE YOU, I WANT TO MARRY YOU AND HAVE YOUR BABY, my brain screamed. What the hell, a baby? That's not even possible. Of course, we could try a lot anyway...

Miki really scares me...  XD

To my utter shock, you grabbed Aya, dipped her back and proceeded to kiss her like you were starring in Mr. Moonlight -The Movie-. Aya flailed about a bit at first, but she was used to these types of attacks and quickly recovered, wrapping her arms around you.

I stared in shock, in disbelief, in amusement, and in utter rage. Turnabout is fair play and all, but come on! It was a peck for rehearsal and this was a full blown... was Aya using tongue!?!

You finally pulled away from Aya and gently set her upright, turning to me with a smirk.

"Still funny?" you asked calmly.

 :angry: Don't mess with Yossie...

Quote from: almond
I came up with Miki's randomass baby rant at work and almost busted out laughing.

Well, you make me laughed hyterically and actually I fell down of my chair. Luckily I was in my room, ALONE. Or else my mum sure will want to read this, to know what exactly had trying to kill her daughter...  :lol:

Keep posting almond!!

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Re: memoir [Update ~ August teh 1st!]
« Reply #156 on: August 03, 2007, 02:35:45 AM »
I apparently have 'mood swings' and might kill someone if I had the extra hormones.
I guess it'd get great media coverage...  :lol:
That would be a fabulous reality show.   XD

My work here is done.  :glasses:

Well, you make me laughed hyterically and actually I fell down of my chair. Luckily I was in my room, ALONE. Or else my mum sure will want to read this, to know what exactly had trying to kill her daughter...  :lol:
YOSSHA!  :banana:

Keep posting almond!!

Part 12-II coming up in a moment! It's kinda short, though >.>;

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Re: memoir [Shiny New Part! 8月2日]
« Reply #157 on: August 03, 2007, 02:40:14 AM »
Sorry this part's so short. It's getting kinda hard to make the Yossi and Miki chapters line up right, so Miki's parts are mostly really long or really short from now on ^^;

Well, that and I liked the ending line  :lol:



I remember everything about that meeting. The cold, hard surface of the table beneath my shaking hands. The sympathetic gaze of my manager. The screech of my chair pushing away from the table. The cold, unfeeling stare of the president.

"Why?" I asked at last.

"We've decided it's time for her to - "

"Oh, cut the crap. What's the real reason?" I snapped to the horror of my poor manager. The agency president's eyes narrowed.

"Why do you think?" he replied. "We're not stupid, Fujimoto, and you two aren't exactly subtle." I was horrified.

"So, graduate me," I retorted, retreating behind my mask of disinterest. The president laughed.

"You? You're half the damn group. She's dispensable. We'll find another boyish character and shove her into the group. The fans won't care. But, you're not going anywhere for a very long time. And between Morning Musume. and GAM, well... you don't exactly have much free time, do you?"

"I could always quit."

"And we could always sue you for breach of contract." Shit.

"You know, you're just pushing around the problem," I said calmly. "You won't let them have boyfriends, you won't let them have girlfriends. You need to pick one or the other or else one of these days, one of the girls will snap and shoot someone."

"Fujimoto!" my manager admonished. I shook my head in disgust and stood to leave.

"What makes you think this will work anyway?" I asked cockily. My boss smiled coldly.

"It worked with her and Goto, didn't it?"


Offline haidokun

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Re: memoir [Shiny New Part! 8月2日]
« Reply #158 on: August 03, 2007, 03:00:44 AM »
"Um, I'll leave you all alone now, but, uh..." Aya cleared her throat and turned to you. "If you two ever break up, um..." Oh, no, she wasn't. "Call me. Seriously." Aya fanned herself and walked shakily out of the room. Bitch. You were blinking in shock.

love this line! i beginning to like yossie x aya (with miki ofcourse) hehehehe

I LOVE YOU, I WANT TO MARRY YOU AND HAVE YOUR BABY, my brain screamed. What the hell, a baby? That's not even possible. Of course, we could try a lot anyway...

Actually, would I even be the one carrying a baby? You might want to do it... you do really like babies. I wonder how many we'll have. I guess we could adopt, too... You'd be the better one to carry a child, actually. I apparently have 'mood swings' and might kill someone if I had the extra hormones. Oh my God, you would be so freaking cute pregnant. I can see you now squealing over baby booties at the shower and -

hahahahaha!!!! yossie definitely wants to be a mom. i can imagine miki panicked when yossie is about to give birth!!! hmmm.... fan art....  :glasses:

No, I haven't slept with anyone else," you replied. I smiled. "So I guess you're my - "

awww yossie is so loyal....  :luvluv2:

"Let's get married!" I burst out. Damn you, brain.

yes, Miki. do the noble thing.  :wahaha:
I wish yossie would say yes! hehehehe

You lazily draped your arms around my waist and smiled down at me. I brushed your hair away from your eyes.

"Better?" I asked.

"Much," you replied. I LOVE YOU.

aaaahhhhhccckkk ober sweet!!!!  :nya:

--- wow another update already! ---

"I could always quit."

"And we could always sue you for breach of contract." Shit.

ooohhh  :grr: angry miki.

"What makes you think this will work anyway?" I asked cockily. My boss smiled coldly.

"It worked with her and Goto, didn't it?"

the problem with goto is she didn't fight for it. hehehe

how i really wish that this is also in real life!

 :k-great: great chapters!!!!

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Re: memoir [Shiny New Part! 8月2日]
« Reply #159 on: August 03, 2007, 03:57:13 AM »
I remember everything about that meeting. The cold, hard surface of the table beneath my shaking hands. The sympathetic gaze of my manager. The screech of my chair pushing away from the table. The cold, unfeeling stare of the president.

"Why?" I asked at last.
Oh shit, they're telling Miki that they're going to graduate Yossi. :o

"Oh, cut the crap. What's the real reason?" I snapped to the horror of my poor manager. The agency president's eyes narrowed.

"Why do you think?" he replied. "We're not stupid, Fujimoto, and you two aren't exactly subtle." I was horrified.
Bastards.  :angry:

"So, graduate me," I retorted, retreating behind my mask of disinterest. The president laughed.

"You? You're half the damn group. She's dispensable. We'll find another boyish character and shove her into the group. The fans won't care. But, you're not going anywhere for a very long time. And between Morning Musume. and GAM, well... you don't exactly have much free time, do you?"
And here he basically just insulted Yossi. Not a smart thing to do in front of a girl that loves her.  I'm actually surprised that they told Miki this to begin with. It must mean that they're really confident that they'll be able to get her back "in line" with this.

These executive types...they think that they have the right to string these girls like puppets just because they're signed to them. They're so confident that they have all the power, and that the girls don't.  :banghead:

"I could always quit."

"And we could always sue you for breach of contract." Shit.
They could, but it wouldn't exactly be good publicity for the company now, would it? Suing a former client? You know that the client (especially if it's Miki) will talk to the press and use their publicity (which, ironically, they could only do thanks to the company) to sway public opinion to their side. Lawsuits like this, even if the company wins, in the end they'll lose quite a bit of business.

"You know, you're just pushing around the problem," I said calmly. "You won't let them have boyfriends, you won't let them have girlfriends. You need to pick one or the other or else one of these days, one of the girls will snap and shoot someone."
Or, if they're like Miki...they'll start planning. :yep:

"What makes you think this will work anyway?" I asked cockily. My boss smiled coldly.

"It worked with her and Goto, didn't it?"




That motherfucker...

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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