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Author Topic: The SNSD General Discussion Thread  (Read 1851816 times)

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6520 on: January 09, 2013, 04:48:12 PM »

Offline zoolander

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6521 on: January 11, 2013, 04:02:42 AM »
MCountdown Today:

Sounds so much better without that damn loud backtrack. lol

Funny interview:

« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 04:07:44 AM by zoolander »

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6522 on: January 12, 2013, 09:29:23 AM »
Music Bank ^_^

Pretty interesting Dispatch interview. The girls respond to some criticisms and opinions of various people in the industry.

The 9 girls have returned. They brought out 'I Got a Boy'. However, the situation right now is 'I got a problem'. There's a bit of a problem. For starters, they are the disagreeing assessments on their new attempt.

Clearly, the girls have changed. They aren't the Soshi we've known, but a 'Brand New' Soshi. Like their lyrics, their 'style changed from head to toe'. It's the result of choosing hybrid over a hook song, girls hip-hop over group dancing, and a kitsch look over a princess feel.

Like the lyrics, the fans are also asking them.

"Why did they do that? I'm dying of curiosity♪"

And so we asked critics. We also asked songwriters. And lastly, we looked for answers from Girls' Generation.

"Please tell me♬"

Before holding the interview, we got opinions on the title song from critics, songwriters, and other sources. And then we tossed the questions to Girls' Generation instead.

① Is it a difficult attempt, or a new trend = The views on the title song comes in two. As of right now, the opinion that it is a difficult attempt is a bit more superior. On the other hand, there are other predictions that a new trend may set in. The views of experts/specialists are similar. While it's true that it is fresh, seeming unfamiliar is inevitable.

☞ "There are a number of rhythms, mixed diversely. And so it seems difficult, and it could sound like it's all over the place." (renowned songwriter A)

Girls' Generation (GG): We were like that at first, too. The feeling of, 'What is this?' was strong. To be honest, that is why it was more reliable. This song is just as new as it sounds. It's different from songs that you get sick of the more you listen to it. For instance, you listen to it from the perspective of '1' at first. The second time you focus on perspective '2'. (Tiffany)

Interestingly, the more you listen to it, the more fun elements there are. You can think of it as new elements being discovered, one by one. Normally when practicing, there are times where I get sick of the song first. However, I like this song more now than when we first got it. The elements you hear will be different depending on your mood that day. I'm confident in it. (Seohyun)

☞ "From a bright song, they attempted a hook song. After that was electronic. When you take the sound, there is nothing that compares to this attempt as well. But, as it is a foreign song, there seems to be a problem emotionally. I think they were too conscious of the overseas market." (popular songwriter B)

GG: I think the interest in K-POP is high. However, that doesn't mean this song was aimed towards the overseas market. It's just that the market has broadened because the world has become more one musically. (Seohyun)

Don't you think it's a natural change? When we first debuted, we weren't in our 20s. We wore Converses, and sportswear. During our 2nd album, we went with a college student feel. Wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. This time is just the same. We attempted music that suits our age; we don't think of overseas first. Everyday girl talks that suits our age. The same thing applies to our clothes and style. Rather than saying who the change is for, I think growth/development and naturalness is right reason. (Tiffany)

☞ "I think the performance was attempted well. The clothes and hair also changed in a stylish manner. Just, when nitpick at the music attempt alone, I think it's going to be difficult to capture people. I think it's a song where the video and performance together gives off a big effect." (celebrity source C)

GG: There's normally a well-organized path for music. Of course, this song doesn't really match it. However, any complicated structures get organized into one through a stage performance. In one word, along with the fun of listening to it, it's a song where it's also fun to watch. (Seohyun)

The dance was different from standard choreography. It wasn't like a group dance. We even worried whether the 9 of us could express it well. Dancing while thinking of the lyrics made a musical come to mind. It was exciting and thrilling seeing the members exchanging different actions and gestures with every performance. (Taeyeon)

The lyrics are a conversation. It's natural for us to make various facial expressions as if we are acting. I think the members' change in facial expressions and acting, depending on the subject of the conversation, is a fun element of the song. I think people will see it as a musical-like stage where you can enjoy, not just the music, but the singing, choreography, and style, all at once. (Yoona)

② Too much is as bad as too little vs The more the better? = Starting with the rap, verse 1, verse 2, solo, rap 2, and such get repeated. There isn't a specific clear separation between the intro and refrain. It's to the point where videos are emerging with the rap part edited out. This means that too much is not always good.

☞ "When they revealed the teaser video, my expectations were high. But when it was released, there were parts that made me cringe. It made me wonder if the rap part had to be there." (popular songwriter B)

GG: From the position of having to perform it ourselves, it's not boring at all. It's the same logic as knowing that we are one team regardless of how differently we do things. As time goes by, I can feel the teamwork that only Girls' Generation has. People say the song is difficult, but when you watch the performance, you can feel one energy. (Hyoyeon)

At first, it was menboong (/mental breakdown) for us, too. (laughs) It's not a simple, repetitive, hook song. It could sound difficult, but we think it's good the more you listen to it. One week of broadcasts has ended now. When the second week is over, we think people will feel, 'This song is really nice' a lot. (Yoona, Sooyoung)

☞ "SM is seeking the 'anti trend'. It's good to experiment. However, for fans who are used to hook songs, this could be inconvenient. You can't tell which part is the main. You can't hear the hook clearly. It could be exhausting for an individual to listen to." (culture critic D)

GG: Honestly, we have a fear for new attempts. However, that doesn't mean we have an imperative idea that we have to be different from other girl groups. We just think, shouldn't we have to grow from our last album. If you show the same appearance, it's familiar. And so the fans would probably like and be comfortable with it. However, what we want is to progress. And so we have to make new attempts, and challenge things.

I hope we can become a group that attempts variety. At first, we're afraid and worry until the album releases. We're anxious. We also worry whether it will do well. But making a new attempt is another process for us. We want people to think, 'This unfamiliar appearance is still Girls' Generation.' (Yuri)

☞ "When it comes to presentation, I think there are a lot of difficult parts in particular. Because there are so many changes in the song, when it comes to the choreography, style, and video, it's not going to be easy trying to take it all in. However, they changed maturely. I want to compliment them." (renowed songwriter A)

GG: Before filming the music video, we asked for more time on the choreography. It wasn't something that would work from just memorizing the actions. We had to understand the story. The song isn't orderly. And so, for the person listening, we added in the musical-like parts. We practiced hard, and so it took a while. We think we've matured during the process. (Taeyeon)

③ Right now is Girls' Generation? = They were Girls' Generation until now. However, are they still Girls' Generation currently? Also, will another hit song like 'Gee' or 'Sone' (idk what that is, tbh) be born in the future? Music experts all agreed that, regardless of hit songs, 'Girls' Generation is Girls' Generation'. They say they're [Girls' Generation] already in a different class.

☞ "In the past, whenever songwriters and singers had to hold down a concept, they looked for foreign singers first. However, that's changed now. And so their attempt in general is new, and fast. It feels like they're keeping ahead." (popular songwriter B)

GG: We don't compete with anyone. If there is something that we pay attention to, it's our own selves, 'Girls' Generation'. If we get first place, of course we're happy. However, we don't cling onto those things anymore. If we like our transformation, that's it. Expressing the music, singing, choreography, and style properly, as we want to, in itself makes us happy. Isn't it better that we've become more natural now? (Sooyoung)

☞ "If this type of genre comes about and becomes a hit, it will become a trend. Of course, the possibility of it this would greatly depend on who it is that makes the attempt first. It's a possible attempt because it's Girls' Generation." (renowned songwriter A)

GG: Opinions that our past performances are better are also valuable. However, growing and finding something new is the duty of Girls' Generation. The Girls' Generation that sang 'Kissing You' isn't gone. Rather, we feel that we want to show more things to people. We hope people think, 'This appearance, that appearance, it's all like Girls' Generation'. The thing that's changed is time. Not Girls' Generation. (Taeyeon)

☞ "Something called variety exists. I consider Girls' Generation showing off something new as progress." (music critic E)

GG: There is a burden because we are Girls' Generation. We get the feeling of what should we do if we don't meet people's expectations. However, we don't obsess over wanting it to always be the next trend. Our only goal is to express an appearance that suits the song. Us 9 are always the same. it's just that what we express on-stage is different. (Tiffany)

We're happiest communicating with the audience. What greater thing would there be for a singer than that? We have a great feeling of wanting to show things in person, wherever. Rather than wanting 'Let's go to bigger markets with this album', we hope that the songs do as well as the energy that we poured into it. (Sooyoung) cr: ch0sshi

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6523 on: January 12, 2013, 06:31:13 PM »
Everything seems to be normal until 3:50... Jessica hands a lucky fan a copy of IGAB and they shake hands. Yay. Now, she goes in for a hug and he's like.. 'no thanks, I have a girlfriend' and steps back avoiding the incoming hug. What??? WHAT?!?!? I don't care if you're dating the Queen of England, it's your responsibility to receive that hug for all of us with OR without boyfriends/girlfriends who cant. I'm flabbergasted. Fastforward to 3:50, 3:45 to be safe I guess, and watch this madness unfold. #allofmyrage

sig not by Stryfe... but I don't have the heart to remove the shout-out

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6524 on: January 12, 2013, 10:22:50 PM »
^ I found that hilarious. He's got priories  :lol:
I vote for TOZ as the most gangsta~  :otomerika:
[01:35] <shirenu> if it ain't zomb, it ain't bomb
Visit TOZ's House of Hits

Offline kaiser5077

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6525 on: January 13, 2013, 04:54:46 AM »

Offline zoolander

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6526 on: January 13, 2013, 09:38:12 AM »
Everything seems to be normal until 3:50... Jessica hands a lucky fan a copy of IGAB and they shake hands. Yay. Now, she goes in for a hug and he's like.. 'no thanks, I have a girlfriend' and steps back avoiding the incoming hug. What??? WHAT?!?!? I don't care if you're dating the Queen of England, it's your responsibility to receive that hug for all of us with OR without boyfriends/girlfriends who cant. I'm flabbergasted. Fastforward to 3:50, 3:45 to be safe I guess, and watch this madness unfold. #allofmyrage

I don't know, using the old snub em to get em intrigued, that dude knows what he is doing. Even offered his girl fora hug. slick man, slick. :rock:


Inki : D
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 10:02:42 AM by zoolander »

Offline shah46

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6527 on: January 13, 2013, 03:45:33 PM »
did anyone get photocard from buying igab album?

Offline meneervankodoq

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6528 on: January 14, 2013, 03:15:37 PM »
[img width=700][-img][img width=700][-img]
I think there's a "high fashion" version of these photos. Where the girls posed in a bizarrely hilarious pose.
Can somebody please deliver? :P

Everything seems to be normal until 3:50... Jessica hands a lucky fan a copy of IGAB and they shake hands. Yay. Now, she goes in for a hug and he's like.. 'no thanks, I have a girlfriend' and steps back avoiding the incoming hug. What??? WHAT?!?!? I don't care if you're dating the Queen of England, it's your responsibility to receive that hug for all of us with OR without boyfriends/girlfriends who cant. I'm flabbergasted. Fastforward to 3:50, 3:45 to be safe I guess, and watch this madness unfold. #allofmyrage

RIGHT? RIGHT? As I was watching, I literally paused the video and said to my screen, "REALLY? REALLY NOW, DUDE?"
I don't care if it's in the middle of winter and if the Ice Princess actually emitted frozen cold aura, when she went for hug, YOU FRIGGIN' HUG HER!!
If I can turn back time, I'd go there with a table, then proceed to flip the table in front of him the second he backs away. :banghead:

Offline Rei-chan

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6529 on: January 19, 2013, 07:54:58 PM »
I Got A Boy was played today in a mainstream radio station in Puerto Rico  :O  I dunno if it plays often or what, since I don't live there anymore, but it surprises me, given that over there they never played music that wasn't in English or Spanish. Seems that Gangnam Style really broke some big barriers there! XD  Funny that a year ago I knew no one there (other than me) who had even heard K-pop.

Speaking of I Got A Boy, did you guys hear this English version of it by UK singer Katy Tiz? I like it way more than the SNSD version. It doesn't have the weird intro, nor some of the other unnecessary parts, so it feels less all-over-the-place and more coherent to me. Also, I feel her voice fits it much better than SNSD's. Makes me wonder how this song would've turned out in 2NE1's hands... Hate the English title and chorus lyrics though lol.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 08:00:04 PM by Rei-chan »

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6530 on: January 20, 2013, 01:25:37 AM »
click to enlarge

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6531 on: January 20, 2013, 01:59:47 AM »

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6532 on: January 20, 2013, 04:20:47 AM »
the dorky three XD

Offline Luv789

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6533 on: January 24, 2013, 06:35:25 PM »

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6534 on: January 29, 2013, 02:33:02 PM »
I'm so thrilled the girls are back on variety shows again.
My favorite so far is the Radio Star, which initially featured all 9 girls. ALL NINE! Too bad Sooyoung got to split early.
The show's a treasure, I say. So many moments to laugh at and several new stuff to know about the girls.
And Hyoyeon definitely speak more in varieties these days. I like it. :twothumbs

Being in Korea really has its own advantages.
I get to see the varieties the girls are in as quick as it can be. :D

Offline zoolander

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6535 on: January 30, 2013, 05:54:51 AM »
^ Oo.. I gotta watch that.

How'd they got the outfits so spot on? :O

Goodbye stages already

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6536 on: January 31, 2013, 12:21:15 PM »
For that video with the little girls covering IGAB dance, I like how they got the tall kids to play the tall members and short kids for the short members.
Really adds up to the "shrunken" SNSD feels. :lol:

Btw, if the kids' cover made you giggle due to their cuteness, here's another cover which made me "giggle" due to something else. :love:

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6537 on: February 03, 2013, 05:25:26 PM »

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6538 on: February 04, 2013, 09:07:25 AM »

*squeels* *sobbs internally* such adorable babehssss ; o ;
I suffer from a serious medical condition called "Changnesia". Don't ask me about it, just Chang the subject.

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Re: The SNSD General Discussion Thread
« Reply #6539 on: February 05, 2013, 05:23:54 PM »

JPHiP Radio (13/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Grapevine - (All the Young) Yellow