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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203842 times)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/2 - Gag]
« Reply #580 on: February 10, 2011, 07:58:28 PM »
*takes deep breath*

So this is a flashback toward the beginning of all of this craziness huh? I seem to see some self-identification there with Ai... and even Reina a bit. :P Lots of thoughts lately? :lol:

I haven't posted yet, but I approve of Takai. :yep: Despite age discrepancy I wonder if they're not somehow at a similar emotional maturity level, but Ai is so cute with her struggles with it all. Not sure what happened there with Reina, and not sure I wanna know... Glad to see Ai isn't sleeping with those "higher-ups" anymore. Bad, bad habit. That's something nice to have outgrown.

Then again... I suppose Aika's doing the same thing now?

Ai's just a little insane.. but y'know, when she manages to get some, I have a feeling that'll be better than her silly thoughts of trying to "stop". :P

"She's grown up." Ahh... the classic loli-fic cliche. :lol: I suppose it works to have the two best-endowed Musume together.  :roll:

*exhales slowly*

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/2 - Gag]
« Reply #581 on: February 10, 2011, 08:25:12 PM »
Ah, man. How in the world can I make my comment as thoughtful and interesting as the three before me? >.< Pressure~! j/k

You know, I don't think anyone writes crazy Ai quite like you do. Or at all, really, but that's not the point. :nervous

I wonder, will we get a repeat of what happened with Reina? Will we even get to know what happened with Reina? Is it sad that I'm kinda hoping for an explosively sexy resolution? :sweatdrop: You seem to be on a roll with this, so I'm hoping for something more.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/2 - Gag]
« Reply #582 on: April 05, 2011, 10:36:36 PM »

This, is the singularly most stupid thing I have ever done in my life.

Coming from a smart (or so everyone says) person, that was quite the statement. That and, this wasn't even the first stupid thing she has ever done, so to make it the crowning achievement (?) of one's life said plenty. Or it could just smack of pure drama.

Yeah, that should be it. Just another scene from a drama that she was so not acting in.

It still felt so unreal. Even now, she could not believe that she was caught in the situation, or the fact that it was even unfolding at all.

Nothing registered at all, just a solid curtain of darkness as she quivered on her knees -- of course, baka, the lights are off! Terror raged against panic, the two churning to create the perfect storm. Stupid stupid stupid! What were you thinking?

Can't see a thing, but she was there, a mere silhouette in the gloom. There were no sparkly effects like in those corny shoujo manga -- which I do not read -- but that person's outline shone clear as day to her. It was salvation. It was condemnation. It would be judge and jury.

She cringed back unconsciously, shying away from the dark figure on the bed as the sour taste of fear turned her insides. She did not so much scoot away as she did crawl, and quite pathetically so too.

"Come here." That voice. Firm, gentle. Commanding. An order she could not refuse.

How could I refuse? I can't refuse you anything. Never, ever. Never.

Like a whipped puppy, she crawled back just as pathetically, not quite whimpering but just on the verge of doing so. Her mind felt amusement at the image -- just like a puppy, aren't you? -- but abruptly ceased all function when warm arms wrapped around her head and neck, pulling her close.

"What's wrong?" Soothing words. Soothing voice. She wanted to run away, but her eyes closed involuntarily, relaxing into the embrace.

"I'm scared." The words slipped out before she could help it, and her shoulders tensed at her own remark. Dumbass! Now she's going to be worried!

"Of what?" Great, as if she didn't think of you as a child already...

Her hands, stroking. What am I, a dog? The irony did not escape the girl on the floor, and she let out an inaudible sob as her shoulders hunched further into themselves.

"You." I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid of what you would say. I'm afraid to hope.

I am afraid, because I hope.

"Me? Why are you afraid of me?" She could sense the frown without seeing it -- not like she could see it, it was dark out -- and a choked gurgle of something resembling hysteria escaped her lips. Too much, it was all too much.

But she had gone too far to stop at this stage. Too much already. Too late to stop. Can't stop. Won't stop.

She launches into a rambling speech that she could barely make sense of, her voice on edge and shaky. If you had asked her just what she had talked about, she probably wouldn't have been able to tell you. She was trying, really trying, to get to the point.

It was hard. Funny how the simplest things took the most effort to express. How difficult could it be, to say three little words? She remembered mocking the characters on TV over how they stumbled over those words, and now here she was, doing the exact same thing. Except worse, infinitely worse, because this was real.

I am so screwed. I am so dead. Someone needs to barge in right now and totally ruin the atmosphere. Yes. Like in a drama where someone is eavesdropping and then falls in by accident. Come on, plot twist already!

There was no avoiding it. She had already veered close enough to the topic in her endless babble. If incoherency were an Olympic sport, she would have snagged the gold medal for sure.

I love you. "I like you. A lot." Coward. It was hard enough saying that much! Chickening out at the last minute is hardly glamorous. That she managed to get this far without hyperventilating was good enough!

Honestly, defending herself against her own jibes could be quite the exhausting affair. She felt like a one-woman manzai act, with all the tsukkomi-ing she was inflicting on herself.

The silence stretched on forever. If not for the fact that she was still being held so close -- close enough to hear her breathe -- she might have freaked out and run off into the night. Climbing out of the window seemed like a viable option. Breaking a leg seemed a lot less painful than what would probably come.

Stop. She needed to stop. And breathe. The hand moving in soothing circles on her head helped a lot. In, and out. Calm, she would be calm.

The words came like a murmur. Nothing she wanted to hear, nothing she dreaded to hear either. Soothing words, comforting words. She understood. In her own way, that person was reassuring herself also.

It was obvious. Some things were that evident. Even if that person did not say it -- gentle soul that she is, always seeking to spare the feelings of others -- she knew the answer. That her feelings were not returned. That she had never been thought of in that capacity.

A good friend. That's all you are. Just a really good friend.

Even though she wanted so much to be good enough, strong enough, to bear the burdens that that person never wanted to share. Wanted to be reliable for her sake, wanted to help, wanted to be there...

And more. So much more. It was painful to hope. But hope she had, no matter how much she had trampled on it, squashed it, shoved it into the tiniest corner imaginable...

But it remained still, and that hope merely made everything burn more intensely, even in the face of how impossible it was.

Even right now, being embraced by this person, the closeness they shared felt like no more than a fantasy. She could not imagine being elsewhere, but reality would separate them more surely than time or distance ever could.

Kami-sama, if you exist, stop this moment forever. Let me stay here with her.

The light of tomorrow would erase everything, and she could not bear that. In the light of day, in the light of the truth, everything would change. Even now that person wonders aloud what she could do to make things easier, but the answer right now was nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I don't need help until tomorrow comes. I just want to stay right here, forever.

This proximity to her most precious person could almost make her weep. But she would not. Could not. Bad enough to be shivering like a newborn pup. She could not afford to show even more weakness, more vulnerability. It would hurt that person. Worry her even more. No. Unthinkable.

"It's late. You should get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow when we're both clear-headed."

And she thinks I must be joking. Or confused. Right. Right.

The words she wanted to say never left her lips. Selfish words, childish and wilful. But if she could have said them, but she knew it would never happen. Just a little request, really. A little too much, but could it really be so?

Just hold me like this, for a little while longer.

Everything was going to change. Everything had already changed. As long as she remained in this position, she could stave off that crushing reality from sinking in. The moment they separated, they could no longer return to those days of blissful unawareness.

She squeezed her eyes shut, tight to the point of physical pain. Nothing existed except for that familiar warmth, that familiar scent, that familiar calm. She fixed every last detail into memory, knowing, knowing...

That this moment, precious as it is, might just be the last.

So let it stay in my heart, untouched and unspoiled.
Let me cherish this memory.
A moment that lasts eternally.


Feel free to fix any pairing you like.

Needed to write this as a form of catharsis. Also, please listen to Utada Hikaru's "Eternally" because I wrote this with that song in mind. XD

Oh and rndy, this is my answer to how things turned out for my fic of a life.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Eternally]
« Reply #583 on: April 05, 2011, 11:39:22 PM »
I wonder if, perhaps, this might be more suited to a pm, but here goes.

I wish that I could give you my phone number so that I could say the words I want to say, if not in person, at least to you directly. Oh sweet heartache, oh terrible love. I had always thought myself the kind to never fall in love and I have never after that first wonderful, disastrous time. No one could ever be like that person, no one could move me in that way. My thoughts, my heart, spin and tremble to read this, those feelings coming back. I'm a teenager again, an adult in the eyes of the law and yet so far from maturity it's laughable. You write now what I could not then, Essy. You write what, surely, many others have felt as well.

The years have passed, will pass, and my feelings from then have faded to a memory. I begin to hope again for that wonderful, terrible feeling to grasp me. Love strikes most unexpectedly, after all. I long for sweet rejection even, because nothing scares me more than a true relationship. I'm in love with the idea of love, while at the same time having nothing but realistic ideas about what giving my heart, my trust to someone would entail. And yet, I still write about passion and love, I dream of happiness. 

I guess, what I'm trying to say is, time heals all wounds. Or maybe I should shut up?

As for the story, I, of course, see TakaGaki. But upon closer inspection, I see RenAi, AikaAi, SayuEri. Any one could be plugged into this story, it has a classic plot. Love and rejection, life, really. Uncertainty and certainty, it breathes and speaks in a guttural, emotional voice. It touches a nerve, my heart going, yes, I remember. I hear you.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Eternally]
« Reply #584 on: April 09, 2011, 03:26:00 PM »
I hate both of you so much right now. I don't even feel like posting dancing cows   :mon POd:

Okay, not really. The thing is I was left almost dead and quite emotional reading this. And then I read rndy comment and that finished me off. So wow, quite an impact. I think I said  this but... why do you have to let me so depressed everytime?  :cry:  And no, I'm not really complaining. Your angsty stuff always struck a chord with me, no matter if I  relate to it in some way or not, and that's really awesome. Even if I feel all my energy drained suddenly :bleed eyes:

I guess everyone had or will have an experience like this sometime. Aaah... bring back some painful memories, but luckily time heals that. The situation, the feelings, the everything is omg so accurate. AND THAT SONG! Utadaa :heart: The song didn't help me to cheer up either :cry:  It surely goes well with the fic. I love to listen to music that fits what I'm reading, it intensifies the feeilng I get from it :heart:

Everything was going to change. Everything had already changed. As long as she remained in this position, she could stave off that crushing reality from sinking in. The moment they separated, they could no longer return to those days of blissful unawareness.
And this. GOSH   :gyaaah: Just kill me now.

That is the exact moment when things are not going to be the same anymore and you know it. You can't change it, but you still doesn't have to accept it. But you know the second you let go of that precious moment there is no turning back and you have to accept that crushing reality  :cry: Ugh, I wanna cry  XD
There is a lot of pairings that actually could fit in this. Takagaki is always one of the first to come to mind, though. So I'll be sad for them this time. For some reason I don't want to see ReinAi here >_>

I really hope the catharsis was succesful and you feel better now  :deco: Next time, something fluffly?  :roll: I love your angst anyway,  though. Update soon! Whatever you feel like writing, I'll be really happy to read it :heart:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Eternally]
« Reply #585 on: April 10, 2011, 01:22:29 PM »
Seems like the theme of the season is... (semi)-anonymous angst.

This piece was beautiful in all sorts of ways that I cannot quite describe. I read through it several times, affixing different characters to it and getting new things out of it every time. My favorite pairing was somehow TakaShige.

This, is the singularly most stupid thing I have ever done in my life.
Oh, I say this often enough in my life to know that stupidity has no bounds and it is something you will never outgrow.

In the context of the story though, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope despite the gloom.

Loved this. Thanks for sharing, Essy.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Eternally]
« Reply #586 on: May 22, 2011, 01:38:03 PM »
I read this awhile ago but I ran :on speedy:... Read Gracula's story first then this...the double gloom got to me XD  Immediately after, I listened to some happy sugar pop music thus rendering my brain incapable of commenting.... :gmon sing:

*A couple of weeks later*

Now let's see if I remember anything  :sweat:

hmm....*puts on Sherlock hat*  Originally I thought it was TakaGaki or Sayu X maru maru but after re-reading, I'm set on it being SayuEri.

This, is the singularly most stupid thing I have ever done in my life.

Coming from a smart (or so everyone says) person, that was quite the statement.

Okay, so this eliminates a lot of characters for Shoujo A XD  At least all the cute ahos  :sweat:

Sayu's my front-runner, being that everyone says she's smart. 

just a solid curtain of darkness as she quivered on her knees -- of course, baka, the lights are off! Terror raged against panic, the two churning to create the perfect storm.

As for someone that panics in the virtually all the girls XD  Ones to really panic in the dark?  Sayu or Reina.  or Eri...or Ai....or....

There were no sparkly effects like in those corny shoujo manga -- which I do not read

Who actually reads manga?  -Sayu
Who doesn't read anything? -Eri  XD
Who reads strange books about child abuse? -Ai chan XD

She launches into a rambling speech that she could barely make sense of, her voice on edge and shaky.


A good friend. That's all you are. Just a really good friend.

Friendship conbi!  TakaGaki
Definitely SayuEri!

lol in the end, it still could be any pairing but bias opinion wins out XD  I'll stick with my SayuEri  :mon sweat:

Oh!...on second read, it's not as gloomy! XD 

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Eternally]
« Reply #587 on: March 21, 2012, 08:31:20 PM »
It's been a long long time. I've been pretty silent here. But here's a story. XD

About time I dealt with it anyway...



"Wahh the time totally just flew by!"

"Aichan sugoi~"

"Morning Musume really is the best..."

"Rescind your graduation then. Don't quit."

The air stilled, heavy with a note of sudden gravity that belied the speaker's tone. It should have been a joke. It should have come out as a joke. But the person who said it had meant it. Really meant it. Irrationally, even now, at the very last minute, hoping against hope that the situation could change.

The tour had just ended. Takahashi Ai's graduation concert had but concluded only minutes ago. The fact of her graduation from Morning Musume was basically a case closed. Fait accompli. End of an era and all that. Tears were shed, hugs exchanged, flowers given. There was absolutely no question of going back. It has never happened. It will not happen now.

The moment hung for just that, a moment. Aware with the keen sense of professionals that the camera was still running, Ai put on a mockingly serious mask, slinging a conspiratorial arm around the almost invisibly trembling Reina and pulling close.

"Rescind the graduation."

"Un." Reina shot a quick glance at her leader...well, ex-leader. It was a look uncharacteristically vulnerable. Hopeful. It broke Ai's heart.

"There's no way that's possible~" Ai laughed outwardly, her tone lighthearted. Making the whole awkward moment a joke. Her eyes, when they met Reina's, were apologetic.

I'm sorry.

Reina, for her part, smoothed over her faux pas so quickly it was like it never existed. Thankfully, Sayu also came to the rescue, skilfully diverting the topic back to the concert that just ended. Safe ground. Reina made a note to do something nice for her fellow Rokkie later.

"But Morning Musume really is the best..." said Ai again, this time with a note of wistfulness.

"This is the Morning Musume Ai-chan built." Reina cut in before chatterbox Sayu could even begin, her entire self earnest and open. She hadn't been this open since...forever. Her quota for this should be maxing out. Soon. Just a little longer. Just for her.

Ai actually faltered for a moment, but she recovered instantly, punching Reina in the arm.


Reina laughed. Her turn to cover for Ai. She didn't even mind when Ai started tugging at her cheeks. Well, not too much. She almost felt sorry for Sayu, who was standing forlornly to one side, forgotten. Well, not really. So there.

They move on. There are other cameras. They chat with other members, they go separate ways for a while. Just a while.

Ai comes to her first. It is a familiar pattern. Reina never makes the first move. Ever. Except for that one time at the hotel, but in Reina's defense she was a kid and afraid of ghosts. Not that Ai was any less afraid of ghosts either, but her room was nearby and so...

At least they could be frightened together. Not alone.

That was years ago. Reina is still afraid of ghosts, but she's no longer thirteen. She stands in a corner, drinking from a bottle and scowling at nothing in particular. Or not actually scowling, to be honest. It was just her customary expression that, to the uninitiated, looks terribly unfriendly. It had the useful side effect of diverting unwanted company, so Reina never saw a need to change.

"Alone again?" Ai saunters over, towel still draped around her neck, her hair still mussed and sweaty. Reina spares her a glance.

"So are you. Shouldn't you be with everyone else?"

Ai leans on the wall facing Reina, reaching out for the bottle in Reina's hand. Reina scowls at her, Ai grins, and takes the bottle with no resistance whatsoever from the kitten. The ex-leader takes a long draught, then sets the now empty bottle on a nearby table.

"I'm leaving Morning Musume in your hands, Reina."

That abrupt declaration was so like Ai. Concise, to the point, and completely disconnected with the previous lines of conversation. If it hadn't been so, so Ai, Reina would have slapped her. As it was, she simply folded her arms, turning away so that only her profile was facing Ai.

"I don't want it. You can have it."

She wasn't angry. She wasn't sad. She sounded...petulant. Stubborn. Like a child in a department store stomping her foot and yelling "NO!" at the top of her lungs, except Reina wasn't five, so throwing a tantrum would be spectacularly inappropriate.

Not that she didn't try though. it wasn't like she didn't know that she couldn't change a thing. But she'd be damned if she just lay down and accepted everything without a fight. Not happening. This was her last stand. Even if the only audience was just Ai. Or perhaps precisely because it was just Ai. She could get away with it. She always did.

Ai was kind like that. Reina loved her for it. It was also the most fucking irritating thing in the world.

"Reina." Again with that saint-like patience. Sure, Ai had her short-tempered moments, but with Reina, her tolerance rivaled that of Mother Teresa. Reina wanted to scream.

She chose instead to dig her nails into her own arm, putting up a cold front. She didn't want to hear anything more. It had been too much to hear of Ai's graduation months ago. It was still too much now, even after the graduation had come and gone. Reina would be damned before she let anyone, least of all that annoying country bumpkin from Fukui, see her break down into a blubbering mess.

Not that she was close. Not at all. The air conditioning was just too dry. Yes. That's why her eyes were itching. That's all. Nothing to see. Move along.

Ai moved closer to her, almost touching distance, but not quite. Even now, giving her space. Reina hated how Ai always knew what she needed. Loved her for it.

Stay. Don't go. Don't leave me.

A part of her wanted to grovel and beg and collapse in an emotional heap. Reina gave it a good hard mental kick for the umpteenth time in the past nine months, banishing it to the unseen corners of her mind. No way was she displaying such weakness. It wouldn't affect the outcome anyway, so why bother?

"Reina can do it, because you're strong. Stronger than I am..."

Lies. A pack of lies. Reina bit down on her lip, hard. Her shoulders were tense, almost shaking. She didn't want to listen to this.

"So...please take care of MoMusu. Everyone needs you."

Except you. Reina couldn't help that one, last bitter thought. If she bit down any harder she would bleed.

"I know you guys can...sniff...uuuuu...."

Reina looked up in surprise. Or lack-of-surprise actually, it was more like a reflex. Ai was tearing up again, predictably. The waterworks were in full flow as the emotional ex-leader started sniffling and wiping at the corners of her eyes with her hands. Reina clucked her tongue and whapped Ai upside the head. Gently, of course. Or gently by her standards, which was still pretty hard for most people.

"Ite! Wahh...what?" Ai held her head protectively, sounding and looking as boyish as her hairstyle made her out to be.

"You're hopeless." Reina said bluntly, arms folded protectively in front of her. It felt comfortingly familiar to fall back to old patterns. Never mind that this was the last time they could be like this. Reina fought back a wave of nausea at the idea. She was going to be sick.

"If you're going to give a pep talk, you should"

Reina found herself enclosed by a comforting warmth. Her body contracted defensively at the uninvited contact, her first instinct being to push away the offender. But Ai was stronger than she looked, and Reina had her arms pinned in any case.

Before she could even process what was going on, just as her mind was only catching up to the fact that Ai had just hugged her, the older woman spoke.

"Reina is always strong, and doesn't like being weak. I know you don't like being told what to do, but don't push yourself too hard, alright?"

Ai's voice was gentle, too gentle. It was filled with worry and concern and love. Reina was surprised to find herself trembling in that embrace.

"...and if Reina doesn't like to cry, I'll cry your share too. I'm the crybaby after all. A little more won't hurt." Tears were falling freely from Ai's eyes as she spoke. She wept unabashed, hiding none of her emotions, nose red, cheeks flushed, taking gasping breaths every other word.

It was too much. She was going to break. Reina's lower lip trembled, and she was surprised when she found Ai's hand on the back of her head, guiding her face into the leader's shoulder, hiding the kitten's face from the world.

That did it. Reina bawled. Quietly. But it was bawling nevertheless. Ai's already soaked concert tee gained extra volume with Reina's tears. They wept together, everything in between unspoken. They had no need for words now. It was all understood.

I'll miss you. I know. I won't call you. I will.

Eventually even their tears had an end. Dehydration was becoming a problem anyway. Ai continued stroking the back of Reina's head, for her own comfort or for Reina's, that distinction mattered little.

"Don't you think it's time you grew up a little? Reina's an adult already..." Ai commented idly, tangling her fingers in the kitten's silky hair.

"Don't wanna." Reina muttered, still burrowed into Ai's shoulder.

Ai smiled.

"I'll leave everything to you from now on then." / 「これからよろしくお願いしますね」


A very belated graduation piece. Before everyone goes "of COURSE it has to be ReinAi", I'll say it. Yes, of course I write ReinAi. I imagine Aichan actually went to each member one by one and spoke with them individually after the concert. just a few more last words and all that. It would be typically her to do so. And I bet she cries at every stop. But I feel emotionally attached to Reina and Ai together, so there we go.

Now excuse me while I go bawl in my blankets all over again...


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [22/3 - Graduation]
« Reply #588 on: March 21, 2012, 08:54:34 PM »
I shed a few tears...  :cry: :cry:

You're such an amazing writer.. It feels like I'm reading how it really happened..

Thank you  :bow: :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [22/3 - Graduation]
« Reply #589 on: March 21, 2012, 09:54:19 PM »
im just happy to see you updated! D: you always write such nice stories essy ;3; its like i can feel each pov ;3; crybaby ai is forever cute and so is a stuborn reina. and its never to late~! lol i hope you have more time to write some more :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [22/3 - Graduation]
« Reply #590 on: March 21, 2012, 10:08:26 PM »
Estrea-sama !!!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

It is an honor!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Even if it brings back a bag full of tears: nobody could write up ReinAi like you would!!! The pain, strong front, reassurance, and mostly the tears!
That's what ReinAi is all about and Estrea-sama: showing us in writing how it all develops...well... that's all you!!! And even if your confidence gets low it will all get better. That's mostly the reason why the pen and the paper exist. To build a literary bridge between the image we have of ourselves and our true self buried deep within that image.

Ganbatte Estrea-sama!  :twothumbs

Weild the mighty pen and scribble along everything inside!  :twothumbs

Your characters are yours and nobody elses because in them lies your very bearth, heartbeat, and most affectionate stroke born out of the love you have for the art and what it makes you feel!  ;)

Thank you for another great one-shot and every single piece of writing born by your hands. Arigato!  :cow: -Koei

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [22/3 - Graduation]
« Reply #591 on: March 22, 2012, 06:59:44 AM »
I started in my chair when I saw this, lol. Do you feel a little better now, though? Now that the RenAi is posted here?

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [22/3 - Graduation]
« Reply #592 on: March 30, 2012, 07:46:48 PM »
I laughed in a creepy way when I saw this update. Can't quite describe the sound nor the state of my mind.

Was this as therapeutic to write as it was to read?

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [22/3 - Graduation]
« Reply #593 on: April 29, 2012, 01:21:28 PM »
@sakura_drop_: Thanks. :) I've always loved Ai in a special way XD

@kawaii beam: I'm glad I updated too! I have more time and energy to write now. I hope you like my latest offering too! :3

@Koei: Thank you for your kind comments. :) As usual, your enthusiasm is infectious. I hope I never disappoint you!

@rndm: Yes, yes I do. They have an oddly therapeutic effect on me in recent times. XD

@grac: I want to hear you laugh in a creepy way. For some reason. And yes, it was very therapeutic. It still hurts, but not so much now...

Ok guys, new one shot that is creepy to me on many levels. Well not creepy per se. Just...different. It might disturb some people. You have been warned.



My name is Takahashi Yuu. I am 5 and I like to sing and dance.

"One day I will join the Takarazuka and be an otokoyaku!" I declared at the dinner table. Papa and Mama looked at each other, then at me. But they smiled...right? I can do it! If I work hard enough, anything can happen!

The same night Papa sat me in my room, locked the door, and explained a few things to me. Why I wasn't allowed to go swimming with the neighborhood kids. Why I was homeschooled. Why I was...different.

I was 5 and I didn't understand. The only thing I got out of the whole talk was that Takarazuka would most likely be nothing more than a distant, unattainable dream.

That night, I cried. It would be be the last time I did.

After all, boys don't cry. Even weird ones like me.


My name is Takahashi Ai, a choice I made myself. I am 12 and in the choir at school.

Sensei says I have a beautiful voice. I think I can do better. I practice every day at school.

At home I wear shorts and climb trees with the neighbor boys. Make fun of my little sister, who is a little snitch and hogs all the cute plushies for herself.

I stole her favorite and tossed it down the canal. She started crying like the dog died.

Okay, not even I'm that much of a bad sibling. I went down and got it back for her. Almost drowned in the process, since the next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital.

Mama was bawling her eyes out and hugging me like I already died. No Mama, I'm not dead. Not yet, unless you decided to choke me to death with your bear hug.

My little soldier, my little princess. One thing from you, one thing from Dad. Make up your mind already, which one?

I know I already have.


I am Ai. I am 14 and my hair is now past my shoulders. The boys at school are starting to be a bother. Not that I care. I just like to be left alone to sing. And to dance.

Too bad I had to drop ballet all those years ago. They wouldn't agree with certain things.

Hip hop is a little more forgiving though. And my choir teacher likes me so much that she doesn't even care. She even gives me extra lessons after school.

I like her. I like her a lot.


I lost my virginity in an empty classroom. It was awkward. But it wasn't bad. Goto-sensei knew what she was getting into. I didn't, not really. But I picked it up pretty quickly.

She is a good teacher. I really like her.

The school was a lot less forgiving. They didn't catch us in the act, at least not immediately. We got careless, a few months in. Someone took a picture of us kissing on the rooftop, when we thought we were alone. Sensei was suspended immediately. I only got a warning.

After all, I was just a student. She was a teacher. She was supposed to know better.

It was also the first time I heard the word "lesbian" being whispered behind my back by my classmates. I ignored them.

If only they knew.


It wasn't until the last year of junior high that the shit really hit the fan.

I thought I could avoid it. I thought I could dodge fate, or biology, indefinitely. My luck certainly had seemed to be holding out.

My voice broke. I barricaded myself in my room and refused to come out for a week. Cursed fate, cursed my parents for making a decision they had no business making. Cursed them for not making the decision properly, or thoroughly enough.

I didn't want to be a boy. I wanted to be a girl.

My birth certificate disagreed. Takahashi Yuu, male. The entry in the family register mocked me with its existence. I wanted to be Takahashi Ai. I wanted to sing, to join the entertainment industry. To shine.

But who needs a freak like me? Not fully a boy, not quite a girl.

I cried in my room, where no one could see. I'm supposed to be a boy, but really am a girl at heart.

Girls can cry, right?


I am Takahashi Yuu, 17 and in the drama club. High school life suited me.

It also helped to have moved to an entirely different prefecture. No one knew me there. I could start over. As a boy. I'd cut my hair short. My voice was deeper, now.

I was almost too pretty to be a boy. I hear the whispers among the girls, their giggles. A pretty boy, like out of manga. A little on the short side (curses), but a pretty boy nevertheless.

I don't sing anymore. It depresses me.

It also reminds me of Goto-sensei. I still think of her sometimes.

I am quiet and not boisterous at all. Being in the drama club was a good excuse. Even if some of the guys in class sometimes jokingly call me a fag. I'd hit them and we'd scuffle. I'm not weak, you know.

Girls aren't weak. I am a boy, too. At least physically. Can't I be both?

I don't know. I'm not sure anymore.


Actually I lied. I still sing. Just not in school.

I put on my disguise, which is nothing more than a baseball cap and shades. I complete the ensemble with jeans and a jacket. I've been doing piano since I was forced to give up ballet lessons all those years ago. Now I can put it to use.

I can't pass off as a girl now, with my voice the way it is. If I didn't open my mouth and wore a wig, then yes, I could still look like one. But that's beside the point now, isn't it?

Some things just can't be helped. Singing is in my blood, my soul. I live to perform. I put up a performance every single day, from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall into bed to sleep at night. Boy or girl? What does it matter?

I let people see what they want.

Singing, though, exposes the soul. I dress ambiguously, at a dingy bar where the smoke obscures people from each other. A place where people come to be anonymous. A place where I can be myself.

Every high school student who isn't rich has a part time job. I am no different.

I play and sing for people who probably don't even listen. That doesn't matter.

I'm not singing for them. I'm singing for myself.

Even if my voice has changed. Even if I'm nothing but a fraud, inside and out. I sing because I can. I sing because it's the only thing left to me that isn't a farce.

I sing because I can't even cry out anymore, except in song.

Will you listen?


This was...difficult to write. I wrote this because I was tinkering with some of Ai-chan's solo songs in Audacity to make her sound like a boy. She sounds damn good as a boy, fyi. XD For some reason, I was reminded of IS, a Japanese drama about a person that was born intersexed, with both male and female reproductive organs. It was deep. It was informative. I decided to make it more twisted.

Imagine a baby born male and female. The parents want to let the kid choose which gender, but they had to pick a gender on the birth certificate at the time, and they chose boy. Unfortunately, their 'son' grew up more girly. Or a bit of both, really, as you see from the progression in the fic.

Tempting to make it a full story, but I have too many fic commitments already. :P Feel free to comment! I'm curious to hear your opinions...


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [29/4 - Listen]
« Reply #594 on: April 29, 2012, 04:06:43 PM »
YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME! The emotions were written well. :D

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [29/4 - Listen]
« Reply #595 on: April 29, 2012, 04:27:05 PM »
This is really good! This isn't an easy subject to tackle but you did it admirably as always. Poor Ai/Yuu, I'm curios as to how things turn out later in life, though. Does Yuu decide to become monogendered through surgery? Or eventually come to terms with who he is? Does he get a happy ending or is he one of those poor souls destined to suffer his whole life?

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [29/4 - Listen]
« Reply #596 on: April 30, 2012, 04:22:22 AM »
That...that was absolutely fabulous Estrea! :O  Seriously!  Your mind is like a vortex full of strange, yet completely amazing ideas!

I was a bit confused at first when it went from Yuu to Ai...but then I got it :O Cra~aaaazy! I must TOTALLY suck being born intersex, especially if you're more of the gender that you don't identify with...

I hope you write more :D  Even if it's not a complete full story...a 2, 3, 4, or 5 part would be pretty awesome :D  I can't wait for more from you!~  I've read so many of your one-shots and you are such a talented person when it comes to written expressions~ <3
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [29/4 - Listen]
« Reply #597 on: May 06, 2012, 11:22:34 AM »
I kneeew it. You had me at 'You have been warned' and 'Takahashi Yuu'.

And post them Guy-chan songs!

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [29/4 - Listen]
« Reply #598 on: May 06, 2012, 10:03:53 PM »
Funny enough, I'm a big fan of the singer takahashi yuu lol when I saw that name in your post, you got me hook, line, sinker. Totally. Completely. Well-done!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [29/4 - Listen]
« Reply #599 on: May 20, 2012, 06:02:55 PM »
I kneeew it. You had me at 'You have been warned' and 'Takahashi Yuu'.

And post them Guy-chan songs!

As requested. XD

XD Isn't Guychan sexy? XD


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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