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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203845 times)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [07/02 - Storm in a Teacup]
« Reply #400 on: July 05, 2009, 03:51:25 AM »
aww that was kind of depres....erm deep!

I never thought it would be awkward for these 3 to be alone together.  I think of Eri as this big ball of warmth that people can't help but Gaki and Ai would be in mom and dad mode when left alone with her XD  but of course this is a different spin on things which is far more interesting than what I imagine XD

Of course, it made me feel bad for Gaki though.  It's sad to think that she can't be close to either one of them when they are both around but I like how Eri and Ai don't expect anything from each other XD 

The last line is my favourite.  It's like lesson of the day: two spaced out people in their own world plus one Gaki in off mode don't mix.  XD

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [07/02 - Storm in a Teacup]
« Reply #401 on: July 06, 2009, 01:46:23 AM »
Lemme first off say that I like the title. :lol: But as for the story itself, I almost don't know what to make of it. It's quite plausibly (sp?) true, that there is this sort of tension between Ai and Eri. Their relationships with Gaki are quite different, no doubt about it. But at the same time, I'd like to think they get along in their own way, maybe a bit like the way you described it. Ai and Eri couldn't be more different in terms of personality and actions but opposites do attract at times, yes? I honestly can't stand thinking that the girls are awkward around each other. :D
Thanks for making me think a little today. I'm exhausted but this was a welcome distraction~ :wub:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #402 on: July 08, 2009, 06:45:33 AM »
Estrea and I were chatting and randomly came up with this lovely story for you. Presenting a true crack fic to go. XD

It all started with some nuns. Not your ordinary nuns though. No. They were extraordinary nuns. They were jazz-singing, gun-wielding, assassinating vampire nuns that live on a boat. Missionary nuns on an evangelical trip, out to convert the world and spread the message of Love and Peace (tm) using their love machine to resonate the dreams of people who chase after them so much that they just might cry after a happy summer wedding; in which they wear naked smiles and head out to catch fish on an instinct because they are ambitious and have manpower and even if their tears don't stop, they will keep on walking until they achieve a girl's victory because they know one day everything will be alright as long as they do it now on the unexpected contradiction island where soap bubbles and oranges are plentiful and in their hometown where lights of summer shine down all day and night; a special summer night town where Mr. Moonlight dances to the big band filled with sexy impatience and cheered by noisy girls who are nestled by the gentle breeze, wishing that their dear boy would hold on to them at the love revolution 21 dance site, but this was a young memory, a light of their youth, because of a detective pepper, who always need a cup of morning coffee, came to cast a sorrowful twillight upon the town forcing the nuns to go find the osaka love song, a song about the seeds of love and peace, to free their town and the world because they know they are alive right here and now, so may girls' good luck always travel with the not so ordinary missionary nuns sailing around the world on a boat.
.... the fuck?

Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/24 - Looking At You]
« Reply #403 on: July 10, 2009, 06:22:28 AM »
Storm in a Teacup

Hmmm...narrator's Risa, right?

Ai-chan, on the other hand, seemed to have never even contemplated keeping up with Eri. She was content moving at her own pace, doing her own thing, just like I did. But I accommodated to Eri; she didn't. She simply stuck to being herself, floating along in her own little world, allowing the unpredictable force of nature known as Kamei Eri buffet her along in her wake. Yet she seemed somehow undisturbed despite this, as if she derived some peculiar enjoyment out of simply watching and following along, a nameless spectator in some game.
Oddly enough, I find that this description of Aichan fits me pretty well when it comes to social situations (i.e. situations where I'm with a bunch of other people).

Dissonance. The ripples of the storm spread further. I grip it tighter, as if reluctant to let go. As if afraid to let go. How would such a storm break?

I am still afraid to know. That is why I don't ask. That is why I won't ask. I'll just let it pass.

And next time, we're never going out as a trio like this ever again.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...very interesting observation.  A lot of people don't often think of how relationship dynamics change depending on who or how many people are involved. TakaGaki works. GakiKame works. Considering the mutual link that is Risa, one would (at least) suspect that TakaGakiKame would work as well, but obviously here, that's not the case. It isn't necessarily that they're bad together. The "individual" parts are fine, but put together they just don't seem to work.

Maybe it's just because I'm hungry, but for some reason I'm seeing food analogies for this. For example, put peanut butter and jelly into a sandwich and it works. Put peanut butter and chocolate together and it works. However, a peanut butter-jelly-chocolate sandwich? There's just something..."off" about it. Again, it isn't necessarily that the combination is "bad", but it just doesn't "fit" together.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [07/02 - Storm in a Teacup]
« Reply #404 on: July 16, 2009, 05:08:37 PM »
Why do you always have to make my brain work so hard? :P

But it is worth it since Risa is in the fic XD Are you sure you didn't pick through the girls' brains? Because I'm pretty sure you right on the mark with how you potrayed them.

The genius never fails to impress with her writing *nods*

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [07/02 - Storm in a Teacup]
« Reply #405 on: July 16, 2009, 11:42:59 PM »
EEEEEEEEEEHHHH?! I never commented on this!? Wow, I must have been feeling lazy the day I read this. DX

Damn, never thought of TakaGakiKame this way, but the way you describe them is spot on.

...Poor Risa. DX

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox
« Reply #406 on: October 14, 2009, 12:08:11 AM »
Ok, so I had a most awesome idea at 5am in the morning, and it came in the form of a fairytale. :D

Hopefully it will prove to be interesting. :3


The Bard

It was a story from a long, long time ago...

There once was a princess who was much loved by her parents. Her parents, the king and queen, made sure that the princess never wanted for anything, and kept her safe within the walls of the palace, sheltered from all the evils of the world.

Now everyone knew of how great a love the king and queen had for their dear princess, and so they in turn showered their own fulsome compliments onto the frail little princess, almost fighting among themselves in their eagerness to demonstrate their loyalty to the beloved royals.

Now the princess too loved her parents greatly, knowing how great a love that they bore for her; thus she never disobeyed them, for that was how much she cared. Whatever was given to her, she accepted; whatever her parents wanted of her, she went along with, for she knew that they loved her, and she could do no less for such great concern that they bore for her

So this was how the people perceived their precious little doll of a princess, so beautiful and obedient and ready to please, and loved her more for it. And this princess, so much did she respect the wishes of her parents and the people she loved, never ever spoke a word for herself that was not expected from her by others.

And thus the years rolled by, and this beautiful little girl matured into an even more beautiful young woman. Doll-like in her perfection was this princess, who could do no wrong in the eyes of those who had ever seen or heard of her. It seemed such that she would always be so loved, for it was evident to all that she lived to serve those who loved her.

However this was not to be. For on her 18th birthday, disaster struck.

In this quiet little kingdom, 18 was the age of majority, and all royals were traditionally required to host their own coming of age parties, culminating with a speech to all those gathered in the city square for the occasion. It was a moment greatly anticipated by all, especially for this one princess, whom all had heard so much about.

For this beautiful, sheltered princess had never seen beyond the walls of the palace; so eager to hide her from the cruelty of the world her parents had been. This event would be her official introduction to the people, and there was no other topic as hotly debated in the streets in regards to the appearance of Her Royal Highness.

As for the princess herself, her speech had already been prepared by her loving parents; all she had to do was recite it to her people. She would, as always, hear and obey. For were they not her parents, her liege, and to whom she owed greatest obedience to for all the love they bore for her?

And so it was that the party within the palace, attended by the nobles, went smoothly. The young princess only ever needed to smile and agree with those she conversed with, for any undesirable people and questions were driven away by her stern chaperones flanking her on either side. No one should ever inconvenience her passing, for she was not to be harmed in either word or form.

All too quickly came the speech to the people, and for the first time in her life, the young princess stepped out past the inner walls of the great palace, up to the great battlements that overlooked the rest of the city.

The mass of people gathered below was great. All were eager to see the true face of the princess they had all heard so much about, but had never had the opportunity to see.

The faceless mass blanketed the square below, but the princess was not looking at them. Instead, her gaze was drawn to the horizon, set afire by the setting sun in all its glory, splashing the hills and plains of the country beyond the city limits with rich colors.

"Ah..." Her voice caught in her throat, and she almost forgot to breathe.

Beneath her, the thronged masses gazed adoringly at the beautiful princess now revealed, for indeed she was even more fair than had been rumored, and the people clamored for words from her.

Time stood still as the princess basked in that fiery light. Almost unbidden, thoughts foreign to her came springing to mind.

"I want to go there. I want to see what's beyond the hills." Quiet thoughts, no more than a murmur, and certainly nowhere near in volume from the cheering crowds who longed to hear their beloved princess' voice.

The cheers brought her back to where she was, standing on the great stone battlements as she looked out over at the faceless masses, steel grey in the shadow of the great castle. Her own voice seemed so small, so insignifcant, swallowed up in the massive tide of expectation.

The speech. She clutched it in one hand, knowing that she had to speak it, if only to quell the rising swell of voices raised from the throng below.

Beside her, the two heralds stepped out to the forefront, raising great bugles to signal for silence from the people

The crowd fell silent after the clarion calls, ready and eager for the message. It was time. The princess took a deep breath, and opened her mouth.

But no words came out.

Moments passed in tense, awkward silence, as the young princess tried desperately to say something, but all the words seemed caught in her throat, stubbornly refusing to emerge.

The blazing disk of the sun drew her eyes once more, to those mysterious hills set afire in its light, and again came that deep yearning. The wordless longing engulfed her, rendering her unable to speak, so long had she gone without ever expressing her own wishes, that she no longer knew how to voice it.

Uneasy murmurs came from the gathered people. Surely their princess would address them; was she not the most obedient daughter the great king and queen could ever desire? Was she not their most perfect princess?

A great hush swept over all present, even as the hooded storyteller paused in the tale. When no more seemed forthcoming after a few moments, one child asked.

"What happens next?"

Sounds of agreement came from the other listeners, all held rapt by this strangely woven tale. The storyteller clasped pale, weathered hands together, as if smiling, or not. The hood hid the true face of this wandering bard, who was earning her supper by telling stories for this little encampment.

"What happens?" The voice mused, for the bard was more a voice than anything else now, virtually a wraith in the flickering light from the campfire, further accentuated by the ragged cloak that muffled the person within.

"The people got upset, of course, when the princess did not speak. The cheers became something uglier, and the princess couldn't deal with it. So she collapsed."

"Did a prince come to save her?" Came one childish voice from among the crowd. Nods of agreement came from the other children, who turned eager eyes to the ragged storyteller.

"No." The children pouted, but continued nagging on for details. The bard smiled and continued.

"The King and Queen were most concerned for their precious Princess. They called in the best doctors in all the land to look in on the princess, who had not stirred from her bed ever since that day. The greatest minds in medicine came and went, but none could ever find any physical malady that ailed the young princess."

Wide eyes dominated the young audience, all who were mesmerized by the voice of the storyteller, who raised and lowered it in cadence to match the story unfolding. Now it was low and grave, and it drew the listeners closer to the fire, to better hear what was being said.

"But all knew that from that fateful day onward, the Princess never again uttered a single word."

The voice drew to a close, signalling louder than words that the story had ended. There was a pause, before the children erupted in a flurry of questions.

"You mean that's all?"
"Does she ever get better?"
"Why did she lose her voice?"
"Was it a witch?"
"What happens in the end?"

The children, no longer wary of the strange storyteller, crowded around her and badgered her with questions. Laughing quietly, the bard gently but firmly moved them away, raising her voice again in answer to those questions.

"How does it end, you ask." The children nodded eagerly, leaning forward.

"How do you think it ends?" It was a rhetorical question, but the general response from the young ones all leaned heavily towards a happy ending. The storyteller shook her head.

"Stories like these never really end. They just keep going on."

There was a mixed response to that, but the storyteller would entertain no more questions, and more firmly sent them back to their own beds.

Once more alone by the fire, the storyteller now sat closer to it, shrugging off her hood and pushing her hands as close as she dared towards the dancing flames.

It was in truth, she reflected, an old story. Yet it was not so very long ago; but in this foreign land so far away from the rolling plains of her home country, it might as well have been an eternity away.

The ending had been as vague as could be. Yes, the Princess never again uttered a single word. But if she stopped being a Princess...?

It was a cold night. She gathered her cloak more firmly around herself, curling up next to the fire as it lulled her to a gentle rest, to dream of further places not yet seen, but would someday reach.

For the Bard could go as the wind dictates, carrying songs and stories from different lands, seeing things that the poor, trapped Princess could never have experienced.

I have seen the hills and what lay beyond. Now, the rest of the world awaits.


This could be anyone. But knowing me, you know I'm partial towards Ai-chan. :P I hope you guys like this. :3
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 12:29:12 AM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Saikami

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #407 on: October 14, 2009, 12:12:38 AM »

Ahh, I like this. :heart: Of course, I just imagined Ai as the princess in the first place :lol: I guess she just fits the image in my head. XD

I like how Ai made it sound as if the princess never physically spoke again, but instead rather, she just turned into her own person. <3 Naturally, the children weren't exactly impressed with the ending, because they want happy endings, sucks for them :P I especially love the quote:

"Stories like these never really end. They just keep going on."

because it's so true, especially with the stories with "happy endings". :) It reminds me of the quote from Ever After that is something on the lines of "And while Cinderella and her Prince did live happily ever after, the point, gentlemen, is that they lived." it's not the same, but it just reminded me of it. :heart:

Keep up all the good stuff, as usual! :)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 12:25:37 AM by Saikami »
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #408 on: October 14, 2009, 02:31:50 AM »
Wow, I really like this, in all it's non-angst glory. It was beautifully written as always. Saikami pretty much said what I wanted too...

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #409 on: October 14, 2009, 03:09:37 AM »
i thought of the smae thing X3 ZD princess ai(?) ftw~ XD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #410 on: October 14, 2009, 04:36:49 AM »
Princess Ai, that was a good story to read, the fairy tale, and idk if I have commented here before but I love your writing :thumbup

If I haven't, gomen for lurking
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #411 on: October 14, 2009, 09:47:14 AM »
What's this? What's this?
There's no angst anywhere
What's this?
There's a princess story in the air
What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming
Wake up, Fen, this isn't a renfair
What's this?

A princess turned bard? Don't tell me she'll meet up with a chakram warrior princess with a darker past and explore the world together doing good things??! *gasp!*

But a nice start!   :twothumbs I want to know more; what she'll do and the crazy people she'll meet. :D Perhaps she'll start taking on quests to earn money?! :o Actually, I'm more curious how she escaped the castle? I have a silly image of Takeda helping her escape and he taking her place in the castle. That is the REAL reason why the Princess "can't speak." XD XD

K, I'll stop being a dork now.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #412 on: October 14, 2009, 02:52:08 PM »
I rather enjoyed that, an unconventional take on the fairytale. I think if I got the same story as those kids then I'd be just as unsatisfied... haha, luckily you gave us just a little bit more. :grin:

Ironically, I've literally lost my voice so when I read this I lol'd (nice coincidence) - as much as one can lol without a voice. ^^; Suffering just a day wherein I couldn't really voice myself was bad enough so I can only imagine how the princess felt when tied down to her title for years since it wasn't just her speech that was stifled in that environment. I'd be interested in more of these tales by Ai (?) the bard if you ever get the inspiration.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #413 on: October 14, 2009, 06:13:28 PM »
This fic coming from you, I would imagine Ai as the princess :D But reading on, no idea why but the image of Sayumi keep crossing my mind :P

"But all knew that from that fateful day onward, the Princess never again uttered a single word."
For the Bard could go as the wind dictates, carrying songs and stories from different lands, seeing things that the poor, trapped Princess could never have experienced.
The princess couldn't speak, not because she lost her voice literally, but because for once she couldn't address what is expected of the princess. Rather for once, she wants to voice her wants as the person that she is, that she just discovered. From that moment on, she relinquish her identity as the Princess and assumes the role of the travelling storyteller as we now read :D

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #414 on: October 16, 2009, 01:13:08 PM »
I was imagining Ai's the princess and the bard’s Ai too, as to how, that I do not know. Maybe somewhere in between, there'd be a flashback or something


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #415 on: October 19, 2009, 03:33:06 AM »
I rather enjoyed that, an unconventional take on the fairytale.
My thoughts exactly.

As I read the first third of it I couldn't help but think that the storyteller/narrator might have said this with a hint of sarcasm or even bitterness in his/her voice.

Then upon mention of the 18th birthday ceremonies I couldn't help but think that something major was going to happen...which it sorta did.

THEN I got to the "campfire" part, and I was like "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Clever there little miss bard, if she is who we all think/hope she is."  :)

I could totally picture Aichan in this giving a little smirk. ;D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/14 - The Bard]
« Reply #416 on: October 19, 2009, 09:53:52 PM »
I'm back with an odd little story! That all spawned from one line! :D

And that's the beginning sentence. XD

On with story!



"Of course I have a libido, I'm not defective!"

The indignant voice crashed around the entire dressing room, silencing all who were present at the moment. The tense atmosphere was broken the next second by Risa dropping her hairbrush, followed by some mad scrambling to retrieve it, leading to bumped elbows, knocked knees, hysterical apologies from a flustered Koharu, and some deadly looks coming from the youngest member of the group.

The person with the outburst continued on with her conversation, albeit at a much lower volume, so as not to damage her friend's ear over the phone she was currently holding.

"So yes, I'm not defective; and no, I don't need to know." Pause.

"I don't want to know." Her voice was a little shrill at this point, but still immaculately controlled, despite the rising flush on her cheeks.

"You didn't have to tell me that!"

As one could possibly imagine, the object of the discussion was getting to be increasingly intriguing, and the audience of three (out of the 8 total present who were not involved in the conversation) were getting to be progressively more curious as time went by.

"I'm not going to talk to you again if you keep this up!" Another pause, and three pairs of eyebrows shot up as they watched their highly esteemed, incredibly tiny, and currently, extremely stressed leader move her jaw around in almost inarticulate fury.


Put a dragon in one Takahashi Ai's place, and it would be puffing smoke and flames out of every possible orifice right about now. Except that she was human, and currently, a very red one. There were only so many topics that could make this leader flush to such a degree, which made the three Rokkies watching her very interested indeed.

"Go, just...go now." Ai looked like she was torn in between wanting to laugh and wanting to cry. Her cheeks were returning to their normal tint, and she seemed quite calm by the time she hung up and stuck her phone back into her bag.

"Ai-chan, are you ready to go yet?" Risa asked, completely non-plussed by the odd conversation. Either she completely missed it, or she was simply ignoring it. The curious Rokkies could not decide which, and they missed their chance to ask when their ever-reliable sub leader swept their amiable leader out of the door before they could even blink.

"So, who do you think it was?"

It was Reina who dropped the question in their minds, watching the topic skip across the grey tile of their wide dressing room, skidding to a halt at Sayumi's very large, very pink bag that was lying at said Rokkie's feet. As she expected, her bunny-in-crime picked it up, playing at it thoughtfully. Next to her, a sleepy-looking turtle slouched in her seat, absently playing with her hair while twirling in her swivel-chair. Yes. Twirling.

But never mind that. Back to the topic at hand.

"Hmm..." Sayu seemed to be considering it quite seriously. Reina, impatient, threw a possibility out in a somewhat hushed tone.


"Girlfriend?" Eri deadpanned in mid-swivel, staring upside down at a surprised Reina, who stumbled over in her chair without even getting up. "What?!"

Eri grinned slyly at Sayu, who smirked back at Reina's obvious shock.

"A-anyway, as I was saying..." Reina glowered lightly at the rabbit and turtle. "Who could it possibly be?"

"Well it sounded sort of intimate...maybe..." Sayu contributed (un)helpfully. Eri chirped in.

"Maybe it's Miki!"

Long pause. Reina seemed to actually think about that, but Sayu dismissed it out of hand.

"For goodness sake, she's already married!"

"And you think that would actually stop her?" Came Eri's reply. More silence, as the Rokkies pondered on the truth of that statement.

"Ai-chan couldn't possibly be..." Reina started a little weakly.

"What couldn't Ai-chan possibly be?" Came a cheerful voice from behind, as Risa popped out from seemingly nowhere. Ai was not with her. Probably off doing leader-ish things while the sub leader came back to rouse the rest of the troops. Delegation of duty, that was how the Gokkie leadership worked.

"Come on, stop chitchatting, we'll run late if you do." The responsible sub leader managed to pry all three out of their chairs with minimal effort, since the Rokkies were professionals, after all.

As they stepped out of the dressing room in a group, a bright idea came to Sayumi, and she turned on her reliable senpai.

"Gaki-san! Do you know who Ai-chan was talking to just now?"

Risa blinked, as she suddenly noticed three sets of very intent eyes trained on her. The predatory intent inherent in those gazes was somehow intimidating.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Well, don't you think that conversation was just a little weird...?" Reina tried pushing the idea subtly, or not so subtly, across. "Ai-chan was getting so...flustered..."

"Ah, that..." Risa frowned thoughtfully. "That's normal for them though, I think."

"You know who it is then!" Reina and Sayu burst out at the same time. Eri however, tilted her head to one side and asked.


The other two Rokkies gave her a look for not being synchronized with them, but Eri only giggled it off as if it were nothing. Fortunately for her, that always worked to get her off the hook. So she was never above using it. Like right now.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Risa seemed genuinely puzzled, and not as reaction queen as she should have been. An odd realization was beginning to rise in two of the three Rokkies...

"So who is it?" Surprisingly, Eri was the one who moved it forward. She wasn't always as slow as her turtle persona seemed to be.

"Well, it's just..."

"Gaki-san! What's taking you so long?"

Risa was cut off from revealing the truth just as the object of the discussion flounced in from behind the group, making the guilty trio jump. Risa, however, held no such qualms, as she had absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

"Ah, Ai-chan, these three were just asking me about..."

"How we should really get going or we'll be late!" Sayu cut in smoothly to prevent Risa from revealing their line of questioning. Reina shot a grateful glance at the quick-witted bunny.

"Yes, we should be going..." Risa shot them a weird glance as Ai started to drag her away. The three Rokkies paused for a split second, as if in indecision, before trailing a few steps behind the Gokkie pair.

"Well that was close...we could have found out already..." Reina grouched. Sayu, however, had a worried expression on her face. Eri, noticing this, clung to Sayumi's arm, tugging on it slightly as if to ask her what was wrong. Sayu, when she did speak, had a slightly stunned look in her eyes.

"If Gaki-san knows..." Reina raised one brow.

"Doesn't that mean that she also approves?"

Silence. Even Eri didn't break that moment with something odd.

"Oh god..." Reina muttered. Eri however, shushed both girls on either side of her, gesturing at the pair ahead, who were talking about something between themselves.

"I can't believe she was telling me all that..." Ai was saying, or at least seemed to be saying. She was not exactly talking at a volume to be heard from a few meters away.

"About Fujimo..." A bunch of staff members trundled past with equipment, cutting off the rest of Risa's reply from their hearing.

The Rokkies had heard enough though.

"Oh my god."
"This is big."

The trio babbled out in hushed, horrified tones. They couldn't believe their ears. Sure, it was one thing to have boyfriends despite company policy. Sure, it was another thing to have girlfriends, despite how abnormal it could be. But...adultery? With another girl? More importantly, Ai? Takahashi Ai? The goody goody model leader of the group?

The world as the Rokkies knew it was ending.


Aika watched her target intently, except in a totally non-intent manner that would have betrayed the intensity of her scrutiny. She was good at that. The languid pose she so carefully cultivated only aided in that impression.

In a way, she was very sad that Koharu was going to be graduated. She would no longer be able to spend time with the older girl. Which was definitely a pity. She rather liked Koharu.

Hence why she was spending all her attention and free time indulging in Koharu-watching for now. She had to capture more memories of her somewhat ditzy senpai before she left.

Aika was a little strange like that.

She almost ignored everything else to exclusion, though she did notice the somewhat strange outburst Leader (no, Ai-chan, she mentally corrected with a smirk) had over the phone. It was a little strange, but she merely filed that under something to note for later in her mind.

Right now, top priority was one Kusumi Koharu. Time was short with her, so she had to grasp it while it was still around.

They had to gather soon, so Aika pestered Koharu into going with her first, so that Ai-chan wouldn't have to make two trips to come collect them later. Her Rokkie senpais seemed to be doing some serious pow-wowing, so she decided to leave them alone for now.

Naturally, Koharu got mildly distracted by something along the way, making Aika tag along with her. Aika didn't mind too much. They still had a little time, and the walking clock known as Niigaki Risa would probably serve as a reminder when she would pass by to gather the wandering Rokkies they had left behind.

Thus it was a little later when, somewhat to her surprise, she saw Ai-chan stop by the side corridor where she was chilling with Koharu to tell them that they had 5 minutes to get to the gathering place, before said leader zipped off down the corridor to collect her sub leader and the errant Rokkies.

With a shrug, Aika managed to get Koharu to move along with her, but they hadn't managed to go very far when they were cut off by staff members moving stage equipment down the somewhat narrow hallways. Thus it was that they were able to witness the following conversation.

As they waited, Aika heard the familiar voices of Leader and Sub Leader chatting on the other side of corridor that was blocked by the moving equipment.

"About Fujimon?" Risa sounded amused, yet relaxed at the same time.

"Yes! I don't need to know about private details, but Yukina-chan keeps teasing me about...this and that..." Ai sounded embarrassed and more than a little sulky at the same time.

"You're too pure, Ai-chan~" Risa teased, the Gokkie pair coming into view as the last of the equipment boxes were moved past them.

"Am not!" Ai retorted, puffing out her cheeks indignantly as the friendly pair continued on their way.

Aika smiled as followed after them, noting in passing the somehow frozen Rokkie trio some distance behind.

"Michishige-san and the rest seem a little odd today." Koharu remarked next to her, and Aika nodded, commenting.

"Maa, adults are weird."

That, at least, was something they could always agree on.



In case you didn't figure it out, Aichan was talking about Kinoshita Yukina, who happens to be dating a comedian called Fujimoto Toshifumi, aka Fujimon. I just thought that it'd be funny if Yukina was teasing Ai with slightly pervy details about her own relationship, and Aichan, being Aichan, would be all "nooooo" at it. One thing leads to another, then came the defense about her having a libido, and misunderstandings from the Rokkies who only heard half of the conversation...both conversations. XD Yay jumping to conclusions? :lol:

Hope you guys like this!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 10:16:22 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/20 - Half-Boiled]
« Reply #417 on: October 19, 2009, 10:15:02 PM »
that explained it, I had a thought of the person but didn't know she was dating Fujimon (Sorry I don't keep up with japanese entertainment). Misinterpretation? The rokkies are like "wow Takahashi and Fujimoto" Now I can see why you would never go into the middle of conversations lol

Well good job, too bad I'll never be a great writer like you, well I'll try but it won't come out, ne ways keep it up
Random Thought:


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/20 - Half-Boiled]
« Reply #418 on: October 19, 2009, 11:03:35 PM »
oh~ X3 it's so cute and it teaches u a lesson XDDDD now if u only make a risa b-day fic i shall love u even more X3 XD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/20 - Half-Boiled]
« Reply #419 on: October 20, 2009, 03:21:11 AM »
The Bard

lol the title...makes me think of old men in tights :ph43r:...or a jolly fellow playing the mandolin XD

I kept thinking the princess was Eri...just cause she seems the most princess like in the group XD  of course, I also knew at the same time it would be Ai chan XD

The storyteller clasped pale, weathered hands together, as if smiling, or not.

and the thought that I couldn't shake after reading the story?  the hands!  the poor hands!  poor princess-bard... the desert has no moisture  :k-sad:


LOL half-boiled! so funny  :lol:

"Of course I have a libido, I'm not defective!"

libi...did I look that up before?...oh it was something else  :ph43r:

now to think:

whose this that Ai chan could be talking to?  Well if Risa's in the same room and not on the phone..then it must be Fujimoto!

"Maybe it's Miki!"
yeah, good thinking Eri! 

"For goodness sake, she's already married!"'s got a point but it's Miki we're talking about!

"And you think that would actually stop her?" Came Eri's reply.
ah Eri, we agree on so much!

But...adultery? With another girl? More importantly, Ai? Takahashi Ai?

ah silly Rokkies...Ai chan doesn't even know the word Adultery XD   Probably another fact that Aika knows and they don't XD

hehe the awesome Rokkiness!!!  :nya: Eri~ :nya: Sayu~ :nya: Reina~

Totally love this story!   :mon inluv:

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