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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203860 times)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/07 - Six Degrees]
« Reply #500 on: July 11, 2010, 08:50:28 AM »
Hahaha, brilliant.  Those are the kinds of moments I think life is worth living for.  I don't recall any moment I've had where I've known a stranger in this way, but I have had moments with complete strangers that have made me feel close to them, like we have some special bond even though we only just locked eyes for three seconds while riding a train.

As usual, I praise your skill in the way you weave sentences together.  I also think you've captured the actions of someone in this situation (I imagine) perfectly.  Like the emotional response (discomfort, here, of the stranger) of someone in such a weird, personal moment.

Favourite part?
Quote from: Essy
The words, even awkward as they were, ends the suspended moment. Like a touch to an overly taut line, the tension hums for less than a moment, and then it snaps with the jingling of change and the crackling sound of rustling plastic.

The customer merely nods, jerkily, eyes shifting away to anywhere but there, a new tension in the small shoulders dwarfed by that monster of a coat.

Now I have to ask: what happened to you today at work?  I would love love love to hear the story of that.  I will pick your brain later.  :D
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/07 - Six Degrees]
« Reply #501 on: July 11, 2010, 07:51:16 PM »
Ai-chan the conbini worker is too cute. I have cute mental images~~~ :wub:
It bothers me that I can't figure out who this coated figure is. I know who it's NOT. :lol: Fuck, Essy...I know you're laughing at me and "whistling cheerfully". :P
Annoyance aside, this was definitely all I imagined it to be and more~ That one moment of's awkward but in a way, comforting. At least that's how I feel.
*munches my Stegosaurus cookie*, it's impossible for me to get that T-Rex so I'll just enjoy this. :nervous

Edit: *now munches T-Rex cookie* I win. XD All it takes is a little research...and an Essy to confirm with.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 08:08:01 PM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/07 - Six Degrees]
« Reply #502 on: July 11, 2010, 09:30:48 PM »

Oh dear... I missed a few one shots. lol

The afternoon nap is cute. I remember seeing that picture on Sayu's blog and was thinking what happened to the little white rabbit after the monkey got through with her. XD Hmmmmm.... part 2: The torture and death of the little white rabbit

Poor kids... watching the older members get it on in the changing room. LOL Shame on Rokun influencing you and corrupting the little ones, but if it leads to some yummy Reinai I guess I could forgive him. XD

6 degrees... the only thing I can think of is that relation thing on how you could know everybody in the world by 6 degrees of relation or whatever. Hehehe. Hmm.. I wonder who it could be in that big overcoat... a catgirl? *le gasp*

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/07 - Six Degrees]
« Reply #503 on: July 18, 2010, 10:33:24 AM »
Six Degrees


Yeah. Wow.  :P

You know, I knew you were a really good writer before... but after reading this particular one-shot, this one fact is blinking in my head like neon lights. Awesome!  :thumbsup

I think your writing style suits this kind of tone/mood EXTREMELY well. I mean, your fluff is good (though I still have yet to read non-ReinAi fluff from you XD)... but I feel this is something a few levels above that.

Such a simple scenario, and you pulled out something this impressive. Great structure, great expression, great great great!

Wondering who the over-sized coat bearer is. Reina? You seem to be in favour of this coupling, but I can't be sure. Need more clues. Or do you think you've provided enough for us to begin making inferences?

Loved how you portrayed the meeting of eyes, that first connection, and the power of it. That was definitely my favourite part.

(Not sure if this was intentional on your part, but you started off with present tense, slipped into past tense for a good portion of it and then fell back into present tense... I was wondering for a while if this had anything to do with the story itself  :nervous I'm thinking not? If so, then pardon me, I've become too used to picking up on these little things thanks to the last 6 years of it being my job. But just maybe it does...)

Thank you for writing this!
Looking forward to the next part  :heart:

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/07 - Six Degrees]
« Reply #504 on: July 19, 2010, 07:23:05 PM »
More Than Three
(or: Jesus Christ it's a lion get in the car!!!)

Sometimes you end up in a place you didn't think could ever exist, because it was too impossible, that it could never happen to you of all people...

Only to look back in life and see that, oh my, yes, there it was all along.

Hindsight is always perfect, if splotchy. Sometimes it's the things you don't remember that make a lot more sense than the things you actually do.

Then again, what is life if it all made sense to begin with?


Internship was awful.

She thought that the first day she stepped into the company, and one month later, the feeling had only been intensified a hundredfold.

I actually have a mind! She fumed to herself silently. Being reduced to brewing and serving coffee was quite a blow to the dignity. Even repeating old cliches about service being a reward of its own failed to calm the disgruntled feminist in her. Perhaps taking that exchange to San Francisco during her university tenure and doing a course on Gender Studies was not the smartest move she had ever made. Not knowing what she was missing would perhaps be a tolerable alternative to suffering in silence.

To add insult to injury, she found that her favorite coat was missing from where she hung it with all the other female employees. As if being made to wait on half a dozen balding, overweight salarymen was not punishment enough! She inwardly wanted to smack herelf on the forehead, but considered herself in hostile territory and refrained from doing so.

At least there was a coat left at all. Being the last to leave, there was only the one coat remaining. With the sigh of one who had no other choice, she took the hulking mass of leather and buckles from the rack. It certainly did not match her personal outfit, which she had swiftly put on after being graciously allowed to leave.  She briefly contemplated braving the cold without that atrocious piece of material, but moving within ten steps of the exit changed her mind immediately.

Did it drop twenty degrees during the day? Even with the double doors, she thought she could feel the chill settling in on the ugly tan carpet with the green company logo. She eyed the outside with obvious misgiving, her shifting glance catching the eye of the security guard sitting at his post by the reception. He leered at her, and she felt an odd sense of nakedness under that stare.

Suddenly the cold felt more welcoming than the building. She was out in seconds, having slipped into the coat, or rather, been engulfed by it, her cheeks flushing against the sudden cold snap.

Her legs moved automatically, her mind numbed by the icy fingers of wind that were evidently dissecting her brain. Vaguely, she wished for a hat, but was grateful she had a scarf at all. No, that did not make sense to her either. Or maybe it did. Was her best friend's airheadedness finally infecting her as well? That certainly would not do.

As if the mere thought summoned said friend, her phone began to vibrate in her bag. She failed to notice it for several moments, being utterly focused on trying to get to the station without being blown off the sidewalk. The wind was not helping, though the coat which was not hers was mercifully warm. And not as musty as she had been dreading. It was just...ugly.

Almost stumbling on a cracked bit of pavement, she managed to save herself from an ungraceful tumble using the athletic grace that had fortunately stayed with her from her days on the team during college. It was also then that her phone finally got her attention by flying out of her bag, still vibrating with a vengeance.

With reflexes that would have put Bruce Lee to shame, she managed to snag her phone in midair, hop around on her heeled boots to prevent a disgraceful spill, and not bump anyone else in the process. She skidded to a stop, phone in hand, a flushed but triumphant smile on her face, then noticed the hidden glances of those passing by her. The scrutiny immediately quieted her, making her shrink and fade away, even as her inner feminist warred with her inner traditionalist for dominance.

The nail that sticks up must be hammered down! Yelled one.

For Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! Cried the other.

Oh shut up! She imposed radio silence on both voices, before picking up the phone.

The voice on the other end was most definitely not drunk. Nonsensical and a little strange yes, but that was her best friend. It was normal...

Oh who am I kidding, she sounds like an old man when she's been drinking...wait, she already got started without us?!

The monthly get-together, or girls' night out, was something she had really been looking forward to for the past week or so. She was completely ready to get smashed and pass out on the floor in her best friend's huge apartment, hangover be damned. And she was the voice of reason in the group. Clearly, stress was not helping her keep a clear head.

" better buy a few more cans of beer to tide us over until Yocchan can come over with that carton from her aunt's place...and make it snappy!"

The switch from drunken old man to drill sergeant didn't even make her blink. Sure, it made her eyebrow twitch a little, but she was nothing if not easy-going. It helped her maintain her sanity even through the strangest things her circle of friends kept putting her through. Sometimes it almost felt like nothing could ever catch her offguard.

Still, a carton? Just how much is she planning to drink anyway?

She figured she'd find out when she got there. Spying a convenience store across the street, her legs propelled her there in double-time. The wind had done a number on her hair, and she was acutely aware that she looked a mess by her usual exacting standards. Well, not as exacting as her best friend when said best friend was sober, but she did always prefer a more natural look compared to the artfully styled manner the other woman preferred.

"You know I luuuuuuuuvvvvvv ya, dont'cha, Shibacchan?"

She sighed, her breath forming a little cloud before her lips. The convenience store was only metres away. Now to get this over and done with.

"Yes Rika-chan, I love you too. Now stay where you are and don't move until I get there, alright?"

A few more tipsy giggles and exchanged words later, a very frazzled Shibata Ayumi finally managed to hang up on her longtime best friend, wondering if the world had something against her that week, or whether it was just that day only.

If only she really knew the irony of her own words right then.


Now to answer some of the comments I received. XD

@Commie: Mhm it was strange to have that kind of moment, it felt so intimate. Weird. Especially since it was a total stranger. Thanks! I tried to capture how I felt lol. I'm glad it came through well. <3

@Fen: Yes you missed a lot! And you get a special cookie for guessing right! It is six degrees of separation I was referencing. :D :D :D

@strawhead: Yes, yes, you only got it because I gave you a titanic hint. :P But enjoy this part as well. Haha.

@Beecubed: I must have mentioned it before, but your comments make me feel fuzzy inside because of how you phrase them. :lol: I'm a sucker for well written flattery/praise. orz XD Hopefully I actually deserve them, but yes! I enjoy vignette writing the most because I cherish scenes so much. Haha. The tense portion, hmm...I did it quite unconsciously to portray the shifting perspectives within Ai's mind. One moment the detached observer reporting her day and the things she sees, the next a blow by blow account as she is taken from her little observer's post and thrust into the front lines. Might not be the best way to get things across, but well...I'm fairly loose on tenses sometimes. ^^; And thank you for reading!

:D To everyone else, thanks for reading as well! Haha. I'm glad I could bring enjoyment to people through my writing. Also, I would think that the reference for the title is incredibly blatant this time round. I'm sleep deprived and operating on 4 hours sleep and then going on for 18 hours awake today. Insanity! But that's when the loopiest writing comes out. XD As well as the corny jokes. Essy goes crazy and writes weird shit when exhausted. Lmao.

And now, I sleep!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 02:26:56 AM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #505 on: July 19, 2010, 07:46:05 PM »
i feel like im missing sommething....i still dont get it XD its epic though XDDD i guess i'm not paying full attention to it?? idk XD

have a good sleep then~ u deserve it :twothumbs
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Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #506 on: July 19, 2010, 11:37:18 PM »
You're right, this is hilarious!!! Shiba-chan is win. Drunk Rika is also pretty a drunken kind of way. :lol: I also had a fun time imagining Shiba-chan preventing herself from falling...the triumphant grin :grin:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #507 on: July 20, 2010, 10:39:17 AM »
Drunk Rika for the win :lol:
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #508 on: July 20, 2010, 11:18:40 AM »
Poor Shibata :lol: :lol: I'm quite curious to see where this is going.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #509 on: July 20, 2010, 05:21:26 PM »
Shiba-chan.  :heart:  Essy.  :heart: :heart:

Quote from: Estrea
Even repeating old cliches about service being a reward of its own failed to calm the disgruntled feminist in her. Perhaps taking that exchange to San Francisco during her university tenure and doing a course on Gender Studies was not the smartest move she had ever made.

MADE ME ROFFLE.  True, ignorance can be bliss. ^o^

I went "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH" out loud when the last coat was left.  Took me then to realise it was the other side of the story. ^^  Yay for multiple POVs. ;)

I feel... nodded at.  :lol: :love:

So... gonna make this a three shot?  Four shot?  Keep going... (Maybe Tachibana has a POV, too '_')
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/07 - Six Degrees]
« Reply #510 on: July 28, 2010, 04:15:00 PM »
@Beecubed: I must have mentioned it before, but your comments make me feel fuzzy inside because of how you phrase them. :lol: I'm a sucker for well written flattery/praise. orz XD Hopefully I actually deserve them

Hehhee, I'm glad.  :)
I've had to learn to comment properly. I do correct and comment on Year 12 work after all!
And yup, you do deserve them. I think you have the potential to take your writing very far.

I enjoy vignette writing the most because I cherish scenes so much. Haha.

Me too. ^___^ I think a lot of fanfic writers forget to just stop, breathe and take some time to focus on scenes - on the little details and the eloquent thoughts. Probably not do it all the time, but every now and then is really good for some mood making.  :yep:

The tense portion, hmm...I did it quite unconsciously to portray the shifting perspectives within Ai's mind. One moment the detached observer reporting her day and the things she sees, the next a blow by blow account as she is taken from her little observer's post and thrust into the front lines. Might not be the best way to get things across, but well...I'm fairly loose on tenses sometimes. ^^; And thank you for reading!

That makes sense, though if it was your intention, it wasn't very obvious  :nervous
It's okay, I think tense is one of the hardest things for people to grasp. I have trouble with it too! But yeah, it doesn't subtract from the reading in any way, only if it's all over the place and becomes distracting. You've done plenty fine  :love:

OK, now to the comment...

I'm surprised kawaii beam didn't get it... you probably weren't concentrating there friend   :P

I'm also surprised that the person turned out to be Shiba-chan!  :shocked: I DID NOT expect it to be her... any particular reason why it's Shiba-chan and not Reina?  :D Lovely you mentioned Rika & Yossie too (drunken Charmy =  :bow:), please make sure to mention them many more times in the coming installments  :grin:
The relationship details between Rika/Yossie/Shiba-chan are still a little vague at this point; wonder who likes who. Drunken Rika offering an I-love-you to Shiba-chan over the phone mightn't mean anything  :nervous

So that's why Shiba-chan's sporting such a massively out-of-place coat. So that's why Shiba-chan is heading off to the convenience store. So that's how they first meet. I am REALLY looking forward to more of this story. Really really.

Again, very well written and I really like the way your writing flows, and the way you get from a to b so smoothly in any story or one-shot or chapter or whatever. It's just great to see!  :heart:

Thank you for writing this and

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #511 on: July 28, 2010, 04:21:57 PM »
*falls on face after reading Beecubed comment* damn i feel dumb now XDDD i wasnt realy concentrating XD i readi t like as soon as i woke up XDDD sorry^^;
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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #512 on: July 28, 2010, 06:47:13 PM »
We interrupt this story to bring you breaking news.

(12:43:07):     it could, but I had that idea for another story
(12:43:13):     in which I had backgrounds for everyone
(12:43:39):     like Gaki being a divorcee who had a miscarriage and is now unable to safely bear a baby to term
(12:43:42):     ...XD;
(12:43:59):     LOLWTF
(12:44:07):     you....
(12:44:08):     ok
(12:44:16):     everyone complains that *I* put my charactesr through hell
(12:44:21):     they obviously forgot about YOUR charaters
(12:44:23):     *c
(12:44:26):     XDDDDDD
(12:44:44):     cos I'm awesome sauce and make them forget with all the hawt sexx0rs I write
(12:44:45):     XD
(12:44:55):     LMFSDAOFKLOLOL
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #513 on: July 28, 2010, 11:15:55 PM »
LOL essy you are so right with those XDDDDDDDDD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #514 on: July 29, 2010, 09:56:57 AM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG Essy-sama, poor Gaki.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #515 on: July 29, 2010, 09:14:25 PM »
Fufufu, another update.

More insanity ahead, because an Essy at 3am is a crazy one. Yesh. Fear the insanity!



Falling House of Cards

Some things just stick to you your whole life. Like a piece of old chewing gum getting stuck on your sole, never coming off no matter how hard you try, to the point where you just give up and keep on walking. After all, it's not like it actually gets in your way. It's just simply there.

Sometimes we find things we never expect to pick up. A pretty penny on the floor that someone dropped, something shiny out of a pocket. Little things, insignificant things. Things that we can forget, even let go of and not know, but somehow they just end up finding their way back into our hands.

Some things just don't go away. Maybe if we ignore it hard enough, throw it away often enough; maybe then, just maybe, it would finally bounce off and never be seen again. And we would continue on our merry way, none the wiser to what was lost, because it had never been gained.

It could happen. But do you want it to?


Somewhere along one word and the next, she had forgotten what she was supposed to be listening to, her attention riveted instead to a single, trembling little ball. It rolled gently in a spot, swaying ever more precariously closer to the edge, the vibrations of wood and metal below it a silent partner to its eventual fate.

It was pretty insignificant by any standard, but for some reason, she just kept watching. Just wanted to see when it would finally fall, as she knew it would, and how.

Sometimes, waiting was half the fun. The eventual result, however predictable, didn't matter.

A glass slammed down on the scored surface, the shockwave spilling out like a tidal wave. She felt almost disappointed as the ball fled over the edge like a refugee seeking asylum, only to find that it was like jumping out from a frying pan into the fire. Like how so many refugees in real life discover.

The analogy amused her, and she found herself smiling unconsciously before her attention was abruptly seized (forcibly so, one might add), by her (self proclaimed) bestest friend in the world.

"This is your party, Shiba-chan!" No, it did not feel like it. She would have picked somewhere with better atmosphere. Like a nice cafe. With books. And coffee. Good coffee.

"You're no longer an intern!" A fact to be celebrated! A dozen miniatures of herself began dancing in a Las Vegas kickline, to some nameless, meaningless pop song she didn't remember the words to. Ah, America, the things you leave in one's brain!

"So drink up! It's on the house!" A very undrunk, but still very hyper, Ishikawa Rika clapped a bemused Shibata Ayumi on the back. Above, a gaudy disco ball shimmered in the dimmed lights, sending assorted refractions all over the walls.

Tacky, a snobby little voice inside her sniffed. She had to agree with it. While the whole place was still a great deal classier than its neighbors, it still lacked a certain gravitas. Then again, it was a club, and not an exclusive one, at least not in the usual terms.

It was a special place...and one she gravely hoped to never encounter any familiar faces in. Because, seriously, she did not need to know if any of her more normal friends were...into these things. It was bad enough that all her close friends seemed to be ridiculously deviant (and proud of it!). She certainly didn't need her normal existence threatened by more unexpected revelations.

Being the only sane person in a circle of absolutely crazy people could be utterly exhausting. So Shibata believed. Normal, rational people would have flown out of such company like a bat out of hell the moment the weirdness started showing, but somehow she had stayed.

Because, she reasoned, someone needed to keep an eye on them. Or at least, be able to post bail for them in case anything happened.

She liked to be prepared for eventualities, should they ever occur.

The sane, rational part of her would never admit that she actually enjoyed the crazy hijinks they pulled her on. It was kind of like wakeboarding --- being pulled along at high speeds, cresting the waves, the wind in your hair, the spray of the sea --- just living in the moment.

Shibata liked being alive. Merely living was much too boring.

Rika was talking about her Yocchan again. Shibata rolled the ice in her glass around, idly watching the play of lights across the cubes as they clinked gently against the sides. She loved her best friend, but sometimes Rika could be a little too much for anyone. Then again, it wasn't like she never listened. If there was anything she was good at, it was multitasking.

"You aren't listening, are you?" The smile on Rika's face never faded, which just upped the danger level for anyone who really knew her. The more glassy her smile got, the wider it went...the more trouble you were in. Rika was just warming up right now, but years of experience had taught Shibata well.

Do not mess with the Ishikawa. She will kill you. Really.

And she will smile over your fucking grave.

Suppressing the chill of foreboding that ran through her spine, Shibata turned her full attention (or at the very least, an intent expression) on Rika, smiling back mildly.

"You were saying that Yossi's been working more shifts for her aunt, and that between her day job and this one, you guys haven't been hanging out as much. Also, your neighbor needs to stop singing in the shower because the walls aren't soundproof, and it's kind of like hearing nails screeching on a blackboard every evening. Oh and, Fujimoto got married and you didn't go because you were at...wait, Fujimoto got married?!"

Rika just continued staring at her with that creepy smile-that-was-not-a-smile. The glassiness was fading, which was a good sign. Now, she simply looked amused.

"You know, sometimes I'm never actually sure if you listen, because you do...and you don't at the same time." Rika rested her chin on an open palm, eyes glinting in private amusement. "At least your ability to repeat everything you've ever heard within the last hour is still intact."

Shibata snorted. That ability was why any of them had passed midterms at all. Or for that matter, graduated with honors, in her case.

But back to the point. So one of their fellow teammates had gone and gotten married. The most unlikely one too...Shibata couldn't imagine anyone taming that tiger(ess) from Hokkaido.

Except one person. And they couldn't have gotten married, because, well, this is Japan. Not San Francisco.

Pity, that was one couple Shibata actually approved of. In a vague, roundabout way. But she approved. Because it was adorable.

And also because the Queen was downright fucking scary. Though still a good friend of hers.

Yeah, she kept some really strange company.

 "So, she's...married." Shibata rolled the concept around in her mind. Fujimoto. Married. It really didn't click.

"I was surprised too. Came out of nowhere." Rika said with a shrug. "Then again, we never really kept in contact after graduation, not with her anyway." Here, Rika gave her a sideways glance.

"I thought you would have known, since, you know..."

Ah, yes. Because she knew the Queen. Sometimes also known as Matsuura Aya.

Shibata shrugged eloquently. "We talk, but you know her. She's an ice queen even to her friends." She mentioned a bit of trouble some time back, but that was it.

That 'bit of trouble' coming from an infamous ice queen should probably have set alarm bells off in her head, but the normally astute Shibata had more than likely missed it while trying to disentangle herself from the coils of the great dragon known as Work. Or rather, back then, the Internship. It was wonderful to finally be free and employed on her own terms elsewhere.

Though, she reflected, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.

The year as an intern had passed quickly, and she had also gone on to better things. The entire reason why she was at a club, at this club, was because Rika had spontaneously decided that her new job was worth celebrating, and of course, any opportunity to hang out with her Yocchan was a big bonus. That and, Yossi's aunt was a generous, if scary, woman. They could probably drink for free for as long as they wanted, since they were her precious niece's friends.

Though Shibata sincerely hoped they did not run into her. Few people intimidated her, but only an idiot was not intimidated by THE Nakazawa Yuko.

Shibata was anything but an idiot. Or, as Rika put it, 'our resident shrink, encyclopedia, dictionary, and GPS, all in one person'. She felt the love right there. Really.

Or not.

She was out of juice, since she strictly refrained from chugging large quantities of alcohol ever since that day. Rika still dredged it up whenever she ran out of material. The mere memory (or non-memory, since she still couldn't remember what happened that day, only its horrifying aftermath) was mortifying. That was when (and why) she swore never to get drunk again. Losing control of one's higher faculties was never a good idea, even in the worst of times.

As if on cue, the door to the private suite opened, but Shibata barely paid it any attention. Just another of the waitresses working there, from the barest glance at the movement. Rika had called for more drinks, so it did not surprise her to see someone coming in with the order.

Still, breeding and natural societal graces kicked in, and she thanked the nameless, faceless person with a brief smile without even really looking at said person. Putting down her empty glass, she reached out for the fresh one while keeping one eye and ear on Rika, opening her mouth to speak something in reply when time suddenly slowed to a crawl all around her.

It was cold. Of course the glass is, it's an iced drink. Warm, just a touch, a spot. Wet, just a little. Like tears, but that's silly, that's just condensation running down the glass...

Her thoughts ran over and on top of her observations, flights of fancy getting churned over with the facts. It was soft, almost smooth. Skin, hand, fingers?

She could feel all the calluses and wrinkles unseen, their fingers locked in a lovers' embrace around the arc of the frosted glass, barely touching, more than a brush, less than a caress. Just a section of skin against skin, so small as to be insignificant, but she felt...

And was abruptly thrust away, the contact breaking off as quickly as it had begun, and the clock started ticking once more. The nameless, faceless waitress babbled an apology so garbled that she could barely understand it as Japanese (it sounded like a fusion of Greek and Portugese, maybe with a touch of Spanish?), before fleeing the room like a gust of wind in spring.

Shibata remained frozen, one finger still arched outwards, as if still seeking the contact lost. Her breath, as it was, had literally been stolen from her lungs. She almost forgot to start breathing until she started seeing spots in front of her eyes, and her hacking wheeze made Rika pause in concern over her wellbeing.

Breathing helped. Air entered, circulated, rejuvenated her jarred thoughts. Slowly, deliberately, she ran one hand over the finger that had been, for one, perfect moment, utterly alive, all on its own. She processed, savored, stored away, and utterly forgot it all, as the wheels of her mind kept on turning and turning...

There had been no thunder bolt, no electric current, no instant spark to set off a forest fire of passion or anything of the like. Just a single moment of awkwardly intimate contact with someone she couldn't even name or place, a faceless stranger like the masses she passed by every day in her life, unremembered.

Her mind dismissed the encounter. But her body remembered.

Touch was, after all, still one of the most primal forms of contact.

Shibata laughed, talked, and lived. The incident, no stranger than the sort of things that had a tendency to happen to her, fell completely out of her awareness.

It was just one more thing to be remembered when all the pieces were in place.


Title is not meant to make sense. I'd be surprised if it did.

Now I crawl into bed because I HAVE WORK IN LESS THAN NINE HOURS AGGGGGHHHH!!!!!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/07 - Falling House of Cards]
« Reply #516 on: July 29, 2010, 10:38:07 PM »
Wow, this chapter had a sort of intensity to it that the others didn't. Maybe the atmosphere, maybe the detached thoughts of the wandering Shibata, or maybe it's just the insanity of three am on the other side of the world. Whatever the cause, I still find myself screaming, "Who?! Who is it~!?" and shaking my monitor as if it would give me the answers I seek. Yeah, I really wanna know, mostly because I want to see another story up by you, since I was beginning to suffer from Essy-sama deprivation (now to find rokun...) and mostly because, as usual, the plot in this is so intricate and twisted that it's really left a lasting mark.

Heheh, hopefully this reply is better than my last two, which really don't do my thoughts any justice or make it seem as though I had thoughts at all. Well, I usually don't, but that's neither here nor there. XD

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/07 - Falling House of Cards]
« Reply #517 on: August 02, 2010, 05:51:17 AM »
I'm finally here, you comment-starved maniac! XD

LOL at Shiba-chan's enthusiasm for her party. She seems so intellectual, something I never noticed because the Melons were rarely on my radar. :nervous OHSHIT!!! Now THERE'S the "aiso-warai" that Eri and Sayu talked about on Mujack. :lol: You make me kinda scared of Rika. :nervous
Except one person. And they couldn't have gotten married, because, well, this is Japan. Not San Francisco.
Gay marriage is no longer legal here, at least at the moment. :P

Shibata was anything but an idiot. Or, as Rika put it, 'our resident shrink, encyclopedia, dictionary, and GPS, all in one person'. She felt the love right there. Really.

Or not.
I had to laugh at this, for some reason. XD

And this waitress me interesting vibes. lol

Happy now? I commented. :P Now give me my perv!!!!

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [20/07 - More Than Three]
« Reply #518 on: August 05, 2010, 04:26:58 PM »
Whoa, you're not kidding Essy when you warn us about the insanity.

This new chapter is a little nuts  :nervous

A bit hard to follow, since your writing can be quite heavy and complex, but then again it might just be my exhaustion. That, or that fact that I haven't read anything age-appropriate in the last two weeks (preparing primary school readings is not very intellectually stimulating... XD)

Do not mess with the Ishikawa. She will kill you. Really.

And she will smile over your fucking grave.

 :rockon: :rikabunny :rockon:

Shibata was anything but an idiot. Or, as Rika put it, 'our resident shrink, encyclopedia, dictionary, and GPS, all in one person'. She felt the love right there. Really.

Now where is that nerd icon...

(But hey, I love Shibata too  :love:)

It was cold. Of course the glass is, it's an iced drink. Warm, just a touch, a spot. Wet, just a little. Like tears, but that's silly, that's just condensation running down the glass...


Her mind dismissed the encounter. But her body remembered.

Wow, talk about detail. Similar to that other chapter, I really like the way you convey these single moments in time. Very effective  :heart:

I'm now beginning to wonder your purpose behind writing these. Anything going to be developed further? I'm hoping so, because I still want to find out what's going to happen between Shiba-chan & Ai... and now this new stranger, how is she going to fit into everything?

Thought-provoking stuff. I like the way you begin off with some fodder for thought. I also love this chapter's title, even though I haven't made an association with the text yet  :nervous

Thanks for sharing  :heart:
Update soon!

Oh and one more thing - I haven't forgotten about Destiny Love. You went on a crazy bout of updating and I'm still trying to catch up and comment properly. I'm kind of slow with the catching up, with uni keeping me busy and all.

I hope things have been well on your end! ^______^

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/07 - Falling House of Cards]
« Reply #519 on: September 11, 2010, 09:22:56 PM »
Not a continuation to the Six Degrees series, just a little standalone I discovered on my hard drive. :lol:

I need something out here to clear my head...


First and Last

I've missed you.

Soft finger trailing feather light over white, white skin, barely brushing, barely touching, barely there to begin with, just a whisper, an illusion of contact, like a breath of spring across winter's threshold. Lingeringly, like the touch of a lover, an admirer...or something else entirely.

I've always had your face in my mind.

Lips, warm breath, eyelashes to fluttering. Barely daring to touch, just a millimeter above pale, cool flesh. Too white, too pure.

I can't taint you.

Withdrawal, gloved fingers to trace patterns in the air, as if imagining the trail one would take, to explore that unknown territory.

No, not completely unknown.

The wind rustles ebony locks, scattering them restlessly amidst petals of white and red. White, black and red. So stark. So beautiful.

Just like you were, that night.

A gathering breeze, swirling around knees and sending the petals to dance to some unknown melody, filling the air with their intricate steps. A single white tear falls from the performance, spent.

You wept too.

It catches, is caught. Delicately, fluttering to rest on one outstretched finger. Leather, brown and cracked and worn, balancing that delicate petal. So white, so thin, so...fragile. Luminescent.

Radiant, your smile through the tears.

Spellbound, that moment. Around, the wind ceased its restless journey with a sigh, the dance of broken flowers drawing to a close, settling down in a rain of red and white. Still, the single drop balanced on that tip.

I've always been watching you.

Hovering, uncertain. It would fall, will fall. It was never meant to be held in the first place. But that was alright.

I was content to watch.

Lips forming into a small pout, cheeks tightening in almost invisibly. And released.

But you just had to ruin it, didn't you?

It fell. Buffeted by a sudden gust, the petal whirled, spinning, borne aloft by the current. And torn apart.

I was not your first, so you whispered that night.

A cracked fist, clenched tight, frozen in midair. Dead silence.

Then why did you have to kiss me?

Relaxed, fingers loosening. Fine dust, like powder, swirling unseen. Flaky fragments, descending. Crushed.

White, red, then black...

The wind picked up once more. It was cold. A shadow rising, black on white and red.

Let me have been your last, just as you were my first.

A dirge sung on wistful pipes, played by nature. Mournful, pining, aching. White stained red, cast in shadow. No more, no less. The door closes, never to be opened.

Only this, my first, my last, my love.


Feel free to attach whoever you want. I didn't really write it with a specific person in mind at the time.

Some people might find this oddly familiar. :P


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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