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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203853 times)

Offline gracula

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word]
« Reply #540 on: November 29, 2010, 07:32:05 PM »
my last letters are something to behold. occasionally, i'd come across one whilst packing my room and laugh myself silly before trashing it. hilarity and smartassedness to the very last.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word]
« Reply #541 on: November 29, 2010, 07:35:46 PM »
Actually, some of the stuff I wrote when I was like, 8 years old, crack me up like no one's business. I was already snarky and elitist as a kid. :lol:

But damn, I've been emo all my life. Snarky and emo. I thought I would outgrow it, but noooo. It keeps coming back. I swear I'm bipolar. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word]
« Reply #542 on: November 29, 2010, 07:56:32 PM »
i dont think ur bipolar, im sure we all thought of that...maybe once or more in our lives
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word]
« Reply #543 on: November 29, 2010, 10:16:35 PM »

The habit of silence is hard to break.

It's not that she has nothing to say, oh no. Draw her out, get her started, and she babbles with the best. Her eyes light up, and with her stumbling words comes the braying laughter -- less than flattering a description for an idol, but oh so true, and so very human and normal of her.

Yet, easy as it is to speak of the things that capture her interest -- which can range from anything like music to games to movies -- she finds it difficult to express the things she truly wishes to say.

It is easier with strangers, with people she barely knows beyond their surface. They associate based on the shared point of commonality that draws them together, and conversations naturally revolve around that. With her manager, she speaks of work and what she plans to do next, either personal or private; with her stylist, of fashion and upcoming exhibitions they can attend together. She is moderately social, as is expected of her, perhaps even more than is expected, since others have wondered how she can go out with people she barely knew.

It is easy for her to understand, yet difficult to communicate that understanding. The insights that come to her sound garbled, even foolish as they tumble out from her lips. She struggles to articulate the concepts she sees so perfectly in her mind's eye, that make so much sense to her, but to no avail. On some occasions, a happy few in her recollection, there are some who grasp what she intends to say, and translate it out for her with far more eloquence than she could ever manage.

And she is grateful, if not a little envious of that ability to make oneself understood through words. Bad enough to be teased for an accent that was no longer even true to its roots -- so much so that even her old friends back home tease her for picking up a city influence -- it was far worse to not even be able to say what she needed to say without being misunderstood.

It took a while, but she learned silence. Better to be thought a fool, than open her mouth and forever confirm that fact. It was easier to let others take center stage, and if she absolutely had to speak, she would confine herself to things that were not easily misunderstood. Things that were easily conveyed, even if not everyone might understand the exact nature of the topic.

Silence came more easily than she expected. But it came with a price she had not foreseen.

See, silence breeds on itself. It builds walls around you, and reinforces them in continuity. Silence becomes reality, it is a habit that grows and feeds on you. It becomes easy to remain silent, and speaking seems to become more of an effort.

Granted, hers was more of a selective silence, but even that was enough for the little demon to find a refuge in that tiny niche. Growing ever larger, guarding the pathways leading to her inner self like a jealous lover, or perhaps a mysterious sphinx awaiting the right answers.

So it becomes easy to appear mysterious and always calm, with the habit of silence swathing a part so essential to her. The facade slips when she is able to speak of the things she had not subsconsciously blocked off, and she appears as normal and goofy as the girls around her, if a little on the geeky side. She becomes more real, more defined even, as her personality comes to the fore, brought out by her grinning juniors. She plays with them, and the silence recedes.

It recedes further, as people reach out to her, pulling her out of that self-imposed shell. They encourage her, give her the support she needs. She knows she is weak, and gratefully accepts the help they give to her unasked, acknowledging that they give her the wings she needs to fly. Though a part continues to whisper doubts to her, wondering why she is not that much stronger, so that she would not need to rely on others so much. So she could lead by her own strength, not always borrowing the strength of others.

The habit of silence lurks deep within her, tangling her tongue and constricting the throat. It is difficult to admit these fears of hers, even more challenging to voice her desires. Where others could say directly what they meant, she weaves and dodges, skirting the subject and talking around the answer as she struggles for the right words.

Simple words really, those. Yet it is precisely because what she wants to say is so simple, that there is almost no chance of being misunderstood, that she hesitates. Because the habit of silence is hard to break, and it is easier not to speak. Best to leave the conflicting display of emotion hidden from sight, safe from ridicule and rejection.

I need you. Stay. Little things. Perhaps even she  did not know what she wanted to say, really. Was she desperate? Not quite. Was she lonely? Maybe, a little. Did she need it enough?

Yes...or no. The silence stretches. The moment passes, and once again she has said nothing. Frustrated, she could almost cry. She almost did.

But she does not, for once. Bursting into tears for no apparent reason stretched even the credulity of those used to her loose tear ducts. She turns away, berating herself once more in the silence of her own mind, the echoes reverbrating, each adding its own recrimination with every rebound.

It is but a familiar routine. One day, she promises herself. One day she will break that routine.

And the universe answers: what day better than now?

"Ne, stay here with me, just for a little while?"
"Eh? Why?"
"Nothing, really..."
"Since Ai-chan asks, I will~"

When one has missed a moment, perhaps all it takes is just the courage to create the next one. It is but a small step, but she is heartened by the little success, tiny as it is.

Perhaps I too, one day, can say what I truly feel.


Took a while, but here's what I was working on. The person she wants to speak to is left up to the imagination, I didn't really have a person in mind...actually I do. Cookies to the person who guesses right first. :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #544 on: November 29, 2010, 10:35:29 PM »
D: aw~ i wanna huggles ai-chan even more~ and i wanna say either lin, gaki(even if u dont like her XD) ,reina and sayu maybe?
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline gracula

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #545 on: November 29, 2010, 10:57:27 PM »
Took a while, but here's what I was working on. The person she wants to speak to is left up to the imagination, I didn't really have a person in mind...actually I do. Cookies to the person who guesses right first. :D


By the way, if anyone asks me for a study of Ai-chan, I will direct them here. :P

Damn you!! *shakes fist*

*Scampers off to finish her own baby crackfic and WIP Ai study. At SIX in the morning.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #546 on: November 30, 2010, 02:23:30 PM »
A Last Word

I must say I fully disapprove....if you are ever to leave last better be a few decades worth of words in writing, otherwise....I'd imagine your legion of followers would much too quickly run out of material to read.  With unfulfillable craving and lack of closure (those poor AA fans), they could end up falling into a pit of despair!  Never to emerge again!  Tsk tsk tsk, Tea-chan, you just made me imagine the demise of everyone here XD

(oh yeah I only mentioned the AA fans cause I seem to have taken pity to them as of weird eh? XD)


If I think from your point of view, I can imagine it being either LinLin or Gaki.  I don't think it's Reina just cause I don't think Reina sticks around for no reason XD  I think it'd go down like this:

"Ne, stay here with me, just for a little while?"
"Eh? Why?"
"Nothing, really..."
"Eh?  Ai chan's being strange.  If it's nothing, Reina will go home now.  Reina wants to hula hoop."

As for my own thoughts on who it might be, I would like it to be Eri she's talking to.  I'm just thinking of Eri's would be nice, even in just the fic world, if someone asked Eri to stay and she replies that she will XD

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #547 on: November 30, 2010, 03:43:23 PM »
How I've missed your work, Essy~ I just read Silence and it was deep. lol You really are pro at peeling away the various layers that make up Ai-chan as a person.
Maa, I want to say she's talking to Risa, of course! :P But maybe it's Reina...or it could be some totally random-ass person. >_>

Offline Tightrope

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #548 on: November 30, 2010, 03:50:43 PM »
Ah, our always misterious Ai-chan. When it comes to Ai, I always enjoy reading your works the best. I love how you portray her.  She’s really a complex individual.

I like this one-shot a lot. But after reading it I felt kinda sad. In fact, this happens a lot to me after reading something yours. I don't know, usually there is a sad feeling lurking in between lines XD Not between lines in this case. Aw, it sure was deep. You are great at writing stuff like this.

Quote from: Estrea
Where others could say directly what they meant, she weaves and dodges, skirting the subject and talking around the answer as she struggles for the right words.
Simple words really, those. Yet it is precisely because what she wants to say is so simple, that there is almost no chance of being misunderstood, that she hesitates. Because the habit of silence is hard to break, and it is easier not to speak. Best to leave the conflicting display of emotion hidden from sight, safe from ridicule and rejection.

I like that part the best. Just because is the truth. I can be talking for hours trying to say a simple thing. Simple words are tough to say. I guess it's because you're exposing yourself, in a way. And of course, there is always the possibility of rejection... sigh. 

Anyway, for the character, I say Reina. Because today I feel like shipping ReinAi XD

Oh, and btw with A last word you left me in emo mode, overthinking things. Yay?

"Ne, stay here with me, just for a little while?"
"Eh? Why?"
"Nothing, really..."
"Eh?  Ai chan's being strange.  If it's nothing, Reina will go home now.  Reina wants to hula hoop."

This is win :rofl:
Sorry, but the hula hoop was too much  :rofl: I had to quote  :rofl:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #549 on: November 30, 2010, 10:03:57 PM »
Yeah, yeah, alright, I concede. I will break my own reviewing silence for you, Tea-sama. :lol:

gracula was right, this really is a study on Ai-chan and a very well thought out one too, though I would expect nothing less from you with your favorite MM subject. This really brought to mind the Collabo Labo with TRF, specifically when Ai was doing the collaboration with Yuki. From the very beginning, when she walked in with Risa, to Yuki's initial thoughts on her, to Ai finally warming up and eventually shining on stage and then their little talk afterwards. Everything could potentially be explained by this ficlet right here.

I really liked that show.... I know I still have it.

*shakes head* Anyway, as for who she's talking to in the end, gosh, it could really be anyone, now that I've put too much thought into it. Who do I want it to be? LinRisaLin Risa? Lin? From opposite side of the spectrum.

Who do I think you had in mind? Reina, of course, but maybe you'll surprise us and put in Sayu in your mind. Can you tell us now?

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #550 on: December 01, 2010, 03:13:33 AM »
Yeah, yeah, alright, I concede. I will break my own reviewing silence for you, Tea-sama. :lol:

Awww rndy. :heart:

Thanks everyone for the comments! :D I do love Ai-chan, so I put in the most effort for her. Though, I suppose, it gets sad sometimes because I think about these things at night and I get sad way too easily. :lol:

As for the answer, I'm surprised everyone thought that I was thinking of Reina. :P Actually I was thinking of Eri, though also a bit of Sayu also. So Sushi gets a cookie. XD And I guess rndy does too. :lol: Everyone else gets a free hug. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #551 on: December 01, 2010, 03:30:09 AM »
yay for free hugs~ XD better luck next time X3
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #552 on: December 01, 2010, 05:51:48 AM »
(::) Cookie! NOM NOM! :grin:

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [30/11 - A Last Word, Silence]
« Reply #553 on: December 30, 2010, 10:47:03 PM »
This has been stewing in my head for weeks. It only just really sprang to life a week or so ago. So now here I am at 5am posting. Crazy, wot?



The room is spick and span, barely more than a oversized walk-in closet when one takes a step back to look at it, but it was a decent room nevertheless.

It was also home for the last two years, and for that she was grateful, even as she pauses in the middle of scrubbing every inch of surface she could reach. Which was, happily, most of the room. Being small wasn't so bad when the room seemed sized for you. It also cut down on the actual surface area in need of dusting. There just wasn't that much room.

The single window was just three paces away from the door, and it was thrown wide open for the first time in what felt like (and probably was) months. The cold snap had not quite fled from the fresh spring air, and she was also extraordinarily fond of warmth. The combination of those factors resulted in the current state where fresh air was being let in, and the smell of thick winter socks being let out. Not that it smelled bad, mine. She liked her socks just the way they were, and she did do her laundry regularly.

But enough about socks. None of those were present save for those already on her feet. In fact, there was a remarkable lack of personal effects strewn about the room. As neat a person she might have been, there was no way to avoid leaving signs of habitation in a space that was exclusively yours...more or less.

The only thing in the room was a desk and a bed, and nothing else. No clothes or books or other random junk a college student generally accumulates. The bed was remarkably spartan, without any fancy sheets. It looked like something you might expect to see in a prison cell, which on hindsight tends to be of similar dimensions.

The desk was a little scuffed, but scrubbed clean to a gleaming finish. A pair of keys laid bunched up near the side, along with a couple of open (though folded) letters. A set of train tickets was being held in place by the only thing that she had yet to pack away with the boxes she had sent ahead of her. The worn photo frame faced away from her, turned towards the window.

She does not look at the frame, yet there is little else to look at in the room where nothing much is left. Her little suitcase is backed against the door, and she sits on it briefly, using it as a chair as she inspects the condition of her soon-to-be-former domicile.

There was little to be singled out, even with her discriminating eye. She hates cleaning as a rule, but she hated being irresponsible even more, so it ended up with the room looking cleaner than it had when she first received it. Duty and obligation, that was all.

Her eye is drawn once again to the lone picture frame, resolutely turned away from her. She knows what it contains, had framed the picture with her own two hands. The frame itself was a gift, something she had received when she first moved into this room in a city far from home. It had accompanied her these two years, witnessed both tears and triumphs, shared a part of her life as intrinsically as the subject framed within.

She makes as if to reach out for it, but is interrupted by a loud, though still polite, knocking on the door that sends vibrations through her back (as she is leaning against it). Half scrambling off her perch, she responds with an instant "hai~?" and is rewarded with a familiar voice.

"Takahashi? Need any help moving?" The deep masculine voice of her neighbor almost makes her smile. She opens the door slowly, careful not to hit anyone as it swings outwards.

The owner of the deep voice always amuses her, mostly because he had an appearance that completely failed to match his voice. Scrawny, pale and bespectacled, he looked very much like the classic image of a hikikomori in his faded t-shirt and sweats. Nevertheless, he was a good neighbor in that 1) he was quiet, 2) he never bothered her, and 3) he was nice enough to offer help when the need arose.

He was also the only third party who knows, if only vaguely, why exactly she is leaving. Quiet and unassuming he might have been, he still had eyes to see and ears to hear with. Their adjacent rooms were hardly soundproof, after all.

"Suzuki-kun." She smiles, a slightly stiff affair that would hardly gain her any points for drama class. She knows this, but keeps up the charade for pride's sake.

To his credit, Suzuki makes no mention of that pale imitation of a smile. They were not close enough to be friends, and barely more than nodding acquaintances who knew each other's last names by the plaque on their doors. Still, as a decent human being he is concerned for the wellbeing of his neighbor...admittedly his very pretty female neighbor, but let's not dismiss his altruism as an attempt to ingratiate himself with a pretty girl.

"Need a hand with your stuff?" He has helped her with a few boxes in the days before, and is not unwilling to do so again. His tone is friendly, and he makes no attempt to invade any personal space, either physically or even mentally. He knows where he stands.

"Actually, I think I'm just about done." Her attempted smile is a little more genuine this time, though still a pale and watery affair by usual standards. She gestures at the little suitcase behind her. "I'll be leaving this evening, and I'm glad to have been in your care."

"Same here." The conversation, such as it was, winds down with the usual polite pleasantries, and one Takahashi Ai soon finds herself closing the door behind her as she heads out to grab some lunch before her departure.

She does not pay much attention to her surroundings, except in a general sort of way. A stray cloud could pique her interest as easily as a sale, and she drifts along almost without direction, the only thought she allows herself at the moment being that of food.

It was a discipline she had rigorously practiced for several months. By dwelling on the immediate present, she can block out any unwelcome thoughts, as well as the attendant feelings that follow. It is not entirely failsafe, but it helps. Every little helps, when everything along the bloody street reminds her, inevitably, of something.

The chilly air froze her nose, and it gave her temporary relief from the chasing memories by giving her something else to focus on. It was also why she was currently glad to be out of the room that had housed her; merely being in there, even with the sole intention of cleaning, evoked memories she would rather not dredge up, feelings she would prefer not to discuss.

Her legs, however, had a mind of their own. Without thinking, she found herself ascending the familiar stairs of a cafe she used to visit with tedious regularity, and in which she even has a regular seat by the same window towards the left side and back.

Before the realization even settles in, she is already seated in her usual place, greeted by familiar staff who give her genuine smiles (she can tell, she wasn't in the drama society for nothing). The smiles are perhaps a little perplexed, for she had come alone, and not for a while. She brushes away the thought before it leads to the next one, and picks up the menu instead.

Her decision is practically made for her, for her order is always the same. The same order almost slips out from her lips, but she reins in visibly, brow furrowing as she deliberately finds a different item instead, determined to break tradition just this once. She would not fall into the same routine as...before.

Lunch is promptly served, even as she was taking in the sights and sounds of the cafe. The atmosphere feels oddly different, but then again she never came alone least, not after the first time when she first discovered the place. She stubbornly drives her wayward thoughts away from the forbidden area, and forcefully forks some salad into her mouth.

Glancing out of the window in an attempt to distract herself, she is momentarily surprised by the view. It never occurred to her to look, to really look, out of the window before. Always in the past, she had had other things to occupy her. Be it her notes and books, or the -- don't go there, Takahashi, she warns herself -- anyway, she was always otherwise occupied.

The view out of the window is mundane, all things considered. Bare sakura trees, little more than sprigs, the white petals they once bore scattered like frost on the sidewalks. The odd person navigating the narrow alleys, since this was a back street rarely travelled. The little old ladies haggling by the stall on the far end. Even in the distance she could see the fresh tomatoes, vividly red in the crisp spring air.

All of it was ordinary. Usual. Refreshing. She took in a deep breath, ignored the tickle of her nostrils by the chill, and took another bite of her salad. She feels strangely more at ease now.

So this is what I've been missing. Deep down, she knew how completely circumscribed her life had been by...the thing she has been refusing to think about. Even in trying not to think about it, she realizes, she is still ruled by it.

Outside the window, life went on for the world and everyone else living in it. The thought sobers her, brings her back to the reality she has been avoiding these past few months. Doubtlessly, everyone who walks past outside had their own burdens, but they walked on nevertheless. She could not simply stay still. Events don't wait. Life doesn't stay still. The world is not static, and she could either let herself be swept up in the tide of things, or choose to walk a path of her own making.

God knows it hurt, is still hurting, and will probably continue to hurt; but she had to move on. One way or another, she had to keep going.

The epiphany is brief, but it wasn't so life changing as to banish the emotions she still feels deep beneath the surface. The rest of the salad is finished without any further fuss, her jaws mechanically working to finish the process of feeding her body.

She does not linger long in the cafe, for it too provokes many memories. She would be glad to return to her hometown now, after finally finishing her studies in this city, the city of her young adulthood. There was a time when she relished the freedom of being away from the constant supervision of her family. But now, older and hopefully somewhat wiser, there was no other place she would rather return to but the place that had raised her.

Perhaps, when she is back in the familiar surroundings of home, she will finally be able to heal.

She steps out of the cafe, pulling her coat tighter around her as she neatly skirts a quarrelling couple in the middle of the street. The ruckus disrupts the fragile peace of the formerly quiet back alley, and she frowns subtly, the only visible sign of disapproval her reticient nature will allow in the presence of strangers.

Kids these days... And she catches herself mid-thought, almost laughing aloud at the irony. She might be edging closer to the edifice of legal adulthood, but deep down she knows she is still little more than a child in sore need of guidance.

In retrospect, this critical self awareness had perhaps given her the right to assume the mantle of a wise elder, if only in respect to certain individuals. Though she in her humility would probably never recognize it, seeing only the flaws that prevented her from achieving a state she could approve of.

She is jolted from her thoughts by the loud smack of flesh on flesh; despite herself, she takes a look back to see what happened.

The slowly reddening welt on the girl's face, her boyfriend's hand still half raised from the blow; these things tell the story well enough. Ai finds her face twisting into a sharp expression of disgust. How could any self respecting man lay a hand on a girl right out in public? This was not the Edo period, or even the Meiji era, where women were subjected to the whims of patriarchal authority. Social norms might still bind them in this time and age, but not to the extent of condoning outright violence.

Disapproving she might be, she did not intervene -- for what was her place in a lovers' quarrel? As long as the violence did not threaten to escalate to potential critical injury or fatality for the party involved, she could not reasonably call in the police to stop things, as any good citizen would.

In fact, other than the few (like her) who had paused to stare at the proceedings, the ebb and tide of humanity flowed on in the main street just paces ahead. Even those few who had taken notice were already turning away, probably also having drawn the same conclusions she herself had. She makes to move as well, and only her split second of hesitation afforded her a glimpse of something she was sure to have missed had she but turned away any sooner.

The girl was distraught, that much was obvious in the waves of anger and humiliation rolling off her petite frame almost palpably. Yet even in her distress her lips remained pressed together tightly into a thin line, pride and anger radiating in her fierce gaze and iron control. Tears shone unshed in liquid orbs, yet it is evident that rage was the dominating force that kept the flood at bay. No raging explosion it was; instead it was a coldly burning anger, almost at boiling point.

The event that Ai would have missed was the moment when the pot finally boiled over, the hiss of rage signalling it much like that of a serpent, or perhaps like the whistle of a steaming kettle. Normal girls might have reacted with ineffectual slaps, or perhaps with flight and the inevitable tears. This one, however, used what she had for maximum effect, proving that long nails weren't just an expression of vanity. No wild scratches like some feral cat though, the damage inflicted was calculated and deep, red gouges running down the length of one arm. It would leave a mark, for sure.

The young man curses, raising his injured arm to strike the girl once more -- but was finally stopped by a shout from a passing salaryman. Perhaps not all people were apathetic after all, Ai reflected. Her attention seemed destined to wander once more, yet it lingered for one small moment on the supposed victim.

Another thing she might have missed entirely otherwise. A vindictive sneer -- not triumphant, maybe a little sad, but something that had all the marks of having the last word -- as the girl tugs something off her hand, says something to her now ex-boyfriend, before tossing the object into his stunned and outraged face. The girl beats a quick retreat before he could exact more violence on her -- a wise move, all things considering. A man who has already hit you once is likely to hit you again, especially when provoked.

Something rolls to a stop at Ai's feet, its polished surface catching the light just enough to draw her eye. Without really thinking about it, she stoops to pick it up, rolling it in her hand for a few moments before figuring out its significance.

A ring. Still warm to the touch, from where it had once being snug on a finger.

Rings. They spoke of promise, of continuity, of joining and wholeness. To be one, together, linked. Ai thumbs the ring thoughtfully, her feet propelling her along the familiar paths to her soon to be former residence.

To be able to take it off...was it a breaking of a promise, or the ability to let go? Her mind replays the ring's last moments, of being flung against the person who had mostly likely been the giver. The act had been a statement. But what did it say?

She never had a ring. No promises to be shared, only lives entwined together in the unstated expectation that things would never change. But change it had, and now here she was. Somewhere, nowhere, resolute in front of the door of her room.

The ring stays snug in her palm, somehow heavy as she slides wordlessly into the confined space. Echoes of a past not so long ago whisper to her, concentrated most vividly in the single picture frame standing upright and away at the corner of her empty table.

Takahashi Ai is not a brave person. One of her worst fears is a haunted house experience, in particular the many monsters and ghouls that infest them. Yet this is one ghost she can confront, in the sanctuary that had once belonged to them both.

She picks up the picture frame. For the first time in months, she gazes directly into the source of her troubled state these past months. Smiling faces greeted her, her own grin no less bright even when frozen for eternity. The other person was pressed right next to her frozen self. A person that was no longer next to her.

A familiar pang, and the beginning of tears. She blinks, swallowing uncomfortably. Has she not shed enough tears over their parting? Must it continue to torment her so?

The ring she had scavenged earlier wedges almost painfully into her skin, forced there by the sudden clench of her fists. She opens the palm, almost reluctantly, and beholds the discarded ring.

She had not been brave enough to end it decisively as the stranger had, and the weight of the unseen ring she still bore sat heavy on her shoulders. She could not have done as the girl had, to throw it right back in the aggressor's face and break things off clearly. So she suffers even now, weighted down by regret and sorrow.

The ring. The frame. Her gaze travels from one to the other, each in one hand, as if in some obscure balance to each other. Her eyes eventually rest on the frame, and the scales tip at last.

She does not flinch now as she studies the picture, committing the image to memory. For with the sorrow of parting came the beauty of beginnings, and the tide of good memories they had shared came back to her. The sadness that they could no longer share them together returned as well, but it was no longer crushing. Regretful, yes, but do not all things come to an end?

The tears come, but she is no longer crying for times lost. Her smile is sad, but determined, as she puts the frame down, her fingers trailing its edge.

"I'm going now." It feels strange addressing an object, but in lieu of the real thing, this will have to suffice. She was not yet brave enough to address the real thing anyway.

She pauses, the next words an obvious effort.


She places the frame face down on the table. After a split second, she places the discarded ring next to it. Let the past stay where it was, and perhaps, even such things should have company...?

The door closes behind her, and she does not look back.

For all the times you have given me, the times we have shared.
Thank you, memories.


I like how it turned out. :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #554 on: December 30, 2010, 11:10:31 PM »
D: sad ai is sad! D: well it seems sad to me ^^; when i 1st started reading i was like "its another ai oneshot~!" then for some reason when i realized the small aparment and shortness i thought lin for some reason ^^; XD but then my thoughts were casted and it was ai^^; extremly great as always essy X3 if this is your last oneshot for the yr then i cant wait for even more epic ones next yr~! :bow: :cow: :otomerika: :inlove: :twothumbs
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #555 on: December 31, 2010, 05:21:53 AM »
 :fainted: I like this. It's quite touching in a detached, yet hurting Ai sort of way. Though I wonder who the person in the picture was, at the same time, I almost don't want to know who you had in mind; feels like it would kind of ruin the feeling if I knew.

Though the girl she saw fighting with her boyfriend just screams Reina. :lol:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #556 on: December 31, 2010, 09:36:21 AM »
What was that Yuuyami liked to call your Ai?  :lol:

But I liked how it turned out too. I think the depiction of how Ai is dealing with the pain and trying to find closure is extremely accurate. I wonder what happened? Feels like one of those on-again-off-again relationships that never truly ended until you realized the other party just left at the final off-again.

Though I wonder who the person in the picture was, at the same time, I almost don't want to know who you had in mind; feels like it would kind of ruin the feeling if I knew.

I agree. But it would've been interesting to see who actually managed to consume her life and affections this much to cause this pain.

She does not pay much attention to her surroundings, except in a general sort of way. A stray cloud could pique her interest as easily as a sale, and she drifts along almost without direction, the only thought she allows herself at the moment being that of food.

I don't know why, but this was cute. I think it was the sale thing.

The final shot was very poignant.

Great way to end the year. Hope the new year brings fresh dreams and inspiration for you.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #557 on: December 31, 2010, 05:23:04 PM »
Happy 2011 from Singapore! :D

Though I wonder who the person in the picture was, at the same time, I almost don't want to know who you had in mind; feels like it would kind of ruin the feeling if I knew.

I thought it was obvious who it could be. There are only so many viable options. XD But since you don't want to know, I don't have to tell~

Though the girl she saw fighting with her boyfriend just screams Reina. :lol:

*hands you a tin of cookies* Congratulations for guessing the cameo. :lol:

@drac: I do believe Yuuyami thinks my Ai is too introspective. Or possibly too emo. XD Though in my mind, Ai seems like the type to see the details and totally miss the big picture. Kind of an airhead lol. She's observant and sensitive, but at the same time completely oblivious. (as an aside, Eri is much the same, but she only pretends to be oblivious).

But basically, it's been a great year here with you guys at JPHiP. Here's to another year of pervy goodness and fanfics galore in our little section! *raises wine glass*



Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #558 on: December 31, 2010, 07:28:31 PM »
"Only so many viable..."? I can count at least five off the top of my head, :lol: though I kind of know who I want it to be. Happy New Year Essy-sama. :yossi:

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [31/12 - Frame]
« Reply #559 on: January 20, 2011, 12:51:34 PM »
*pats Dinner-chan*  I'm not telling ya either  :P  (You just gotta disregard the younger ones...odds of them being featured as college students/graduates ...seem a lot..... lower) XD



Poor Ai chan.  I was worried that you killed Gaki and that Ai chan was in the anger phase of grief...but then I figured it's more likely Gaki just dumped her or is that the more unlikely way to look at it?  It being my second thought instead of my first  :sweat: I blame hammy for always making me think they are dead first!  :farofflook:

lol Lucky and unlucky neighbour guy XD  I'm sure he's heard some "interesting" things between the walls....yet he so can't have any of it  XD

My favourite moment was the cat attack....most cringe worthy moment too!  I was afraid Reina would scratch the dude in the face!  :mon wtf:  I'm always a little worried about Reina and her nails.... but whatever..the dude so deserved it XD

lol as an after thought, I was thinking of what would happen to the picture and the ring.  lol, I came to the conclusion that the neighbour guy would end up with the picture XD 

Sukoshi's afterthoughts:

*Ai chan leaves without taking the picture*
*New resident moves in and notices the picture and ring.  Thinking that the last tenant simply forgot the items, the new tenant goes around asking people if they know who the items belong to*
*New resident ends up asking Suzuki*
*Suzuki says he knew of the old tenant and that the items belonged to her*
*New resident takes it that they were friends*
*Suzuki ends up in possession of the items since new tenant feels uncomfortable holding onto them*
*Suzuki realizes he has no way of contacting Takahashi.  Puts up the picture of Ai chan, with someone he doesn't know, on his desk anyways*
*Happy with the new eye candy, Suzuki ends up starring at the picture daily*

And now he comes off as the poor lucky-unlucky guy whose a bit creepy.  XD

Ai chan's Suppin to Namida performance =  :wub: :wub: :wub:

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