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Author Topic: [END] memoir III: memory (I SLAYED THE BEAST!)  (Read 157948 times)

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Re: [part 15] memoir III: memory
« Reply #120 on: December 08, 2007, 10:52:46 PM »
OK! Here it is by popular demand. XD



I sat on the couch and stared out the window, much like I'd been doing for the past few days. It was strange for me to be thinking so much. I'd always been one to act first, think later.

But, I couldn't do that right now. I didn't even know why anymore.

At first, I was trying to protect her. That first night, when she told me that she'd... done that, she looked so hurt, so lost, so disgusted. I didn't want to add to that; I couldn't do that to her no matter what she'd done to me.

But now... I didn't know anymore. Logically, I knew I was angry. Logically, I knew I was hurt deeply. But, I couldn't feel it right now. The phrase 'beside myself with anger' finally made sense to me. I was so upset, I wasn't even feeling it anymore.

I was just calmly looking out the window, almost in awe of how pissed off I was.

Calmly looking out the window, unable to stop thinking about her and Goto having sex.

Calmly looking out the window, watching Yossy's car drive up and park out front of the building.

Wait, what?

I sat up a little and peered out the window. Sure enough, she stepped out of the car and headed inside. I leaned back and sighed. I didn't even move when I heard the door open. For some reason, I wasn't even surprised.

I could feel her eyes on me, studying me. I knew I looked like hell. I'd barely been sleeping the past few days. Every time I closed my eyes, I'd see them together. Finally, I turned and looked at her. We stared at each other silently for a moment.

"Yossy, what are you doing here?" I sighed, turning back to look out the window.

"We need to talk." Her voice was steady, determined.

"I told you. I can't talk to you right now," I replied.

"Then hit me."

"What!?" I exclaimed, turning to gape at her.

"Hit me. Punch me. Kick me. Throw something at me. I don't care." Her serious eyes searched mine.

"Yossy, I'm not going to hit you," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"You're not going to do much of anything are you?" she challenged. My eyes narrowed and I stood up to face her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"It means you're refusing to deal with this," she replied. I rolled my eyes. "You're hiding here at Aya's refusing to see me or talk to me or do anything. You can't just keep bottling this in, Miki. I know you're pissed and I know you don't want to hurt me, but I deserve it at this point. So, if you can't talk, just hit me."

I looked down at the floor and didn't reply. Yossy, I can't say anything to you because I don't know what to say anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. I rebuilt my entire world around you and it crumbled at my feet. I need you near me, but I can't even look at you right now.

"So that's it?" she said quietly. I walked past her and started rearranging the figurines on Aya's bookshelf.

"You should go," I replied, fighting back the tears behind my eyes that were threatening to fall.

"Dammit, Miki, don't fucking do this" Yossy yelled.

She grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around to face her. I looked at the floor, trying to compose myself. Even now, even like this, her touch was gentle, like I was her most prized possession.

Did you touch her like that?

"I know, okay?" Yossy continued. "I know you're trying to hold back. I know you don't want to hurt me, but this is killing you. I'm not worth it, okay?!"

Then you don't know. Don't say you're not worth it. You're worth everything to me.

"I fucked up. I didn't believe in you. I got stupid. I got drunk and I cheated on you. I'm a complete and total jackass."

"And?" I asked, wondering why she was saying all this. What did she want me to do exactly? What did she expect from me? Am I supposed to agree and that's it. All happy shiny rainbows? Take me right here, right now on the floor? Are you kidding me?

"I'm sorry," she said after a long pause. I started laughing almost hysterically. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

"'Sorry'?" I mocked, looking up at her. "You're sorry?! You go off and fuck Goto and all you keep saying is 'I'm sorry'?"

"It's true!" she protested. "What do you want me to say?" That it never happened. That you didn't really throw us away for one drunken night with her. That you've still never touched anyone like that but me.

"How about why? Don't you trust me by now? Haven't I proven over and over again that I'd do anything for you?!" She sighed.


"Don't 'Miki...' me," I mimicked. "You're apparently the holy child who can do no wrong." I grasped my hands together and put on a high-pitched voice. "Oh! Yossy and Fujimoto have had a fight! Fujimoto must have cheated on her!"

"Ok, that's not my fault. You apparently left them crazy messages - "

"Yeah, I did!" I cut her off. "I was panicked trying to find you. Of course, I didn't know that you'd lost your fucking mind and run off to bang Maki." Yossy sighed.

"I walked in on you making out with Aya - who I had just said had a crush on you. Yes, I should have trusted you or at least stuck around long enough to find out what the hell was going on. And, no, that's not an excuse for what I did, but I mean... what was I supposed to think?"

"Oh, I don't know - something besides 'I'm gonna get drunk and go visit my ex who likes to touch her boobies'?" I retorted.

"I didn't go visit her."

"Drunk dial?" I guessed. "'Hey, Gocchiiiiin, can I check out your boob job?'" Yossy gave me a look.

"No, we ran into each other at the bar or something. I kind of remember her suddenly appearing next to me." I raised an eyebrow.

"Wait. You 'kind of' remember?" I stared at her in disbelief. "Yossy, do you even remember what you did!?"

"Only bits and pieces," she admitted.

"Only... so, what, you remember running into her and then being up-close-and-personal with her Some Boys! Touch?" I snapped.

"I don't remember that part at all," she replied quietly.

"What?" My jaw dropped and a tiny bit of hope flickered in my chest. "Are you sure you even slept with her?" Maybe she hadn't. I mean, this IS the same woman who had no idea I was the same girl she'd violated in a closet all those years ago.

...Damn, that was hot.

"Yeah, I mean...." she sighed heavily, drawing my attention back to reality. "Miki, I just do, ok? You don't want to hear about this."

"Quite frankly, I don't think there's anything you could say that would be worse than what I see in my mind every time I look at you," I replied honestly. She gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"fine." She stalked over to her purse and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. She shoved it into my hand. "Happy?" she practically spat out. I unfolded the paper, smoothing it out a little. My eyes scanned over the writing.

"...'trouble walking'? What the hell, did she sodomize you or something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Very funny." I grinned despite myself.

"Thanks....'I won't tell Miki'... yeah, I bet you won't... 'Korea'... oh that's where she went... 'spare keys'" I paused while my brain tried to put two and two together. "...huh." I handed the note back to her. She threw it into her purse like she never wanted to see it again. "That doesn't really prove anything," I pointed out.

"I woke up naked in her bed, Miki,." she replied quietly. I flinched as my tiny ray of hope vanished. "And I remember enough..." I shook my head.

"That bitch," I muttered.


"I can't believe she would do this." I shook my head. "I knew she still had a thing for you, but to take advantage of you when you were like that..."

"Wait, you're blaming all of this on Maki?!"

"Oh, not completely," I conceded. "You shouldn't have been drunk off your ass. You shouldn't have been willing to sleep with her. But she sure as hell shouldn't have fucked someone who didn't know what the hell they were doing."

"Miki!" She sounded so shocked, I almost wanted to pat her on the head. Poor innocent, naive little Yocchan. So trusting.

"Please, it's true. She was sober, you were smashed. So, yeah, I do blame her. And when she gets back from wherever the hell she's crawled off to now - "

"She's sick," Yossy interrupted me.

"Oh, right. With Nono's fake 'I'm pregnant' illness. Right. She probably just didn't want to come back and own up to what she's done," I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, you know what?" she snapped. "You need to get off your high horse. You're not completely blameless in this mess."


"Yeah, I shouldn't have gotten drunk."

Shut up.

"Yeah, I sure as hell shouldn't have slept with her."

Shut up!

"But, you shouldn't have been off with your tongue in Aya's mouth! Don't act like you had nothing to do with this!"

Shut up shut up shut up!

Before I knew what I was doing, I'd slapped her full across the face. She stumbled back a little and hit the couch. To my horror, I realized I was crying.

"Don't you fucking blame this on me," I choked out. "I'm an idiot, but you should have trusted me."

"You're right," she admitted, rubbing her red cheek.

"Damn straight, I'm right!" I angrily swatted away my falling tears. "You -"

"I'm sorry," she quietly interrupted me. I looked at her through my tears.

"I know," I replied. We stared at each other silently. There was nothing left to say.

"Can we work through this?" she asked quietly.

"I don't know," I admitted. I sniffed again. Stupid crying. "I... God, I want to." I don't think you'll ever know how much. "I just... every single time I think about you, I think about it. Every time I see you, I..." I trailed off and looked up at her. God, she was so beautiful. "It would be easier if I could just hate you and be done with it."

"Ok, I'll... " she trailed off and sighed. "I'll leave it up to you, then. I don't want to push you, but... I love you and I miss you." What? She reached down and picked her purse up off the floor. No...

"Don't..." I couldn't get the words out.

"What?" The worry clouding her eyes made me cry harder. I couldn't stop. Don't leave me. Don't go. I need you.

Please, don't go.

"Just... don't..." I choked out. I stepped towards her, leaned my forehead against her warm chest, and cried.

After a moment, she hesitantly put her arms around me, like she was afraid of breaking me. My fists balled up the edge of her shirt and I clung to her, almost unable to move. She tightened her embrace and slowly moved backwards until I found myself on the couch, half-laying on top of her sitting figure. She leaned back against the corner pillows and rubbed my back softly. She kissed the top of my head as I cried harder than I've ever cried before.

"I love you," she said softly.

"I love you, too," I replied, my voice distorted by my tears.


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Re: [part 15] memoir III: memory
« Reply #121 on: December 09, 2007, 12:45:48 AM »
Awwww, I :heart: Miki!
Thank you for writing this in Miki's perspective :D :wub:
And :drool: a long chapter!

I loved Miki's "Shut up"'s before she slapped Yossy... So she kinda did warn Yossy that she was going too far, shame it was just in her head that she was saying it :P
Which brings me to the point that how come we can never say what we want to or know we should say even when its all being recited in our heads :( So many things Miki thought then that I kept thinking "Well say that! That's what she needs to hear dammit!", but no matter how much we try, something else wins over and it never comes out so things drag out a lot more then they need to and both parties keep getting hurt coz for that unknown stupid reason, nothing comes out when it should... Its like the heart wins out over the brain and filters everything you say to stop you from hurting the one you love, even when your own heart is slowly being ripped to shreads :cry:

I think I need to shut up :oops:  :cry:

And btw, i loved the chapter of course ;) and you had me scared with the long break between the two, lol.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2007, 12:47:52 AM by lollipopgirl »

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Re: [part 15] memoir III: memory
« Reply #122 on: December 09, 2007, 01:06:28 AM »
Good Job Almond... I didn't know miki knew  :O

They say a good writer is he/she that can write parallel POV and the reader will love both.
kinda like Ender's Game and Ender's shadow XD

I liked watching Miki be taken to the brink here

"SHUT UP"! was a nice touch.
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: [part 15] memoir III: memory
« Reply #123 on: December 09, 2007, 01:23:23 AM »
Calmly looking out the window, unable to stop thinking about her and Goto having sex.

Calmly looking out the window, watching Yossy's car drive up and park out front of the building.

Wait, what?
looooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooollllllllooooooooooolll i laughed like a retarded at this
"What?" My jaw dropped and a tiny bit of hope flickered in my chest. "Are you sure you even slept with her?" Maybe she hadn't. I mean, this IS the same woman who had no idea I was the same girl she'd violated in a closet all those years ago.
she's got a point there
...Damn, that was hot.
another point :lol:
"...'trouble walking'? What the hell, did she sodomize you or something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Very funny." I grinned despite myself.
double know :lol:
"I woke up naked in her bed, Miki,." she replied quietly. I flinched as my tiny ray of hope vanished. "And I remember enough..." I shook my head.
awwwwwwwwwwww :'(
"She's sick," Yossy interrupted me.
of course she is, she took advantage of a drunk woman, she's bizarre :wat:
"I love you," she said softly.

"I love you, too," I replied, my voice distorted by my tears.
O, I LOVE YOU TWO! Get over this little shake in the relationship and get back to good fluffy-fluff rabu-rabu desu
Yossi <3 Rika <3 Timu Ke <3

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Re: [part 15] memoir III: memory
« Reply #124 on: December 09, 2007, 07:44:50 AM »
But it's all warm and gooshy in there's a ton of pervvy Yossi/YoMiki thoughts.  :kekeke:

Ayaka actually isn't in the next few chapters... I didn't think she'd be that popular a character actually.  XD
What are you, nuts? She's hot, she's best buds with Yossi, she speaks english, she's hot, she teases Yossi...she's hot.   O0

Quote wouldn't happen to have the original pic this came from?

OK! Here it is by popular demand.  XD

To be honest, I was hoping for this but I didn't outright state it because I figured you'd do it anyway, and if you weren't planning on doing it there'd be plenty of other readers who'd bug you to.  :rofl:

At first, I was trying to protect her. That first night, when she told me that she'd... done that, she looked so hurt, so lost, so disgusted. I didn't want to add to that; I couldn't do that to her no matter what she'd done to me.
Yep, as painful as it is, that's love right there. :yep:

I looked down at the floor and didn't reply. Yossy, I can't say anything to you because I don't know what to say anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. I rebuilt my entire world around you and it crumbled at my feet. I need you near me, but I can't even look at you right now.

She grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around to face her. I looked at the floor, trying to compose myself. Even now, even like this, her touch was gentle, like I was her most prized possession.
Well, she's by no means a possession, but Miki IS probably the thing that Yossi values the most in her life right now. 

Did you touch her like that?

"And?" I asked, wondering why she was saying all this. What did she want me to do exactly? What did she expect from me? Am I supposed to agree and that's it. All happy shiny rainbows? Take me right here, right now on the floor? Are you kidding me?
What did she expect? Something...ANYTHING. Yossi said it best, she knows that Miki has been restraining herself to spare her feelings, but she's doing it so such an extreme that she's now unable to deal with it in any way at all.

"Are you sure you even slept with her?" Maybe she hadn't. I mean, this IS the same woman who had no idea I was the same girl she'd violated in a closet all those years ago.
If Miki's referring to how Yossi can be completely oblivious at times, she must be hoping that Yossi misunderstood, nay perhaps even dreamed up what happened that night.

Before I knew what I was doing, I'd slapped her full across the face. She stumbled back a little and hit the couch. To my horror, I realized I was crying.
Now THIS is what Miki has needed to do. She's letting herself feel angry, as she should be.

Please, don't go.

"Just... don't..." I choked out. I stepped towards her, leaned my forehead against her warm chest, and cried.

After a moment, she hesitantly put her arms around me, like she was afraid of breaking me. My fists balled up the edge of her shirt and I clung to her, almost unable to move. She tightened her embrace and slowly moved backwards until I found myself on the couch, half-laying on top of her sitting figure. She leaned back against the corner pillows and rubbed my back softly. She kissed the top of my head as I cried harder than I've ever cried before.
:gyaaah: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

"I love you," she said softly.

"I love you, too," I replied
If Yossi no longer loved her it would be easy for Miki to get mad and completely unleash her fury. But that's not what happened. Yossi's still in love with her just as she's in love with Yossi.  That's what makes this so hard for Miki to deal with.


:mon waterworks:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [part 15] memoir III: memory
« Reply #125 on: December 12, 2007, 12:17:53 AM »
I loved Miki's "Shut up"'s before she slapped Yossy... So she kinda did warn Yossy that she was going too far, shame it was just in her head that she was saying it :P
Which brings me to the point that how come we can never say what we want to or know we should say even when its all being recited in our heads :( So many things Miki thought then that I kept thinking "Well say that! That's what she needs to hear dammit!", but no matter how much we try, something else wins over and it never comes out so things drag out a lot more then they need to and both parties keep getting hurt coz for that unknown stupid reason, nothing comes out when it should... Its like the heart wins out over the brain and filters everything you say to stop you from hurting the one you love, even when your own heart is slowly being ripped to shreads :cry:
Well said!
The thing is... Miki's pretty damn blunt - which makes her fun to write - but some things you just can't say.

And btw, i loved the chapter of course ;) and you had me scared with the long break between the two, lol.
Sorry, I was sick ^^;

They say a good writer is he/she that can write parallel POV and the reader will love both.
kinda like Ender's Game and Ender's shadow XD
Thanks... I did it with the entire first part, though XD
Actually, funny story.
I never intended to write Miki's POV for the first part. But then I was writing the end and Miki just wasn't flowing right, so in order to get into her head, I wrote her POV for the entire fic. XD
And then I was informed repeatedly by my ex that I'm exactly like Miki. ...which I'm still not sure how to take  :lol:

"...'trouble walking'? What the hell, did she sodomize you or something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
I wrote that just for you XD

"She's sick," Yossy interrupted me.
of course she is, she took advantage of a drunk woman, she's bizarre :wat:

But it's all warm and gooshy in there's a ton of pervvy Yossi/YoMiki thoughts.  :kekeke:
That there are! :otomerika:

Quote wouldn't happen to have the original pic this came from?
Please, honey, I literally OWN that UFA photo.
I assume you'd like a scan though, and not just me taunting you  :wahaha:

scan by me - do not repost without credit or I and my dusty scanner will track yo' ass down.

OK! Here it is by popular demand.  XD

To be honest, I was hoping for this but I didn't outright state it because I figured you'd do it anyway, and if you weren't planning on doing it there'd be plenty of other readers who'd bug you to.  :rofl:
XD SPEAK UP, PEOPLE! I've written probably about 4 different parts simply based on reader ideas, so seriously... speak up!

She grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around to face her. I looked at the floor, trying to compose myself. Even now, even like this, her touch was gentle, like I was her most prized possession.
Well, she's by no means a possession, but Miki IS probably the thing that Yossi values the most in her life right now.
Exactly. And at this point, Yossy's almost afraid of breaking Miki, so she's being extra careful.

"Are you sure you even slept with her?" Maybe she hadn't. I mean, this IS the same woman who had no idea I was the same girl she'd violated in a closet all those years ago.
If Miki's referring to how Yossi can be completely oblivious at times, she must be hoping that Yossi misunderstood, nay perhaps even dreamed up what happened that night.
Exactly.  :bingo:


Narrator is....

(welcome to the photos-almond-owns narrator-indicator series)

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #126 on: December 12, 2007, 12:21:08 AM »

The smell of coffee brewing woke me up.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, disoriented. Somehow I'd flipped around in the middle of the night and was using Yossy's chest as a pillow, half sitting up as I leaned against her. Her arms were loosely looped around my waist and she was absentmindedly running her fingers along my stomach.

I could see Aya in the kitchen, dancing as she sang that Diamonds song to herself. She randomly pumped an empty coffee cup enthusiastically in the air like she was at a concert. Yossy silently shook with laughter beneath me. Aya glanced over and caught my eye.

"Look who finally decided to join us!" she grinned. I felt Yossy stiffen slightly and her fingers froze mid-motion.

"Hey," Yossy said softly in my ear, her voice uncertain. I couldn't blame her. I wasn't even sure how I felt about things at this point, what I wanted from her. How was she supposed to know... All I knew was that I loved her and needed her.

But, I guess that meant I knew something.

I guess I did know what I wanted from her.

I wished things could back the way they were, but I knew that couldn't happen. There wasn't some magic button I could push that would turn back the clock and make it all go away. I just needed her beside me, quietly assuring me that she was mine and wasn't going anywhere. Assuring me that she would never leave me again. Assuring me that I was truly all that mattered to her and anything else was a stupid, stupid mistake. I just needed to know she still loved me.

But I couldn't say that aloud.

Silently, I took hold of her shirt sleeve and played with the fabric. She relaxed a little behind me and tentatively kissed the top of my head.

"Mikitty!" Aya exclaimed, walking over to us. Damn, she was perky. How much coffee did she drink?

"Morning," I mumbled. Aya was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Aya, do you need some downers?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You two. So cute this morning," she said, ignoring me. Yossy sighed.

"I woke up and caught her trying to take a photo of us with her cell phone," Yossy murmured. Her low voice in my ear made me shiver and she tightened her arms around me.

"Well, it was adorable!" Aya giggled. "You both were smiling in your sleep, all cuddled up together..." she sighed dreamily.

"Seriously, Aya, do you need some downers?" I asked flatly. Yossy chuckled. Aya glared at me.

"I think I almost liked it better when you were angsty and quiet," she muttered. I stuck my tongue out at her. Aya returned the gesture before glancing at Yossy behind me. "If you're giving me a ride, we need to get going."

"Yeah, I know," Yossy sighed and reluctantly released her grip around my waist. I took that as my cue and moved out of her way.

I sat on the edge of the couch and looked at the floor. I still couldn't quite look at her. It was strange. I needed her so much right now, but looking at her uncertain face... It still hurt too much. And sometimes I felt like she could almost see what I was thinking when she looked at me. Especially if I was up to no good.

And right now, my mind was definitely up to no good.

I leaned down and grabbed Yossy's purse from where she had tossed it last night, pausing briefly to stuff something under the couch. I straightened up and handed it to her.

"Thanks," she said quietly. I glanced up and caught her eye. Her piercing gaze made me blush and I quickly glanced back down.

"Oh, just make out already and get it over with!" Aya laughed from the doorway. I looked up and glared at Aya, which just made her laugh harder. That girl needs to switch to decaf. Yossy leaned down and hesitatingly brushed her lips against my cheek.

"Have a good day at work," I said quietly. She pulled back and smiled at me.

"I love you," she whispered, softly touching my cheek.

"I love you, too," I replied, watching her walk out the door with Aya.

I counted to one hundred and leaned over to look out the window. Perfect. Yossy was just driving away with Aya.

I jumped off the couch and squatted on the floor, fishing out the crumpled piece of paper I'd hidden away. I opened it, read it again, and carefully folded it into a neat little square before sliding it into my back pocket.

Pfft. "I won't tell Miki" my ass.

I stalked over to Aya's bedroom and slammed open the door, swiftly heading over to my pile of dirty laundry in the corner. I pulled out my old jeans from that day and shoved my hand in the front pocket.

I smiled slowly as I pulled a small set of keys out of the pocket. I spun them around my finger once before gripping the stylized M keychain tightly.

That bitch was mine.


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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #127 on: December 12, 2007, 12:32:00 AM »
I came here first to check if you had finally posted part 16 but you hadn't :(. Thankfully a lightbulb turned on and I checked your blog and there it was. Either way i'll give ya a crappy comment here ^_^.

Aya if now officially may favorite character in this story! Who else can be singing daimonds and making coffee at the same time or creepily take papparazi type pictures of a sleeping YOMIKI XD

Yossy is to naive for her own good lol

and Miki's "that bitch was mine" really made me wish it wasn't the end of that CH.

Miki's back and I'm loving it!  :twisted:

MKI VS MKI SHOWDOWN can't wait can't wait can't wait
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #128 on: December 12, 2007, 12:36:06 AM »
That bitch was mine.
that last bit really got me laughing... and got me worried about Maki!!
another thing I'm worried about: how does Aya feel about all of this? cause it's nice to see yossi and miki on better terms, but I kinda feel sorry about Aya... she's such a nice friend...
well, I really love this story... looking forward to the next chapter  :mon thumb:

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #129 on: December 12, 2007, 01:08:21 AM »
"...'trouble walking'? What the hell, did she sodomize you or something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
I wrote that just for you XD
waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh :shy2:
SO THE KEY MIKI GRABED IS MAKI'S?????????/////////

such a short chap. I NEED AN ADULT PL0Z

Yossi <3 Rika <3 Timu Ke <3

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #130 on: December 12, 2007, 01:52:10 AM »
I'm a bit scared about what's going to happen to Maki now...  :(
On another note, why would Miki have Maki's key?  :twisted: :twisted:
« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 02:02:54 AM by Liv »

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #131 on: December 12, 2007, 02:12:47 AM »
And then I was informed repeatedly by my ex that I'm exactly like Miki. ...which I'm still not sure how to take  :lol:
As in you're both sassy, cute/hawt, and absolutely gaagaa for Yossi.  :shakeit:

*Miki-sama pic*
scan by me - do not repost without credit or I and my dusty scanner will track yo' ass down.
You tease.  O0

Many thanks, BTW. :)

(welcome to the photos-almond-owns narrator-indicator series)

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, disoriented. Somehow I'd flipped around in the middle of the night and was using Yossy's chest as a pillow, half sitting up as I leaned against her. Her arms were loosely looped around my waist and she was absentmindedly running her fingers along my stomach.
Sleep habits...hard to break. But then again, when it's YoMiki, why would you want to? :D

Wonder if Yossi's actually awake, or if she's "sleep carressing?"

I could see Aya in the kitchen, dancing as she sang that Diamonds song to herself.
You know, that's probably one of, if not my favourite Uta Doki eps when she sang that. :)

"Look who finally decided to join us!" she grinned. I felt Yossy stiffen slightly and her fingers froze mid-motion.
Eep...busted. o_o

"Mikitty!" Aya exclaimed, walking over to us. Damn, she was perky. How much coffee did she drink?

"Morning," I mumbled. Aya was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Aya, do you need some downers?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I woke up and caught her trying to take a photo of us with her cell phone," Yossy murmured.
Awwwwwwwwwwww... :nya:

"Well, it was adorable!" Aya giggled. "You both were smiling in your sleep, all cuddled up together..." she sighed dreamily.
It's like they were both back where they belonged.  :wub:

"Seriously, Aya, do you need some downers?" I asked flatly. Yossy chuckled. Aya glared at me.

"I think I almost liked it better when you were angsty and quiet," she muttered. I stuck my tongue out at her. Aya returned the gesture before glancing at Yossy behind me.
Miki =  :mon suspect:
Yossi =  :mon lol:
Aya =   :mon annoy:
Miki =
Aya =

right now, my mind was definitely up to no good.

I leaned down and grabbed Yossy's purse from where she had tossed it last night, pausing briefly to stuff something under the couch. I straightened up and handed it to her.
Uh-oh...I'll bet that "something" had to first come OUT of Yossi's purse before Miki shoved it under the couch too. 

And here I was hoping Miki was thinking pervy thoughts when she said her mind was up to no good. :(

I jumped off the couch and squatted on the floor, fishing out the crumpled piece of paper I'd hidden away. I opened it, read it again, and carefully folded it into a neat little square before sliding it into my back pocket.

Pfft. "I won't tell Miki" my ass.
Crap. :O

I stalked over to Aya's bedroom and slammed open the door, swiftly heading over to my pile of dirty laundry in the corner. I pulled out my old jeans from that day and shoved my hand in the front pocket.

I smiled slowly as I pulled a small set of keys out of the pocket. I spun them around my finger once before gripping the stylized M keychain tightly.

That bitch was mine.

On another note, why would Miki have Maki's key?  :twisted: :twisted:
When Yossi "confessed" to Miki, instead of freaking out Miki just walked out of their apartment, remember? Well, she grabbed a set of keys on her way out, but she accidentally grabbed the spare set of keys from Maki's place that Maki had left for Yossi before leaving for Korea.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 02:17:22 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #132 on: December 12, 2007, 02:26:56 AM »
im quite certain Miki has Maki's keys coz this is a sci-fi story.
Miki used her "interdimensional key grabber" so she can vandalize a certain person's apartment...
or something liek that  :banghead:

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #133 on: December 12, 2007, 03:02:51 AM »
Nothing like Ayaya who interferes with your attention, when you're trying to get some deep thinking going on. The powers of the idol's idol.  What a relief that Miki and Yossy are doing better now.  Scheming Miki=something good is gonna happen. :yep: What better way to get your groove back than by kicking butt, Fujimoto style.

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #134 on: December 12, 2007, 08:36:14 AM »
I wished things could back the way they were, but I knew that couldn't happen. There wasn't some magic button I could push that would turn back the clock and make it all go away. I just needed her beside me, quietly assuring me that she was mine and wasn't going anywhere. Assuring me that she would never leave me again. Assuring me that I was truly all that mattered to her and anything else was a stupid, stupid mistake. I just needed to know she still loved me.

But I couldn't say that aloud.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Miki didn't we just have this talk :angry: Stop torturing me... and urself :(

"I love you," she whispered, softly touching my cheek.

"I love you, too," I replied, watching her walk out the door with Aya.
:mon waterworks: :cry:

I smiled slowly as I pulled a small set of keys out of the pocket. I spun them around my finger once before gripping the stylized M keychain tightly.
That's pretty fancy keychain for spare keys :P

That bitch was mine.
You really do love ending your chapters on great lines :rockon: That's my girl Miki, go be the kick ass girl we all know and love. But don't hurt Maki's face (or breasts) ;) i wonder if Miki will even open her mouth BEFORE she hits Maki?

And then I was informed repeatedly by my ex that I'm exactly like Miki. ...which I'm still not sure how to take  :lol:
Even if people are saying that in a bad way, i don't think it ever could be so take it as a compliment (and a nice pick up line for u) ;) :wub:

Thanks for the update, I needed something to cheer me up and this mostly worked (probably coz of Aya, lol) but the lovey doveyness in parts had the opposite effect to usual :lol:

Oh and Aya does need downers but we love her anyway!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 08:43:27 AM by lollipopgirl »

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #135 on: December 12, 2007, 04:09:16 PM »
Aaaaw, I think I'm  :bleed eyes: from overloaded sweetness enuf to give you tooth cavity, thankfully to Aya, the scene quickly fall down from cloud 9.  :lol: wtf, singing diamond and swinging coffee mug around. That's dangerous.  :D

I WANNA SEE MIKI BEATING MAKI TO A PULP!!! *thirsty for blood bath* or better yet,
That bitch was mine.
Wrestling sport ended up in heavily revenge sex? :ondick:

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Re: [part 16] memoir III: memory
« Reply #136 on: December 12, 2007, 06:47:01 PM »
Aya if now officially may favorite character in this story! Who else can be singing daimonds and making coffee at the same time or creepily take papparazi type pictures of a sleeping YOMIKI XD
....Makoto? XD

MKI VS MKI SHOWDOWN can't wait can't wait can't wait

ok, I'm done.

another thing I'm worried about: how does Aya feel about all of this? cause it's nice to see yossi and miki on better terms, but I kinda feel sorry about Aya... she's such a nice friend...
Hmm... maybe I need to write some Aya POV or something.

such a short chap. I NEED AN ADULT PL0Z
wtf  :lol:

On another note, why would Miki have Maki's key?  :twisted: :twisted:

And then I was informed repeatedly by my ex that I'm exactly like Miki. ...which I'm still not sure how to take  :lol:
As in you're both sassy, cute/hawt, and absolutely gaagaa for Yossi.  :shakeit:

I could see Aya in the kitchen, dancing as she sang that Diamonds song to herself.
You know, that's probably one of, if not my favourite Uta Doki eps when she sang that. :)
One of my betas, Kue, is obsessed with that performance, so that's why I put it in.

Miki =  :mon suspect:
Yossi =  :mon lol:
Aya =   :mon annoy:
Miki =
Aya =

And here I was hoping Miki was thinking pervy thoughts when she said her mind was up to no good. :(
Aw, sorry.

On another note, why would Miki have Maki's key?  :twisted: :twisted:
When Yossi "confessed" to Miki, instead of freaking out Miki just walked out of their apartment, remember? Well, she grabbed a set of keys on her way out, but she accidentally grabbed the spare set of keys from Maki's place that Maki had left for Yossi before leaving for Korea.
Exactly! Here's basically what happened to the keys.
They were left for Yossy to lock up with.
Yossy came home and threw them on the counter.
Miki grabbed the nearest keys when she left, figuring they were either hers or Yossys.
Miki realized she'd never seen them before, but ignored it.
Miki reads the note and realizes they're Maki's keys.

im quite certain Miki has Maki's keys coz this is a sci-fi story.
Miki used her "interdimensional key grabber" so she can vandalize a certain person's apartment...
....or that.

Nothing like Ayaya who interferes with your attention, when you're trying to get some deep thinking going on. The powers of the idol's idol.
So very true.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Miki didn't we just have this talk :angry: Stop torturing me... and urself :(
:on lol:

I smiled slowly as I pulled a small set of keys out of the pocket. I spun them around my finger once before gripping the stylized M keychain tightly.
That's pretty fancy keychain for spare keys :P
You think? I had a roommate who would put the most intricate keychains on the spare keys because she didn't want to mess them up.
...she was odd though. lol

That bitch was mine.
You really do love ending your chapters on great lines :rockon:
Yes. Yes, I do.  :lol:

And then I was informed repeatedly by my ex that I'm exactly like Miki. ...which I'm still not sure how to take  :lol:
Even if people are saying that in a bad way, i don't think it ever could be so take it as a compliment (and a nice pick up line for u) ;) :wub:
Aw, thanks. Nah, it's just weird 'cause she's a Miki fan. And used as a pickup line on me or by me?
"Heeey, y'know, people say I remind them of Fujimoto..."  :mon misch:

I WANNA SEE MIKI BEATING MAKI TO A PULP!!! *thirsty for blood bath* or better yet,
That bitch was mine.
Wrestling sport ended up in heavily revenge sex? :ondick:
You're violent today! XD

Miki: You must die.
Maki: Wait! Idea!
Miki: ??
Maki: Revenge sex? Some Mikis! Touch ?
Miki: ...

Anyway, new part coming up in a few~!

Narrator IS...........................






« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 07:33:44 PM by almond »

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Re: [part 17] memoir III: memory
« Reply #137 on: December 12, 2007, 07:13:07 PM »

I smiled and waved politely to the old woman who lives across the hall from me. She eyed me suspiciously and slammed her door shut like she always does. Ah, it's nice to be home.

I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door, pausing to remove my shoes before shutting the door behind me. I sighed and flipped the lights on.

A split second later, I found myself pinned against the wall with a hand around my throat. I coughed, trying to choke out a coherent word and gazed into the eyes of one royally pissed off Fujimoto Miki.

"Mi..." I coughed. "What..."

"You have five seconds to give me a good reason not to beat the shit out of you," Miki said in a low, calm voice. My eyes widened.

"But - "

"And if you think I'm joking, keep in mind that I pretty much have nothing to lose at this point."



"Miki, I.." I started coughing again.


"I CAN'T TALK LIKE THIS!" I managed to yell, pushing her off of me. She smirked.

"Better? Three."

"What are you freaking out about?" I asked, trying to get my bearings. She leaned her head back and laughed.

"Me? Oh, just this." She dangled a piece of paper in front of my eyes. I took it from her and read it.

"Ok..." I said slowly. "First of all, how did you get a hold of this. No, wait. First, how the hell did you get in my apartment. Second, how did you get a hold of this. And third, why don't you ask Yossy?"

"Your spare keys, swiped it from Yocchan's purse, and she doesn't remember a damn thing." She ticked the items off like she was making a grocery list.

"What?!" My jaw dropped. "She doesn't remember anything?!" I grabbed the note and read it again. I started laughing; I couldn't help it. "Oh my God, I... I know I shouldn't write things when I'm mostly asleep, but I didn't realize she wouldn't remember... Oh wow, no wonder you want to kill me!" My hysterical laughter quickly turned into a coughing fit.

"What?" Miki stared at me. I walked past her and into the kitchen to get myself some water.

"Yocchan doesn't remember anything at all?" I asked.

"Just running into you and something about being naked," Miki spat out. I held my hands out defensively even though she was nowhere near me.

"Let me explain," I replied.

"I'm trying to," she rolled her eyes. "I'd hurry up if I was you, though. I don't do calm well."

"I ran into Yossy at the bar down the street. She was drunk. Almost falling over on her ass drunk. I've never seen anyone that smashed and I've gone out with Yuuchan and Kei."

"Yoshizawa. Drunk. Got it."

"I managed to drag her here to sleep it off - "

"And decided to help her out of her drunken stupor with a little Some Girls! Touch action?" she snapped.

"What!? NO!" I laughed. "She kind of, well, puked on the way here, she reeked of alcohol, and honestly, I was a little scared to let her go to sleep like that."

"So you kept her awake by putting your fingers in her - "

"Miki!" I exclaimed. "No. I threw her drunk ass in the shower to sober up a little. She kept laughing and almost fell over, so I had to kind of, well, go in there to keep her steady." Miki raised an eyebrow. "I was fully clothed!" I protested. "Anyway, I managed to get a T-shirt on her before sending her to bed."

"What about this 'trouble walking' bullshit?" she demanded. I pointed at my living room.

"See that coffee table?"


"She fell over that twice. She rammed into just about everything in here, actually. I'd be shocked if she wasn't completely covered in bruises the next day."

"Wait... so, you really didn't violate my Yocchan?" I laughed and looked down at my empty water glass.

"Who in their right mind would take advantage of the pure innocent Yoshizawa in her drunken stupor?"

"Seriously? Look me in the eye." I laughed and looked her straight in the eye.

"I have never had sex with Yoshizawa Hitomi," I said seriously.

"Oh my Gah."

I laughed again and turned around to refill my glass. "Geez, Miki, you must have a pretty low opinion of me," I laughed. "What kind of person would have slept with their ex like that?" I sighed and turned around.

Miki was nowhere to be found and my front door was wide open. Feeling stupid, I walked over to shut it.

The old lady across the hall was right outside my door, gaping at me. I eyed her suspiciously and slammed my door shut.

Ah, it's nice to be home.


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Re: [part 17] memoir III: memory
« Reply #138 on: December 12, 2007, 07:22:29 PM »
omg, where should I start...
at first I thought this whole "maki sleeping with yossi" thing was some kind of misunderstanding... not only because yossie didn't remember it, but because maki never got the chance to confirm it properly... but once miki and yossi started fighting because of it, I thought that maybe I was wrong and they did sleep together...
but when I saw that this new chapter was going to be Maki's pov I got surprised... cause everything was going to be revealed! and well, it did...  :)
nice to see maki is such a nice friend after all, I didn't like the fact that she kinda abused yossi while she was drunk... I knew she wouldn't disappoint me... :D
(and jealous miki sure is scary... I wonder why she ran off at the end... probably to apologize and explain everything to yossi, or so I hope...)  :yep:

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Re: [part 17] memoir III: memory
« Reply #139 on: December 12, 2007, 08:00:36 PM »
man, that was fast update...

Yossi <3 Rika <3 Timu Ke <3

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