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Author Topic: [CHI] Shu Qi  (Read 69225 times)

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2012, 12:19:44 PM »
OUTRAGE!!!! buttocks can be so stupid. Their am a virgin affects different people. Good thing Shu Qi has friends in high places, ifunowhattamean!??!

Shu Qi thanks netizens who have hurt her

Shu Qi was recently blasted by netizens for voicing support for actor Donnie Yen, who had reportedly fallen out with fellow actor Vincent Zhao on the set of upcoming movie Special Identity.

The 35-year-old actress' words caused enraged netizens to upload her nude photographs which were taken before she found showbiz fame. The outpouring of vicious comments left Shu Qi no choice but to shut down her microblog recently.

here's a dope interview from

Shu Qi
Posted: 28 Mar 2012

She has fronted languid arthouse films, become one of Chinese cinema’s most popular stars and even beaten Angelina Jolie to the title of ‘the world’s sexiest lips’. What more does Shu Qi want? The actress opens up about the modest ambitions for her ‘lucky’ career. Interview by Edmund Lee

 If you’re a Best Actress nominee at the upcoming Hong Kong Film Awards, an arthouse favourite who’s been a jury member for both Berlin and Cannes Film Festivals and a leading lady who’s regularly working with some of Chinese cinema’s greatest directors, how would you react when a journalist says he likes your latest film? “Yeeeeaaah!” exclaims Shu Qi goofily when I tell her exactly that, before adding: “That’s great!” And the scariest part of all? She really means it.

 When we caught up for this early-March interview, the 35-year-old actress – ever adorably genuine in conversation – had yet to see her latest film, the Carol Lai-directed The Second Woman, hence her elation about my opinion on the film. In the psychological thriller, Shu plays a pair of twin sisters who may be switching identities at times, and who both happen to have an interest in acting – think two characters exponentially complicated by a web of imitation and artistic improvisation. It is, in other words, just what she needs as her latest acting challenge.

To start with, how many different characters did it feel like you were playing in The Second Woman?
 When I was filming I treated myself as a seriously schizophrenic person: I had 12 personalities in my body. I brought out the elder sister when the director wanted to film that part of me and I brought out the younger sister when it’s her turn. Each of them were split into [the four emotions of] joy, anger, sadness and happiness – as well as the story-within-a-story aspect of the film. During that period, I was… how should I put it… close to a breakdown. I learned that schizophrenia isn’t much of an enjoyable experience. [Laughs]

Since your two characters often appear in the same shot, you must’ve been performing to an empty space in quite a number of scenes. What was that like?
 It actually felt weirder when we were rehearsing the scenes because I would be looking at a stand-in or a green ball or a fist – I couldn’t help but feel like a mental patient on those occasions. When we were really filming, however, I wouldn’t see the ball – I would see the face of my elder sister or my younger sister then. I would react to what I’d done as my opponent [in earlier takes], or I would imagine what her reactions would be like. It’s all in my mind. I was acting with a person projected from inside my mind. It’s a little crazy. [Laughs]

Were you familiar with director Carol Lai before making this film? Have you seen any of her previous works?
 I’ve seen The Floating Landscape (2003). There aren’t many female directors in our film industry nowadays and I also seldom have the chance to work with female directors. I’ve worked with Mabel Cheung, Ann Hui and a Taiwanese female director, and this is only my fourth time working with a female director. One of the major reasons I really enjoy collaborating with them is that they’re all a bit crazy. Male directors tend to be more ‘manly’…

You mean male directors are less fun-loving?
 No, but rather they tend to look at women from a male’s point of view – from your performance to your inner world. But when it’s a female director, she would enter your world. When you also consider the fact that [Lai] wrote the script for this film as well… she imagined everything. So practically speaking she’s a little crazy as well. That’s why you’d often find on the set these two crazy ladies arguing over stuff. We’re bound to have more [creative] sparks together.

It’s probably fair to say that your role in The Second Woman is anything but typical. How did Lai prepare you before the shoot?
 Actually, we did a lot of homework before the shoot. She showed me a film of [the Japanese singer-actress] Momoe Yamaguchi, [director Kon Ichikawa’s Koto (1980)], in which she played a pair of [long-separated twin] sisters. The special effects at that time were already pretty good. I also learned quite a bit about theatre as preparation for the story-within-a-story part of the film; that’s why I had a lot of inspirations for the theatre performance in the film. During the shoot, the makeup artist, the hair stylist and William Chang all helped me a lot; put it simply, [in the early parts of the film] I was playing the elder sister when my hair was down and the younger sister when my hair was tied up. That helps me to distinguish between different parts of myself. I also try to ‘hypnotise’ myself in front of the mirror. The director was great in that she’s given considerable liberty to me to play my role. Sometimes she’d point out the finer details, such as the higher pitch that the younger sister speaks in.

Which of the two sisters is closer to you in terms of their mannerisms?
 Both are [close to me]… because they’re both me. [Laughs] They’re both created from my mind. When I’m enjoying myself in the company of my good friends, when I don’t need to hide my [true] self, when I can just totally relax in the drinking and chatting, I’d behave in a similar way to the younger sister [character]. On the other hand, when I’m having dinner and chatting with children or younger people, I’ll behave in a more mature way, just as the elder sister [character] does. The truth is, each person has many different personalities inside his body.

You mentioned just now that theatre also constitutes a significant part to the film. Did you have any previous experience with the stage?
 Not at all, not at all. So when we were filming, we had Cantonese opera teachers who guide us through the performances, and we had theatre teachers who told us what theatre is all about. The movement and physical expression [of theatre] is totally different from what we’re used to in filmmaking. We spent more than a month practising those but… to be honest, it didn’t help much in our final performance. [Laughs] As the saying goes, you need 10 years of practice offstage before delivering that one minute of performance onstage. We’re only hoping to be able to imitate the looks of it in the shortest time possible.

Did this experience make you want to try your hands in theatre someday?
 Uh, I don’t think… um… it’s possible – several years later – but not now. At the end, theatre is an entirely different mode of performance. Its emphasis in voice and body control has to be trained, I think.

The film also shows the competitive side of the entertainment business – complete with the occasional backstabbing. Have you experienced similar things in your career?
 I haven’t.

 I think it’s down to the different mentalities of different actors. Each person has his own ambition and goal, because everyone has a different personality. In my case, I’ve been showered with affection by many people once I stepped into this business. Throughout my career, the assistance I’ve received is even more than the efforts I’ve myself put in… [laughs] if I have to be honest about it now. I’ve been a very lucky actress.

When watching The Second Woman, I was reminded of the atmosphere of some European arthouse suspense dramas. Do you personally see this as an art film or a mainstream commercial movie?
 I knew from the moment I took up this project that it’s not going to be a mainstream movie. It’s definitely not one of those commercial blockbusters and the moment you see what this film is about, you can have a rough idea of its [modest] box office results. But as an actress, I was attracted by the prospect of playing twin sisters. If I could do it well, it’d be a lot of fun. The best part of making this type of movie is that you have a chance to play and try out something new.

Speaking of playing multiple roles in the same movie, you’ve actually already done that in Hou Hsiao-hsien’s Three Times (2005). Since you’ve starred in more than a few arthouse movies – including two by Hou – would you say you’re more of an arthouse actress at heart?
 I would not say that. [Laughs] Because when I made Three Times… oh wait, you’ve suddenly reminded me what I told myself then! I said I’d rather be beaten to death than play another of these multiple-personalities roles! [I’m not especially into art films] because their mode of expression is rather different. If I were a new actress – or maybe if I were me from five or 10 years ago – I’d be very passionate about acting and want to experiment with everything. I wanted to test my abilities when I was offered the chances to work with Hou and other important directors. I wanted to see whether I was capable of playing this role or that role. I wanted to find out about my potentials. That’s why I was really interested to take up art film projects… to torture myself. But after doing these art films or non-mainstream movies for a while, I felt mentally and physically exhausted. If I kept on doing arthouse movies, I think I’d have cancer or depression! [Laughs] I couldn’t do that all the time. If you’ve paid attention to my films in recent years, they’re all gruelling exercises. Right now, all I want to take part in are happy movies, silly comedies, simple movies, movies in which I just stand around, or movies in which I have only two lines. [Laughs]

But do you still have the ambition as an actress? I mean, your previous participations in arthouse movies have made you a jury member at both Berlin and Cannes, as well as establishing you as a recognisable figure in the international film circuit. I’m afraid those are the films that would cement your star status.
 Hmm… as I just said, I recognise that I’ve long been a very lucky actress. I’ve been given a lot of opportunities since my early days in the business. As an actress, [my status] today is already quite unthinkable for the Shu Qi from 15 years ago. I would never imagine myself becoming an actress like this. When I first entered the Hong Kong film industry 15 years ago, I had nothing on my mind. I had no plans, I had no major goals. All I wanted to find out was whether I could step into this movie world, whether I could act, whether I would become a decent actress in the future, whether I could change people’s views about me. Actually, I was only thinking about doing my best – and here I am now. I’ve always been a… I wouldn’t say I have no ambition at all, but my ambition is simply to give my best to what I’m doing. I don’t pay attention to goals that are too far or too high for me, goals that are unreachable, because I believe in destiny. If something belongs to you, it’s yours; you should have done your part before thinking about anything else. As for audience recognition, I feel that it really just depends on each individual viewer; in 100 of them, you can’t ask for all 100 of them to like you. You may find 50, 40 or 90 of them rooting for you. There must be people who don’t like me, but if these people nonetheless think that ‘Shu Qi is quite a decent actress’, I’d already be very happy.

If you think about it, what’s changed most about you in these past 15 years?
 The way of living: I’ve turned into a Hongkonger [giggles] from a Taiwanese. Of course, I’ve achieved a lot in many aspects since the beginning; but in terms of my personality and my inner world, it hasn’t really changed much. I’m only getting older, which ‘means’ that I’m more mature, but I’m still a fun-loving person who likes to make more new friends. I might be quite temperamental in the past, when people would think ‘that’s cute! Just let her be – she’s only a little girl’. But I can’t show my tempers so easily today, because I’m at this age already; if I did, people would find me a difficult person to work with. I no longer have the complete freedom to express all my emotions.

Still, you’ve been gradually establishing yourself as one of the best actresses in Chinese cinema. Even in romance movies, such as last year’s A Beautiful Life, your part proves to be unusually eye-catching. Do you often pick your own roles?
 [Director] Andrew Lau forced me to do A Beautiful Life. [Laughs] He said I must do it. It’s fun to play a ‘Kong girl’ [in the film]. It’s quite a challenge to me, as a lady who originally came from Taiwan.

Playing a ‘Kong girl’ probably marked your full transformation into a Hongkonger.
 Yes, yes. I think it’s quite cool. As for picking my roles, I don’t really have any special ways of doing it. In the past five years or so, I seem to have been working regularly with directors that I’m already familiar with, such as Andrew Lau, Feng Xiaogang and Hou Hsiao-hsien. It depends on my mood at the time and it depends on the dreams and passion of the directors.

So in your opinion, what stage of your career are you currently at?
 My career… I think it’s the harvest time. But then I think it’s harvest time every year, after every movie I’ve finished. [The filmmaking process] is still very fresh to me but I’ll probably have to be more careful with the upcoming projects I sign on to. I’ve been thinking exactly this recently: now that I’ve managed to play four characters in The Second Woman, what more can I do afterwards? I’ve been thinking along this line. I’m at once afraid of and excited about [my future].


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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2012, 09:06:52 AM »
promo pic for 31st Hong Kong Film awards :heart:

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #42 on: April 15, 2012, 05:44:45 PM »
do u have her love scene in the movie?

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2012, 08:44:21 AM »
do u have her love scene in the movie?

Which one? Sex and Zen? Viva Erotica? I have them all :fap

Or why not we say happy bday SHU QI!!

pretty with Anthony Wong at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards

and being interviewed by

think she was a presenter too. :heart:

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2012, 05:25:07 PM »
do u have her love scene in the movie?

Which one? Sex and Zen? Viva Erotica? I have them all :fap

Or why not we say happy bday SHU QI!!

pretty with Anthony Wong at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards

and being interviewed by

think she was a presenter too. :heart:
all of them plz :twothumbs

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2012, 10:18:51 PM »
one think i could say about Shu Qi is HOT
in the transporter make me MELT
her accent is cute, i can't even write anything right now

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #46 on: September 24, 2012, 03:11:49 AM »
^ Yeah. :lol: Check The Asshole.

September 22,  Shu Qi attended the conference of a brand's fashion week. Praised Shu Qi unique and superior brand Chief Executive Officer, Shu Qi also said he was honored to participate in the Milan Fashion Week conference. via Sina / TUNGSTAR

HER HAIR! WHOA. going for the G.E.M. look? with a touch of Frosted Lettuce a la Roger CLemens XD

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2012, 08:38:30 AM »
VA VA VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Ma Cherie Shu Qi covers L'Officiel No.291 October 2012

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2012, 02:25:28 AM »


The Stephen Chow Sing Chi directed film JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) will be released in the Lunar New Year. Yesterday he along with actors Shu Qi, Wen Zhang and Huang Bo attended the Beijing press conference. Sing Yeh praised the 3 actors for their great acting. They were filled of comedy senses, with them he could almost retire from comedy! He was still able to direct though. Shu Qi revealed that when she was named the lead actress, she admitted that she was a little surprised and agreed to perform right away.

comedy legggggs :drool:

 Chow sing Chi at the Beijing press conference joked, "Wen Zhang is the new king of comedy. With him, my comedy life has ended; Huang Bo is already a king of comedy, with him, Wen Zhang's and my comedy lives have ended; with Shu Qi, we can all get lost. She absolutely is the comedy fighter jet."

 Shu Qi admitted that she wanted Sing Yeh to show of a little of his acting in the film but she was disappointed. Sing yeh was asked when he would personally perform a comedy for everyone? He continued to praise the actors and said, "With them around, what would I play? I can almost retire." Yet he admitted that he would not stop directing.

 Shu Qi was named the lead actress to play the demon taming heroine. She said that she was a little surprised. "One day Sing Yeh suddenly called me and asked if I could be his new film's lead actress? At the time I was so surprised I jumped. Later I found out it was for JOURNEY TO THE WEST, a costume and action films. I thought it would be a lot of fun so I agreed right away. I grew up watching Sing Yeh's movies. I understand his style very well, working with Sing Yeh on a comedy has been my dream for years." Sing Yeh said, "Oriignally I wanted to take Shu Qi to dinner to invite her, because I thought Shu Qi has always played pretty characters she probably would have no interest in comedy; in the end, Shu Qi was very interested in the comedy, I didn't have to take her to dinner."

 In the film Shu Qi had many action scenes, most of which Sing Yeh personally demonstrated. Shu Qi said, "No wonder everyone said Sing Yeh likes kung fu, he actually really knows kung fu well!"
Posted by hktopten

This so cute.

Shu Qi posts this photo online and jokes, "Who is going to pull him off me?"
 courtesy of

I found links to her ol school nude video. COMING SOON!! :fap

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2013, 10:20:06 PM »

舒淇最新时尚写真曝光,展露美腿演绎休闲风。在拍摄当日,摄影师陈漫以不足六小时的时间把原本计划要用超过八小时的摄影全部完成,整个拍摄一气呵成。 舒淇

lol there was an issue with this?


pimpin some KENZO  1月10日

Shu Qi yesterday attended a Kenzo fragrance commercial press conference. Tin Kai Man complained about how cheap Stephen Chow Sing Chi was. His JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) star Shu Qi said, "I don't think Sing Yeh is cheap. Did Sing Yeh buy a round? The team did, I did too. I never counted whether I did more than he did, but when the team did it used Sing Yeh's money."

 Reportedly Sing Yeh and Stephen Fung Tak Lun were at odds so he was deliberately pursuing her. Shu Qi said, "I didn't sense that, I didn't catch any scent of him pursuing me. If Sing Yeh did? The world has no if." Did she like men like Sing Yeh? Shu Qi said that all talented men were attractive, then she changed the subject.
 Posted by hktopten 

at some Presser for JOURNEY TO THE WEST :lol:


Chrissie and Shu Qi :fap

The Stephen Chow Sing Chi produced, directed and written, Shu Qi, Wen Zhang, Huang Bo and Chrissie Chau Sau Na starred JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) will be released on February 7 for the Lunar New Year film and on February 10 in the Mainland on the Lunar New Year's Day. Yesterday its stills and production special were unveiled.

 In JOURNEY TO THE WEST, aside from the Shu Qi played demon taming heroine and Wen Zhang played Chen Xuanzang (young Venerable Monk Tang), the comedy team also had Sing Yeh's KUNG FU HUSTLE and CJ7 (CHEUNG GONG CHUT HO) classic support players Jiro Lee Seung Ching and Fung Min Hung as well as new additions like Huang Bo, Show Luo (Law Chi Cheung) and Chau Sau Na. Playing the Sand Monk, Lee Seung Ching also had to perform in the buff with Wen Zhang.

 In the production special Sing Yeh was very attentive to Shu Qi. He personally demonstrated every stunt. In Shu Qi's fight against monsters Sing Yeh displayed his style. Shu QI and Huang Bo's dance scene also had a comedy feel. Sing Yeh also revealed that he played an important character for viewers to find.

 When two generations of sexy stars Shu Qi and Chau Sau Na ran into each other, they held back their sexiness for comedy. Sister Na did not feel Sing Yeh was serious at all. She said, "Everyday was spent in laughter." Many compared the Huang Bo played Sun Wukong with Sing Yeh's in CHINESE ODYSSEY. Huang Bo said that this time Sun Wukong was not handsome. Because he was trapped for 500 years he was balding.
 Posted by hktopten 


SHE SINGS!! such a sweet voice

Stephen Chow directs the Comedy Mastress!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 08:43:40 AM by daigong »

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #50 on: February 12, 2013, 05:32:40 AM »
on the cover of China Elle February 2013!!

what took em so long? The rumors  :roll:


The Stephen Chow Sing Chi directed film JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) stars Shu Qi. Sing Yeh was asked whether he was pursuing Shu Qi, he humorously said, "I of course have no problem with that, but Shu Qi has a problem with it!"

 After 4 years without a film, the latest Chow Sing Chi directed film JOURNEY TO THE WEST will be released in the Lunar New Year. He spared no effort while promoting the film and did not mind promoting with rumors. He was asked that since the film's love story would end in tragedy as usual, did he like this format? He laughed and said, "My movie hopes to have such a dramatic difference." In his movies often the woman was after the man, he said, "Of course, only what can't be done in reality is fun in the movies!" As for his rumor with Shu Qi, Sing Yeh said, "I of course have no problem with that, only she has a problem with it. Stuff like this can't be one sided, it needs coordination from both sides." Was his fondness for Shu Qi very strong? He said, "Not just me, Huang Bo's fondness for her is not less than mine."

 Sing Yeh's life without movies was very low key, he avoided the subject but still he had news about him turning his back on everyone. He said, "Right, because I don't know about some at all and don't see them. I usually don't pay attention to my own news, this is what happens in show business. In addition I have a lot I want to do, I won't do anything unimportant."

 In addition, Wen Zhang who played the venerable Monk Tang in the film had emotional scenes with Shu Qi, but he often appeared as a strange, weird and unkempt exorcist. In the film he even had a heavy flavored pig kiss. Sing Yeh in order to comfort him arranged for a "wound treatment scene" so he and Shu Qi could have even more intimate contact.
Posted by hktopten


Chrissie Chau Sau Na earlier in the micro movie MEMORIES played a heart broken woman. She earlier worked on a bar encounter scene with King Chiu King Ho. They chatted and kissed at the billiard table. King gave his first on screen kiss to Sister Na. She was quite into her performance as tears covered her face. Sister Na said that in reality she has never fallen in love at first sight. "I am not that romantic. This time I got into the character's emotions to perform. In reality I haven't done that and I have never loved someone so much." She said that in the film she treated King like her old boyfriend. "At the moment when we have to part, the feeling truly hurt."

 Stephen Chow Sing Chi directed, Wen Zhang and Shu Qi starred JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) yesterday held its premiere in Beijing. Sing Yeh said, "I don't dare to say how much it will make at the box office, but I believe that everyone would like this movie." A man of a few words, he yesterday even sang LOVE OF A LIFETIME with Shu Qi. Sing Yeh was very tender with Shu Qi.

 Shu Qi was asked whether Sing Yeh still had any chance with her. She tried to change the subject, which made Sing Yeh very nervous as well. "You didn't answer this question, just answer it directly. Either I do or I don't." Shu Qi said, "When I have time, when I have a lot of time." Sing Yeh said, "I am afraid that you will never have time." When she had to choose between Stephen Fung Tak Lun and Chow Sing Chi, Shu Qi said, "They both are great, I wouldn't choose."
 Posted by hktopten


2月3日,电影《西游·降魔篇》在京举行首映发布会,导演周星驰,主演舒淇、黄渤、罗志祥、周秀娜等人出席。标签: 西游 周星驰 舒淇

Stephen Chow Sing Chi, Shu Qi, Chrissie Chau Sau Na, Show Luo (Law Chi Cheung) and Huang Bo two days ago attended the film JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) Beijing premiere press conference. Sing Yeh publicly expressed his love for Shu Qi, "My respect for Ms. Shu trickles endlessly like the river. I hope to wait until Ms. Shu is not so busy to express my love for her again." However Shu Qi did not accept Sing Yeh's love and said, "I admire and respect the director very much, I should be the one who asks whether I can express love for the director." Sing Yeh said, "I am afraid that you will never have time, then I have no chance." Shu Qi directly rejected Sing Yeh and said, "Then I hope to be always busy." In the film Shu Qi pursued Wen Zhang. In real life Shu Qi has never taken the initiative with any guy. However she said that if she ran into a good guy she would consider taking action. Sing Yeh revealed that he wanted a pretty girl to pursue him but he never ran into any. Thus he expressed that in the film.

 Sister Na revealed that Sing Yeh bought her dumplings because in the film she had dance and exhaust her energy. Sing Yeh praised Sister Na's great figure, which would lead to nose bleeds; Sister Na said that when she saw Sing Yeh she too would have a nose bleed. Huang Bo as a comedy actor felt that if he did not work with Sing Yeh life would be less than perfect. Thus he agreed to play Sun Wukong right away. However, Sun Wukong's costume was too ugly. Huang Bo could not help but said, "Actually it wasn't the ugliest, it was just uglier than that. It was almost KUNG FU HUSTLE's Beast." Sing Yeh praised Piggy who played the lonely gentleman for his performance and his comedy. He said, "The important part is he is so handsome, just like when I was young." Piggy revealed that Sing Yeh did not sleep or take care of his skin. Sing Yeh said, "Why is all the attention always on my looks?"
 Posted by hktopten

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #51 on: February 12, 2013, 05:34:53 AM »
:lol: the advantage of being THE MOST POWERFUL ENTERTAINER IN ASIA!!!!


The media screams, "Together" when Stephen Chow and Shu Qi perform a series of intimate gestures

Stephen Chow Sing Chi, Shu Qi, Chrissie Chau Sau Na promoted their Lunar New Year film JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) in Guangzhou. Sing Yeh continued to express his "love" for Shu Qi, said that Shu Qi was fire that never ceased in his heart. He arranged to put a "promise ring" on Shu Qi's finger and kiss her hand; Shu Qi bashfully kissed Sing Yeh's cheek. The atmosphere was romantic as the media screamed, "Together!" Sing Yeh joked, "I want her to kiss my mouth!"

 Shu Qi heard everyone screamed "together" and bashfully said, "I haven't been with him, I don't know how romantic he would be overall." Sing Yeh did not pass up the chance. "Then let's be together for awhile!" Although Shu Qi had no comment for his expression of love, Sing Yeh did not give up. "In life you have to keep failing and keep standing up again. Like SHAOLIN SOCCER, she is the fire that never ceases in my heart." He also explained the love behind JOURNEY TO THE WEST. "It's not a simple love story, it is a love story that experiences life, death, explosion and excitement."

 Chau Sau Na earlier posed for Mainland media's JOURNEY TO THE WEST theme Monkey King and Bandit photos. She showed off her shoulders and legs on her Monkey King photo, but she posed when the Beijing temperature reached 2 degrees below zero Celsius. Despite the heat in the studio and 5 heaters around her, the chilling wind still blew in and gave her goose bumps. Sister Na admired Sing Yeh's Monkey King the most. He was loving, loyal and full of emotions.
 Posted by hktopten


Stephen Chow kisses Shu Qi at the Hong Kong premiere to prevent accusation of Mainland media favoritism

Stephen Chow Sing Chi, Shu Qi and Chrissie Chau Sau Na two nights ago attended the JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN) premiere. Shu Qi denied that she and Stephen Fung Tak Lun were secretly married in the U.S. Sing Yeh denied that he was at odds with co-director Derek Kwok Chi Kin. He pointed out that he had so many to worry about that he did not have time to be at odds. Shu Qi and Sister Na said that on the set they did not sense any unpleasantness between Sing Yeh and Kwok Chi Kin.

 Shu Qi and Fung Tak Lun were rumored to be secretly married in the U.S. Shu Qi was asked if it was true. She sarcastically said, "Yes! We even had two sons, when you have time you can go to the U.S. and investigate." Was she upset about the rumor? She said, "Not much to be upset about, it's pretty interesting." Were she and Fung Tak Lun dating or already married? She said, "I am going back to talk about the movie today, in the movie I am a good girl." Sing Yeh hoped that Shu Qi would give him more opportunities for them to be together. Shu Qi said that Sing Yeh did not give her any time. She even whined, "Earlier when I asked you to dinner you said you had to edit the film. For the Lunar New Year you said you would go overseas." Was Sing Yeh one of her boyfriend choices? She said, "Of course." Sing Yeh asked her what was good about him. She said, "Humorous, talented, cute, the idol of many, he is beyond my reach."

 Once Sing Yeh's rumored girlfriend, Luisa Lai Chi San said that Sing Yeh while promoting in the Mainland kissed Shu Qi. Thus he had to be fair at the Hong Kong premiere as well. Shu Qi immediately pretended to kiss and wipe her mouth, then per reporters' requests, Sing Yeh kissed Shu Qi twice and made Shu Qi blush.

 When asked whether Shu Qi and Fung Tak Lun's rumored secret marriage was a big setback for him, Sing Yeh said, "I really don't know. When you ask this I too am stunned a little." He was rumored to be at odds with another director Kwok Chi Kin. Sing Yeh hesitated and said, "No, don't ask me, ask Kwok Chi Kin. I was very busy with a lot during the shoot, I didn't even have time to be at odds!" Shu Qi and Sister Na did not sense that they were at odds and said that the set was very harmonious. Shu Qi even said, "When gossip news is treated as a serious problem, constant clarification is quite a bother!" As for Tin Kai Man calling Sing Yeh cheap, only giving him a tee shirt after knowing him for such a long time and even asking him to take Sing Yeh and others to the movies in return, Sing Yeh played dumb and said, "Where did you hear that from, I don't remember anymore. Ask Tin Gai, I really don't know."

 Sister Na dressed conservatively and denied that she was forfeiting. She said that Shu Qi was the sexy goddess of her heart, she could only be the water snake next to Shu Qi. She even revealed that Sing Yeh gave her the nickname "Pineapple Bun", crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. However Sing Yeh did not pursue her. Sister Na joked, "If he was after someone it wouldn't be me!"

 Tin Kin Man who was rumored to be at odds with Sing Yeh appeared in support. The recovering Cheung Tat Ming attended with his wife and son. He said that he was still not completely cured, but the toxin has reached zero. His right arm was still less mobile than before, as he awaited for the nerves to grow anew.

 Posted by hktopten

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2013, 05:12:44 AM »
Shu Qi covers marie claire! IT'S TIME! that thick eyebrow look lol

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2013, 08:31:00 PM »
the spread of marie claire - thick eyebrows  :rofl:

On the Late Leslie Cheung
 Shu Qi: I still remember when Gor Gor worked with me on a movie. He held my hand, taught me the lines and the marks. He was very patient, I still wouldn't have forgotten now.

That movie of course. Viva Erotica...the wannabe porn director and his porn star. funny funny and touching scenes.

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2013, 03:25:13 AM »
shu qi opening up the Sands in MAcao WOW GOLD MEMBER!

Shu Qi two nights ago attended the Macau Sands Cotai Central one year anniversary. Speaking of rumored boyfriend Stephen Fung tak Lun, Shu Qi said that after talking about him for many years she did not want to anymore!

 Earlier Shu Qi demoted rumored boyfriend Fung Tak Lun to "friend" and hinted "separation" news online. Thus she was rumored to be absent from director Andrew Lau Wai Keung's earlier birthday party to deliberately dodge Fung Tak Lun. Shu Qi explained that "I talked him for several years......I don't want to anymore. I don't attend the director's birthday party every year. This year because I stayed in Taiwan for a movie I didn't go. Now my romantic status is general love, I rather enjoy my current life." Was she single and waiting for suitor? Shu Qi avoided responding directly and stressed that she was waiting for destiny. Some said happiness had to be fought for. She said, "If you meet the right person, it would naturally develop and you don't have to fight for it. If two people had cracks or arguments, then you have to fight. Like JOURNEY TO THE WEST (SAI YAU GONG MOR PIN)'s Ms Duan said, 'Staying forever in someone's else's heart'."

 Once a Golden Horse Best Actress, Shu Qi was not nominated for this year's Hong Kong Film Award, but she praised every Best Actress nominee. She said, "I only saw (Elanne) Kong Yeuk Lam's LOVE LIFTING (GO GUI OI). Her performance was pretty good. I haven't seen other nominees' films. However Zhou Xun has always been strong. (Miriam) Yeung Chin Wa and (Sammi) Cheng Sau Man are also decent. Everyone should have an award." Shu Qi who has won Best Actress before felt that she did not place as much importance on awards as before, when she accepted roles she was more relaxed. She felt that awards was destiny, lucky, timing, geography and people. Thus she advised the nominees that even defeats did not represent their performance was poor.

 Shu Qi revealed that lately she felt ill but still insisted on flying to Beijing for work. She was not too worried about the Mainland H7N9 bird flu outbreak because Mainland air and water were populated. She could not possibly reduce work out of fear. Thus she would take the basic health procedures, which would already be enough.
Posted by hktopten

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2013, 05:53:58 PM »
April 16 is now almost over in Hong Kong, but still time to say:

Happy Birthday Shu Qi!!!!!

Looks like she had a great celebration with her friends, including Kitty!
Hope the coming year brings this beautiful and talented actress much happiness,
good health, and much love and joy!!

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #56 on: August 11, 2013, 04:14:20 PM »
back in the spot light with the SEXIEST harper's bazaar cover ever. just love that long hair, September 2013 issue:

doing promotions, shu qi GEEK!
7月28日,Shu Qi attended the opening ceremony of a brand. Day, Shu Qi sexy skirt dressed bare-chested appearance, captured the hearts of the audience one. TUNGSTAR/图

7月29日,Shu Qi debut a charity dinner. Shu Qi dressed in sexy Bra skirt that day appearance, temperament elegant, generous smile. .via TUNGSTAR/图

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #57 on: August 19, 2013, 05:15:18 AM »
oh. my. PITS <333 Shu Qi pleasures life game first, but at age 37, she fell in love with acting. After the storm, worse than a fire Shu Qi mind, a dream, and repeatedly, never extinguished. As she always like the last word with "right" word, that was their own expectations and affirmation.

and :strawberry: :9 just pure sexiest photoshoot she has done YET!

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Re: [CHI] Shu Qi
« Reply #58 on: September 22, 2013, 06:22:04 AM »
 The new Hong Kong actress Shu Qi edition fashion magazine large exposure. Photo of her eyes blurred, and claims that there is a wild heart. From the film 10 years, she most wanted to once psycho killer. RACCOON STYLE!

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