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Author Topic: Sweeety's stories  (Read 17135 times)

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Sweeety's stories
« on: February 08, 2008, 05:53:24 PM »
Sweeety's stories  :)
This is where I will post my stories. Know that I am working on a lot at the same time and the updates probably wont be regular. Some of these stories I may finish some I may not but I will try though. I will try to keep this updated and tell people where what is but this is the first time I do something like this so bear with me people.
Warning some of this stuff may mess your mind up. And I don't know if some of these things that I write about are G rated. Im not good at judging them so if you have a problem with something here tell me and I'll oblige.
SOME VIEWERS MAY EXPERIENCE  :love:  :w00t:  :lol:  :cry:  :angry:  :bleed eyes:  :doh:  :sweatdrop:  :jerk:  :banghead:   :?  :inlove:  :roll:  8)  :(  XD  :muffin:  :rofl: AND MAYBE EVEN   :shocked: (or not)
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 06:39:06 PM »
Sweeet(<--- pun xD)

can't wait!

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2008, 07:59:44 PM »
Can't wait either! :D
Morning Musume Fairy Tales!
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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 06:30:41 AM »
can't wait for ur stories! muahahahahha!!!  :twisted:

off topic:
anyway.. school started 3 weeks ago.. why havent u gone yet??

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2008, 10:11:23 AM »
OMG! i was at your house an hour ago and i forgot to give u back ur draft for ur fanfic!!  :banghead: I'll have to wait for a few more weeks or even a month before i can give it back to you...  :sweatdrop: Hurry up and decide on what u want to do!! U don't have enough time...  :cry: (not that ur dying or n-e-thing) talking to u on the phone and on the internet isnt as fun as talking to u in person...  :oops:

oh! and get back to the fanfics!! please make an ishiyoshi one!!  :inlove: i beg you!

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 07:18:55 AM »
  Ok I kept you waiting long enough and here is the prologue for the one I named "strike". It's supposed to be a parody but some people may not find it funny because Im a crap writer but here it is anyway. Btw this is just the prologue, zay05ohayou has the other chapters I wrote (I think) if not then I lost them so no way to surelly know where they are. Anyway here it is, the second story I post on this site, ""Strike""

                                                       Strike prologue

          The girls off Hello Project were fed up! They wanted more and they wanted it now! They had a meeting one night and decided on a strike until they each got what they wanted. They all decided to stay in the H!P building and not perform until Tsunku budged. They had asked for these things before but they all got shot down (not literally) by Tsunku. Sure some of the things they asked for were a little silly – Miichishige wanted a statue of her with the engraving “the cutest of them all” – and some things clashed – Yuko’s request to remove anything containing bananas from the H!P building and Maki’s attempt to get the cafeteria to serve every flavour of yoghurt-and some were just plain weird – groping day, day where all eat yoghurt etc.- and many more requests that could be added to the above categories and other categories –such as creepy, gross, mean, Miki, evil (which is kinda like the Miki category except nicer), cute and many more- but they still wanted them and by god they deserved most of those things.
           Tsunku was able to do all the things they wanted but he had many reasons not to, mainly because he was stingy and although he knew some particular requests would make them more popular – like lifting the ban on dating other members- he was too afraid (or jealous) to  do them. Plus it would ruin their image. This was ‘Hello Project’ not ‘Let-the-girls-run-wild-Project’. He didn’t want the chaos and anarchy (and in some cases bloodshed) this would cause so he turned everyone down because – as he told them- if one of them gets what they want then they would all have to get what they want because it wouldn’t be fair on the others. So he carried on while the pent up teen angst in the girls took over and the girls plotted their revenge, which came in the form of the strike.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2008, 10:13:19 AM »
lol.. cool! that was interesting.. looking 4ward to more from u..  :w00t: specially looking 4ward to your ishiyoshi and charmikitty fics..  :rofl:

and uhm.. no.  :? i dont have your other chapters sweeety and could you do me a favour and send me a message on messenger if you're on right now..  :sweatdrop:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2008, 01:25:58 PM »
waiiiiiiiit a minute! paht4? whe-a ah the otha chaptas??  :tama-mad: i'm confussd..  :sweatdrop:
anyways.. u weren't talking about me where you?? :-\ i'm suppose to be doing my homework but i'm stuck here waiting for your fics...  XD

edit: oh its not here anymore...  :doh:
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 01:51:51 PM by zay05ohayou »

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2008, 01:52:47 PM »
I fudged up! I wrote the ending of the pervy fic and posted it here by accident. Thats why I thought you had ecchi access. So sorry for what u will see next time u go on msn... Anyway no that is not part 4. I dont think I wrote that much. But now I have the HW issue and I cant post much so maybe I'll have something up next weekend. But I cant make any promises. Btw I'll need to borrow ur english book, but u can borrow mine first. But u'll have too do that at school coz Im using the one book for most if not all my subjects. Anyway sory about that, it was not intended for your bright young eyes.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2008, 01:56:09 PM »
hmm.. you make want to  :bleed eyes:
o please talk to me on msn

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2008, 02:22:33 PM »
Ok good news guys! I got a new idea! Man the toilet really is the place to get inspired! anyway here it is! Dedicated to St Valentine, Miki and Aya. Yes it's dedicated to Miki cause it's her birthday prezie from me! I know I already wrote her one but it's so easy to write her because she is stereotyped but I'm gonna try my best to change that. But not in this story. She's been bad in this one. Here it is= GAM oneshot, about falling in luv. Let the mushyness begin.  :wub:

         Once there was a girl Miki. She was a bad, bad girl. She'd charm people into giving her their hearts and she would throw them on the ground and stomp in them. The gods saw and were displeased. They punished her by taking her heart up in heaven with them and leaving her an empty shell. Unable to feel anything being so far from her heart. She could not taste....... Nor experience pleasure.......... Or feel pain............... She was NOT complete!

       Cold and alone she was forced to walk this earth, never feeling loved again. Not being able to experience pleasure, even when she got what she wanted. No matter how many hearts she stole and how many people she hurt, she still felt nothing.
    Then one day as she was walking through the woods she saw a girl. At first she thought she was ordinary but as she got a closer look she realised how magnificent her beauty was. She approached the girl and one of the gods felt something twitch in her hand as she held Miki's heart. Miki's heart was reacting to the girl. It was beating at a rate that was normal for a human and she was only moving towards the girl. Miki started to feel something in her gut... A feeling she had not felt before. She greeted the girl and spoke to her for a while, making a casual conversation that started with some ice breakers and ended with a promise to meet eachother again. Meanwhile her heart was racing. They parted and Miki set off on her way home.
      There she realised she didn't catch the girls name. She searched all over the woods and couldn't find her. Finally, defeated she started on her way home. She took a longer way, hoping to maybe catch her there and as she was close to a waterfall she could hear this majestic, melodic voice, voice singing.
      Miki aproached the waterfall (from the bottom) and saw the same girl as before, about to get in the water. She watched stunned as the girl removed her clothing and entered the water. Her eyes captivated by the sight of the beauty, she lost track of time as she watched the girl, swim. After a while though, she decided to make her move and stood out from the bushes. The girl, first taken aback a little, asked her to join her for a swim after she realised that it was the charming girl from earlier.
     Miki stripped and joined her in the water and they swam together, dancing playfully underwater and talking and just jenuinely having fun. The gods interested in the weird behaviour of her heart had gathered around and begun watching as it beat faster everytime the stranger got close to it's owner. They noticed it was yearning for the girl. It wanted, needed to be with her. So the gods, intrigued, decided to test that theory. They made a huge storm with thunder and lightning and watched as the girls ran out of the water and took cover a willow tree, which was large enough to cover both of them, but not for long as a hunder bolt from nearby, broke one of its branches  causing it to only cover a smaller plot of land.
    Water falling all over the stranger Miki pulled her really close to her, trying to get her under the branch protecting her from the rain. Miki hugged the girl close as thunder and lightning fell around them, almost encircling them, as if someone wanted them to be together like that. Miki looked down at the girl whose head was resting on her chest and was shaking slightly from the cold. She took off her jacket and draped it over the other, who gave a surprised look and asked her if she's sure to which Miki answered with a "of course". Miki held her tight as teh storm carried on around them. All of a sudden the girl looked up into those empty brown eyes and saw a flicker of something. They started talking again and they came around to talking about why Miki was still in the forest. Miki explained that she returned because she wanted to find the girls name and the girl  told her that her name was Aya.
     Miki looked into Aya's eyes and saw them filled with emotion. Miki's heart skipped a beat. Aya looked back and wondered why her eyes showed nothing. They held eachother for the rest of the night and made plans for the next day and parted as soon as the storm disipated.
     A few days later and the two were inseperable. A month more of this and heaven was filled with the sound of Miki's tiny ticker. Some of the gods were considering returning it to her but they were still not sure if she had changed. With Aya she had been a diferent person. She had stoped taking peoples hearts and destroying them but they weren't sure if that was because she didn't have time to or because she changed.
     One day Aya finally decided tell Miki how she felt. She told her to meet her in the woods next to the waterfalls and being there early she started feeling to get rid of her nervousness. Miki arrived to the sound of Aya's singing and once again listened before letting her presence be known. Then she aproached Aya.

     Aya confesed her love for Miki and gave her her heart to do as she pleased with. Miki overwhelmed did not know how to react so she just took off with Aya's heart. She held it firmly but not too hard as she ran through the woods to her sanctuary not knowing what to do. She got home and stared blankly at it as she thought about it's owner. She thought and she thought but in the end she couldn't decide what to do with it.She held it in her felt warm.....She knew what she would usually do...... SHe would throw this on the ground and stomp on it but Aya's heart felt diferent than all the rest......... It felt right and nice and she liked that feeling she didn't like hurting or breaking it... looking at this fragile innocent piece of Aya, the biggest part of Aya, Miki didn't feel like hurting it. Knowing that Aya loved her and trusted her with her biggest piece, Miki felt like.............. keeping it. She wanted to keep it safe and warm forever. She wanted to keep with her for all of time and never let it go.

     She ran back to the woods, heart beating the fastest it had ever beat, and located Aya, sitting on a rock by the waterfall. She ran over to her holding her heart, and told her of her intentions to keep it safe and sound forever. Then Miki's heart floated down from heaven as she was apologising for not being able ot give her her heart. It fell right onto Aya's waiting hands as Aya made Miki her own promises for her heart. The two girls smiled hapilly at eachother and held hands for a while before fusing their hearts into their new chests. Miki's heart in Aya's chest and Aya's heart in Miki's. They lingered for a moment before making their ways back.

     They were burried in those woods, by the waterfall, and till this day, when the gods look they still see Aya's heart inside Miki and Miki's heart inside Aya.

                                              The end, This was a story I came up with in a sleep deprived state, please no one kill me. And now I'm going nanny boo in beddy bye land . *back into hiding* "Hey Miki, did you like your present?..................................................."
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2008, 05:09:18 PM »
Man the toilet really is the place to get inspired!
Belive it or not but I totally know what you mean  :on lol:
Once there was a girl Miki. She was a bad, bad girl. She'd charm people into giving her their hearts and she would throw them on the ground and stomp in them.

Awesome beginning  :on lol:

Anyway, it was different but still sweet and I love GAM  :luvluv2: I'm looking forward to your next stories  :hee:
« Last Edit: February 26, 2008, 05:12:27 PM by peti-chan »

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2008, 08:03:01 PM »
Man the toilet really is the place to get inspired!
It's amazing just how true that actually is. XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2008, 08:02:14 AM »
Man the toilet really is the place to get inspired! anyway here it is!
Lol.. How come I am not surprised..?

Great gift for Mikitty! You'd be hoping she got to read it aye? Well, anyways.. It was awesome! GAM is perfect!!!
Uhm.. you know I'm still waiting for the Ishiyoshi..  :mon impatient:

I'll be waiting..  :mon suspect:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2008, 02:02:09 PM »
Zay wanted a fluffy/angsty IshiYoshi fic so here goes nothing (with extra mushiness :wub: )

“ Oh it’s so cute! Can I touch it?” Rika asked her girlfriend
“It’s all yours baby! You can do whatever you want with it!” Yoshi exclaimed
“Ohh thank you Yochan this is the cutest thing ever!”
“ But not as cute as you my baby”
“ Thank you!”
“ No thank you Yossie.” Rika said as her eyes started watering
“Oh don’t cry baby! You know your Yochan doesn’t like it when you cry!”
“But I can’t help it I’m just so happy! I don’t know what to do to repay you”
“ It was nothing, really. Just the look on your face is reward enough for me!”
“Oh Yochan!” Rika leaped into the arms of her most prized possession.. Yoshi held her tight as she cuddled into her, burying her face in the crook of her neck.
“I love you” She whispered into her ear
“I love you too” Yoshi answered, looking into her girls soul.
They rolled around in bed a little while continuing to cuddle, wearing the same clothes they slept in (which wasn’t much) The new object, forgotten at the side of the bed.
   At some point they started making out and the giggling and fun they were having was put on hold as the room temperature rose a little more. As Rika moaned her name when Hitomi placed small kisses on her neck she noticed something was wrong.

“Wheres our new baby?” She asked frantically
“Huh? What?” Rika shocked and disappointed asked, while trying to catch her breath. Yoshi knowing the effects of leaving her girlfriend hanging quickly passed Rika her inhaler so she could breath again. Then the girls looked all over the bed for it. They looked under, over and between the sheets, covers, pillows and plushies but to no avail! Where did it go?
Then Yoshi had the genious idea of looking somewhere other than the bed. Which seemed too perplexing for a still groggy Rika so Yoshi looked around the other rooms. She was having no luck there either until all of a sudden she heard a giggle coming from the bedroom. She dashed back to see Rika cuddling her new ‘baby’. She sighed in relief and lay down next her. And started patting it.
“so where was it?” she asked
   “it slipped off the side of the bed and was hidden by some covers.”
   “Of course” Yoshi sighed.
“What do you think people will say if they find out we have one of those?”
“I don’t know.. But your fans might be a little disappointed or shocked at the great Yoshizawa needing a-“
 “Hey I don’t ‘need’ anything! You wanted it! You said it would make our lives a little more exciting. And I gave in because I know how much you like cute things. I didn’t think that you would pick this monster though. I mean look at it! It’s huge it wont fit in the-“
“Hey don’t make fun of it! Just cause it’s a little chubby-“
“A little chubby? It’s thicker than my thigh”
“Ok first of all don’t exaggerate, second everything is thicker than your thigh, you look like you’re starved, and third of all you were chubby too once!”
“Of course Im thin! You always want to play with it and force me to join in! I spend more time playing with you two than I don eating!”
“Well its no fun to play alone!”
“Yes it is! Other people have no trouble doing it but you just seem unable to get enough of me! Sometimes I find myself wishing you would leave me alone for a while”
“If I didn’t love you so damn much I would!” Rika cried as she ran into the bathroom to cry.
“Rika that’s not what I mean! Please come out and we’ll talk about this!”

   After about an hour in the bathroom, Rika was finally eased out by a begging Yoshi who was close to tears herself. She fell right into her arms and cried some more while Yoshi reassured her that she loved her and would never leave her or want her to leave. As Yoshi cuddled Rika their little spectator got jealous. Rika caught it looking at them from the bed and picked it up.
   “Did you miss me baby?” She asked in a baby voice. Yoshi rolled her eyes but played along.
   “Yes, it missed you a lot, why don’t you play with it some more?”
   “Would you like to join us? If you’re not too tired that is…..” she asked cautiously as she lay down on the bed. On her side, facing the window and resting her head on her bottom hand.
   “Of course! I would love to join you and no I am not too tired.” She said as she climbed over Rika to the other side of the bed. After lots of cuddles and kisses they all fell asleep. Rika in Yoshi’s arms  and the brand new baby bunny inside Rika’s. The room is silent except for the sound of slow, deep breathing and the beating of three hearts.


Writers notes: the eyes are the window to your soul. Yoshi was looking deep into Rikas eyes. So deep it was like she could see into her soul
It was an unusually warm night there and they slept in their underwear.
 Don’t blame me zay asked for mushiness. *Crawls back under table “Hey Miki still here? Oh you have a date here in a bit? Should I go?......” –Hiding is so much fun!*
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2008, 07:58:38 PM »
That is the most revoltingly sweet mushi story i ever read. I <3 it! You can't get anymore mushy than having Rika run and cry into the bathroom and then an hour later come out into the arms of an almost crying yossy and still be able to cry some more.  :lol:

Oh Rika XD
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2008, 10:36:43 AM »
I'm working on another one. Secret pairing that I reveal in the end, hope you guys like it, I will post doon, I'm like, 60% done (at least). It's that oneshot that people wanted, keep your eyes peeled. I will post when I get two more comments cause I wanna know if people read or if Im just wasting my time, none of that, ''She'll cave and post soon", i mean it, I want two more posts or this will be the last story I ever write (unless I have to do one for school or something, which I wont add MM to -probably-) so post and I will.  Ok? Me posty u posty, got it?
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2008, 02:25:54 PM »
ok so here's the new fic, I must say, I never considered doing this pairing, Im a hardcore Yomiki, AM, YoMako, konkon...... shipper and never really paid much attention to these two, but I've seen others work with them and felt very inspired to write something for this couple, so for their birthdays this is my prezzie to them (whenever their birthdays are). Because I dont say who is who untill the end, I will use diferent colours to represent each girl, and they will both be revealed in the end so..... Keep reading I guess. Here it is ^_^

   Its Friday night and she sits in the cafeteria by herself again. Its not that she has no friends, quite contrary, she has a lot of friends. But they are all busy. They are all too busy to hang with her. You see that’s what one of the downsides of being in morning musume is; No time. Ever since she joined she knew there would have been sacrifices to make, she knew she wouldn’t be able to live like a normal girl her age. But she decided to do this anyway. She thought it wouldn’t be too bad. She knew this was the opportunity of a lifetime and she wouldn’t have let it slip away. Especially not if she wanted to get close to her.
            Ever since before she joined she had always had these really deep feelings towards someone in Morning Musume. This girl she thought she could never have. But jus to be in her presence was enough for her. So she joined Morning Musume and got to work with her. She was really happy, but sadly she had to graduate, leaving her behind. At least they didn’t cease all contact and they still saw each other at work in segments and other stuff.
   The girl in question had just happened to walk in the cafeteria. At the worst possible moment might I add, for the girl on the table, was reminiscing about the past and how she never admitted her feelings to her. As she spotted her friend and workmate, she snuck up behind her with every intention of sneaking up on her. However as she was about to scare her, she found herself staring at her instead.
   She thought about how the other girl had grown up so much during the time they knew each other and how along with her height and ….other bodily aspects grew her affection for the girl. She remembered the times they hung out and how she could always turn to her for support and all the things she had given her.. She couldn’t stop thinking about the time her ex dumped her and she spent all night crying on her shoulder in her home, the door to which had been opened to her even though she came over in the middle of the night.
   The sitting girl was thinking of the exact same thing. She remembered her coming to her, broken, in the middle of the night and breaking down. She wanted to hold her forever and never ever let anything bad happen to her again. So she held her. But she didn’t have the courage to say those things to her. Not when she was like this… Not when she was broken. She knew her friend needed comfort and she sacrificed her own happiness for the sake of her. You see, she loved her so much, she kept herself from telling her she loved her because it would probably scare her and confuse her and right then it was the last thing she wanted. So she kept quiet and held her crying friend, her heart breaking along with her friends’.
   She sighed. “Why?” She asked herself. As far as she knew no one else was in the cafeteria, and the last time she checked, the lunch lady had gone to the restroom.
“Why do I feel this way?” she asked rhetorically “Why do I love her?”
With this the other began to turn away, angry and -she was surprised to realise this but- jealous. She couldn’t believe it. Here she was, realising she had emotions for someone who quite obviously felt something for another. ‘Well not really’ she thought. ‘ I think I knew I felt this way earlier’ she admitted to herself. ‘If not, then why would I let her get so close to me?’ she realised. ‘ She was the first person I went to when I got dumped, if not because I felt something then why? It wasn’t because she was my friend, I have lots of friends. Then why? That’s right……. I do love her. I was trying to stop myself from getting hurt again. I tried to get over her. I cant deny it anymore! You broke my heart!’ As tears started to form in her eyes and she started turning away her friend spoke again.    “And why can’t I tell her?” she added. Although she couldn’t bear to, she had to listen. Just to find out who it was that stole her heart and why. She wanted to see if she could figure out what her friend wanted and change herself to try and get her.   “I’ve had time…….. And many times I’ve tried but failed……. Why cant I just act right when I am around her? Why am I a bumbling fool around her?”   She remembered sometimes when her friend had been particularly weird and bumbling and tried to remember who else was with her at the time….. It might have been~  “And why didn’t I tell you that night?” ‘huh? They had a night?’ heart breaking and slightly weeping she listened carefully, quiet as a mouse.   “When you came….. Why did I have to keep my mouth shut? Why didn’t I say that you deserve better or something? Why didn’t we talk? Why didn’t I tell you? Why did I just hold you? I should have protected you! I should have just told you that I wanted to protect you! That I wanted to be with you! That I loved you! But……. I didn’t want to freak you out-not when you’re that hurt……. If only that night never happened! If only you hadn’t reawakened those feelings within me! Then I wouldn’t have to pretend around you! I wouldn’t have to lie! I wouldn’t have to spend all my time thinking about you and trying to forget you all over again. And I wouldn’t be here telling myself these things like a crazy person. But of course you can’t answer me. You never will. Cause I don’t have the heart to tell you and ruin what we have, I cant lose our friendship. Even though its not enough it will have to do. If it’s all I can get I’ll take it and be happy”   At this point her pursuer was crying hard, feeling the pain of her loved one and feeling her heart break with the pain her friend is going through and the way she is treated.   “So don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine as long as you are near, safe and happy. Because you are the only thing that matters to me! You are the only one, Maki.”   Maki’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t be hearing right. She was deaf! Right? But at the moment her heart was beating so hard it could tear her chest and fall out. Although she bet the first thing it would do was to run to her friend, the one she had been inadvertently causing the one she loved.   “But I do worry!”  She finally spoke, forgetting all about her hiding place. The one she spoke to, becoming stiff at the realisation that her heart had been poured out to the one person that could break it, because it is the person she had given it to.    “I worry because….. I love you too.” Her heart stoped. She did not believe it. This was the best moment of her life.  “And if you still want me, I would love to – because I want you – umm, I guess what I’m trying too say is~”  “YES!” She shouted. Getting up off the chair, facing Maki and looking her in the eyes. “of course I want to! Weren’t you listening? I love you Maki! I’ve always loved you” She blushed. “Then….. How about we go to my place and talk?” She asked “ Ok………. But could you say it again? Please?”
“How about we-“

“No not that, the part where you said you love me, can you say it for me? Please? Coming from you it’s heaven” With that Maki smiled and gave her a sweeet short kiss on the lips to prove her point. And  then while holding her tightly their foreheads touching, she  said
“I love you, Tanaka Reina”

                                     The end

Writers notes : Reina's colour is a little lighter in the start but gets daarker towards the end of the story, sory, I lost what colour I was using and couldn't find it again and was too lazy to ...... I dunno anywayz Sory for the crap that's over here ^ hope you dont go blind reading this angsty fluff again, I apologise, I can't keep away from the stuff. BUT keep voting and posting regardless, I want real feedback now! I dont want ppl to forget coz then I will have no incentive to keep writing and you dont want that do you?  :(
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2008, 03:19:12 PM »
Btw (and I'm writing this here coz I really dont wanna forget and I always check here) I have GOT to watch that movie "Twilight" when it comes out. I also wanna read the book, if I can find it anywhere.........
OMG, I totally love you now! I can not wait for this movie to come out coz I've been wanting it for years... Twilight is an absolutely awesome book and the 4th book in the series comes out in August I think  :D :muffin: It shouldn't be too hard to find, its a bestseller so I see it in every bookshop I go to.

Now for the last fic... I squealed and bounced around a bit when I saw Maki's name (coz I already saw it was Reina) and that's gotta be the cutest and sweetest fic of those two that I've read but I always find this pairing so touching, one of my fave pairs and that's for sure one of the best fics I've read of them and probably the best one shot!  :wub: :heart:
Oh and the two different colours, I didn't think I would like it much at first but it worked out really good, keep that up ;)

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Re: Sweeety's stories
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2008, 03:21:48 PM »
MakixReina !!! :luvluv1: It was so sweet and it's such a cute pair :wub: At first I thought that it will be MakixNacchi but its even better with Reina :ding: I really like those two :hee:

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