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Author Topic: NHK Building  (Read 72380 times)

Offline Sanae

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2008, 06:43:23 PM »

*arrives the meeting room*

'Hmm, Tomo-chan gonna be late AGAIN!'

*opens the door*


*seeing the messy scene going on*


*closes the door*

'Am I going to the wrong room?' *checks the memo*


*opens the door again, feeling nervous*

'Excuse me, I am Itano Tomomi. I have received this message that I think I am supposed to be here.'

*hands the memo to Rika, who seems to be a nice person*

'Have you seen other girls from AKB48?'

*looks at all the confused faces in the room*

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2008, 07:39:42 PM »
Tanaka Reina

She looked confused at the new girl and thought, "What crazy thing has Tsunku-sama thought of this time with these AKB48 girls?"

"Well, we're the only people here so far and I don't think I've seen anyone from AKB48. But you're welcome to wait for the other people with us." She said, smiling sweetly at Itano-san.

ava by PlusQ (over at mm-bbs); ueda sig by Pinkosa | #1 drifoy, Tanaka Reina, and Murakami Megumi fangirl

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2008, 07:57:59 PM »

With the entry of the newest arrival, Miyabi looked up and was surprised to see Maimi had entered at some point while she was tyring to ignore what was going on around her. Miyabi was amazed at the composure Reina could maintain as a drunken Yuko's attention was on her.

Figuring she was fairly safe from Yuko's antics with more people in the room, Miyabi finally put her book away.

What in the world is going on? It's not just an H!P thing...?

She gave a tentative smile to the non-Hello! Project member, before turning to greet Maimi.

"Hi Maimi-chan. I didn't see you come in."

Miyabi then addressed everyone in the room.

"Does anyone have any clue as to why we're here? Or did we all get the exact same unhelpful memo with no details except for this time and place?"

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2008, 09:00:05 PM »
Murata Megumi (My Gorgeous Muracchi :wub:)

Time: 3 minutes after 7pm

Location: Muracchi's Favorite Bar & Grill in Shibuya

After a nice lil walk, Megumi finally comes to her favorite bar & grill, smiling as she sees it and opening the door to go in.
Greeted by a chorus of "Yo's" from the people inside, several of whom she knows, Megumi takes a seat at the bar.

"Yo, Master, hows bizzness?"

Master: "Pretty good, Murata-san, pretty good.  What'll it be?"

"Beer, and keep it coming, in bottles, no dam pitcher."
"Also, how about one of them double cheeseburgers done just the way I always like 'em, and a big order of your fabu onion rings."

Master: "Sure thing, anything for one of my best customers."

Smiling at that, Megumi grabs her beer and downs half of it, savoring the taste and can't wait to get her burger and rings to chow down on.

Reaching into her purse, Megumi pulls that paper out again, looking at it with the usual disdain.

Master: "Whats that?"


"Its a pain in the ass, thats what it is. Some kinda shit going down, gotta go to that dam NHK building for a meeting or some shit."

Megumi finishes her beer, and Master replaces it with another one, which Megumi grabs and drinks with a smile.

Master: "Ah, your orders ready, her ya go."

Getting her burger and rings, Megumi takes another swig of beer, puts it down and grabs for the burger, taking a big bite with a satisfied grunt, chewing it up, swallowing, then grabbing some rings and downing one after another, washing it down with rest of her beer.

Now on her 3rd beer, Megumi continues eating and drinking, having fun with it all.

Now this is always some good eating, its why I love coming here anytime I'm in Shibuya, no other fuckin' place will do.

Time: 7:38pm

Having polished off her burger and rings, and on her 6th beer, Megumi is feeling fuckin' great.

"Yessh zir, I'z feel fuckin' fabu, ya kno *burp*."


"Otay, huurr ya go, Mastah....heh."

Paying for her meal and beers, Megumi begins to think she has to be somewhere, but can't remember where or for what.

Master (chuckling): "Murata-san, did you already forget?"

"Furgit wut?"

Master: "You said you got a meeting to go to at the NHK building that starts at 8pm, and its already 7:48pm."


Megumi shakes her head at that, getting a lil clearer memory about that, and realizes that, yep, she's got that fuckin' meeting at that dammed building to go to.

"Yea, ok, dat's rite, I gotta go to dat dammed meeting......thanks, Master, jaa."

Time: 7:48pm

Leaving the bar & grill, Megumi is seriously glad that its night already, otherwise the fuckin' sun would be killing her eyes right about now.

Otay, gotta git to dat fuckin' place, so gone need a cab........but, first....

Smiling at that thought, Megumi saunters off to a nearby mom & pop store to buy a couple bottles of beer to take with her, which she shoves into her bag, then steps out to hail a cab.


As a cab pulls to a stop, Megumi opens the door, gets in, telling the cabbie where to go.

"Otay, I'z needz ta go ta teh NhK place, kthxbai."



The cab heads on its way to the NHK building, Megumi relaxing in the back with half closed eyelids.
Pulling up to the building, the cabbie lets Megumi know, who takes some time to answer, so he says it twice.
Snapping back to reality, Megumi nods, pays the fare, and steps out.

"So, Ima hurr....pssh."

Walking into the building, Megumi looks right, left, then sautners up to the receptionist.

"Hei, u kno where dat dam meetin' is supposed to be, the one I'z gotta go to"

Megumi shows her the paper.

Receptionist: "Oh yes, just go down that hall (pointing to the left), you can't miss it, there's a sign by the door."

"Da left....otay, ur a good kid."

With that, Megumi heads off down the indicated hallway.

Time: 8:09pm

As Megumi comes to door, she lets out a big sigh of meh.

"Gawd, I hope dis iz gone b wurrth it."

Opening the door, Megumi steps in.


Saying that, Megumi tries to focus on who's already in the room.

"HEEII, YUKO-SAAAN, how da fuck r ya, huh?!?!?!"

"Iz zat wonkee, when'd ya get so biigg?!?!?!"


Trying to see who the others are, Megumi can't make them out.

"Noot shuuree who da fuck you others r, tho..aaahhhh, wuteva man."

Megumi saunters slowly over to a seat, puts her bags on the table, and promptly puts her head, quickly drifting off to blissful sleep....a lil bit of drool running out of one corner of her mouth.

"Yo, microphone check one, two, what is this? The five foot assassin with the roughneck business"
"Are you my mummy?"
"Hello, Sweetie."
"Who's scruffy looking?"

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2008, 10:04:37 PM »
8:09 @ the meeting room

"Next thing you know the building catches on fire, and as everyone rushes to get out, they forget the lil baby on the second floor....."


angry at whoever ruined her story I look at the door to see Megumi standing there, clothes askew and wreaking of alcohol. Even more than I was. 'pft' I thought' at least I had the decency to slightly sober up before the meeting!'

"HEEII, YUKO-SAAAN, how da fuck r ya, huh?!?!?!"

"Sober!" I rubbed it in 'for now' I thought. Feeling nostalgic I took a few sneaky sips from my flask. One of my flasks. If you wanna survive in this industry you gotta learn to sneak booze and keep spare booze in case the original gets stolen. On me at the moment are four flasks, 8 mini bottles of alcohol and two stubbies. Not to mention the stuff hidden in my handbag. People lift it and wonder why it looks ten kilos lighter than it is.

  'Ah screw the meeting' I thought as I skulled down the rest of the flask I started. 'If Tsunku had something important to say, he shouldn't have kept us waiting'

Ten minutes later I was passed out next to Megumi, the lil ones wondering if they should call  a hospital, a few new arrivals wondering if the meeting was just a party. But at least I didnt drool. Or if I did people were too scared to point it out.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2008, 11:58:57 PM »

"Hi Itano, I am Ishikawa Rika. Nice to meet you."

*looks at memo, which is the same memo as well*

"AKB48? Haven't heard of them, are they supposed to be here? Why don't you sit down and maybe they'll be here any moment."

*Checks watch to see that it was after 8:00 PM*

"Where's Tsunku? It's time for the meeting."

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2008, 12:45:28 AM »

Miyabi could only gawk in amazement over how calmly the former and current Morning Musume members accepted the behaviour of the two eldest people in the room.

I guess they're used to it. I mean, Ishikawa-san was part of Morning when Nakazawa-sama was a member, and Tanaka-san has been around her on the set of Hello! Morning...

She looked over at the two women passed out in their drunken stupours.

Still... That's can't be very healthy... >_<

Following Rika's lead, Miyabi turned to Tomomi and bowed.

"Hi Itano-san. I'm Natsuyaki Miyabi. It's nice to meet you."

*turns to Rika and Reina while gesturing to Yuko and Megumi*

"Ano... Ishikawa-san, Tanaka-san, are they gonna be okay, or should we call someone?"

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2008, 02:40:59 AM »
Fujimoto Miki

Coming back from the city empty handed Miki sauntered to the entrance of the NHK studios taking little notice of anyone passing by around her, she was far too depressed. The fact that Tsunku’s letter had been so vague could only spell bad news, if he had something to say why didn’t he just say it? Unless of course it was something she didn’t really want to hear. She had a feeling this was going to be something important regarding her future and she was already getting annoyed at the fact she hadn’t just been told flat out what to expect; though she knew full well that if Tsunku had sent a letter telling her that her contract wouldn’t be renewed that she’d be annoyed that he hadn’t called her over to discuss things.

Miki strolled into the reception and simply flashed her piece of paper to the woman in the desk.

“Oh, it’s on your left, you can’t miss it. I think some of your co-workers are already inside.”

Co-workers? Maybe this wasn’t about her contract after all, Miki was certainly more curious about what exactly was going on now.

As she entered the waiting room she was quite shocked to see there were in fact other girls in there, she checked her watch to see she’d arrived just in time, 7:56pm. She gave a half smile to the other girls as she came in and took the nearest empty seat

As time went on she found it harder to ignore the ramblings of her two seniors and so decided to have a fiddle around with her phone.

If those two carry on I think I’m going to have to walk straight back out of here. She thought to herself.

She sat agitated waiting for some sign of the meeting to start, she didn’t want to ask what this was all about in case she’d missed something and didn’t want to risk sounding like a fool in front of the others, especially since this was the first time she’d seen any of them in a number of months.

Offline niigaki_risa

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2008, 03:31:15 AM »
Niigaki Risa

*walks into room with an iced coffee, seeing she's not the only one* Ah~ Just in time.  :)
*sees Miyabi and Rika* Hi Miyabi-chan, Ishikawa-san. Do you know what's going on here?
 *sees Tomomi* Ah, you're from AKB48, ne? I'm Niigaki Risa, nice to meet you *smiles and bows*
Morning Musume Fairy Tales!
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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2008, 03:46:00 AM »
Natsuyaki Miyabi

With each new person to enter the room, Miyabi hoped that some answers would arrive with them. Unfortunately, Miki didn't seem to be in the mood to talk to anyone (and Miyabi didn't know her that well, so she felt uncomfortable disturbing her), so Miyabi just gave a small smile over at the elder girl as she went to sit down.

When Risa entered, Miyabi's hopes were once again deflated as Risa asked if anyone knew what was going on.

"Hi Niigaki-san. I'd have to say that I don't think any of us have any idea why we're here... And Tsunku-san seems to be running late. I wish someone would come and let us know what in the world is going on."

Offline niigaki_risa

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2008, 04:28:44 AM »
Yeah, do you think Tsunku's thinking about doing a collaboration single with AKB48, since Itano-san is here? *sips her iced coffee*
*sees a drunken Megumi and Yuko* Do I need to know how they got drunk, or am I good not knowing?
Morning Musume Fairy Tales!
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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2008, 04:45:46 AM »
Natsuyaki Miyabi

"A collaboration single...? There's a thought. It looks like the whole project is involved, but none of the Eggs are here. Though if the Eggs are involved, and all of AKB48, that'd be like 100 girls? ... o_O  Good luck to all the staff with trying to deal with all of us at once, if that's the case."

*Shares a lighthearted laugh with Risa before giving a wary look over at the two drunkards in the corner*

"As for those two... I think Nakazawa-sama got here drunk, but she kinda seemed to be sobering up. And then Murata-san came in even more wasted that Nakazawa-sama and passed out. I think Nakazawa-sama took that as a sign of her not being drunk enough, and quickly drank herself into the state you see her in now."

*Pulls at her fringe subconciously as she gives a sheepish laugh.*

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #32 on: March 04, 2008, 05:13:27 AM »
Tanaka Reina

She looked up to see Risa and smiled as she waved. "Hi, Risa-chan!"

She then looked at the drunken Megumi and Yuko, and then back at Risa, "I think they got drunk just because they could, personally."

ava by PlusQ (over at mm-bbs); ueda sig by Pinkosa | #1 drifoy, Tanaka Reina, and Murakami Megumi fangirl

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2008, 05:41:12 AM »

"Hi Maimi-chan. I didn't see you come in."

"oh, hey Miya-chan ~ yeah, I just came in ^_^ "

*looks @ the new girl*

'Excuse me, I am Itano Tomomi. I have received this message that I think I am supposed to be here.'

(huh ?? Itano ?? what's AKB48 doing here ??  hmm ..........)

she pause for a sec. ..... continues to greet all the people in the room.

(hmmm ...... where are other C-ute members ??  am I the only one got the memo ??  nah, don't think so .... since even AKB48 is here too ...... they gotta have the memo ..... I really needa yell at them about this ........ )

*looking @ the drunks*

(why others can be so calm about that ?? ..... I know Nakazawa-san and Murata-san always got drunk  .... but ......)


(sigh .... whatever ~)

*sit down and humming 16sai no Koinante while listens to other's conversations*
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 05:44:55 AM by chokkan 2 »

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2008, 09:11:19 AM »

Maki stares at the cashier as the clerk scans the nightgowns she decided to buy. When the clerk has placed all of her items in the bag she decides to leave the shop. She stops by a cafe to buy a Decaf moccachino and walks off blowing her warm coffee. She glances at her watch and almost chokes on her coffee when she saw the time.

"Oh shoot! It's past eight already!" she exclaims as she starts running towards NHK broadcasting center trying not to spill her coffee on the way.

Maki arrives just in front of NHK and tries to catch her breath. She takes a sip of her now half-empty and cold cup of coffee as she enters the building.

"Oh, great the meeting hasn't started yet." she sighs.

She looks around and notices that Risa, Rika, Miyabi, Rena and the AKB48 member Itano are in deep conversation while sending glances at Yuko and Megumi. She spots a very familiar face on the corner of the room and slowly approaches her.

"Hey, long time no see Miki!" greets Maki "Mind if I sit with you?" she asks smiling at the surprised and confused Miki.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 09:22:38 AM by zay05ohayou »

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2008, 09:24:52 AM »
[Nakazawa Yuko sama]

*wakes up* "hmmf, wuzzup lil tykes? U wanna hear another story? ok there was this girl who did these things for money and.........wait where am I again?" I looked around and saw a sliding room that was moving 'oh crap' I thought.

I looked at the younger girls who had a terified look on their faces as I woke up and gave them a smile. 'I have to play nice, because.... Well I cant remember why. Oh wait! There was a meeting! Oh no did I miss it?' I look around and see no sign of Tsunku so I ask the girls

"Oi, wer de hell is Dzunk? I wanna gow awready! Ive beeeen witing a day for her! I wanna go alreadY! Whenz diz meeting sturting?"  :angry:
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2008, 11:17:19 AM »
Miki looked up and smiled, it was good to see a familiar, sane face.

"Sure, go ahead." she said beaming.

"I've been trying to keep kind of quiet since I got here." Miki half-whisperde into Maki's ear. "I really didn't know what to expect when I was invited here so it was kind of a shock to see any of the other girls here, not to mention the state some of the sneiors seem to be in..."

Miki then glanced over to the one girl she didnt recognise.

"...and do you have any idea who she is?" she sad turning back to Maki. "She isn't part of Up Front is she? At least I've never seen her around before.

Well, how've you been anyway? It's been a while and I suppose quite a lot has happened for both of us."

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2008, 01:18:06 PM »
"Well, how've you been anyway? It's been a while and I suppose quite a lot has happened for both of us." Miki stated.

"A~ Yes, I've been well lately. I'm not as stressed as I was before. I assume you've kept yourself busy in the duration of your punishment?" Maki questioned. "Oh, and about the girl over there? I overheard that her name was Tomomi Itano from AKB48. I'm not sure on the details though. Maybe some kind of sister group from Up-Front?"

Maki directs her gaze to the rambling senior who just woke up in the other table. "A~ Still the same Yuuchan." she tells herself.

"Huh... I wonder when the others are going to arrive. I'm really curious about what the meeting is about." Maki grunted as she brought back her attention to Miki. It seemed that her patience is getting to her.

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

Offline niigaki_risa

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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #38 on: March 05, 2008, 01:23:48 AM »
Oh, hey Tanakacchi! *hugs Reina* I hope that they'll get sober sooner *chuckle*

*looks at Miyabi* If we do a collaboration single, it will surpass ALL FOR ONE & ONE FOR ALL by a lot more girls. *laughs* Ah~ shouldn't Tsunku be here by now? It's already past eight... :/
Morning Musume Fairy Tales!
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Re: RpG 3 Shibuya Arrivals
« Reply #39 on: March 05, 2008, 01:28:41 AM »

*looks at watch, knowing that Tsunku is late for the meeting*

"I wonder if everybody else will show up..."

*looks at Yuko and Megumi* "Wait..Megumi never drinks..does she? I bet Yuko set her up for that."

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