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Author Topic: Happily Ever After (8 Chapters)  (Read 45710 times)

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Re: Happily Ever After (3 Chapters)
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2008, 05:57:21 AM »
YUI! :on lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2008, 06:10:43 AM »
Chapter 4: A message written in tears

   The sun sizzled in the distance as it set into the earth, evaporating and dispersing in an array of orange and pink across the gently clouded sky. Advancing into the darkness of night, Sayaka aimlessly wandered the streets, taking little notice of the curious and sometimes concerned looks cast her direction as she shuffled by.

   She remembered the touch of Hitomi’s hands upon her like a memory recalled from years ago. The same touch she had craved before more times than she could say had suddenly turned her stomach and chilled her the depths of her bones.

   Why? She had asked for an explanation, had braced herself to hear that she was no longer loved, and had been offered only silence in return. It was cruel. Shaking her head ferociously, she swept past towering shadows that became solid as she carelessly shoved by them.

   Was Hitomi’s love for her so little now that she would not even grant her the truth, in the end? Sayaka felt anger, betrayal, and longing in the depths of her heart, rising like the tide ever higher to submerge her in the depths of a body of emotion as unknown to her as the deepest parts of an ocean.

   When had Sayaka become so frail and devastatingly vulnerable? Had she been all along? Hitomi had called her strong, admiration filling her enormous, beautiful brown eyes. Perhaps Sayaka had been only for the sake of love. Perhaps, without her, there was no longer any reason to be.

   Sayaka stopped before a small home, no different at first glance than any other that lined the familiar street. She lifted swollen eyes to look upon it, knowing that an integral piece of her past and her heart resided within those walls as tangibly as Hitomi once had when they were small and nothing in the entire world seemed it could ever come between them.

   Next door, a single light lit the solitary way to a place that was suddenly a future without the girl she loved more than anything. It was only ten, maybe fifteen steps away, yet she could not lift her feet to walk them. Rooted deeply there to that place in a way that was not at all physical, she crumpled to her knees, covering her face with both open, splayed hands.

   “Who am I without you?” she whispered. Her breath quaked in her chest, tears spilling from her eyes, slipping between her fingers, and splashing upon the concrete like fat drops of rain in the spring. She reached out and touched the tip of her finger to the wet sidewalk below, tracing the words “I am nothing without you” across it as if her tears might dry as ink and remain to be seen.

   Leaning over onto her side, she drew her knees to her chest and tucked her chin against them, curling her body protectively around the tear-soaked message. Closing her eyes, she shut out the light that called her home.


So, pretty certain most of you at this point are thinking "Dude, this Sayaka chick is a real downer. And she has some SERIOUS issues, too." Yeah, she is, and yeah, she does. But without her and her issues, what's going to happen in the story wouldn't happen! What's going to happen, you ask (or maybe you don't? But let's assume you ask because it's more fun for me that way)? I can't tell you that yet! Patience, readers. Patience.  :lol: Honestly, I just needed to goof around and be an idiot for a moment  because writing this chapter took it all out of me.  :P

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Re: Happily Ever After (3 Chapters)
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2008, 06:20:51 AM »
Now we know who the new girl is... Rika!  :otomerika:
Well, it isn't that hard to guess, really... As you said, it should have been obvious!
The last chapter started romantic and kinda sad, but it ended really funny!

Yeah, Yossie and Rika are going to have some really great, romantic moments in this... and I promise there is more funny to come. :) Thanks for reading!

Great chapter! Nice to see a new writer on board and to quote a certain someone...  that ending "was priceless  :pig laugh:

Yeah. I was just a little too happy with myself for that part of the chapter, to be honest. I was writing it, thinking "Oooooh, this is brilliant!" I promise I have gotten over myself since. :D

YUI! :on lol:

I know. It was an incredibly great amount of fun to write Yui walking in on Rika and Yossie.  XD

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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2008, 06:37:31 AM »
Crap. Sayaka really, REALLY had it bad for Yossi, didn't she? Possibly moreso than either she or Yossi realized.  :cry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2008, 07:06:06 AM »
Just want to say that I think of a certain Sayaka from a certain team K who is known to El-Ow-Vee-Ee :love: Yossi and admire her and all that stuff, so yeah, I like this pairing, but IshiYoshi is just meant to be  :wub:

Keep writing cause you have another IshiYoshi fan reader :oops:
Yossi <3 Rika <3 Timu Ke <3

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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2008, 09:58:12 AM »
Huhuhu... Poor Sayaka..  :cry: Im sure someone else will turn up not as good as Yossie but yea..

Coz Ishiyoshi rules..  :heart:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2008, 03:14:33 PM »
Just saw this story, its awesome..... But it seems like Yoshi wants both girls. Can't she have both? Please? Its not that she doesnt like Saya, she just finds the new one more interesting, coz she's new. But she still loves Sayaka! Its pretty obvious. She didnt actually say she wanted to break up with her. Hmm, if this is anything like a fic I know, this is all a dream and then, she will wake up (or not) and everything may be fine. But who knows? Btw, I totally get the goofing off thing, writing an angsty one meself. THough I don't think ppl find it as interesting as yours..... Oh well, cya. Keep up the good work! It's great so far, though I do feel really sory for Sayaka, and Yoshi. But it seems like Sayaka is destroyed by that.....Will she bounce back? The pessimist in me says NO! The optimist says she will hook up with a character soon to be revealed, or Yoshii or both or Yoshi and Rika or Yoshi/ Rika and the other char....OR even more ppl, etc.;...... You know what I mean, just, be happy Sayaka! Im taking a leaf out of that pplz page (cnt remember whose) and being optimistic, so saying she WILL be HAPPY in the end! (Sory, I have a very open mind, things just rub of on it easilly......)
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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2008, 03:46:24 PM »
^Sweeet  :rofl:, your comments are only! XD

Back to the story, O.O.... dude, Sayaka is ridiculously EMO!....I love it!

Again love how you write  :inlove:

And yes i'll be patient :)

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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2008, 04:37:57 PM »
 :mon scare: Wow...  Sayaka reminds me of KOREAN DRAMA angsty... it's almost unbearably. I've never read a fanfic that makes my eyes waters but if this continues the way it is... I think this one just might be the first.

 :cry: Good Job! *awaits next chatper*

I agree with Anammm (my ishiyoshi partner in crime XD) I like that SayakaXYossy but 1444 4 EVA
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2008, 03:06:48 AM »
Chapter 5: Broken, whole, or split in two

   They lay in bed together, arms and legs tangled like vines in the sheets. Strands of golden and chocolate hair wove together intricately about their heads upon the pillows like a halo. Hitomi’s eyes followed the path of moonlight cast upon Rika’s face, traveling the curve of her neck, the slope of her jaw, and the dip where her lips joined at the corner of her mouth.

   Then, meeting Rika’s eyes with hers, she smiled tremulously, a mixture of countless emotions expressed there at once. In that moment she could have been happy, if not for the knowledge of what she had done to Sayaka only hours before.

   Disentangling her hand from beneath the sheets, Rika settled it affectionately in a caress upon Hitomi’s cheek. “You couldn’t keep lying to protect her feelings, Yossie. In the end it would have hurt her so much more…”

   To some extent, Hitomi knew that what she said was true. That was, after all, why she had done it. Yet, the place deep within where Sayaka existed not merely as friend or lover, but family, ached as if she had not only hurt her, but ripped out her heart. “I don’t think she will ever forgive me… I promised so much to her for so many years and with just one truth, broke every single promise she had trusted without a doubt I would keep.”

   Rika nodded slowly and wound her fingers through the hair at the nape of Hitomi’s neck, drawing her close against the warm comfort her body could silently offer. Tilting her lips toward Hitomi’s ear, she lightly kissed the soft flesh of her earlobe and whispered, “Do you know why I fell in love with you, Yossie…?”

   Without even a moment’s pause, Hitomi shot back, “Because you think I’m dead sexy in a suit?”

   Rika giggled into Hitomi’s ear and playfully nudged her side. “Other than that.” It was an inside joke between the two of them. Hitomi rarely wasted the opportunity, even at a time like this, to remind her that there was video evidence of Rika drooling like a dog in heat, remarking on how kakkoii Hitomi was in the suit she wore for the filming of the Mr. Moonlight ~Ai no Big Band~ promotional video.

   “I fell in love with you because, no matter how many strong fronts you put up or how much you turned even the saddest situation into an opportunity to tell a joke, all I had to do to know your true feelings was look into your eyes. There, I could see how much you really cared… about everyone and everything. Your heart is the biggest I’ve ever known and it has room for so much love.” She paused and touched the tips of her fingers to Hitomi’s cheek, guiding her eyes to meet her own. “I know that you love her, Yossie. That’s never been a problem for me. I only hope that, in time, she will see there is room for both of us in your heart…”

   Hitomi’s eyes filled with emotion, yet a small, coy smile crept across her lips as she asked, “Do you know why I fell in love with you, Rika…?” She pressed gentle kisses, light as leaves cascading from treetops to the ground below in the fall, across the line of Rika’s jaw.

   “Because I think you’re dead sexy in a suit?” Rika quipped, giggling and wriggling at Hitomi’s side as the touch of lips so softly against her skin brought her flesh sensitively alive.

   “Other than that.” Hitomi mimicked, a smirk momentarily crossing her features. “I fell in love with you because I realized, when I’m with you, I don’t need to put on any fronts or tell any jokes to hide my feelings. You take me as I am, broken, whole, split in two… the way no one in my entire life had before you came into it.”

   Hitomi’s hands shifted suddenly downward, skimming the length of Rika’s body. Taking possession of her hips, she pulled Rika forward so that their bodies met, bare and warm in the center of the bed. As her lips came over Rika’s, she murmured against her mouth the words of her unending love, as if they might enter her, travel in search of her heart, and finding it, remain there with her always.

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Re: Happily Ever After (4 Chapters)
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2008, 03:20:41 AM »
Crap. Sayaka really, REALLY had it bad for Yossi, didn't she? Possibly moreso than either she or Yossi realized.  :cry:

Well, I think that what Yossie didn't realize was not how much Sayaka loved her, but how much Sayaka had built her entire life around their relationship.  :-\

Just want to say that I think of a certain Sayaka from a certain team K who is known to El-Ow-Vee-Ee :love: Yossi and admire her and all that stuff, so yeah, I like this pairing, but IshiYoshi is just meant to be  :wub:

Keep writing cause you have another IshiYoshi fan reader :oops:

I am so glad you're here reading my fanfic! Thank you. But about Sayaka: I did actually name her after a real idol.  :lol: I had been watching a performance of Blue Rose by AKB48 and admiring Akimoto Sayaka right before I started writing this.  :P

Huhuhu... Poor Sayaka..  :cry: Im sure someone else will turn up not as good as Yossie but yea..

Coz Ishiyoshi rules..  :heart:

IshiYoshi does rule. Explains why they're two of my two favorite H!P members. ;) But together they're just so, so, so much better still.  :heart:

Just saw this story, its awesome..... But it seems like Yoshi wants both girls. Can't she have both? Please? Its not that she doesnt like Saya, she just finds the new one more interesting, coz she's new. But she still loves Sayaka! Its pretty obvious. She didnt actually say she wanted to break up with her. Hmm, if this is anything like a fic I know, this is all a dream and then, she will wake up (or not) and everything may be fine. But who knows? Btw, I totally get the goofing off thing, writing an angsty one meself. THough I don't think ppl find it as interesting as yours..... Oh well, cya. Keep up the good work! It's great so far, though I do feel really sory for Sayaka, and Yoshi. But it seems like Sayaka is destroyed by that.....Will she bounce back? The pessimist in me says NO! The optimist says she will hook up with a character soon to be revealed, or Yoshii or both or Yoshi and Rika or Yoshi/ Rika and the other char....OR even more ppl, etc.;...... You know what I mean, just, be happy Sayaka! Im taking a leaf out of that pplz page (cnt remember whose) and being optimistic, so saying she WILL be HAPPY in the end! (Sory, I have a very open mind, things just rub of on it easilly......)

Thank you for reading! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Yossie does want both girls... but in different ways that she doesn't completely understand yet. I can't tell you more than that, though. I'll ruin it.  :P

^Sweeet  :rofl:, your comments are only! XD

Back to the story, O.O.... dude, Sayaka is ridiculously EMO!....I love it!

Again love how you write  :inlove:

And yes i'll be patient :)

Haha. It's strange though that I have the capacity to write something so emo because I'm so ridiculously balanced it's not even funny. :p I hope the fifth chapter continues to entertain you! :)

:mon scare: Wow...  Sayaka reminds me of KOREAN DRAMA angsty... it's almost unbearably. I've never read a fanfic that makes my eyes waters but if this continues the way it is... I think this one just might be the first.

 :cry: Good Job! *awaits next chatper*

I agree with Anammm (my ishiyoshi partner in crime XD) I like that SayakaXYossy but 1444 4 EVA

I'm really touched that my fanfic brought tears to your eyes. :) I hope that I can continue connecting with you with my fanfic in the future. :)

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2008, 03:35:14 AM »
This last chapter was cute, sexy, funny and a liiiiitle sad... I love it!!  :grin:

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2008, 03:39:12 AM »
^ Yeah, I try to put a little bit of everything into it so that everyone can enjoy it... because some people like to laugh, some people like the sexy, and some people like to cry. ;) And some people are you, and like it all! Haha.

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2008, 06:10:08 AM »
As a guy totally secure in his masculinity, I have no trouble proclaiming that Yossi DOES look dead sexy in a suit. 

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2008, 06:23:21 AM »
As a guy totally secure in his masculinity, I have no trouble proclaiming that Yossi DOES look dead sexy in a suit. 

Yossie looks dead sexy. Period. I could give up men for her, I swear I could. (But then, I could also potentially give up men for Goto Maki and Kamei Eri... and Fujimoto Miki. I think the list ends there. ...I think.)

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2008, 06:53:36 AM »
^ It'd be even better if she'd say that you didn't have to give up the other H!P girls just for her. :twisted: :drool:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2008, 07:22:39 AM »
I can't decided what makes me like you more... your writing or the fact that you post so quickly  :heart: Most likely a combination of the two XD.

That was a great chapter... the ending of it was hot XD... and the "reasons" for liking each other was so genuine... 

Gah i can't get enough of you writing this couple... I just LOVE IT!

On a separate note: Not only yossy looks good in a suit... Rika looks super hot as a prince ;)... Rika-Franz FTW.
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2008, 08:17:40 AM »

Tilting her lips toward Hitomi’s ear, she lightly kissed the soft flesh of her earlobe and whispered, “Do you know why I fell in love with you, Yossie…?”

   “I fell in love with you because, no matter how many strong fronts you put up or how much you turned even the saddest situation into an opportunity to tell a joke, all I had to do to know your true feelings was look into your eyes. There, I could see how much you really cared… about everyone and everything. Your heart is the biggest I’ve ever known and it has room for so much love.” She paused and touched the tips of her fingers to Hitomi’s cheek, guiding her eyes to meet her own. “I know that you love her, Yossie. That’s never been a problem for me. I only hope that, in time, she will see there is room for both of us in your heart…”

   Hitomi’s eyes filled with emotion, yet a small, coy smile crept across her lips as she asked, “Do you know why I fell in love with you, Rika…?” She pressed gentle kisses, light as leaves cascading from treetops to the ground below in the fall, across the line of Rika’s jaw.

   “Because I think you’re dead sexy in a suit?” Rika quipped, giggling and wriggling at Hitomi’s side as the touch of lips so softly against her skin brought her flesh sensitively alive.

   “Other than that.” Hitomi mimicked, a smirk momentarily crossing her features. “I fell in love with you because I realized, when I’m with you, I don’t need to put on any fronts or tell any jokes to hide my feelings. You take me as I am, broken, whole, split in two… the way no one in my entire life had before you came into it.”
So Yossie still wants Sayaka too huh?  :? Rika sounds like its ok with her though so I think thats kinda good maybe?  XD
Yossie and Rika are so perfect that they can be great being a guy or a girl..  :wub:
Ahh~  :luvluv2: i feel so warm and tingly inside... so much love  :heart:
That was a very sweeeeet chapter!!   :inlove:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2008, 04:56:45 PM »
So, I thought this would be fun.  XD

That's what it looks like when I'm writing this fanfic. Proof that it doesn't just pour right out of me as is. :oops: So, so much revision.  :lol: Click for full size version. Also evidence that my hand-writing is chicken-scratch.

^ It'd be even better if she'd say that you didn't have to give up the other H!P girls just for her. :twisted: :drool:

Indeed.  :wub:

I can't decided what makes me like you more... your writing or the fact that you post so quickly  :heart: Most likely a combination of the two XD.

That was a great chapter... the ending of it was hot XD... and the "reasons" for liking each other was so genuine... 

Gah i can't get enough of you writing this couple... I just LOVE IT!

On a separate note: Not only yossy looks good in a suit... Rika looks super hot as a prince ;)... Rika-Franz FTW.

Yeah, Rika DOES look good in a suit, buuuut... sorry, Yossie still takes the prize in my heart. ;) But as it turns out, Aichan ALSO looks really hot in a suit.


So Yossie still wants Sayaka too huh?  :? Rika sounds like its ok with her though so I think thats kinda good maybe?  XD
Yossie and Rika are so perfect that they can be great being a guy or a girl..  :wub:
Ahh~  :luvluv2: i feel so warm and tingly inside... so much love  :heart:
That was a very sweeeeet chapter!!   :inlove:

Aww, I'm happy that you liked it. :) What Yossie wants is for Sayaka to be happy because she loves her, whether that means they are together are not.

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Re: Happily Ever After (5 Chapters)
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2008, 05:27:17 PM »
Wow your hand-writing is neat and rounded. I like it!  :lol: Its not bad at all..  :D

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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