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Author Topic: The Compound  (Read 27232 times)

Offline Pharadox

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2008, 03:02:17 PM »
Kamei Eri

She's at her breaking point. Eri hears Sayu, Eri is covered in egg, and Eri is not going to hobble, dripping egg all over the floor, to take a towel to Sayumin. She's not, she's not, she's not. On her knees in front of the fridge, she continues to clean the mess she's made, now and then glancing at the bathroom door and half-expecting Sayu to burst through it, soapy and naked, in search of a towel. She knows she should keep her eyes glued to the floor and the soppy mess at her feet just in case that does happen, but like a curious cat, she can't help herself... and everyone knows what happens to curious cats.

Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2008, 07:58:55 AM »

:: finishes up showering, when she notices Eri never brought her a towel ::

(thinking) : Oh jeez that girl... she must not have heard me ... oh well I need some way to dry off....

:: Sayu notices the toliet paper ... and get's an idea ::

(thinking) : well i can't just run out there naked... it might freak Eri out... I'll just wrap up my private areas with toliet paper for now and go grab a towel from my bag. Then i'll come back into the shower and wash off the paper.

:: Sayu wraps her chest in toliet paper as well as her bottom half, making it comfortable enough to be able to walk ::

:: She opens up the door and walks over to her luggage, not seeing Eri at all. She grabs a towel from her bags, and turns around and moves a couple steps towards the shower when she notices Eri crouched over by the refridgerator covered in what appears to be egg yolk. Forgeting she's wearing nothing more than paper towel she opens her mouth and begins to talk ::

" Oh my gosh, what happened to you Kamei -chan ?? Are you okay?? What happened, did you slip on an egg and fall? "

:: Sayu looks at Eri trying to spot and bruises on her... and notices a distraught looking face.. which looks really sad. So Sayu does the only thing is thinking about, try to cheer her friend up with a hug. ::

" Aww... poor Eri, come here and let me give u a hug "

:: at this point Sayu goes over to Eri and hugs her....holding Eri's face to her chest. It is also at this point, Sayu remembers that she isn't wearing anything but toliet paper... Sayu's comforting feeling towards Eri is changed into shock, and Sayu doesn't know what to do at this point. ::


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Re: The Compound
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2008, 05:46:24 PM »
Kamei Eri

Eri hears the door open and her head snaps up at the neck. Her eyes, wide like a deer's in headlights, dive in the direction of the sound of swinging door and then bare wet feet slopping across the floor. She finds the feet, but her traitorous eyes refuse to ease their disturbingly perverted curiosity with just that. Raising slowly, they skim the length of Sayu's legs and Eri prepares herself to see things she really, really doesn't want to see. Or do I? Her heart stops for at least five seconds and she chokes on the shock that is rising in her throat. Drapped about Sayu's dripping wet hips and chest is toilet paper-- soggy, clinging, what might as well be transparent toilet paper.

But if Eri appeared distraught when Sayu initially pranced through the bathroom door wearing only a layer of toilet paper, the expression quickly transforms itself into distress as her friend opens her arms and begins to approach for a hug. Her mouth drops open, ready to protest that she is perfectly fine and not even close to being in need of a hug at this particular moment, but she is too late...

Sayu's arms wrap about Eri in forgotten abandon of her current toilet papered state and Eri feels the wetness of her skin pressing against her, soaking her through her clothes. Only seconds later, Sayumi freezes and Eri knows her best friend has just come to her senses in a great big shattering realization. Honestly, Eri might laugh if she wasn't so completely confused over how horrified and elated she feels at the same time to be hugged by Sayu when she's nearly naked.

"Umm..." she begins, mimicking Sayu's attempt to speak. Then, finally, she blubbers all in one breath, "IdroppedeggsandtheysplatteredallovermeandnowIamwettoo."
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 05:51:50 PM by Pharadox »

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2008, 07:23:22 PM »
Natsuyaki Miyabi

Miyabi woke up as the sunlight filtering through a crack in her curtains shone on her face. Groaning at the unwelcome disturbance, she rolled over and stretched before sitting up and looking around. As she looked at the clock, she groaned.

Thinks: Ugh... It's only 8:00. I don't want to get up yet...

She lay back down and closed her eyes, trying to get back to sleep. A short while later, she opened her eyes again and looked at the clock with a sigh.

Thinks: 8:30...? Looks like I won't be able to get back to sleep. I guess I should unpack my stuff and get started on my day...

Miyabi went to her back and put her things away into her dresser and closet. She also hung the uniform she had been given in the closet with the rest of her stuff. Miyabi then chose a skirt, t-shirt and undergarments to wear for the day and gathered up her things (shampoo, conditioner, etc.) to go take a shower. As she left her room with her things in hand, she saw that Risa's door was open and the room empty.

Thinks: Looks like Niigaki-san's up and about already.

She made her way downstairs and straight for the bathroom where she found Risa brushing her teeth.

"Oh! Good morning Niigaki-san! I hope you had a good night's sleep. I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll just wait for you to finish..."

Miyabi went back to the living room to place her things on a couch while she waited. She then went over to the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator. Seeing that it was stocked with a few basic food items, Miyabi smiled, but then thoughtfully tapped her chin...

Thinks: Hmm... I wonder how good of a cook Niigaki-san is... This is going to be interesting as I cook for myself these next few weeks. Note to self: Don't ask Chii-chan for tips. XD I think I'll just make some tea for now and wait for Niigaki-san to finish before I make a mess of the kitchen.

Miyabi pulled out a kettle and set about heating water to make some tea.

Offline niigaki_risa

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2008, 01:42:30 AM »
Niigaki Risa

"Oh! Good morning Niigaki-san! I hope you had a good night's sleep. I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll just wait for you to finish..." "Oh, Miyabi-chan, Ohayo gozaimasu! Hopefully you slept well too, we have a great day ahead of us," Risa replied after she spit out her toothpaste and rinsed.
 Ah~ I wonder what I'm going to cook for breakfast for Miya and me. Hmm omrice perhaps? she thought as she got out of the bathroom. "The bathroom's all yours, Miyabi. Just going to go change and make some breakfast," she said.
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Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2008, 05:52:53 AM »

:: at the same time that Eri is blurting something out ::

"IdroppedeggsandtheysplatteredallovermeandnowIamwettoo." .. eri blabbered


:: a minute passes which fells like forever to Sayu, when she notices that they are still hugging. Sayu let's go of Eri and backs away a little ::

"Um... yeah... i'm gonna go wash off the egg and toliet paper now... "

:: Sayu looks back at the towel on the floor and grabs it ::

"Um...sorry for getting you wet. You should go take a shower. We'll I'll see you in the shower... i mean I should go take a shower, I'll be done soon u can hop in with me... i mean.. hop in after i finish. I'll leave the water running for you. "

:: Sayu is flustered throughout the whole conversation, and quickly darts off in the direction of the bathroom. She closes the door and quickly jumps into the running water and begins to wash off the things on her body ::

(thinks): Oh jeez.... could I have made that any more awkward.....

:: sayu is washing herself ::

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Offline Pharadox

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2008, 07:29:20 AM »
Kamei Eri

While Sayu's arms were around her, Eri could have sworn the hug lasted an hour or more, but the moment she was released she wished it would go on longer still. As Sayu backs slowly away, Eri leans involuntarily forward toward her, like a magnet drawn to another. But she quickly catches herself, backing away as well until she's plastered against the very refrigerator where the entire egg-dropping and splattering fiasco began in the first place. Shoulders slumped over as if all the wind has been knocked from her lungs, she stands there, soggy clothes weighing heavily upon her body and a wet clump of tissue clinging to her cheek where it had been pressed to Sayu's chest before.

She nods mutely, her mind still reeling and spinning circles in her head as Sayumi says she is going to go wash off the toilet paper and the egg, as Sayumi grabs the towel, as Sayumi apologizes for getting her all wet, as Sayumi invites her into the shower, as Sayumi--... INVITES HER INTO THE SHOWER?! Eri is at once erect against the fridge, eyes wide like saucers, and if she could possibly become one with the fridge and disappear immediately within it, she probably would. The fridge, for its part, is becoming nicely smeared with streaks of raw egg and if it were animate, might just slap some sense into both girls.

"I mean.. hop in after I finish. I'll leave the water running for you." Disappointment is what Eri feels as a flustered Sayumi skitters off to the bathroom and closes the door. She stares at the closed door, as if with x-ray vision she might see through it and the shower curtain to the girl inside.

She's never wanted a shower so badly in her life. Of course, she tells herself, that's just because I'm covered in raw egg. Who wouldn't want a shower after all that? The raw egg, that is. And she continues to reason to herself about it as she finishes cleaning the mess she's made, waiting for her turn alone in the shower.

Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2008, 09:24:05 AM »

:: Is rethinking the events that just happened as she gently rubs off the toliet paper, making sure it doesn't clog up the bath tub she throws the larger portions in a trash can. Completely clean once again she exits the shower leaving it on for Eri. Grabbing her towel she proceeds to dry herself of outside of the tub. ::

(thinking) : Hmm...that shower afterwards felt good, I hope I didn't make it awkward for me and Kamei-chan. I mean... I have seen her naked before, given though that it was an accident and Eri doesn't know about it. She has really nice skin under her clothes... I wonder how she does it...

:: Sayu finds herself thinking about Eri's naked skin ::

(Thinking) : Aiyah.... Sayu get your head straight. Sure, Kamei-chan saw you nearly naked... you're best friends it's okay. We're friends so that shouldn't come between us. I just hope I didn't freak her out too much. Oi... I must have been dripping water when I got back in here. ::

:: Sayu finishes drying herself up and puts on her bra and underwear. Using her towel she wipes up the wet spots on the floor, that way Eri won't slip in the bathroom. ::

(thinking) : Hmm... I wonder if I should bring up that whole thing earlier this morning too... Um... I still havent quite figured out why Kame-chan was kissing me. Err.... i shouldn't think about this for now.

:: Sayu puts on her grey shirt and her skirt, combs out her hair and puts a flower hair tie in it. She does a little pose in the Mirror to check herself out ::

" Yay I look cute!!" sayu exclaims with joy not realizing how loud she said that.

:: gathering up all her stuff she exits the bathroom and notices Eri who appears to have finished cleaning the floor where there was stains and is throwing away the paper towels she used to clean. Sayu places all the stuff in her hands on her luggage and proceeds to speak to Kamei ::

" Oi, Kame-chan. I finished taking a shower, I left the water running for you. It's nice and warm, so I think you'll find it relaxing. I was thinking that maybe we could go out today with some of the others and explore that shopping center where some of the girls are supposed to work. "

:: Sayu pauses to think ::

" I hope they have a manga shop there. Anyways you better go take a shower before that egg yolk sets into your hair. I'll call Mameko on her cell phone and see if she wants to come with us. "

:: Sayu grabs her luggage and drags it up stairs and into the room farthest from the stairs. ::

(Thinking) : I'll be taking this room. I can unpack and stuff later on tonight when we come back

:: Sayu grabs her cell phone from her bag and proceeds down stairs. She turns on the Tv and changes the channel to Mtv ::

(thinking) : I wonder if they are playing anything by us... no wait.. they are playing international music right now

:: Sayu begins Dialing Risa to get a hold of her... she hears the Vj mention filipino music, but sayu hears chinese music. The music video begins to play (The Moon represents my heart sung by Kim Chiu) ::


:: the phone is ringing when sayu thinks she hears someone pick up ::

" Kim Chiu.... errr I mean Gaki-san?? "

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Offline niigaki_risa

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2008, 10:18:24 PM »
Niigaki Risa

Hai hai hai~ what should I wear today~? Risa thought as she unpacked her clothes and put it in the closet. when she found her jean shorts and shirt she was going to wear, Risa's phone rang. "Hm, wonder who it can be," she thought out loud when she got her phone.
"Moshi moshi this is Niigaki." "Kim Chiu.... errr I mean Gaki-san??" "Oh, Sayu! Ohayo~ what's up?" Risa replied.
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Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2008, 12:03:45 AM »

:: on the phone with Risa ::

"Oh, Sayu! Ohayo~ what's up?" Risa replied.

" Oh hi, Gaki-san... what are you up to? I hope i didn't wake you"

:: Sayu pauses for a moment for Niigaki to answer ::

"Oh how was your first night there? Did you sleep well?"

:: slight pause ::

"Well Gaki-san if you're not doing anything today I was wonder if you would like to go to the shopping center with Eri and I. We were planning on heading out around 12 or 1, enough time to be able to eat first. Do you know anyone else who'd like to go?"

:: Sayu pauses for Niigaki's answer ::

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Offline Pharadox

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2008, 01:29:38 AM »
Kamei Eri

Eri is finishing up cleaning the raw egg from the kitchen floor, getting up off of her knees from the floor, when she hears suddenly above the splashing of the still running shower, "Yay I look cute!" and she nearly slips on the slightly slick floor. Bracing herself against the kitchen counter and edging cautiously across the slippery tiles toward the trash, she casts a small, amused smile in the direction of the bathroom.

She can just imagine Sayu turning about in circles, admiring herself in the mirror at all possible angles because Eri has seen her do it enough times. She can't blame her, though. If Eri had that face and that body, she'd probably look in the mirror a lot, too. ...And spend a lot of time naked, while I was at it. Eri shakes her head quickly, knocking the thought loose from her mind like a leaf tangled in her hair. What's wrong with me? I kiss her once by accident and see her almost completely naked and suddenly I'm like a 13-year old boy going through puberty, unable to control his thoughts about girls. What's next? Wet dreams?

As she hears the bathroom door open she lowers her eyes, pretending to be quite preoccupied throwing away paper towels. She makes a big show of  hovering at the trash can, as if it takes longer than three seconds to toss something into it. She hears Sayu speak up to her from behind and turns toward the sink, flipping the hot water on to wash her hands. "I was thinking that maybe we could go out today with some of the others" Sayumi suggests, and Eri suddenly lights up, spinning around to face her friend. "Yes! Let's do that! It sounds like fun!" A big smile finds its way across her lips because she is just that relieved to have the opportunity to not be alone with Sayu for a little while. She's sure that after a fun day out with some of the girls they can both put this whole confusing, egg-soaked episode behind them and that makes her very happy.

Eri prances across the room, so enthusiastic to finish the shower and go out for the day that she bypasses her suitcase, heading directly to the bathroom. Her mood is so improved that she boldly smiles and says "You look very cute today, Sayu-chan" as she skips passed her. Closing the door behind herself, she hooks her fingers in her top and tugs, peeling it upward from off of her body. But suddenly she pauses, arms high in the air and her shirt dangling, suspended upon them overhead. Towel, fool. Get your towel! Eri yanks the top back down, jerks the door open, and with cheeks flushed the color of ripe tomatoes, steps out toward her suitcase. But to her relief she finds that Sayu has already disappeared upstairs.

Stepping into the shower, she moves beneath the stream and tilts her head back, feeling the water trickling down the side of her face, her arms, her chest, her abdomen, and her legs. She begins to scrub furiously, as if to wipe away not just raw egg, but something else, as well. Finished showering, she steps back out and grabs the towel that she had almost forgotten, wrapping it tightly about her body and thinking that she's never appreciated a towel before in her life more than this particular moment. She quickly dries herself and pulls her fresh set of clothes on, first her bra and panties, and then a pale yellow blouse and gray-blue skirt.

Turning toward the fogged up mirror, she glimpses her blurred reflection in it, then turns toward the door to leave. Stepping out of the bathroom, she finds Sayu has returned downstairs and is talking on her cell phone, most likely with Niigaki. She tilts her head, watching her friend speak animatedly, and wonders to herself how it is possible that such a beautiful girl has befriended such an ordinary one.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 03:49:39 AM by Pharadox »

Offline niigaki_risa

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #31 on: June 18, 2008, 03:27:16 AM »
Niigaki Risa

*On phone with Sayu*

" Oh hi, Gaki-san... what are you up to? I hope i didn't wake you"

"No problem, I was just about to change. Hold on for just one minute~"

*changes into her jean shorts and pale yellow shirt*

"Okay I'm back."

"Oh how was your first night there? Did you sleep well?"

"Ah it was good. Aren't the rooms great? Yes, I slept great."

"Well Gaki-san if you're not doing anything today I was wonder if you would like to go to the shopping center with Eri and I. We were planning on heading out around 12 or 1, enough time to be able to eat first. Do you know anyone else who'd like to go?"

"No, I don't have any plans at the moment. Sure I can tag along. I'll ask Miyabi if she wants to come."

"Miyabi! Sayumi and Eri are planning to go to the shopping center around 12 or 1. Want to come with us?" Risa hollered to Miyabi.
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Offline maiZe

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #32 on: June 18, 2008, 03:46:41 AM »
Natsuyaki Miyabi

As Miyabi was making the tea, she saw Risa step out of the washroom.

Risa: "The bathroom's all yours, Miyabi. Just going to go change and make some breakfast."

Miyabi smiled at Risa and said, "Okay. Thanks Niigaki-san!"

Once the kettle was steaming, Miyabi pulled it off the heat and sat it on a piece of cork. She then went to the cupboards and pulled out two tea cups and placed them next to the kettle. With the tea ready, Miyabi went and got her things from the couch. As she was heading to the bathroom, she heard Risa call out to her.

Risa: "Miyabi! Sayumi and Eri are planning to go to the shopping center around 12 or 1. Want to come with us?"

"Sure! If you're sure you don't mind my tagging along, that sounds like fun, Niigaki-san! Oh, and I made some tea for us. I set it on the table."

Thinks: I wonder if anyone else is going... I hope that it's not too awkward. I don't know Michishige-san or Kamei-san very well... *sigh* Well, whatever happens, I figure it's gotta be better than spending the day by myself. I'll make the best of it!

Miyabi waited to see if Risa said anything else before heading into the bathroom...

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #33 on: June 18, 2008, 04:41:43 AM »
Niigaki Risa

"Sure! If you're sure you don't mind my tagging along, that sounds like fun, Niigaki-san! Oh, and I made some tea for us. I set it on the table."

"No I don't mind. Thanks for the tea, I'll make some omrice for breakfast."

*back on the phone with Sayumi*

"Miyabi-chan said she'll tag along with us. I'm going to go make some breakfast now. See you and Eri later! Baibai~" she said as she hung up.

"Okay, let's see what we have here" said Risa when she opened up the pantry. "Eggs, check. Rice, check. Chicken...Hmm," she thought out loud. "Do we have chicken?" she said when she opened the fridge. "Chicken...Check!".
Risa sees all of the ingredients in front of her, and starts making the best omrice you have ever tasted!  :muffin:
Morning Musume Fairy Tales!
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Re: The Compound
« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2008, 08:13:35 AM »
Natsuyaki Miyabi

Risa: "No I don't mind. Thanks for the tea, I'll make some omrice for breakfast."

With Risa's response, Miyabi smiled to herself and proceeded to the bathroom.

Thinks: Ooh... Niigaki-san's going to cook. I wonder what her cooking tastes like.

After setting her clothes on the counter, she closed the door and started her shower. As the warm water fell soothingly over her body, she snapped her head up in alarm.

Thinks: What happened to Maimi-chan? I forgot to check my cell phone when I got up. I hope she's okay... And for that matter, where are the other girls?

After finishing her shower, Miyabi dried herself off with her towel and then wrapped it around her as she brushed her teeth. She the changed into the clothes she brought with her: a red, grey and white plaid, pleated skirt and a white blouse, and put her dirty clothes into a basket in the laundry room.

She brushed out her hair and put it in a quick ponytail before opening the bathroom door. As she stepped into the kitchen, a wonderful aroma hit her senses.

"Mmmm... Niigaki-san, that smells wonderful! Is breakfast almost ready?"

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2008, 10:21:57 PM »
Niigaki Risa

Wow, the omrice turned out better than I thought, Niigaki thought when she put the two fresh omrice on plates.

"Mmmm... Niigaki-san, that smells wonderful! Is breakfast almost ready?"

"Yup it's just about ready, Miyabi. Eat up!" she replied as she poured the tea that Miyabi made from earlier.
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Re: The Compound
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2008, 03:52:20 AM »
Mari turned on the water so it was cold. She hated hot showers, and anyways, cold showers help breasts grow larger. But that wasn't her concern at the time.
She thought about her job. Could she really do interior designing? In her mind, white, white, and more white looked perfect together and that was about it. No creativity.
Remembering that she had a booklet for reference, she let her mind drift to Yuko. Questioning her sexuality, she looked down past her flat chest (well, it was flat for a 25-year-old), her similar flat stomach, and at her toes. She had painted them a bright orange a few days ago.

She sumbled out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. Brushing her bleached teeth, she tapped her foot to LOVE Machine. Why sing Happy Birthday while brushing your teeth when you could do a Momusu song?

Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2008, 02:21:06 PM »

:: closes her cell phone after talking with Niigaki and turns around to see Eri looking at her ::

" Oh, Hey kamei-chan... I just finished talking to Gaki-san. She and Miyabi will be joining us later when we go shopping "

:: looks back towards the Tv ::

" They're gonna eat breakfast first ... "

:: Sayu's tummy rumbles, and she feels the morning hunger hit her ::

" Uh.... Maybe we should make something to eat too... Are there any more eggs left? "

:: Sayu waits for Eri's answer ::

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Offline lemonmilktea

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2008, 08:07:25 AM »
Having gotten no reply , from anyone. She called Sayu-chan. She got to know Sayu and liked her. She reminded her of Rika.  :rikabunny  :sejinemo:

And right now... Yui was sooo afraid of messing up, and missing stuff she felt Sayu was her only choice. She knew she'd be awake, and didn't want to bother with anyone else. Yui was near tears. She really didn't have any reason to be, but her nerves were getting the better of her.  :k-sad:

"Sayuuuuuuuuuuuu-chaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Please, pick up! Onegaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-shimasuuuuuuuu!"
She muttered to herself, while waiting for the dial-tone to turn into a supa-kawaii voice.  :k-thrilled:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2008, 08:15:59 AM by lemonmilktea »
The Original Teddy Girl Pin-Up Princess says:

Thank you Kawaii-beam for the Av!

Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Compound
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2008, 01:35:19 PM »

:: While waiting for Eri to answer Sayu feels her phone ring. She looks down on her cell phone and see's a picture of Yui. Only for a moment she contemplates screening the call and not picking up, This was due mainly to how hungry she was. Nevertheless Sayu didn't want any bad karma coming back to her so she decides to pick up..... after the 5th ring. ::

" Moshi Moshi ....Yui-san? .... "

:: Sayu waits for a response on the other end ::

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