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Author Topic: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)  (Read 31181 times)

Offline MochaNutz

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #80 on: July 14, 2009, 04:13:48 PM »
saw it a few weeks ago.  I liked it.  The last hour was like pure action!  There's a few things that i question and didn't like tho, like


The fallen is a Prime, and Optimus is a Prime. If a Prime can only kill a Prime (Fallen can only die by Optimus), shouldn't Optimus only be killed by a Prime too? 

Devastator is not a Dog =(

The Terminator Transformer.  Since when can deceptions turn into humans?

Too many transformers, you don't know who the hell they are.

Other than that, it was awesome!

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #81 on: July 16, 2009, 03:57:10 AM »

The Terminator Transformer.  Since when can deceptions turn into humans?

I know, right? XD

Offline StreakInTheSky

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #82 on: July 17, 2009, 04:14:05 AM »
saw it a few weeks ago.  I liked it.  The last hour was like pure action!  There's a few things that i question and didn't like tho, like


The fallen is a Prime, and Optimus is a Prime. If a Prime can only kill a Prime (Fallen can only die by Optimus), shouldn't Optimus only be killed by a Prime too? 

Devastator is not a Dog =(

The Terminator Transformer.  Since when can deceptions turn into humans?

Too many transformers, you don't know who the hell they are.

1. I just took it as one of those things that is just said cause he's so powerful, but not necessarily a fact. It wasn't like he had to do anything really special to do it either, just used some extra parts (Which was awesome)

2. Yeah, devastator was pretty meh...

3. Yeah, that didn't really make much sense.

4. You don't have to know all of them. Just like how the humans have a bunch of extra soldiers, so did the Transformers. Knowing them has nothing to do with the plot, and is just something the transformers geek inside you wants to know. :P

Offline RatBastich

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #83 on: July 20, 2009, 01:52:09 AM »
'Transformers 2' Biggest Chinese Hit

By MIN LEE, AP Entertainment Writer

HONG KONG - The "Transformers" sequel has become China's biggest box office hit ever by earning 400 million Chinese yuan ($59 million), a publicist for the country's leading state-run film company said Friday.

"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" surpassed the 11-year-old record of 360 million yuan set by "Titanic," spokesman Weng Li at the China Film Group, one of the country's two film importers, told The Associated Press. "Titanic" made about $43 million based on exchange rates in 1998, the year it was released.

Weng said the "Transformers" sequel, released June 24, received a wide release on several thousand screens. China had about 4,100 screens by the end of 2008. The first "Transformers" installment raked in 280 million yuan in 2007.

"This is a tremendous achievement for the market in China and clearly shows that there is a strong growing demand for international films," said Mike Ellis, Asia-Pacific managing director of the Hollywood trade organization, Motion Picture Association of America.

The group wants China to relax its movie import quota of allowing in just 20 foreign blockbusters a year, aimed at boosting its domestic industry.

Weng said both installments of John Woo's two-part Chinese historical epic "Red Cliff" earned 300 million yuan ($44 million) this year and last, as did Chinese director Feng Xiaogang's 2008 romantic comedy "If You Are the One."

"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," a science fiction movie, was apparently slightly censored. In the film's opening sequence, the Autobots and Decepticons battle in an industrial part of Shanghai, but when a U.S. military commander refers to the city, the word "Shanghai" is muffled.

Chinese censors are sensitive to portrayals of their country in foreign movies.

The "Transformers" record also highlights the earning potential of Hollywood films in China. But with piracy a lingering problem and moviegoing largely the habit of wealthier urbanites, the growing Chinese box office revenues remain small compared to the U.S.

The "Transformers" sequel earned $62 million on its opening day in the U.S. alone. The $200 million production has grossed $348 million in the U.S. and $380 million outside the country, according to the box office tracking Web site Box Office Mojo.

Chinese box office revenues totaled 4.3 billion yuan ($630 million) in 2008, compared to $9.8 billion in the U.S. in the same year.
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"Are you my mummy?"
"Hello, Sweetie."
"Who's scruffy looking?"

Offline MochaNutz

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #84 on: July 23, 2009, 04:17:44 PM »

4. You don't have to know all of them. Just like how the humans have a bunch of extra soldiers, so did the Transformers. Knowing them has nothing to do with the plot, and is just something the transformers geek inside you wants to know. :P

The transformers geek, thats me =P  I didn't even realize the 3 motorcycle chicks was Arcee.  They just like, introduced them as new recruits.  It was a waste of a voice actress too, cuz they got Grey DeLisle for her, but she only had like 2 lines =D

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #85 on: July 24, 2009, 09:31:32 AM »
Lorenzo di Bonaventura is Talking About Transformers 3 Already

Well, given its been a month, I suppose it's time to talk about Transformers 3. As you all know, I wasn't too thrilled with Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, but my opinions and the scathing critical response haven't changed the fact that the "film" has made over three-quarters of a billion dollars worldwide. IGN recently sat down with producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura to discuss just what's to come of Transformers 3 and, as expected, he didn't reveal a whole lot since they're still stuffing their pockets with the box office earnings. Even still, Transformers 3 is coming whether you like it or not - it's just a question of when.

Bonaventura said that he'd "love to see [Michael Bay] back" and that he "couldn't imagine Transformers without him." But it seems that it's all up in the air right now. Bonaventura says that "the timing is the big question for him, not whether he is going to do it not." Well, of course. Why wouldn't he do it? Did I mention it's made over three-quarters of a billion dollars?! As to what we might see in the next installment, Bonaventura expressed some reservation when asked about the inclusion of the fan-favorite Transformer, Unicron. "Unicron worries me because it's so big that it dwarves emotion. It's so hard because when you're working to that scale, it sort of becomes outside any kind of human reality you have. That one scares me… it becomes sort of impersonal when it gets to that scale." Well, it's good that he wants to retain that element of human reality and emotion that the first two films have been so good at– uh wait, did I just black out?

Bonaventura goes on to talk about the problems Fantastic Four 2 had with its introduction of Galactus, which for all intents and purposes is a pretty good analogy, but come on — if the past is any indicator of the future, it wouldn't surprise me if we see even more racist depictions of even bigger Transformers playing dice with our planets. As far as when we'll see this monstrosity, Bonaventura says, "We've started talking about it now. We're debating the right time for it." I'd say the right time would be right after I finish building my fallout shelter - ’cause when (not if) Transformers 3 drops, you all better have a place to hide.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #86 on: October 01, 2009, 11:05:52 PM »
Michael Bay Announces July 2011 Release for Transformers 3

Michael Bay just stole Paramount's thunder. The man himself has announced via his official forums that they've set a release date for Transformers 3 - July 1st, 2011. As he says, "not 2012." Additionally, Bay has already started work on the sequel with a meeting at ILM and a meeting with screenwriter Ehren Kruger as well as Hasbro. Bay also makes a joke about/to Megan Fox saying "welcome back" and that "I promise no alien robots will harm you in any way during the production." Oh Mr. Bay, I'm not sure your sense of humor is all that funny. He also confirms that his smaller film Pain and Gain will shoot right after Transformers.

Paramount first announced that Transformers 3 was moving forward for a 2011 release way back in March before Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen had even hit theaters. Despite the dismal reviews, it has gone on to make $401 million domestically. There was plenty of discussion about whether or not Michael Bay would return because he kept saying that he wanted to take a break and potentially direct a small feature first (Pain and Gain) before considering returning to the world of giant robots once again. But it looks like he's back and ready to go. No delaying, Paramount wants another tentpole blockbuster in two years time.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #87 on: January 16, 2010, 09:41:50 AM »
Michael Bay Says Transformers 3 Will Have Even Less Robots

Wait, don't you mean more robots? No, we do mean less. Michael Bay recently attended a presentation in Hollywood for the Academy on the sound of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Hero Complex covered the event and published a small quote from Bay at the end about what to expect in Transformers 3, which is currently slated for 2011. "Although the number of robots increased significantly from the first film for the second, the third film — which will hit theaters in summer 2011, won't be as robot-heavy and there will be fewer explosions, a tight-lipped Bay said after the Q+A." So Michael Bay is going indie!? Just kidding.

“There will be a nice crescendo ending,” Bay said. “It gets much more into the robot character. The last time you kind of met a few of the robots; this time you’re gonna get a much cooler landscape.”

Apparently fighting in a forest (with IMAX), fighting in Egypt next to the pyramids, and fighting at the Smithsonian, wasn't already cool enough? Where does Bay think he's taking this? I don't think the problem with Revenge of the Fallen was that it had too many robots, it was much more the story and the script and crazy location changes. Although, if this means we won't see Skids and Mudflap or that damn sex-addicted bot named Wheelie ever again, then I'm all for it. Transformers 3 is being written by Ehren Kruger, but I'm sure Bay is working on it, too. Sounds like he's already telling them what to and what not to include in this.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #88 on: January 26, 2010, 06:37:03 PM »
Finally saw it!!

There is one thing to keep in mind when watching this; it's giant robots, explosions and megan fox. It's entertainment. Awesome entertainment.

The story has flaws, the side characters are lame, the storyline with the parents is lame, some of the robots are annoying.. but all of that doesn't matter that much. It's just great entertainment!

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #89 on: January 30, 2010, 05:40:16 AM »


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #90 on: February 02, 2010, 06:42:17 AM »
i tink the movie is too overrated, their are just trying to earn money out of the series, therefore neglecting the story :(

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #91 on: February 28, 2010, 08:18:10 AM »
Michael Bay Currently Testing 3D for Use in Transformers 3

Don't get too excited (or angry) yet, nothing has been officially decided. In fact, this isn't even the first time we've heard this. Back in early February, it was stated in a trades story that Michael Bay has been debating with Paramount and ILM about going 3D for Transformers 3 (due in July of 2011). As we already know, Hollywood is going 3D crazy right now thanks to Avatar, but it looks like Bay is doing the smart thing and testing out 3D before deciding whether that's really the route they want to go with the sequel;. Bay himself has even said that he's not a big fan of 3D, which is why I'm actually surprised that this is what he's doing.

Bay appeared on Starz' "In the House" last night and MTV transcribed what he said about Transformers 3. "It's a process we're testing with some 'Transformers' scenes," he said. "How successful it is with my movie in terms of a lot of real stuff coming out of the frame, real dirt, real complicated little particles coming towards the lens, because hopefully that process will work. I've seen some tests that look great on other movies. I just want to see how it looks on my footage."

Peter from SlashFilm brings up a good point - Bay uses the term "process" (multiple times), not something like "technology", which sounds like they're testing a post conversion process, not the idea of shooting it in 3D from the start. Unfortunately, we already know that's a very bad idea. I hope his tests show that it's not a good idea if that's what they're planning to do. I don't understand why studios won't just support shooting with 3D cameras? On Transformers, it may be that Bay's shooting style is too chaotic and crazy to actually use 3D cameras, since they're a bit bigger and require more equipment. As for what else to expect in this? "We're adding a lot of new elements. We're adding new characters. We're adding a lot of twists."

Offline Overmars

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #92 on: May 08, 2010, 05:51:44 AM »
The plot has many flaw.
I'm very annoy with Sam'mom.
She's too much idiot.

The robot CG are great , but look like they didn't do much about supporting robot characteres.
They look all the same for me.

This movie is good but not great.
They should cut the idiot gags and replace them with the reasonable story.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #93 on: May 20, 2010, 02:36:00 AM »
Megan Fox's Career R.I.P.: 2007-2010
Transformers hottie reportedly won't be back for third film.
by IGN Staff - May 19, 2010

Megan Fox has reportedly been dropped from Transformers 3.

Deadline claims "Paramount won't be picking up Megan Fox's option on Transformers 3 -- and that it was 'ultimately' director Michael Bay's decision. (So he gets his revenge for her remark comparing him to 'Hitler'.)" In other words, she was fired for her past war of words with the Transformers director.

The site adds that the script is being rewritten now to give Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) a new love interest. That role will be cast as soon as possible. Nothing is known about the character, except that she will likely be extremely hot and vapid.

Fox, 24, has seen her star rise and fall in just a few short years. She burst into the big time with her role as Mikaela Banes, a.k.a. eye candy bent over the engine of a muscle car, in 2007's Transformers. She followed that with the flop How to Lose Friends and Alienate People before appearing in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Jennifer's Body, her horror comedy with Diablo Cody, also flopped, and her upcoming Jonah Hex doesn't exactly have the greatest buzz surrounding it.

Time will tell whether Megan Fox can rally back and prove to the industry and public that she's a legitimate actress and star, or if she'll serve as a cautionary tale for other overnight stars whose outspoken antics and diva reputations ruin their once promising careers before they even truly began.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
« Reply #94 on: June 05, 2010, 11:48:30 AM »
Less Robots? No Megan Fox?? YES ROSIE!!

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley thread here:

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