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Author Topic: Charmy in Wonderland [COMLETE]  (Read 30778 times)

Offline maverickpanda

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Charmy in Wonderland [COMLETE]
« on: August 10, 2008, 08:20:30 PM »
Hello everyone, well I looked at the polls and here it is kiddos the first installment of Charmy in wonderland, now this is my first attempt at something that isnt a one shot so I hope you guys enjoy it. (comments are encouraged and welcomed.)  :pandaaa:

Ch 1. Charmy and the Locker

The sun sank slowly into the horizon, marking the end of yet another hectic day.  The heart of the city continued to beat steadfast, washed over with the enchanting glow of dusk.  A young woman sat at the window of a room, a script in her hand and restlessness in her heart, watching the suns slow descent.  Her elbow rested on the window sill, her open palm cradling her chin while her mind wandered aimlessly.  She sighed softly to herself, playing with the corner of the scipt, counting the minutes before she would meet with her beloved so they could walk home together.  The anxious young woman threw the script on her lap and thumbed through it slowly, her idle fingers playing with the hem of her shirt between each page.  Her eyes grew tired from the endless see of text.  She closed the script and gently rubbed her eyes, as troublesome as it may be, she knew it was her job to memorize these lines, but the day had strained her more that she had previously thought. 

“Oh my, this is terrible boring.” the young woman exclaimed, reaching her arms toward the ceiling, feeling the tightness at her sides disapating as she stretched, her mouth wide open with a yawn.

“Aw, isn't that just too adorable. Where you waiting for me Rika?” asked the mysterious voice.

Rika quickly sat up at the presence of the new person.  As if lead weights were tied to her wrist, she dropped her arms quickly, her cheeks taking on a rosy hue as she sit silently in embarassment.  Even though embarassed, she could not help but smile as her eyes catch a glimpse of the one who has saved her from her boredom.  Rika quickly stood up and threw the scipt on the chair, skipping towards her savior.  The taller girl braced herself moments before her shorter counter-part crashed into her.  She wrapped her arms around Rika and spun her around playfully, her smile widening as the room fills with Rika's laughter.  Rika wrapped her arms around the other girls neck and locked her figers together, pulling the other girl closer to her.  Rika's roaring laughter died and both girls stood silent, contently staring into each others eyes, tightly caught in the others embrace.

“I thought we could walk home together Yocchan.” Rika squeaked sheepishly.

The smile that Yossi wore faded away, her gaze falling from Rika to the floor as her grip around Rika's waist loosened.  The two began to sway back and forth, Rika became increasingly concerned as Yossi shifted her weight back and forth between her left and right leg, one of her little habits when she was nervous.  Rika tightened her hold around Yossi's neck, desperate to not loose her lover's touch, pressing her body against Yossi's.  Rika rested her head on Yossi's chest, closing her eyes, swaying to the melody of the taller girl's heartbeat.  A small smile returned to Yossi's lips, her eyes looking to Rika noticing the very content look on her face. Even though Yossi's anxiousness was gone, she continued to sway the hands that fell to her side now rested on Rika's hips,  “Only a fool would abruptly stop a dance with a princess.” Yossi thought to herself with a silent chuckle.  After a few short-lived moments of their dance, the two stood still as Yossi braced Rika into haulting.

“I am sorry Rika, I kinda already promised some of the girls that we would go out for dinner after work.” Yossi apologetically stated.

“Really? Well thats okay since I did just kinda surprised you with this request. Which of the girls are you going out with?” Rika whispered while taking a deep breath, the sweet aroma of Yossi flirting with her senses. 

“Uhh...Reena, Sayumi, Miki, Eri, Risa, and Takahashi.” Yossi said anxiously.

“Reena, Sayumi, Eri, Risa, Takahashi, and WHO?” Rika barked shooting a piercing glare at Yossi.
Unable to meet Rika's burning eyes, she looked to her right out the window and sighed “Miki Fujimoto.”

Rika released Yossi and pushed against he chest trying to fight her way out of Yossi's grips.

“Fujimoto? Why is it always Fujimoto? Shes trying to take you away from me! Why can't you see that?” Rika shouted.

Rika fell silent,  her words ceased and her body froze, her eyes fixated only on Yossi.  The loud boom of Yossi's fist against the wall startled the older girl, the gentle creaking of the door as Yossi's fist trembled gently against it. 

“What is your problem Rika? Why don't you trust me? I love only you! How many times do I have to tell you that?” Yossi stammered, the words coming out awkwardly as her voice trembled slightly.

“I do trust you and I know that you love me, its that Fujimoto that I don't trust.” Rika exclaimed.

“I cant just stop hanging out with her because of your jealousy Rika, all I can say is that I love you and I would never betray that, but... shes a good friend and I wont be forced into choosing between my friends and my relationship.”

The air hung heavy with anxiety, both girls stood silent unable to look at one another.  The silence came to a screeching halt, shattered by the sharp sound of paper fluttering in the air.  A very confused Yossi looked up only to meet Rika's script, the snap of the script against her cheek forced Yossi to stagger back a few steps into the hallway, the sharp sting on her cheek was nothing in comparison to the pain in her heart.  Rika stood frozen, her arm stretched forward, her fingertips parted, a stream of tears rolling down her cheek.  Rika fell to her knees, her hand cupped over her mouth in a futile attempt to hold back her whimpers, after the loud crash of the slamming door.  Rika could only cry, the sounds of Yossi's footsteps slowly fading in the distance, each muffled step pricking at Rika's heart. What had she done?  Lost in her own thoughts, Rika did not notice as the door slowly creaked open.  The mysterious figure sauntered over to the sobbing girl on the floor and placed a friendly hand on her head.  Rika jumped up, knocking back the mysterious person after feeling a strange hand on her head.  Rika blinked and rubbed her eyes, wondering why Yaguchi was on the floor, in bunny ears no less.  The tiny woman popped up and patted the dust off of her before putting her bunny ears back on, walking over to Rika and wiped away one of her tears.

“Why are you crying pretty lady?” the adorable little bunny girl asked.

“Uhhh...Yaguchi-san...why do you have bunny ears on?” Rka retorted.

“Yaguchi? Who is Yaguchi? My name is...” the bunny girl asked, her face flushed with confusion before jumping up as she catches a glance at the clock.

“Oh my~~, its so late, I am so late, SHE is going to kill me...” The bunny cried, before storming out of the room.

Rika did not know why, but something inside her told her to follow the strange little woman.  Rika staggered to her feet and wiped away the last tear, before running down the hall after bunny-Yaguchi, the incident in that room now pressed to the back of her mind.  Rika struggled to keep up with the shorter girl, who was hopping through the halls with great speed.  Rika took shallow breathes before her feverish running came to a slight jog.  Rika did not know where they were going but she just kept following.  Along with her body, her mind raced, Where is she running to? Why does she pretend to not be who she is? And why is she wearing bunny ears? The little girl shot into a room with a very tired Rika following closely behind.

“I'm late! I'm late! I'm so very late!” bunny said as she stepped into an open locker. 

Rika who was all to familiar with Yaguchi's “disappearing” trick stood up and wiped the small beads of sweat from her brow as she looked at the locker.  She knelt in front of the locker and wrapped her fingers around the handle of the locker. She lifted it up and pulled the door open, taken aback by the empty locker.  Rika scratched her head and slipped her head into the locker looking for some kind of trick wall or something along those lines.  Just an ordinary locker.  Rika desperately looked inside the locker, for something, anything that would indicated that mer mind was not just playing tricks on her.  Just as Rika was about to pull her head from the locker, she was blinded by a brilliant flash of light.  She clenched the sides  of the lockers as she felt her body being sucked into the light.  In an instant the room was vacant and silent, the locker door closing gently, the shrill cries of Rika fell on deaf ears as they, and her, are swallowed by the light. 
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 01:19:47 PM by maverickpanda »

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2008, 09:14:40 PM »

... you're really good... wow... there's just one thing...

why is my Charmy-sama an insecure girlfriend again?!


that is one of the things that depresses me the most... ... ... oh well... it's probably best for the development of the story...

the dance was amazing... i could never describe a scene as vividly and as ... hm... wordily... :lol:

thanks for writing and posting that one up... another amazing work... keep it up!

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2008, 01:06:12 AM »
Even though it is a personal belief of mine that trust is the basis of any good relationship, i also believe there will always be hardships and doubt. Rika is not being insecure she is protecting that which is most precious to her...I mean it is Yoss.

 :mon beam: that must both persevere to make each other worthy of the other...or something alone those lines

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 02:49:32 AM »
Yay! New story!!!
I kinda laughed at the title for the first chapter, because for some reason, I thought she'd be stuck in a locker or something. :grin: But after that, no laughing whatsoever. :( Ah, the Miki vs. Rika story! Always interesting! I kinda wonder why Yaguchi was dressed like a bunny too. But I know it has something to do with the wonderland aspect.
Can't wait for update!!! :D

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2008, 02:41:08 PM »
Yatta!! a new story  :onioncheer:

I love the idea of Charmy in wonderland :love:, I used to like Alice in wonderland alot  :heart: 

Wonder what will happen with ishiyoshi   :? :? :?
(don´t mind if it will be yomiki  :kekeke:)

Waiting for the update  :hee:

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 12:45:05 AM »
@ tru, str3k, hotohori: My faithful readers you make me  :farofflook:

You are my inspiration and you reason for writing I hope you enjoy second chapter

Ch 2. Charmy Treads Tears

The white flash vanished in an instant.  Rika rubbed her eyes furiously, hoping to wash the blinking dots from her spotty vision.  The white that washed over her vision now dulled into a deep black.  Rika looked from left to right, an air of panic surrounding her as she falls deeper into the depths of the mysterious twilight.  It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust in the dark, the fine outline of her body being the only thing she could make out in the dark.  She knew there was nothing she could do, except fall.  The steady stream of time continues to flow while our heroine continues to plummet.  After what seemed to be hours of endless failing, the young woman closes her eyes falling into a deep slumber, the emotional and physical stress of the days events taking its toll on her body and mind.  Rika's limp body came to a crashing stop, when it met the floor that had been hastily approaching.  The seemingly lifeless body began to stir, eyes limped open and limbs twitched against the cold floor.  Rika quickly sat up, when she had realized that she was no longer falling.  She lifted her arms and examined  them, her face slightly twisted with confusion.

“Why aren't I hurt? I would imagine that it was a long fall.” Rika asked herself as she stood up, brushing the dust off of her pants.

Paying her thoughts no mind, she shrugged them off, carefully looking around the room where she had fallen into. A small smile made its way onto her lips when her eyes caught the vibrant colors and fun knick-knacks that littered the room.  She merrilly skipped over to a table and picked up a few of the little figurines and gleefully giggled as she played with them.  Rika was someone who could always find appreciation in cute things.  Her merrily moving fingers coming to a stand still as a memory quickly flashes in her mind.  The figurine was placed back on the table, the figure teetering a bit as Rika replaced it with trembling hands.


“Yocchan~~~” Rika shouted happily, waving her arms in the air to catch Yossi's attention.

“Rika! What are you doing here?” Yossi replied, catching Rika in her arms as she zipped by, arms securely wrapped around the shorter girl, while she spun.

Rika fought to keep her sun hat on when spinning like that, but all she could do was share in Yossi's laughter.  The hustle and bustle of the busy street drowned in their infectious laughter. In their eyes, the in those few precious moments alone together, there was nothing else; the world stopped spinning, time stopped passing their love for one another preserved in each others heart.  Rika looked down at Yossi, her handsome face plastered with a silly smile, while wrapping her arms around the taller girl's neck. Rika leaned forward, pressing her soft lips against the top of Yossi's head, while her arms squeezed around Yossi's neck playfully.  Rika felt a strong gust, her long hair fluttering in the wind casting her over sized hat into the air.  Her gentle kiss was broken, when she was slowly lowered back onto the ground, the solid ground was  found wanting in comparison to those few moments she had soared through the clouds.  Rika's bright smile dulled a bit when she felt Yossi's warm embrace falling away form her, the taller girl running down the street away from her. Rika stood still wishing that the taller girl would return. Rika let out a deep sigh, closing her eyes for mere moments before shooting open, from the sudden return of her hat, that was carefully placed back onto her head by Yossi.

“Almost lost your pretty hat Rika.” Yossi said impishly between short shallow breathes.

“Thank you Yossi...” Rika said while wiping away the small beads of sweat that had accumulated on Yossi's forehead. 

Rika brushed a few loose strands of hair behind Yossi's ear, the tired girl's breathe returning to normal after that devilish sprint.  Rika ran the back of her hand down Yossi's soft cheek her cheerful smile beaming with happiness.

“You didn't have to run that hard to get my hat, I have others at home.” Rika said giggling softly.

“What? Nonsense! Mr. Moonlight never lets down her lady.” Yossi said playfully, her cheeks taking on a slight red before winking at Rika.

Rika wrapper her hands around Yossi's right hand and swayed them playfully back and forth, lost in her thoughts as well as Yossi's warm smile.  Rika never thought Mr. Moonlight was a fitting title for Yossi.  In her eyes, Yossi was not a mischievous ladies-man but instead a knight, her knight who would always be there for her.  Of course she would never say it out loud, to embarrassed by the childish and corny nature of her views.  Rika's wandering mind was lead back to reality by Yossi, who was riffling around her pocket furiously.

“Now where is it...” Yossi said to herself, her tongue pressed against the corner of her mouth as she searched her rebellious pants pocket. 

Yossi ripped her hand from her pocket triumphantly, clenching a little stuffed pig key chain.  Yossi held the key chain in front of Rika, waving it back and forth with a very pleased, and very goody, smile on her face.

“Here ya go Rika, I got this for you.” Yossi said

Rika watched the dangling pig sway back and forth, her lips quivering a bit, while her body trembled.  Unable to hold back her emotions, Rika released Yossi's hand and pointed to the pig, loud cries of laughter erupting from the usually reserved girl, tears in her eyes as she holds her other hand over her stomach. 

“What is that?” Rika said continuing to laugh relentlessly at the little pig.

“Fine! Never mind then. I thought it was cute.” Yossi said, quickly whipping her head to the side, her cheeks puffing up as she held her breath. 

“Awww Yocchan” Rika's words cutting between her fits of laughs. “Its wonderful and I really appreciate it. But promise me if you want something cute, come to me, I am Rika “Charmy” Ishikawa!” striking her Charmy pose with her last words. 

Yossi, let out her breath unable to fight against Rika's overwhelming charm. “Fine. Fine. I still thought it was cute though.” Yossi said while reaching her hand out. “Shall we go shopping together?”

Rika took her present from Yossi's hand and slipped it into her pocket, holding Yossi's hand as they blissfully walked down the busy street.


A lone tear rolled down Rika's cheek, her lips moving, but her voice unable to surface.  A shiver ran through her body, after how she acted Rika wondered if Yossi would come to save her this time.  She reached into her pocket and pulled out the elephant key chain and held it firmly in her hand. 

“Oh my oh ears, my dusty! I am so late!” echoed a voice.

Rika jumped at the familiar voice of bunny-Yaguchi as she referred to her as.   Rika quickly slipped the  elephant into her pocket and ran towards the voice, not noticing the loop of threat catching on the end of the table.  The elephant helplessly dangled on the corner of the table as Rika ran away from it, chasing after the other girl.  Rika rushed after the little bunny-girl, down twisting hallways and turning corridors.  Unable to keep up with the frantic hopping of bunny-Yaguchi, Rika stops running, her footsteps sluggishly marching onward, her hand gliding across the wall as she makes her way down the hallway.  The hallway stood very long and narrow, identical doors running down the length of the hall on both sides.  Rika curiously tried to open each door as she made her way down the hallways, disappointed to find that each and every door was firmly locked.  At the end of the hallway, Rika spilled into a large room, well large in comparison to the narrow hallway, that was bare from floor to ceiling outside of the single glass table that sat in the center of the room.  Rika sachet over to the table and noticed the small gold key that rested on it.  Rika picked up the key and examined it closely.

“I wonder what this key unlocks...” She pondered to herself while rolling the key in her palm. 

Rika tilted her head to the side and looked down the Nariko hallway once again and slowly backtracked her way down the hallway, maybe the key she held in her hand unlocked one of those doors.  Not so much.  Each door remained unlocked, the key was simply just to small for the locks.  Rika hung her head, the small key and many doors had defeated her.  She tossed the key on the glass table and slowly paced around the room.  Rika came to a stop when she catches something move in the corner of her eye.  She looks to her left and jumps back at the sigh of a curtain that had not been there a moment ago.  She carefully pulls back the curtain and blinks seeing nothing behind the curtain.  She hung her head again, wondering why someone was playing such a cruel joke on her.  When her eyes met the floor, her defeat was lifted, there stood  a small door, measuring no more than fifteen inches in height.  She ran over to the table and snatched the gold key from the table and knelt down in front of the tiny door.  The key slid into the lock with ease and turned, the soft clicking of the unlocking door catching Rika's ear.  Rika's smile returned to her lips when she opened the door.  Rika pressed her ear to the ground and looked through the door. She knelt breathless at the sight of the magnificent garden that resided only a few inches away form her.  Thousands of flowers populated the garden, surrounding a grand fountain that shot water from the fountain angel's mouth.  Each bead of water glistening in the bright sun, the gentle breeze brushed through the garden, each flower dancing in the wind as Rika, catches the intoxicating scent of the flowers.  How Rika wished to be somewhere that beautiful, but alas she was far to big to fit through the tiny door. Valiantly she tried to fit her head through the door, but it was useless, her hopes falling as she watches the enticing garden scene.  A very frustrated Rika stood up and walked back over to the table and slammed her fist against the table with the tightly clenched in her hand.  Rika looked down at the table, when she head something topple over.  She looked and watched as a small bottle rolls around on the table, eventually finding the edge.  Rika lets go of the key and catches the bottle before it hits the ground.  She lets out a sigh of relief and examines the bottle that had just appeared on the table.

“Drink me...Drink me?” She said softly to herself.

Rika knew better than to listen to bottles, but she was very thirsty and this was not what one would call an ordinary place.  She opened the bottle and lifted the lip of the bottle to her nose and took a quick smell of the liquid.  The sweet scent of honey and milk filled her nostrils, her lips watering a bit at the aroma of the mysterious liquid.  Always one for sweets, Rika greedily gulped down the contents of the bottle, happily licking her honey coated lips.  Rika hiccuped and gasped as she watched the glass table grow to unimaginable size.  Rika stood up and looked around the room, coming to a very strange conclusion, the room did not grow, but in fact she had shrunk.  Rika's fist shook with anger and frustration, these “jokes” grinding away at what little nerve she had left.  She hurled the bottle to the ground, sound of the crashing bottle startling Rika a bit, as she walked towards one of the table legs, steering clear of any rogue pieces of glass.  She leaned back against the table leg, wiping away the uncontrollable tears that had resurfaced.  Rika fell to her knees and buried her face in her hands, her tears soaking her hands as she frantically tried to wipe them away.  Her tears subsided as quickly as they came when Rika looked down and found a small crate right next to where she was kneeling.   She picked up the small crate and rested it on her lap, she sniffled back a few tears as she opened the box, her eyes glimmering a bit catching a glimpse of the cake that rested inside the crate.  Rika reached in and pulled out the cake, a small piece of paper attached to the plate.

“Eat me? What? Not another one of these!” Rika shouted. 

“It can't get any worse!” Rika thought to herself and courageously took a large chunk from the cake and consumed it.  Her body shook with enjoyment, the sweet butter cream frosting coated her tongue stimulating every taste bud , the fluffy cake almost melting in her mouth as she chewed.  In her small moments of bliss, she sensed something was off.  She looked around and sighed, the room was once again changing, “Why is everything shrinking!” Rika shouts in her mind.  Rika must have reached nine feet before her body stopped growing. Rika stood very still, confused and angry.  She stomped her foot  vigorously against the floor, her frustration manifesting in a few tears, tears so big that when they crashed against the floor, they created little pools of water. 

“All I wanted to do was go to that garden!” Rika whined.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” screamed bunny-Yaguchi.

“Eh?” Rika looked down at a very frightened looking bunny-Yaguchi.

Before Rika could say another word, the little bunny scurried through the door, leaving behind her fan and gloves that she had been carrying.  Rika knelt down and picked up the fan and glove after hearing the lock click.  Rika's face was flushed with embarrassment and rage, in an attempt she fanned herself, hoping that it would her down some.  As the welcomed breeze caressed her hot face, once again she noticed the glass table, that blasted glass table changing in size again.  She threw the fan down when she realized that it was the culprit for her most recent body modification, her body shrinking as small as before.  Rika falls into the deep pools that her tears had made, kicking her feet in an attempt to stay afloat.  After regaining her composure, she found it much easier to float when she wasn't panicking.  She whipped her head back and forth, her wet bangs stinging her eyes slightly as they catch her in the eye.  Rika felt small ripples from behind her, she quickly turned around and treaded quietly watching, watching a very familiar face swim by her quickly.

“Goto-san?” Rika asked.

“Wrong person honey.” the girl said as she quickly swam by. 

Rika grabbed the sleeve of the swimmer and pulled her over, Rika's eyes tracing up and down the swimmer stunned at how this girl looked exactly like Goto-san.  Rika shook her head and rubbed her eyes with a free hand.  There was no mistaking it, she looked exactly like Goto-san, minus the extremely confused/annoyed look on her face, well the confused part at least. 

 “Oh Goto-san...I am so glad im not the only one here, it has been such a long day, so many things had happened to me today like...” Rika retold her story to an increasingly agitated stranger.

“I am not this Goto...san or whoever....Damn! Just like that cat always chatting blah blah blah...pisses me off.” The swimmer squeaked.

Rika's lips pursed, her lower lip quivering a bit as she pouted. “ Am I really that annoying...I'm sorry. I promise I wont talk about it anymore.”

“Fine whatever, Ill tell you all about that damn cat I mentioned when we get to shore.” the mousy girl said as she steadily swam east. 

Rika continued to stay a float, debating with herself:

Charmy: “Huh! What a very impolite person.”

Rika: “But she seems like she knows where shes going”

Charmy: “How do you know? She could just be swimming just because, think about it. How can there be a shore? This is a pool of your tears remember?”

Rika: “Yeah, but this isn't the most ordinary of places and I mean what are we gonna get accomplish by floating here, besides getting our skin all pruney.”

Charmy: “ have a point...curse you Rika...fine lets follow her.”

Rika had triumphed over Charmy.  Rika took a few seconds and reviewed her answer and looked eat, catching the sight of the mousy girl swimming towards a land mass with what seems to be a few of the H!P kids swimming behind her.

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2008, 03:29:07 AM » H!P version of "Alice's Adventures Through The Looking Glass". Not that original, but still sort of cute.

Currently I'm curious as to who'll be cast as The Cheshire Cat and The Mad Hatter (considering what's already been posted, it seems pretty obvious who's going to be The Queen of Hearts).

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2008, 01:57:35 PM »
 Charmy vs. Rika :mon lmao: :mon lmao:
...and the winner is RIKA  :mon geek: :mon lmao:
and I think I´m in love with bunny-yaguchi  :mon inluv:

NICE JOB !!! :mon thumb:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2008, 02:56:43 PM »
ISHIYOSHI FLASHBACK: a bit sad (at least for me...) ... it's sad when you know people are having problems in their relationships now after every good thing they've had together in the past... *sigh* ... nostalgia is definitely not for me...

anyway... GJ!!!!

hmm... it's pretty good... just look out for typos...

thanks for that awesome chapter... looking forward to the next IshiYoshi moment... :lol:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2008, 05:25:25 PM »
God, Rika's so cute!! Love how she got pissed that the sizes of everything kept on changing! Gocchin!? The cat pissing her off.... XD Wonder who the cat is??? Rika vs. Charmy = :rofl:
Keep it up!!! This is awesome!!

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2008, 09:34:12 PM »
@ JFC: Im still in the process of casting the rest of the characters, I got some that definitly have to be who there going to be but the minor ones are gonna be tough

@tru_harmony: I was rough writing the ishiyoshi cause of their little tiff. ill watch out for typos and I am thinking ishiyossi flashbacks every other chapter cause I really liked writing them

@hotohori: thank you thank you. ill keep writing as long as yall keep readin  :mon thumb:

@str3k: I got the idea, cause alice really liked to talk to herself so why not rika to

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2008, 02:04:46 AM »
Okay so far so good, my plan of a chapter a day is going well. I hope you all enjoy chapter 3!

Ch 3. Dancin' at the Races

Rika began second guessing her decision. An hour had passed and yet still no sight of shore.  The rigorous swimming had taken its toll on Rika, her arms were heavy and her entire body surged with pain.  She struggled to keep up with those who were swimming in front of her. It must had been her imagination, yeah thats it it was her tired mind playing tricks on her, but she could of swore that the three girls swimming in front of her were none other than Momoko, Risako and Chinami of Berryz and  some other girls that she recognized from C-ute.  Rika shook her head, “It can't be them.” she thought to herself.  Paying their striking resemblance no mind, her eyes lit up when she caught a glimpse of the shoreline in the distance.  The fatigue that bogged her down was simply forgotten in view of the shore.  The rather sluggish pace of her dog paddling quickened, her legs furiously kicking as she soared through the water.  The mousy girl that had held the lead, came to a stop, her eyes looking at the water around her, feeling ripples from behind her.  Her ears twitched slightly feeling the small ripples washing over her head.  The confused girl managed to turn around just in time to catch Rika in the corner of her eye. “Is this girl mad or something?” the Maki mouse said to herself, her eyes fixated on Rika as she seemingly glides across the surface of the water.

“Who would of thought that she could swim like that?” Maki asked herself. 

Maki looked back and saw the train of girls fighting against the waves that typhoon Rika has left in her wake, chuckling to herself as she swam back to help the kids out.  Rika shot out from the water, leaping into the air, before falling against the soft sand, her arms gratefully embracing the solid earth that laid beneath her.

“Oh this feels so very very wonderful!” Rika shouted contently. 

Though her body ached, her arms and legs pulsing with pain, she managed to turn onto her back, taking deep breathes through her wide smile.  Rika remained still until she was able to catch her breath.  She could feel the brilliant light of the sun beat down against her damp exposed body, the cradling warmth of the sand expelling the chill and fatigue that had once gripped her body.  Rika could feel the warmth sand between her toes, as she wriggled them, digging her feet deeper into the sand.  Rika contently sighed, its been a while since she been to the beach...wait, beach? Rika slowly sat up, her eyes wide, her face once again distorted by her confusion.

“ Shouldn't I be in that room with the glass table?” Rika stammered to herself.

Rika looked around and saw nothing but sand and water, the vast sea, and the ocean of glistening sand were the only things that caught her eye.  Rika shrugged and laid back down, “I shouldn't think to hard about it and just enjoy.”   Rika could hear the sounds of the others as they arrived at the shore. Rika decided to just leave them be and continue to bask in the sun, that is, until the sweet taste of the air on her lips was replaced with the briny taste of the sea.  She sat up and coughed frantically, wiping away the slimy vegetation from her face, she looked up and caught a glimpse of the look-alike and smiled nervously. 

“Present for that lovely swimming demonstration” the three chorused before walking away.

“What did I do? there mad at me.” Rika said under her breath, before jumping up at the sudden pat on her back.

“Don't worry about it, they are always like that, they will forget after a few minutes.” Maki mouse said, through her wide grin.

“Really?” Rika asked

“Yup yup!” Maki replied.

As the mousy girl had said after a few minutes, Rika and the girls had become rather close, they giggled amongst themselves, while telling jokes and other funny storied. Rika huffed and puffed when the others did not laugh at her story, even though she thought it was funny, laughing at her own jokes, the others stayed silent.  After a few minutes of conversation, a hush fell over the girls, their idle chattering coming to a dead stop as Maki mouse stood on a rock near the edge of the beach.  Maki mouse took in a deep breath as the full attention of the crowd fell on her.

“Okay okay everyone. I know it has been a long, wet day and everyone just wants to dry up, so I will dry everyone up...with a story.” Maki exclaimed.

The crowd remained silent, blinking in unison as they vacantly stared at the girl on the rock.  Maki began talking about the cat that she had mentioned earlier, about how she looked, acted and moved.  Nothing but complaints spilled from Maki's mouth.  After a few minutes of her long list of complaints about the cat, she stopped and looked around the beach.  Even though every eye was on her, they were glazed over and no more drier than they were twenty minutes ago. Maki hung her head in defeat, hopping off the rock, curling into a little ball as she hid behind the large rock.  Rika was the first to recover from the horrid ordeal, followed shorty by the others.  The beach stayed silent as each girl stood up and stretched, their joints aching after sitting still for such a long time.  Momoko stretched her arms up, a brittle snap coming from her back, followed by a content sigh.  Momoko suddenly stood up straight and punched her fist into the air, and yelled at the top of her lungs.

“CAUCUS-DANCE-RACE!!!” Momoko shriek. 

The girls that littered the beach turned toward Momoko, her words stirring up a sudden excitement in the girls, who by this point were jumping up and down, the roar of giggles washing out the sound of the lapping waves against the beach.  Rika looked at Momoko and then to the other girls.

“A what?” Rika inquired.

“A CAUCUS-DANCE-RACE! You know a caucus-dance-race.” Chinami replied, holding Risako's hand as they jumped up and down.

“You know, dancing in a circle starting and stopping whenever you feel like it. Its the best idea for getting dry.” Risako chimed. 

Rika knelt on the beach and stroked her chin in wonderment.

Rika: “ love dancing! And your great at it, this is going to be so much fun! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

Charmy: “Well no argument on the skill part, but why dance? We can just lay down on the beach and relax while they make fools of themselves.”

Rika: “But but but, we love to dance and everyone else is gonna do it, we don't want to be a wet blanket do we Charmy?”

Charmy: “we do love to dance but not THAT dance...”

Rika: “Not what danc...oh...maybe we should sit this one out.”

Rika's conflicting mind had somehow found a resolution in the presence of THAT dance.  She was a bit confused but all she knew, was that the dance that the others had started was very reminiscent of that dance.  That awful dance that left a bad taste in her mouth.  How could anyone enjoy walking three steps then slapping their own buts? Rika shook her head and fell back onto the sand.  Her arms rested lazily above her head, the calm she felt earlier returning to her as the sound of the ocean echoed in her ear.  Her relation was short lived, Rika felt something, no someone, tugging on her arms dragging her towards the dance circle.  Rika rebelliously kicked her legs in a futile attempt to stop Maki, who had left her rock to drag Rika over.

“This is a race, everyone has to participate or else it wont be fun.” Maki exclaimed, dropping Rika's arm when they reached the circle. 

Rika turned onto her stomach and pouted “But I don't want to.”

“Fine, but everyone just wanted to see you dance, I mean if your afraid of being the worst dancer we understand.” Maki said playfully, waving her hand at Rika.

“A..AFRAID?!?! Rika Ishikawa is not afraid of some dance!” Rika proclaimed.

“Gotcha!” Maki thought to herself as she chuckled. 

Rika stood up and brushed the sand off of her pants.  Rika slipped into the circle and stood still, the girls behind her marching in place, anticipating the taller girls next move.  Rika took in a deep breath, her next move causing a very shocked Momoko to jump back.  Rika shot her clenched left fist into the air,  her body swaying to a tune that played in her mind.  “Okay. You have done this so many times, no matter how embarrassing you gotta show em. No one messes with Rika Ishikawa and her manpower!”  Rika's began to move to the imaginary beat, her body swaying as it remembered the all to familiar steps.  Rika held her fist in the air, as her confident footsteps resonated in the hearts of the girls.  Rika's cheeks burned as she hitched her right leg in the air.  She firmly planted her right foot, sending a small cloud of sand into the air, patting her backside with her other hand.  Rika shook her head, why was she doing this embarrassing dance.  Rika surveyed the faces of the other girls who shot both their arms into the air, Rika's ears being filled with cheers and whistles.  Soon, everyone had joined the circle and Rika felt not as embarrassed as she danced between Maki mouse and Chinami who followed her every move.  Rika lost all track of time when she dances.  The dance abruptly stopped, Rika lowered her tired arm after crashing into Maki.  Rika looked back and forth a bit confused to the abrupt stopped, but her confusion subsided when she felt her clothes that had dried, and took note of everyone else who was also dry. 

“WOOOOOO WE ALL WIN!!!!!!!!!” Momoko said jovially as she jumped into the air.

All the girls who stood in the circle began to clap loudly, splicing in a few high pitched whistles of celebration.

“And since we all won...she will be handing out the prizes” Momoko stated as she pointed to Rika.

At Momoko's words Rika staggered a few feet away fro the circle.  She shrugged her shoulder, unable to speak as a swarm of girls slowly make their way to her, hands held out ready to receive their prize.  Rika reached into her left pocket and pulled out some candy that she was saving for later and tossed it into the crowd, hoping this much would be able to appease the prize-hungry girls.  Each girl jumped into the air, catching a piece of candy, happily accepting it with a bow from Rika.  Rika had narrowly escaped a possibly horrible fate. She marched over to Maki who was currently licking the small lollipop that she was able to catch.

“ were gonna tell me some thing about some cat or something?” Rika asked as she looked at Maki mouse.

“Oh yeah...let me tell you watch out for that cat shes a crafty one...shes...” Maki continued her long list of complaints against the cat as she held the lollipop between her cheeks.

Rika grew impatient and slightly annoyed by the endless complaints about the cat.

“Yossi!” Rika suddenly stated.

“Eh? Whossi?” Maki asked

“Well you see...Yossi is this girl that...” Rika began telling her own long story about herself and her knight.

The mousy girl did not find her ramblings at all interesting, in fact the shear number of mentions of this 'Yossi' girl, started to grind at her nerves.  As Rika reached her half hour or meaningless dribble about her and Yossi, the mouse stood up and walked away from Rika, leaving her behind.  Rika pouted a bit and looked over her shoulder at the three girls who were listening to the conversation and decided that it was not worth their time.  Rika sat alone once again, her eyes watering, wishing against all things that her knight would come to rescue her from her loneliness.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 05:22:34 AM by maverickpanda »

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2008, 05:01:52 AM »
she could of swore that the three girls swimming in front of her were none other than Momoko, Risako and Chinami of Berryz and C-ute
Just an FYI, these three are all in Berryz. :)

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2008, 05:21:52 AM »
thankies JFC for the heads up.  I was always kinda iffy on Berryz and C-ute

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2008, 05:36:52 AM »
hahahah! What a cute story!:D
Maki mouse  :wub:
The Rika and Charmy conversation is just  XD

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2008, 07:27:15 AM »
Hehehe, another cute update! The Berryz were funny and cute, of course. Maki complaining about the cat again! :grin: Ooooooooh, Rika + Manpower dance = :drool: :drool: :drool:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2008, 08:42:12 AM »
LOL @ Rika and the Manpower dance...

i can clearly imagine the dance... *must...  not.... ....  think.... ..... ...  of hip thrust!!!!!!!*

anyway... that was funny the berryz girls are in this too, eh?


thanks for that chap, dear... looking forward for moar!

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2008, 04:35:39 PM »
 :mon lmao: Manpower dance to dry up  :mon lmao:
( hmm... try it out later  :mon determined: )

Wonder what Yossie´s character is  :mon dunno:

nice job again  :mon thumb:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2008, 09:38:32 PM »
Yay, I am just glad that you guys like my story, gives me confidence in my non bittersweet writing yay!!!!

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2008, 11:05:54 PM »
yossie!!!!when are you gonna come out to rescue rika

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