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Author Topic: [CHI] Bruce Lee  (Read 103481 times)

Offline daigong

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[CHI] Bruce Lee
« on: March 20, 2005, 12:53:36 PM »

"My Followers In Jeet Kune Do. Do listen to this...all fixed set patterns are
incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns."

- Bruce Lee, 1966


daigong has decided to throw some shit together and create this tribute to the greatest man that ever lived, Bruce Lee. He has inspired my life with his charisma and lightning moves. He is the complete package. It is about time The Rika Ass Lover represent. I knew about The Dragon forever...he is the epitome of Chinese kung fu movies. I checked out Enter The Dragon (aka Way of The Dragon) and Chinese Connection (aka Fist of Fury) at the local video store when I was 10. It was just the most amazing shit I ever seen. I read his books, watched the movies, visited the cheap ass museum in Hong Kong, and now it's time for a praising.
I'd have to say Fist of Fury is my all time favorite. It is the story that helps...he is the patriotic superhero that takes on all the foreign invaders that split a nation - including the ass kissing traitors. Way of the Dragon and The Big Boss rank a close second. The comedy in Way... is refreshing and all of Bruce's fight to walk the right path before all the fuckers push him to edge is really gripping. Enter The Dragon is average, with too many side characters...but Bruce's fight scenes save it. I only bought Game of Death for the real fight scenes, otherwise, it ain't a fucking Bruce Lee movie at all. I'm sure if The Dragon would be still alive today, he would not use any special effects like Jet Li. He keeps it raw!! Unlike Jackie Chan who makes a mockery of himself and the Chinese race - Bruce Lee keeps it real!! Me and other wannabes can imitate him all we want, but HERE IS THE ORIGINAL BAD ASS!

Bruce Lee's Tao of Chinese Gung Fu
Using No Way As Way - Having No Limitation As Limitation

All action movies must pay tribute to his cartoon-ish style. One man versus a room full of punks. The zoom in zoom out camera angles and that trademark yell. Hell, he even brought the token gay humor in with that yellow belly interpreter from "Way Of The Dragon"  

The propagandic message that he delivers in his movies, to tell A Nation of Billions with a 5000 year history to be strong and be proud for who you are is lost in the fight sequences. He brought awareness to the world that Chinese are not "the sick people of the East" ... and that Chinese Gung Fu is not to be fucked with. With Jeet Kune Do, he moved the Chinese kung fu into the modern era. He taught Chinese not to look down on oneself, stop fucking imitating other cultures and be proud of who you are. For over 50 years, the message lives on. And we give THANKS. Chinese people will never forget.


Born November 27 1940 (Year of The Dragon) in San Francisco, CA at the Jackson Street Hospital

Real Name: Lee Jun-Fan ("to arouse and shake the foreign countries")

First house - 218 Nathan Road

After expelled from La Salle High School - attended Edison Technical High SChool
Attended St. Francis Xavier College

School in L.A. - 628 College Street, Chinatown, L.A.

Apartment Golden Harvest gave him while filming second film - 2 Man Wan Road, Waterloo Hill, Kowloon

Where he lived during his fame - 41 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong

The hospital he went to - St. Teresa's

Died July 20 1973 at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Buried July 31 1973 at Lakeview Cemetery, Seattle. If you wish to pay your respects in person, Lake View Cemetery is at 1554 15th Avenue East, just north of Volunteer Park, in the Capitol Hill area east of downtown Seattle. After entering the cemetery, follow the road straight ahead towards the top of the hill. Then turn north from there and within a few feet you should find the gravesite of Bruce and his son Brandon just to your right (east) of the road. Gates are open from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

(partial...see )

selected filmography
(actor unless otherwise noted)

"The Green Hornet" (1966 TV Series)
The Big Boss (1971)[AKA: TONG SAN DAI HING, Fists of Fury][also action]
Fist of Fury (1972)[AKA: JING MO MOON, The Chinese Connection][also action]
Way of the Dragon (1972)[AKA: MAN LUNG GOR GONG, Return of the Dragon][also director/writer/producer/action]
Enter the Dragon (USA 1973)[AKA: LUNG JUNG FU DAU][also action]
The Game of Death (1972/1979)[AKA: SEI MONG YAU HEI]

Bruce Lee filmed "The Big Boss" in Bangkok, Thailand

MULTIMEDIA aka a bunch of dumb clips Piehole Style
These are from the VCDs I have, using VCD Clipper and TMPGEnc. (BEST PLAY ON WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER 6.4)

Sound bite:

Bruce Lee's famous interview clip..."Be water my friend..."

(scene from "Enter The Dragon") The Art of Fighting Without Fighting! (in English)

Video clips:

From "The Big Boss" .. His Mom told him to not fight by wearing this necklace!

From "The Big Boss" .. Break my Mom's necklace, I kick yo ass!

From "The Big Boss" .. Tasting his own blood, I kick yo ass!

From "The Big Boss" .. Eating Chips while kicking ass!

From "Way of The Dragon" .. Fuck The Rock, Bruce sez: JUST BRING IT!!

From "Way of The Dragon" .. This is Chinese Boxer!

From "Way of The Dragon" .. He SPEAK No english!

From "Fist of Fury" .. Classic move #1: Reverse punches

From "Fist of Fury" .. Giving Japanese invaders a can of whoop ass while destroying public property

From "Enter The Dragon" .. The Classic pose!

From "Game of Death" .. he likes to fuck with your mind!

Bruce Lee has influenced the hip-hop world as well:

Hear Hong Kong rappers LMF tribute

and The Wu-Tang Clan's Masta Killa's tribute.


Bruce Lee Foundation
Shaw Bros. Profile
Divine Wind - fansite
Bruce - fansite
Make Bruce Lee Movie Clips - COOL remixing
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 09:13:56 AM by Masa »

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Bruce Lee
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2006, 09:42:36 PM »
I also loved Bruce Lee as a kid.  Puny little chinese punk beats up Chuck Norris - take that!  Now I've grown up and witnessed the credibility of kung-fu, karate, and TKD be whipped to shreds by brazillian jiu-jitsu, but that still doesn't take away from the symbolism of the little guy.

But Bruce Lee's appeal goes beyond Asian-pride - he represents all opressed people that have the guts to take the fight to the man.  Witness this article from last year on the first monument to be erected in Bosnia after the war.  To Bruce Lee!  Killer quote: "Bruce Lee is part of our idea of universal justice - that the good guys can win."

Bosnians agree: Commemorate Bruce Lee
By Beth Kampschror | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor MOSTAR, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA –

In the heart of Europe's war-torn Balkans, a land where it's hard to get people to agree on anything, there's one point of common ground: The new Bruce Lee statue will point north.

When it is unveiled in Mostar Saturday, the 5-foot, 7-inch bronze likeness will be the world's first monument to the late great martial arts star - edging out by one day a new statue going up in Hong Kong. Bosnia-Herzegovina is about as far as one can get from the Hong Kong streets where the Chinese-American film legend unleashed his fists of fury. But, in some ways, that's the point.
   ICON OF UNITY: A bronzed Bruce will be unveiled in Mostar on Nov. 26.

"He's far [enough] away from us that nobody can ask what he did during World War II, during World War I, or what his ancestors did under Turkey. He's ... not Catholic, not Orthodox, not Muslim," says Veselin Gatalo, head of Mostar's Urban Movement group. "Bruce Lee is part of our idea of universal justice - that the good guys can win."

While it may prompt some snickers, the Bruce Lee tribute will stand as the only monument raised in postwar Bosnia without an uproar. Bruce's greatest virtue - beyond his two-fingered push up - is that he had no dog in the Balkans' centuries-old religious fight.

That separates him from Alija Izetbegovic. Sarajevo International Airport was nearly renamed last month after the late Muslim leader. Muslim war veterans said that the airport and Mr. Izetbegovic symbolized Sarajevo's resistance to the three-year Bosnian Serb siege of the city.

"Mr. Izetbegovic led an army and politics that wanted to unite Bosnia," says Muhamed Svrakic of the Green Berets veterans' organization in Sarajevo. "From 1992 to 1995, the future of this town was that airport. It was the only way to get any kind of food aid, or journalists, or the wounded in or out of the city."

But Bosnian Serbs were outraged. They pointed out that Izetbegovic had been under investigation by the UN war-crimes tribunal when he died in October 2003. They therefore welcomed the ban of the name change by Bosnia's top international official, Paddy Ashdown, who also decreed that such changes had to be approved by the central government.

"If it hadn't been for [Mr. Ashdown's] decision, the Serb representatives would have boycotted flying out of that airport," says Serb parliamentarian Bosko Sljegovic. Izetbegovic's supporters ended up with a square in downtown Sarajevo.

New structures that commemorate the 1992-95 war are even more sensitive. Serbs were accused of provocation after erecting a monument to their dead outside Srebrenica last summer, on the 10th anniversary of the Bosnian Serb massacre of some 8,000 Muslims. Survivors of a Serb-run detention camp at Omarska are awaiting international mediation about their proposed monument.

Rebuilding mosques, churches, and bridges also invites squabbles over whether a place was historically Croat, Muslim, or Serb. Moderates say these sites belong to everyone. "To talk about cultural heritage in these terms is totally wrong," says Amra Hadzimuhamedovic, an architect on the state Commission to Preserve National Monuments.

The Bruce Lee statue is something everyone can support, says Mr. Gatalo. But in a town where Croats are concentrated in west Mostar and Muslims in east, Gatalo's group had to consider which way the "Enter the Dragon" icon would face.

"If he faced west he'd be defending east Mostar from west Mostar, or west Mostar from east," Gatalo says. "And he can't face south, because that's Croatia. Facing north, he looks nowhere."

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Bruce Lee
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2006, 11:20:06 PM »
Reupped all the lil video clips of Bruce Lee to youtube :P

and peep this

  Greatest Fight of All Time!!

Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris


I love the cat getting the "zoom in" treatment. And when Bruce rips off Chuck's chest hair.

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Bruce Lee
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 08:21:05 AM »
MAN!! Bruce is DA MAN! I want to worship his statue in Hong Kong. Dude has influenced my life and everything I believe in. HE'S DEEP! Here's some clips from "Chinese Connection" in honor of his recent anniversary of his passing (July 20) ... my OTHER favorite movie of all time

Bruce makes em eat their words

Don't fuck with DA MAN!

I love the "East Indian" guy in this

Bruce and his vibrating fist

Look at his face and it slow mo XD

Offline Boshabab

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Bruce Lee
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2006, 10:10:23 PM »
Bruce Lee 4ever!


Offline NAzu

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Bruce Lee
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2007, 05:26:14 PM »
IMO Bruce Lee is the best Kung fu actor. He was amazing and had more skill than any other Kung fu actor today. Some of his feats:

Bruce did one-hand push ups using only 2 fingers.
Bruce was able to hold a 125-pound barbell at arms length in front of him (with elbows locked) for several seconds.
Bruce was able to break a 150lb bag with a sidekick.

My favourite Kung fu movie is the Bruce Lee - The Tower of death.

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Re: Bruce Lee
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2008, 02:23:18 PM »
China to air 50-part Bruce Lee biography

Oct 07, 2008 08:41 AM

BEIJING–Bruce Lee is getting a belated hero's welcome in China, with the country's state broadcaster set to air a 50-part prime-time series on the late kung fu star.

Lee became a chest-thumping source of nationalistic pride to Chinese around the world with his characters who defended the Chinese against oppressors in a series of movies in the early 1970s. But his influence wasn't felt immediately in China, which was then a closed communist country.

Lee's films started surfacing in China on video in the 1980s – years after his death in 1973 from swelling of the brain.

China's official China Central Television hopes to fill the void with the exhaustive 50 million Chinese yuan ($8.1 million Canadian) biography, The Legend of Bruce Lee – the country's first movie or TV series on the actor, according to producer Yu Shengli.

Shot in China, Hong Kong, Macau, the U.S., Italy and Thailand over nine months, the series, starting Sunday in prime time, will air daily on the CCTV's flagship channel, with two episodes airing consecutively every night in a two-hour slot.

Unlike past films about Lee, The Legend of Bruce Lee is unusually detailed in tracing Lee's life, from his teenage years in Hong Kong to his move to the U.S., where he studied and taught martial arts, to his movie career and early death at 32, the Hong Kong actor who plays Lee told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday.

"We've only seen the glorious side of Bruce Lee – he comes out all guns blazing, his films are entertaining. But very few people know what injuries he suffered and what grievances he suffered,'' Danny Chan said, noting the series even reveals that Lee was afraid of cockroaches.

The 33-year-old actor, whose best known work is Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle and Shaolin Soccer, makes up for his lack of star power with his uncanny resemblance to Lee with his thick eyebrows and slender body.

Lee's message of Chinese strength in movies like The Chinese Connection and Return of the Dragon also matches that of the Chinese government.

"Lee had strength, agility, pride, intelligence, not to mention charisma to burn, which coupled with the pro-Chinese rhetoric in his films have made him a potent symbol for the powerful new China that is now rising," said Michael Berry, a professor in contemporary Chinese cultural studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

"He wrote the word 'kung fu' into English dictionaries. He made people aware of China," CCTV official Zhang Xiaohai said at a news conference Tuesday.

Lee is shown bursting with Chinese pride in a trailer shown at the news conference, bellowing "I am Chinese" to spectators after defeating a foreign opponent.

In an apparent effort to boost racial pride, the series was originally scheduled to be aired before the Beijing Olympics in August, but was pushed back in keeping with the period of mourning for the deadly earthquake in China's central Sichuan province on May 12, which killed 70,000 people.

The series was authorized by the Lee family. Producer Yu said Lee's daughter, Shannon Lee Keasler, approved the script and is credited as an executive producer. It's unclear, however, how Lee himself, who spent his time in the U.S. and then-British colony Hong Kong, felt about the communist Chinese regime. The Lee family didn't respond to requests for comment from the AP sent through intermediaries.

Berry said China is also catching up on pop culture that it missed when it was a closed country, such as kung fu films, noting the emergence of martial arts epics in recent years. When Lee died in 1973, China was still in the middle of the ultra-leftist Cultural Revolution, when millions of people suspected of opposing the communist government were persecuted.

Top young director Jia Zhangke told the AP he was one of the Chinese youngsters that belatedly found out about Lee by watching his movies on tape in the early 1980s at "video-watching parlours," which he describes as "a room with 15 or 20 chairs.''

"I really liked them. He fights with great style. Boys like violence. There is nationalism in his movies – he's always fighting foreigners. I was very happy watching the movies," he said.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 02:26:45 PM by Masa »

Offline mastermind05

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2009, 06:46:16 PM »
i never watch his movies... but recently... watch tv show about bruce lee biography... i start lookin... for his movies...

and from all... i like enter the dragon and fist of fury the most

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2009, 12:12:44 AM »
^ can't wait for the DVD release of it XD All I had before was some old TV interview. I should up this lost Green Hornet footage I copped.

Check this out...ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!

Friday, Jan. 09, 2009
Bruce Lee's Last Home to Become a Hong Kong Tourist Attraction
By Ann Binlot

He was born in San Francisco, but Bruce Lee is the ultimate hometown hero to the people of Hong Kong. The martial arts move star was one of the first Chinese celebrities to achieve an international following, putting Hong Kong's film industry on the map in the early 1970s with kung fu classics like Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon. His grace, brashness and fame gave Hong Kong residents a superstar who was one of their own.

Now, Hong Kong may have found a proper way to remember him. This week, the city's government agreed to restore Lee's former residence in Hong Kong's Kowloon Tong district, with an eye toward turning it into a tourist attraction. Just as Elvis fans have Graceland, martial-arts fans will be able to make the pilgrimage to 41 Cumberland Road — Lee's last residence before his death in 1973 at age 32 — and visit the gym where he practiced, view his library of books on martial arts, philosophy and ballet, and bear witness to other kung fu curiosities. "As Bruce Lee fans we wanted to preserve the last place where Bruce Lee lived," says Peer Hesstvedt, who last year started a Facebook page to lobby for saving the home. "People should know what an incredible impact he had on so many people." (Watch the video of TIME's favorite Chinese movies.)

The agreement by the city to develop the rather unprepossessing, 5,700 sq. ft. home — Lee called it the Crane's Nest — rescues the two-story property from ignoble obscurity. It has been operating as a "love motel" catering to amorous couples looking to rent a room for an hour for a romantic tryst. Last year, the home's owner, Chinese real estate tycoon and philanthropist Yu Panglin, announced plans to sell it for up to $13 million so he could donate the proceeds to victims of the Sichuan earthquake. But that caused an uproar among Bruce Lee fans, who feared a new owner would bring in the wrecking balls.

After a vigorous preservation campaign by Lee's followers, Yu ultimately agreed to donate the home to Hong Kong if the government promised to turn it into a museum. On Jan. 6 Hong Kong's Commerce and Economic Bureau agreed to restore it to the same state as when the Lee lived there. A few obstacles remain. Yu said he will not hand it over until he sees and agrees to a comprehensive plan. Some are calling for a moviehouse and martial arts center to be added to the site to entice more tourists. But fans were generally satisfied. "I was very happy because I think they went with the original plan ... to preserve the house in the original state," says Hesstvedt. "I think that would do justice and be in the right spirit of Bruce Lee."

There are other Bruce Lee museums. One is in California, where he was born, and another is in his ancestral province in Guangdong, China. There are plans for yet another in Seattle, where Lee also lived. But Lee spent most of his childhood in Hong Kong, filmed his most famous movies there and eventually died in the Hong Kong home of his rumored mistress, Taiwanese actress Betty Ting Pei, from a reaction to a pain reliever. So it's fitting he be immortalized there, fans say. "In every corner of the globe, people recognize the existence of Hong Kong movies because of Bruce Lee," says Wong Yiu Keung. Now Hong Kong is returning the favor by preserving his memory.

Here's what it looks right now:


Beats the shit they had there when I was in The Motherland. Fucking wack ass restaurant in SoHo area, dark as hell. The only thing Bruce Lee related as the napkins. The museum they had was some broom closet at an arthouse theater. They had the wooden dummy, nunchucks, and magazines. YEAH WEE. Fuck - and the Bruce Lee Convention? Empty fuckin hall with glass cabinets of old news paper clippings and this 3D Bruce Lee. Cool, but it ain't Pixar.

Can't wait to see Bruce Lee statue though. Hong Kong gov't better not be fucking up!!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 09:40:41 AM by Assman »

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 09:48:04 AM »
Im sure this ain't the real Bruce Lee but DAMn cool video:

They still sell this Nokia?

« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 09:52:41 AM by daigong »

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2009, 10:41:18 PM »
History tells us 'How Bruce Lee Changed the World'

To mark the 35th anniversary of Bruce Lee's death, the History Channel will air a new two-hour documentary, HOW BRUCE LEE CHANGED THE WORLD beginning May 10th at 8pm ET. Produced in cooperation with Lee's family, this documentary looks at how the actor and martial artist's legacy has shaped and influenced the world since his death.

The special includes in-depth interviews with Jackie Chan, John Woo, comedian Eddie Griffin, hip-hop artists LL Cool J and RZA, Marvel Comics' Stan Lee, Brett Ratner, and Randy Couture among many others. There is also a rare interview with producer and Golden Harvest co-founder Raymond Chow.

The press release to promote the documentary (see below) states that Lee was the first person to use kung fu skills on screen without the aid of special effects. That statement is false. Real kung fu forms devoid of special effects were being featured on screen by real kung fu practitioners in the WONG FEI HUNG film series as early as 1949, several years before Lee even began training in martial arts.

I do not have access to the History Channel at the moment so maybe someone who ends up seeing this documentary can chime in with their thoughts on it. A DVD version from A&E Entertainment is slated for release on July 28th.


Two-hour Special Presentation Premieres Sunday, May 10 at 8pm ET on HISTORY™

New York, April 2009 – Bruce Lee is universally recognized for prying open the doors of ancient Chinese martial arts to the mass market— defining a moment in an era when “everybody was kung fu fighting.” The history of Lee’s life, and death at the age of only 32, is shrouded in mystery, but his influence on popular culture continues to be felt today. HISTORY™ presents a special two-hour exploration of the Bruce Lee phenomenon. HOW BRUCE LEE CHANGED THE WORLD premieres Sunday, May 10 at 8pm ET on HISTORY™.

HOW BRUCE LEE CHANGED THE WORLD takes a detailed and unique look into Lee’s legacy— revealing the story of his rise from the backstreets of Hong Kong, while documenting Lee’s qualities, both physical and philosophical, that drove him to international stardom. More than just a biography, this special pieces together rare family archive and material owned by the Bruce Lee Foundation, together with in-depth interviews with individuals who continue to cite inspiration from Lee to this day.

Bruce Lee is known as one of the greatest martial artists of all time. His commitment to a principled approach of training, and an unparalleled skill and proficiency in all martial arts disciplines, resulted in the creation of one of the greatest physiques in modern history.

He was able to perform superhuman physical feats that have yet to be equaled, such as a two fingered push-up and a lethal blow called the one-inch punch, and was the first person to use kung fu skills on screen without the aid of special effects.

Since his death, Lee has been recognized as a visionary who changed not just action movies and martial arts, but an icon that created this very simple image that is endlessly reproducible to this day. From his role as Kato on television’s “Green Hornet” to his groundbreaking debut film “Enter the Dragon,” Lee blew up the stereotype of how Asian characters would be portrayed on screen forever. With no one able to fill the void after his death, a rash of Bruce Lee look-alikes and copycat films emerged inspiring a whole new film genre.

A cinematic journey, this special takes the viewer across the US, Asia and Europe exploring Lee’s influence on popular culture worldwide— even joining Shannon Lee on a trip back to her father’s roots in Hong Kong; nearly fifty years after Lee arrived to make his first kung fu film. HOW BRUCE LEE CHANGED THE WORLD also features in-depth interviews with actor Jackie Chan, comedian Eddie Griffin, rappers LL Cool J and RZA, Marvel Comics' Stan Lee, and renowned film directors John Woo and Brett Rattner among others. Lee’s friend and business partner famed Hong Kong film producer, Raymond Chow gives a rare interview.

HOW BRUCE LEE CHANGED THE WORLD is co-produced for HISTORY by Waddell Media and Leeway Productions. Executive producer for HISTORY is Dirk Hoogstra.

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2009, 06:35:19 PM »

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2009, 10:37:02 AM »

who watched this? I haven't found a torrent for this. Hope there's a DVD. A Must buy.

I was gonna do a massive rant on Old People and my views of Bruce, but instead I'll post this picture that'll make you go wahahahahahahhaahah :shocked

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2009, 11:44:10 PM »
^ Copped it. Props Masa for the TPB link. XVID Version


720p enjoy °____^

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

 Finally. My insanity is validated.

Time and time again, I have had to argue with Chinese purists aka the elders I know (my pops, uncles) who brush off Bruce Lee as a fad, who keep bringing up his womanizing ways, that Jeet Kune Do was just him jacking shit. "How Bruce Lee Changed The World" is a topic I been on the bandwagon since I picked up a pirated VHS of Chinese Connection where he wiped out a whole Japanese karate school. He not only brought charisma with intense kung fu skills, he added it with lessons in brotherhood, manhood, national pride, all with a subconcious flow and with a touch of comic flavor. He was "no homo" before his time, when the Chinese Traitor/Japanese Interpreter in "Way of the Dragon" aka "Return of the Dragon" tucked in his shirt after returning from the toilet and Bruce looked at him all weird. Jeet Kune Do is bringing the best of both worlds, his naysayers call it him jacking marital arts styles. To this day, he is credited to being the father of Mix Martial Arts. Go figure! Every action movie that followed. The Clint. The Arnold. The Stallone. Bows down to him, his over the top cartoon-ish methods of one man vs a nation of millions has led to the action genre that makes Hollywood Summer blockbuster the standard formula. And one must not forget his philosophy of being able to adapt to change no matter the circumstance - the "Be Water, My Friend" rant - this simple piece of advice can be applied to any situation, especially in times of adversity.

All this on top of him bringing Chinese national pride that can be on par of such Legenday Chinese like My Old Earth, Guan Gong, Sun Tzu, Confucius, Sun Yat-sen, Zhou Enlai. Bruce Lee is in that conversation because he brings Chinese into popular culture that has transcended upon generations across the world.

If Rika is my Female God, Bruce Lee is the male equivalent!!

WAR more Bruce Lee museum pilgrammage JPH!P WORLD TOUR TO HONG KONG / CHINA!!

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2009, 09:18:09 PM »
Mad respect to Bruce! :bow:

I watched that documentary today and it's dope as hell. Man, I had no idea that Bruce has influenced everything from MMA to bodybuilding. Dude was like a fucking scientist! It's amazing how much he managed to accomplish in so little time. And Bruce was always keeping it real like no fucking trampolines or wires in his flicks. I was talking shit with my mainland homie and dude was like "Bruce is still like a God to us". I think one of the biggest reasons why Bruce is so special is that he's the first actor to truly unite all races. He was a hero to asians, blacks, whites, latinos, everybody! Shit, I bet even aliens would love Bruce XD

Fortune Star library coming to Blu-ray

Bruce Lee's four completed martial arts films - THE BIG BOSS, FIST OF FURY, WAY OF THE DRAGON and ENTER THE DRAGON - will be among the first run of films released to Blu-ray in a deal struck between Star's Fortune Star subsidiary and Hong Kong-based home video distributor Kam & Ronson. Fortune Star possesses the rights to over 600 titles, largely from the Golden Harvest film library. In recent years some of these titles have been licensed to American distributors such as Fox and The Weinstein Company for local release.

This new Blu-ray deal covers Hong Kong and Macau but the discs are expected to reach Singapore, Malasia and Thailand through other distributors. The Bruce Lee films on Blu-ray will be available at overseas and import retailers in June.

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2009, 11:16:56 PM »

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2009, 11:10:04 AM »
^ DOPE!  :pimp:

WERD. i just watched 50 min so far and he influenced Body Builders, started eating raw meat shakes haha Yuen Wah is in this.


AND shit Raymond Chow first interview. MUST watch Documentary of THE DECADE!!

Rika Chanelling Bruce Lee from an old episode of Hello Morning!!

Check this. Beating up gwei los! While tellong Longstreet (some 70s TV show) all about his Philosophy. There's the WATER speech in this.

Bruce Lee Longstreet.avi   Size: 47.33 MB

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2009, 09:01:07 PM »
Check this. Beating up gwei los! While tellong Longstreet (some 70s TV show) all about his Philosophy. There's the WATER speech in this.


Bruce Lee Longstreet.avi   Size: 47.33 MB
Shit, the water speech alone makes this a MUST get! :rockon:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2009, 09:17:51 AM »
^ Dude if you liked that... :pimp:

Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do

is a VCD I have, a New Zealand production from 1995. Basically, it's like the Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do training video pieced together  with rare home movies, interviews, and talking from Dan Inosanto and Brandon Lee.

I like the part where they go "The creedo of Jeet Kune Do"

Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless: Add what is essentially your own which is exactly what we had in mind when we founded JPHiP!!!


« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 02:27:06 PM by daigong »

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Re: [CHI] Bruce Lee
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2009, 08:59:35 AM »
I can finally get rid of my old VHS copy of Enter The Dragon! :twothumbs

I realized that no martial arts DVD collection is complete without Bruce so I had to cop my favorite Bruce classics. The 2 disc Special Edition of ETD is dope as fuck cause it has like the best bonus features ever. Plenty of trailers, interviews, making of footage and even two long documentaries (A Warrior's Journey & Curse of the Dragon). What makes A Warrior's Journey the best Bruce documentary ever is the lost Game of Death footage. Seriously, GOD would have easily been Bruce's best movie if he had finished it.

Rare The Game Of Death fight clip - James Tien & Bruce Lee vs Dan Inosanto

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

Fist of Fury Platinum Edition DVD has got to be the best FOF DVD. It's packed with bonus features and the audio commentary track by Bey Logan is fucking awesome. There's a dope interview Nora Miao where she explains why Bruce's fight scenes look so realistic. Bruce was actually beating up them stuntmen for real! Dudes would always have mad bruises after shooting scenes with Bruce XD

Nora Miao's FOF interview:

Check this. Beating up gwei los! While tellong Longstreet (some 70s TV show) all about his Philosophy. There's the WATER speech in this.
Hell yeah! Dem gweilos can't fuck with Bruce :theking

Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do
Props! That Bruce interview is on Enter The Dragon DVD too, I think.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 09:02:23 AM by Masa »

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