Fucking JPHIP on da fucking map. I can't say too much. I'm paranoid now lol. I laid low during the guest reception but did wave at Rika
She was so fucking funny.
"Y'all Cosplayers Make us Feel underdressed!!"
Yossi was like "Rika got JETLAG. NOW she ANGRY!"
We was just like can take group photo "yes yes? hee hee..." they were so loose, it's incredible. Never ever give up faith in Ishiyoshi. NEVER!!! Best fucking celebs to rep!!
Best believe this is gonna be on a DVD THEY had some chick walk around recording some shit with this mega HD camica
The interview table was so intimate, like a typical board room table, I was seated like at the edge closest to Rika - with her handlers right beside me
Was with these AnimeCon journalists and two from
http://acparadise.com - Kimi and Stephanie who sat across from me on the other end.
Rika was like "I didn't order lemon tea" and they went and got her this normal ice tea, and dude slipped her a sugar packet like so secret like
I didn't expect so many questions we got to ask
i txtd tenkei earlier for help and he was driving
My one question "You come to earth global warming blah how u plan to save?"
Yossi said: Turn off lights. Rika: unplug.
I asked em
"When you dropping da next single?!?"Rika: "I don't know" in english and cute shrug
LMAO fucking with me!! And they said at the Sakura-con CONCERT TONITE!! And it will be available on the myspace shortly thereafter. And I was like I'm exciting and dont think she understood so I dropped a fucking subtle HAPPY with arm movement and she said "Ah! i know"
The said they never expected, could not fathom the overseas fans here.
I asked "What do you plan to do in Seattle?"
And they said First Starbucks, and wondered about the Mariners, Ichiro and I was like "Home opener is tuesday" and they said they be gone by then but Rika KNEW of Ichiro having a bleeding ulcer. Sports Fangirls
They were asked "Fave US Celeb?"
Yossi was "Britney! Michael Jackson!"
Rika said "
I asked em a classic TOK question: "Cake or Pie?"
They both answered cake with no hesitation
Yossi like cheesecake, Rika strawberry shortcake. Both fans of Cheesecake Factory
The secret to getting Rika loose. Talk Food
HUGE sushi fans.
I dropped the Cake or Pie and BOOM it was on.
Dude asked Favorite booze?
Yossi "White wine" Rika "Champagne" Yossi was like werd, we always Chardonnay!! THE GOOD STUFF!!
I asked em "Whats ur ideal man?"
And Yossi was like "Leo" and Rika was like "Hmm....Just a moment" in english
She dropped Torres the Footballer. Ne Yo, Haddo Gei
And other dudes. Yossi joked Tsunk-san
Butt yeah...getting fucking PWND by Rika and Yossi is something that will be in JPH!P Folklore FOREVER. This is how we fuckng roll. not the "Must respect idol"
I didn't think of it at all
Scored me some H&A swag - 350 dollars. Yeah.
And omg I didn't know you were using my picture XDDDD
WERD! see that black pic? I put tama's in too. i had to cut out two pages cuz (a) tired (b) ran out of paper
SERIOUSLY!! You wanna get in on this for MM @ AX?? Start submitting your shit. I got lucky, daigong do shit on gut instinct.