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Author Topic: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married  (Read 76746 times)

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« on: January 27, 2009, 02:29:40 AM »
Okay, I know we can talk about this in Tae's thread, but... this show is just too cute. Or at least the first episode was. If the mods don't like it them I guess just merge this with the tae thread of delete it please~

If you haven't watched the first episode, do so >>Here at Soshisubs2<< channel and search for WE GOT MARRIED. For the newbs:

I think the first episode so far was hilarious. I really enjoyed watching the girls put him through a test and TaeYeon try (and fail :[ ) to get him to notice her; not even as his wife but notice her. And like he said in the episode, TaeYeon really is different when she's in a familiar environment like her own apartment with her girls.

I was surprised to find that she was a long time fan of his and she actually chose him (I think). Really surprised. TaeYeon must really be a catch to be open to anything and anyone! I just hope she doesn't look back at this experience when she's done being a celeb and sorta regret it. Reality show or not, this is technically the closest and the first she'll get to a boyfriend/girlfriend experience. And I say that with confidence cuz I truly think she's the only one in SNSD who doesn't have a...girlfriend  (besides Junsu, but he's only half girl) :P . and it's okay Junsu, you're at least allowed in the dorm (you know, for being a half girl  XD )

Man, there's so much I want to say about the whole episode because it was just hilarious. But I never noticed how easily you could mix up Yuri and TaeYeon's traits before... I guess tehy're more similar than I thought? However, I think their personality in terms of femininity are different because TaeYeon takes the mature approach of the good wife and Yuri takes the loyal, soft-spoken ( :lol: ) approach of the good wife. However, I think if it was Yuri, she'd have an easier time telling Don Don what she felt about certain things. Guessing that TaeYeon believes in zodiac signs (she's a pisces) then she might have a hard time doing that with him. Which can be a good thing to him cuz he'll serve him...until she's fed up (or PMSing..)

I'm glad Sunny didn't show her aegyo side and decided to show the mature side in this episode. We always read how she's actually one of the most mature and that the aegyo is just a front or a trait but not really herself. And I think I really liked it! Screw what Tama unni thinks, she is one of the men of SNSD! But I was a bit disappointed that once again, no one paid attention to HyoYeon :( And dammit, where is Yoona... again?!

One thing for Jessica... Jessibitch<3 I can tell she really wanted to make it clear that she was NOT the one Don Don should be looking for. What topped it off was her little tee hee giggle when she said "10 points" just to be cute about failing his ass. She must be getting that from (her wife) Tiff just like how SeoHyeon is learning a lil too much living with Tiffany; like the way she says rude things in a cute way (did anyone catch that?!)

I thought it was funny that SooYoung was so disgusted (just like Jessica) more than shocked. Maybe she thought it was blasphemous to be sharing her food? :lol: The faces of Soo and Jess when they were the first to notice was priceless.

 :cow: And as an end note- I guess all you boys have to start gaining weight if you want a chance with Tae tae! We all know our girl is a bit...opposite from most. I've noticed a pattern... check it out: Kangin is fat, Junsu is fat (come on, that booty  :shakeit: came from somewhere. though he's not really fat, more like not defined AT ALL) regardless of his super arms, and then you have Don Don who is just well, yeah he's fat.

Hopefully unlike Mobsta Girl, I'll actually finish this till the last episode...

« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 02:53:35 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 02:45:44 AM »
Way ahead of you on that last part!!! :P

Other than the fact I can't speak Korean for shit, we're perfect for each other!!!

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 05:31:42 AM »
JUNSU'S BUTT! He likes them fat, doesn't she?.

I liked the episode, I think it was cool. I'm looking forward for more episodes with them, I would like to see them alone instead that with all the girls, then I will judge how he treats her :P

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 06:51:35 AM »
I highly doubt that there's much truth behind the whole "backstory" with Taeyeon choosing HyungDon. The PD's just wanted a way to mitigate the creep factor of the whole setup, and having Taeyeon choose HyungDon is one way of making it less creepy I guess, since she's asking for it >_<.

Plus, having a supposed interest in HyungDon because of his comedic background also establishes a possible reason for Taeyeon being interested in somebody who's not exactly of high-caliber physically or in the personality department.

I dunno, it was great seeing the girls altogether in the dorm and HyungDon was actually a lot more mellow than usual (I bet he and the PD's are scared to death of possible anti response), but I'm still not really sold on this concept.

The whole middle-school Taeyeon bit at the beginning and the whole discussion about HyungDon Taeyeon's first experience just makes me feel that the whole situation is exploitative. If it's true that Taeyeon really has no experience, then she's essentially having to sell out a lot of her firsts just for entertainment's sake and I'd rather she not have to do that. It's like emotional prostitution in a way.

And if it's NOT true then Taeyeon is being pigeon-holed into acting out the whole virginal-idol stereotype ala Morning Musume. And I REALLY don't want the girls to have to confined to that kind of standard, as it's unhealthy for the girls and breeds a toxic sort of fandom in the form of wotas and other emotionally stunted man-children.

I want the girls in SNSD to become increasingly skilled and talented artists/entertainers, and to stay culturally relevant and respected in Korea. No offense to H!P, as I started off a huge fan when I was a teenager because of all the cute girls, but occasionally when I venture into the actual H!P subforums it just shocks me how much the girls there NEVER change. They don't seem to noticeably improve in singing or dancing, and there is no sense that the girls are constantly reinventing and rejuvenating themselves as performers, entertainers, or just people as a whole.

To me the reason for that isn't the girls in H!P at all, but the management and who it caters to. I understand that UFA has a LOT of girls to manage and that they can't pour as much effort into an individual girl as SM can into each So Nyuh, but the reason why UFA lacks funds is because their fanbase is so tiny. UFA has no money to fully invest in training or new concepts because they have a tiny user base, so they stick to what works (emotional manipulation of lonely, middle-aged men). But sticking to that formula is what has alienated H!P from much of the rest of Japan, and so UFA is trapped into developing their girls as very unbalanced, ill-trained entertainers. The best thing for SM to do to avoid getting trapped in this stagnant cycle is to just not play the game: i.e, don't try to blatantly market the girls towards lonely/horny, older men. It might pay off in the short-term, but it will KILL the image of the girls with the rest of the Korean population regardless of how great their music, dancing, or other skills might be.

God, I know this is a huge derail, so to summarize
I don't like the direction that this show implies if they really push a Taeyeon and HyungDon love line. What little legwork they've done in that region already feels really awkward: the explanation bit at the beginning, HyungDon trying to figure out which girl it is and the girls having to be coy about it even though I'm sure none of them even WANT to be paired with him, and the whole slo-mo, dramatic ballad entrance of Taeyeon. AND it reeks of a push towards packaging SNSD specifically for a demographic that will end up causing the girls more trouble than it's worth. Furthermore, if they don't pursue a love line then why the hell is Taeyeon on the show (besides to give ALL fans of the girls a glimpse into their dorm life, which I do appreciate)?

If that's the case, then why not just give the girls a cool show like Wonder Bakery for the Wonder Girls, where you get the girls to interact with a rotating set of college-age Korean dudes on the side but the focus is perpetually on THE GIRLS and CAKES. Hell you could probably release a weekly series of 1-hour shows just showing Jess taking naps for an hour at a time in a variety of locations (car, hairdresser, restaurant, sofa, bathtub etc.) and I bet there'd still be solid ratings. People who watch WGM for this couple are watching it for SNSD and SNSD alone and are doing so IN SPITE of HyungDon.  :banghead:

Anyway, sorry to kind of rain on the parade but I'll probably write some positive things in a bit (I DID enjoy some of the girl's interactions after all).

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 08:23:12 AM »
I heard a lot about him but, I don't know, so far he was okay. Like his 'favouritism', he thought Yuri was his bride, so he tended to treat her better. At least, that was good intention, right? Taeyeon was still so shy around him. I wanna see what they'll be like without the other girls around.

Loved Jess' character in this, so funny. And Sooyoung who's supposed to be super friendly still eww'd at him. XD

But why did you have to flirt with him, Yuriya? :ptam-hbk:

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2009, 10:17:01 AM »

will there be another ep. with them ? I thought it was a one-shot because of the antis  :huhuh

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2009, 10:22:26 AM »
Is there new news on that? I don't know about the other girls, but atleast Taeyeon and Hyundong will be on more.

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2009, 10:58:10 AM »
I think Tae will be on for a little while? Not sure for how long. Maybe the other girls will make a cameo every once in a while.

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2009, 02:33:03 AM »
Pen, don't worry, I totally read all of that. And I gotta say you have a point. I actually thought of that but brushed it off because I was too amused from the performance that I decided to forget about it. But it is somewhat obvious that they scripted this and the story line that they made does make it somewhat believable and less creepy. Even if there's only a 10 year difference between them (and in Korea, I think that's still normal if I'm not mistaking) I still find it weird because he reminds me of a 40 year old lol with a maturity level of a 9 year old.
But like I said, I just hope this doesn't affect her emotionally in the future being that this will be her first interaction with a boy/man in a relationship kind of way. So I really hope they don't get married but that they at least have a few episodes together and show more SNSD xD But I'm sure WGM writers will do the exact opposite of that.
In regards to bringing in UFA and H!P, I agree 100%. With everything. Can't even find anything else to add or disagree with!

And really, any SNSD show that has a lot of the episodes centered around their dorm/apartment life would be great. Hell, not even centered, but at least a nice chunk of it. A show about Jessica... :heart:

Loved Jess' character in this, so funny. And Sooyoung who's supposed to be super friendly still eww'd at him. XD

But why did you have to flirt with him, Yuriya? :ptam-hbk:
Is Soo really the friendliest one in SNSD? I mean I'm not saying she's the member that would be teh first to walk away and avoid, or the first to be hostile, but I never thought of her as the friendliest. I think I see Tiff or Sunny as the friendliest before Soo and/or Yul. The rest I see as polite more than friendly lol.

I seriously think Yul was only friendly because she's trying to get back at Yoon. I swear, Yoon's only missing because they had a fight and clearly, she leaves every chance she gets so she don't have to be with Yul. And Yul, being lonely and bitter, takes every chance she can get to flirt with anyone that would piss off Yoon and or get her mind off of Yoon. Which in this case was Don Don cuz she probably already tried the rest of SNSD (minus TaeYeon because she's straight and has weird taste :lol: ) and they turned her down to due to loyalty of the Bro Code. So don't stress, Tama unni!
To further back up my claims, Yul has been spending some time with Jessica, her bro, to get some advice and comfort now that Jessica is also in a relationship (with Tiffany). See, SNSD is perfect for We Got Married  :grin: No, I'm not trying to hide the fact taht I'm in denial of Yoona being in a new drama

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2009, 07:52:58 AM »
LOL I'm amused how some people find Taeng with DonDong 'creepy' because he's old. Heck no, he's the same age as HyoRi! That's not old. The dude is like only 12 years older, how come tha's creepy? People judge by the looks, poor dude, he looks so wasted already  :lol: .

Maria, I friggin love shots in their dorms. They have to be like my favourite SNSD thing ROFL. I dunno whyy, but I seriously love their dorms so much  :lol:

TBH, I've always liked the show so, Taeng there is more than a plus to me. I was happy when Kangin was announced and I gt even happier when Taeng was annouced too. I think I might be one of the few persons who actually likes DonDon. WGM is a show to show the things in a Celebrity marriage rofl, I really don't take the show seriously anymore unless the pairings were part of the 1st Season AKA AnBi, Ant Couple, AlShin, Lettuce Couple, those small pairings that left really got me and I was sad they leave, but now, the only pairing I feel is KangJi, because they show the actual side of marriage, how you start from 0 and rise up. But besides that, the show is like 100% scripted, the pairings don't feel like pairing at all, just people who know each other and that's it. Everyone in Korea knows Taeyeon has already experienced love and had her first guy, I don't really know who are they trying to fool ROFL.

But WGM is a funny shit I will never stop watching, cuz sometimes it looks so fail and that makes me go 'YAY FOR FAILNESS' and I would enkoy it, but I seriously don't take the show serious anymore...

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2009, 08:22:09 AM »
Jess was all "This is where the puppy shits and pisses." and then, the touched the surface with her hands.  Either that isn't actually where the dog shits and pisses, or that was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen Jessica do.  I'd probably throw up if she put that thing up to her face.  :barf:

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2009, 10:58:25 AM »
^I'd still lick her face if she did. :P

I don't think they're following a specified script, but since the beginning, the show has been that the producers give them scenarios, and then the people perform them. Haven't watched in a while, but since the first couples, a lot of the stuff that happened seemed to almost always be planned out. But I still think the emotions that the couples feel are somewhat real, cause I don't think they could act the way some of them did unless they were pro actors. Again haven't watched many recent episodes besides KangJi's first two episodes, and a couple Ant couple parts cause they were my favorite couple.

And just to clarify, I talk shit about Hyundong cause he gets to be with Taeyeon(even if it's just for tv)... that bastard. :/ I have nothing personal against him and think he's pretty hilarious sometimes :lol:

And Taeyeon has not had her first real guy! She's waiting for me!! :O

Junsu was just a fling. >_>

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2009, 08:17:28 AM »
Oh god... I'm getting too attached to Taeyeon cause this show is killing me! Why the hell does she have to be so cute and awesome? That lucky bastard Hyungdon. The show is seriously a double edged sword. :lol: Part of me wants to see them continue on in the show, and another part wants it to stop...

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2009, 04:04:25 AM »
<b>Pink</b>, I think Don Don is just creepy because he acts like a weirdo xD He's funny, but I'm sure if I were living with him, I'd get annoyed. And I don't know about you, but 12 is twice the age limit I use haha.

I miss old school WGM, especially with Saori :T I don't know why, I wasn't into the Lettuce Couple...

LOL @KT! I seriously think Jess was just like that cuz she wanted to freak him out so she tried to be as weird as she could be. Which of course didn't fail. It doesn't look like a sensible place where a dog pees and poos, it looks more like a tray! So I think she was just trying some way to really send a message that "LOOK, you don't want me! so don't even think about it!" :lol: Jessiwierd<3

JUNSU WAS NOT A FLING! It's da real thing :heart: I support! Sorry SITS oppa :P But it's too perfect! Tae is so manly and serioues like a man and Junsu is just like a girl but without being gay and feminine (like one of his bandmates).


I didn't like this ep :T It was sorta... meh. It looked a lil too scripted or forced. Even if it's not completely scripted, it just looked like they KNEW what they're supposed to act like that.
Another thing, if that wasn't at all scripted, then Don Don, be a fuckin man TT___TT Seriously, unless you can't do it cuz you're getting hypothermia, don't overreact.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 11:20:33 PM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2009, 10:27:45 AM »
Yeah, I found him to be too much of a bitch to think it was real. XD

I was like, "Just be a fucking man and get in that water!" I hate touching the caught fish too, but I'd just suck it up. For Tae I would wrestle a tuna in that water. (Though wrestling with Tae in that water would probably be a millions times funner.)

And, I could be girlier than Junsu if I need to!!!


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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2009, 11:03:12 AM »
I think Koreans like using bizarre little phobias to represent the power of love conquering shit. Like if you've ever watched "My Boyfriend is Type-B" (yeah I know, it's a cheesy little Korean rom-com movie but it has Han Ji Hye in it  :oops:) there was a somewhat similar situation. Boy had this weird phobia which was the reason for certain events happening earlier in the movie, and he overcame it because he loved his girlfriend so much.

I mean if we HONESTLY had to go over Don-Don's issues, I could break them down as follows. He looks pretty slovenly, he's out of shape, and he seems pretty damn lazy. Now fixing these three things doesn't make for good TV because they're real lifestyle changes and the road to fixing them is just developing good habits and hard work, not having a teenage girl come on scene and feed you fruits and force you to do a zany activity once a week.

But anyways, I totally believe that Tae is really that chill in real life. She's not like a squealer like Yuri and she's not a motor mouth like Tiff or Sooyoung. Remember when they were prepping for the dinner party in Factory Girl and she told Sunny "Hey Sunny, pay attention to me" when she felt like dorking out? Obviously the girl has a great sense of humor, but she doesn't really get hyper and in your face about it.

And come to think about it... Yeah the ending part with the fish was kind of overly dramatic. But like I said in another thread, at least they backed those scenes with Can You Hear Me? and Let's Talk About Love, so hearing SNSD songs (though it was kinda odd that they played a cover of Deullinayo? and not Tae's original) made the scene go down easier.

Lol'ling at Junsu. Yo even manly girls want to be treated like women in the end, and they're not going to get that feeling from girly men (to quote Ahhhh-nuld). Look at Yuri, for example. Clearly one of the most boyish members, but she totally changes her voice and everything to be more feminine when trying to talk with guys that she likes. How she relates to other females is one thing, but how she wants to be treated and viewed by her man is a totally different thing.

And TVXQ's sexuality is a hard thing to know. Micky cries all the damn time, Changmin has watched porn, Jaejoong looks really feminine but he doesn't really ACT gay, Yunho looks the manliest but some of his mannerisms seem kinda hmmm, and Junsu's voice sends of warning signals in my head. Let's just pin them down as omnisexual for now until we get some further evidence.

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2009, 01:21:04 PM »
I'm quite impressed with how smart Hyungdon seem to be. First of all he seems very aware of his faults, as a man. If a girl would describe her dream man probably nothing would suit him, part from maybe a good sense of humor. Now what he does, with Taeyeon, whom he obviously fancy enough to put an effort in, is to lower the expectations. He gives the impression of being sloppy, weak and at times ignorant only to surprise people that he can do better.

He makes people want to pull the manly and good out of him, which obviously gives better reward than from someone who already gives the image to have those attributes. The trout catching was a typical example. Obviously it's a show, and things are acted up, but the basic idea is the same. He knew all along that he'd catch one for Taebabe. But by seeming weak and cowardly he could simply lower her expectations. And when he caught one, the result had much bigger impact than if he'd just walked in and got one like most guys would have.

I don't think this works with every girl. But Tae seem to have some fandom for him already. She wants him to be a 'good' man, thus is his game plan spotless. I'm pretty sure Tae will be all "Awww pig don <3333" if he keeps this up and don't majorly screw it up on the way.

Now I think the biggest issue here is that Tae isn't being a counter part to pig don, but let's him run the show comepletly. I think she's playing along a bit too much and I know she got more in her. Maybe she's not really enjoying doing this show?

Unfortunate about YuriDon. It seemed like they found eachother there for a while and really wanted to do this. Too bad I guess. I think they'd be a better (more entertaining) pairing to be honest.

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2009, 10:57:46 PM »
CHANGMIN DOESN'T WATCH PORN ANYMORE! He practices with ummm... :P

LOL Asians are just a bit femenine...just look around this forum!!!! They just want to be pretty.

Man, I just loved how DonDon would do everything Tae wanted, even though it was scripted, but, what show isn't scripted in Korea??? Hhahaha. I wish that would be real for once  :lol:

But Tae is like that when she's alone, I think. If it was with one of the girls, she would be all 'WAAAAAAHHHH' and 'WOOOOHH' hahaha.

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2009, 11:28:01 PM »
Dude, I'm more of a man than Hyungdon and I definititely have girly bits.

The second time he went back in that water, I thought "Okay, this time... everyone needs a second chance sometimes." And then he pulled right back out.

I want to like him, I really do. Espescially during the interview portions because he really comes across relatively well there. But I was so annoyed with him during the bare-hand fish-catching drama.  :lol:

Sometimes I can't decide if the look on Tae's face when she looks at him is annoyance, boredom, patience, or adoration. She's hard to read, that one.

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Re: TaeYeon (and HyungDon) - We Got Married
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2009, 11:52:25 PM »
Unfortunate about YuriDon. It seemed like they found eachother there for a while and really wanted to do this. Too bad I guess. I think they'd be a better (more entertaining) pairing to be honest.
I think we all know someone who'd beg to differ. btw, you just got an accidental TY XD

Tae is a pisces, and because pisces are a basic sum of everyone else, she's really hard to read. But I think she's only acting this way because she knows she's supposed to act this way, not necessarily because that's what was written, but because it's probably just hindsight instinct. i think someone said that this in truth is really not her first boyfriend or something like that? Well if that's true, then she definitely knows how to play the game and just acting this way to make it more entertaining and believable, maybe even to DonDon. I can read between the lines, TaeYeon!

And yes, I agree... I think Koreans have some hero complex where they like to "conquer fears" for their love. But I think it's completely overplayed. At least in Korea it is.

Whaa! Yuri isn't the squeeler, she's the one that makes the girls squeel! Well then agian, when she wants to be a girl, she'll squeel just to look a bit more feminine. But the rest of the girls say she's pretty much a tomboy (as she'd say herself). I think TaeYeon is a pretty chill girl and the only time she shows her extroverted side is when she wants to be a dork or show some affection to the ones she's close with. Cuz I think that's how she shows affection, by being silly and making people smile.

I don't think Junsu is femine for real. If you watch them close enough (or just him) there's certain things about him that you can tell he's not the complete prince charming they say he is. When he's not the one being focused on, I think he sorta turns off/lowers the shy, goofy, charming "pretty" prince thing the girls love about him. I think he can be pretty manly. Same goes for JaeJoong. I always thought it was such a girl, but I realized he's actually the most "i dont give a f..." one. Yunho on the other hand looks and seems more girly than Junsu! And Yoochun isn't a wimp, he's a sensitive guy, such a romantic with that sexy deep voice with his awesome lyric writing! But I think he's the type where you piss him off, you better back off. Changmin is just funny...funny weird.

And I don't think all females change infront of the opposite sex. I have plenty of examples, and even those who do change in front of the opposite sex don't if they're not interested within the first 80 seconds or so :P

Sorry everyone, but I don't think anything beats Saori and DonDon. At least that (dysfunctional) couple was funny because they were both whiners. I think if Tae were to be put in a marriage that people want to believe in for WGM it has to be with Junsu with someone who is more serious.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 04:50:38 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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