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Author Topic: City of Angels (Chapter 15 on 10/20)  (Read 32143 times)

Offline rokun

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 1)
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2009, 09:03:34 PM »
So many great comments! Thank you again! :D I'll try to make my responses a bit more in-depth this time...

Kuji: That feel you described - was that in relation to the book you read or to this story as well? :lol: If it's my story, I'm impressed you're getting that sense. :oops: More girls to come! :lol:

maize: Hello there! :D It was nice meeting you as well! Starstruck, you say? :oops: I don't know about that... I wish I had the chance to talk to you more there... though there were just so many people to see! As for your comments, thanks so much for all the detail! You know I'm a big Miya fanboy, so there's nothing wrong with the Miya-digression. :lol: I don't really plan for her to be that major a character in this story, but as you can see from that last chapter, she has a way of still stealing the stage with me. >.> And for Miya-Chii, well, I like to do maybe a bit unusual or new pairings with new stories. If I don't there'll never be a new ReinAi or MiyaSaki that somehow takes off... Plus, in this case, there was a request a good while ago (from someone I'm not sure is even here anymore...), plus I think the two fit quite well together. They seem to hang out a lot, and of course that scene where Chinami calls Miya her girlfriend is classic. :) As for "them", well, you'll see. :P

FaqU: Thanks for reading! By the way, I'm sure you may have noticed, but your story was partly an inspiration for this one. :oops: Thanks for writing it!

slasha: Yes, Koha can be prone to some dramatic (rather drama-queen) actions. ;)

GoodEngrish: Thanks for commenting on my story! :D Your comment about the street names actually started a good discussion with one of my friends, where I explained that was part of the point... the contrast... Perhaps a little subtle way of showing that how things seem at first glance may not be how they really are... And wow, you're the only one to make specific mention of those three girls. :) One of them was even identified this chapter...

JFC: All I can say is... read on! :lol:

sbk: I'm glad you are enjoying the MiyaChii-ness.  8)

SxY: Some others mentioned this too, but Aika going to school the next day... As you learn more about the culture these girls live in, it'll become more clear. The girls will likely fairly often do things here that would surprise us normally.

rndmn: You and SxY both are nudging and waiting for a next chapter? Well, I won't keep you waiting any longer then! :D

Offline rokun

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2009, 09:07:56 PM »
Chapter 2

Aika finished her bowl of rice outside while sitting on the top of one of the graffitied picnic tables surrounding the small playground, which mainly included a long-unpaved basketball court missing its nets and a pole with a ball hanging on a rope from its top that you could beat around. Aika never really used any of it, although she did go to the track circling the gym sometimes.

When she was nearly finished eating, two younger girls walked up to her, one with wide eyes making her constantly look surprised. Aika almost moaned at the interruption, but did her best to just ignore the first years.

“Aika-chan!” the shorter, more confident of the two greeted, glancing occasionally to her friend as she spoke to Aika. “How are you today? I’m surprised…” She paused, looking around a bit, but still sparing a glance for her friend. “Where’s Kusumi-senpai?”

“In class, I’d imagine,” Aika responded shortly. She didn’t feel like talking to these two right now, especially by herself. When the year began Aika got to know them along with Ayacho and Saaya, but there had apparently been some rift among the four of them, and they’d seen less of the other two since. Also, whenever they did still run into them, Aika usually thought them annoying more than anything.

“Say something!” the one who had spoken whispered hoarsely to her friend, and Aika’s eyebrows reflexively rose as she wondered how the girl possibly expected her not to hear.

“E—enjoying your lunch?” the other finally squeaked out, and Aika looked out through her lashes at the wide-eyed and obviously nervous girl.

“It’s rice, Yuukarin,” Aika responded flatly, sticking the last bit into her mouth.

“Oh! Rice!” Yuuka responded, those wide eyes focused on Aika’s face as she also gave her a silly smile. “Of course. Rice is… Rice is food!”

The corners of Aika’s lips quivered as the other girl slapped her palm to her face before grabbing Yuuka’s arm and pulling her away quickly, Yuuka squeaking slightly and glancing back to Aika, not seeming ready to leave quite yet.

“You’re an idiot, you know that?” her friend hissed in a low voice. “Rice is food… I swear, if you keep saying stupid things like that, you’re never gonna…” However, Aika lost whatever else the girl would have said as the two drifted too far away.

She shrugged. “Nice talking to you too, Kanyon,” she mumbled to herself, glancing at her watch to see that she was going to be late to class herself.

Jumping down from the table, she tossed the bowl carelessly to the ground before wiping her hands together and starting off quickly back toward the school. However, she caught a glimpse of someone through the chain-link perimeter fence and slowed to a stop. She didn’t think she recognized him, but the clothes were unmistakable.

Seeing his type made anger rise up unbidden within her, and before she knew it she had changed direction and taken a step toward the school’s front gate. Glancing back once to find no one in sight between her and the building, she resumed her quick steps toward the gate, and when she reached it glanced around again before jumping over the wire gate nimbly, and not for the first time.

She caught sight of the guy she’d seen disappearing around the corner, and headed off in pursuit. She really didn’t need to follow someone to where she was going of course, but for some reason knowing she was being sneaky gave her a bit more motivation for what she’d finally decided she had to do after the night before, since it was very possible this could end just as badly for her.

She made her way for a few blocks away from the school until she came close enough for a large, worn-down house to be framed in her view. The person she was following disappeared inside, and she ducked behind one of the junky cars sitting outside it, looking in the window to see wires hanging down from below the steering wheel. She widened her eyes momentarily while realizing it must have been jacked today, since they hadn’t had time to forge a key for it and be able to hide the wires to make it at least look legit.

Creeping around the trunk, she hurried up the walkway to the door and pushed it in, her nostrils immediately assaulted by the sweet smell of weed… among other things.

Blinking so her eyes watered against the effect of the drugs in the air, she continued creeping into the foyer, a man leaning against one wall glancing down at her with a bored expression before looking back up to stare again at the opposite wall. However, Aika knew only a fool would mistake him as being oblivious… even if he was as baked as he looked.

Aika continued snaking through the front rooms of the house, ignoring those she passed who likely didn’t even register her existence, until she reached a back room which was shielded by the first closed door she came to. Reaching up to the knob, she twisted it slowly and pulled, slipping inside.

The smell was weaker here, if of course not gone. Two girls stood together just within the door, both fixing their eyes on her immediately, and one spoke up with a slow foreign accent. “Aika…?” she said in slight surprise. “What are you doing here alone?” Aika started creeping past them again, and the girl’s brows furrowed. “…And why are you sneaking around like that?”

However, Aika ignored the girl, her eyes instead on an older one that was seated on a busted sofa across from another in an easy chair. The two were laid back and talking, still focused on each other and unaware yet that Aika was there.

With her next step, Aika brought herself upright and marched straight to the object of her attention, who at nearly the last moment turned from her conversation before Aika thrust a fist at her face, knocking it to the side and nearly making her fall into the sofa.

Her abrupt action caused a rapid change in the room, as the girl her victim had been talking to jumped up and grabbed Aika by the waist, twisting her punching arm behind her so hard she thought it might break, but Aika ignored the pain as she continued glaring at the one she hoped she might have knocked out.

“What the fuck!” the girl holding her yelled, and she twisted her neck to look behind them. “What good are you morons if you’re gonna let someone walk right up here like that?!”

Aika heard the two from the door running up behind them, and the one that greeted her breathed, “But…” she said, sounding completely confused. “Tanaka-dono… that’s…”

“Reina,” the small-looking girl she'd decked to the sofa broke in. “Let her go.”

“But…” Aika’s captor protested, feeling her strength even though she wasn’t resisting.

“Please,” the other responded, sitting up once again while holding a palm to her jaw.

Aika felt the pressure on her arm loosen, and though her wrist was still held, pulled it forward, which had the effect of turning her slightly where Tanaka could see her.

“I warn you, asshole” she said. “If you try anything…” Then she finally looked properly into Aika’s face, squinted, and continued, “…Aika-chan?”

“That’s quite a hook you have there,” the seated girl said, finally looking up into Aika’s heated gaze. “I didn’t know your sister was training you.”

“She wasn’t,” Aika growled back.

At her response, the other girl frowned and stood up. As she came more into the light, Aika could see blood seeping from the corner of her mouth. She took a step forward, and Aika lurched as if to meet her, but was restrained still by Tanaka. When she turned to give the girl a piece of her mind, she noticed that her face as well as the two behind them were lost in puzzlement.

Just as she noticed this, she felt a warm hand on her chin that turned her face back forward to searching eyes. “Something happened,” the girl stated as a matter of fact.

You’re damned right something happened…! Aika thought, but couldn’t open her mouth through her glare. Your stupid wars got my sister killed!

The girl continued to look into her eyes, and somehow through looking back Aika felt herself calming down despite the white-hot rage she’d just been honing. Then something clicked within her mind, and it suddenly blanked.

The other girl let go of her chin and turned slowly to retake her spot on the sofa, seeming to heave a long sigh as she did so. “Please…” she said, waving her hand to a spot next to her. “Have a seat.” Then she focused her eyes beyond Aika. “Reina, you too. Jun, Lin, don’t worry about it. There’s nothing more you can do.”

The two Chinese girls bowed slightly. “Thank you, Takahashi-dono,” they murmured, still seeming a little puzzled by what was going on.

Reina settled into her chair, her face now more pensive than confused as she gazed up at Aika, who slowly and a bit reluctantly took a seat on the sofa, making sure to leave a safe space between her and Takahashi.

“What happened?” the girl asked in a warm voice. Aika was having a hard time reconciling the gentleness across from her with the cold monster she knew as a leader of the Oak Street Families. However, with the girl’s current tone, she couldn’t think of any reason not to speak.

“We were walking home last night from my piano lesson in The Pines…” she began.

“The Pines!” Tanaka burst in. “What was she thinking?!” At a look from Takahashi though, she fell quiet, just grumbling inaudibly to herself.

“A piano lesson?” Takahashi asked. “How did it go?”

Aika’s eyes misted at the memory. “It was nice. The teacher treated me like I might be worth something. I don’t know if I’m any good, but I’d love to go aga…” Her face darkened, her eyes focusing back onto reality. “But I won’t. I’ll never go back there again.”

“I see,” Takahashi said, smiling, although Aika thought her eyes showed something completely different. “And you ran into some people on the way?”

“Yes,” Aika said, now looking directly into the other’s eyes again. “They didn’t like her for some reason. Told her she shouldn’t be there.” Her teeth clenched as she tried to resist the emotion that was trying to overcome her. After a moment, she managed to force out, “It’s all your fault!”

Takahashi looked at her, sympathy now flooding those very demonstrative eyes.

“If it wasn’t for us,” Tanaka said, now in a much calmer voice, “You would never even have found out what a piano sounds like.”

“Reina…” Takahashi said again in a soothing voice. Her eyes never left Aika’s, which despite her best efforts she felt tearing up. “That’s not what she needs to hear right now.

“Aika-chan…” she continued, scooting closer to wrap an arm around her shoulders. Even though she hated the woman when she first walked in the room, somehow she let her comfort her now… She wanted her to… “Your sister was one of the bravest people I’ve ever known. She did everything she could to protect her family… her sister… and could be very… loving… to those she cared for.”

As her own vision began to blur in her tears, she noticed what had to be tears in the others’ eyes as well. But… that couldn’t be…

She couldn’t think about it any longer as she collapsed into the tattered-sleeved arms of the other girl. She came here looking for answers and maybe a bit of violence, most of which she thought might happen to her… but instead found warm arms to receive her. She thought she was finally beginning to learn just a little more about her sister. However, she still was yet to be sure what she thought of it all.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 08:51:57 AM by rokun »

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 1)
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2009, 09:16:29 PM »
Ah ...
 My dear  Rokun...
with just a introduction has caused a ruckus ...
and emotions of their readers.  :thumbsup
and only is the beginning ...

Since always the detail is so valuable in his histories...
Miya with chinami?
This is a bit unusual...
On having spoken about the city of the angels...
One can wait for a stories of any thing...
But, the first thing that I can imagine is the vandalism......
The neighborhoods ... and all that...
Poor Risa... Niigaki is in the hands of evil Rokun...  :twisted:

oH... A heroine appeared...
  And she is Takahashi.  :thumbsup  :heart:
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 09:20:08 PM by Maimi_Yajima »
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2009, 11:12:25 PM »
At first I thought Aichan was gonna be cold hearted but she turned out to be pretty nice.

I wonder what a fight between Aika and Reina/Jun/Lin would've looked like...

Offline JFC

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2009, 06:37:58 AM »
Chapter 2

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...that's so cute!  :wub:

Too bad circumstances make it really lousy timing for this. :(

Jumping down from the table, she tossed the bowl carelessly to the ground before wiping her hands together and starting off quickly back toward the school. However, she caught a glimpse of someone through the chain-link perimeter fence and slowed to a stop. She didn’t think she recognized the person, but the clothes were unmistakable.

Seeing the person made anger rise up unbidden within her, and before she knew it she had changed direction and taken a step toward the school’s front gate.
Uh oh. Why do I get the feeling that it's one of the kids from the previous night?  :O

She caught sight of the person she’d seen disappearing around the corner, and headed off in pursuit. She really didn’t need to follow someone to where she was going of course, but for some reason knowing she was being sneaky gave her a bit more motivation for what she’d finally decided she had to do after the night before, since it was very possible this could end just as badly for her.
If my previous thought is correct, it could INDEED turning out badly for Aika...especially if the person that she's following KNOWS that Aika's there.

Oooooooooooooh be careful Aika! :o

Two girls stood together just within the door, both fixing their eyes on her immediately, and one spoke up with a slow foreign accent. “Aika…?” she said in slight surprise. “What are you doing here alone?” Aika started creeping past them again, and the girl’s brows furrowed. “…And why are you sneaking around like that?”
:mon scare:

With her next step, Aika brought herself upright and marched straight to the object of her attention, who at nearly the last moment turned from her conversation before Aika thrust a fist at her face, knocking it to the side and nearly making her fall into the sofa.

Her abrupt action caused a rapid change in the room, as the girl her victim had been talking to jumped up and grabbed Aika by the waist, twisting her punching arm behind her so hard she thought it might break, but Aika ignored the pain as she continued glaring at the one she hoped she might have knocked out.

“What the fuck!” the girl holding her yelled, and she twisted her neck to look behind them. “What good are you morons if you’re gonna let someone walk right up here like that?!”

Aika heard the two from the door running up behind them, and the one that greeted her breathed, “But…” she said, sounding completely confused. “Tanaka-dono… that’s…”

“That’s quite a hook you have there,” the seated girl said, finally looking up into Aika’s heated gaze. “I didn’t know your sister was training you.”

“She wasn’t,” Aika growled back.
Training Aika? Risa? For what...exactly? :?

At her response, the other girl frowned and stood up. As she came more into the light, Aika could see blood seeping from the corner of her mouth. She took a step forward, and Aika lurched as if to meet her, but was restrained still by Tanaka. When she turned to give the girl a piece of her mind, she noticed that her face as well as the two behind them were lost in puzzlement.

Just as she noticed this, she felt a warm hand on her chin that turned her face back forward to searching eyes. “Something happened,” the girl stated as a matter of fact.

You’re damned right something happened…! Aika thought, but couldn’t open her mouth through her glare. Your stupid wars got my sister killed!
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, naruhodo...I think. This group isn't the specific one that killed Risa, but they're probably in conflict (or to paraphrase Aika, "at war") with the group that did kill her. It would stand to reason then, that Risa has some connection to this particular group, and more specifically to the particular person that Aika just hit.


Oh shit...the other group didn't have a specific grudge against Risa herself, they just killed her because of her connection...nay...relationship with...with... :shocked

The other girl let go of her chin and turned slowly to retake her spot on the sofa, seeming to heave a long sigh as she did so. “Please…” she said, waving her hand to a spot next to her. “Have a seat.” Then she focused her eyes beyond Aika. “Reina, you too. Jun, Lin, don’t worry about it. There’s nothing more you can do.”

The two Chinese girls bowed slightly. “Thank you, Takahashi-dono,” they murmured, still seeming a little puzzled by what was going on.

I KNEW IT! AICHAN! The other group killed Risa because of some stupid turf war and probably also because she's important to Aichan!
:frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated:

On a non-emo note...JunLin's there! w00t!

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2009, 07:13:27 AM »
Ooh gangs, drugs, fighting and the 'hood. Tough stuff. A different type of story than what I'm used to but interesting. Who are these characters I don't know, made up or part of the Eggs? I need to brush up on who's who then.

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2009, 07:41:57 AM »
Rokun:  I am happy that you feel that mine was the inspiration for your story here but I was totally thinking 'How could mine be an inspiration of this???!!!'  This is totally a new level than the stuff I've got.  But it's great, I can learn something and do better, or at least try to do better, with the rest of my fic  :lol:

It's so dark though!!!  A war that Takahashi started???? With who???  Who is the other group????  My curiousity is up!!!!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2009, 03:51:44 PM »
I'm not even sure what to comment on first. Risa was part of Ai-chan's gang? I guess that makes sense. Was Ai the one her last words were for? Is Aika going to join the gang now too? Or maybe go off alone and try to get revenge?

I'm on the edge of my seat here, waiting for another update, your stories always have me like this.

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2009, 11:00:27 PM »
Yay for a quick chapter!!

I can't say I was surprised that Aichan is the leader of Risa's gang. Reina, JunJun and LinLin are there too... I wonder where that puts the other 2 older members of Momusu. I feel like Koharu isn't part of the gang. Maybe she's too young, seeing as Aika also isn't in it (though that could have just been Risa trying to protect her from gang life).

Two girls stood together just within the door, both fixing their eyes on her immediately, and one spoke up with a slow foreign accent. “Aika…?” she said in slight surprise. “What are you doing here alone?” Aika started creeping past them again, and the girl’s brows furrowed. “…And why are you sneaking around like that?”
Obviously they don't know what happened to Risa yet... I guess gang related deaths aren't a huge priority for the news crews around there? Though you'd think there'd be some set up for them to keep tabs on their members...

“That’s quite a hook you have there,” the seated girl said, finally looking up into Aika’s heated gaze. “I didn’t know your sister was training you.”

“She wasn’t,” Aika growled back.

At her response, the other girl frowned and stood up.
Does Aichan know that Risa's gone just from that one statement? o_O

Poor Reina, JunJun and LinLin are all so confused...

“Aika-chan…” she continued, scooting closer to wrap an arm around her shoulders. Even though she hated the woman when she first walked in the room, somehow she let her comfort her now… She wanted her to… “Your sister was one of the bravest people I’ve ever known. She did everything she could to protect her family… her sister… and could be very… loving… to those she cared for.”
I was thinking (ie. hoping) Risa was talking about Aichan at the end of the teaser, and with what Aichan just said there, it seems like that was the case. I wonder how serious the two were and how well known their relationship was between the gangs... I can see Risa having hidden that knowledge from Aika, seeing as she seemed to keep her away from the gang stuff. But if this rival gang knew of Risa's importance to the head of the Oak Street Families... Makes you wonder if this other gang has a death wish.. XD Though, it's all speculation on what Risa and Ai's relationship was...

Can't wait for the next chapter. ^_^

Offline rokun

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 2)
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2009, 07:03:36 AM »
Gonna make some quick comment replies so I'm not doing it while dead tired and posting my chapter later like usual. :lol: Again, thanks everyone for reading!

M_Y: I didn't expect you to read this, but thank you for doing so. :) Your comments are always so great, and it's always wonderful to hear from you!

slasha: We've not seen many sides of Leader yet. :D As for the fight you visualized... at this point... I think it would have been somewhere along the lines of Aika having her ass thoroughly kicked...

JFC: Your comments here are quite a roller coaster. :lol: I suppose that's cool the story makes you swing so many ways. I wonder if it happens to everyone else. :) Won't say too much about the cause of Risa's death yet except that she was not targeted specifically... It's kind of a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, only... it was purposeful on her part. More glimpses of that in the next chapter I think.

e-girl: It's different? Well that's good. :) I suppose it would be different from how we normally think of H!P girls... As for the ones you don't recognize - assuming you're not talking about the Berryz/C-ute (which are very prominent in my other stories as well), the others are Eggs, though those so far only ones from Milky Way and S/mileage/SCE. So, we've had the chance to get to know them a bit... Currently I'm addicted to S/mileage's first indie release. It's seriously one of the cutest things I've ever heard/seen...

FaqU: Surely you see a bit of your story in this. :) At least part of the setting/what happens. Of course I'm (hopefully) going a bit of a different direction with it. Wouldn't wanna just copy you after all. :) Actually this story has many influences, only one of which is your story. Maybe as it rolls along I'll relate some of the others. And yet others that I wasn't even aware of seem to be making themselves known as I write more. For now I'll relate another of the influences/inspirations for this: FeverInducedMadness's Heartbeat Tempo, if anyone remembers it. I completely loved how she developed the setting for that story, and like many times when I read something I think is so great, I want to do my own spin on it. Well now a few years have passed, but here's a little taste of it...

rndmn: I'm touched by how much you talk about being into my story(s) :oops: As for your questions... I believe all should be answered to at least some extent in the coming chapter. ;)

maize: Another awesome comment! Thanks! :twothumbs However, I can't say too much about it at the moment. :lol: :P

Quote from: maize042
I wonder where that puts the other 2 older members of Momusu.
Those "other 2 older members" are somewhat conspicuously absent so far, aren't they? Hmm, wonder where they could be... :mon dunno:

Offline rokun

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 3)
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2009, 09:37:35 AM »
And so it continues! How awesome is Aika?

Chapter 3

Aika gazed out a grimy window as the others in the room conversed quietly together. They’d been at it for a while now, with someone else from time to time entering the room to murmur something to them before heading back out again. Tanaka had pulled out a blunt she apparently carried with her and puffed on it from time to time. She’d offered it to the others, who all took it for a whiff of their own except for Takahashi, who just waved it off.

She thought about returning to school and class, but for some reason that sort of organized life seemed far away from her at the moment. This resulted in her just hanging out in the crack den while the others talked what she supposed was business. They didn’t seem to mind her there, though did glance her direction from time to time. She was sure she was a bit out of place here, but she knew that wasn’t all. She had a strong feeling the “business” they were discussing involved her in some way.

Eventually the conversation quieted and Takahashi coolly broke away from the group and strolled over to Aika, taking a moment to peer out the window herself.

“You don’t smoke,” Aika commented evenly, not glancing in the other’s direction.

“Not today,” Takahashi replied politely, and the two stood in silence another moment.

“You dug her… didn’t you?” Aika finally asked, still not looking over.

She did feel Takahashi however glance her way now, and the girl responded as subtly as she said everything else. “We were close.”

Remembering her sister’s last words, Aika felt herself torn. She now thought she understood the message, and who it was directed to, but still wasn’t sure she was prepared to convey it. The cautious, hurt and angry part of her won out again, but since she noticed Takahashi looking at her as if expecting something, she couldn’t stay silent either.

“Well I guess it only makes sense that I get to know you a bit too then, if I wasn’t the only one important in her life.”

“No one could hold a candle to you in her estimation, Aika,” the other responded, and for the first time Aika glanced over at her with a hint of disbelief. “You’re the only one she would have done anything for.”

“Is that why she died for me?” Aika replied, holding back tears that threatened to flow again.

Takahashi breathed a sigh and looked back into the window. “I know she wanted the best for you. She would do whatever it took to ensure the safety of those she felt responsible for, and never liked taking any risks.”

“If she hadn’t been with me, I could have been perfectly fine walking home myself, couldn’t I?” Aika asked, and the girl turned to her again, eyes widening almost imperceptibly.

She didn’t respond right away, but when she did it was with a resigned voice. “You heard them talking, I take it?”

“Yes,” Aika said, turning away, her jaw tightening. “If that’s true, then it’s totally my fault.” She turned to the girl again, this time grabbing the cuff of her shirt insistently. “Tell me. I need to know. Did you and my sister know I would have been safe?”

Takahashi glanced down at the fingers at her wrist, giving Aika the impression not many people touched her in that way, before looking back up into Aika’s face. “We know now.”

Clenching her jaw tighter, Aika let go of the fabric and turned back to the window once again.

“Tell me,” Takahashi asked almost curiously. “What do you intend to do now? Bash on a few more of us to see if that makes you feel better?”

Aika’s mind whirred for a minute as she considered what she’d been thinking since she jumped over the school gate and clouted her questioner in the face. However, in the end it was clear what she wanted to say.

She turned back to the gang leader. “I want to join you. Though I never knew exactly what it was, my sister did what she thought was best and right for our family and our friends. Now she’s gone, it’s my responsibility to take her place.”

The other girls across the room had been watching the conversation between the two of them, and at these words Tanaka nodded to the others, who nodded back and broke away, exiting the room. Tanaka just continued standing by herself and watching them from afar.

Takahashi lowered her eyes and seemed to consider her next words carefully. “That’s a serious thing to ask,” she said finally. “As you and I both know now, they don’t consider you a threat, and I think it’d be at least a few years before you have to worry about this. You could probably just go back to school and forget about it all, maybe even go to college and never have to deal with it. Your sister always thought high of you in that way.”

“My sister might have thought that,” Aika replied through tight lips. “But she’s gone now, and I won’t shy away from any responsibilities I might have.”

“We don’t hold you to any,” Takahashi responded evenly, looking steadily into her eyes.

“Well, I hold myself,” Aika responded. After a moment, she went further. “I’ll drop out of school and do what it takes to keep everyone who can still be there safe.”

“No,” Takahashi said, and Aika blinked before a spark of anger ignited in her stomach.

“What?” she said thinly.

“You won’t be dropping out of school.”


“You can join us and work towards the protection you want to give, but you won’t drop out of school.” The girl sounded firm in her apparent offer.

“But how will I be able to…?” Aika asked in puzzlement. “I know girls who dropped out, younger than me even. Chisato Okai, and—”

“Their situations are different,” Takahashi told her definitively.

“I still don’t understand…” Aika continued, her annoyance rising. “Spending the day at school I won’t be able to—”

“Reina!” Takahashi suddenly yelled across the room. “Are they ready?”

Aika blinked and looked over at the addressed girl, who she noticed had been keeping an eye on the door as well as them.

“Yes,” she responded, and walked to the door to rap smartly on it.

When she stepped away, it opened to reveal LinLin from before, as well as another girl Aika wasn’t sure if she recognized. She wore a knitted white dress that seemed out of place here, and when Aika saw it she was suddenly vaguely reminded of a fourth-year she’d seen around school. The girl smiled at her, and walked up to them between Tanaka and Lin.

“This is Mano Erina,” Takahashi introduced to Aika, who gave a curt nod, still not clear what was going on. “She’s a senior at WH High, and our special contact on campus.” Aika blinked again and turned to Takahashi, who was smiling at the new arrival. “She may not look it, but she knows everything the rest of us do – more when it deals with the school and its students. Whenever we need to get hold of you, or you need to reach us about something, she’ll be your contact while at school and take care of you there.”

“But…” Aika said, her mindset still not seeming to align with what the girl was telling her.

Takahashi clutched her arm and turned her back toward the window to speak in a low voice, “Your sister always thought there should be something more for you. Are you going to let her dearest wish and everything she worked for stand for nothing?”

“…Fine,” Aika conceded after some deliberation. “Whatever you think is best to do. I’m still getting what I want, at least.”

“You know,” Takahashi advised, making sure Aika was paying her heed, “If you start out on this path there’s no going back as long as you’re here in the City. I won’t lie and say it’s not going to be dangerous. There’s a very real chance you could even get shot tomorrow walking down the street. You’re going to have to grow up and be very careful from now on if you want to fulfill that responsibility you were talking about.”

“You don’t need to tell me that,” Aika replied, staring into the other’s dark eyes. “After last night, I have no illusions of my own safety any longer, despite how many cops might have asked me what I needed when they picked us up.”

“Cops around here will mostly beat you first and maybe ask questions later anyway, so it’s good you think that way,” Takahashi responded. “And as for your protection…

“Lin, you got that piece?”

The Chinese girl reached to a belt hidden beneath her jacket, and pulled out a pistol. She gave Aika a deep look before flipping it to clutch the barrel and handing it to Aika, who took it gingerly.

“You know how to use one of these?” Takahashi asked her.

“I… I’ve seen them before,” Aika hesitated. “I think I know how they work, but never actually… used… one…”

Takahashi slapped a hand to the back of her shoulder and nodded. “We’ll give you a bit of a lesson tomorrow. Tanaka here is the best you could find for that.” Hearing her name, the girl nodded in acknowledgement over to Aika. “For now all you need to know is to keep it in a safe place and not bring it to school – between the school and your house is our turf, so you’ve nothing to worry about. Just make sure to pack it when hitting the town.”

“What…” Aika asked, trying to process all the new information she’d learned since setting foot into the ramshackle house, “What should I do now?”

“What, lost your way already?” Tanaka joked with a smirk, and Takahashi rolled her eyes at the marksman’s off-color remark. “I don’t know about this one, Ai-chan,” she continued. “Hope she doesn’t point her nine the wrong way when she gets up to face the target.”

The next sound in the room was a groan of abruptly exhaled breath as the taunting girl doubled over, clutching her gut. Aika pulled back from where she’d lunged, returning her fist to her side. “Yeah, I’d better be careful,” she said in a concerned way, “Wouldn’t wanna space out and maybe pop my instructor instead. Accidentally, of course.”

After a moment’s shock, the other two girls in the room started chuckling softly as Tanaka stumbled back to drop into her chair. “Have to admit,” LinLin snickered, “You can’t say you didn’t ask for that.”

“I see we’ve got another firebrand in our ranks,” Takahashi said while grinning, and turned her eyes to Aika. “We’ll have to watch ourselves to make sure we don’t get burned.” They shared that look for a long moment, Takahashi’s smile never fading, and the length of the contact made Aika realize it actually held very little mirth.

“Well...” she said, breaking away from the fixation she felt developing toward those eyes – she thought she understood a bit now what her sister must have seen in them – “I guess I’d better head back… to school, huh?” She lifted her own jacket to tuck the gun in the belt of her denim shorts, and turned to the door.

“Good luck,” LinLin said, reaching out to shake her hand. Despite her rough occupation, this girl’s smile did seem to hold genuine pleasure. “Getting a piece of both leader and hit girl before your first day really even began. That’s quite a start.” Aika raised an eyebrow at the girl’s descriptions of the others, and glanced over to the chair, its occupant wheezing dramatically as if she couldn’t get a breath.

“Yeah…” she breathed in-between rasps. “Great…”

Aika cocked an eye over to Takahashi and stabbed her thumb toward the chair. “Is she gonna be ok?”

The older girl resumed her own place on the sofa and gazed where Aika pointed. “Don’t worry,” she said sarcastically. “She’ll pull through.”

“Didn’t say I was worried,” Aika said smoothly, and began striding for the door, a very different manner from how she entered the room.

“Funny!” she heard a shrill voice call after her, and the Chinese girl’s giggling followed her out of the room.

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Re: City of Angels (3)
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2009, 11:47:41 AM »
WTF? Gaki gets killed again?! You people really love to put her through torturous stuff. Pain, suffering, death. No wonder she lost all that weight due to the stress she has to put up with in your stories. :P

And I can't believe I missed this. lol Awesome start!  :mon fyeah: City of Angels... hmm.. I wonder what that could be a reference for... *looks at own city* lol

But Takahashi, a gang leader who sometimes smoke weed.... *imagines the scene* Weird, but hot at the same time. XD

And I, too, wonder where the other 2 MM members could be, but I do have a good idea...  :mon dunno:

Oh yeah,
How awesome is Aika?

She's 100% awesome. XD

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Re: City of Angels (3)
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2009, 12:10:26 PM »
Lol at Aika smacking up Reina. But whew, I'm glad Ai-chan didn't let her drop out of school, Risa would prolly roll over in her grave if that happened, right? And now that you mentioned it, I noticed the two missing momusu's. Next chapter maybe?

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Re: City of Angels (3)
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2009, 12:42:37 PM »
So we had a burnt out fuse and because it was the weekend couldn't get someone to come fix it for nearly a day and because of that I couldn't come and read rokun's fic. >.< I was pretty annoyed at that!

Anyway, I got that atmostphere/feeling from both the book and your fic as that was one of the things that felt similar. I just got the feeling of a break down of the society we know today and now there's this new one that's being shown in the story. One apparently ruled by gangs. DDD:

I love that we're getting a bit more insight into this gang that Risa was a part of. Figures that Ai is the leader but she's still pretty mysterious at this point. I hope Aika reveals more.

Well, hello Mano! I think I've only ever seen her appear in one fic before... and that was just a "cameo" via flashback. XD I wonder if we'll see more of her in this story. Keep it up, rokun!

Oh and Aika is made of win. :3

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Re: City of Angels (3)
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2009, 08:44:41 PM »
Oh man, I didn't review chapter 2 because I was so lazy, and before I could come back to do so, you've already updated with chapter 3! -slaps self for being lazy- Eurgh...

Anyway... Do I smell a whiff of a TakaGaki? D: Why'd Gaki have to dieeee!!! T__T Interesting, though, that Aika has joined Takahashi's little band. So far, it's them, JunLin, Reina, and ManoEri... With the lack of some MM members in this troop (or what we've seen of it), I'm slightly fretting over the fact that they'd be in the "other" gang. The one that killed Risa. :cry:

Can't wait for chapter 4. :D Oh, and Aika wins. :3

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Re: City of Angels (3)
« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2009, 06:25:05 AM »
Good thing Aichan talked her out of dropping out. Gotta send a good message to the kids :lol:

Hopefully Aika doesn't end up shooting Reina at her lesson and hopefully she won't get caught with the gun.

Mano is a gang contact?! That was completely unexpected. Imagine her ordering a hit on someone.

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #36 on: August 03, 2009, 11:54:25 AM »
Hey Fen! Nice to see you here! :D And thanks for reading! After meeting you guys, it makes me a bit more embarrassed seeing you read my stuff for some reason. :lol: And I can't imagine what "reference" you might be talking about... :roll: It's not like I've been anywhere interesting lately...

To the rest of you... Thanks for continuing to read!! :D I see a couple of you mentioned Mano specifically, which kinda surprised me since she didn't really do anything in this chapter. :lol: Well... if you like seeing her... there might be more in the coming chapter to keep you entertained. :) And I'm sure Aika won't end up shooting Reina... unless the gun accidentally slips or something... ;)

Anyway, onward ho! This chapter's a bit longer, but still nothing like my usual standards. Enjoy. :)

Chapter 4

Aika leaned heavily against the chain of the fence beside the front gate to the school. The day wasn’t far from over, but she might still be able to catch a class or two. Chinami had likely become worried about her, and who knew what Miyabi would do.

It felt like she’d had eyes watching her every step the whole way to her house while she carried that gun, it feeling very heavy at her side, and even after she stowed it there to return to campus she couldn’t shake a feeling of unease. She couldn’t believe how she’d conducted herself in that crack house – she’d really punched Takahashi-dono in the face and Tanaka-dono in the stomach! That would be quite the story to brag to the others if there was the slightest chance they’d believe her. It was only after she’d left that she thought about all the people it was generally known they’d cut down in cold blood between the two of them.

She wondered if she might not have been luckier had the same happened to her instead.

There was just something about being in that place… being around all those dangerous people… alone… It gave her a sense of power, that she could hold her own there, that she could actually mean something. And what did it really mean? That was something she was doing her best not to dwell all that much on.

After hurdling the gate again, she crept along the wall to a side door, and took a peek in before opening it and stepping inside. The hallway was empty, with just the muffled sounds of classes being conducted behind closed doors at its sides. She made her way quickly toward the history class that she was fifteen minutes late for, but after turning a corner about halfway there, she found herself facing an older man in a somewhat leisurely-looking office suit.

Crap… she thought to herself, meeting the principal’s eyes.

“What are you doing loitering out in the halls during class-time?” the man asked in a disapproving manner.

“I was… I was just…” Aika stuttered, no hint of her smoothness in the midst of the crack den present any longer, “…I had to go to the bathroom.”

“I see…” the man said, looking down his nose through his glasses, and he pulled out a small notepad from his shirt pocket. “I presume you have your hall pass?” he asked, already scribbling at it.

“Um…” Aika replied, at a loss.

“Why am I not surprised?” he continued, in a very unsurprised tone. “You punks think you can get away with anything around here… Someone’s gotta teach you the limits of rules. One… detention…” he spoke as he wrote. He glanced up through his bifocals at Aika’s face again, and his eyebrows furrowed as if he just realized who he was talking to and was mildly surprised. “Miss Aika… Mitsu…”

Before he finished her name though, Aika felt an arm encircle her shoulders. She flinched, reflexively trying to pull away, but the grip held her fast.

“Why Doctor Nguyen, I was looking for you!” a girl said in a light, sweet voice from her side.

The man looked up, at first frowning at the interruption, but seemed slightly taken aback when he took in the sight before him. A smile broke out above his chiseled jaw, and he returned the greeting. “Miss Mano,” he said in what sounded a more pleasant voice than he had just used with Aika. “I don’t know how many times I’ve told you, it’s ‘Mister’. I’m no Doctor yet – that dissertation still keeps slipping away from me even after all these years.”

“It’s close enough for me,” the girl said with a big, bright smile. Aika almost stared at her face. She wasn’t sure how someone dared talk in such a cute tone around here, and the smile with the white dress even made her look almost angelic.

She glanced over at Aika, her expression changing slightly to one Aika immediately took to mean ‘Stay quiet and leave this to me’, before turning the smile back on the principal. “Were you and Aika-chan here just having a little talk?” Her eyes fluttered down to the notepad the man still held in his sweaty hands, and when he looked down as well his expression seemed almost surprised at what he found.

“Yes…” he said, composing himself. “Yes we were. I found Miss Mitsui loitering in the hall when she should be in class, and was writing her a detention.”

“Was she?” Mano asked, giving a look of exaggerated, yet still authentic-looking, surprise. “Did you check for her hall pass?”

“Well I asked her for one…” the man responded, becoming a little shaken again, and he watched as Mano reached into Aika’s jacket – making her twitch a little as if she was being violated – and pulled out a small card. Aika found herself staring at it as wide-eyed as the principal.

“Here you go~” the girl said, handing him the card, and he gripped it lightly between two fingers, turning it around enough to see that it was indeed authentic.

“Very well,” he said, the shaken feeling seeming to have migrated to his core. “Carry on then.” Even though he spoke to Aika, his eyes didn’t seem to focus anywhere as he turned back down the hall. “Be sure to hurry back to your classes.”

When Mister Nguyen vanished from sight around a far corner, Aika turned a flabbergasted face to Mano, whose smile was still present, if not quite as bright as when she spoke to the principal. “Such a sweet old man, don’t you think?” she pondered, as she tucked the hall pass card into Aika’s jacket pocket. Aika was braced for the feeling of violation this time, even if she still wasn’t crazy about it. “Gets a bit cranky though if you’re out here without one of those. Best to make sure and have one with you at all times.” She caught Aika’s eyes as she finished, and Aika laid her hand to her pocket as she understood the message.

“Um…” Aika began uncertainly, “Thank you? I guess.”

“Thank me for what?” Mano replied, smiling, and she hooked her arm into Aika’s to escort her down the hall toward her classroom. Aika flushed in embarrassment when they began walking, looking anxiously around her especially when they passed the small glass-windowed doors. She wasn’t really sure what would happen if someone caught her strolling down the hall arm-in-arm with a girl dressed like a princess… even if she was a fourth-year.

She forced the girl to a stop before they reached the door to her class, and quickly said, “I’ll be fine from here,” straightening her jacket and pulling its collar back up.

“Okay then,” Mano acceded. “Take care!” And with that and a whirl of the hem of her dress, she strolled back down the hallway.

Aika found herself staring dumbfounded after the Contact for a moment, before shaking herself and slipping in the door to join her class.

She saw Miyabi in last period as usual, but the girl seemed distracted by something the whole time, and since Aika herself was quite distracted by events in the last twenty-four hours, the two barely made eye contact the whole class. Also, after the final bell, Miyabi had somehow slipped out of the classroom before Aika even left her seat, causing her to walk by herself toward the front gate. As she watched the other students filing or playing around her, she realized she was observing them from a different point-of-view than she had just yesterday or even this morning. Some she regarded easily as friends, but others she suspected if they might not be enemies.

Before she reached the door, she heard her name called from behind, and paused to wait as Koharu ran up to join her. “Hey, how are you doing?” the girl asked, laying a hand on her arm. Aika pulled back a bit remembering Mano’s rather unexpected actions earlier, and Koharu’s look of concern deepened.

“I’m sorry…” Aika replied, brushing the back of the other’s hand with her own. “I didn’t mean that.”

Koharu looked a bit skeptical, but the two headed out the door toward the gate. “Is it all right if I come over today?” she asked. “I think you could use some company.”

“Um…” Aika said, not really feeling comfortable to have someone over right now, especially with what she had hidden in her room. “I dunno…”

“C’mon!” Koharu pressed, giving her a friendly bump. “I really don’t wanna leave you alone right now.”

“I’m fine, really,” Aika responded. She caught a glimpse of white out of the corner of her eye and halted.

“What is it?” Koharu asked, looking around.

Aika looked around as well, but couldn’t see anything any longer. The girl really must just show up when you need her.

“Hey you two!” came a voice from behind them, and despite herself Aika felt her cheeks immediately flush. Hadn’t enough stuff happened today that she’d be over silly things like that??

Koharu turned to face the new arrivals, and when Aika didn’t turn along with her the other girl spun her around, making her nearly lose her balance. She gave the girl a glare until she realized what she was doing, then turned to the three girls in front of them and lowered her head to hide that damned blush.

“Mr. Yamada’s class was such a drag, wasn’t it?” the tallest, one Maimi Yajima, commented idly to Koharu. “I can’t believe they make us do something like that at the end of the day. I mean, we can’t even sleep if we don’t wanna be pointed out in front of the whole class and embarrassed! And of course that can’t happen to our reputations.”

Koharu nodded, though by her expression Aika wondered if the girl was paying attention to anything the other said. She knew Koharu for one wasn’t always concerned about upholding this “reputation” these girls kept going on about. Self-consciously, Aika glanced around again to make sure there were no more glimpses of white anywhere nearby. It was clearing out pretty well actually – most students couldn’t wait to get off the school grounds at the end of the day.

“Sorry guys,” Koharu said. “Aika-chan here has… something… going on, and we were just about to head to—”

“You wanna go hang out somewhere?” one of the shorter ones, Saki Shimizu, asked as she crouched down to tie her shoe. “We were thinking of getting a bite to eat before—”

“Oh you don’t wanna tell ‘em like that!” Maimi said, leaning down on Saki’s shoulder and making her nearly tip over. Saki deftly kept her balance though, something Aika thought expected of the Captain of WH High’s cheerleading and dance squad. The other two weren’t part of the squad though – Maimi’s position as leader of the track team kept her too busy to take on another activity, although Aika knew she was a good enough dancer she likely could have easily made the squad. As Aika noticed the look that the two shared with each other, she thought the advantage of having its Captain as her girlfriend might have helped a bit too.

Aika didn’t spend too long looking at those two, as usual having a tough time keeping her eyes off the third of their little preppy mini-gang, Momoko Tsugunaga. She didn’t have the accomplishments of the others, but was a childhood friend of Saki’s, so the two of them had always hung out together. And now, of course, since Saki and Maimi were going out, all three of them were normally inseparable.

“I mean it guys,” Koharu said, taking Aika’s arm as if to pull her away. “This really isn’t a good time.”

“Saki-chan got invited to UFO!” Momoko crowed, and Aika felt herself stuck in place by the sound of the girl’s high trill.

“Oh?” Aika asked, smiling at the girl who was now looking back at her, pleased at the interest. She did her best to ignore Koharu’s tugging on her arm.

“Take it easy, Momo,” Saki said in a calm voice. “It isn’t that big a deal.”

“Sure it is!” Maimi said, standing behind her girlfriend proudly and preening as if showing off a trophy. “You know, I hear they may be close to signing a record deal!”

“Please…” Koharu said, coughing out a laugh. She was clearly not impressed, though apparently at least resigned herself that Aika wasn’t moving. “If they did all the record deals the rumors said, they’d have gone double plat by now!”

“Hate to say it sweetheart, but the girl’s got a point,” Saki said, grinning as she finished with her shoe, but sat back on the fence behind her. Despite her words, Maimi glared at Koharu for making her look bad, and in front of her girlfriend no less.

“So anyway,” Saki continued, looking between the two before her. “As I was saying, we were gonna go grab a bite. Wanna come along?”

“I just really don’t think…” Koharu said, glancing over hesitantly at Aika.

“It’d be great to have you with us!” Momoko said cheerfully, still sharing Aika’s gaze.

Feeling her resolve leaving her, Aika was just about to agree, when the events of the day somehow came crashing back to her. “…Sorry guys,” she said, clutching at Koharu’s arm as if afraid she would fall. A part of her couldn’t believe she was turning them down… or more precisely… turning Momoko down. “We really have things to do. You have fun though. Tell us all about it tomorrow?”

Her last comment was fairly obviously directed toward Momoko, but it was Maimi who responded. The girl had seemed to lose her ire, falling back into her usual friendly disposition. “Sure. Well, we’d better get going. Don’t have much time, and don’t wanna be late!” And with that she dragged Saki up the curb and after her. Giving a shrug and a smile to Aika, Momoko followed the two as well.

As Aika and Koharu began walking side-by-side toward her house, Aika let out a very long sigh. Best to not get involved with them anyway, she thought to herself. Cause I don’t really want them getting involved with whatever it is I’ll be doing from now on. Those girls had potential. They’d be going places. Someone like her would drag them down. She glanced at Koharu, realizing as they were walking that even though she never agreed to have the girl over, that was where they were headed anyway.

“Koha-chan,” she said, pulling away slightly. “I think it’d be best if you—”

“Wait,” Koharu said, pulling Aika to a quick stop. “Do you hear something?”

Aika looked around. There was an alley that ran between two houses on their right, and the other side of the street was silent, the iron gates in front of the doors to each house all closed and locked. Then she blinked at the house to the left of the alley, recognizing it. She’d totally not been paying attention to where they were walking. That was something that’d have to change.

“I don’t hear anyth—” she began, but then a short cry came from the house where Chinami and her family lived.

“Do you think…” Koharu began, but Aika took her hand and pulled her along as she leapt up the steps.

“Chinami!!” she yelled, as the two burst into the door. As she did so, Aika felt herself missing the weapon that was stashed in the top drawer of her dresser back home.

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2009, 08:32:29 PM »
Ahh, I missed a few chapters!

So does Yuuka like Aika? It'll be interesting to see their future interactions.

Princess Mano working for a gang is kind of hard to imagine XD And Aika likes Momo? Not quite what I expected.

Aika joins the crack crew and gets into trouble on day 1! Maybe its better that she doesn't have her gun considering she doesn't know how to use it:

Aika: Stand back, I'm armed! *bam*
Koha: Owch! Aika, you're supposed to shoot the baddies, what's wrong with your aim?! First Risa, and now me!  XD

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2009, 08:35:57 PM »
*reviewing as I read again* (First time was win I was still barely awake in bed at 9am... I read it on my iPod. See, I love this fic that much. I chose it over sleeping more. XP) Whoa, ninja-like Mano! XD I didn't see that coming... Hm. Aww, Koharu's being all sweet. <3 Whoa, some SakixMaimi too! :D And the third wheel Momo. Poor Momo, lol. Mittsi and Momo? .__. And... :OMG: CHINAMI!!! NO, NOT MY LITTLE CHII! THAT'S TOO EARLY. *wails* Chii...  :fainted: :gyaaah: :pleeease:

Gosh darnit rokun, why is it always the people I like? T__T I wanna read the next chapter~ *is impatient like that*

Oh, and random note, the principal is Vietnamese! xD

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #39 on: August 03, 2009, 10:19:22 PM »
(... ugh. I just had to come out of lurking. Especially since this mighty interesting story has one of my favorite girls as the lead. XD)

Am I the only one who didn't freak out about Risa's death? I guess I got used to it after reading a number of stories where she's almost always the one to suffer. Seems like a lot of authors enjoy putting her in that position, lol. Poor girl. And poor Aika for losing her sister, and having to witness her death, too!

So, Aichan's a gang leader, huh? Now that's pretty hot. Seems like she was pretty close to Risa as well.

“Well I asked her for one…” the man responded, becoming a little shaken again, and he watched as Mano reached into Aika’s jacket – making her twitch a little as if she was being violated – and pulled out a small card. Aika found herself staring at it as wide-eyed as the principal.

“Such a sweet old man, don’t you think?” she pondered, as she tucked the hall pass card into Aika’s jacket pocket. Aika was braced for the feeling of violation this time, even if she still wasn’t crazy about it.

Totally reminds me of how much Aika dislikes being touched despite her reputation for being such a touchy girl. :lol:

I've been wondering about the identity of the person who made Aika blush in the first chapter, now I think I've got an idea. I thought it was Reina at first, but I seriously never expected it to be Momoko. So Aika's got the hots for her, huh? I wonder if Momoko feels the same... I'm interested in seeing more of this AikaMomo. They're such a rare pairing, but it seems like they'd make an infinitely cute couple from the pictures I've seen of them together.

… and, oh dear, Chinami! Crap. Is that why Miyabi was so distracted in class? And it sucks that Aika doesn't have her gun with her. Maybe she could just use her fist.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 03:53:53 PM by Fizzle »

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