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Author Topic: City of Angels (Chapter 15 on 10/20)  (Read 32300 times)

Offline slasha

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #40 on: August 03, 2009, 11:32:16 PM »
Good thing Mano was there to save Aika from detention and good thing Mr/Dr Nguyen didn't find the gun. That would've sucked.

Maimi's on the track team? That's expected of "Maimi the human bullet" :lol: Captain's a cheerleader?! That's just awsome :drool: and Momo makes a great sidekick :lol:

Chinami sounds like she's in trouble. I hope Koha and Aika can make due without the gun. Maybe Aika could use her great Aichan punching skills :lol:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2009, 05:52:30 AM »
Koharu's a good friend. I kinda wasn't expecting that, for some reason.

Oh noes, Chinami in trouble? :O

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #42 on: August 06, 2009, 08:41:33 AM »
Chapter 3

Aika gazed out a grimy window as the others in the room conversed quietly together.


She was sure she was a bit out of place here, but she knew that wasn’t all. She had a strong feeling the “business” they were discussing involved her in some way.
More likely than not, it could be this "business" that got Risa killed. :cry:

“You dug her… didn’t you?” Aika finally asked, still not looking over.

She did feel Takahashi however glance her way now, and the girl responded as subtly as she said everything else. “We were close.”
In "Aichan-speak," that definitely sounds like a "yes." :yep:

Question then is...if she and Risa were, as she put it, "close," then how is it that she's staying so calm (almost coldheartedly so) right now?  One would normally expect bawling and grief and even rage at the loss of someone "close" like that.

“No one could hold a candle to you in her estimation, Aika,” the other responded, and for the first time Aika glanced over at her with a hint of disbelief. “You’re the only one she would have done anything for.”

“Is that why she died for me?” Aika replied, holding back tears that threatened to flow again.

“If she hadn’t been with me, I could have been perfectly fine walking home myself, couldn’t I?” Aika asked, and the girl turned to her again, eyes widening almost imperceptibly.

She didn’t respond right away, but when she did it was with a resigned voice. “You heard them talking, I take it?”

“Yes,” Aika said, turning away, her jaw tightening. “If that’s true, then it’s totally my fault.” She turned to the girl again, this time grabbing the cuff of her shirt insistently. “Tell me. I need to know. Did you and my sister know I would have been safe?”

Takahashi glanced down at the fingers at her wrist, giving Aika the impression not many people touched her in that way, before looking back up into Aika’s face. “We know now.”
Sunnovabitch. :O

“Tell me,” Takahashi asked almost curiously. “What do you intend to do now? Bash on a few more of us to see if that makes you feel better?”

Aika’s mind whirred for a minute as she considered what she’d been thinking since she jumped over the school gate and clouted her questioner in the face. However, in the end it was clear what she wanted to say.

She turned back to the gang leader. “I want to join you. Though I never knew exactly what it was, my sister did what she thought was best and right for our family and our friends. Now she’s gone, it’s my responsibility to take her place.”
:mon wtf:

Think about this Aika. I seriously doubt that this is what Risa wanted for you. If anything, the reason why she was involved with them in the first place (other than Aichan) was so that you would not end up having to join them at all.

“I’ll drop out of school and do what it takes to keep everyone who can still be there safe.”

“No,” Takahashi said, and Aika blinked before a spark of anger ignited in her stomach.

“What?” she said thinly.

“You won’t be dropping out of school.”


“You can join us and work towards the protection you want to give, but you won’t drop out of school.” The girl sounded firm in her apparent offer.
Good move on Aichan's part. It's pretty obvious that Aika's not going to take "no" for an answer. The least Aichan can do is make sure Aika doesn't completely throw away a potential future without "all this" by dropping out of school. 

“Reina!” Takahashi suddenly yelled across the room. “Are they ready?”

Aika blinked and looked over at the addressed girl, who she noticed had been keeping an eye on the door as well as them.
Oh what now?

When she stepped away, it opened to reveal LinLin from before, as well as another girl Aika wasn’t sure if she recognized. She wore a knitted white dress that seemed out of place here, and when Aika saw it she was suddenly vaguely reminded of a fourth-year she’d seen around school. The girl smiled at her, and walked up to them between Tanaka and Lin.

“This is Mano Erina,” Takahashi introduced to Aika, who gave a curt nod, still not clear what was going on. “She’s a senior at WH High, and our special contact on campus.”
Holy shit they've got a "mole" for lack of a better term...and it's ManoEri?!?!?  :o  From the description of her outfit, I'm guessing at school she's one of the "prim" and "proper" know...the kind that would be normally be thought of as the LAST choice for joining/being a part of a gang like this.

Hmmmm...if Aichan's group has ManoEri...chances are the other group must have one of their own at the school as well.  :huhuh

Takahashi clutched her arm and turned her back toward the window to speak in a low voice, “Your sister always thought there should be something more for you. Are you going to let her dearest wish and everything she worked for stand for nothing?”

“…Fine,” Aika conceded after some deliberation.
Oooooooh...guilt trip. A bit of a dirty ploy, but it worked in that Aika understands and agrees to why she should agree to not drop out.  :thumbsup

“Lin, you got that piece?”

The Chinese girl reached to a belt hidden beneath her jacket, and pulled out a pistol. She gave Aika a deep look before flipping it to clutch the barrel and handing it to Aika, who took it gingerly.

“You know how to use one of these?” Takahashi asked her.

“I… I’ve seen them before,” Aika hesitated. “I think I know how they work, but never actually… used… one…”
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...they play for keeps here.  :shocked:

“What…” Aika asked, trying to process all the new information she’d learned since setting foot into the ramshackle house, “What should I do now?”

“What, lost your way already?” Tanaka joked with a smirk, and Takahashi rolled her eyes at the marksman’s off-color remark. “I don’t know about this one, Ai-chan,” she continued. “Hope she doesn’t point her nine the wrong way when she gets up to face the target.”

The next sound in the room was a groan of abruptly exhaled breath as the taunting girl doubled over, clutching her gut. Aika pulled back from where she’d lunged, returning her fist to her side. “Yeah, I’d better be careful,” she said in a concerned way, “Wouldn’t wanna space out and maybe pop my instructor instead. Accidentally, of course.”
Point...Aika.  O0

Chapter 4

She couldn’t believe how she’d conducted herself in that crack house – she’d really punched Takahashi-dono in the face and Tanaka-dono in the stomach! That would be quite the story to brag to the others if there was the slightest chance they’d believe her. It was only after she’d left that she thought about all the people it was generally known they’d cut down in cold blood between the two of them.'s probably better/safer for Aika if she doesn't tell anyone about this. Firstly, if people don't believe here she'll just look crazy. Secondly, if someone DOES believe her, she'll just be asking for trouble from her parents, teachers...not to mention the other group (the one that killed Risa). Aika said it herself, they had no interest in hurting her at that time. If word gets out that she's joined Aichan's gang, then Aika's just painted a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge target on her head. :o

There was just something about being in that place… being around all those dangerous people… alone… It gave her a sense of power, that she could hold her own there, that she could actually mean something.
Hopefully Aika doesn't let this whole "power" thing get to her head, lest it get her into trouble/a situation she shouldn't be in.


Wow, that girl totally had him proverbially eating out of the palm of her hand.  :O2

That definitely must come in handy now and then. ;D

I really want to know how she pulled off that bit with the hall pass. That was niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicely done.  8)2

Oh, and a Vietnamese principal at a Japanese school? That was different.  I kept half-expecting ManoEri to turn almost tsundere-like once he'd gotten out of earshot.  :sweatdrop:

She saw Miyabi in last period as usual, but the girl seemed distracted by something the whole time, and since Aika herself was quite distracted by events in the last twenty-four hours, the two barely made eye contact the whole class. Also, after the final bell, Miyabi had somehow slipped out of the classroom before Aika even left her seat, causing her to walk by herself toward the front gate.
Eh? :?

Koharu ran up to join her. “Hey, how are you doing?” the girl asked, laying a hand on her arm. Aika pulled back a bit remembering Mano’s rather unexpected actions earlier, and Koharu’s look of concern deepened.

“I’m sorry…” Aika replied, brushing the back of the other’s hand with her own. “I didn’t mean that.”

Koharu looked a bit skeptical, but the two headed out the door toward the gate. “Is it all right if I come over today?” she asked. “I think you could use some company.”

“Um…” Aika said, not really feeling comfortable to have someone over right now, especially with what she had hidden in her room. “I dunno…”

“C’mon!” Koharu pressed, giving her a friendly bump. “I really don’t wanna leave you alone right now.”
Yet another case of good intentions from a friend, but lousy timing.  :(

“I’m fine, really,” Aika responded. She caught a glimpse of white out of the corner of her eye and halted.

“What is it?” Koharu asked, looking around.

Aika looked around as well, but couldn’t see anything any longer. The girl really must just show up when you need her.
Well, Aichan did say that ManoEri would help take care of her while she was at school.

“Mr. Yamada’s class was such a drag, wasn’t it?” the tallest, one Maimi Yajima, commented idly to Koharu. “I can’t believe they make us do something like that at the end of the day. I mean, we can’t even sleep if we don’t wanna be pointed out in front of the whole class and embarrassed!
I admit, as a teacher I get a slightly perverse sense of joy when I do that.  :theking

What the...CaptainMaimi?!?
Don't think I've seen that particular shipping before.
:mon huh2:

“Saki-chan got invited to UFO!” Momoko crowed, and Aika felt herself stuck in place by the sound of the girl’s high trill.
Momo =  :gmon sing:
Aika = :mon freeze:

Congrats Captain...but what's UFO? And why am I suddenly suspecting that Momo could be part of the "other" gang?  ^_^;

As Aika and Koharu began walking side-by-side toward her house, Aika let out a very long sigh. Best to not get involved with them anyway, she thought to herself. Cause I don’t really want them getting involved with whatever it is I’ll be doing from now on. Those girls had potential. They’d be going places. Someone like her would drag them down.
How much you want to bet Risa thought the exact same thing about Aika?  :-X

She glanced at Koharu, realizing as they were walking that even though she never agreed to have the girl over, that was where they were headed anyway.
And now Aika's in a similar position with Koharu that Risa was in with Aika.  :sweatdrop:

“Koha-chan,” she said, pulling away slightly. “I think it’d be best if you—”

“Wait,” Koharu said, pulling Aika to a quick stop. “Do you hear something?”

Aika looked around. There was an alley that ran between two houses on their right, and the other side of the street was silent, the iron gates in front of the doors to each house all closed and locked. Then she blinked at the house to the left of the alley, recognizing it. She’d totally not been paying attention to where they were walking. That was something that’d have to change.

“I don’t hear anyth—” she began, but then a short cry came from the house where Chinami and her family lived.

“Do you think…” Koharu began, but Aika took her hand and pulled her along as she leapt up the steps.

“Chinami!!” she yelled, as the two burst into the door. As she did so, Aika felt herself missing the weapon that was stashed in the top drawer of her dresser back home.
Oshit, don't tell me that Chinami's being targeted now?
:mon scare:

Right now the only thing that could save this would be if Aika and Koharu walk in on ChinaMiya having some...*cough*...quality time.  :grin:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rokun

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 4)
« Reply #43 on: August 07, 2009, 12:21:13 AM »
Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the wait! Been getting into games again the last few days. >.> Anyway... I want you guys to know that I read all your wonderful comments almost as soon as you posted them, and I thank you for your, uh, readership. XD Also, since it's not late yet, and especially since I didn't last time, I wanted to respond to them!

GoodEngrish: Don't worry about missing chapters. :lol: Up 'til now I'd been posting them quickly! This'll probably be more of an average wait though, so it should be easier from now on. 8) As main character, Aika will have some... interesting relationships. :lol: If you've read some of my other stories you'll know what I mean... Although, it'll be different this time too since it's Aika. Instead of, like, Reina. :P Will Yuuka be able to say something intelligent in front of her, especially without Kanon's prodding? Will Aika and Momo be able to make anything of a too-cute but perhaps star-crossed future? Stay tuned. 8) Also, Aika does need to learn to use her gun... that's why she's having lessons! As long as her instructor... er, I mean, she... can get through them alive. ;)

SxY: Whoa, that's some dedication! I don't know if I could read fics on an iPod/Phone... More Koharu sweetness (as well as her lovable ditsy-ness) in the coming chapter. :) And... what are you conveying by this: .__. ? Yes, stranger things... but then again, you know it's me, and I don't like fitting into the "normal" 'shipping mode. ;) As for your other comments... keep reading... :D

Fizzle: Wow, I de-lurked someone! :lol: Doing that is always a source of pride. :D And a great comment too!
Seriously, do people kill/torture/maim Risa all that much? :lol: Poor girl indeed... I guess I've missed some stuff around here. :P And yes, gangsta' Aichan is hot. :yep: :drool: Aika does have... interesting physical preferences. :lol: Be curious to see her interactions with people in the future, such as a gropy Princess Mano... Miya "over-friendliness" or something perhaps? We'll have to wait and see. ;)

slasha: Yeah, Saki/Maimi/Momo do have their popular in-group clique thing going on. :lol: Aika and Koharu on the other hand... well... don't. XD Hence why the interactions among all of them usually tend toward some form of awkwardness. You'll learn more about their relationships with each other as the story goes on. :)

rndmn: Koharu is... well... I'll get back to you on that. :oops:

JFC: I think I have more to say to you this time. :lol: How Aichan takes Aika's "news" of Risa's death is a somewhat complicated matter. As a leader of a street gang you get used to pain and death all around you, even of those you might get close to. Also, you tend to relationships of anyone you do let get close very carefully, knowing the kinds of things that might happen. And lastly... You be sure to never let on everything you know...

Risa definitely would not have liked seeing Aika "follow in her footsteps", so to speak. Aika knows this. Ai knows this. But as you said, there's only so much that can be done about it. There might have even been an inevitable path leading Aika here the minute that mob started beating on her sister. One thing is without a doubt though - Risa involved with the gang to protect her family (and perhaps for Ai as well) will definitely go differently than Aika involved with it for what might be called at its basest level "revenge"...
Manoeri keeps her "image" up for a reason... The walking contradiction that is her means whoever she confronts will have a hard time knowing what to expect. :) As for the hall pass thing, she does have certain useful "skills" as well. ;)
Saki/Maimi - Hey, it makes sense. From ZYX all the way to group leaders. :lol: I've seen some Saki/Maimi folks around here...  :on study: And as for UFO... well... that will become very important later on. 8) Eek! I've said too much already... :mon lurk:
Also... interesting and astute hypotheses on things (meaning the comments in small print). ;)

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 5)
« Reply #44 on: August 07, 2009, 12:27:22 AM »
On we go... :)

Chapter 5

They sat in silence, barely able to look at each other in their shared shock. Aika kept her eyes constantly on her hands, which she fiddled with seemingly endlessly. Why did these things seem to keep happening suddenly? She found herself almost preferring the idea of a good shootout with the gang, because the way things were going, she’d actually get through something like that with more innocence left intact.

She glanced up at Koharu, who gave her a wide-eyed gaze back, her eyes seeming constantly fixed in that state since not long after they busted in the door of the house. Aika couldn’t blame her, though was thankful she at least was able to hold her own more easily. Maybe she’d be able to last a little while yet in this gang.

“I don’t know what to say…” Miyabi said in a forlorn voice from across from her, so contrasting with her usual bitchy attitude. Aika didn’t look up, still unable to meet the eyes of the other girl.

“Me neither,” Koharu said dully, still just staring straight ahead. “I… I’ve never seen anything like that before. If I hadn’t had Aika-chan with me…”

“Yeah,” Aika mumbled out. “Fat help I was.”

“But you were there,” Koharu insisted. “I could always rely on you to help me get through situations like that.”

“And who’s the older one here…?” Aika said, her voice taking on a hint of sardonicism. At her tone though, the other girls quieted. Aika sensed the awkwardness she revived in the room and snapped her jaw shut again herself.

The silence stretched on for another minute as the girls stayed lost in their own thoughts, until Aika just couldn’t hold back any longer and raised her eyes to look at Chinami. “It’s just so…” she began, having trouble finding the words before deciding her instinct was best, “…so gross!”

Chinami blushed, sinking back into Miyabi’s side as the other girl stroked her hair, the two of them now feeling brave enough to meet the eyes of the others.

“It’s unnatural is what it is!” Koharu almost cried out, pointing at the two of them. “There’s no reason for you to be… to be…” she said, pointing at Miyabi, who blushed. “And then you!” she said, moving her attention to Chinami who shrank even more. “You’re the sweet and innocent one!”

Finally seeming to conquer her blush, Miyabi turned the beginnings of a glare onto their older friend. “It’s not my fault you’ve never been with a girl even though you’re like a hundred!” she said accusingly. “But if you ever do manage to get one you’ll find yourself doing things like that too!”

“A hundred…?” Aika heard Koharu murmur in indignation under her breath. “I’m only a year older than you!”

“I don’t think that’s the point, Koha-chan…” Aika said, reaching over to pat her friend’s arm.

“And besides!” the girl continued. “The day I let someone do that to me will be the day I… the day I… not to mention actually doing it to someone else!”

Well… Aika thought, pondering as she watched the two embarrassed girls, though Miyabi at least seemed to quickly be getting over it. Could always count on Koharu to bring out the “best” in her. I suppose it’s what they promised… though I thought they were joking…

Koharu hadn’t overheard them earlier at lunch, or she might have handled herself better as well. If nothing else, Aika now saw why the two hadn’t seemed that concerned about her being gone earlier. She almost broke out in a smirk. Looking forward too much to their own fun they’d be having tonight.

“If I can translate for Koha-chan,” Aika said, evening her features. “It’s just… the screaming…” Her voice started becoming flat again as well, the memory not one she’d cherish either. “Was that… I mean… really necessary?”

Miyabi and Chinami exchanged looks. “Well…” Chinami said in a small voice. “It hurt…”

“Kids these days…” Koharu said, shaking her head in amazement.

Miyabi coughed. “Hundred!” Aika heard her murmur, before she hid it by coughing once again.

Suddenly Aika smiled, and she looked up at the wide-eyed faces around her. After meeting the eyes of all three, she finally said, “Thanks guys.”

“For what?” Chinami asked, confusion clouding that sweet face of hers.

“For this,” Aika said. “It’s nice to have a bit of distraction… something to make me smile.”

“What are you talking…?” Koharu began, before cutting off as her mouth formed an “O” in understanding. The others blinked between the two of them for a moment before Koharu gave them a look as if to say “Get out of your self-absorbed worlds for a minute!” Then they looked back to Aika, who saw recognition dawn on Miyabi’s face at least.

“Oh Aika…” she began. “I’m sorry. I totally forgot. I’m…” she was distracted by Chinami looking up questioningly at her, but the girl shrank back at the token glare from her girlfriend. Understanding finally dawned on her too though, and she glanced back toward Aika with a look of sympathy.

At the change in the mood around her, Aika’s smile faded and she stood up, walking toward the window to glance out at the street, watching as a man carefully unlocked the gate shielding a door on the other side before pulling it hard to clank shut behind him and disappearing into his house.

Their reaction over catching the two girls up to their “business” was a nice respite from her life for a little while, at least. Anything like that felt like an illusion to her though. She could never be close to anyone. Anyone that got close to her either got hurt, or died. Or both. Well, maybe she could have something to do with keeping that from happening to others at least now.  She was almost mad at her sister for sheltering her from that, if it could maybe have prevented what ended up happening to her.

Without thinking, she slammed a fist down onto the windowsill, jarring a few flakes of sawdust loose from the frame. After a moment she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she spun around and grabbed the wrist, which happened to belong to Koharu.

The girl shied back slightly at the swift action, and actually looked a bit frightened at whatever she might be seeing in Aika’s eyes. Recognizing her friend, Aika loosened her grip slightly but did not let go. She saw Miyabi and Chinami walk up behind Koharu, both girls appraising her cautiously.

“I thought I was the only one allowed to glare like that,” Miyabi said, tightening her mouth in her attempt to defuse the tension.

“Like what?” Chinami asked, still looking into Aika’s face. “What she’s doing is much better than any glare I’ve ever seen you attempt. Faker…”

At that, Miyabi turned to her girlfriend, her jaw now tightening as well. “You know…” she said in a somewhat annoyed voice, then swiftly raised her hand and cuffed the girl smartly on the cheek.

“Ow…” Chinami said weakly, holding a hand to her face as she turned back to face her girlfriend.

“C’mon, you know you like it,” Miyabi said, ignoring the girl as she turned back to Aika.

“Stop it,” Aika said, looking into the other’s eyes.

“What?” she responded, frowning.

Aika didn’t reply herself, instead dropping Koharu’s arm between them and pushing past all three girls to make her way to the door and out to the street. Somehow she felt more comfortable out here now, and as she walked along the way toward her own house, her eyes rove all around, almost challenging someone who wasn’t supposed to be there to show themselves.

After a couple blocks she heard quick steps of someone running along behind her. “Aika!” Koharu yelled, but she didn’t look back until the girl fell in at her side, peering into her face just once before settling her eyes down to the cracked sidewalk below.

“I never said you could come to my house,” Aika said in an emotionless voice.

Koharu glanced sideways up at her again before responding, “Since when did I start listening to you?” she asked. “I am the older one, after all.”

Aika halted in her steps, a tinge of amusement at the girl’s words fighting back at her current morosity. “Koharu,” she said suddenly, in an even voice.

“Yes, Aika-chan?”

“Do you believe in me?”

She felt Koharu take her arm before responding, which caused Aika to look up into the earnest face across from her. “Of course I do, Aika-chan. What kind of silly question is that?”

Aika, still giving her an expressionless stare, pondered another moment before continuing. “I… don’t know how many people I can really trust or count on right now,” she said softly.

“You can count on me,” Koharu assured quickly, “As well as Miya and Chii of course. And I’m sure Ayacho and Saaya too…”

Aika shook her head. “I know I can trust them,” she said. “But I don’t think I could rely on them for anything, no matter what might come up.”

“If you’re mad about them forgetting like they did, you really can’t blame them, Aika-chan,” Koharu said earnestly. “I mean, when you’re into someone you’re, well, into them…”

“It’s not that,” Aika said, shaking her head. “I just… need someone I can go to and rely on right now. Someone who won’t judge me in any way, whether what kind of person I am or if they should smack me up a bit.”

Raising her eyes, she looked hard at her slightly blank-faced friend. “What do you like doing, Koha-chan?” she asked.

Koharu blinked. “What… what do you mean?”

“I mean…” Aika said, brushing strands of hair out of her eyes, a bit frustrated at not expressing herself well. “You don’t really hang out with girls from your class… Like, you don’t run with Yajima-san, or cheerlead with Shimizu-san and Momochi…”

“I just don’t like doing that kind of stuff,” Koharu responded, looking a bit uncomfortable.

“That’s what I’m asking,” Aika said. “What do you like?”

Koharu stared at her for a long moment, before pulling up Aika’s hand between them, holding it in both of hers. “I like hanging out with Aika Mitsui,” she said, seeming uncertain as to what Aika was looking for, but at least solidly confident in her words.

Aika nodded, looking Koharu directly in the eyes. “All right,” she said. Then she took a breath. “Come home with me. I have something to tell you.”

Offline Fizzle

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 5 on 8/6)
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2009, 02:58:41 AM »
:on lol:

Damn, you fooled me. I thought someone raided Chinami's house or something. It's MiyaChii's fault. If one of them wasn't so effin' tense in the last chapter and if the other didn't let out that scream, I wouldn't have had assumed something terrible happened. But, y'know, I was actually kinda expecting that, lol.

And, aw, do I see KohaAika? :heart: I don't know why, but I just love the bit in the last line where Aika's like, "Come home with me." XD

Be curious to see her interactions with people in the future, such as a gropy Princess Mano... Miya "over-friendliness" or something perhaps?
Don't tell me you're gonna turn Mano into a Michishige Sayumi 2.0 on Aika. :lol:

When you mentioned Miyabi's "over-friendliness," I can't help but think of her and Aika's little convo in the latest H!P DVD Magazine. Those two touchy people, lol.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2009, 03:20:44 AM by Fizzle »

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 5 on 8/6)
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2009, 04:23:10 AM »
OMG. :on lol: You totally got me! I was so worried for Chii when it was...that going on! XD!!

AWWW. KohaMittsi~ :heart: :wub:

Offline slasha

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 5 on 8/6)
« Reply #47 on: August 07, 2009, 04:31:41 AM »
You had me going there for a while. I thought someone was attacking Chinami but it was just her and Miyabi fooling around. Maybe there'll be a shootout next time :lol:

Aika and Koha had a "moment". That's so cute XD Hopefully Koha will be a valuable ally in Mittsi's revenge.

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 5 on 8/6)
« Reply #48 on: August 07, 2009, 06:21:30 AM »
ROFL.  :lol:

Miya and Chinami are getting it on huh. :lol: roffles

So Aika is going to drag Koha into the world of gangs?? *gasp!*

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 5 on 8/6)
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2009, 08:23:36 PM »
Lawls, Chinami was in trouble, but the good kind. By the by, am I sensing a Koha Aika thing starting to go on? Especially with Koharu's declaration about her sex life earlier? Hoho!

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 5 on 8/6)
« Reply #50 on: August 08, 2009, 03:04:02 AM »
LoL I don't know, I find the part Koha/Aika interrupting Miya/Chinami very awkward  :sweat: even though it never went into detail about what happened. That's good writing. hehe I like the Koha/Aika interactions, I always wonder who would make a good pair with Aika friendship or couple-wise. Count on Koha. :heart: A bit comic relief in this chapter huh?  :lol:

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 6)
« Reply #51 on: August 09, 2009, 12:12:23 AM »
Hmm, I was gonna wait a bit to post more... but it's Saturday! So everyone has free time to read, right? And there aren't even any other updates! As always, comment replies first, but I think I'll keep them short this time since most of the content is similar. :)

Yes, it is all MiyaChii's fault. :D Though I think there's still reason to be worried for Chii... lol. As for the opening, yes, awkwardness is the mood around there. :lol: Thanks for the compliment btw, °e! :D As for the KohAika-ness... I see you guys seemed to like it this chapter. Well, how about a good bit more of it? :) This is one of my favorite styles of chapters to write. I hope you guys like it too!

Chapter 6

“No Koha-chan, I can’t let you get involved,” Aika said, staring at the burnished metal as she turned it carefully in hands that rested on her lap. Koharu peered out between her knees as she slumped in Aika’s bean bag chair, while Aika reclined against the wall her mattress rested against.

“I won’t let you do this by yourself!” Koharu said insistently. “You could get yourself killed or something!”

“And that’s exactly what I don’t want to happen to you,” Aika replied, looking up hard into the other’s eyes. “I’m doing this to protect those I care about so they don’t have to worry about things like this themselves.”

“That seemed to be what your sister thought too!” Koharu pressed strongly. “And then when something happened to her, since she’d kept those she cared about at a distance, there was no one there to help her!”

Aika had started moving when the girl mentioned her sister, and by the time she’d finished had only a short distance to cover before reaching Koharu and clouting her jaw, toppling her over in the unstable squishiness of thousands of beans in their rubbery encasing.

“This is not about my sister,” Aika growled, glaring down at the girl who was trying to recover from the assault.

After quickly regaining her senses, Koharu snapped her eyes back to Aika’s face. “This is all about your sister!” she almost yelled. “Your sister is the one who got involved in the first place. Your sister is the one who seemingly fell in too close with Takahashi-dono. Your sister is the one who got beat to death in front of your eyes!”

Aika felt rage flowing through her just waiting to be unleashed on the body below her, but she realized that wasn’t who it was really directed toward, and spun away, falling onto her mattress to hug her pillow tightly to her chest.

“Why are you doing this, Aika?” the continually prodding voice came from behind. “Are you doing it for everyone you claim to want to protect?” She paused a moment to let her words sink in. “Are you doing it for yourself?” After a moment Aika felt a tentative hand on the back of her shoulder. “…Are you doing it for your sister?”

Aika kept herself in her tight ball for a minute, the girl’s words resounding within her head. Finally she rolled over, looking up at the girl who now sported a slightly purpling jowl.

“I’m doing it because I can,” she said, her voice to her ears feeling soft and hard at the same time.

“I don’t know about that, Aika…” Koharu said, looking down nervously to the weapon now resting off to her side.

“Come on, Koha-chan,” Aika said, keeping her friend’s eyes captive. “You know I’ve always been quick, good in fights… It’s pretty natural, really.”

“Those skills can be used for other things too,” the girl said preachingly.

“Yeah,” Aika responded, “And we’re just so big at extracurriculars. Me and my supposed piano lessons, you and your… well… I think you get my point.”

“It’s just ‘cause we’re lazy,” the girl said, turning to make herself comfortable once again in the beany squishiness.

“And that’s exactly why I don’t want you to get involved,” Aika stated again.

Koharu raised an eyebrow. “Oh? I believe I was referring to the both of us, and not just me.”

“Seriously,” Aika said, “What could you contribute other than some girly slaps to the cheek? That’s not gonna keep you alive, never mind save anybody else.”

“Are you saying I’m not good enough?” the girl said primly. “Miss Aika Mitsui, Celestial Master of the Iron Fist, with Koharu Kusumi her faithful Airhead.”

Aika looked away, not wanting to meet the other’s accusing gaze. “You’re just not the type,” she said shortly.

“And you are?!” the other snapped back.

“I do what I have to,” Aika responded, feeling the redundancy ring hollow even in her own ears.

“You have to do shit!” Koharu shot at her. At hearing the rare cursing from her friend, Aika stayed silent this time.

A few minutes passed as Aika kept reinforcing the steel armor she wrapped around herself, and Koharu tried to cool down the best she could.

“Takahashi-dono will kill you…” Aika finally said in a soft, almost desperately reasoning voice. “I know she only accepts me because I’m Risa’s sister and won’t take no for an answer, but she won’t have it if you come groveling to her too.”

“From the sound of it, what you did was far from groveling,” Koharu said expressively. “I wouldn’t intend on doing anything differently.”

Despite her words, Aika still knew how the encounter would go. Koharu would barely make it two steps into that room until her hollow skull would get smashed in, and it was more likely to be one of the Chinese girls before she even reached Takahashi or Tanaka. Hell, if Chisato were around she might even do it herself. The younger girl never thought much of Koharu.

Aika had the advantage of being known in the area since by necessity sometimes she had tailed her sister. Even then she never made it past Jun or Lin, usually just chilling with them while Risa had her always-fleeting meetings. For those not known or approved, wherever their base was at the time was a death trap, and Aika didn’t even know what weight herself being along would lend. She had no illusions of where she stood in the City.

“Give me some time,” was what she conceded finally, sitting up but still clutching her pillow tightly as she stared at the wall opposite her friend.

The other girl was silent for once, and Aika only heard the slight rustling as she positioned herself within the malleable chair.

“Where’s your mom through all this?” Koharu asked. “She’s gotta be making funeral arrangements or something.”

“She’s leaving most of it to the city,” Aika replied blandly. “She spends most of her time lately with her current boy toy, and apparently doesn’t see any reason to change her routine for this.”

Aika’s mother, although now in her thirties and not in “full bloom” as it was called it around here, was still quite attractive and popular among men and women alike. She was never one to turn down advances either, and so Aika and her sister got used to strange people coming in and out of their house at all hours. Lately she finally seemed more tempted to settle down, thus staying with someone, usually a younger guy, for longer periods of time. It also resulted in her rarely being seen at home, and so the two sisters had gotten used to relying on themselves with the money that was left behind whenever there was a chance visit.

“I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all this…” Koharu said gently, and Aika knew if she looked at the girl she’d see tenderness in her eyes as well.

“It’s ok,” she replied simply. “It’s life, isn’t it?

“There’ll be a service at the graveyard by the old church on Cedar this weekend. Since we’ve got no family here really, she’ll just be vaulted with other kids who died in similar situations.” Even though they were words she spoke, she didn’t completely believe them. Risa was anything but a kid as far as Aika was concerned, no matter her age.

“I’ll come with you,” Koharu said, and this time Aika felt a hand on her shoulder again.

Instead of shrugging it off, she reached her own behind to lay atop it. “Thanks,” she said. “That’ll be… nice.”

After reaching about the rock bottom of depressiveness in the conversation, the girls busied themselves for a while talking about school and the new movies out at the theater. Before they knew it darkness fell, and after a long look into Aika’s face, Koharu decided to phone her mom to let her know she was staying the night. Once dressed down to pajamas, the two girls began to enjoy their sleepover while setting aside any of the more serious matters. They played a few games of cards, and even had a few tries at Aika’s old gaming system, which only really worked half the time anymore.

After Aika beat the expectedly air-brained and inept girl yet again at Street Fighter, Koharu collapsed back into the bean bag chair, which they’d pulled right to the foot of the mattress so they could both play comfortably.

“Maybe you’re right,” she said with a dramatic sigh. “I couldn’t dragon punch…” she gave Aika a sideways glance, “…your grandmother.”

Aika chuckled, gratefully well-absorbed into the light mood they’d surrounded themselves with as the evening went on. “Best be careful,” she warned chidingly. “My grandmama kicked quite a few asses in her day. You’d have a fireball up in yours before you knew it I’m sure.”

“Psht…” Koharu spat dismissively. “But she’s old!” she protested, as if that settled the matter. Aika grinned as she laid back on the mattress herself, stretching after their stiff and tiring night of goofing-off.

The silence dragged on, until Koharu broke it delicately in a much different voice than she’d just used. “…D’you think I’m an old maid, Aika-chan?” she asked in a light and reservedly thoughtful tone.

Aika blinked. “What?”

“You know,” Koharu said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “What the others were saying earlier. Talking about me not being able to get a girl. I mean, it’s true…”

Aika pulled herself up onto her elbows to look down her nose incredulously at her friend. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” she said, rather bluntly. “Of course you’re not an old maid. You’re seventeen!”

“That’s right,” the other responded, looking down into Aika’s eyes. “I’m seventeen. Do you know how many other seventeen-year-old virgins there are around?”

This time Aika sat herself completely up. “I’m sixteen!” she exclaimed.

“And that’s not seventeen,” Koharu retorted primly, lifting her nose as if making an irrefutable point. Then the uncertainty returned. “D’you… d’you think I’m doing something wrong?”

Well, you could put yourself out and participate in more activities and stuff… Aika thought to herself. “Of course not,” she said firmly.

Koharu lowered her eyes to Aika’s face again, and Aika noticed her eyebrows raise slightly. “And what if I even do find someone who likes me?!” she questioned, more paranoia becoming apparent. “I’ll… I’ll have to kiss them or something! And I wouldn’t know the first thing to do!”

Aika blinked, now suddenly at a real loss. “Um…” she said, trying to find something intelligent to say. “I guess you could… well... you know… just kiss them?”

Aika was almost becoming scared of those widening eyes that were fixed on her own, until she saw some sort of light bulb go on within them. “I know!” Koharu burst out excitedly. “We could practice!”

“Practice…?” Aika repeated, becoming ever more confused.

“Kissing!” Koharu said, as if she was reading the word clearly on Aika’s face.

Feeling her lips suddenly dry, Aika sucked them into her mouth to wet them slightly, and then started gnawing a little. “You… you want to practice kissing with me?”

“Yes!” Koharu said, smiling, as if this was the answer to all her problems. Aika really did wonder what got into the girl’s head sometimes. She slid herself off the beanbag chair onto the mattress, and pulled herself up until she was sitting right in front of Aika. “I mean, I know you’re not good either and stuff, but…”

Aika furrowed her eyebrows. Hey now… she wanted to say, despite the situation.

“…But if we practice, we’ll both be able to sweep girls off their feet, I’m sure of it! And you’re my best friend, so of course it won’t get weird or anything…”

“Um…” Aika said, her mind blank, but the other girl was already squeezing her eyes shut and leaning forward slightly, puckering. “Koharu…” she began, trying to think of something to deter the girl, and leaned forward to try and pull her aside so they could talk this out.

However, the other girl apparently didn’t have her eyes completely closed, because when Aika leaned forward Koharu did smoothly as well, and before she knew what was happening she felt the girl’s lips press lightly against her own.

Aika froze at the contact. However, that of course only had the effect of making said contact last longer, and it was beginning to feel a bit warm and wet before Koharu pulled away, looking into Aika’s eyes as if for a response.

“There,” she said. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Aika still hadn’t moved a millimeter, her eyes fixed as they stared widely into the other’s. “Well…?” Koharu asked again after a moment. “How was it?”

“Um…” Aika began again, her mind blank just as it had been for the last few minutes, but now also feeling a warm flush of what must have been intense embarrassment proceed up and down her body.

Koharu frowned. “Hmm. I think we should use our tongues. All the girls say guys are disgusting when they do it, but that other girls know actually know how to use them and so it’s the best kind of kissing. So this time just open your mouth after a second, kay?” And she leaned in once again to the still immobile second-year.

A while later the two girls stared above the knees they hugged to themselves while still sitting across from each other on Aika’s thin mattress. “Well that was… fun…?” Aika said, trying to make a sensible sentence come out of her mouth.

Koharu blinked at her a few times before admitting in a small voice, “…It got weird, didn’t it?”

“Yeah...” Aika nodded as she viewed her friend through the thickening discomfort between them.

“Well…” Koharu said slowly, “Good night!” And she dropped her knees, shifting herself to the side of the mattress before slipping under the sheet and becoming still.

Without a word, and wondering what the big deal really was with getting a girlfriend anyway, Aika reached over to flip off the lamp and slid under the sheets herself as well.

“Goodnight, Koha-chan.”

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 6 on 8/8)
« Reply #52 on: August 09, 2009, 02:59:29 AM »
That was icky, in a cute way. XD I just can't get over Koha's bubbly airheadedness, she's awesome. Heh, it's like those overdramatic teen dramas, having to grow up too soon yet still learning first experiences. :lol: "It's life, isn't it?" to quote Aika.  :D

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 6 on 8/8)
« Reply #53 on: August 09, 2009, 03:06:21 AM »

Koharu's so straightforward. First she tells Aika that they should practice kissing, without even any slight hints of hesitation. They share a chaste kiss. THEN tongues were suddenly involved through her suggestion, lol. Despite the awkwardness of the whole situtation, I'm gonna say that Aika probably enjoyed it more than she let on. Ho, ho, ho!

KohaAika's just plain cute. :heart: (I dunno why, but I've a feeling that there's gonna be a KohaAikaMomo triangle in the future. XD)

Hell, if Chisato were around she might even do it herself. The younger girl never thought much of Koharu.
No way. Chisato was (or is) part of Aichan's gang? :O
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 03:14:11 AM by Fizzle »

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 6 on 8/8)
« Reply #54 on: August 09, 2009, 04:15:34 AM »
Haw Haw, I was laughing so hard at the kissing practice I snorted. Oh man, it's a little cliche, but I never get tired of that excuse to "do stuff" in stories. KohaAika just ratcheted up a notch on my favorite pairings list thanks. On a more serious note, is the funeral next? And just what are Aika's exact motivations for joining the gang that is basically Risa's reason for dying? Revenge? Understanding? Something else? Am I still making sense?

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 6 on 8/8)
« Reply #55 on: August 09, 2009, 06:48:50 AM »
First it was heated and then it was fun and then it got sexy, all in one chapter. Impressive.

I wonder if the funeral's next? Maybe there will be a shootout (I really really hope so :lol: ). But hopefully there won't be any deaths at the funeral.

Also, when is Chisato gonna show up? She's been mentioned but I wanna see her in battle :lol:

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 6 on 8/8)
« Reply #56 on: August 11, 2009, 06:47:27 AM »
Wow, everyone must be busy these days, eh? Only a few comments, and little activity in the rest of the forum, including no updates in the past 24 hours... So... I feel I should do so. :) First off though, comment replies to show you guys how much I love you!

°e: So glad to see you reading here still. :) And updating! We seem to be going at about the same pace too, lol. Although, you probably have a more chapters completed ahead of me in case I decide to slack off some day or week. :lol: Anyway... Icky in a cute way, eh? Not sure exactly what to make of that. XD These girls are still young and (sometimes) innocent, but they're surrounded by very adult things, and so... well... stay tuned. ;)

Fizzle: Koha's bluntness/frankness :heart: It's a bit too early to make most coupling calls yet. There's a long ways to go and a lot of things still to happen. :) If you've noticed, Aika's interacting with quite a lot of people with different agendas of their own... You never know what one of them might do in a given situation. ;)

rndmn: Y'know, it's interesting reading from someone who doesn't make much use of emoticons. :) Makes it harder sometimes to see what you're really thinking. But things like the "Haw Haw" help. :P It is cliche, isn't it? Though I've not really seen it used much here... I've not done it myself before either, but I thought it was appropriate for this story where everything is pretty raw, and people get to be pretty extreme with each other because of the nature of the place. Also Koharu... She just isn't overly sensitive a lot of the time. :lol: You're also making good enough sense to me. :) But those are all good questions... What is Aika really seeking? Not sure she really knows herself, but she might learn a bit more about it in this next chapter. Read on!

slasha: Thanks for being so loyal with your comments. :) It's always great to hear from you! And thanks for the great compliment about the chapter too. :D I try to make each chapter as good as possible for what it is. It's also interesting since I'm adopting this rather different style for me of shorter chapters, so they end up being a bit tighter episodes - without the breaks I traditionally put for so many things to happen. Both you and rndmn asked about the funeral... but hold your horses for the time being. :) If you'll remember, there's at least one more thing coming up first... ;) Also, about Chisato, I'm still introducing characters... and there's still quite a few to go. You get something close in this chapter though. ^_^

And next post... will be the update! If you wanna stay in the happy fluffy mood from the last ones, for example if you're just now reading them, you might wanna hold off on this a bit, cause things get serious again. Still, enjoy. :)

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 07: The Lesson)
« Reply #57 on: August 11, 2009, 06:56:37 AM »
Chapter 7

“So is this garage yours?” Aika asked, reloading her pistol while Tanaka checked out the target. As she worked, she glanced around the spacious bare interior that held only a couple of cars some mechanics worked on from time to time. Tanaka had set up their practice space in one of the empty service areas.

“Not really,” her instructor responded, peering at the corkboard wall Aika had been firing at. “It’s not a public business. We generally just use it to respray and clean the cars whenever someone finds one to bring in.” Stolen cars, of course. She should have guessed.

“Your aim’s not bad,” the girl continued, seeming uninterested in another subject. “Still, you can definitely work on your stance and positioning. You’re shooting a gun, not flipping a burger.”

“I guess I’m not sure what you mean…” Aika said, and Tanaka strode up to her once again. “Sorry, Tanaka-sensei.”

The other girl waved a hand in front of her face before sidling in behind Aika and wrapping her arms around to help position Aika’s own. “Cut it out with that ‘Tanaka-sensei’ shit,” she said. “I ain’t a teacher, and you and I are gonna be very close from now on.” As she said that last, the girl reached down and squeezed her butt, causing her to lift reflexively to the balls of her feet. “Just call me Reina,” she finished through a smirk.

“Um…” Aika stuttered as she blushed hard. “Sure, I guess. So, it’s more like this?” she asked, trying to get the girl back on the subject she was most interested in that didn’t involve feeling her up.

“You gotta act like you’re badass,” Reina responded. “Here.”

She stepped to the side, pulling her cap sideways and a pistol from her own belt she’d kept next to the chain hanging off of it. She took a sideways posture, her right foot pointing toward the target, and pointed the gun with her arm straight out and steady. She fired once, twice, three times as if it was the most natural thing in the world for her, and dropped her arm to her waist again.

She nodded toward the target. Aika glanced at it and saw three new bullet holes in the center of the head, chest and abdomen of the odd picture Reina had drawn on the cork. She had to admit, the girl looked as deadly when shooting as her reputation indicated. Aika wouldn’t like to see her face-to-face the next time she struck that pose.

She raised her own weapon again and clenched her jaw as she pointed it at the target. Badass, huh? she thought. Why would that be so hard? She managed to relax enough when she snuck into the crack den yesterday. She began to breathe slowly, and focused on the target while trying not to strain herself. She thought back to when she sucker-punched the girl, Takahashi, and even Koharu.

“You should call Ai-chan by her nick, too,” the other said as she watched Aika prepare. “We’re all pretty casual around here.”

After the girl spoke, Aika took three more shots as well, and when she lowered the gun, noticed they all hit the target, if not quite as perfectly as Reina’s had. “I’m not sure I could do that,” she said, smiling satisfied at herself. “She’s the leader, after all. Lemme get used to saying ‘Reina’ first.”

“Good shooting,” Reina said, and she walked to one of the cars to recline back against it as she continued to watch Aika. “She’s only really a leader in that she organizes things from time to time. There are others that do the same. We don’t have that kind of structure, generally only taking care of the areas we frequent on a normal routine. We don’t go lookin’ for trouble – just try our best to keep it from findin’ us.”

Aika tucked her gun in her belt as the girl seemed satisfied with her practice for the moment. Didn’t want to waste too much ammo, after all. “Well, I wish everyone else thought that way. Then I might not be here, and my sister still would be.”

Reina didn’t respond right away, adopting a softer voice when she eventually did. “You and your sister were in a place you weren’t allowed,” she said. “It was very dangerous for you to be there, and she knew it.”

“Are you telling me it was my sister’s fault she got beat to death?” Aika asked in a dangerous voice below narrowing eyes.

“No,” Reina said, lifting herself up from the car. She hooked her thumbs into her belt loops, and it took Aika just a second to realize she could draw her gun probably in the blink of an eye from that position. “I’m guessing they just intended to teach her a lesson to stay off of their turf, but someone went a bit overboard and it got out of hand.”

“So you’re saying it was an accident?”

Reina shrugged, not taking her eyes off Aika. “Those things happen when you’re dealing with so many people who can tend to be violent. Some get high off it.”

“Do you?” Aika’s voice had a definite dangerous edge to it now, but she kept herself in check as much as possible since she knew she wouldn’t survive two steps if she lunged at the girl.


Aika turned away. “I hate you,” she spat harshly through clenched teeth.

She heard the other girl walk up slowly behind her, and felt a hand on her arm. “Look at me,” she heard her say. When Aika didn’t turn, she raised her voice. “Look at me!”

Aika turned, her eyes shooting daggers at her firing instructor.

“That anger, that hatred you’re feeling,” the girl said, now in a fervent voice of her own, “There’s hardly a citizen of this city that hasn’t felt the same at least at some point in their lives. That’s the reason nobody trusts nobody. That’s the reason you can’t walk down the road to your piano lesson. The only way you’re gonna be able to survive around here is to learn to deal with that hate. Focus it into that gun you carry at your hip. Focus it into calm and reason when you’re hit with a tough situation.”

“My sister seemed to do it that night,” Aika retorted. “Fat lot of good it did her.”

Reina pulled away as if bringing herself back to a distance from Aika. She studied Aika’s face a good while before responding. “That’s something you’ll need to ask Ai-chan about sometime. Or else figure it out yourself.”

Aika was about to demand what it was she was supposed to figure out, but a young girl burst through the door to the garage. Looking around a moment, she fixed her eyes on Reina and ran toward her. “Kanna!” Aika yelled, surprised at seeing her younger friend for the first time since she dropped out of school with Chisato.

Kanna turned and took her in a moment, giving her a brief smile before becoming serious again and looking back to Reina. “We got trouble,” she informed them. “Jun ran across some Villagers around Almond area. She’s waitin’ on backup to confront ‘em.”

Pulling her jacket tight around her, Reina nodded at the girl and glanced toward Aika, who was still staring at Kanna trying to reconcile her with the innocent but somewhat emo girl she knew from her short stint at WH High. “Hope you had enough practice with that thing, kid. Looks like we’re into the real time. You up for it?”

Reina’s voice seeming to bring her back to the situation, Aika returned a glare to the girl, but nodded sharply, her eyes straying occasionally back to Kanna. Things were continually becoming far detached from when she herself was at school just a short while ago, and a girl in a white dress had come up to tell her where to meet up for her lesson. Koharu had reluctantly kept herself from trying to stop Aika from going, while Ayacho and Saaya had just seemed confused. Aika hadn’t filled them in.

“All right. Let’s go.”

Kanna hurrying off to report to the others after giving Reina hurried directions, Aika found out their goal was just a few blocks from the garage, but since they took it all at a dead run, she felt nearly winded by the time they arrived at the mouth of an alley at Chestnut. She wondered idly why they were here instead of a block away at Almond where Kanna had at first indicated, but she quickly found out why.

Gazing a bit impressed at Reina, who hardly seemed to break a sweat, she followed as the girl signaled her into a crouch and the two crept into the shadowed alleyway.

“I know you can sneak around ‘cause of what you did at HQ yesterday, so just keep it up now as if your life depended on it, which it just might this time.” She fell back against a wall, signaling Aika to be silent now, and the two girls were able to hear an exchange of voices ahead, though they were still too far away to make anything out.

When they resumed their stealth, this time close to the wall, Reina whispered instructions once again. “Now listen to me. Don’t shoot unless I tell you to.” She looked back at Aika before continuing, “Again, that’s don’t fucking shoot unless I tell you to! You got that?” Aika gave a sharp nod. “Say ‘yes’ if you got it!”

“Yes,” Aika replied. “I got it, all right?”

Reina’s expression could have frozen a boulder. “This ain’t a damn game.”

“Okay!” Aika said firmly.

“Now, shut up from here on out.”

The two girls crawled forward, Reina gesturing with her arms where she wanted Aika to go, until they ducked behind some trash cans to watch the scene unfolding just off the sidewalk where the alley opened up into the street.

Aika recognized JunJun, who stood by herself, warily but firmly, in front of several guys and girls who kept together in a tight group. None held a weapon, but Aika didn’t believe for a second that meant they weren’t armed.

“…got just as much right walking down here as you have, uppity Mandarin bitch!” Aika caught the guy in the front saying as they arrived. He seemed to be the leader of the small group.

“Hey, I live on these streets just like you do, bro,” JunJun said evenly, but not too calmly. “We all know where the boundaries lie.”

“We was just taking a bit of a scenic detour,” the guy said, scrutinizing the Chinese girl closely. Some of the others behind him let out a few chuckles. “And besides, you think a little girl like yourself is gonna stop us?”

“No, I don’t,” JunJun said.

Then, Aika heard a dull thump from beside her, and the guy cried out and collapsed to the ground, holding a shattered ankle. Aika shot a wide-eyed gaze at Reina, who had pulled out a different gun than the one she used at the lesson, and had set the thicker-looking barrel just atop one of the boxes beside the trash can, pointed toward the group of invaders. She kept very still, not returning Aika’s gaze, so she turned back to the group, which was falling somewhat into chaos.

At the attack, the gang fell in even tighter around themselves, looking all around, but mostly into the alley and through the windows of nearby houses, obviously unsure where the silent shot had come from. Aika shrank back even further behind the can as eyes scanned the area near where she and Reina hid, hopeful the alley’s shadows were thick enough. A couple of them put hands to their waists, but JunJun stepped forward to stop them.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she said. Most of the gazes snapped back to her. “I told you that you aren’t welcome here, and you’re surrounded right now by my friends who wouldn’t hesitate a second to put bullets in all your skulls, just like your ringleader’s ankle there.”

A few of the trespassers glanced around with veiled anxiety again, but it was obvious the Chinese girl demanded their attention. “What the fuck are you playin’ at here?!” the leader exclaimed from the pavement, having apparently started to deal with the pain. “We didn’t do nothin’ to you!”

“Really?” Jun said in a low voice. “Then why are we having a funeral for a friend of mine whose crime wasn’t anything more than what you’re doing right this minute?”

Aika’s chest clenched as she lost her breath, the pistol becoming unsteady as she clutched it tightly at her side.

“Hold yourself together, Aika!” she heard Reina whisper hard over to her, and her eyes darted over to see the girl now appraising her carefully.

The group had fallen back at Jun’s words, and Aika noticed a few of them looking at a couple of their members particularly. Aika didn’t recognize them of course, since everything was still dark in reality as well as in her mind, but she found herself raising her gun slowly.

“Aika!” came an insistent voice from her side again.

“I’d be quite content to let them all just open fire right now,” Jun said again, breaking the heavy silence. “But I’ll give you a chance. Turn around and run as hard as you can back to where you came from, and don’t think about taking any more scenic detours, and you might live to see tomorrow morning.”

A few of the intruders began backing away now, but the leader stared at the resolute girl before spitting at the ground as two of the others took his arms to pull him away. In a moment, the ones who could were all running at full speed, and disappeared from Aika’s sight.

Still quivering while watching the spot where they vanished, she almost jumped when she felt a hand on the one that was almost strained from clutching her pistol so tightly, but Reina wrapped her fingers securely around her own and put an arm around Aika in an attempt to calm her. She saw JunJun give a long breath of relief before glancing toward them and starting to walk their way. At that moment Aika realized the group hadn’t been surrounded at all – the girl’s “backup” had been Reina and herself only. She raised her gaze and her eyes found Reina’s.

“This is the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with every day from now on,” the girl said lightly but firmly. “I’ll ask you again, are you up for it?”
« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 11:47:58 AM by rokun »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 07: The Lesson)
« Reply #58 on: August 11, 2009, 07:20:46 AM »
Uwaa, that was tense. I was totally holding my breath there. Every time Risa's mentioned, I actually feel a pang for Aika and I'm amazed that you make me feel for the characters as if this is really happening. I really love this story.

BTW, I hadn't noticed that I don't tend to use emoticons before you pointed it out. I hope that I actually clarify what I mean if it becomes unclear at all. And if I don't, feel free to send me a cyber smack to remind me.

Offline Fenrir

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Re: City of Angels (Chapter 07: The Lesson)
« Reply #59 on: August 11, 2009, 07:39:38 AM »
The murderers of Risa exposed! :o

Hope they get a good lickin' later on. :tama-mad:

Reina with a silencer... OH YEAH~ :heart:

But, mmmm.. can't wait for some bittersweet takagaki. XD

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